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As Filed Data -

DLN: 93490042005269
OMB No 1545-0047


Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax

Under section 501 (c), 527, or 4947( a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code ( except black lung

benefit trust or private foundation) Department of the

Treasury Internal Revenue Service A For the 2007 -The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements




calendar year, or tax year beginning 07-01-2007 Please use IRS label or print or type . See Specific Instruc tions . C Name of organization Institute of Noetic Sciences

and ending 06-30-2008 D Employer identification number 23-7236986 E Telephone number (707) 775-3500

B Check if applicable 1 Address change F Name change 1 Initial return F_ Final return (- Amended return (Application pending

Number and street (or P 0 box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite 101 San Antonio Road City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 Petaluma, CA 94952

FAccounting method fl Cash (- Other (specify) 0-

F Accrual

* Section 501(c)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ). G I K Web site: - www noetic org

H and I are not applicable to section 527 organizations H(a) H(b) H(c) Is this a group return for affiliates? If "Yes" enter number of affiliates 0Are all affiliates included? F Yes F No F_ Yes F No

Organization type (check only one) 1- F9!!+ 501(c) (3) -4 (insert no )

(- 4947(a)(1) or

F_ 527 H(d)

(If "No," attach a list See instructions ) Is this a separate return filed by an organization covered by a group ruling? (- Yes F No Group Exemption Number 0Check - 1 if the organization is not required to attach Sch B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF)
JCC Mc 1"5Lf-UGL1U"5.

Check here 1- 1 if the organization is not a 509(a)(3) supporting organization and its gross receipts are normally not more than 25,000 A return is not required, but if the organization chooses to file a return, be sure to file a complete return



Gross receipts

Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b, and 10b to line 12

Cx C115C5 dllu %.lldll C9 111

r'ullu DdId11GC5


mct N55Ci5 u r

a b

Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received

Contributions to donor advised funds Direct public support (not included on line 1a) . la lb 3,634,649 1,962,054

c d
e 2 3 4

Indirect public support (not included on line 1a)

1c ld
) le 2 3 4 5,596,703 1,152,477 1,373,278 43,732

Government contributions (grants) (not included on line 1a)

Total (add lines la through 1d) (cash $ 5,596,703 noncash $

Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII , line 93) Membership dues and assessments Interest on savings and temporary cash investments

6a b c

Dividends and interest from securities

Gross rents Less rental expenses . 6a 6b 54,570 5,155

Net rental income or (loss) subtract line 6b from line 6a



8a a b

Other investment income (describe

Gross amount from sales of assets other than inventory Less cost or other basis and sales expenses

- )
(A) Securities 2,489,766 2,489,766 8a 8b 31,267 (B) Other


Gain or (loss) (attach schedule)

. . . .

. . . . . .

8d -31,267

Net gain or (loss) Combine line 8c, column s (A) and (B)

9 a b c
10a b c 11 12 13 N F 14 15

Special events and activities (attach schedule) If any amount is from gaming , ch eck here 0-F Gross revenue (not including $ contributions reported on line 1b) Less of . . . . . . 9a 9b .
47,433 35,575 10c 11 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 14 15 11,858 23,784 8,219,980 3,880,645 561,362 1,013,447

direct expenses other than fundraising expenses

Net income or (loss) from special events Subtract line 9b from line 9a
Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances Less cost of goods sold


10a 10b

Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) Subtract line 10b from line 10a Other revenue (from Part VII, line 103) Total revenue Add lines le, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, 10c, and 11 Program services (from line 44, column (B)) . . . . . . . . .

Management and general (from line 44, column (C)) Fundraising (from line 44, column (D))



Payments to affiliates (attach schedule)

Total expensesAdd lines 16 and 44, column (A) . .

17 18 19 5,455,454 2,764,526 6,592,038


18 19

Excess or (deficit) for the year Subtract line 17 from line 12

Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A))


Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation)

21 Cat No 11282Y 9,356,564 Form 990 (2007)

Net assets or fund balances at end of year Combine lines 18, 19, and 20

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions .

Form 990 (2007) Statement of Functional Expenses

Page 2 All organizations must complete column (A) Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional

for others (See the instructions.)

Do not include amounts reported on line 6b, 8b, 9b, 1Ob, or 16 of Part I. 22a Grants paid from donor advised funds (attach Schedule) (cash $ 202,897 noncash $ If this amount includes foreign grants, check here F Other grants and allocations (attach schedule) (cash $ noncash $ If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 23 24 25a Specific assistance to individuals (attach schedule) Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) Compensation of current officers, directors, key employees etc Listed in Part V-A (attach schedule) F ( A) Total (B) Program services (C) Management and general (D) Fundraising





22b 23 24







Compensation of former officers, directors, key employees etc listed in Part V-B (attach schedule) .
Compensation and other distributions not icluded above to disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) (attach schedule) Salaries and wages of employees not included on lines 25a, b and c Pension plan contributions not included on lines 25a, b and c Employee benefits not included on lines 25a - 27 Payroll taxes Professional fundraising fees Accounting fees Legal fees Supplies Telephone Postage and shipping Occupancy Equipment rental and maintenance Printing and publications Travel Conferences, conventions, and meetings Interest Depreciation, depletion, etc (attach schedule) .
















28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

231,979 198,762

159,078 137,424

20,467 17,233

52,434 44,105

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 a

235,574 367,222

196,600 225,332

5,520 69,901

33,454 71,989

333,768 85,551

283,209 74,204

176 2,970

50,383 8,377

92,526 268,465

7,180 185,617

84,069 23,276

1,277 59,572

Other expenses not covered above (itemize) See Additional Data Table 43a





g 44 Total functional expenses . Add lines 22a through 43g (Organizations completing columns (B)-(D), carry these totals to lines 13-15)







Joint Costs . Check - fl if you are following SOP 98-2 Are any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in (B) Program services ' If "Yes," enter ( i) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ , ( ii) the amount allocated to Program services $ fl Yes F No

(iii) the amount allocated to Management and general $

, and (iv) the amount allocated to Fundraising $

Form 990 (2007)

Form 990 (2007)

Page 3


Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the instructions.)

Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments
Program Service Expenses (Required for 501(c )(3) and ( 4) orgs , and 4947(a)(1) trusts, but optional for others

What is the organization ' s primary exempt purpose? 1

Conducts & sponsors research of the powers of the mind

All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner State the number of clients served, publications issued, etc Discuss achievements that are not measurable (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations and 4947 (a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others )

Eco Design - Includes the design of a demonstration center of regenerative design and sustainable practices

(Grants and allocations $


If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 0- F-


Education - Includes lectures, conferences , books, research reports, and monographs by leading scientists, philosophers , and scholars, as well as quarterly publication for the IONS Noetic Sciences review

(Grants and allocations $ 73,130) c

If this amount includes foreign grants, check here - fl


Research - Providing small grants for leading-edge scientific and scholarly research

(Grants and allocations $ 129,767)

If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 0-


(Grants and allocations $ e Other program services ( attach schedule) (Grants and allocations $

) )

If this amount includes foreign grants, check here - FIf this amount includes foreign grants, check here F3,880,645 Form 990 (2007)

Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services)

Form 990 (2007)

Page 4

Balance Sheets (See the instructions.)

Note :
45 46

Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description column should be for end-of-year amounts only.
Cash-non-interest-bearing Savings and temporary cash investments

(A) Beginning of year

68,489 1,492,982 45 46

(B) End of year

54,692 1,466,754

47a b

Accounts receivable Less

47a 47b

79,496 9,907 73,832 47c 69,589

allowance for doubtful accounts


Pledges receivable




allowance for doubtful accounts



Grants receivable

50a b 51a

Receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section
4958(c)(3)(B) (attach schedule)


Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) . . . . . . Less allowance for doubtful accounts

51a 51b
63,603 46,428 0Cost F FMV 254, 184

52 53

52 53 54a 63,528 9,883 222,918

Inventories for sale or use Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Investments-publicly-traded securities


b 55a

Investments-other securities (attach schedule) Investments-land, buildings, and

equipment basis . . . . . 55a

fl Cost



b 56

Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) . . . . . . . Investments-other (attach schedule)

Land, buildings, and equipment basis


55c 56


9 ,693,542 1,808,125



accumulated depreciation (attach

. . . . . . . . 57b 7,977,435 57c 7,885,417


Other assets, including program-related investments

(describe 058

59 60 61 62

Total assets (must equal line 74) Add lines 45 through 58 Accounts payable and accrued expenses Grants payable Deferred revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9,976,953 95,111

59 60 61

9,772,781 141,659






Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 64a
3,119,595 ) 100,345 64b 65 24,606 105,573

b 65

Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule)

Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) Other liablilities (describe 0


Total liabilities Add lines 60 through 65




Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here - F and complete lines
67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74 67

Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

4,888,865 1,449,217 253,956

67 68 69

7,940,853 1,219,393 196,318

68 69

Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here - fl and LL_
Z5 70 complete lines 70 through 74 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds 70


71 72 73

Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund

71 72

Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds Total net assets or fund balances Add lines 67 through 69 or lines 70 through 72 (Column (A) must equal line 19 and column (13) must e q ual
line 21) . 6,592,038 9,976,953

73 74

9,356,564 9,772,781 Form 990 (2007)


Total liabilities and net assets / fund balances Add lines 66 and 73

Form 990 (2007) Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return (See

Page 5

the instructions. )
a b 1 2 3 4 Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 12 Net unrealized gains on investments Donated services and use of facilities Recoveries of prior year grants Other (specify) . bl b2 b3 a 8,219,980

b4 Add lines blthrough b4 .

c d 1 Subtract line bfrom line a .




















C 8,219,980

Amounts included on Part I, line 12, but not on line a Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b . Other (specify)


d2 Add lines dl and d2 .


8,219,980 e

Total revenue (Part I, line 12) Add lines c and d .

Reconciliation of Ex p enses p er Audited Financial Statements With Ex p enses p er Return

a b 1 2 Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 17 Donated services and use of facilities . bl a 5,455,454

Prior year adjustments reported on Part I, line 20 Losses reported on Part I, line 20 Other (specify)



b4 Add lines blthrough b4 .

c d 1 Subtract line bfrom line a .

c 5,455,454

Amounts included on Part I, line 17, but not on line a: Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b . Other (specify)


d2 Add lines dl and d2 .


5,455,454 e

Total expenses (Part I, line 17) Add lines c and d .

Current Officers , Directors , Trustees , and Key Employees (List each person who was an officer, director, trustee, or key employee at any time during the year even if they were not compensated.) (See the

Form 990 (2007)

Form 990 (2007)

Page 6

Current Officers , Directors , Trustees, and Key Employees (continued)

75a Enter the total number of officers, directors, and trustees permitted to vote on organization business at board
meetings b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0- 35



Are any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V -A, or highest compensated

employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A, Part II-A or II-B, related to each other through family or business relationships? If "Yes," attach a statement that identifies the individuals and explains the relationship(s)



Do any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V -A, or highest compensated

employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independent
contractors listed in Schedule A, Part II-A or II-B, receive compensation from any other organizations, whether

tax exempt or taxable, that are related to the organization? See the instructions for the definition of "related



If "Yes," attach a statement that includes the information described in the instructions d Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? 75d Yes

Former Officers , Directors , Trustees , and Key Employees That Received Compensation or Other Benefits (If any former officer, director, trustee, or key employee received compensation or other benefits (described below) during the year, list that person below and enter the amount of compensation or other benefits in the appropriate column. See the Instructions.)
(A) Name and address (B) Loans and Advances (C) Compensation (If not paid enter -0(D) Contributions to employee benefit plans and deferred compensation plans (E) Expense account and other allowances

Other Information (See the instructions.)

76 Did the organization make a change in its activities or methods of conducting activities? If "Yes," attach a detailed statement of each change 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? If "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes 78a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? 78a 78b 76 77

Y es


No No

Yes Yes

b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990 -T for this year? 79 Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? If "Yes," attach a statement 80a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc , to any other exempt or nonexempt organization?





b If "Yes," enter the name of the organization 0and check whether it is 81a Enter direct or indirect political expenditures (See line 81 instructions fl exempt or fl nonexempt 81a 1b o Form 990 (2007)

b Did the organization file Form 1120 -POL for this year?

Form 990 (2007) Other Information (continued) 82a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value? Yes

Page 7 No



b If "Yes," you may indicate the value of these items here Do not include this amount as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II (See instructions in Part III ) 83a 82b 83a Yes

Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications?

b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? 84a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? .

83b 84a

Yes No

b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible?
85 501(c)(4), (5), or(6) organizations, a Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members? . . . . . .



b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less?



If "Yes," was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed the prior year c Dues assessments, and similar amounts from members
d Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices

85d 85e

f Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e)

. 85g No

g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line 85f7

h If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount on line 85fto its

reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax
year? 85h 86 501(c)(7) orgs. Enter a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12 86a 0 No

b Gross receipts, included on line 12, for public use of club facilities






501(c)(12) orgs. Enter a Gross income from members or shareholders

b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other . sources against amounts due or received from them ) . . . . .


At any time during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-3'' If "Yes," complete Part IX 88a No

b At any time during the year, did the organization directly or indirectly own a controlled entity within the meaning
of section 512(b)(13)'' If yes complete Part XI 88b 89a 501(c)(3) organizations section 4911 Enter Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under , section 4912 , section 4955 0No

b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during

the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If "Yes," attach a statement
explaining each transaction 89b No

c Enter A mount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons

during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 . . . . . . . . 0-

d Enter A mount of tax on line 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization


e All organizations. At any time during the tax year was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction?
89e No

f All organizations. Did the organization acquire direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract?
89f g Forsupporting organizations and sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Did the supporting No

organization, or a fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excess business holdings at any time during the year?
89g No


List the states with which a copy of this return is filed 0instructions ) . . . . . . . . . . . .

90b 30

b N umber of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 2007 (See

Telephone no 0( 707) 775-3 500


The books are in care of 10-

l ane Halpin

Located at 0b

101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA

ZIP + 4 lo-

9 4952 Yes 91b No No

At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)?

If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country 0See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22 .1, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Form 990 (2007)

Form 990 (2007) Other Information (continued) c At any time during the calendar year, did the organization maintain an office outside of the United States? If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country 092 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041 -Check here and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year . . 92

Page 8 Yes 91c No No

rMIMAnal y sis of Income - Producin g Activities (See the instructions,

Note : Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated. Unrelated business income Business code 93 Program service revenue a Workshops b Conferences & Events C d e f g 94 95 Medicare / Medicaid payments Fees and contracts from government agencies Membership dues and assessments Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 14 43,732 1,373,278 962,415 190,062 (B) Amount Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 Exclusion code (0) Amount (E) Related or exempt function income

96 97

Dividends and interest from securities

Net rental income or (loss) from real estate a debt-financed property b non debt-financed property 1
514000 19,288 13


98 99 100 101 102 103

Net rental income or (loss) from personal property Other investment income Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory Net income or (loss) from special events Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory Other revenue a Royalties I



2 I I I

11,858 I 5,337

b Miscellaneous Income
c Advertising




d e
104 105 Subtotal (add columns (B), (D), and (E)) Total (add line 104, columns (B), (D), and (E)) 30,288 . 54,450 2,538,539 2,623,277

Note : Line 105 plus line le, Part I, should equal the amount on l ine 12, Part I.

Relationshi p of Activities to the Accom p lishment of Exem p t Pur p oses (See the instructions. )
Line No . Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) See Additional Data Table

Information Re g ardin g Taxable Subs idiaries and Disre g arded Entities (See the instructions. )
(A) Name, address, and EIN of corporation, partnership, or disregarded entity (B) Percentage of ownership interest (C) Nature of activities (D) Total income (E) End-of-year assets

Information Regarding Transfers Associated with Personal Benefit Contracts (See the instructions.)
(a) (b) Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? If "Yes" to (b), file Form 8870 and Form 4720 (see instructions). Form 990 (2007) . F_Yes F No F_Yes F No


Form 990 (2007) Li^

Page 9

Information Regarding Transfers To and From Controlled Entities Complete only if the organization is

a controlling organization as defined in section 512(b)(13)

Yes 106 Did the reporting organization make any transfers to a controlled entity as defined in section 512(b)(13) of the Code? if "Yes," complete the schedule below for each controlled entity (A) Name and address of each controlled entity a b (B) Employer Identification Number (C) Description of transfer [D) Amount of transfer No No


Yes 107 Did the reporting organization receive any transfers from a controlled entity as defined in section 512(b)(13) of the Code? if "Yes," complete the schedule below for each controlled entity (A) Name and address of each controlled entity a b c (B) Employer Identification Number (C) Description of transfer [D) Amount of transfer

No No


Yes 108 Did the organization have a binding written contract in effect on August 17, 2006 covering the interests, rents, royalties and annuities described in question 107 above?

No No

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than officer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge Please Sign Signature of officer Marilyn Mandala Schlitz PhD President Type or print name and title Date Paid Preparer's signature Richard K Chinlund 2009-02-10 Date


Use Only Firm 's name (or yours if self-employed), address, and ZIP + 4 Richard K Chinlund CPA 5710 Paradise Drive Corte Madera, CA 94925

l efile


p rint


As Filed Data -

DLN: 93490042005269
OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990 or
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization Institute of Noetic Sciences

Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3)

( Except Private Foundation ) and Section 501(e), 501(f), 501(k), 501(n ), or 4947 (a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust

Supplementary Information-(See separate instructions.)

F MUST be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ


Employer identification number

1 23-7236986 Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers , Directors , and Trustees (See nacre 1 of the Instructions. List each one. If there are none. enter "None.")
(d) Contributions

(a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 Rolando Pinto
101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 Gregory Atwood 101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 Cathy Coleman 101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952

(b) Title and average hours per week devoted to position

(c) Compensation

to employee benefit plans & deferred


(e) Expense

account and other allowances

Dir Info Tec 40 00



A rt D irector 40 00


Dir Administra 40 00



Matthew Gilbert19
101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 Stephen Dinan 101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 Dir Membership 40 00 96,220 0 0 Ed itor in Ch ie f 40 00 76,517 2,391 0

Total number of other employees paid over

$50,000 I 9

Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services (See page 2 of the instructions. List each one (whether individual or firms). If there are none, enter "None." )
(a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 None (b) Type of service (c) Compensation

Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services ^

Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Other Services
(List each contractor who performed services other than professional services, whether individual or firms If there are nnne enter "None" See nave 7 for instructinns)
(a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 Carmen Dominguez Cleaning Services 450 Alameda del Prado Novato,CA 94949 Janitorial Services 104,699 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation

Total number of other contractors receiving over $50,000 for other services 0. 1 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 andCat No Form 990 - EZ.


Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Page 2

Statements About Activities (See page 2 of the instructions .)

1 During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, include any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum? If "Yes," enter the total expenses paid or incurred in
connection with the lobbying activities 1111$ iofPartVl-B) Organizations that made an election under section 501(h) by filing Form 5768 must complete Part VI-A Other (Must equal amounts on line 38, Part VI-A, or line 1




organizations checking "Yes" must complete Part VI-B AND attach a statement giving a detailed description of the

lobbying activities 2 During the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts with any substantial contributors, trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or with any taxable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority owner, or principal beneficiary? (If the answer to any question is "Yes,"attach a detailed statement explaining the transactions.)
a Sale, exchange, or leasing property? 2a No

b c
d e

Lending of money or other extension of credit? Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities?

Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than $1,000)7 Transfer of any part of its income or assets?

2b 2c
2d 2e

No No
No No


Did the organization make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc '' (If "Yes," attach an explanation
of how the organization determines that recipients qualify to receive payments Did the organization have a section 403(b) annuity plan for its employees? 3a 3b No No

c d 4a b c d e f

Did the organization receive or hold an easement for conservation purposes, including easements to preserve open space, the environment , historic land areas or structures? If "Yes" attach a detailed statement Did the organization provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services? Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds? If"Yes," complete lines 4b through 4g If"No," complete lines
4f and 4g

3c 3d

No No

Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 49667 Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? Enter the total number of donor advised funds owned at the end of the tax year Enter the aggregate value of assets held in all donor advised funds owned at the end of the tax year Enter the total number of separate funds or accounts owned at the end of the tax year (excluding donor advised funds included on line 4d) where donors have the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts Enter the aggregate value of assets held in all funds or accounts included on line 4f at the end of the tax

4b 4c X 37 X 963,612

No No

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Reason for Non-Private Foundation Status (See pages 4 through 7 of the instructions.) I certify that the organization is not a private foundation because it is 5
6 7 8 9

Page 3

(Please check only ONE applicable box

1 1 1 1

A church, convention of churches, or association of churches Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i)

A school Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) (Also complete Part V ) Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii)

A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization

A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v) A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital and state 111111 Section 170( b)(1)(A)(iii) Enter the hospital's name, city,


A n organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A)


An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A)

11b 12

1 1

A community trust Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) A n organization that normally receives

(Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A)

( 1) more than 331/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross

receipts from activities related to its charitable, etc , functions-subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 331/3% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 13 fl See section 509(a)(2) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A

An organization that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and otherwise meets the requirements of section 509(a)(3) Check the box that describes the type of supporting organization fl Type I fl Type II fl Type III - Functionally Integrated fl Type III - Other

Provide the following information about the supported organizations. (see page 7 of the instructions.)
(b) (c) Type of organization ( described in lines 5 through 12 above or IRC section) (d) Is the supported organization listed in the supporting organization ' s governing documents ? Yes No

( a)
Name ( s) of supported organization ( s)

identification number

Amount of support?

Total 14 fl An organization organized and operated to test for public safety

111. 1 Section 509( a)(4) (See page 7 of the instructions ) Schedule A (Form 990 or 990 - EZ) 2007

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Page 4 Support Schedule (Complete only if you checked a box on line 10, 11, or 12 ) Use cash method of accounting. Note : You may use the worksheet in the instructions for converting from the accrual to the cash method of accounting.
Calendar year ( or fiscal year beginning in ) 15 16 Gifts, grants , and contributions received ok. ( Do not (a) 2006 2,464,751 1,407,284 (b) 2005 2,961,271 921,221 (c) 2004 3,287,644 998,832 (d) 2003 2,390,856 1,028,028 ( e) Total 11,104,522 4,355,365

include unusual grants See line 28 )

Membership fees received


Gross receipts from admissions , merchandise

sold or services performed , or furnishing of 971,307


facilities in any activity that is related to the organization ' s charitable , etc , purpose Gross income from interest , dividends, amounts received from payments on securities loans
(section 512 ( a)(5)), rents, royalties , and





unrelated business taxable income ( less section 511 taxes ) from businesses acquired by the
organization after June 30, 1975 19 Net income from unrelated business activities









not included in line 18 Tax revenues levied for the organization ' s benefit and either paid to it or expended on its behalf The value of services or facilities furnished to the organization by a governmental unit without charge Do not include the value of services or facilities generally furnished to the public without charge
Other income Attach a schedule Total of lines 15 through 22 Line 23 minus line 17 Enter 1 % of line 23 Organizations described on lines 10 or 11 : a Do not include 53,665 5,064,022 4,092,715 50,640





22 23 24 25 26

169,514 5,552,474 4,186,999 55,525

283,286 5,460,561 4,719,802 54,606 26a

49,835 4,485,450 3,834,687 44,855

556,300 20,562,507 16,834,203

gain or ( loss) from sale of capital assets

Enter 2 % of amount in column (e), line 24


b Prepare a list for your records to show the name of and amount contributed by each person (other than a governmental unit or publicly supported organization) whose total gifts for 2002 through 2005 exceeded the amount shown in line 26a Do not file this list with your return. Enter the total of all these excess amounts
c Total support for section 509(a )( 1) test Enter line 24 , column ( e) ^



d Add Amounts from column ( e) for lines




2,052 ,571 ' 26d 26e 3,426,887 13,407,316

e Public support ( line 26c minus line 26d total )

f Public support percentage ( line 26e ( numerator ) divided by line 26c (denominator )) 27 Organizations described on line 12 : a


7964 00 %

For amounts included in lines 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a "disqualified person,"

prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from, each "disqualified person Do not file this list with your return . Enter the sum of such amounts for each year
(2006) (2005) (2004) (2003) b For any amount included in line 17 that was received from each person (other than "disqualified persons"), prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and amount received for each year, that was more than the larger of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or (2) $5,000 (Include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 11b, as well as individuals ) Do not file this list with your

return . After computing the difference between the amount received and the larger amount described in (1) or (2), enter the sum of these differences (the excess amounts) for each year (2006) (2005) (2004) (2003)

c Add

Amounts from column ( e) for lines 17

15 20

16 21 llk^ I ' 11111 127f 2 d 1 27e 0

d Add Line 27a total

e Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total) f Total support for section 509(a)(2) test

and line 27b total

Enter amount from line 23, column (e)

g Public support percentage ( line 27e ( numerator ) divided by line 27f (denominator))

h Investment income percentage ( line 18, column ( e) (numerator ) divided by line 27f (denominator))'
28 Unusual Grants: For an organization described in line 10, 11, or 12 that received any unusual grants during 2002 through 2005, prepare a list for your records to show, for each year, the name of the contributor, the date and amount of the grant, and a brief description of the nature of the grant Do not file this list with your return . Do not include these grants in line 15 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Private School Questionnaire (See page 7 of the instructions.)

Page 5

( To be com p leted ONLY b y schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV )
29 Does the organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws, other governing instrument, or in a resolution of its governing body? 29 Yes No


Does the organization include a statement of its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its brochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions,
programs, and scholarships? 30


Has the organization publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during

the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves? If "Yes," please describe, if "No," please explain (If you need more space, attach a separate statement 31


Does the organization maintain the following a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, and administrative staff? b Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on racially nondiscriminatory basis? c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? d Copies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to solicit contributions? If you answered "No" to any of the above, please explain (If you need more space, attach a separate statement 32c 32d 32b 32a


Does the organization discriminate by race in any way with respect to

a Students' rights or privileges?

I 33a

b Admissions policies? c Employment of faculty or administrative staff? d Scholarships or other financial assistance?

133b 133c 133d

e Educational policies?


f Use of facilities?


g Athletic programs?


h Other extracurricular activities?


If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain

(If you need more space, attach a separate statement

34a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency?


b Has the organization 's right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? If you answered "Yes" to either 34a orb, please explain using an attached statement
Does the organization certify that it has complied with the applicable requirements of sections 4 01 through 4 05 of Rev Proc 75-50, 1975-2 C B 587, covering racial nondiscrimination? If "No," attach an explanation 35


Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 9 of the instructions.)

Page 6

(To be completed ONLY by an eligible organization that filed Form 5768) Check ^ a 1 if the organization belongs to an affiliated group Check ^ b 1 if you checked "a" and "limited control" provisions apply (b) (a) Limits on Lobbying Expenditures o To be completed
(The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred
36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion ( grassroots lobbying) 36

group totals

for all electing organizations


38 39 40

Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body ( direct lobbying)

Total lobbying expenditures ( add lines 36 and 37) Other exempt purpose expenditures Total exempt purpose expenditures ( add lines 38 and 39)

38 39 40


Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following tableIf the amount on line 40 isNot over $500,000 Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 Over $17,000,000

The lobbying nontaxable amount is20% of the amount on line 40 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000 $1,000,000 42 43 44 41

42 43 44

Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41) Subtract line 42 from line 36 Subtract line 41 from line 38 Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38

Caution : If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must file Form 4720.

4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h)

(Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on page 11 of the instructions )
Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period Calendaryear ( or fiscal year beginning in ) ^ (a) 2007 (b ) 2006 ( c) 2005 (d) 2004 (e) Total


Lobbying nontaxable amount


Lobbying ceiling amount (150% of line 45(e))


Total lobbying expenditures


Grassroots nontaxable amount


Grassroots ceiling amount (150% of line 48(e))


Grassroots lobbying expenditures


Lobbying Activity by Nonelecting Public Charities

( For re p ortin g onl y b y or g anizations that did not com p lete Part VI-A ( See a e 11 of the instructions. ) During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any Yes No Amount attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of a b c d e f g h i Volunteers Paid staff or management (Include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through h.) Media advertisements Mailings to members, legislators, or the public Publications, or published or broadcast statements Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means Total lobbying expenditures (Add lines c through h.) If "Yes" to any of the above, also attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990 - EZ) 2007

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Page 7

Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations (See page 12 of the instructions.)
51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 50 1(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of Yes 51a(i) a(ii) No No No

(i) (ii) (i) (ii) (iii)

(iv) (v)

Cash Other assets Sales or exchanges of assets with a noncharitable exempt organization Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets
Reimbursement arrangements Loans or loan guarantees

b Other transactions b(i) b(ii) b(iii)

b(iv) b(v)

No No No
No No


Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations

b(vi) c

No No

c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees

d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fai r market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization If the organization received less than fair market value i n any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received


Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations
described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527' If "Yes," complete the following schedule lk^ fl Yes F No

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Additional Data

Software ID: Software Version : EIN: Name :

07000211 2007v2.10 23-7236986 Institute of Noetic Sciences

Form 990 , Part II , Line 43 - Other expenses not covered above ( itemize):
Do not include amounts reported on line 6b, 8b , 9b, 10b , or 16 of Part I. ( A) Total (B) Program services ( C) Management and general ( D) Fundraising

b c d e f g h

Uncollectable Accounts
Retreats & Events Research & Education Professional Fees Outreach Office Data & Telecommunications Bank Fees

43b 43c 43d 43e 43f 43g 43h

424,142 3,199 33,145 192,175 104,468 143,833 59,986 322,263 699 600 175,403 77,061 116,231 26,542

34,440 2,500 32,545 1,470 11,724 5,783 2,944 15,302 15,683 21,819 30,500 67,439

Form 990, Part V-A - Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees:
(B) Title and average ( C) Compensation ( D) Contributions to

(A) Name and address

hours per week devoted to position

( If not paid , enter -0.)

employee benefit plans & deferred

compensation plans

(E) Expense

account and other allowances

Sandra Wright 101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952

X 00 for 0

William Whitson
19 Windward Road Belvedere, CA 94920 0

X 00 for

Judith Skutch Whitson

19 Windward Road Belvedere, CA 94920 Victoria Watson 22 St Leonards Terrace London 5W3 4Q G UK Ian Watson 44 Davies Street London W1k 5JA UK Paul Temple 7 Mt Lassen Drive Suite D126 San Rafael,CA 94903 Diane Temple 1475 Lucas Valley Road San Rafael,CA 94903 0

X 00 for

Director 0 00

Director 0 00

Director 0

Director 0

Robert Schwartz
300 Central Park West 1D NewYork,NY 10024

Director 0

Claiborne Pell
101 San Antonio Road Petraluma, CA 94952 Austin Marx 101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 0

X 00 for

X 00 for 0

Form 990, Part V-A - Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees:
(B) Title and average ( C) Compensation ( D) Contributions to

(A) Name and address

hours per week devoted to position

( If not paid , enter -0.)

employee benefit plans & deferred

compensation plans

(E) Expense

account and other allowances

Martha Lyddon
PO Box 418 Sausalito, CA 94966

Director 0

George Zimmer 406650 Encyclopedia Circle Fremont,CA 94538 Rose Welch 101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952

Director 0

Director 0 00

Bob Blackstone
101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 0

X 00 for

William Sechrest
One Maritime Plaza 18th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 Lynne Twist 3 Fifth Avenue San Francisco, CA

Director 0

X 00 Chair 94118 0

Simone Ramounoulou Willis Harman House San Paulo BR

Director 0 00

Belvie Rooks
2625 Alcatraz Ave 243 Berkeley, CA 947052705 Fred Srgal 6012 Galahad Road Malibu,CA 902654054 Zoe Rolfs 4598 N Frederick Pike Winchester, VA 22603 0

X 00 for

Director 0 00

Director 0 00

Form 990, Part V-A - Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees:
(B) Title and average (C) Compensation ( D) Contributions to

(A) Name and address

hours per week devoted to position

( If not paid , enter -0.)

employee benefit plans & deferred

compensation plans

(E) Expense

account and other allowances

Marilyn Schlitz
101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 James O'Dea 101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 Walter Link 336 Bon Air Center Ste 518 Greenbrae, CA 94904 Betsy Gordon 1537 4th Street 15 San Rafael, CA 94901 Tamas Makray Rua Paraguai 64 Apt 201 San Paulo BR Lou Leeburg 14441 North 14th Street Phoenix,AZ 85022 Bruce Roberts 101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952

Director 40 00



Executive Direc 40 00



Director 0 00

X00 for 0

Director 0 00

Treasurer 0 00

X00 for 0

Sandra Hobson
3069 Washington Street San Francisco, CA 94115 Daphne Crocker-White 1100 Bayhills Drive San Rafael,CA 94903 0 OO


X00 for 0

Richard Bishop
101 San Antonio Road Petaluma, CA 94952 0

X00 for

Form 990, Part V-A - Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees:
(B) Title and average ( C) Compensation ( D) Contributions to

(A) Name and address

hours per week devoted to position

( If not paid , enter -0.)

employee benefit plans & deferred

compensation plans

(E) Expense

account and other allowances

Harriett Crosby 6515 70th Place Cabin John, MD 20818

X00 for 0

Edgar Mitchell
PO Box 540037 Lake Worth, FL 33454 Peter Baumann 10960 Wilshire Blvd 826 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Carole A ngermeir PO B 1369 Sausalito, CA 94966

Founder 10 00


X00 for 0

Director 0 00

H afsat A biola
10307 Greenspire Way Mitchellville, MD 20721 0

X 00 for

Form 990, Part VIII - Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes:
Line No . V Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column ( E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment of the organization ' s exempt purposes ( other than by providing funds for such purposes).

103d 103c

Providing workshops relating to research Royalties from non-profit activities Miscellaneous income from non- profit activities Provides information in the form of periodicals to the public Providing information and discussion to the public

94 93a

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As Filed Data -

DLN: 93490042005269

TY 2007 DAFCashGrantsPaidSchedule
Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10
Class of Activity Recipient ' s name Address Amount Relationship

Educational Program

Welland Burnside

PO Box 2893 Murrells Inlet, SC 29575 101 Coronado Lane Santa Fe,NM 87505
4266 Knoll Avenue


Educational Program

Wayne Muller


Educational Program

Van Jones

Oakland,CA 94619 6 Balsa Court Santa Fe,NM 87508

PO Box 1613 Kahnawake,Quebeck 1


Educational Program

The Jonquil Group Inc


Educational Program

Sequoyah Trueblood


1115 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Kentfield,CA 94904 562 Kendall Avenue 21 Palo Alto,CA 94306

Educational Program

Pamela McHenry


Educational Program

Michael Reding


3594 Burnside Road

Educational Program Michael Eller Sebastopol,CA 95472 500

Class of Activity Educational Program

Recipient's name Marlyn Kane

Address PO Box 1362 Chaplaine,NY 12919

Amount 5,063


Educational Program

Jim Carson

409 SW Idaho Street Portland,OR 97239

222 Windsor Drive


Educational Program

Giovanni Mandala

Petaluma,CA 94952 PO Box 540037


Educational Program

Edgar Mitchell

Lake Worth,FL 33454


Educational Program

Sinai Hospital

2401 W Belvedere Avenue Baltimore,MD 21215


1810 Foxboro Street

Educational Program Dean Radin Petaluma,CA 94954 4,000

Educational Program

Convival Design Studio

PO Box 935 Abiquiu,NM 87516

PO Box 12541


Educational Program

Commonway Institute

Portland,OR 97212


Class of Activity

Recipient's name




2300 California Street

Educational Program California Pacific Medical Ctr Rese 207 San Francisco, CA 94111 22 Fort Willem Road St Maarten, 1 1 NT 1,690

Educational Program

Balance of Life Health Center Found


Educational Program

Arizona State University

PO Box 873503 Tempe,AZ 85287

1771 Tulare Avenue



Amar Khalsa

Richmond,CA 94805
1151 Kelvin Road




El Sobrante,CA 94803

250 None

3435 Cesar Chavez

Educational Program Thin Air Media 226 San Francisco, CA 94110 40 Ram Hill Road Geyserville,CA 95441 120-72 Prospect Street 8,100 None

Educational Program Educational

Slyva Boorstein

100 None


Peter Bancel

Ridgefield,CT 06877

3,500 None

Class of Activity

Recipient's name

Address PO Box 1007



Educational Program

Lauren Darges

Sebastopol,CA 95473

4,858 None

PO Box 257

Educational Program

Illumnation Studios

Bodega,CA 94952 415 Cambridge Avenue Palo Alto,CA 94306

237A Mountain View

14,250 None

Educational Program

Edwin May

3,000 None

Educational Program

Colin Cherot

Mill Valley, CA 94941 305 Rivera Circle Larkspur,CA 94939

16215 Rimstone Lane San Diego,CA 92127

5,000 None

Educational Program

Center of Timeless Being

2,500 None

Educational Program

Brandon Houston

1,850 None

840 C Street 112

Educational Program Artie Konrad San Rafael,CA 94901 PO Box 1000 The Bottom Saba, Antilles SABA 11,233 None

Educational Program

Saba University

244 None


Class of Activity

Recipient's name

Address 20 Willow Road London, Hampstead NW3IT3 UK



Educational Program

Rupert Sheldrake

24,000 None

Educational Program

Nancy Lund

1050 Middlefield Road Berkeley,CA 94708

101 San Antonio Road

9,563 None

Educational Program

Various Individuals

Petaluma,CA 94952
PO Box 871104

5,894 None

Educational Program

Adam Cohen

Temple,AZ 85287

500 None


As Filed Data -

DLN: 93490042005269

Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11" x 8.5") when printing.

TY 2007 Gain/Loss from Sale of Other Assets Schedule

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10
Date Acquired 2001-01 Gross Sales Price Accumulated Depreciation

Name Unrealized Loss on Securities

How Acquired

Date Sold

Purchaser Name


Basis Method

Sales Expenses

Total (net)






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DLN: 93490042005269

TY 2007 Gain/Loss from Sale of Public Securities Schedule

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10 Gross Sales Price : Basis : Sales Expenses: Total (net): 2,489,766 2,489, 766

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS

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DLN: 93490042005269

TY 2007 Investments - Securities Schedule

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10
Description Securities, Held by Broker Book Value 222,918 F Cost/FMV

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS

As Filed Data -

DLN: 93490042005269

TY 2007 Land etc. Schedule

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10
Category / Item Miscellaneous Cost/Other Basis 47,539 Accumulated Depreciation 22,614 Book Value 24,925

Land Buildings Furniture and Fixtures Automobiles / Transportation Equipment

4,800,000 4,369,392 426,164 50,447 1,380,267 394,349 10,895

4,800,000 2,989,125 31,815 39,552

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS

As Filed Data -

DLN: 93490042005269

TY 2007 Other Liabilities Schedule

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10
Description Accrued Vacation Beginning of Year Amount End of Year Amount 105,573

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As Filed Data -

DLN: 93490042005269

TY 2007 Sales Of Inventory Schedule

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10 Net (Gross Sales Minus Cost of Goods Sold) 11,858

Category Book and DVD Sales

Gross Sales 47,433

Cost of Goods Sold 35,575

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS

As Filed Data -

DLN: 93490042005269

TY 2007 Contractor Compensation Explanation

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10

Contractor Carmen Dominguez Cleaning Services


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TY 2007 Employee Compensation Explanation

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10

Employee Rolando Pinto Gregory Atwood Cathy Coleman Matthew Gilbert Stephen Dinan


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DLN: 93490042005269

TY 2007 Other Income Schedule

Name : Institute of Noetic Sciences EIN: 23-7236986 Software ID: 07000211 Software Version : 2007v2.10
Description Sponsorship Payments Administration Fees Miscellaneous Income 53,665 2006 2005 117,062 26,400 26,052 2004 191,773 20,985 70,528 24,600 25,235 2003 Total 308,835 71,985 175,480

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