Answers and Hints For Problem Set #6: T ML T L T ML D V F F F

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Answers and Hints for Problem Set #6

7-10) Solution Outline: Use the definitions of the quantities. [Energy]=[Work] = force*distance. [Specific Energy] = [energy]/mass. [Power] = [energy]/time Answers: (a) ML2 T 2 , (b) L2 T 2 , (c) ML2 T 3 7-53) Solution Outline: f k = f (V , , , D ) so that n = 5 and n j = 2. Note that the dimensions of f k are 1/T (frequency). Choosing V, D, and as repeating variables and applying the method of repeating variables gives the result. Answer: fk D VD = f V

& 7-55) Solution Outline: W = f (D, , , ) so that n = 5 and n j = 2. Note that [] = 1/T & (frequency) and W = FL T (power). Choosing D, , and as repeating variables and applying the method of repeating variables gives the result.

[ ]

& D 2 W Answer: = f 3 D 5

7-39) Solution Outline: For drag measurements in incompressible flow, FD = f (Re ) V 2 L2 (see 7-3). Thus, similarity requires matching Reynolds number, namely, Rem = Rep. Enforcing Reynolds number similarity gives Vm. The properties of water at 15C can be found in Table A-3 and the properties of air at 25C can be found in Table A-9.

Answer: Vm = 57.0 m/s. Note: Ma 0.16 < 0.20, so the incompressible assumption is justified. 7-41) Solution Outline: As with problem 7-39, FD

= f (Re ) , V 2 L2 for this problem. If the Reynolds number is matched for the model and prototype, then the left hand side of the above equation must match as well. Using this condition along with the fluid properties and model velocity from problem 7-39 gives the result. Answer: FD p = 11.0 N

ME/CEE 2342

Fall 2012


7-89) Solution Outline: C D = f (Re ) (given) where C D


1 V 2 A 2 7-5). For this problem, A = HW and l = W (given). Plotting C D = f (Re ) from the given data gives the following result:
Wind Tunnel Tests of a Car Model

and Re

Vl (see Table






0.35 CD = 0.320 0.3 0.00









Re (x10-5)

Make sure to use the model values for A and W (width) when computing the drag coefficient and Reynolds number since the data was taken for the model. The plot indicates that Reynolds number similarity is not achieved because the highest Re tested was 3.72 105 where the Re for the prototype (29 m/s) is 3.39 106. However, Re independence is achieved for Re > 3 105 since the drag coefficient is constant at 0.320 there. This value can be used to estimate the drag on the prototype using the definition of drag coefficient. Answers: Reynolds number similarity not achieved; Re independence is achieved, FDp = 408 N .

ME/CEE 2342

Fall 2012


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