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Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas style

Rating: Based on 9 ratings Released: May 10, 2009 Updated: Jan 25, 2010 by Yves Reviewed: 9 reviews Downloads: 83288 Dev status: Stable


ABNT NBR 6023:2002*

application, 155K, uploaded Jan 25, 2010 - 59911 downloads


ABNT NBR 6023:2002 - Numerical

application, 157K, uploaded May 24, 2009 - 13795 downloads

ABNT NBR 6023:2002 - Numerical Alternative

application, 155K, uploaded Jul 5, 2009 - 9582 downloads


Implementation of the Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas (ABNT) reference style as defined by NBR 6023:2002. Three versions are available. The regular author-date version and two numerical versions where references are ordered based on their appearance in the text. The difference between the numerical versions is mostly on how the numbers are displayed both in the text and in the bibliography. Examples ALVES, C. Navio negreiro. [S.l.]: Virtual Books, 2000. Disponivel em: <http://www.terra.com.br/virtualbooks/freebook/port/Lport2/navionegreiro.htm>. Acesso em: 10 jan. 2002. ASSOCIAO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TCNICAS. NBR 10520: informao e documentao: citaes em documentos: apresentao. Rio de Janeiro, 2002. MANSILLA, H. C. F. La controversia entre universalismo y particularismo en la filosofia de la cultura.Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, Buenos Aires, v. 24, n. 2, primavera 1998. RAMALHO, J. A. Variveis. In: ______ Clipper 5.0: bsico. So Paulo: Makron Books, 1991. Cap. 4, p. 6792. LIMA, R. S. Expanso urbana e acessibilidade o caso das cidades mdias brasileiras. 1998. 81. Dissertao (Mestrado em Transporte). Escola de Engenharia de So Carlos, Universidade de So Paulo, So Carlos, 1998. Author(s) Yves Dhondt Style Name ABNT NBR 6023:2002* (ABNT_Author.XSL) ABNT NBR 6023:2002 - Numerical (ABNT_Num.XSL) ABNT NBR 6023:2002 - Numerical Alternative (ABNT_Num_Alt.XSL) Supported Types o o ArticleInAPeriodical Book BookSection ConferenceProceedings Film InternetSite JournalArticle Patent Report Standard Thesis SoundRecording

Note: To use the subtypes (e.g. Thesis), enter the data using the base type (e.g. Report) and set the Type field of the source to the value of the subtype (e.g. Thesis).

See styles

ABNT NBR 6023:2002* can display year suffices in combination with BibWord Extender. Without BibWord Extender, all year suffices will be left blank. If neither the place nor the publisher is known, the style displays [S.l.]: [s.n.] rather than [S.l.: s.n.]. The author of this style does NOT speak Portuguese, so please do not contact him in Portuguese.


Excellent work!...But I have a problem, I want to write the citation of this type: Fernando (2002), and this code only write citations this type: (FERNANDO, 2002). Someone can help to me? Thanks guys! by latinwolf on Mar 12 at 2:07 PM Great job! However, some improvements are needed. As other users said, the "et al." citation is incorrect. Indirect citation is needed too. Please, release an update! :-) by dougxjf on Jan 13 at 10:49 PM It was a graet idea, Congratulations, the tool is very helpful. by Renatomi on Nov 11, 2011 at 4:22 AM Great work! I made some (two) changes to the style, removing the uppercase for last names, and in one of them replacing bold (for titles, etc) with italics. Both of them have full author names. They seem to be both accepted in Brazil, and just a matter of preference. by ycherem on Sep 18, 2010 at 8:26 PM After the last name in capital letters, type the full name with only the first letter capitalized.Ex:AZEVEDO, Joo Batista de. Title. City: Publisher, year". That's a facultative way of the NBR6023 that's ALL Universitys are asking as obligatory. by iurisbruno on Jul 20, 2010 at 4:16 AM Great job! Just one point to adjust: author list in citation should not be separeted by "e" (that means "and" in portuguese). According to ABNT, both citation and bibliography have author list sapareted by ";", no matter how many authors. by adriano2010 on Apr 23, 2010 at 6:06 PM we must use site than document in site. There is not a field, but works. by amorimfatec on Jun 28, 2009 at 6:54 AM (in Portuguese) Obrigada pela release no formato ABNT. Funcionou bem no Word 2007, porm, as referncias para Sites no aparecem da forma correta. Como posso corrigir isto? Est ficando desta

maneira: "AGUIAR, P. R. et al. Anatomia Online" Quando deveria conter a URL, data de acesso, etc. Obrigada by mellraven on May 24, 2009 at 4:47 AM Pretty well job. That's a nice piece of programming. I was looking for this for over 2 years, since MS had launched word 2007. But, unfortunately, my faculty uses italic instead of bold for formating the titles. How can I adapt the style for this condition? Thank you very much Yves! by Djalmaelima on May 20, 2009 at 5:17 PM

Released | Planned

APA with DOI - Proof of Concept Apr 22, 2010, Stable Chicago v2 Jan 6, 2010, Stable BibWord v.2.8 Nov 28, 2009, Stable BibWord v.2.7 Oct 24, 2009, Stable Fix for Source Author Bugs in Microsoft Word May 26, 2009, Stable Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas style May 10, 2009, Stable American Sociological Association style May 1, 2009, Stable BibWord v.2.4 Apr 26, 2009, Stable Nature style Apr 13, 2009, Stable American Chemical Society styles Apr 4, 2009, Stable BibWord Extender v.2.0 Mar 16, 2009, Stable Harvard - AGPS style Feb 8, 2009, Stable Harvard - Exeter style Feb 8, 2009, Stable APA with square brackets and only one author Jan 20, 2009, Stable Chicago footnote style Dec 9, 2008, Beta MHRA footnote style Nov 29, 2008, Stable Humana Press style

Nov 24, 2008, Stable Harvard - Anglia style Nov 23, 2008, Stable American Medical Association style Nov 23, 2008, Stable Association for Computing Machinery style Nov 23, 2008, Stable Harvard - Leeds style Nov 23, 2008, Stable Lecture Notes in Computer Science style Nov 23, 2008, Stable Vancouver style Nov 23, 2008, Stable Council of Science Editors styles Nov 23, 2008, Stable IEEE styles Nov 23, 2008, Stable APA - Numerical with Square Brackets Nov 23, 2008, Stable BibWord styles Oct 26, 2008, Stable APA without space Oct 23, 2008 ISO 690 - Always use names first Sep 24, 2008 BibOrder Sep 5, 2008, Stable BibType Aug 4, 2008 APA with Title Jul 27, 2008 IEEE style (v.2.5) Jul 16, 2008, Stable IEEE style with tags Jul 10, 2008 ISO 690 Numerical Extension Jul 4, 2008, Stable ISO 690 - Numeric Reference with Square Brackets Jun 23, 2008

Chicago with numbers Jun 21, 2008 Advanced Stylesheet Template May 27, 2008 Stylesheet template May 6, 2008 Release notifications Sign in to display notification settings.

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