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How to become a Religious Demonologist By David G.

Scott / Religious Demonologist This is an article that I have wanted to write for a while now. I have had many people ask me about becoming a Religious Demonologist, and how to go about doing it. The title pretty much says it all. To be a Religious Demonologist you need to do your training and studying through, and with the help of the church. Thats why its called Religious Demonologist. You are studying Demonology through the church, and your religious faith. For most Demonologists that is the Christian faith. A lot of the articles I have written on this site are based on the Catholic tradition of Demonology. Every denomination has their own requirements however, so it is up to the person studying the subject, and the clergy that is teaching them, etc. as to how they will go about the training. Once the initial training is completed, the clergy of that particular denomination and the person that is being trained will decide what to do next. When you are studying to be a Religious Demonologist you never really quit learning. This field of work requires constant learning, and studying, and there are no experts. The Catholic tradition for Demonology is the most popular because the Catholic Church pretty much established the field. The Catholic Church for example usually requires the person to be either clergy, or to be ordained once they have finished their initial studies into the subject. Some of the Catholic churches require the person studying to become a Religious Demonologist to write an essay type paper to make sure that they understand the field, etc. before being ordained. There are however three basic requirements that most churches agree on when it comes to Religious Demonology. Number one, you should be a bornagain Christian. Number two, you need to study certain subjects. Number three, you need to learn those subjects with the help of the church (The clergy). To be a Religious Demonologist is not something you can do as a hobby. I have stated this before in other articles. When a person becomes a Religious Demonologist it is usually because they feel they were called by God to do it. They have spoken with their family about it, prayed about it, and they also receive support, backing, and teaching from their church. This is a very dangerous field because of what youre dealing with on a regular basis. Some Religious Demonologist live pretty secluded lives, and do not have many friends. The friends they do have however are usually very close friends and understand and support them. It is a simple fact that most people do not truly understand how this field of work and study affects the Demonologist, or what it takes to do it.

Some Religious Demonologist, including myself, have at least one or two mentors, or people that have given or continue to give them guidance in the field. It is very difficult to learn everything you need to from just one person. That is simply because not all Demonologist study, or learn the same things and some may know more about a particular subject than others. Other than getting the proper help and teaching from the church, it also a great idea to try and get help and guidance from a willing, reputable, and experienced Demonologist. If you are interested in becoming a Religious Demonologist, here are some words of caution. This is a very dangerous field. You are dealing with the diabolical. Nothing is beneath a demon. You must have a strong faith in God and Jesus Christ, and you must have a serious mind and personality. When you deal with the demonic you are not only putting yourself at risk, but your loved ones as well if youre not careful. Although Demonology falls into the paranormal field, it is still on a whole other level than your common paranormal case. Many investigators have found this out the hard way. Once you get into the field of Demonology, its not that easy to get out of. If this is a field that you think you may be interested in please think very carefully about it, pray about it, and talk with your family about it before deciding anything. This is not something that you can just jump into, or do simply because you find it fascinating. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

What is a Demonologist and How Do I Become One? Jan 15, 2009 in Paranormal Articles

Kristie- Show Me Paranormal

Being a demonologist, I have a lot of people express interest in what I do and enthusiasm for wanting to become a demonologist. I am more of the kind of person that just responds to that with a quick semi smile, thinking yea right

you have no idea the price you pay for such, and move on. I guess with the thinking that if I do not entertain them, they will just go on with life and forget about it. This is in reference to my everyday life, not my internet life. For the first time, I have had someone here on myspace ask me about being a demonologist, and here recently I have also had some team members ask me as well, and it is not so easy to just do the quick smile and change of subject with the team members. So, I have decided to address this subject for the myspace inquirer, as well as my team mates. My team mates have had the opportunity to witness the afflictions of the field, by seeing what I deal with following even smooth and simple extractions of demonic entities, but they as well have no real comprehension of my inner life behind closed doors. It is not something that I typically discuss with a layperson, and only discuss with those of like title, ministerial position or of understanding and strong support. Therefore, I will not go into any of that here, but I am going to lay out for you as best able what entails being a demonologist.

What is a demonologist and how do I become one?

Some will simply state that it is someone that studys and catalogs demons, but a true demonologist is so much more then that, in fact it is a spiritual lifestyle. The study of demons involves studying every kind of recorded demon through history. The demonologist must go through endless texts and sometimes travel great distances to find literature (mostly religious material) of human intervention with demons. This is becoming more simplified with the internet era though. Cataloging demons involves data logging the different demons and knowing as much about then for the next time you either encounter one or come across it in your texts. Cataloging includes origin, gender, ethnic background, what religion it exists in, what geographical area in the world it mostly exists, sketches. Functionally a demonologist studies and catalogs demons, as well as they evaluate people or places that may possibly be plagued by demonic activity, and when called by God and trained for such run intervention against the demons. In validated cases of demonic activity, they perform the spiritual work to expel a demon from a location or person. You may also hear the term of Religious Demonologist. The title of Religious Demonologist is given by the Catholic Church to specific individuals who complete a dissertation on the topic. However, you do not have to be Catholic to be a demonologist, but you do have to be a person of solid religious faith in God, and following. Demonologist is a ministerial field, ordained ministerial field.

Understand from the start, that the power of an exorcism comes from God, so the study and cataloging area of a demonology plays little part in the exorcism area of the field, and therefore you may encounter a self appointed demonologist that is neither appointed and anointed nor ordained to be such. Knowing the name of a demon has little benefit to the process of exorcism. Mortals have no intrinsic power or authority without Jesus Christ. We, as humans, do have authority over demons only through Christ, only when we invoke the name of Christ and the blood (as taught in scripture) but it is the power of Christ, not us, that commands the demonic forces. Even Archangel Michael did not command his equal in satan of his own, he commanded him with the words of Jesus Christ commands you. Michael merely has the authority to command in the name of Christ. I believe it is totally ludicrous for a person to become a self appointed demonologist when they do not have the calling and anointing of God, because to know them, to meddle in their business, is to be confronted by them and you better be equipped (anointed) to deal with them. There are specific gifts of Gods grace moving through a demonologist that protects them from being affected or injured. Power comes from God and channels through the demonologist that drives the dark forces back or causes them discomfort. Only people called by, and specifically anointed by, God to have direct interactions with the demonic forces are equipped with these gifts of protection and efficacy. Just having religious knowledge or faith, no matter how solid and strong, does not take the place of these gifts nor does it cause God to anoint someone with these special gifts ether. God gives different people different gifts of ability, and demonlogists are anointed with the specific gift of knowing when they are present (Discernment) and have the flow of Gods anointing to deal with them. Like a preacher has a calling and anointing by God to preach, being a demonologist is a spiritual calling and annointing. In saying this, it is still over simplified in the saying. You earn the anointing, you pay a high price for the annointing. a price that no sane person who actually understood the price would ever volunteer for. It is also a ministry field that requires you to live part of your life in a evil environment that often follows you home and attacks you personally, you and your loved ones. You live in a continuous realm of spiritual focus, you become a target so to speak. Most people go through life either never being touched by demonic spirits or merely being hit on once in a while, but a demonlogist is an active opponent of the dark forces and therefore pretty much lives in the boxing ring with them. So part of the annointing is also the spiritual strength and stamina to handle the dark forces as part of your existence and life, and to still remain stable as a human being and more importantly to remain stable in the anointing. There is nothing glorious or fun about it, it is not a normal existence and many times you just cry in the need of just wanting to be normal, to not have to be constantly on your toes spiritually and to not have to be the subject of every affliction they can place upon you or your loved ones. This is not something that any sane

human being would choose to do, demonologists do it because they have to do it, because God appointed and anointed them to do, so therefore it is their moral responsibility to do it. No one chooses to be a demonologist, and any true demonologist would advise you that if you could choose, you would be insane and suicidal to do so and not go there. So in that aspect, there is no way for you to become a demonologist, God makes you a demonologist.

Demonologists seem to be normal and unaffected individuals to the layperson, leading to an air of simplicity about the field. This is true to an extent only because we are humans that have to function in physical world we live in, but the reader must understand that this comes from the anointing and the experience, the assurity of the anointment and the confidence in it, the adapting to it and it just becoming a way of life. I cannot stress this enough, as it is not simple by any means, it is a very hard existence. Know that most Demonologists live pretty secluded lives, and do not have many friends. The friends they do have however are usually very close friends and understand and support them. It is a simple fact that most people do not truly understand how this field of work and study affects the Demonologist, or what it takes to do it. Nor do they understand the calling and anointing. It is hard to understand something spiritual if you have not experienced such. Just as physicians deal with catastrophic injuries on a regular basis, yet seem to hold calm and emotionally unaffected when laypersons would experience horrific reactions and memories from such, they and we have simply adapted in order to do the job. I will say that I believe there is no worse trauma then spiritual trauma, it changes a person forever, changes your life, but we still have to adapt and remain efficient at the calling.

One way to unsettle a demonologist and earn their disrespect and maybe even their verbal wrath, at least this one, is to make light of demons being a real threat, to make light of the chance of encountering them if you meddle in spiritual things, such as paranormal research, and to make light of the harm that they can do to a person. When you live in this existence, you take great offense to someone making a mockery of what you have to contend with in everyday life and the sufferings (and losses) that go with this calling. Obviously, anyone who makes light of such things has been sheltered, spiritually stunted, is ignorant of the spiritual realm and has never had the experience of a demonic encounterand they better hope they never do, because the demonic forces will eat their lunch. And unfortunitely, if that

should happen, there may be no one to really care because they set themselves up for such. There is no greater lesson then a vicious demonic reality check. This is not to say that I would not care even if it is someone who has made a mockery of who I am and what I do. I would care and I would help them, that is my moral obligation and calling. Then again, most people who have this mentality are probably pretty safe in a blind immunity kind of way, because demons can operate better under cover and it is preferable to them that humans do not believe they exist or that they can influence and affect people, that way they get away with the things they want to do. On the other hand, lets just hope that this person never falls under affliction, because they will fail to comprehend the source and to be pulled out of it. Untreated affliction is death folks, devastating death.

Show Me Paranormal St. Robert, Missouri Requirements of a demonologist: (This list was actually created by someone else and adapted by myself for further explanation, but since he hit the key points, I am using it just to save myself some typing) There are a number of requirements for working in demonology. Without all of these you are putting yourself, your loved ones and your co-investigators in grave danger. First and foremost, the religious demonologist must be called to the work by God, not by their own choice. If you want to be a demonologist, and have not been called by God to be one, that is a problem. No rational person wants to interact with pure evil and put their sanity, their physical life, and their soul at risk when they dont have to. People in the work are called into the work and guided to people and situations that train them. Most, if not all, demonologists are in ministry, trained and ordained in ministry. Most are mentored for many years by another deliverance minister or demonologist. Such as I have a spiritual father, Frank, who was my mentor for many years. God is in charge from the beginning to the end. If you want to be a demonologist only because you think it would be cool, because you want to be thrilled, or you think you are going to defeat evil, you will either be corrupted by evil, driven insane, or dead soon enough. Everyone functioning along with a demonologist must also be called to do so. There can be no bystanders or curious onlookers; they are open to being attacked and their presence is a major weakness that will be used against those present. I work with what I call a deliverance team, which is comprised of persons that I know are spiritually strong. They are firm believers in Christ,

they are not easily intimidated or frightened and I know that no matter what happens, they will stand strong and calm and continue to participate in the position I have assigned them. Secondly, all demonolgists need to have the gift of discernment. It would seem strange that God would put this calling on someone if they did not have this specific gift of God, as you have to be able to discern a demon in order to battle a demon. Discernment is the word used to describe a spiritual gift from God that allows a person to detect the presence of demons. Discernment, as well as all gifts from God, is active on an as needed basis only. The gift of Discernment is not the same as the gift of knowledge or the laymans term of being psychic. Psychic sensitivity is connected with feeling the presence of human spirit, or of detecting a persons feelings or intent. Generally the people that have psychic sensitivity do not have discernment. This is seen most often in the trend of psychics claiming demons dont exist because they dont feel their presence. People with psychic sensitivity are generally used to it working all the time and being able to know what is going on in an area. This sometimes leads to a kind of arrogance that if they dont detect it then its not there and no threat to them. This creates a situation where they are very vulnerable to being manipulated by demons. The demons seem to be able to tell what gifts people have. They exist and communicate in the spirit all the time; they can easily communicate any illusion or missinformation to a psychic sensitive without being detected for what they really are. The classic example of this is feeding a false name to a psychic, convincing them that they got the demons name. This is to encourage people to confront or try to expel the demon with this false name, thereby overstepping their bounds. Demons never, ever, give their real name unless under spiritual duress. You must have special supernatural protection and intervention from God in order to survive, remain sane, and be effective in religious demonology. It is not the human person or the priest who drives a demon from a persons home or body. It is not the human will that makes a demon stop throwing objects around the room or causing horrible thoughts and pains in the people there. There is no personal power or authority in humans: all intervention, protection, and authority come from God on a moment-by-moment basis. You might be free from sin and close to God one moment and be covered in sin and vulnerable the next. If you meddle with demonic forces without the special protection that comes from a calling from God, and without living in a way pleasing to God, you will know it from the outcomes of your interactions with the demonic. If you see yourself depressed, isolated, suicidal, homicidal, obsessed with demons, thinking you are powerful or in control of demons, or working for evil, there is a problem.

You must be under legitimate church guidance and authority, at least solidly during your apprenticeship. Along with a legitimate calling from God naturally come the contacts, friends, and guidance from people with decades of experience in the work. It should come as no surprise that you cannot learn how to function as a religious demonologist from any book or web site. Doing so and thinking you have any real knowledge or understanding is folly. You must understand what it means to give your life to God and surrender your physical life to the will of God. Without giving up your life to Gods will, not your will, you will feel fear and intimidation in situations where you might die. This cannot happen as death is a real possibility in this work and that reality cannot be used against you to intimidate you or control you. If you are afraid to die in Gods service, the demons will know and you will be crushed by your fear. You should be of a mature age. It is unhealthy and very dangerous for a developing mind and soul to interact with the demonic realm. Once you cross the line into knowing the reality of demons, you will go through a psychological and spiritual crisis where you must come to terms with your new reality. This can be very challenging for any adult; the young forming mind is generally not equipped to handle this successfully. Better to live a normal happy life when young (this pertains to someone is has the calling) and leave this topic for later in life. The work must be done as an act of charity. You cannot mix any selfish motives into the work: fame, bragging rights, monetary compensation, social power, or other benefits. This must be work for good and for God, not for you in any sense. You are nothing but a vessel that God channels through to help others in the throes of demonic affliction. To do this for selfish reasons puts you in an arena with a supernatural force way beyond your comprehension with little or no protection. When you are a Demonologist you never really quit learning. This field of work requires constant learning, and studying, and there are no experts. The Catholic tradition for Demonology is the most popular because the Catholic Church pretty much established the field. The Catholic Church for example usually requires the person to be either clergy, or to be ordained once they have finished their initial studies into the subject. Some of the Catholic churches require the person studying to become a Religious Demonologist to write an essay type paper (dissertation) to make sure that they understand the field, etc. before being ordained. Other denominations are not as rigid as the Catholic Church, but will agree that you are required to have ministerial training and mentoring for a lengthy amount of time, and be an experienced demonologist before venturing out as your own entity. Ordination comes from God more then it does from man, because this is a calling and anointing by

God, not man; if God annoints you and calls you to something, you better heed such regardless of man. However it is important to also have the blessing of a ministerial alliance in being ordained as you need that training, mentoring and continued support. Now as a afterword, I do not want anyone going from here thinking that every day of our lives we are out here in hand to hand combat rescuing demonically plagued people like super power beings or something. I will be the first to tell you that demonic attacks are rare. Encountering a demonic entity that wants to take you on is rare. One thing that I strongly advise people is to not look for demons around every corner, in fact it is best that one just disregard them for the most part. Greater safety comes in the not acknowledging them or summoning them by giving them undue credit. If you want an encounter with a demon, you will probably get one eventually, so best policy is to just ignore them. Even though demons exist right along side us in this physical realm, for the most part they are not haunting places. That is a rarity in fact. Demons objectives are not to inhabit locations and become the focus of paranormal investigations. There are principalities that inhabit locations to influence masses of people, but other then that demons objectives are to inhabit human individuals in order to physically function in the physical realm. They do not just lie in wait in corners of haunted locations to try to take someone captive, and in fact the affliction of a human and the goal of inhabiting the human is somewhat of a process that extends over time. Yes, there is the possibility of an encounter when you put yourself in a position of meddling in the spiritual realm, there is a reality of stepping into an instantaneous encounter, but that is rare. Most paranormal investigations in haunted locations are only going to involve the dealing with human spirits. There are negative human spirits, do not confuse them with demonic spirits. Humans in death will most likely be the same as they were in life. If you had a negative, nasty personalitied and angry human in life, he most likely be such in death as well. There is a difference, and this is where the gift of discernment does come in handy in paranormal investigations. I encounter many negative human spirits, and they just are what they are. However if a demonic spirit gets within my radar, it becomes a whole different ballgame and experience. It is that awakening of the discernment and there is no mistaking what is in my presence. I can honestly say that in my thirty years of just paranormal investigating, there have only been two true demonic encounters. I have had hundreds of them in my actual ministry, but in just investigating reportedly haunted locations, they have been that rare. The first encounter I just walked away from, because it was an abandoned uninhabitable dwelling that was out in the middle of nowhere when I was just wandering one evening, they exist in this realm and unless they are harming a human there is little one can do about their existence. The other was a client, and the sad thing is, most paranormal investigators (non

demonologist) would have just done a routine investigation and walked away. It was the discernment that immediately awakened and keyed me into the problem, that leading to some in depth questioning of the client of things not voluntarily revealed in the interview. It was an affliction that had literally destroyed their family, that had already taken the life of one family member tragically so, and that any paranormal investigation was not going to cure. Demons try to hide themselves, avoid discovery, this so they can remain in control and finish the job. Therefore, It is very unlikely that even if present, they are going to jump out at you and announce themselves. Your bigger risk is just in the fact that when you meddle in the spiritual realm, you open yourself up to them choosing you for their next victim. Paranormal investigation is somewhat of a open invitation for demonic entities, so I will always state as a demonologist that if you are going to be a paranormal investigator, learn how to protect yourself from such happening. Although rare, you have the door open to them and you just have to be aware of that fact and know how to block them from entering through it. If anyone has any further questions about being a demonologist, I will try to answer them for you. Granted, it is not my favorite topic because I would prefer that people would just recognize that there is nothing exciting or pleasant about this field, and it is not an anointing and calling that anyone would ask to be given. I will trade places any day with the person gifted with a great voice and singing in the choir, if only it were that easy. It is not something that you want to be, believe me. Kristie Show Me Paranormal Demonologist St.Robert, Missouri


Q: What makes you qualified to write on demonology? A: I have a degree in environmental science and an advanced degree in psychology. I've worked for over five years as a therapist and done hundreds of psychological evaluations, many of them for forensic purposes. I've taught psychology at Penn State University and Gettysburg College. My work in demonology is almost entirely within the Catholic Church. My functions include psychological evaluations to help determine if cases are mundane or demonic, assisting at exorcisms, house blessings, performing

deliverance prayers, counseling victims and family members, investigating claims of paranormal activity, and speaking to the public about the dangers of demonology. I am on a committee that put on a conference for clergy and laity involved in spiritual warfare in August of 2007 (see "For Clergy"). I am an auxiliary member of the International Association of Exorcists. My understanding has been examined by experienced members of the association. Please remember that the information I am providing comes from a considerable body of direct experience. I feel most comfortable speaking on issues where I have experienced the Bibles teaching manifested in real life. My purpose in putting qualifications to write on demonology here is not to impress or bring attention to myself, but to encourage you to take this site seriously.

Q: What is a demonologist? A: The term demonology is very vague; it simply means the study of demons. The popular term, demonologist, is simply a person who studies demons. This study of demons is only a small part of what we do, but since it is a popular term please allow me to amend its definition for these questions and answers. I'll define demonologist here as: 'a person who studies and actively opposes demons and their activity'. Functionally a demonologist evaluates people or places that have become entangled with the demonic, and in some cases assist clergy at religious intervention against the demons. In certain cases they may perform the spiritual work to expel a demon from a location or stop an infestation.

Q: What is a Religious Demonologist? A: The title of Religious Demonologist is given by the Catholic Church to specific individuals who complete a dissertation on the topic. I am NOT a religious demonologist as I have not yet gotten this degree.

Q: What is a demon? A: A demon is a fallen Angel that rebelled against God along with Satan,

refusing to be humble before, and serve, God. Their primary sin is pride. A demon is an immortal supernatural entity that hates human beings with a complete and merciless passion. Their only goal for humans is to deceive and corrupt them into turning away from good so that a person dies in a bad state and becomes their eternal slave and victim. Demons deceive by their nature and their first deception is to convince you that there is no such thing as fallen angels. They wish you to doubt this because believing in fallen angels leads to thoughts about angels and God, which they don't want you to believe in.

Q: Do you do exorcisms? A: No, never. I assist at exorcisms, which usually means I hold the possessed person and respond to the prayers in the ritual. A formal exorcism can only be performed by a Priest under instruction of their Bishop. Laity should never, ever, attempt to perform an exorcism. You will not only fail but you will be putting yourself and everyone in the room in grave danger. Deliverance prayers, or praying to God to free a person, can technically be done by any baptized Christian. It is not advisable to use deliverance prayers against the demonic unless you are part of a properly formed and trained team being led by experienced clergy.

Q: If I say a demon's name it will attack me / possess me, right? A: Very likely wrong. There seems to be a common belief that saying a demons name causes an immediate reaction from said demon. There must be two factors in place before a demon attacks a person: an interest on the part of the demon to attack the person and some "rights" to attack them recognized by God (so the demon has permission to attack them from God). If demons attacked every person that said their name how many people a day would be attacked by the devil for saying "Satan", a very commonly used word (Think of the Church Lady skit from Saturday Night Live). Conversely, not saying a demons name does not stop it from attacking a person. This is not supported by what we see in cases: people that are being

attacked and call for help almost never know what is bothering them and very likely have not said it's name.

Q: Knowing or saying a demon's name gives me power over it, right? A: No, only God has power over demons. This belief likely comes from the fact that the Roman Ritual for exorcism involves trying to get a demon's name in order to make the exorcism more effective. The power of an exorcism comes from God, knowing the name has some benefit to the process but is not part of every successful exorcism. People not called to spiritual warfare who know a demons name have no more "power over" that demon than a high school student has power over a professional boxer in the ring just because he knows that boxer's name. Having "power" or "authority" are dangerous ideas because they inflate the ego and lead people to pride about their imagined greatness. This is exactly what the devil wants because then they are likely to overstep their bounds. The devils first sin was pride and it is a great human weakness and therefore he often tricks people into shifting the respect and credit due to God toward mere mortals who have no intrinsic power or authority without Jesus. We do have authority over demons when we invoke the name of Jesus (as taught in scripture) but that is the name of Jesus, not us, that affects the demons and the devil

Q: What about the "law of recognition"? A: This idea comes from the work of Ed Warren, and likely from other sources before him in the history of demonology. I suspect that the problem arises more from the person being curious and wanting the demon to be present, or for "something to happen" when they are saying the name, than merely saying the name. The request in the person's mind that they want something supernatural to happen, that they invite it, is what opens the door. IF a demon were to come in response to a person saying a demon's name it may or may not be that particular demon but will likely be something admitted to their life by their general request for supernatural things to start happening.

Q: I thought Satan and the demons are in hell, right? A: Wrong.

The Book of Revelation is very clear that after the war in heaven Satan and the errant angels were cast down to Earth to roam here and tempt mankind until the final judgment. It seems to be a common assumption or misunderstanding that demons are locked in hell, they are not.

Q: Demons can possess anyone, anytime, right? A: Almost certainly wrong. Demons can scare us and influence our feelings, and sometimes thoughts, for a short time. Possession requires us to explicitly give permission. It is also very important to remember that demons don't move an inch without permission from God, they are not running free. [Addendum: what I mean is that the activity of demons is limited by God, not that he makes them try to destroy humanity. He allows them to go only so far, but not further.]

Q: What about 'X' religion and demons? A: I can't really know the answer to that. I take a Catholic perspective and my experience is with using Catholic prayers, symbols, sacramentals, and rituals against demons. Therefore I cannot ethically speak to whether other religious perspectives work or don't, because I have not witnessed them. I can say that I would not presume God's mercy would necessarily be withheld from those acting in good faith to help another person, no matter the religion they practice.

Q: If my faith is strong I'm safe around demons, right? A: Very likely wrong. Faith is not enough to make you safe and effective in confronting demons. There are specific gifts of God's grace moving through a demonologist that protects them from being driven mad or injured. Other grace comes from God and through the demonologist that drives the enemy back or causes them discomfort. Only people called by God to have direct interactions with evil are equipped with these gifts of protection and efficacy, faith does not make God give these special gifts.

Q: How do I become a demonologist?

A: Why would you want to? Think about what you are expressing a desire to do. Many people in the paranormal community, and in the public, seem to think demonology is "cool" or "exciting" or will make them famous. These reasons fade very quickly for those unlucky enough to actually meet a demon. We get phone calls on a monthly or weekly basis from people, and it's usually the same: "I thought they were not real." or "I thought my personal power or strength would protect me." or "My friend told me to do X and they would be driven away." followed by "how do I get this out of my house?" or "how do I stop these attacks on my family?" or "my life is being ripped apart!" If the people weather their first entanglement with the enemy they usually stay away from that point on. Being a demonologist is a spiritual calling that requires you to live part of your life in a kind of nightmare environment that often follows you home and attacks you personally. It is not fun or cool, at all. We do this because we have to, it's a calling that we answer because it's a moral imperative to do so. We don't choose to be demonologists. There is no way for you to become a demonologist, God makes you a demonologist.

Please read the essay to the right for more on this question. Q: What are some common tricks of the demonic? A: The perspective of the religious demonologists sometime seems conservative or simplistic. This is true to an extent, but the reader must understand that this comes from experience. Here are some of the tricks of the enemy and the conservative stances that result from them. Appearing to be a helpful or needy spirit / ghost / phenomenon / guide. The enemy almost never appears in their true form, they lie and deceive constantly. We know from experience that many cases of demonic oppression and possession start with a "harmless" or "helpful" spirit haunting or interaction. They sometimes start with communications with what seems to be a dearly departed relative or helpful spirit guide, or a pitiful soul that needs your help. If the demons showed up and looked horrible and menacing you would run the other way and right into a Church. They reel you in slowly by offering knowledge, playing on your pity, giving comfort or power. Only when they have a sufficient hold will their true intent (to take you away from God and

destroy you) become clear. This leads demonologists to distrusting "harmless" haunting and spirit communication with "positive" entities. Convincing you that they will give you life / health / power / money / fame / sex / etc. The enemy often takes advantage of weakness or misfortune: they come when you are sick, bankrupt, depressed, or swollen with pride. They offer to fix your problems or elevate you above others. The trick comes later: when you are at your peak they tear it all down so that you suffer the most intensely. The enemy can lift you up, but only so that your fall is harder. This leads demonologists, or those that understand this, to eschew fame, undue attention or power. Tricking you into letting a "spirit" enter your body. The enemy has many tricks for convincing you to let a spirit into your body. Using your body as a tool to "free" or "remove" a spirit or demon from a haunted location is a bad idea. There is always an act of free will involved in letting a demon enter your body; you just might be unaware that it is a demon. Your permission might be given in response to a deception, but the door is opened nonetheless. You should never assume that you can get something out once you let it in. If someone advises you to channel spirits, use your body to transport a spirit, or use your body to remove a spirit from a location you need to say no. We have seen and read many cases of possession that started in these ways. This leads demonologists to be stubbornly against any form of admission of any spirit into the body.

Q: How is free will granted for full possession to take place? A: A person makes a clear choice to say yes, verbally or in their mind, to the demons explicit request to fully possess them, knowing full well what they are giving themselves over to. It is often in exchange for something, like money, sex, power, fame, etc.

Q: Is there any accuracy to phenomenon displayed in the movie 'The Exorcist'?

A: Yes, to an extent. Everything in the movie, except the head turning completely around, has occurred at some time in the history of exorcisms. The movies are often an exaggerated combination of most the disparate things in the history of exorcism all put into one case or situation.

Q: Can demon possession really do the horrible things to the human body I see in movies? A: Certainly, though the damage / wounds usually disappear when the person is freed.

Q: Is a person asking for trouble when they tinker with an Ouija board? A: Yes, in the sense that if the demonic world deems them useful they will use their ignorance of how things work to trick them into relying on "spirits" and "guides" until they are obeying their commands consistently. Often a person tries to cut off the communication / obedience at some point and then the "guide" suddenly turns ugly and punishes them, showing their true colors. Using spirit communication devices such as a Ouija board involves giving permission for an unknown spiritual entity to partly possess your body (by inviting them to use your arm and hand). Once they are in that far why would you assume they will leave peacefully?

Please read the essay to the right on spirit communication for more on this question. Q: What are the requirements for working against demons? A: There are a number of requirements for working in demonology. Without all of these you are putting yourself, your loved ones and your coinvestigators in grave danger. First and foremost, the religious demonologist must be called to the work by God, not by their own choice. If you want to be a demonologist, that is a problem. No rational person wants to interact with pure evil and put their sanity, their physical life, and their soul at risk when they don't have to. People in the work are called into the work and guided to people and situations that train them. God is in charge from the beginning to the end. If you are meddling because you want to be cool, you want to be thrilled, or you are going to defeat evil, you will either be corrupted by evil, driven insane, or dead soon enough.

Everyone functioning along with a demonologist must also be called to do so. There can be no bystanders or curious onlookers; they are open to being attacked and their presence is a major weakness that will be used against those present. You must have special supernatural protection and intervention from God in order to survive, remain sane, and be effective in religious demonology. It is not the human person or the priest who drives a demon from a person's home or body. It is not the human will that makes a demon stop throwing objects around the room or causing horrible thoughts and pains in the people there. There is no personal power or authority in humans: all intervention, protection, and authority come from God on a moment-by-moment basis. You might be free from sin and close to God one moment and be covered in sin and vulnerable the next. If you meddle with demonic forces without the special protection that comes from a calling from God, and without living in a way pleasing to God, you will know it from the outcomes of your interactions with the demonic. If you see yourself depressed, isolated, suicidal, homicidal, obsessed with demons, thinking you are powerful or in control of demons, or working for evil, there is a problem. You must be under legitimate Church guidance and authority. Along with a legitimate calling from God naturally come the contacts, friends, and guidance from people with decades of experience in the work. It should come as no surprise that you cannot learn how to function as a religious demonologist from any book or web site. Doing so and thinking you have any real knowledge or understanding is folly. You must understand what it means to give your life to God and surrender your physical life to the will of God. Without giving up your life to God's will, not your will, you will feel fear and intimidation in situations where you might die. This cannot happen as death is a real possibility in this work and that reality cannot be used against you to intimidate you or control you. If you are afraid to die in God's service, the demons will know -- and you will be crushed by your fear. You should be of a mature age. It is unhealthy for a developing mind and soul to interact with the demonic realm. Once you cross the line into knowing the reality of demons you will go through a psychological and spiritual crisis where you must come to terms with your new reality. This can be very challenging for any adult; the young forming mind is generally not equipped to handle this successfully. Better to live a normal happy life when young and leave this topic for later in life. The work must be done as an act of charity. You cannot mix any selfish motives into the work: fame, bragging rights, monetary compensation, social

power, or other benefits. This must be work for good, for God, not for you in any sense. To do this for selfish reasons puts you in an arena with a supernatural force way beyond your comprehension with little or no protection.

Q: Should I trust information from "the dead"? A: The Bible clearly forbids talking to the dead (necromancy). Why is this? It is very dangerous to attempt communicating with the dead because you have NO IDEA who or what you are communicating with. Many people will say that they get information that convinces them that they are communicating with a dead relative, or a helping Angel, or some other entity that is "good". It is important to remember that demons can sometimes know personal things about you because they watch certain people during some of their lifetime. They can also mimic people very well, sounding just like whomever you want to hear from. In his book, "Interview with an Exorcist", Father Fortea explains that the dead only appear in one way to living humans: as a mute apparition that is asking for prayers. They don't seem to have permission to talk to the living but they do appear and look at us in order to draw attention to the fact that they are not yet with God. It is very tempting to believe people have special powers to hear from the dead, or that some technique or technology like EVPs or others can do this. Generally this is a trick of the enemy to draw people into dependence on such methods to guide their life, as opposed to turning to God in prayer. It is an encouragement to rely on the occult as opposed to trusting in God's care, which is exactly what demons are all about. I don't mean offense to people that believe these things are legitimate; I don't mean this as a personal attack on people that engage in necromancy or the occult.

Q: Can you tell me where the Bible says I shouldn't consult the dead?

A: Sure, here are some references. I understand that these references are more related to mediums than EVP's but the general message seems clear to me. I would prefer to not argue about the interpretation of these verses, I'm providing them because they were asked for. I am not providing these

because I judge other faiths or expect any non-Christian to believe the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:10: Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Isaiah 8:19: When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? Leviticus 19:31: 'Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 20:6: 'I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people. If you are Christian that engages in mediumship, psychic readings, necromancy, etc. you need to seriously ask yourself why you are exempt from God's clear commandments in the Bible. What makes you superior to, or exempt from God's word? If you dismiss these references because they are from the Old Testament and therefore "don't count" then reflect on the following. In the New Testament Jesus states that he will be our judge after death but Moses will be our accusor and will accuse us based on God's law that he wrote down. If you are a Catholic and feel justified in engaging in witchcraft, divination, necromancy, etc. then reflect on the fact that what you are doing goes against the words of Jesus, the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. What makes you exempt from every level of Catholic teaching on this topic?

Q: Should I trust information from demons? A: No, basically never. Demons almost always lie, telling partial truths only when it fits their manipulative agenda. They only tell the full truth under duress, which I will not explain here. Information from demons almost always is designed to make you feel helpless, scared, and powerless. This is part of their plan because if you kept the truth in mind (that they are powerless before Jesus and God) they wouldn't be able to control you so easily.

Q: Can demons be redeemed and go back to God?

A: No, they cannot. This is because they made a free will choice very different than a human free will choice: their choice to turn away from God was made with 100% foresight and knowledge of the consequences. We are not capable of being totally aware of the truth and consequences of our actions, which is partly why there is always mercy for us from Jesus. There is no mercy or redemption for the devil and the demons because they knew exactly what they were committing to.

Q: I can use my psychic sensitivity to find out if demons are present, and their names, right? A: Almost certainly wrong. Discernment is the word used to describe a spiritual gift from God that allows a person to detect the presence of demons. It is my opinion that discernment, as well as all gifts from God, is active on an "as needed" basis only. Psychic sensitivity seems to be connected with feeling the presence of human spirit, or of detecting a person's feelings or intent. Generally the people that have psychic sensitivity do not have discernment. This is seen most often in the trend of psychics claiming demons don't exist because they don't feel their presence. People with psychic sensitivity are generally used to it "working" all the time and being able to know what is "going on" in an area. This sometimes leads to a kind of arrogance that if they don't detect it then it's not there and no threat to them. This creates a situation where they are very vulnerable to being manipulated by demons. They exist and communicate in the spirit all the time; they can easily communicate any illusion or miss-information to a psychic sensitive without being detected for what they really are. The classic example of this is feeding a false name to a psychic, convincing them that they "got" the demons name. This is to encourage people to confront or try to expel the demon with this false name, thereby overstepping their bounds. Demons never, ever, give their real name unless under spiritual duress.

Q: You say that God restricts demons activity, yet they are deadly. How can this be? A: If a person exercises their free will to knowingly confront or try to control a demon without a calling from God, and in God's name, they bear the consequences of that choice.

Please do not copy the material on this site, but link to this site instead. All material Copyright Adam Blai.

Demonology Evil surrounds us, it walks amond us every day. The evil presence that some of us have felt at one time or another is a demon. A demon differs from a ghost or spirit, because a spirit is what remains after the body dies, a demon has never lived on Earth at least has never lived the way we understand living. PSIG would advise not investigating a site where it is possible that a demonic presence is presen because of the danger. Remember the PSIG's first rule of ghost hunting always be safe, if you are investigating a site where you believe a demonic presence to be....don't get in over your head...get in contact with somone qualified to handle the situation. "Ed(Warren), I would never go into homes and confront the enities that you do for any reasons-especally where the demonic are concerned. Once you cross the threshold into the world of darkness, you willl forever be in danger, as well as those whom you love. Like it or not, you will be unique and alone among man. Never forget the diabolical forces you challenge are cleaver, for unlike any mortal, they possess the wisdom and the knowlegdge of the ages." The Demonologist by Gerald Brittle

What is a demonologist?-Someone that study's and catalogs demons. The Study of Demons-A Demonologist studies every kind of recorded demon through history. The demonologist must go threw endless texts and sometimes travel great distances to find literature(mostly relegious material) of human intervention with demons. Cataloging Demons-When you encounter a demon you must know as much about it for the next time you either encounter it or come across it in your texts. Cataloging includes origin, gender, ethnic background, what religion it exists in, what geographical area in the world it mostly exists, sketches. Cataloging is the most important job of a demonlolgist because it differentiates all the demons. Conjuring- A demonologist knows how to bring a demon out, he know's how to speak to the demon. To become an approved demonologist you must be some kind of clergy. As of today there are 7 demonologist, one of them is a layman, Ed Warren.

Demonic posession-A person that has become inhabited or taken over by a demon and who cannot exercise his own will.

Types of Demons: 1) Fire Devil-resides in our upper atmosphere and supervise the other five demons. 2)Aerial Devil- Live in the air, considered the most dangerous. 3) Terrestral Devils- Nature devil they live in the forest. 4) Aqueous Devils-Live in lakes, oceans, rivers, or mother earth. 5) Subterranean Devil- Cave Dwelers 6) Heliophobic Devils- Have a fear of light, they are possibly where the vampire legends came from.

Notes on demonology from "The Black Arts" by Richard Cavendish LORDS OF DARKNESS The grimoires and the demonologists classify the spirits which the magician may attempt to summon up in various different ways. There are spirits of the seven planets and the days of the week, of the hours of night and day, of the zodiac signs, and of the cardinal points, Some of them good, some evil. There are also the elementals. In the 5th century Proclus, divided spirits into 5 groups, 4 of them connected with the elements of fire, air, water, and earth, and a 5th group which lived underground. Psellus, in the 11th century, added a 6th category, lucifugum, or fly the lights. The spirits of air are ferocious and violent. They hate human beings, cause storms, and can make themselves visible bodies out of air. Water spirits, which are cruel, passionate, and deceitful, generally appear in female shape. They wreck ships and drown swimmers. Spirits of earth can live in the woods. Some are friendly to men, but some set traps for them and lead travellers astray. The spirits who live underground are exceptionally malicious. They attack miners and treasure hunters, cause earth wars and eruptions, and lure people below ground to their deaths. The fly the lights, which naturally never appear in the day time, are entirely beyond human understanding or control, and are mysterious, restless, and malignant. They pursue and kill those incautious enough to travel by night.

The grimoires are mainly concerned with much bigger game, the ruling princes of evil, the fallen angles, and the great lords of darkness themselves. An early catalogue of demons appears in the Testament of Solomon which dates from about 100 to 40BC. It describes how an angel from God brought Solomon the magic ring which gave him power over all devils by forcing them to tell him their real names. A later version of the Testament gives a different list of devils including Asmodeus, Astaroth, and Mahmet. Most of their names are of unknown origin. This version set a pattern for the grimoires by giving the character of each demon and the magic symbol which controls it because the demons marker equivalent to its real name. In the grimiorium Verum and the Grand Grimoire, the 3 supreme powers of evil are Lucifer, Beelzebuth and Astaroth. When summoned by the magicina, Lucifer appears as a handsome boy, Beelzebuth as a gigantic fly, and Astaroth as a human figure in black and white.

Demons-courtesy of "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LeVay Abadon(Hebrew)-The destroyer Adramelech-Sumerian devil Ahpunch_Myan devil Ahriman-Mazdean devil Amon-Egyptina ram-headed god of life and reproduction Apollyon-Greek synoyum for Satan, the arch fiend Asmodoeus-Hebrew devil of sensuality and luxury, originally creature of judgment Astaroth-Phoenician goddess of lasciviousness, equivilant of Babylonian Ishtar Azazel(Hebrew)-Taught man to make weapons of war, introducted cosmetics BaalberithCananite Lord of the covenant who was later made a devil Balamm-Hebrew devil of avariece and greed Baphoment-Worshipped by the Templars as symbolic of Satan Bast-Egyptian goddess of pleasure represented by the cat

Beelzebub(Hebrew_-Lord of the flies,taken from symbolism of the scarab Behemoth-Hebrew personification of Satan in the form of an elephant Beherit-Syrian name of Satan Bile-Celtic god of Hell Chemosh-National god of Moabites, later devil Cimeries-rides a black horse rules Africa Coyote-American Indian devil Dagon-Philistine avenging devil of the sea Damballa-Vooodoo serpent god Demogorgon-Greek name of the devil, it is said should not be known to mortals Diabolus(Greek)-Flowing downwards Dracula-Romaan name for the devil Emma O-Japanese ruler of Hell Euronymous-Greek prince of death Fenriz-Son of Loki, depicted as a world Gorgo- Dim. of Demogorogon, Greek name of the devil Haborm-Hebrew synomym for Satan Hecate-Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft Ishtar-Babylonian goddess of fertility Kali(Hindu)-Daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Thuggees Lilith-Hebrew female devil, Adam's first wife Loki-Teutomic devil Mammon-Aramaic god of wealth and profit Mania-Etruscan goddess of Hell Mantus-Estruscan god of Hell Marduk-God of he city of Babylon

Masterma-Hebrew synonym for Satan MelekTaus- Yezidi devil Mephistopheles(Greek)-He who shuns the light Metiztli-Aztec goddess of the night Mectian-Aztec god of death Migard-Son of Loki, depicted as a serpent Milcom-Ammonite devil Moloch-Phoenician and Cananite devil Mormo(Greek)-King of the ghouls, consory of Hecate Naamah-Hebrew female devil of seduction Nergal-Babylonian god of Hades Nihasa-American Indian devil Nija-Polish god of the underworld O-Yama-Japanese name for Satan Pan-Greek god of lust, later relegated to devildom Pluto-Greek god of the underworld Proserpine-Greek Queen of the underworld Pwcca-Welsh name for satan Rimmon-Syrian devil worshipped at Damascus Sabazious-Phrygian orgin, identified with Dionysos, snake worship Saitan-Enochian equalent of Satan Sammael(Hebrew)-Venom of god Samn-Central Asian devil Sekhmet-Egyptian goddess of vengeance Set-Egyptian devil Shatian-Arabic name for Satan Shiva(Hindu)-the destroyer

Supay-Inca god of the underworld T'an-mo-Chinese counterpart to the devil, covetousness desire Tchort-Russian name for Satan, "black god" Tezcatipoca-Aztec god of hell Thamuz-Sumerian god who later was relegated to devildom Thoth-Egyptian god of magic Tundrida-Scandinavian female devil Yaotzin-Aztec god of hell Yen-lo-Wang-Chinese ruler of hell

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