Intended Curriculum

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Stefon Bowman Intended Curriculum EDUC 327

Intended Curriculum
In my field experience classroom, the intended curriculum was a systematic curriculum. This curriculum is evident by the displaying of the commonplaces within systematic curriculums. The systematic curriculum was also shown through the business-minded aspects of the school. With every decision, a desired result was given for the school. With each result a benefit was wanted just how businesses are ran. The teacher and learner commonplaces were the most identifiable common places within my classroom. The teacher commonplace views teachers as frontline workers and views them as workers who do what they are told from higher ranking officials. Despite being labeled as just workers, within the systematic curriculum teachers are vital to the delivery of the curriculum. This commonplace was shown during my field experience when my teacher would always have meetings during his planning period. This period was supposed to be used so that he could prepare materials for later lessons, or even analyze grades and make adjustments in his delivery of future lessons, but my teacher always had to meet with district personnel required by the principal. The meetings consisted of evaluating his performance with his class, setting up plans and actions to help better his classroom management, and setting up plans to help specific students in his class to learn more effectively or develop better behavior. My teacher had no choice in his planning period being taken away from him. The decision was out of his hands and into his superiors. This demonstration exemplified the role that teachers of the systematic curriculum have. Though they have low rankings, teachers are still vital in carrying out the curriculum to the students. Overall, I feel that the teacher commonplace lacks in the importance that it receives in this curriculum. Teachers within this curriculum should have more freedom in decision

Stefon Bowman Intended Curriculum EDUC 327 making so that they can choose ways to help their students instead of being told specific things to do that are not effective. The learner commonplace was another evident commonplace within the curriculum in my field experience classroom. Within the systematic curriculum, learners are viewed as customers. These customers have the power to keep schools in business or out of business. Although they possess power, learners must become effective producers for the economy. This entails that as learners, they must learn effectively and demonstrate what they know through performance. This performance need was observed within my classroom. Students must perform in order for the teacher to be rated well, the school to be rated well, the district to be rated well, and finally the overall state education system to be rated well. Performance is key with all state mandated tests. I observed that my collaborating teacher placed a great emphasis on the end of the year testing that was soon forth coming. I feel that within the learners commonplace, learners have a pressured role since they MUST perform well and become efficient performers.

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