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Tel: 657878 Cell: 01815-501938

Le d B y: SREEPAT I DAS B .C om (Hons) M. C om. (Ac c ounti ng); M. A; DC S, M. Phi l . 1 0 ye a r s E xpe r ie nc e d w i th S outhpoi nt S e ni or & Col l e ge S ec ti on

eMg ivKqv GWyKqvi zj, evox bs-14/1, ivW bs-3, bvwmivev` nvDwRs mvmvBwU, PMvg| MAGNET COACHING CENTRE
Tel: 657878 Cell: 01815-501938

[Std. VI-O/A Level & VIII-HSC, B.B.S-B.A(Pass & Hons), B.B.A]

wbnvi eveyi wews- 3 Zjv (wewUk KvDwji c~e/kwcs Kgci `wY) 25, c~e bvwmivev` , PMvg|
Le d B y: S RE EP A TI DAS B .C om (Hons) M. C om. (A/ c ); M. A. (Fi rst Cl ass); DC S, M. Phi l . Ex - Le c tur e r of Ac c ounti ng for 1 0 ye a r s w i th S outhpoi nt S c hool & Col l e ge Computerized Hand-Notes on English Paragraph - Class X National Memorial

[Std. VI-O/A Level & VIII-HSC, B.Com.- B.A. (Pass & Hons), B.B.A]

Read the paragraph about You Visit To A Zoo in order to write a similar paragraph on the basis of the questions set forth in the question paper. 66. My Visit to A Zoo It was January 10, 2005. I along with some of my friends paid a visit to the Mirpur Zoo. The day was very nice. We reached there just at 3:00 p.m. We bought tickets from the ticket counter and entered inside the Zoo. At first \vc went to the moneys and saw them chattering and jumping from one bar to another. Vie threw some peanuts to them and enjoyed how joyfully they had eaten them. Then we went near to the Royal Bengal Tigers. It was a well-protected area. We saw several of tigers in different iron cages. They seemed to be ferocious and looked at us with their majesty. Next we went near the lions. They were restless and were moving inside the cage with frequent roars that were horrible and frightening. Then we went to see rhinoceros and saw it was moving in muddy water. Our attention was then drawn to the place where there were some beautiful deer. Their big and beautiful eyes attracted me very much. Henceforth, we went to the snakes, crocodiles, zebra and many othei water and land animals. At the end we visited the birds house where v,u icus kinds of birds were kept. It took more than two hours to go round the entire zoo. We left the zoo with a joyful heart gathering some experience and knowledge about some birds and beasts that we visited.
L61 Answer the following questions to tom a continuous paragraph. (100 words) Have you ever visited a zoo? What was your first impression? Give a pen-picture of the animals you visited. What is the educative value of the visit?. A ZOO THAT I VISITED 1 have got an opportunity to visit the Mirpur 7.0o which is the biggest zoo of Bangladesh. It was an unforgettable moment of pain and pleasure seeing the furious beasts and birds in cages. After getting the ticket I entered the zoo and became engaged in finding myself among animals. It seemed to me as it-( were walking in a jungle. I first came across the restless monkey; jumping and giggling all the time. People, particularly children were around their cages. They were giving them peanuts. But I was much impressed seeing the beauty and rnagnifieence of the Royal Bengal Tigers. They were eating fresh-cut flesh, grinning at cach other. Their yellow colour and black stripes were eye-catching. Then I came to the cages of lions. A few of them were asleep at the time. I became sad seeing their captivity and power. Then l reached the glass boxes of snakes. They were of various colours and sizes, licking and hissing. But when I came to the cages of birds ( simply wondered. 1 can'[ express my feelings seeing God's variety fit creating them. I praised from my heart God's skill and craftsmanship with ",Inch He has created them. Visiting zoo has a great educative value. It enriched my knowledge about the animals and birds 1 saw the other day. It has helped me greatly in understanding the food habit, life-styles and characteristics o( different animals.

wbnvi eveyi wews- 3 Zjv (wewUk KvDwji c~e/kwcs Kgci `wY) 25, c~e bvwmivev` , PMvg|
L ed B y: S REE P AT I DA S B. C om (Hons) M. C om. (A/ c ); M. A. (F i rst C l ass); DC S.

[Std. VI-O/A Level & VIII-HSC, B.Com.- B.A. (Pass & Hons), B.B.A]


Tel: 657878 Cell: 01815-501938

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