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Financing project

Science of human body beauty

Workshop provided for the aesthetics and the human body hygiene

Grounding note
The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communication from Bacau appeared in 1969, functioning, initially, as a vocational school. There were a series of structural and functional transformations, all once with its developement: -1970- Postal Educational Group of Telecommunications, Bacau -1971- Postal and Industrial High-School of Telecommunications, Bacau -1974- Postal Educational Group of Telecommunications, Bacau -1984- Industrial High-School, 3, Bacau -1991- Postal and Industrial Educational Group of Telecommunications, Bacau -1992- The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Postal and Industrial Educational Group of Telecommunications, Bacau -2004- The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications, Bacau The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications defines itself through a permanent evolution and its statue as a traditional institution with traditional specific domains of activity (postal activities and telecommunications) has improved, offering up-to-date qualifications: Secondary Education A). Technological High-School 1. technical profile: - technician in Electronics - technician in Telecommunications - operator tehnician in calcullus tehnique technician in electrical devices 2

technician in Automations technician in Telematics 2. accurate sciences profile: - Mathematics - Informatics 3.vocational profile: - technician in commercial and financial activities - technician in postal activities

B). Vocational School: - specialist in Electronics and Automations - crafter in Electronics - specialist in telecommunication networks - electrician in radio-TV apparatusses and equipment - specialist in the hygiene and aesthetics of the human body C). Post Secondary-School Education: - electrician in telecomunication equipment - economic postal operator - secretary, type-writer, red-tapist D). Low attendence Secondary Education - operator tehnician in calcullus thnique - technician in financial and commercial activities The staffing of the Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications includes a number of 80 techers, aut of which 63 proffesors in ordinary and 17 subtitute teachers all of them being qualified. There are 39 comprehensive teachers, 16 engineers, 2 deputy-engineers and 6 foremen-instructors. During the school year of 2004-2005 the staffing saw a great revival as there was a considerable number of young teachers coming, all of them graduates in various domains of activity. It is also worth pointing out the fact that all of our teachers are involved in following the plan of professional development, whose constant objective has been the pemanent improvement (perfectibility): - teachers having the masters degree 1 3

- teachers having the 1st degree - 39 - teachers having the 2nd degree - 9 - teachers having passed the exam of permanent appointment - 7 - methodologists - 12 - comprehensive teachers - 9 - expert teachers - 3 - teachers who imposed themselves as authors of syllabi during the reforming programme 4 - formative national/regional teachers 2 - teachers who attended perfecting courses and post-graduates 12 The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications is presently schooling 1525 students, aged between 14 and 19, attending day courses. But there are also adults who attend evening courses, low attendance courses and post secondary school courses. As we have always been preoccupied with the social and professional situation of our students, even after their graduation, we hold concrete information regarding their achievements and fulfilments. Thus, after the graduates of the year 2004, we are able to assert that out of 318 students, 103 are attending the University and post secondary schools, 125 are already working, 28 left the country, 10 are unemployed and 19 find themselves in other different situations. The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications possesses 39 classrooms, 10 laboratories, one sports hall, a library offering a number of 42.000 volumes, a 300-bed student hostel, a 1500-seat/series refectory and a newly improved sports grouns.The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications portofolio is extremely large, defining our availability and interest in local, regional and international communication, all this for a better, a more valuable development of the school. Our college was selected by the PHARE Project- RO.01.08.01- with the purpose of institutional development through economic and social cohesion of the following component: Tehnical and Vocational Education (T-VET). Therefore, it enjoys a reabilitation programme which has been developed for two adjoining buildings, equipped with classrooms, laboratories and workshops, I.T. equipment and equipment of Electronics and Telecommunications. The programme also allowed the perfectibility of our expert teachers. During the school year of 2004-2005, the reabilitation plan of the adjoining buildings continues, we refer to the improvement of the accomodation conditions as far as the students 4

from other cities are concerned, to the reabilitation of the sports hall as well as of the sports ground ; further more, we refer to the foundation of a multifunctional learning centre instead of a laboratory of Physics, a centre which is meant to ease the new, modern teaching and learning tehniques. We should also mention the installation of a computer network. The first phase of this plan has recently been completed. Having the full support of the Ministry of Education, we managed to set up a multifunctional laboratory (AEL) for the use of all our techers. It implied a series of computer courses to be taken up by our teachers, courses which were organized by the Ministry of Education and the Local Board of Inspectors in Education. Representatives of all departaments were involved thus playing the role of instructors for their fellow teachers. Our school hosted 3 PHARE seminars with the following themes: Student Centred Learning, Vocational Orientation and Elaboration and Use of Learning Materials Children with Special Learning Needs. The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications has applied for getting the European School Certificate.This is another consequnce of our focus on developement availability, perfectibility and performance. We have been preparing and sustaining this activity through professional ability and specific domains of activity. The European School Certificate is to be practically found in the perfection of all aspects regarding the materialization of the forming and informing proces, starting with the syllabi and the educational offers and ending with graduates ability to enter and adjust to the social and professional requirements. The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications possesses 39 class rooms in two buioldings, 10 laboratories, 3 workshops, a 150-seat, series refectory, a 300-bed student hostel, a library offering 42.000 volumes and a newly improved sports hall. The laboratories for the main subjects are provided with different and various equipment and apparatures so as a fruitful, prosper theoretical and practical institruction to be developed. Another project worth mentioning is that which we developed in collaboration with the Betania Christian Association. As a result, our school is proud to have one of the most modern electronics and telecommunications laboratories functioning in the country. The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications in Bacau was the one which initiated two European projects, with the financial support of the European 5

community. The first project is the 3-year Comenius I Educational Project (theme:Living and working in Europe) which schools from Gret Britain, Italy, Greece, Spain and France joined as well; the second ane is the Leornado da Vinci European Project dedicated to young people who find themselves in the incipient phase of vocational formation. Our partner in this project is the A. Ggrinsci Instituto Tehnico Commerciale Statale in Padova, Italy. One of the priorities mentioned in our Acion Plan as a college is to ease the access to vocational and technical education of rural population and of children with special needs. One of the activities which is meant to help us reach this objective is the approval and the consolidation of new qualifications:Specialist in the hygiene and aesthetics of the human body (vocational qualification-level 1), barber, hairdreser, manicurist, chiropodist (vocational qualification-level 2) and hairstylist (vocational qualification-level 3). This qualification comes in our students best interests and is sustained, first of all, by our obedience to the compulsory criteria of the schooling plan. The following are added to it: a). School as opportunity of vocational qualification in the hygiene and aesthetics of the human body. The field of the hygiene and aesthetics of the human body has been, as many other progessions, in great demand after 1990. This, the need of qualified persons on the market has terribly increased in the last few years. And the great number of active financial agents stands to prove it as well as the statistics given by the Local Commitee of Social Partenership. Development in vocational formation. It foresees a development of the vocational sector with 20% until 2010. further more, this qualification has been almost totally ignored by the state schools in Bacau, and more the privilege of private schools. There have been financial agents who have accepted to learning and being trained in their working places. Over 20 financial agentsin Bacau expressed their availability and desire to contribute to students, formation and perfectibility, so as they could become their future employees. Due to the computerised repartition females reprezent the highest percentage of the Primary School graduates. This is one of the main conditions for this qualification to become an opportunity for an adequate formation, corresponding to their options and skills. b). The financial support of our school, which is destined to this qualification obvious in the presence of two laboratories -of Chemistry and Biology- and one professional workshop now being equipped. There are four more laboratoies of Informatics equipped with 60 6

computers (Pentium IV), 6 printers, 3 scanners, computer network, 16kb Internet access, 2 multifunctional and a multimedia projector. c). The presence of specialist teachers. The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications possesses a whole team of experienced specialists teachers who will be able to cope with the vocational courses meant to this qualification. These courses are mostly covered by teachers with double speciality Chemistry and Biology. The technological courses will be run in the laboratories none being equipped and the training courses will be developed by the organizations of our financial agents partnerd. It is well known that children who are not part of the educational system are most likely to develop deliquent behaviour as well as to get involved in illegal migration. One of our priorities in bettering the educational offer by proposing a domain which will appeal mostly to womankind, either rural or urban. As these children are vulnerable to serious moral, ethical and social deviations (misbehaviour), our college will provide them a healthy, well-organised environment, as well as vocational skills and education through various projects. The concrete targets of this priority are: a higher degree of adjustment to educational, professional and social environment, a higher competence, more learning skills and the proffesional success of all our students. Up to the present days, The Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications in Bacau has enjoyed the local and national recognition of its students learning skills. There is a great number of diplomas to support this, which have been obtained by our students in contests and olympiads. We can mention the contests and olympiads in comprehensive knowledge as well as those in technical knowledge (Stefan Procopiu Contest). Our students belong to different social environments and, in spite of the limitted financial means of some of them, their determination and ambition have helped them overstep these boundaries. Therefore, our college is proud to encounter some of the best results in over 35 years of activity. The necessity of a new qualification (hygiene and aesthetics of the human body) and a proper laboratory came as a result of at least two dimensions of our activity: 1- necesity of variety, of adjustment to the new changing requirements on the job market, of modernization of learning; 7

2- close analysis of the relation between the external environment (society, the job market) and internal environment (circumstances in which our college develops its activity). The beneficiaries of this project are the 30 students for the first year and the training teachers. As long as these are direct beneficiares, the indirect beneficiary will be the entire local community which will be offered high-quality services by our graduates. We should mention that, besides the professors in ordinary who will run the theoretical courses, the lab activities and the training ones will be performed by specialists in hygiene and aesthetics of the human body. We will definitely sign down our partnership. Location of the lab of aesthetics and hygiene is inside the college building. It has been already involved in a reabilitation and modernization programme. Considering this, the staffing, the managers and the project team are determinated to focus on a proper comprehensive and specialised education using the most efficient and modern teaching and evaluation methods. The project is supposed to help us reach the objectives in the Action Plan of the Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Technical College of Communications.

The Purpose of the Project

The fundamental purpose of this project is the efficient adaptation of the Nicolae Vasilescu Karpen Technical Collage of Comunications Bacau to the European standards through integrating the new educational requirements of the Education and Research Ministry into the organization and functioning of the collage according to the economic and social requirement of the resident area which it serves. (Northern Eastern area of the country).

Objectives of the Project General Objective 1: The growth of the welfare of the local community of the Bacu county through specializing the graduates of the Arts and Vocational School in the field of aesthetics and hygiene of the human body. Specific objective 1.1: The implementation of the level of the educational offer of The Nicolae Vasilescu Karpen technical Collage and Comunications from Bacau of the specialization in aesthetics an hygene of the human body. Specific objective 1.2: The formation and consolidation among the students folowing this specialization of aestethics and hygene of the human body of pozitive values according to those promoted by the democratic society. Specific objective 1.3: The assuring of all the students folowing the specialization in aesthetics and hygene of the human body with specialized informational knowladge. Specific objective 1.4: The forming and practicing by the students following the specialization aesthetics and hygene of the human body of the professional compentences required by this specialization in the laboratory of aesthetics and hygene of the human body. Specific objective 1.5: Getting profit of the acquired professional compentences of the students of the Nicolae Vasilescu Karpen Technical Collage Bacau in the aesthetics and hygene of the human body laboratory durring the activities organized in differnet beauty centes from the town and county. General objective 2: Making the students of the community less vulnerable to pre-delicvent and delicvent behaviour, under-age work exploitation and illegal emigration. Specific objective 2.1: Developing among the students the team-work spirit of collaboration and tolleration during the theoretical and practical classes; Specific objective 2.2: Developing the self-cousciouness of proffesional values through practicing the specialized abilities in the school laboratories (the aesthetics and hygene oh the human body and beauty labs) ; Specific objective 2.3 facilitating the students integration of the final classes into the working-market through partnership and collaboration agreements school. with different economic companies aiming to employ them after graduating the


A1-Going over the necessary stages to obtain the approval of the new specialization.specialist/expert in the aesthetics and the hygiene of the human body. A2.The setting up and the working teams to make the new speciality functional: specialist in the aesthetics and hygiene of the human body A3.-Disseminating & drawing attention to the new specialization specialist in the aesthetics and the hygiene of the human body in our college educational offer among elementary school graduates. A.4. Informing, negotiating and making work contracts with the staff of the college and collaboration contracts with specialized economic companies, according to the Frame-Plan of the profile on worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body. A.5. Creating and providing with equipment a laboratory of aesthetics and human body hygiene as a necessary basis for the technological courses. (95 classes/year) within the school schedule, according the Frame-Plan of the profile worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body. A.6. The using by the students of the existent equipment from the aesthetics and human

laboratory during the technological classes as a necessary within the curriculum of the specialization of worker in aesthetics and human body hygiene. A.7. The acquiring of professional competences and key abilities by the students during the

classes included in the curriculum according to the profile of: worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body. A.8. The searching, achieving of partnership contracts with local economin companies in

the field of services - aesthetics and body care for the training classes (408 classes / year) withing the economic companies. A.9. The facilitating of the employment contracts between the qualified graduates of the

worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body profile and different local economic companies.


Details regarding the activities generated by the application of the project

A1-Going over the necessary stages to obtain the approval of the new specialization.specialist/expert in the aesthetics and the hygiene of the human body. -identifying the characteristics of the economic and the social environment of Bacau in the data basis offered by the PRAI & the PLAI statistics. -realizing an internal report regarding the existing conditions (the legal conditions, the material basis, the informational basis, the specialized personnel) & the opportunities of adjusting the educational offer of the college to the social & the economic demands of the region. defining a common vision within the managerial team concerning the educational offer of the college which should be in accordance with the new demands of the Ministry of Education. elaborating a pounding note regarding the setting up of the professional qualification specialist in the aesthetics the hygiene of the human body, Vocational School at The N.V Karpen Technical College of Communications to be handed in for approval by the Ministry of Educational within the 2005-2006 educational programme. -receiving the Ministry of Educations official confirmation of approval regarding the setting up of the professional qualification of specialist in the aesthetics and the hygiene of the human body Vocational School The persons in charge : the managerial team Time limit : April 2005

A2.The setting up and the working teams to make the new speciality functional : specialist in the aesthetics and hygiene of the human body -establishing and assigning the responsibilities to the working team (coordinator, members) responsable with the pounding of the new speciality in the sense of ensuring the number of students to apply for it. establishing & assigning the new responsabilities to the working team (coordinator, members) responsable whit the founding of the new speciality ensuring the qualified personnnel. in the sense of


establishing & assigning responsabilities to the working team ( coordinator, members ) responsable with the founding of the new speciality in the sense of ensuring the qualified personnel.

establishing & assigning responsabilities to the working team (coordinator, members) responsible with the founding of the new specialization in the sense of ensuring the number of classes necessary for practical instruction from the Outline plan/ Lay out plan (by signing collaboration contracts with the commercial agents from the service domain aesthetics & body care)

establishing & assigning responsabilities to the working team ( coordinator members ) responsable with the pounding of the new specialization in the sense of ensuring the number of lab-classes from the Lay-out plan / by creating and equipping a beauty cabinet for body care within the college.

The persons in charge : the managerial team, the project team. Time limit March 2006.

A3.-Disseminating & drawing attention to the new specialization specialist in the aesthetics and the hygiene of the human body in our college educational offer among elementary school graduates. Informing all the elementary schools in Bacau on the existence of such a specialization ( an official commission of delegates to inform the schools on the specialization ) realizing and distributing informative leaflets with the new specialization (including information about the education of the students , the subjects taught the form of the practical classes, the professional qualification, the collaboration with the economic agents, the living opportunities) organized activities to inform & draw attention to the new specialization ( under the name of the Open Gates Week ) in which the future 8th grade graduates will visit the college and meet the future teachers. The persons in charge : the project team , the educational councellor Time limit May 2006

A.4. Informing, negotiating and making work contracts with the staff of the college and collaboration contracts with specialized economic companies, according to the Frame-Plan of the profile on worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body. 13

the informing, negotiating and making of contracts with the school staff enabled to teach the profile subjects from the curriculum of the specialization worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body.

searching, making of contracts, informing, negotiating with collaborators in the profile within the companies to teach the profile subjects of the curriculum for the specialization as worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body.

A.5. Creating and providing with equipment a laboratory of aesthetics and human body hygiene as a necessary basis for the technological courses. (95 classes/year) within the school schedule, according the Frame-Plan of the profile worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body. the achieving of am analytical report regarding the present conditions and the technical basis (related to the new vocational qualification) the achieving of an analysis on the technical needs in the field of aesthetics and hygiene of the human body based on the discussions with different economic companies in the field. the making of a report about the adequate technical needs of an aesthetics and human hygiene laboratory within the school, to represent the material and technical bases necessary for developing professional competences among the people who benefit from this specialization. the choosing of three offers optimal from the point of view of quality and price regarding the adequate necessary technical material of a laboratory of aesthetics and human body hygiene of the human body within the school. the negotiating and making of contracts with technical equipment and cosmetics providers. the dealing, delivering and transport of equipment instruments and body care products according th the dead lines settled within the contracts with the supplying companies. the designing and providing of the place for the technological classes, the assembling implementing and testing the technical bases of the aesthetics and human body hygiene laboratory. the taking of periodical testing activities and the monitoring of the functioning of the laboratory at the settled parameters. 14

1. CONTACTS: the project team, management team, economic partners. 2. DEAD LINE: December 2005 A6. The using by the students of the existent equipment from the aesthetics and human laboratory during the technological classes as a necessary within the curriculum of the specialization of worker in aesthetics and human body hygiene. organizing practical activities regarding the correct handling of instruments and apparatuses\devices from the beauty care field, in accordance with the functioning rules and the protection rules. organizing practical demonstrations regarding the choice of tools and their correct handling as well as of the maneouvring of the body care apparatuses, taking into consideration the type of service provided (hairdressing\styling; manicure; pedicure). organizing applied \applicative demonstrations regarding the choice and the correct handling of tools and of the body care apparatuses taking into consideration the clients features (the type of hair, the type of complexion, the type of nails) organizing applicative demonstrations\exercises regarding the maintenance and the hygiene of the tools and of the body care apparatuses. organizing applicative exercises regarding the use of the body care products and materials, in accordance with the instructions described in the prospectusses(the dose, the time, the use). organizing applicative classes regarding the selection and the correct use of the products and of the materials from the body care domain\field in accordance with the type of intervention (the capillary massage, facial massage, washing and hair treatment, scalp treatment, shaving, hair cutting\styling, manicure, pedicure, hand and foot treatments) organizing practical activities regarding the selection and the correct use of the body care products and materials in accordance with the clients features (the type of hair, the type of complexion, the condition of the scalp , the type of nails) The persons in charge: teachers and specialists, the target group. Time limit: 6 months since the approval of the project


A7 The acquiring of professional competences and key abilities by the students during the classes included in the curriculum according to the profile of: worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body. analysing the aesthetics and body care syllabi\school programs and choosing the specific curricular auxiliaries efficiently carrying on the classes as it follows: resources for aesthetics and body care sources(16 classes per year) II shaving, facial and capillary procedures(18 classes per year) III The Anatomy, Physiology and the Hygiene of the human body IV introducing Pathology (32 classes per year) of the the First Module I the Second Module the Third Module (32 classes per year) the Fourth Module formative and summative evaluation through tests and evaluation exams specialized knowledge and of the key-abilities. The persons in charge-the students and the formative team. Time limit : 2005-2006 school year.

A8 The searching, achieving of partnership contracts with local economin companies in the field of services - aesthetics and body care for the training classes (408 classes / year) withing the economic companies. forming the team to analyze the dynamics of the workforce market for services searching the market for possible partners among the economic agents to eusure the practical classes. establishing contacts with the eventual partners and collaborators and negotiating the contractual conditions for the future practical activity. signing partnership contracts with the economic agents interested in a collaboration regarding Saloon ) the practical courses (108 classes per year) at the economic agents in partnership The Persons in charge the managerial team, the project team. Time Limit: December 2005 the students practical instruction (Floarea de Colt Beauty Saloon ; Casa Verde Beauty Saloon ; Artemis Beauty Saloon ; Lady Style Beauty


A9 The facilitating of the employment contracts between the qualified graduates of the worker in aesthetics and hygiene of the human body profile and different local economic companies. maintaining the contacts established between the CTC and its economic partners by evaluating the activites periodically . organizing educational and professional oriented activities in which to stress the importance of forming professional organizations approved by superior forms. evaluating the activities and the relations between the economic agents in partnership and the students beneficiary of the project. supervising the hiring contracts between the graduates with the specialization specialist in the aesthetics and the hygiene of the human body with different levels of specializations and the economic agents in partnership: 1. Specialist in the aesthetics and the hygiene of the human body - after graduating the first module - first level qualification (after 2 years) 2. Barber, hairdresser, manicurist, pedicurist - after graduating the second module the second level qualification (after 4 years) 3. Stylist - after graduating the third module(2+2+1) the third level qualification . The Persons in charge the managerial team, the project team.


COMPETECE UNITS NR. THE TITLE OF THE COMPETENCES CRT UNIT OF COMPETENCE ORGANIZING THE 1. Arrange the work. HAIRCUTTING2. Provide for the necessary supplies: products 1. HAIRDRESSINGmaterials, lingerie MANICURE-CHIROPODY 3. Maintain a pleasant environment at the SALOON workplace 1. Analyze the opportunities of initiating ones own business INITIATING ONES OWN 2. 2. Apply the legislation in force concerning BUSINESS initiating a business 3. Draw up the business plan 1. Analyze those characteristics of the client that determine the shape and the technique of the ADJUST THE WORK work ACORDING TO THE 3. 2. Choose the shape and the technique of the CHARACTERISTICS OF work according to the characteristics of the client THE CLIENT 3. Advice your client on the shape and technique of the work he/she should choose 1. Schedule the clients 4. CLIENT RELATIONS 2. Maintain good relations with the clients 3. Deal with the complaints AESTHETICS AND 1. Realize fantasy manicure 5. CARE IN MANICURE 2. Coat the nails AND CHIROPODY 3. Apply artificial nails 1. Realize moustache works AESTHETICS AND 6. 2. Realize beard works CARE IN HAIRCUTTING 3. Realize modern haircuts 1. Perform setting the hair HAIRDRESSING BASED 2. Perform the permanent wave 7. ON WAVING 3. Create hairstyles based on waving 4 Create hairstyles with additional elements 8. HAIR BLEACHING 1. Analyze the factors that influence bleaching

2. Describe the bleaching types 3. Perform the bleaching


Necessary equipment
Equipment Hair dryer and chair Adjustable chair Washing unit Cabinet with drawers Hairdressing stool Ultraviolet sterilizer Quartz sterilizer Hairdressing work unit with mirror Hairdryer TOTAL Units number 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 4
2120 1472 220 5414 724 172 3861 100 120 106 130 -

Top Line
1120 960 970 720 360

Beauty Line
840 1000 360 1140 276

516 604 779 500 436

140 6610

Accessories 1) Wave rods 2) Scissors 3) Razor 4) Electric razor 5) Combs 6) Protection ear-lids 7) Scalp protection 8) Brushes 9) Clips 10) Boils 11) Curling iron Total Units number 10 kits 7 1 1 6 1 1 10 4 3 1 Top Line 90 329 29 3 8 0.4 9 55 25 3.5 13.5

Beauty Line 120 238 28 3 9 0.3 8 50 30 3 14


Contrast 64.5 336 35.5 2.1 6.35 0.4 10 44.7 27.3 2.35 15


Products 1) Dying hair-cream 2) Colouring shampoo 3) Oxydants 4) Shampoos 5) Hair conditioner 6) Hair treatment 7) Permanent curling solution 8) Bleaching powder 9) Treatment against hair-loss 10) Styling spray 11) Styling mousse 12) Styling gel 13) Styling wax 14) Fluid crystal reconditioners 15) Plastic foils 16) Protection plastic collor 17) Single use-gloves 18) Single use-pad 19) Londa Logo-pad 20) Londa Logo-towel 21) Alluminium foils 22) Plastic hood for permanent curling 23) Plastic for locks 24) Shampoo doser Total Total Top Line 180 30 50 55 45 48 29 21 68 40 18 32 9 28 0.6 12 7 14 11 5 17 2 6 4

Londa 250 30 45 58 47 50 30 20 77 45 16 29 6 30 0.7 11.2 8.2 16 12.3 4.5 19 2.3 5 4.8


Contrast 350 27 60 62. 8 32.1 47.5 27 19 70 42.5 15.8 26.7 5.4 29.2 0.5 11 9 15.4 15 4 20 4 7 5





Barbers (haircutting)
Necessary equipment
Equipment 1. Adjustable chair 2. Ultraviolet sterilizer Quartz sterilizer 3. Cabinet with drawers 4. Work unit with mirror 5. Glass shelf 6. Washing unit TOTAL Units number 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 Top Line

Beauty System


100 120
720 2120 76

106 1140
704 72

130 420 1980 64




Accessories 1. Razor 2. Scissors(set) 3. Electric razor 4. Electric razor for hair cutting 5. Combs set 6. Bowls Total Total Units number 4 4 4 4 4 4
260 28 12 1328 720 32 16 1908 604 25.4 9.4 1523.2

Top line
112 900 16

128 1000 12

120 756 8.4





Necesarry equipment
Equipment Manicuring table Adjustable manicuring chair Cabinet with drawers Manicuring stool TOTAL Units number 4 4 4 4 Top Line
1120 360 720 360 2560

Beauty Line
760 276 1140 276 2452

920 436 420 436 2212

Accessories 1. Manicure table lamp 2. Big spare lamp 3. Nail files:- in line -stainless -steel+abrasive -folding 4. Hand nail clippers 5. Manicuring cushion 6. Towel prop-bowl 7. Nail file display 8. Manicuring tray 9. Manicuring tissues 10. Nail mini-tissues 11. Manicuring sponge drier 12. Extralegere pinces Total Peggy Sage 59 9,50 3,70 12 2,85 40 9,30 35,50 15,40 45,25 15,20 4,80 1,85 40

Beauty Line 62 11,50 5 11 4,22 48 8,70 37,50 16,20 48,25 17,36 5 2 42


Contrast 55 7,20 2,50 14 3,50 42 10,20 32,50 14,60 44,30 16,50 4,20 1,60 39

Accessories 1. Nail polish 2. Acetone remover 3. Acetone-free remover 4. Nail care stick 5. Nail polish paste 6. French manicure and nail car kit Peggy Sage 54 18.80 17.80 5.90 8.50 29.50 23 Beauty Line 50 20 19 6 8 30 Contrast 49 21 18 7 9 28

7. Nail polish phials set 8. Nail care kit 9. French kit and treatments 10. French manicure kit 11. Manicure bowl 12. Manicure file 13. Manicure file 14. Hand and nail care cream 15. Protective lacquer 16. White pencil for nails Total Total

23 43.10 28.55 13.50 12.70 2.5 8 4.78 4.15 3.10


25 42 32 15.50 14.20 5 9 5.20 6 4


24 41 27.90 12 15 3.5 8 6 5.20 4.20






Necessary equipment
Equipment Pedicuring unit -pedicure chair with foothold and basin Pedicuring stool Cabinet with drawers Ultraviolet sterilizer Quartz sterilizer TOTAL Units number 4 Top Line




4 4 1 1




720 100 120 2300

1140 106 2342

420 130 2182

Accessories 1. Toenail clippers 2. Narrow cuticle clippers 3. Toenail clippers 4. Toenail scissors 5. Toenail scissors Envie 6. Toenail cattery cors + lame 7. Extralegere tweezers 8. Stainless-steel file + abrasive 9. 10 spare stainlesssteel abrasive files Total Total Peggy Sage 25 20 35 8 8 6 40 12 5.60 159.60 2459.6 Beauty Line 27 22 32 9 10 7 38 11 4.40

Contrast 24 19 29 7 7 5 42 14 5.70




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