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Public Disclosure Authorized

Socialist Republic of Vietnam World Bank

Public Disclosure Authorized


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E1 295
VOL. 5


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Public Disclosure Authorized

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MAY 2006 Submitted by:

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THE Louis Berger Group, INC.


Public Disclosure Authorized

JV with Nippon Koei CO., LTD




(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project

4 Table of Contents 4 INTRODUCTION ............................................................... I Assessment ................................................................. 4 Purpose of the Summary Environrn.ntal 1.2 4 Background ................................................................. 1.3 4....................4 Objectives ................................................................. 1.4 Schedule ........... & Implementation Proposed Project Components, Preparation 2 .................... 4 Drainage and Wastewater Collection ..................... Component 1 - Flood Control, 2.1 8 (WWTPs) .............................................................. 8 Component 2 - Wastewater Treatment Plants 2.2 (SWM) ................................................................ Component 3 - Solid Waste Management 2.3 ................. 11 . Resettlement ............................................ Component 4 11 2.4 Program ....................................................... Component 5 - Household and Public Sanitation 11 2.5 Implementation ................................................. Component 6 - Capacity Building and Project 11 2.6 Scheduling ............................................................... 2.7 and EA ..................................................... 12 Project Framework for Environmental Management 3 ................ 12 and Standards ................................... 12 Government of Vietnam Environmental Laws 3.2 in the EA ............................................................... 13 World Bank Safeguard Policies Addressed 3.3 Stakeholder Consultation ................................................................ 13 3.4 13 BASELINE CONDITIONS ................................................................ 4 Summary of Baseline Conditions ............................................................... 14 4.1 Nha Trang Existing Conditions ............................................................... 20 4.2 Quy Nhon Existing Conditions ............................................................... 21 4.3 23 Dong Hoi Existing Conditions ............................................................... 4.4 Potential Impacts and Mitigation ............................................................... 23 5 Impacts ............................................................ Summary of Predicted Phase 1 Environmental 5.2 ..................... 23 ................... Wastewater Collection Component 1: Flood Control, Drainage and 5.3 ............................ 25 Treatment Plants ................................... Component 2: Wastewater 2.............................. 25 5.4 .... Component 3: Solid Waste Management 28 5.5 Component 4: Resettlement ................................. 28 5.6 Program ........................................................ 28 Component 5: Household and Public Sanitation 5.7 Implementation .................................................. Component 6: Capacity Building and Project 28 5.8 29 Review of Applicable Safeguard Policies............................................................... 5.9 ALTERNATIVES ................................................................ 29 6 The "Without Project" Alternative ................................................................ 6.2 ........................ 29 2 ........................................ Alternatives Related to Components 1 and 30 6.3 Component 3: Solid Waste Management ............................................. 30 Alternatives Related to 6.4 ................................................................ Alternatives Related to Component 4: Resettlement PHASE 1................................................ 31 6.5 MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) FOR ENVIRONMENTAL 7 ........................ 31 ........................................ Mitigation Measures During Detailed Design 31 7.2 Mitigation Measures During Construction ............................................................... 31 7.3 Mitigation Measures During Operation ............................................................... 33 7.4 Environmental Monitoring and Reporting ................................................................ 8 System .................................................. 34 Project Organization for Environmental Management 34 8.2 Capacity Development and Training ............................................................... 36 8.3 Public Consultation and Disclosure ................................................................ 8.4 impacts ...................................................... 36 phase 2 sub-projects and potential environmental 36 9 ................................................................ Description of CCESP Phase 2 Activities 36 9.1 Issues to be Addressed in EA .......................... Summary of Phase 2 Impacts and Safeguard 39 9.2 Proposed Process for Phase 2 EA ............................................................... 44 9.3 Public Consultations ............................................................... 44 9.4 Public Disclosure ............................................................... 44 9.5 PROPOSED BUDGETS ................................................................ 10

L p~Smmr Environen5t Assessment

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

m3 | *

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project City People's Committee Department of Natural Resources and Environment Dong Hoi Urban Development Project Ministry of Construction Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Non Governmental Organization Project Management Unit Provincial People's Committee Project Preparation Unit Provincial Women's Union Urban Environment Company Urban Works Company Water Supply and Sewerage Consultant Company The World Bank Water supply and sewerage company

Environmental Assessment Environmental Management Plan Feasibility Study Government of Vietnam Households Project Implementation Plan Pre Feasibility Study Resettlement Action Plan Terms of Reference Waste water treatment plant United States Dollar Vietnamese Dong Most probable number Milligram Meters Kilometers Liter
cubic meters

T kg ha

Ton Kilogram Hectare



Environment Assessment

i i I

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

Combined Sewers

GLOSSARY wastewater which in Pipes, drains or culverts that carry both rain water and they carry a highly dry weather only carry wastewater. During heavy rain, diluted mixture of rain water and wastewater. and/or A site used to dispose of solid waste without any management environmental controls. research facilities and Includes all waste generated by healthcare institutions, laboratories. environment used Thermal processing or combustion of waste in a controlled primarily for volume reduction. sewer systems to Interceptor sewers are used in conjunction with combined or the ocean 'where intercept wastewater prior to discharge into lakes, rivers sewers transfer all it would cause pollution.) In dry weather, interceptor the highly diluted wastewater from combined sewer systems. In wet weather, wastewater discharges to the lakes, etc. waste and typically Contaminated water which has percolated through contains dissolved or suspended solids and/or liquids. waste to land in a Properly sited, designed and operated method of disposing manner that protects the environment and public health. that are not interSeparate systems of sewers have two different pipes connected; one for rain water and a separate one for wastewater. be periodically Sludge that accumulates within septic tanks and must removed for disposal. push carts is Facility at which waste collected by small vehicles and to treatment / disposal transferred to larger vehicles for economical haulage facilities. to reduce the amount of Facility at which wastewater is collected and treated pollutants in wastewater.


Healthcare Waste | Incineration Interceptor Sewers

Leachate Sanitary Landfill Separate Sewers

Septage Transfer Station

Waste Water Treatment Plant

l l l I l . l
Summary Environment Assessmentil



Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

INTRODUCTION 1.2 Purpose of the Summary Environmental Assessment Assessments (EAs) of the Coastal Cities This document provides a summary of the Environmental in three Vietnamese coastal cities: Nha Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP), Phase 1 activities CCESP proposes to undertake up to six city, Trang, Quy Nhon and Dong Hoi (Figure 1-1). In each in each referred to as "Components". The sum of activities with the environmental sanitation improvement activities devised in accordance Sub-Projects have been city is referred to as a "Sub-Project". Activities in all detailed in Item 2 Study (FS) and other preparatory analyses and are recommendations of a Feasibility Management (Item 3), the for Environmental below. The Summary EA also presents the Project Framework Item 5 assesses the potential environmental affected areas (Item 4). Baseline Conditions in the potentially mitigation and monitoring measures to address those impacts of the proposed activities and recommends Management Plan (EMP), recommendations that cannot be avoided. Alternatives, a Phase 1 Environmental of potential Phase 2 Sub-Projects, and the for Environmental Monitoring and Reporting, an assessment and 10, respectively. The Summary EA and supporting Proposed Budgets are presented in Items 6, 7, 8, 9 of both the Government of Vietnam (GoV) Sub-Project EAs have been prepared to meet the requirements In addition to the socio-economic impacts process. and the World Bank as part of the project preparation of the proposed Phase 1 activities are separately aspects addressed herein, the potential resettlement assessed in an accompanying Resettlement Plan.

Background 1.3 sanitation and drainage components of its urban Consistent with the GoV's strategy of developing the builds on recent and on-going projects of the Bank's infrastructure during the period of 2001-2010, CCESP Three Cities Sanitation Project (Loan No. 3211urban sector portfolio in Vietnam, including the on-going Project and Urban Upgrading Project, among VN) and previously completed Ho Chi Minh City Sanitationtourism potential in which the World Bank has high others. CCESP addresses smaller coastal cities with cities of Nha Trang (Khanh environmental sanitation. The GoV selected the three been invited to invest in Dong Hoi (Quang Binh Province) to participate in the Hoa Province), Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh Province) and than average rates of population growth and proposed CCESP because they are experiencing higher sanitation investments that are beyond the economic development, and present a need for environmental to address in the near future. present resources of the national and local governments 1.4 Objectives objectives of the CCESP are to: Within the targeted cities, the primary environmental sanitation

I 3 3

Reduce the incidence of flooding; treatment system and facilities: . Construct new wastewater collection, pumping and of solid waste; . Improve the collection and ensuring the safe disposal Establish new and better designed landfill sites in each of the three cities to sustain the Strengthen the capacity of the urban environmental companies . improvements made. public health, especially for poor residents, Meeting these objectives is expected to result in improved of sanitation infrastructure. Based on the reversed environmental degradation and improved functioningexpected to contribute significantly to more are experienced gained from previous projects, these results conditions supportive of continued economic growth, particularly sustainable urban environmental sanitation from coastal tourism.







SCHEDULE consist of the following six components. Each is To meet these project objectives, the CCESP will activities in each city. described first in programmatic terms, followed by specific Collection Component 1 - Flood Control, Drainage and Wastewater building new and rehabilitating existing 2.1 the collection of sewage by CCESP Component 1 will improve and eventually transporting the wastes to new sewers, intercepting existing combined drains and sewers, however, are defined as Component 2 and 'will not be wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The WWTPs, Existing drains will be rehabilitated and new drains built until Phase 2 as will be described below. of existing flood retention ponds will be enhanced. constructed where regular flooding occurs. The capacity greatest extent possible in the central urban core the Existing combined sewer system will be utilized to up flows that currently densities. Interceptor sewers will be constructed to pick areas with high population or into rivers. In newly developing areas separate or discharge at a number of locations along the sea front
4 Summary Environment Assessment



(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project

on assessments of cost effectiveness. Specific combined systems will be constructed, depending Component 1 activities in each city are as follows. Cities Figure 2-1 General Locations of CCESP Sub-Project






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Summary EnvironmentAssessment)

Summary Environment Assessment

Project (CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation



related kilometers of the existing drainage and undertake are: receiving water bodies. The recipient water bodies made in the 1 with the Cai River. Improvements will be 1 on the A 1.7-km open channel connecting Canal northern part of the city (indicated as Canal catchment area drained by a canal in the into a 1.7-km drains and will continue to discharge accompanying map, Figure 2-1). Canal 1 currently conditions Details of existing land uses and other baseline open channel connecting with the Cai River. CCESP-Phase 1, as in the Outlet 1 catchment area are provided in Item 4. To improve drainage currently structured, will: Dredge the existing 1.7-kilometer open channel; of households to the collection system to occur in Provide for (but not complete) future connections will in Phase 2. Connections to the collection system coordination with the development of a WWTP water quality conditions in the open channel which not be made as part of Phase 1 due to adverse the rationale for disallowing early connections are and would be exacerbated by doing so. Details summary of impacts, mitigation and alternatives; measures, pending the the provided in following from Canal 1 as interim - Provide "end of the pipe" treatment of discharge in Phase 2; WWTP establishment of a full collection system and tanks of all area until Phase 2, at which timie the septic - Retain all septic tanks in the catchment upon the completion of the will be abandoned households connected to the collection system connections; factories being discharged from the seafood processing - Encourage treatment of waste currently and within the catchment area of the open channel; activities as detailed hereinafter. - Undertake monitoring bank of the near the Thong Nhat Cooperative on the north a Cai River. Drainage in the Son Thuy area to the Cai River near the Tran Phu Bridge via the outlet Cai River will be improved and discharged 1, as currently structured, will: designated as Outlet 4. Within this area CCESP-Phase Rehabilitate/enhance the existing drainage system; collection system to occur in coordination with to the Provide for future connections of households system will not be made as WWTP in Phase 2. Connections to the collection Cai River which would be the development of a conditions in the part of Phase 1 due to adverse water quality of exacerbated by doing so; as interim measures, pending the establishment - Provide "end of the pipe" treatment of discharge to a full collection system and WWTP in Phase 2; time the septic tanks of all households connected - Retain all septic tanks until Phase 2, at whichthe completion of the connections; and the collection system will be abandoned upon hereinafter. - Undertake monitoring activities as detailed from Outlet 1 4, the Cai River will also receive discharges as will be In addition to the direct discharge from Outlet Cumulative impacts have been considered via the open channel discussed above. Item 5. addressed in the description of potential impacts, 2 Canal) along be made to a canal (referred to as the Outlet a Quan Truong River: Improvements will to Quan Truong River at a of Nha Trang which discharges the railroad tracks in the west-central portion area for Outlet of its confluence with Tac River. Within the catchment point approximately 3.7 km north will: 3 CCESP-Phase 1 as currently as currently structured Rehabilitate the Outlet 3 Canal; Rehabilitate Canal 1;

1, Phase 1 will improve rehabilitate and Nha Trang. In Nha Trang CCESP Component actions draining catchment areas into three

improve 22



3 I I

in of households to the collection system to occur Provide for (but not complete) future connections collection system will in Phase 2. Connections to the coordination with the development of a WWTP water quality conditions in the Quan Truong River to adverse not be made as part of Phase 1 due the which would be exacerbated by doing so; from Outlet 3 as interim measures, pending Provide "end of the pipe" treatment of discharge in Phase 2; vVWTP establishment of a full collection system and time the septic tanks of all households connected to tanks until Phase 2, at which Retain all septic the completion of the connections; and the collection system will be abandoned upon Undertake monitoring activities as detailed hereinafter.

Summary Environment Assessment



Project (CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation













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IIo8*8C0-MAIN M~~~~~~~~___TUYeNIINIIChhlhI








7 Summary Environment Assessment

(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project


I |

received the discharges related to all drainage South China Sea: The South China Sea will eventually discharges from: improvements in Nha Trang. It will receive direct, in the Outlet 2 (Ba Lang Outlet) located along the coast |- Outlet 2. An improvement designated as the accompanying map. indicated as Canal 2 on northern part of the city drained by the canalCai River. The box sewer which collects wastewater sea north of Canal 2 discharges directly to the in the area will be rehabilitated. provided to discharge wastewater collected south Da Tuong Street Outlet. A pumping station will be then to the sea. of the airport and discharge it to the Dong Bo River, to absorb the additional discharges without significant Because of the ability of the receiving water body the catchment areas for Outlet 2 and the Da Tuong in adverse impact, new connections will be allowed 1. The cumulative impacts on the South China Sea Phase Street Pumping Station as part of CCESP taken into account as summarized in the following due to all proposed improvements have been summary of impacts, mitigation and alternatives. 1, Phase 1 will improve rehabilitate and improve total of 4.8 2.1.2 Quy Nhon. In Quy Nhon, CCESP Component five catchment areas of Qui Nhon City and a drainage and combined sewer systems involving of some 23,163 m3 and undertake related actions in km of pipeline and culverts and total excavation bodi'es: catchments discharging into three receiving water side of Ba is located to the west of urban area on the west * Phu Hoa Lake. Phu Hoa Lake (Figure 2-2) as Quy Nhon Outlet 1. the improvement designated Hoa Mountain and will receive direct discharges urban area and will River is located to the northwest of the main Ha Thanh River. The Ha Thanh a designated as Quy Nhon Outlet 2. received direct discharges from the improvements northern edge of the urban area. In addition to the the a Thi Nai Lagoon. The Thi Nai Lagoon. defines areas, it will receive direct from the other CCESP Phase 1 improvement indirect receipt of discharges as Quy Nhon Outlet 3. discharges from the improvements designated systems bodies, new connections to the improved draining Because of pollution levels in the recipient water in Phase 1. Preliminary provided for but not completed in all Quy Nhon improvement areas will be made in Phase 2. provisions will be made for connections to be 22 1, Phase 1 will improve rehabilitate and improve Dong Hoi. In Dong Hoi, CCESP Component into two 2.1.3 related actions in catchments discharging kilometers of the existing drainage and undertake receiving water bodies: of the main urban Channel (Figure 2-3) is located to the north Outlet * Phong Thuv Channel. The Phong Thuy improvements made to the area designated as area and will be the recipient of discharges from 1 and Outlet 6. receiving the the eastern edge of Dong Hoi. In addition to * Nhat Le River. The Nhat Le River defines designated as Outlets 1 and 6 via the Phong Thuy Channel, indirect discharges from the improvements 7 and 9. improvements designated as Outlets 2, 3, 4, 5, it will be the direct recipient of discharges from in all new connections to the improved draining systems Because of pollution levels in the recipient bodies, but not completed in Phase 1. Preliminary provisions will for Dong Hoi improvement areas will be provided 2. to be made in Phase be made for connections (WWTPs) Component 2 - Wastewater Treatment Plants 2.2 new WWTPs will be built will be undertaken in Phase 1. Where warranted, plants No Component 2 activities national effluent standards. Bio-solids from treatment The during Phase 2 of CCESP to meet Vietnamese digestion and drying. stabilization or anaerobic will be disposed of in sanitary landfills after chemical during implementation. potential for beneficial reuse will be considered Component 3 - Solid Waste Management (SWM) will be transported to new or existing sanitary 2.3 the waste Solid wastes collection will be improved and CCESP will finance SWM Details will vary from city to city, but in all cities SWM equipment will follow landfills for final disposal. The amount and phasing of the collection equipment and build transfer stations. account of possible private sector participation (PSP) in take demand over the life of the project and will in each city are planned as follows. solid waste collection activities. Specific actions

8 Summary Environment Assessment

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Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)









Summary Environment Assessment


Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)









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Summary Environment Assessment


Project (CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation


land for a new 3 investments in Nha Trang 1 will acquire Nha Trang. CCESP Phase 1 Component 32.3.1 city center in the vicinity approximately 12 kilometers north of the sanitary landfill site at Luong Hoa, located enhanced solid waste existing dump site and provide funds for of the existing Ru-Ri Dumpsite, close the Construction Investmenit Hoa site will be developed pursuant to collection and equipment. The Luong the landfill will include a 300social and cultural impacts, Report prepared in November 2005. To minimize landfill access road to minimize impacts to the Kim Son design of the of proposed meter buffer zone around the site and Details are provided in the following summary located within the potential impact area. Pagoda mitigation, Item 5. improvement of Quy Nhon will be limited to renewal and Quy Nhon. Component 3 activities in 2.3.2 maintenance works and collection, transportation, for repairs and are expected to be equipment and facilities for solid waste points. Based on current practices these the construction of two solid waste collection for transfer to larger vehicles push carts and low volume vehicles small facilities for complying wastes from for transport. Dong Hoi during Management) activities are proposed in Dong Hoi. No Component 3 (Solid Waste Dong Hoi Urban 2.3.3 EA investigations indicate that the on-going of Loc 1. It should be noted, however, that the Phase budget remaining to fund the proper closure Project (HUDP) may not have adequate Development Ninh dumpsite as previously expected. Component 4 - Resettlement 2.4 in two of the Sub-Projects - Nha Trang that CCESP activities will necessitate resettlement (OP/BP It is anticipated with the Bank's policy on Involuntary Resettlement Plans Quy Nhon, but not Dong Hoi. In accordance and by a Resettlement Quy Nhon Sub-projects are accompanied 4.12), the EAs for the Nha Trang and pursuant to OP/BP 4.12. Sanitation Program Component 5 - Household and Public 2.5 household sanitation credit to low income households to improve in schools. CCESP 5 will provide access to Component water and sanitation in public areas, especially facilities and to provide access to safe each city to provide small and partner with the Women's Union in will establish a household revolving fund CCESP will fund water presented in the agreed program manual. A limited number loans in accordance with procedures in response to demand from those schools. supply and sanitation facilities at city schools Component 5 activities are strategic venues in each city. No of public toilets will be constructed at 1 Sub-Projects. addressed by the EAs for the CCESP Phase Project Implementation Component 6 - Capacity Building and 2.6 building and services and goods/equipment for capacity CCESP Component 6 will finance consulting to Project Management Units (PMUs), including project support evaluation project implementation. It will provide Safeguard Policies and monitoring and independent monitoring of World Bank management, joint development of a flood building activities including City (M&E) activities. It will also support capacity and Rural Development (DARDs) and No procedures with the Departments of Agriculture management awareness campaigns, and related activities. preparation and delivery of various public Planners, the EAs for the CCESP Phase 1 Sub-Proiects. Component 6 activities are addressed by Scheduling 2.7 will be phased. projects, CCESP preparation and implementation Building on lessons learned from related be implemented between early-2008 to 2011 and Phase 2 will costs will be Phase 1 is scheduled to be occur mid-2007 60 to 70 percent of the total project investment (Figures 2-4 and 2-5). Approximately Trang Sub-Project, to 2013 total budget will be absorbed by the Nha during Phase 2. Nearly 50 percent of the made cities. the largest and fastest growing of the three




Environment Assessment

(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project

"Base Cost" Budgets of Figure 2-4: Summary Composition and Based on Pre-Feasibility Studies CCESP Subproject Components


0000 g4,~~~~~~>.0

i l7

I I1

0o.) 000 s.


I ,OrJiO. of POas T> .~....... *z


20B 2G9 211





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|Figure 2.5

and 1.l[X Proposed CCESP Implementation Schedule Dflienc 5~~~~~~ Du Rev-1sewsr of Phase...tol-Phase Rew nActivg y

Safeguard Activities
2011 120121 201


200o 1




Prohect App.z1saP


Implement RAPs of Phase ~~~~~~~~~~~3 1

I4 Detailed Design of Phase 2

S rinpaze

on Complete Phase 1 Preparatolmenta' EA ailze I/ RAPs of Phase 1





Loon Nerqotiahons _6~~~~~~~~~~~ Ap *2ImplemPhase 1


Duei Origonce Reviews of Phase 1* 7Az 1-peeomemi

o np emetasIAPs

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__Capacity Building I Traming. Phase Fund 65 Phase 1 Revolving Saniation 9 Phase 1 Procu,ement I Con.striition




PrepaWOI M10

Phase 2 Preparation I tntptemontatron| PEase 2 EA I RAPs 1oR

_LMAN i__ ..

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I ___
Lw ad S

ea1t I -



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~~~~~~~~~~15 Phase 2 Ptocolemenit ~~~~~~~~16 I Conistruction

_ _ _ _ _


1, r n ii





the national level> environmental ~~~~At Environment the Department of Natural Resources and ~~and Environment (MONRE). At the provincial level, management, monitoring and enforcement. for environmental

and Standards Government of Vietnam Environmental Laws for Natural Resources management in Vietnam is lead by the Ministry

(DONRE) is the legal body with responsibility related to the project management of concern that are directly Key national laws governing environmental include:

I 1


(December 27, 1993). National Law on Environmental Protection Protection. implementing the Law on Environmental Decree No. 175-CP (Oct. 18, 1994) on 175/ CP. 12, 2004 on amendment of Decree Decree 143/2004 ND - CP dated July functions. on MONRE mandate, organization and Decree No. 91/2002 (Nov. 11, 2002) " DONRE. establishing the provincial Decision No. 45/QD-TTg (April. 2, 2003) appraisal. on guidelines for EA preparation and Circular 490/1998/TT-BKHCNMT I for preparing an EA. on standards MONRE Decision No. 35 / 2002 / QD-BKHCNMT for solid waste disposal areas (No. requirements for environmental protection Inter-Ministry Instruction * 01 /2001 / TTLT - BKHCNMT - BXD) and 1999) on Hazardous Solid Waste Management; Decision No. 155/1999/QD-TTg (July 16, * for Municipal on General Environmental Requirements MONRE Regulation TCVN 7222 - 2002 (WWTPs) Wastewater Treatment Plants in the EA World Bank Safeguard Policies Addressed 3.3 the Bank's environmental be implemented in accordance with will The CCESP has been prepared and type project due to the: by the Bank as a Category A safeguard policies. CCESP is classified

12 Summary Environment Assessment

(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project


WWTPs and sanitary landfill facilities, Proposed activities, including construction of new seasonal coastal urban areas bordered by rivers, bays, * Potentially sensitive sites, which include for tourism and recreation, wetlands and shorelines increasingly popular if the proposed activities are not properly assessed, * Potential for significant environmental impact risks to other investment projects. managed and monitored, including linkages and the proposed activities, the World Bank identified on a review of the Sub-project Areas and Based the preparation process as follows: applicable environmental safeguard policies during Procedure / Bank Procedure 4.01 (OP/BP 4.01) - Environmental Assessment - Operational - Natural Habitats (OP 4.04)
Cultural Resources (draft OP 4.11 - OPN 11.03)

Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12).


involuntary As noted above, however, although the The safeguard policies are addressed herein. herein at the level of specificity appropriate to an EA, they resettlement aspects of the Project are described and Sub-Project Project'c Resettlement Policy Framework are addressed in greater detail by the Resettlement Plans. in 3.4 Stakeholder Consultation of consultations must be conducted and documented As a Category A project, at least two stages consultations were conducted (OP) 4.01. The first stage accordance with the Bank's Operational Procedure of environmental and socio-economic data, involving collection stakeholder during the September / October 2005 in sub-project affected areas. Second stage surveys of over 1,600 households living draft EA were conducted in each Sub-Project city in late stage consultations focused on the findings of the a total of 96 recorded participants. The second People Affected December 2005 / early January 2006 involving questionnaire surveys conducted for Project is provided consultations were supplemented by written each city. Documentation of these consultations (PAPs) near the proposed discharge outlets in in Annex of each Sub-Project EA. in EAs must be available made to the public Disclosure: As a Category A project, completed Public and Resettlement EAs, Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) accordance with BP 17.50. All drafts of the Development Information Center DC and the Vietnam Action Plans (RAPs) were disclosed in Washington Executive Summaries were 19, 2006. The Vietnamese translations of Committee (VIDC) in Hanoi by January were disclosed locally by the Provincial People's disclosed by January 13, 2006. All documents Project Preparation Resources and Environment (DONRE), the accessible in a (PCC), the provincial Department of Natural people will be affected by the project, and were project affected Units (PPUs), offices of the Wards in which and non-government organizations (NGOs) form, manner, and language intelligible to local people (PAPs). 4 BASELINE CONDITIONS Summary of Baseline Conditions baseline 4.1 many similarities, including key project-related The three CCESP Sub-Project cities share EA, including the following: conditions which are detailed in each Sub-Project visitor Each supports a larger hinterland area and city serves as the capitol city of its province. of their Each * population on an annual basis. A summary populations which exceed the size of the resident is provided in Tables 4-1 and 4-2. populations, growth rates and economic structures sewers that are sanitation systems consisting of combined . The cities have similar environmental and debris. Solid waste collection rates average public generally in poor condition or blocked by sediments existing dumpsites lack basic environmental and proper about 70 percent of the generated volumes and gases as well as of leachate and landfill health protective measures, particularly for treatment medical wastes. handling of industrial, hazardous and/or environmental solid and liquid waste management and related .* Flooding due to poor drainage systems, of stakeholders surveyed in each &iy. These concerns were sanitation issues are the major concerns for public health, livelihood and general well-being. directly related by the respondents to the concerns quality levels are generally within acceptable While monitored water quality and other environmental nationally and internationally acceptable safe above levels in each city, the recorded levels of coliform particularly from the concerns for improved environmental sanitation, levels highlight the common
13 Summary Environment Assessment

I 3 1 1
* |

Project (CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation

| * | |

perspective of sustained tourism. followed rainy season between November-January The cities share similar climates, with a pronounced fluctuations in river water resulting in significant by a prolonged dry season from February-September, to seasonal variations, most rivers and lakes in capacity. In additional flows, water quality and dilution water quality influenced, which directly affects local drainage, these low-laying coastal cities are tidally and discharge volumes. their effluents, which so most septic tanks directly discharge Each is built over well-drained sandy soils, infiltrate into the shallow water table. Units (PMUs), DONRE and urban environi-nelnt Institutional capacities of the Project Management strengthenilig environmental sanitation are in need of companies (URENCO) responsible for improving measures are applied management and monitoring under the project to ensure proper environmental proposed investments. and to sustain the expected benefits of the
Demographic Data (2003)______ Table 4-1: Summary of Sub-Proect City Projected
I ub-Projecty Total Population Urban Population Urban Population 78 Recorded Growth Rate 1.34 Growth Rate __Z_ ..

L Quy

City l Nhon


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f. of T.__


(%of Total 92
60 | |

(1992_- 2003) 1.00


__ 20_

2003- 2020) 4.03


Nha Trang



Oong Hoi __ __ _ _ 98,000

Table 4-2: Summa Sub-Proj ect City


2004) of Sub-Project Economic Structures

Agriculture, Forestry,

Industry, Capital

Monthly per Capita

Services 39.6



Nha Trang Quy Nhon D nHo



104.0 69.6




| *

in the three Sub-Project Areas are as follows. Details of the relevant baseline conditions Nha Trang Existing Conditions 4.2 punctuated by abrupt located in a generally flat coastal area Physical Environment. Nha Trang is are steeper, rocky sandy. The mountainous outcroppings mountainous land forms. Soils are generally bedrock. Soils in the low-lying are largely clays. Air quality clay and terrain with sandy-rocky soil overlaying aspects of its physical national standards. The most significant generally reported as meeting is water bodies for Phase 1 are characteristics of the recipient environment for the purposes of CCESP CCESP Component 1. They are as follows. * * a relatively minor Outlet 1 and the Cai River. Although it is The 1-7-kilometer Open Channel Connecting 1 and the Cai River the open channel connecting Outlet waterway within the overall hydrologic regime, Cai River, passes the Project. Before discharging into the is important to assessing the impacts of used for rice farming and kilometer area in the center The end through a low-lying wetland with a one-square from two nearby seafood processing factories. fishing. The channel also receives wastewater prevention dam which also blocks by a salt water intrusion of the channel is blocked at high tides is indicated by Table 4-3 for tides). Available baseline water quality data discharge when closed (in high National Standards Pollutant levels higher than Vietnamese the locations indicated by Figure 4-1. high levels of COD, indicated in bold. The data indicates very (TCVN 542: 1995), Water Quality B are BOD and coliform.



River in Dry Season in Channel Connectin9 Outlet 1 & Cai Table 4-3: Estimated Water Q0aIity Coliform l Pollution concentration (mg/I) (MPN/100ml) Total I otal TO OD Parameters C , _______Nitro9en -Phosphoruts 677 x 103 1.81 10.36 44.38 70.75 l_ PollutantLevels _AppLiable_staridard: 25 TCVN 5942-1995 (Class B)___35 _


1-6.8, page 6.14. Source: Main Report, April 2006 Draft Table


1 and Outlet 4 body and will receive outfall from both Outlets Cai River. The Cai River is a major water is strongly influenced by square kilometres. Water flow and a total watershed of approximately 1,900 annual flow is between the flood and dry seasons. Its average local rainfall upstream and varies widely

Summary Environment Assessment


(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project

I I 3

and total 3 to an estimated flow module of 46 lIs/km' reported as approximately 57 m /s, corresponding during high tides and become saline to brackish in 3 flow flow of nearly two billion-m /year. It reverses high tide periods. increased when heavy rains occur during water quality. Local flooding is significantly of CCESP Phase 1 is in greatest relevance for the purposes Available baseline water quality data of the at the Sat Bridge Monitoring are indicated by Table 4-4. Water quality from Outlet the vicinity of the two locations from the 1 .7-km open canal carrying wastewater Station, located near the point of discharge in two of six with the exceptions of suspended solids of 1, meets the standards for all criteria pollutants Pollutant levels at the mouth of the river (downstreamtwo readings and coliform in one of three readings. ammonia for one of for COD in one of two readings discharges from Outlet 4) exceed the standard readings and coliform in all (two) readings).




- Cai River Table 4-4: Baseline Water Quality NH3 NH 3 COD | DO | SS BOD| mg/I Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mgl mg/l

INH 1 2

Coliforml| MPN/100mil 1l.X 103 l 46.0 x 10


_ 12 Dec 05 Cai River at Railroad Sat Bridge Mouth of

28 Dec 06 11 Jan 2006 20 Jan 06

3.0 6.0 3.0

4.0 12.0 10.0

6.7 7.5 7.0

132.0 39.0 51.0

0.37 0.12 <0.01

<0.01 0.12


0.07 _0-.05 <0.01 2.19


__ _

23 Jan 06 6 Feb 06 12 Dec 05

4.0 3.0 8.0

15.0 15.0 9.8

7.0 8.5 7.5 4.5

39.0 45.0 68.0

<0.01 0.30 0.31

<0.01 0.40 7.95


-- l


2.4 x iO4 14.0 x 104

69.0 8.0 Cai River4. 6 Feb 06 (Outlet 4) BODs - Biological Oxygen Demand (5 day) DO - Dissolved Oxygen NH 3- Ammonia

9.1 x 10l 0.62 0.55 3.01 69.0 COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand SS - Suspended Sediment NH2 - Amino Acid MPN - Most Probable Number

area and receives River lies to the west of the main urban Quan Truong River: The Quan Truong (discussed above) and Dong Bo River to both the Cai River wastewater from Outlet 3. It is connected it joins the Tac River to formn flow in the rainy season is to the south where data (discussed below). Its major is low to stagnant in the dry season. Available the Dong Bo. Water flow in the Quan Truong Given that the from Outlet 3 under current conditions. indicates the outfall characteristics of wastewater the dry season, these characteristics are assuined to in flow Quan Truong is reported to have no water it. The available data indicates that water of the river when there is no flow to dilute be representative excess of coliform standards. quality is within the BOD standards but far in east of the lies to the south of the city and is the waterway a Dong Bo River: The Dong Bo River occur along both banks. It Troung River. Floods regularly confluence of the Tac River and Quan water quality. Local flooding is tides and become saline to brackish in reverses flow during high from Outlet 3 will occur during high tide periods. Wastewater significantly increased when heavy rains near the Binh Tan monitoring data for the Dong Bo at a point eventually flow to the Dong Bo. Baseline suspended the standard for COD in three of six readings, Bridge indicates that pollutant levels exceed given the very low of six readings (perhaps an anomaly sediment in all six readings, ammonia in one one of three readings. values of the other readings) and coliform in
*_________ - Dong Bo River Table 4-5: Baseline Water Quality

Sampling Site

113 Dec 05

BODs mg/l

COD | DO Mg/I Mg/I

20.0 9.3

S Ss Mg/I

NH3 mg/I

g Bo 11

350 |72 6.0 11 Jan 06 _ 7.5_ 28.0 3.0 1 20 Jan 06 Bridge _6.8 45.0 5.0 23 Jan 06 ({Outlet 3 5.__ l4.0_120 06 6_~~~~~6Feb |l, ___l_ Demand (5 day) 6 _BOD 5 - Biological Oxygen DO - Dissolved Oxygen INH,- s Ammonia

eR *R*i|| n

28 Dec 05

30.0 _0

145-0 232.0
__260.0 _

Rvnh Tanea

016 <0.01

NH 3 mg/I < 065 | Coliform | NH mg/i MPN/100ml
|0.28 |14.0 x 103 10.65


17.5 x l

023 | <001 I 0.19| _ _ <0.01 _<0.01

1 0.1L 0 COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand SS - Suspended Sediment

NH 2- Amino Acid


_ __0.03

4-6 x 104

MPN - Most Probable Number

15 Summary Environment Assessment

(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project



from City * ,(, 1~~~~~~12km Center! _-.
Proposed Luorig Hoo Londfill


in Nha Trang FIGURE 4-1: Baseline Monitoring Locations


1l% 1'-1;




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Summary Environment Assessment

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP) FIGURE 4-2: Baseline Monitoring Locations in Quy Nhon


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Assessment Environment Summary





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Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

FIGURE 4-3: Baseline Monitoring Locations in Dong Hoi

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T "K XLl RAv.

-B 2

N,2 :NN5NT I.

Summary Environment Assessment


Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

U I 3


Area. It will Sea defines the eastern edge of the Study The South China Sea. The South China muddy discharges of areas. Under current conditions, eventually receive the outfall from all catchment During the rainy along the main beach of Nha Trang city the Cai River create an expansive plume Da Tuong Street (south of the water at the outlet along season. Monitoring data indicates that surface contaminated due to upstream sources. airport) is organic and ammonia urban and have very affected portions of Nha Trang are generally Biological Environment. The potentially used for farming, the Nha Trang Sub-project Area are widely limited natural flora. Non-urban lands of No undisturbed native are planted with cashews and coconuts. dominated by paddy rice. Steeper slopes areas largely remain in the general area. The nearby coastal World Bankvegetation or natural habitats is known to area, the offshore slopes. The nearest protected consist of sandy to muddy beaches and 10-15 km offshore. assisted Hon Mun Marine Park, is located city participating in CCESP and is the Environment. Nha Trang is the southernmost Socio-Economic urban population of had a 2002 population of 350,000 and an capital of Khanh Hoa Province. The province and service with an increasing trend towards an industry 270,000. It benefits from a diversified economy its employment As of 2004, slightly less than 20 percent of based economy, largely centered in Nha Trang. roughly split between the Industry/Capital remaining 80 percent was attributed to agriculture, with the in Nha Trang City, tourism is of Services sectors. Within the province, particularly Construction and the it may also be an occurred elsewhere in tourism booms, increasing economic importance. As has have reportedly included constructed high-end hotels, however, increasing source of pollution. Recently three wards in facilities. CCESP Phase 1 will directly affect more complete on-site wastewater treatment classified as poor in the three Phuoc Tan. The percentages Nha Trang: Vinh Phuoc, Phuong Sai and, characteristics 22 and 44 percent, respectively. The socio-economic affected wards are reported to be ten, are those related to: 1, Phase 1 activities of greatest relevance to CCESP Component most households of relatively high poverty rates in some areas, and most * Access to Sanitarv Services. In spite across all income have a piped water supply surveyed in all three wards (95-100 percent) that most of the treatment. Reports indicate, however, (90-100) rely on septic tanks for wastewater approximately not functioning adequately or both and that septic tanks are either not designed properly, by 461 respondents to the to the surrounding soil. Responses 87 percent of the wastewater penetrates and drainage system as the as part of the EA ranked lack of sewage survey conducted socio-economic most serious issue was flooding. most serious environmental issue. The second of which is of collected solid waste (about 50 percent a* Solid Waste Issues. Reported characteristics and cost-effective for waste reduction by common threeorganic materials) indicate a good potential waste is currently disposad of at the unimproved segregation and minimization practices. Solid 14 km north of the city cemetery and a seasonal stream about hectare Ru-Ri dumpsite located next to a The access of waste dumped and wastes are not buried. center. There are no controls on the types The Ru-Ri dumpsite is air quality and dust problems. road is unimproved and there are serious openly flows into and no longer actively used for disposal. Leachate reportedly already filled to capacity the neighboring stream, making its water dark-black. such as diarrhea to poor environmental sanitation conditions, * Public Health Issues. Illnesses related all respondents the socio-economic survey, 32 percent of and dysentery, are common concerns. In from such an had been sick during the previous month reported that a member of their household survey respondents To improve sanitation, 87 percent of illness related to environment sanitation. to the proposed new combined sewers. stated that they think it is necessary to connect of Households in Nha Trang Table 4-6: Socio-Economic Classification Poor l Average I Well-off I Rich
1. Vinh Phuoc Ward

Income / person / month 0% of household supply 0% of HH with piped water


>1 million 12 100 100

. . . _ _ _


600,000-1 million 22 100

_ _ _ _

350,000-600,000 5 98

<350,0O 10 95 95
. _ _ _

_ of HH with septic tank

2. Phuong Sai Ward


Income / person / month of /% household of *o% HH piped water supply HH with septic tank /%of

>10 million 8 100 100 l >2 million

5-10 million l 18 100 100 l 1-2 million

1-5 million 52 100 100 l 450,000-1 million

<1 million 22 00 90 l <450,000


3. Phuoc Tan Ward

Income / person / month Summary Environment Assessment


(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project

% of household % of HH piped water supply l%of HH with septic tank

Rich 7 100 100

Well-off 15 100 100

Average 34 100 100


44 100 100



coastal in an area with diverse topography, including Physical Environment. Quy Nhon is located of marsh and lake areas, rivers and includes a number mountains, hills, peninsula and low lands, which lying areas subject to areas: the former city (old city), with many low islands. It is divided into two which offshore Mai peninsula, a stable sand bank 18 km in length flooding, and the new expansion area of Phuong type is sand, with increasing presence of clay soil along is not subject to flooding. The predominant soil and Vung soil deposits are common near the Ba Hoa river courses and from marine deposits. Organic the exception of ambient air environment at Long My with Chua mountains. In general, air quality is good aspects of its physical environment for the polluted by toxic gases. The most significant water bodies for CCESP Component 1. landfill has been of the recipient purposes of CCESP Phase 1 are characteristics They are as follows. The data for Phu Hoa Lake is provided by Table 4-7. Phu Hoa Lake. Available water quality data and coliform. indicates excessive pollutant levels for BOD, ammonia
ampling Results: Phu Hoa Lake Table 4-7: CCESP Water Ouality 1 NH3 1 NH3 1 NH 2 1 Coliform SS DO COD BODs mg/l _ MPN/100ml mg/i m lI Mg/I m mg/l

Quy Nhon Existing Conditions

J_ ____samplingSi_e

Date 2006




Outlet 1 (T5) Phu Hoa Lake

17 Dec.

_ _ _ _ 30__ __ _

4.65 NA



1.232019 2.42



9.3 x 100 :
_ _

,----____Table 1-4.3 Baseline per CCESP Internal



_ _ _


__ _


_ _




~Table ES- 5

3 3

1995) National Standards (TCVN 5945:

| Water quality "A" - recreational use/

w I

<4.0 <25.0

< 20.0 < 35.0


20.0 j 80.0

0.05 1.00



5.0 x 10> 10.o x l03


_ater quality "B"-agriculturaluse





will to the northwest of the main urban area and Thanh River. The Ha Thanh River is located Ha designated as Quy Nhon Outlet 2. received direct discharges from the improvemenis
Table 4-8: CCESP Water_Quality Sa
Sampling Site Slt ________ Outlet 2 (T2)
Ha Thanh River

Results: Ha Thanh River___ gplin_

mqL/l 4.79


Date _______ a e


mg/l 1.3





g/l Mm/ 0.82


NH 3

1 I

NH 3

m/II 0.7

1 NH,M/Il
0.008 %.t16

LMPN/100ml1 2.4 x104

2.4 x1041
4.3 x 103_ll _2_4_x10_ _






Dec.27, 2005
- Jan. 24, 2006

* *



of Phu Hoa


Feb_ 62006






4 78 |N 6.0

1_ 113_0 !_4.32__ L



1t Baseline perTable ES 5

It National Standards 11

z *

1{Water quality "A" - recreational use I


Estimate 5945: l995)



NA_L_ 4 x 13_

<4.0 | <25.0

< 20.0





5.0 x 103

*Lswateuity_:B- agricultural use *


< 35.0



N *

to the the northern edge of the urban area. In addition direct Thi Nai Lagoon. The Thi Nai Lagoon defines it will receive Phase 1 improvement areas, data indirect receipt of discharges from the other CCESP as Quy Nhon Outlet 3. The available monitoring discharges from the improvements designated standards. (Table 4-9) indicates coliform levels above national Results: Thi Nai Lagoon Table 4-9: CCESP Water Quality Samplin

____ _________L

Sampling Site


BODs mg/l 3.5


COD Mg/, 4.68 NA <20.0








NH 2



4.3 x 104

Dec. 17, 2006


26.0 NA

1.31 NA

| 0.027 Estimate Baseline per Table ES 5 5945: 1995) National Standards (TCVN


NA 1|| 6.0

| NA__


I 1

0.02= 5.0 x i03

11 1

Water quality "A" - recreational use /

swimming Wateegualty "B"- a_ use__






< 35.0




natural flora, fauna Sub-project Area has very limited undisturbed Biological Environment. The Quy Nhon
20 Summary Environment Assessment

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

I 3

vegetation dominated by paddy rice. The most common and habitats. Suburban areas are used for farming, The area is dotted with five small gum trees (Eucalyptus). in unfarmed areas is brush and plantation of for agricultural use. marshy areas which have been widely developed lakes and numerous low-laying district, but some slopes of the Ba Mountain, in Phu Cat Remnant, secondary growth forests remain along extensive open City proper. The Phuong Mai peninsula offers of sandy these are considerable distance from the banks. The nearby coastal areas largely consist areas of sparsely vegetated sand dunes and the Quy Nhon Swamp, a not common in the area. Off shore, beaches and offshore slopes. Coral reefs are (WCMC) as a by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre part of the Thi Nai Lagoon system, is listed forest in the northern part of the islands with mangrove sensitive wetland area. There are several small been recorded at the species of flowering plants and algae have swamp. One hundred and thirty-six including 50 species of Rhodophyta (red algae). swamp, along with numerous species of phytoplankton for dried use abundant is widely cultivated in the swamp The red algae Gracilaria verrucosa is particularly also widely cultivated in the swamp. and export as an emulsifier (agar). Shrimp are characteristics of greatest relevance to CCESP Socio-Economic Environment. The socio-economic to: Component 1, Phase 1 activities are those related by Table 4services in the affected wards is indicated Access to Sanitary Services. Access to sanitary among the poor households. tanks, but less so 10. Most of the population has the use of septic

Well-off I Wealthy *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the city) of an average ward located near the center of 1. Thi Nai Ward (representative 500 - 1.2 million 1.2-2.5 million > 2.5 million Income/person/month 46 % 38 % 4 % Rate (%) 100 % pipe 100 % pipe % pipe 100

of Households in Ouv Nhon Table 4-10: Socio-Economic Classification I .Poorl . I Average

< 500,000 9% 40 % pipe connection
90 %/o

Status of domestic water connection connection connection. supply 100 % 100 % 0 100 % _Septic tank ( o) quite far from the center of the cty) 2. Hai Cang: Ward (repres entative of a poor ward located million 400,000 - 800,000 800-1 > 1 million Income / person /month Rate (0) Status of domestic water supply

13 %

23 %

46 %

< 400,000 18 %/o 30% from connection

15% buy water 55% wells or

100 % pipe

100 % pipe

90 % pipe

Septic tank

60 %/0 35 %
85% using tap water;

3. Le Hong Phong Ward

Income / person /month

Rate (%) Status of domestic water

80 % 100 % city) of we Ithy ward located in the center of the representative 0.5 - 1 million 1 - 2 million >2 million 35 % 18 % 12 % 100 % pipe % pipe 100 100 % pipe

95 %

< 500,000

Septic tank (%)

4. Quang Trung ward

J a

Income/person/month Rate (%) Status of domestic water

100 % 100 % 100 % of a poor ward far from the city center) (re3resentative 0.5 - 1 million 1 - 2 million > 2 million




15% bought watei

97 % < 500,000 0 5 /a 50% asked or bought

100 % pipe

40 % 95 % pipe 95

50 % 80 % pipe 90

Septic tank (%)




50%, the rate is low at the HHs living in mountain

3 3

a good of collected solid waste in Quy Nhon indicate Solid Waste Issues. The reported characteristics and wastes by common and cost-effective segregation potential to reduce the volume of such segregate respondents indicated that they do not currently minimization practices. 80 percent of survey wastes are how to segregate (66 percent). Collected their solid wastes because they do not know vehicles to transport volume vehicles for transfer to larger in an generally transported by push carts and low collected wastes are often simply piled uncovered to the dump site. It has been observed that and is operated correctly existing landfill is still adequate open area, creating unsanitary conditions. The Phase 1. and no improvements are proposed under that Commonly by the Binh Dinh Department of Health indicate a Public Health Issues. Cases recorded to environmental in Quy Nhon are largely related reported illnesses such as diarrhea and dysentery sanitation conditions. Dong Hoi Existing Conditions surrounding 4.4 topography, consisting of steep hilly terrain Physical Environment. Dong Hoi has a complex peninsula consists of steeply the Nhat Le River, the Bao Ninh flood plains and coastal sand dunes. East of 21 Summary Environment Assessment

(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitationl Project Nhat Le River, the topography is elevation of 10 meters. West of the sloping sand with an average ground in the city's urban environment center are sandy. Current air quality more varied. Most soils in the urban of coliform bacteria. while water suffers increasing levels generally meets national standards Hoi is located, is within the biological Binh, the province in which Dong Biological Environment. Quang in the Phong Nha - Ke Bang and endemic species, particularly with a high level of biodiversity zone from Dong Hoi and extending to the Heritage Site located 30-50 km inland National Park, a UNESCO World and fauna due to the level of areas have very limited natural flora Laos border. The actual Sub-Project used for farming, dominated by of the Sub-Project area are widely urban development. Non-urban lands in the general area. The nearby vegetation or natural habitats remains paddy rice. No undisturbed native to muddy beaches and offshore slopes. coastal areas largely consist of sandy as the socio-economic survey conducted According to 300 respondents to Socio-Economic Environment. the lack of sewage and drainage was environmental issue in their area part of the EA, the most serious to poor environmental sanitationi issue was flooding. Illnesses related In the system and the second most serious apparently increasing in frequency. dysentery, are common and conditions, such as diarrhea and sick during the members had been respondents reported that household household survey, 60 percent of illness. previous month from an environment-related wards is indicated by Table 4to sanitary services in the affected Access to Sanitarv Services. Access responses indicate that report the use of septic tanks. The 11. All (100 percent) of all respondents between the potentially affected the use of septic tanks varies greatly access to piped water supply and in some (but not all) of the wards. wards and between income groups of Households in Dong Hoi Table 4-11: Socio-Economic Classification Average Rich Well-off 1. Dong My Ward Monthly income / person 0% of households % of HHs with piped water % of HHs with septic tank 2. Bac Ly Ward Monthly income / person % of households


Poor < 700,000 23 / % 149HHs


> 2 million 65HHs / 12%


1 - 2 million 18% - 117 HHs 100 100

700,000-1,000,000 9 4 % = 318 HHs 100 l 100

loo < 400,000 4 4 1 %= 15 HHs

> 1.5 million 9% = 267 HHs 100%


34% = 1007 HHs 45 % using tap water, 10% use dug wells, 45% use drilled wells 75%

400,000 - 700,000 47 % = 1244 HHs

30% using tap-water, 0 50% use dug wells, 20 % use drilled wells


HHs with piped water of HHs with septic tank


100% > 2 million H 18 HHs 1oo 100 oHs

< 500,000
9%=75 HHs

3. Hai Dinh Ward Monthly income % of households of HHs with Piped Water % of HHs with septic tank 4. Dong Phu Ward: Monthly income of *% households 0% of HHs with Piped water % of HHs with septic tank

1 - 2 million
30%=250 HHs

500,000-1,000,000 43%=358 HHs 100 100 400,000-1,000,000 44%=849 HHs 100 100

100 I - 2 miilion 26%=501 HHs 100 100

100 < 400,000 10%/=193 HHs


>2 million 20%=386 HHs

100 100


from the City center and has been dumpsite is located about eight km Solid Waste Issues. The Loc Ninh regulations and is planned to be in serious violation of environmental listed by the government as being 1995. Deposited wastes are not ha and has been operational since closed. This dumpsite covers 13 and treated. As a result, the leachate is not properly collected levelled or well covered. Generated water sources. Groundwater and ground waters, polluting these leachate flows directly to nearby surface these uncontrolled and untreated level of pollution that is attributed to from a tested well showed a serious as part of the EA of a Due Diligence Review conducted discharges. Based on the results leachate Project (DUDP) will not have on-going Dong Hoi Urban Development process, it appears likely that the dumpsite contrary to previous the proper closure of Loc Ninh adequate budget remaining to. fund expectations. who reported that they got sick indicate that the number of people of Public Health Issues. Survey results reported income levels. Percent Hoi was related to their within the preceding month in Dong the previous month: that a family member was sick during surveyed households who reported 22



~~~~Summary Environment


Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

the preceding month (33% of surveyed HHs) Poor households: 99 cases of reported illness in illness in the preceding month (24%) Average income households: 72 cases of reported illness in the preceding month (2.3%) Better-off income households: 7 case of reported preceding month (0.3%). Rich households: 1 case of reported illness in the


Impacts Summary of Predicted Phase 1 Environmental 5.2 in the EA process are summarized in 1 Sub-Project component activities assessed The proposed Phase Table 5-1. Activities with Potential Environmental Impacts Table 5-1: Summary of Phase 1 Sub-Project Wastewater Collection Component 1: Drainage, Flood Control and
Rehabilitate existing drainage and sewer systems New main sewers New tertiary and branch lines New discharge outlets New pumping stations New force main pipe lines New combined sewer overflows Dredge and excavate sludge, reservoir lake and channels Street surface repairs after pipeline excavations Drainage / sewerage management equipment

All 3 cities Quy Nhon All 3 cities Quy Nhon All 3 cities Nha Trang, Quy Nhon Quy Nhon Quy Nhon, Dong Hoi All 3 cities Nha Trang,qy Nhojon

w |

(WWTPs): No proposed activities in Phase 1 Component 2: Wastewater Treatment Plants ~~~~~~~~~Component 3: Solid Waste Management
All 3 cities

waste transfer ~~~~~~Solid stations toilets ~~~~~~Public Closure of Ru - Ri dumpsite

Develop new uoa

Waste collection vehicles and equipment

Quy Nhon Quy Nhon

NlaTrn Nha Trang an N QuyNhon

landfill site, including operational equipment

Component 4: Resettlement Site Development

Lanh Ward Development of 5-hectare resettlement site in Dat 5-hectare resettlement site in Nhon Binh Ward Developirnent of


health and positive benefits for the environment, public The Sub-Projects are expected to have significant centers, improved and level of flooding in the urban the tourism-based economy due to reduced frequency and and supportive improvements in sanitation service collection and handling of liquid and solid wastes, baseline conditions and Phase 1 Sub-Project Components, capacity. From an assessment of proposed projects in gained from similar types of World Bank-funded consultations, supported by the experienced impacts were identified. adverse environmental Vietnam, the following key sources of potentially Collection Component 1: Flood Control, Drainage and Wastewater 5.3 Excavation of Soils 5.2.1 volume deposited sludge (discussed below), the estimated 3 Potential Impacts. In addition to the removal of Sub-Projects totals 124,500m . The works for the three of material to be excavated during the pipeline in the area) and will be primarily of sand (the most common soil type excavated soil materials will consist installation is completed. The estimated trenches once re-used on-site for back-filling of the pipeline During this period stockpiles of each street is in the range of one to two weeks. construction period along season as excavations are conducted during the dry excavated materials may cause dust (if made are not properly managed. If excavations are recommended) and traffic problems if the excavations flooding, soil erosion additional impacts will include increased during the November-January rainy season, stagnant water filling open trenches. into drains and adjacent streets, and unsanitary on-site for anticipated that most excavated soil will be re-used Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendation. It is Measures to mitigate impacts due to is completed. back-filling of the pipeline trenches once installation and proper stockpiling the scheduling of the work during the dry season excavation of soils include procedures (SOPs) The EAs and SOPs provide operating practices as detailed by recommended standard types of construction impacts: and mitigation measures for the following common an assessments . and construction vehicles Dust and air pollution from excavations, levelling vehicles and other construction equipment. Noise and vibration of transport
23 Summary Environment Assessment

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

. .

Domestic wastes generated during construction Leakage of residual grease and oil Impacts to traffic.

that the recommended project-wide Site-Specific Mitigation Actions. None warranted other than ensuring mitigation actions are implemented. 5.2.2 Dredging Activities and Sediment Transport and Disposal 3 solid wastes in the old pipelines will be Potential Impacts. An estimated 13,000 m of deposited sludge and 3 m of silt and organic sediments will be transferred to existing landfills for disposal. A total of some 250,000 canals, rivers and lakes. The material to be dredged from clogged urban drainage systems which include No toxic or potentially toxic material dredged was tested and determined to be predominantly inorganic. No special treatment handling or disposal is was found in any of the samples in the three Sub-Project Areas. in potential impacts and will be dispersed required. The volume of dredging works required is considered limited of construction works. over the canal sites and pipeline routes and over a number of years of dredging activities it is recommended Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. To mitigate the impact systems shall be directly placed into tanker that contracts specify that sludge removed from urban drainage and impacts to the workers and local trucks for transport to the disposal site(s) so that storage time residents are minimized. that the recommended project-wide Site-Specific Mitigation Actions. None warranted other than ensuring mnitigation actions are implemented. 5.2.3 Increased Discharges to Receiving Water Bodies if Sub-Project activities results in increased Potential Impacts. Receiving water bodies could be impacted adverse if they resulted in violations or pollutant discharges. Such impacts would be considered significantly in the foregoing statement of Baseline exacerbated existing violations of national standards. As noted 1 activities are currently in excess of Conditions, all pollutant levels in recipient water bodies for Component is the recipient body of Outlet 2 and the national standards with the exception of the South China Sea which Pumping Station Discharge in Nha Trang. effects of existing pollution levels, in Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. To mitigate the adverse Outlet 2 and the Da Tuong Street Outlet in addition to disallowing new connections at all locations other than as mitigation measures for all outlets: Nha Trang, the following "end of the pipe" actions are recommended . (liquid chlorine) in order to kill Construction of manholes at outfalls to automatically input disinfections and wastewater. The liquid chlorine pathogen bacteria and permit adequate mixing of the chlorine for the purpose. should be stored in plastic drums in a special building constructed the outlets to help remove visible / floating solids. Placement of coarse screens on programs and signage to alert Increased water quality monitoring of discharge areas, public awareness dispersion areas. the public and tourists of any potential health risks in the effluent along the banks and shore lines of waterways identified as polluted Information programs with signs of untreated wastewater effluents. warning about the outlet discharges and potential public health risks that increased discharges resulting Site-Specific Mitigation Actions. Although the assessment indicates are unlikely to violate national standards, from new connections to the Outlet 2 and Da Tuong Street Outlet it is considered essential to extend the a lesser level of impact is likely. To mitigate the potential impacts monitoring to ensure that pollution levels pipelines a sufficient distance off-shore and to undertake routine are within acceptable standards. 5.2.4 Potential Impacts to Groundwater most of the population in the affected areas Potential Impacts. Studies preparatory to CCESP indicate that properly, not functioning adequately or both have use of a septic tank, but that most are either not designed soil. If so, most wastewater will be lost and that 87 percent of the wastewater penetrates to the surrounding little will be transferred to the treatment plants through the septic tanks to the surrounding ground and very are made. Seepage of untreated if the septic tanks are retained in service after the house connections wastewater into the groundwater system will continue.


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(except in the areas roted) will Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. Disallowing new connections Nha Trang Outlet 2 and Da Tuong Street delay this potential impact in these areas until Phase 2. In the 1. It is recommended to mitigate the Outlet catchment areas, however, the question arises in Phase
Summary Environment Assessment 24

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at new connection sites are potential impact to groundwater by ensuring that existing septic tanks procedures are provided by the abandoned as a condition of the connection. Details of recommended


warranted, other than Site-Specific Mitigation Actions. No site-specific mitigation actions are considered Tuong Street Outlet Nha Trang Outlet 2 and Da ensuring that the recommended actions are taken catchment areas in Phase 1 and that similar steps are taken in Phase 2. 5.4 Component 2: Wastewater Treatment Plants as part of Phase 1. No Component 2 (Wastewater Treatment Plants) activities are scheduled 5.5 Component 3: Solid Waste Management 3 activities (Solid Waste Potential impacts and mitigation related to them resulting from Component Management) are highly Sub-Project specific and are foreseen as follows. six-hectare sanitary landfill 5.4.1 Nha Trang Sub-Project. Potential impacts due to opening of the new dumpsite and recommended monitoring/mitigation site at Luong Hoa and closing the existing, nearby Ru-Ri actions related to them are as follows. Potential Cultural Resource Impacts Hoa landfill site note the fourPotential Impacts. Site surveys and local consultations at the proposed Luong property includes a pagoda hectare Kim Son Pagoda property adjacent to the existing access road. The families. Across the access (private religious temple) built in 1972 and a primary school for children of poor pagodas, the Tinh Xa Ngoc of two road from the pagoda is a cemetery which is under the management includes 600 graves. Impacts to Tong, and Tinh Xa Ngoc Phat. This cemetery was established in 1971 and design process and during construction these resources could occur due to decisions and in the be required to provide an Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. It is recommended that the site designs properties as discussed with the access road to the landfill site which avoids adverse impacts to these 2005 public consultations. owner's representatives of both cultural properties during the 30 December for possible discovery of Special attention will be needed during excavation and dredging activities discoveries during excavation or unexpected cultural or historical artifacts. Provisions for reporting any (SOPs) of the Contract dredging works are provided in the proposed Standard Operating Procedures Documents. Other Site Clearance Considerations the existing vegetation of Potential Impacts. Earthworks and levelling activities for the new site will displace at the site for its initial works about six hectares of rocky shrub land, farm plots and cashew trees. Earth 3 to move some 200,000 m materials of soil and rock. phase of development is expected investigations, this Mitigation/Monitorinq Recommendations. Based on the results of geotechnicalon-site for levelling as largely be used excavated material will consist primarily of rock and sand which can weli as for cover of the Ru-Ri dumpsite during closure. Construction Impacts Landfill Site will include: Potential Impacts. Potential impacts due to construction of the New Luong Hoa . during the construction Air Qualitv Impacts. Dust and noise are the main types of air pollution generated phase due to: Dust emission generated from site activities of filling, material transport and excavation. and transport Dust, SOx, NOx, CO and other pollutants generated by construction equipment vehicles Noise and vibration due to operation of construction equipment. phase includes: Water Quality Impacts. Wastewater pollution generated during the construction ,100 workers who may from the estimated Domestic Wastewater: Domestic wastewater generated 3 high SS, BOD, be involved during construction sanitation is about 2.5 m /day and will contain nutrients (N, P) and pathogens. During the rainy season, run-off storm water passing through the Run-off Stormwater: of 500 construction site contains grit and suspended solids (SS) with estimated concentrations
5000 mg/I.


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can be col;ected and Solid Waste: Construction wastes, such as sand, waste concrete, wood and steel,

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About 35 kg of solid wastes per day reused or sold, so the impacts of these waste is not significant. will need to be properly collected onmay be generated by the estimated 100 workers at the site, which or by the constructor. site into the waste bins and transported to the Ru Ri landfill by URENCO can be avoided by the incorporation of Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. Construction impacts as requirements for temporary septic tanks to appropriate conditions in bid and contract documents such address on-site sanitation needs. Operational Impacts of the new landfill will include: Potential Impacts. Potential impacts associated with the operation . from the existing Ru-Ri dumpsite and Transport Impacts. Initial solid waste volumes to be transferred m3 per day, which will involve an handled by the new landfill site are in the projected range of 400-500 landfill traffic will continue to increase estimated 50-100 vehicle trips per day to transport. The volume of which may create future impacts to with projected increases in solid waste volumes to be transported of the landfill access road and National traffic flows and public safety, particularly at the intersection A. Highway 1 or river in the proposed landfill area and Wastewater Impacts. There is no perennial surface water, lake A seasonal creek passes through the landfill area. the site is located more than four km from the coast. flows are seriously contaminated by It originates near the existing Ru-Ri dumpsite and its intermittent results showing COD concentrations leachate, as indicated by December 2005 and February 2006 test nitrogen concentrations ranging from at 244 mg/I compared to national standards of < 35 mg/l and total 19-26.5 mg/l compared to national standards of 1 mg/I. wastewater will be generated by the Domestic Wastewater: Approximately 0.5 m3 of domestic operations. Adequate on-site sanitation estimated 20 workers who may be employed during landfill including toilet facilities with septic facilities are provided in the basic design of the landfill facilities, ponds. tanks, the effluent from which will discharge to leachate treatment (1) from landfill cells and (2) from the Leachate: Wastewater will be produced from two sources: volume of leachate will increase during the wet cleaning of solid waste trucks and platforms. The decrease during the dry season. The season as rain passes through the landfill cells and will greatly 3 treated on-site through a progressive peak amount of leachate is estimated at 1,133 m and will be series of ponds described as follows: 3 Pond No. 1 - 19,000 m (anaerobic) 2 - 16,000 m3 (aerobic) Pond No. 3 Pond No. 3 - 13,000 m (polishing pond) 5945: 1995 (limit for BOD 5 of < 50 The leachate will be treated to meet the national standard TCVN that crosses the landfill site. The assessment mg / I) prior to discharge to the seasonal stream course adverse impacts. indicates that these procedures will avoid the potential for significant . of about 45-60% methane and 40-60% Landfill Gases: Land fill gas (biogas) is a typically a mixture on the actual solid waste carbon dioxide in addition to trace amounts of other gases depending area. It is inflammable and can lead to composition. Landfill gas can have a direct impact on the landfill These gases can also impact the a smouldering fires inside the waste body or cause explosions. dioxide are strong greenhoLise growth of nearby vegetation. More importantly, methane and carbon gases. Total rivining time of all vehicles Air emissions by vehicles / equipment used in the landfill operation: of predicted air emissions are total particulate ranges from 9 - 11 hour every day. The key components monoxide (CO), volatile organic matter (TPM), sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ), nitrogen oxides (NO,), carbon carbon (VOC). S), ammonia and VOC such as Odor: The odor-causing components are mainly hydrogen sulfide (H2 impacts to people living near a mercaptan. The odor problem is generally one of the most serious the landfill site and the provision of a landfill site. This impact is avoided by the lack of residents near 300-meter buffer zone around the facility. vehicles, such as garbage trucks, Noise: Noise will be generated from landfill transport and operational noise level of this works ranges from 75 - 85 dB. bulldozer, and compactor. Average


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by the incorporation of Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. Operational impacts can be avoided .

activities. appropriate training in the operation of such facilities as part of the CCESP Closure of the Existing Ru-Ri Dumpsite provide significant environmental Potential Impact. Proper closure of the existing Ru-Ri dumpsite will leachate and landfill gas flows. Design benefits, particularly the elimination of additional untreated the closure recommendations measures to collect and flare or utilize existing landfill gases are included in these measures will minimize current and future and the proposed budget. If successfully implemented, 3 gas). While full closUre impacts from release of 500-700 m per hour of methane (a powerful "greenhouse" for operation in 2008, the of the Ru-Ri dumpsite can only occur once the new Luong Hoa landfill is ready for disposal. It is anticipated that existing dumpsite is already filled to capacity and no longer actively used the potential for additional leachate sub-areas will be progressively sealed as soon as possible to eliminate for sealing and closure of the Ru-Ri generation, thereby avoiding additional impacts. Detailed procedures on Environment Protection for Solid dumpsite provided in the Inter-Ministry Instructions on Regulation will be followed. It must Waste Management (SWM) Disposal Areas (No. 01/2001/TTLT-BKHCNMT-BXD) in and of itself, eliminate the potential for adverse be noted, however, that closure of the dumpsite will not, activities. Potential adverse impacts due to leachate currently being generated from previous disposal and mitigation actions. Interim actions to accommodate waste impacts related thereto warrant consideration to avoid adverse impact. disposal until the Luong Hoa Landfill becomes available are also required activities on the site of the Ru-Ri Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. Current and future development in consultation with the Executing Dumpsite should be restricted by enforceable land use controls devised included in the recommended closure Agency and provincial authorities. In addition to the design measures on Environment Protection procedures and the requirements of the Inter-Ministry Instructions on Regulation (No. 01/2001/TTLT-BKHCNMT-BXD), a structured for Solid Waste Management (SWM) Disposal Areas due dumpsite activities is and well documented determination of current groundwater contamination full consideration should be given to recommended. If determined warranted by the analysis of the findings, water to mitigate potential a containment program for leachate currently in the groundwater and surface of the analysis determine that such actions are warranted, the design risks to local resident. If the findings able to pinpoint any risks and of the recommended course of action should include a monitoring program provide a feedback mechanism for management (not just data collection). Impacts to Informal Waste Sorters who often work at the existing Ru Potential Impacts. The estimated 200 informal waste sorters (scavengers) sources of livelihood once this dumpsite is Ri dumpsite are expected to be displaced from their current closed . additional project Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. As discussed during public consultations, in accordance with the sorters consideration should be given to the potential impacts on informal waste in the policies. These recommended project considerations will need to be detailed Bank's social safeguard separately prepared Resettlement Plan. Quy Nhon Sub-Project 5.4.2 renewal and improvemenit of Potential Impacts. Component 3 activities in Quy Nhon will be limited to transportation, for repairs and maintenance works; and equipment and facilities for solid waste collection, these are expected to be the construction of two solid waste collection points. Based on current practices for transfer to larger vehicles small facilities for complying wastes from push carts and low volume vehicles to transport to the dump site. solid waste indicate a Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. The reported characteristics of collected and cost-effective segregation and good potential to reduce the volume of such wastes by common do not currently segregate their minimization practices. 80 percent survey respondents indicated that they (66 percent). Recycling initiatives are solid wastes because they do not know how to segregate recommended to mitigate future impacts and over burdening of the SWM system. Dong Hoi Sub-Project 5.4.3 Phase 1. It should be noted, Potential Impacts. No Component 3 activities are proposed in Dong Hoi during Hoi Urban Development Project (DUDP) however, that the EA investigations indicate that the on-going Dong Loc Ninh dumpsite as previously may not have adequate budget remaining to fund the proper closure of expected.


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Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. The circumstances of the Dong Hoi Urban Development Project should be clarified and appropriate steps taken to mitigate future impacts and over burdening of the SWM system 5.6 Component 4: Resettlement in Potential impacts due to Component 4 activities and mitigation related to them are separately addressed the accompanying Resettlement Policy Framework and Sub-Project Resettlement Plans. 5.7 Component 5: Household and Public Sanitation Program their Potential Impact: Component 5 will, provide access to credit to low income households to improve access to safe water and sanitation in public areas, especially household sanitation facilities and to improve in schools. A limited number of public toilets will be constructed at strategic venues in each city. Additional facility wastes collected as a result of these activities are incorporated in the calculation of treatment requirements. Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. None warranted. 5.8 Component 6: Capacity Building and Project Implementation capacity Potential Impacts. CCESP Component 6 will finance consulting services and goods/equipment for including support for Project Management Units responsible for building and project implementation, implementing CCESP, the development of an Industrial Pollution Control program, training of healthcare providers, development of healthcare waste management plan and similar activities. Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. None warranted. 5.9 Review of Applicable Safeguard Policies Adherence to the applicable World Bank Environmental Safeguard Policies is assessed as follows. EnvironmentalAssessment (OP 4.01) 5.8.1 The environmental assessment requirements of OP 4.01 are provided herein. 5.8.2 Natural Habitats (OP 4.04) Potential Impacts. Potential impacts to natural habitats are assessed as follows: * * * * * Nha Trang. The proposed sub-project area primarily involves urban or sub-urban areas of Nha Trang The City. Non-urban lands of the sub-project area are widely used for rice farming and fish ponds. slopes. The nearest protected nearby coastal areas largely consist of sandy beaches and offshore area, the World Bank-assisted Hon Mun Marine Park, is located 10-15 km offshore, and hosts the the highest level of recorded coral biodiversity in Vietnam. Proposed project activities will improve many visitors to this well-known protected area. environmental sanitation management for the Quy Nhon. The Quy Nhom Sub-Project Area primarily involves urban or suburban areas. on-urban lands are widely used for farming and eucalyptus (gum tree) plantations. The Quy Nhon area includes five shallow lakes that total approximately 100 ha in area. The lakes are used as discharge sites for the City's combined sewer systems and reclamation projects. As a result, these lakes are eutropic and highly silted. Proposed Sub-project activities will restore lake storage capacity and improve current water quality and flows. The nearby coastal areas largely consist of sandy beaches and offshore slopes. Coral reefs and mangroves are not common in the area, but are not expected to be adversely affected by CCESP activities Dong Hoi. The Dong Hoi Sub-project area primarily involves urban or sub-urban areas. Non-urban lands in the area are widely used for farming and tree plantations. The nearby coastal areas largely consist of sandy beaches and offshore slopes. The natural lakes which are present in near the project area serve as part of the City's drainage and wastewater discharge system. Coral reefs and mangroves are not common in the coastal area of Dong Hoi. Karst Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located is located 30-50 km inland from Dong Hoi and outside the potential impact area.


Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. None warranted except as already noted.

5.8.3 Cultural Resources (OP 4.11) Potential Impacts. Potential impacts to cultural resources are assessed as follows: * Nha Trang. The proposed Phase 1 Nha Trang Sub-Project sites do not include any known physical

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cultural resources with the exception of the four-hectare Kim Son Pagoda property located adjacent to the Luong Hoa landfill site as discussed above. Potential impacts to the Kim Son Pagoda should be avoided as detailed above. It should be noted, however, that the cultural history of the general area is significant. As result, special attention will needed during all proposed excavation and dredging activities for possible unexpected discovery of cultural or historical artifacts. Quy Nhon. The proposed Phase 1 Quy Nhon Sub-project sites do not include any known physical cultural resources. The cultural history of the general area is significant and dates back to the Champa Culture in the 11h century. Special attention will need to be given during excavation and dredging activities for possible discovery of cultural or historical artifacts. Provisions for reporting any discoveries during excavation or dredging works are provided in the proposed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the Contract Documents. * Dong Hoi. The proposed Dong Hoi Sub-project sites do not include any known physical cultural resources, with the noted exception of the 200 year old Quang Binh Citadel which is currently being renovated by the Department of Culture and Information, including non-CCESP drainage improvements to help protect the building from floods. Proposed CCESP drainage works in the Citadel area are, however, located more then 150 meters away from the historic structure. The cultural history of the general area is significant. Special attention will need to be given during proposed excavation and dredging activities for possible discovery of cultural or historical artifacts. Provisions for reporting any discoveries during excavation or dredging works are provided in the proposed SOPs of the Contract

Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. In addition to the mitigation actions recommended at the Kirn Son Pagoda, provisions for reporting any discoveries during excavation or dredging works are recommended and provided in the proposed SOPs of the.Contract Documents. 5.8.4 Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) Potential Impacts. The Involuntary Resettlement impacts of the CCESP Phase 1 for the Sub-projects generating such impacts are addressed in separate Resettlement Reports. Mitigation/Monitoring Recommendations. Mitigation and monitoring pursuant to the requirement of OP4.12 are provided in the separate Resettlement Reports.


6.2 The "Without Project" Alternative World Bank procedures for category A projects require the consideration of the "without projecf' situation. In the absence of funding from the World Bank, other multilateral development bank or bilateral aid organization, it is likely assumed that GoV would be unable to make the investments needed to improve environmental sanitation in the near future, if at all. Public health risks and costs would increase. Economic development lead by tourism would be threatened. The decline in environmental sanitation conditions and related institutional capabilities would be exacerbated by:

Population increases. In contrast to recorded (1992 - 2002) annual population growth rate of 1.5 percent, the official projection for 2003 - 2020 range is nearly five percent. Increased generation of pollutants. The generation and management requirements of liquid and solid wastes are expected to increase at even higher rates due to improving per capita economic

Delays in implementing the project could also lead to increased costs and social impacts at a later date. Current facility sites and needed right-of-way (ROW) areas might no longer be available. In light of these considerations, the "without project" alternative is seen as neither prudent nor in the best interest of the potentially affected population.

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Alternatives related to Components 1 and 2 include the following. Scheduling Options for Household Connections to the New Sewer System 6.2.1 The possibility of connecting households in Phase 1 lbefore the wastewater treatment plants are completed was Phase 2 considered. Doing so would result in varying volumes of untreated wastewater discharged in the receiving waters thereby increasing: to

Alternatives Related to Components 1 and 2

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Pollution levels in the receiving water bodies. Exposure of human and livestock to polluted water. The risk of waterborne diseases - diarrhea, cholera, typhoid and dysentery.

If this option were selected, household connections to the new sewer system would be made during construction of the sewer and before the proposed WWTPs are operational in year 2 or 3 of Phase 2. The results of the assessment and hydraulic modelling calculations of this option are provided in main report and indicate that for the most part, the incremental effect of the new connections would be relatively small. Combined with the existing conditions as described above, however, the dilution and dispersion capacity of the receiving water bodies, with the possible exception of Nha Trang Outlet 2 and Pumping Station Outlet, are not adequate to assimilate current discharge levels within national water quality standards. Disallowing new household connections in all other areas is therefore incorporated in project design as a mitigation measure in lieu of this alternative. The question of whether to retain existing septic tanks in service after connections to the collection system, to retain the newer ones, or to completely abandon all in Phase 1 arises only in regard to Outlet 2. The issue will arise in all catchment areas, however, in Phase 2. Studies preparatory to CCESP indicate that most septic tanks in the Project Area are either not designed properly, not functioning adequately or both and that 87 percent of the wastewater penetrates to the surrounding soil. If so, unless actions are taken to rehabilitate the septic tanks, most wastewater will be lost through the septic tanks to the surrounding ground and very little will be transferred to the treatment plants if they are retained in service after the house connections are made. The alternative of retaining the septic tanks and instituting a program for or mandating their rehabilitation has been considered as an alternative. If retained, all should be 100% watertight with confirmation by appropriate and recognized tests undertaken by CCESP. The decision to retain should not be based on the age - i.e. whether recently constructed or not, or whether likely to leak or not but rather that they are currently watertight and are more than likely to remain so. Doing so would be costly and is considered unwarranted if the WWTPs are designed for domestic wastewater consistent with direct connection to the system. Accordingly the alternative of retaining the septic tanks has been considered but is not recommended. The abandonment of septic tanks at the time of connection has been proposed as integral aspect of the project as a means of mitigating impacts to groundwater quality. 6.4 Alternatives Related to Component 3: Solid Waste Management Alternatives to proposed actions to create the Luong Hoa Sanitary Landfill were assessed by the International Consultant during the preparation of the FS for the proposed new Luong Hoa sanitary landfill facility. In addition to the final land fill recommendations of the study, alternatives considered included: incineration; pyrolysis (the use of heat to break down complex chemical substances into simpler substances), recycling, and composting. A summary of this alternatives analysis and relative costs per ton of wastes is provided in Table 6-1. |


Retaining versus Abandoning Existing Septic Tanks


Table 6-1: Solid Waste Management Alternatives- Comparative Analysis &_Ranking

Cost per

Technology Sanitary Landfill Site Waste Incineration



Remarks Cheapest solution but land consuming Expensive solution, suitable for big cities, maintenance and spare parts intensive, skilled operator needed, landfill site necessary for ashec (10%/)l Recommendable only if there is demand for soil conditioner, Landfill site necessary (for about 20% of the waste) to 90 % of the waste a Should be is needed. ~~~landfill site promoted, but is not a complete solution. For 85 Technology is not reliable, expensive and very maintenance and spareparts intensive


1 2 3 4 5

15 -20 100 90 90 +/- 0 +/ 0 100- 150

Composting Composting Recycling Recycling Waste Pyrolysis

Further attention to the potential for solid waste minimization / segregation during implementation is recommended. Based on the characteristics of collected solid waste in Nha Trang, i'mportant opportunities appear to be present to further reduce current and projected volumes of solid waste, particularly of recyclable and organic materials.

Alternatives Related to Component 4: Resettlement 6.5 Alternative courses of action in regard to resettlement are separately addressed by the accompanying Resettlement Policy Framework and Sub-Project Resettlement Plans.

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institutional The environmental management plan (EMP) consists of the set of mitigation, monitoring, and and operation to eliminate or minimize adverse measures to be applied during implementation environmental impacts. In accordance with the Bank's OP 4.01, the EMP serves to: (a) (b) (c) Identify the set responses to potentially adverse impacts; Determine requirements for ensuring that responses are made effectively and timely, and Describe the means for meeting those requirements.

are identified and Based on the predicted Phase 1 environmental Impacts, appropriate mitigation measures of impacts, including detpiled design, construction described for each of the key project stages and types and operations as follows. 7.2 Mitigation Measures During Detailed Design specific for Proposed impact mitigation measures include general design considerations, supported by design measures to mitigate environmental impacts of: Drainage and sewerage systems in all three cities, Sludge dredging and excavations in Quy Nhon and Dong Hoi, New Luong Hoa sanitary landfill and closure of existing Ru-Ri dumpsite in Nha Trang, Solid waste transfer stations and public toilets in Quy Nhon, and Resettlement sites in Nha Trang and Quy Nhon.

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The more specific mitigation measures can be draft describe as follows: the Drainage and Sewers: In the design of drainage and sewerage, attention has to be paid to preventing Water supply. Special attention has to be paid to the possible possibility of contaminating the domestic crossing of water pipes and sewers. For this purpose, it will not be allowed to have water pipes going have to be through the same drainage manholes or box culverts. Discharging points of the drainage system pipes is prevented selected so that the adverse impact is minimized and the back flow of drainage water to or minimized. area Resettlement Site Development: The resettlement site needs to be planned as a complete residential standards and the Nha Trang Master Plan. The with sufficiently functions according to Vietnam planning Site design of the resettlement site will apply current design standards and regulations for new urban areas. between new settlement areas and proposed WWTP site to planning will include a reserved buffer zone minimize any future 7.3 Mitigation Measures During Construction constructioui Proposed mitigation measures include general considerations and required measures during during excavation, landfill development. Detailed standard work supported by specific mitigation measures site-level operating procedures (SOPs) for impact mitigation measures at the contractor- and construction Document amendments if such provisions are lacking in the proposed are provided as proposed Contract contracts. The general mitigation measures during construction are summarized in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1 General Environmental Impact Mitigation Measures during Construction
Impact Noise, Odour, Litter and Dust Mitigation Measures maximum permitted noise level is given in the Vietnamese standard TCVN 5949-1998. The strongest - The limitations are from 10 pm to 6 am in the vicinity of hospitals, libraries and kindergartens where maximum noise level is 40 dB. with TCVN - Air quality and dust emissions are mitigated through dust suppression measures compliance dry season. - To minimise the odour nuisance especially the dredging works have to be carried out during overloading of trucks. Accidental spills, sludge, oils and - Appropriate equipment has to be used to prevent lubricants from equipment etc. have to be absorbed and collected immediately. to be minimised by good construction - In the construction site dust, litter and public inconvenience has management and site supervision. It is recommended to sprinkle the street in the vicinity of construction sites to minimise dust. to the construction sites ancd - Solid and liquid wastes should be collected to transfer stations established to the landfill. transported - Waste and disposal of excavated material are disposed at the sites, which are agreed with URENCO. to the - The Contractor is responsible to provide appropriate equipment, tools and protective clothing appropriate working methods are applied. workers and ensure that safety and During dredging and transportation of dredged material the Contractor has to follow strictly minimised. regulations. The dredging has to be organised so that the need to go to the water is health paid to avoid the direct contact with sludge. The Contractor has to provide attention has to be 31



Health and Safety

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Mitigation Measures
protective clothing including at least overall, Wellington boots and gloves. - A possibility to proper washing with clean water has to be arranged during and after the working. Clean water and first aid kit has to be available to wash and treat the possible cuts and wounds. - All works have to carried out so that not to interfere unnecessarily the public and prevent the access to use public or private roads and footpaths to or of properties. - The Contractor has to select transportation routes, choose vehicles and distribute loads so that the transportation from and to the site shall be limited as far as reasonably possible. The Contractor has to use every reasonable means to prevent any of the roads and bridges from being damaged by the works. - The nuisance caused by transportation of materials and especially dredged sludge has to be minirnised by arranging transportation and construction on busy main streets only outside rush hours and in narrow streets in residential areas only during the day. The transportation has to be avoided between 10 pm and 6 allowed only on the request of traffic police. Care ful planning of dredging, excavation, am and is construction and transportation schedules, and planning and selection of routes, as well as choice of transportation vehicles will minimise dust. Loads have to be covered tightly to minimize dust and preventing dropping of material from the loads to the roads. - In all construction works, local working time and site arrangements and instructions concerinig site clearance, fencing, watching and lighting, working at night etc. given in Contract Documents have to be followed up. - The district PMU shall announce the construction works and new traffic arrangements during constructions works to the public regionally in newspapers, TV and radio. Locally the announcement is given to the ward representatives who will inform the residents. Loudspeakers can be used during the construction works to give the latest information in concerning areas.


Traffic and Transportation Arrangements Transportation of Dredged Sludge and Material

Working Time and Site Arrangements Public Relations



Standards for Making Households Connections: Based on the Final Report (January 2006) for the World Bank's Household Connections Mission, there is a recognized need to prepare project-specific standards for making household connections to the improved wastewater collection systems. Such standards are needed to ensure that when the household connections are allowed to be made, these connections will be made in a uniform manner that minimizes impact during installation and allows for proper maintenance. These connection standards will be prepared during the Project's detailed design stage by the National Consultant, working in close cooperation with the URENCO and WSSC (who will be in charge of maintaining the sewerage network) and with the Ministry of Construction and the Bank who will need to approve the standards. It is expected that these connection standards shall provide a clear definition of: * * |* , Agreed procedures for making connections Possible connection points to the tertiary network (manholes, chamber or straight to pipe); Materials to be used, minimum and recommended pipe diameters and slopes; Number, placement and detailed design of any required special appurtenances. Retaining or deleting the septic tanks after the house connections are made. If the septic tanks are retained the condition for retention should be stated. If the septic tanks should be abandoned the method of abandoning should be stated.


Specific Mitigation Measures durinq Dredging Activities: The current estimate of the total volume of dredged material is 226,800 mi. Based on the results of sediment testing conducted as part of the EA in February 2006, this dredged sediment is expected to consist primarily of organic materials which could be re-used locally without further treatment for agricultural and landscaping purposes. The amount of dredged material will be clarified during the detailed design and more detailed instructions will be included in the Contract Documents. Specially, the contractors will be required to use special vehicles (tankers) for sludge transport to any off-site disposal area(s) to minimize leakage of sludge materials. Any dredge sediments which are later found to be contaminated or not suitable for agricultural or landscaping use will be disposed of in the landfill site. Prior to disposal, the sediment can be dried out for use as covering layer at the dump site. Such disposal will need to be agreed with PMU, DONRE and URENCOs. To avoid public disturbance during dredging works, it is extremely important to inform the local people and traditional users of the water body in advance about the dredging schedule and work plan, including information on any proposed sludge dewatering and/or on-site storage activities. Mitigation Measures During Operation 7.4 Proposed mitigation measures include consideration of drainage and sewerage systems, landfill site and solid waste transfer stations: and environmental sanitation requirements of the resettlement site. Untreated household connection discharges from combined sewer svstems: As described in Sub-Project EAs, the most effective impact mitigation measure is to postpone the household connections until the WWTPs are operational or advance the schedule for constructing WWTP to provide treatment earlier in the project period so that these project components are more closely linked. However, if it is agreed and locally approved to allow some household connections to the combined sewer system prior to completion of the
Summary Environment Assessment 32

* *

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

WWTPs, limited mitigation measures for "end of the pipe" treatments to reduce impacts and potential health risks are recommended. Although the characteristics and flow at the various outlets are dissimilar we are proposing the same mitigation at each outlet for the following reasons: * The current characteristics were determined from limited sampling over a short period that did not include all the seasons. It is possible, indeed likely that these characteristics will change. Therefore we believe it is prudent to be conservative and design for the worst case. An indication of the worst case can be established by reviewing the result of all the outlets. If there are changes in the characteristics for even a short period a conservative design will mitigate the impact. The equipment for the different outlets will be standardized, parts will be interchangeable and unit cost will be reduced. To propose individual mitigation for what is essentially the same impact or could be the same would be tantamount to micro-managing without considering the possibility or likelihood of changes.


The end of pipe treatment to be employed at the outlets includes: Chlorination treatment of the untreated effluents within the pipelines to reduce pathogens and health risks. * Placement of coarse screens on the outlets to help remove visible / floating solids. * Increased water quality monitoring of discharge areas, public awareness programs and signage to alert the public and tourists of any potential health risks in the effluent dispersion areas. Dredging and maintenance of open channels to which many outlets discharge, converting these channels into covered box culverts and extending outlets offshore as underwater outfalls. Septic Tanks: The majority of the septic tanks are either poorly designed, leaking, in need of major repairs or not functioning properly. If any is retained in service the long term integrity should be convincingly established by appropriate tests. This will be difficult, expensive and inconvenient. (Septic tanks are usually tested before placing in service). They will serve no useful purpose after the house connections are installed. They should be abandoned completely at the same time the house connections are made. The procedure to be followed to abandon these tanks are: a) Empty the tank completely b) Pressure wash the inside of the tank c) Disinfect the inside using a strong disinfectant d) Punch holes in the bottom to permit future use or accumulation of water. e) Backfill the tank, and soak away pit with compacted sand, gravel, and/or limestone f) If necessary install house connection pipe through backfilled tank g) Test house connection for water-tightness h) Restore ground or floor to match surrounding areas.



Building on the experienced gained on similar projects, environmental monitoring will be conducted during construction and operations at the following four (4) levels: Monitoring of project performance indicators; Monitoring of implementation of mitigation measures done by the Contractor; Community based monitoring; and Overall regulatory monitoring of the project.


A set of monitoring indicators is proposed to assess the implementation at various project stages. These performance monitoring indicators will be agreed in the final EA report, EMP and Project Implementation Plan (PIP) as well as the findings and recommendatibns of the Independent Safeguards Monitoring (ISM) Consultant to be appointed under the project. Combined with other qualitative and quantitative parameters of project performance, these indicators will be used as a tool for impact / benefit evaluation and analysis at various project stages and will be presented in reports of the PMU and ISM Consultant. The PMU will be responsible for preparing to the Bank bi-annual performance monitoring reports, which will detail project progress with respect to agreed targets. These targets and reporting requirements will include the following environmental project performance indicators:

Summary Environment Assessment


Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

* * | *

Contractor compliance to impact mitigation measures and procedures (SOPs) Health indicators Flooding situation Wastewater and sanitation environment Community stakeholder participation

Community Based Monitoring: Based on the experience gained in implementing the World Bank-funded Ho Chi Minh Environmental Sanitation Project, the ISM Consultant will play a lead role in organizing local community stakeholders to be actively involved in sub-project planning, implementation and monitoring activities, particularly at the tertiary and household connection levels where they are most affected. Within each of these areas (wards), the local stakeholders, residents and businesses will be provided an orientation and invited to actively participate in the monitoring of key environmental parameters; suchI as water supply quality, drainage, dust, noise, air pollution and public safety. The communities would also be trained to notice the indicators and risks of environmental pollution during project construction and operation. Overall Regulatory Monitoring: During operation OF the related components, the URENCO (to whom the completed facilities have been turned over to) will be responsible for sustaining the established air, water and sediment quality monitoring and reporting program to the DONRE and the Bank. Project Organization for Environmental Management System 8.2 The Draft Final EA recommends an organizational and systematic approach towards environniental management involving the following key project stakeholders and responsibilities: * Proiect Management Unit (PMU): The PMU has the overall responsibility to implement and monitor the Assisted by the ISM and CMC consultants, the PMU will monitor and report on the EMP. implementation of mitigation measures during the constrictor's construction works. The PMU will closely integrate project implementation and monitoring with local People's Committee (PC) to promote the participation of the community during the project planning, implementation and operation stages. The PMU is also responsible for reporting EMP implementation to the Bank and DONRE based on their field observations, meeting results and monthly progress reports provided by the contractors, CMC I ISM consultants and community based monitors. The proposed PMU staffing organization will include at least one environmental mitigation and monitoring specialist. Community ReDresentatives: At the sub-project's tertiary and household connection levels, community representatives will be encouraged to participate in monitoring the environmental sanitation conditions in their community through their representatives to the PMU and local executive offices (PCs of wards, communes and district). Direct community involvement will take part prior to and during construction to support implementation monitoring of required impact mitigation measures and other assisting to address related community issues. These community-based monitoring measures will be supported by the project's ISM Consultant. Construction Management Consultant (CMC): The main tasks of CMC are monitoring basic construction practices and procedures, including Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for mitigating These tasks will be stipulated in detail in the environmental impacts as described in the draft EA. Reference (TOR) for the CMC and contract with the PMU, both of which are subject to Bank Terms of reviews for issuance of a No Objection Letter (NOL). Independent Safeguards Monitoring (ISM) Consultant: The ISM will be responsible for monitoring EMP implementation activities and ensuring that agreed environmental and social safeguard policies of the GoV and the Bank are applied and monitored.


Capacity Development and Training 8.3 Needed environmental training on how to implement effective environmental monitoring, mitigation and reporting measures and systems will be provided to key stakeholders based on the actual project needs, roles and responsibilities, focusing on: PMU: Person(s) in charge of environmental issues will be trained to supervise environmental monitoring and reporting, in accordance with the Bank's safeguards policies and GoV requirements.

Summary Environment Assessment



Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

Figure 8.1

Project Organizational Structure for Environmental Management System

WB, DONRE and other authorities

ProJect Management Unit (PMU)

Ward People's Committee, social I



Contractors (self mitigation

measures) m n

ceomp lience monitorino


Public consultatio nI

w E

Safeguards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Independent Monitoring (ISM) -----------------Consultant (ISMC)

Contractors: will be trained how to. identify and mitigation potential impacts, including requirements and SOPs specified in their Contract Documents, how to monitor implementation of mitigation measures and how to complete monitoring reports. Workers: will be trained how to prevent pollution and environmental sanitation on the site of construction, how to respond will with emergency cases. Community representatives: will be trained on how to participate in on-site, community-based impact observing and monitoring during planning, construction and operation of sub-project components. Proposed training activities will focus on agreed monitoring measures to be observed and reported by community members, including dust, noise, tidiness of streets, frequency / duration of flooding and sanitary condition of I solid waste transfer stations and public toilets.

Proposed monitoring measures and training activities are summarized in Tables 8-2 and 8-3.
Performance Indicator to be Monitored __ Health indicators Percentage of collected solid waste Water quality: BOD 5, COD, SS, coliform, total nitrogen, total phosphate, oil & grease (3 sampling points) (2 sampling Sediment quality monitoring: Pb, Cu, Fe,

Table 8-1: Summary of Proposed Environmental Measures and Parameters

Frequency Twice per year Twice per year Twice per year Twice per year

sponsibility____ Re___ PMU collects PMU collects




ISM with assistance of

Environmental Laboratory' In response to Air quality and noise monitoring: SO2, CO,, NOx, TSP, complaints noise (3 sampling points) CMC under ISM guidance Monthly Monitoring implementation of mitigation measures during construction Communities observes Weekly / monthly Community based monitoring of tertiary and household . connection sub-project levels in the Note: The locations to be sampled in the respective cities (Nha Trang, Quy Nhon, Dong Hc,; are named and detailed EIA reports for the city.

Table 8-2: Summayof Proposed Environmental Training Activities for each Su"b-roectat
Course Description PMU: Environmental monitoring and reporting Contractors: Implementing mitigation measures and SOPs Workers: Safety and environmental sanitation Lcommunity Representatives: On-site observing and monitoring * Summary Environment Assessment

1 3 3 3


Duration (days) 1 2 2

Participants _per Course 10 20 30 30 35




Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

Public Consultation and Disclosure 8.4 A summary of public consultation and disclosures is provided as in Table 8-4.


Description of CCESP Phase 2 Activities 9.1 60 The Phase 2 of CCESP will be implemented from mid-2008 to 2013 and will constitute approximately 2, the CCESP sub-project components initiated under 70 % of the total project investments. Under Phase and Phase 1 will be continued with the significant addition of Component 2 involving the Construction will be operation of the project's wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). These Component 2 investments of collected complimented by the Phase 2 separation of drainage and sewer systems, proper treatment centers. In additioni wastewater, and extension of these systems to service urban areas outside of the city 2 investments will also be to expansion of the new Luong Hoa sanitary land fill in Nha Trang, limited Phase and medical solid made in Quy Nhon and Dong Hoi to improve management and handling of hazardous waste. Summary of Phase 2 Impacts and Safeguard Issues to be Addressed it, EA 9.2 sanitation Proposed Phase 2 investments will extend and expand the positive benefits to the environmental key Phase 2 component conditions in the three (3) sub-project cities initiated under Phase 1. A summary of in the Phase 2 activities which may be a potential source of environmental impact and will be addressed EAs are summarized in Table 9-1. information, Summary of Predicted Phase 2 Negative Environmental Impacts: Based on the available the conversion of 26 ha of existing paddy rice, shrimp ponds arnd Phase 2 investments will result in total treatment plantation forest for the construction of 7 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with a 3 Of the total 114.2 ha area for WWTPs, 88.2 ha will be acquired and reserved as capacity of 124,500 m . include any known buffer areas as required under Vietnamese regulations. The selected sites do not assessed in the Phase 2 EA. critical natural habitats or physical cultural resources, which will be further 1 and 2 civil works Predicted construction impacts will increase in Phase 2 due to the scale of Component for a typical WWTP. Proposed Phase 2 construction and extended construction periods (about 2 years) new pipelines and culverts, among it, about 118 works will include an estimated 327.6 km of improved or 3 a total of 595,041 m of excavation and dredging works. Following km is tertiary pipe, and will involve be collected and completion of the WWTPs in 2010 - 2011, existing untreated wastewater discharges will The discharge of treated to national effluent standards which closely correspond to international standards. of the receiving water bodies. these treated WWTP effluents is predicted to improve the baseline conditions future use of septic A key issue which will need to be resolved are measures for controlling or eliminating systems and WWTPs to protect ground water tanks after household connections are made to new sewer resources in sewered areas.

l l l I l l
Summary Environment Assessment 36


Ii i

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP) Table 8-4: Nha Trang Sep. - Oct, 2005 Summary of Public Consultation and Disclosure Dong Hoi Sep. - Oct., 2005

City Date

u Nhon Sep - Oct., 2005 l 426 Lack of sewage and drainage system - Flooding during rainy season - Air polluted by exhausts or dust - Pollution by wastewater Jan. 4, 2006 and Feb. 22, 2006 Group discussion and questionnaire 43 - The most severe impacts from existing outlets involve outlet 1 (Phu Hoa Lake), the

Public consultation stage 1 Number Surveyed Main issues and discuggessi discussions Date Approach Number Surveyed

r Included in socio-economic surveys, including questionnaires and group discussion 300 461 HHs
Lack of sewage and drainage system Flooding during rainy season - Air polluted by exhausts or dust Pollution by wastewater Dec. 30, 2005 and Feb. 25, 2006 Group discussion and questionnaire 27

Lack of sewage and drainage system Flooding during rainy season - Air polluted by exhausts or dust Lack of hygienic toilet - Dec. 27, 2005 and Feb. 25, 2006 Group discussion and questionnaire 40 coTherns at al pults shareatemain

- At outlet 1, two main issues are pollution from open channel and dust pollution from the earth

Public consultation
stage 2.

road along the channel. The impacts ofThHHatalotessaetemiwseaerdcagngolkeav odors concerns about impacts of increased flies, pollutant concentration and odors can be near discharge areas, mosquitoes and bes mdrs
y metibon Publicconsultatione-pollutablentf acceptable if apply mitgation measures. - At outlet 4, the main problem is pollution from increased public health risks and increased level of pollutants in the river.

reportedly resulted in some 25%/ of the

Main issues and suggested

lake now being polluted. Bad odor, particularly during dry season is the main concern of existing impacts reported at all - The recommended mitigation measures are covering the open channel/ box culvert by concrete blafb prdpscharge to the lake, regularly dredging culverts and outlets. Jan., 2006 - English version of draft EA report - Vietnamese version of executive summary of EIA repOrt - Infoshop - VDIC - DONRE - City People's Committee Feb., 2006 - Vietnamese version of draft EIA report - PPU - DONRE



existing open channel. converting this channel to box culvert, dredging the channel, developing solid waste collection. )an., 2006 - English version of draft EA report - Vietnamese version of executive summary of EIA report - Infoshop - VDIC - PPU - DONRE - City People's Committee Feb., 2006 - Vietnamese version of draft EIA report



The suggested mitigation measures arereotbycneesl,poerramntf


- Most of respond ants agreed with the mitigation measures proposed in draft final EA

Date Documents



Date Documents Location


Jan., 2006 - English version of draft EA report - Vietnamese version of executive summary of EIA report - Infoshop - VDIC - PPUU - DONRE - City People's Committee Feb., 2006 - Vietnamese version of draft EIA report - PPU - DONRE

Summary Environment Assessment


Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP) with Potential Environmental Impacts Table 9-1 Summary of Phase 2 Sub-project Activities Collection Component 1: Drainage, Flood Control and Wastewater Nha Trang, Quy Nhon Rehabilitate existing drainage and sewer systems All three cities New main sewers All tiree cities New tertiary and branch lines _Quy Nhon New discharge outlets All three cities New pumping stations Nha Trang, Quy Nhon New force main pipe lines Quy Nhon, Dong Hoi New combined sewer overflows Quy Nhon _ lake and channels Dredge and excavate sludge, reservoir All three cities Street surface repairs after pipeline excavations Nha Trang, Quy Nhon Drainage / seweraoe management equipment Component 2: Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs)
ditch WWTP o South Site, capacity of 59,000 m3 / day, Oxidation Nha Tn


WWTP at North Site, capacity of 19,000 m3 / day, Oxidation ditch funding approved) Nhon Binh WWTP (lb), 21,500 m3 / day, CEPT (if GEF grant m3 / day, Oxidation ditch Phu Hoa WVTP (1c), 14,900 Bau Lac WWTP (2a), 8,200 m3 / day, Oxidation ditch Duc Loi WWTP, capacity of 8 000 m3 / day, Oxidation ditch / day, Lagoon system Rehabilitate WWTP in Vietnam - Cuba Hospital, capacity of 300 m3 Component 3: Solid Waste Management Waste collection vehicies and equipment Solid waste transfer stations Island community and ship slid waste management measures Public toilets Develop new Luong Hoa landfill cell, including operational equipment LTranch landfill cell development and equipment Hazardous waste collection & treatment (incinerator & equipment) Vehicle repair workshop and equiment Component 4: Resettlement Site Development

Nha Trang u on Quy Nhon Quy Nhon Dong Hoi Dong Hoi All three cities All three cities All three cities Qu Nhon Nha Trang Dong Hoi Dong Hoi Nha Trang _
Dong Hoi


Deveplopment of resettlement site


Collection) Component 1 (Drainage, Flood Control and Wastewater Phase 1, the and safeguard issues assessed and addressed under impact
In addition to the environmental Phase 2 EA for Component 1 will include: * * * of proposed activities (Table 6 -2). Site selection, design, construction impacts and operation areas outside of the city center Expansion of drainage and sewer systems to urban serviced areas. Alternative options for existing septic tank systems within Table 9-2 Phvsical Investments -_Component Summary Quantities of Key Phase 2 Component 1 1

Drainage and sewerage (km) Force main sewer pipelines (km) || Tertiary pipeline (km)
Pumping stations


Nha Trang
50.0 6.6 8.0

Qui Nhon
18.0 12.0 75.0

Dong Hooi 63.0 55.0 35.0 8,494 250,000 -1


Number of households connecting to the sewer system 3 Estimated volume of excavation and dredging (in )

18,000 205,041

1 1A'i,000 __


Component 2 (Wastewater Treatment)

assessed and addressed in the Phase 2 EA for Environmental impact and safeguard issues to be Component 2 will include: * . of proposed WWTPs which are summarized Site selection, design, construction impacts and operation in Table 5 -3. Conversion of existing land uses to WWTP sites Design and planning for required WWTP buffer zones Modelling of treated effluent discharges sludge and treated effluents, including Alternative options for utilization and/or disposal of WWTP

3 I

* * *

I| I

wetlands application of effluent polishing such as through constructed treatment of septage (biosolids) Handling and


Environment Assessment



i I I

z I I. I I i

i I

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

Wastewater Treatment2 Treatment Area (ha) Capacity l Buffer WWTP Location Description WWTP Site City (m3) area Area L 59,000 1 22 8.5 _ (shrimp pond area) South of Cai River South site [Nha 9_0 3_ ___7.3_ _ _ North of airport (paddy rice area) site North _Trang_ l_ 900 24 3.1 1 Phu Hoa (plantation forest) 2C Quy * 8 '00 16.8 2.1 Bau Lac (plantation forest) 2A 000 12.1] 3.3_ __ Ha Thanh B _______ _6L000W 6.01 6.0 Duc Loi commune (rice paddy area) [ Duc Loi Dong _300 ___ _ __ Vietnam - Cu Ba hospital VN-Cuba Hospital Hloi_ CETP - Chefrrically Nhon is proposed for GEF grant funding under a Belgium government sponsored project. Note: WWTP 1B in Qtuy Enlhanced Ti-eatment Process. Table 9-3 Summary of Phase 2 Component 2 Investments

Key EA considerations in evaluating each WWTP site will include: settlements. Impacts on any critical natural habitats, physical cultural resources and/or Impacts of treated effluent discharges and sludge disposal Air quality impacts during operation 15 year flow, and with room for Capability of accommodating a single WWTP facility for a projected expansion of equal capacity to avoid future impacts and costs of expansion. Access for construction, influent and effluent pipelines and public utilities and avoid flooding risks and Adequate elevation and soil conditions to minimize fill requirements disruptions during WTP operation. Consistency with approved development master plans

. .

. . .

Component 3 (Solid Waste Management) construction impacts and operation The Phase 2 EA for Component 3 will assess the site selection, design, of the following: * . fill site (Nha Trang) Development of additional 6 ha cell area within the Luong Hoa land 1 developed under Phase 1 Closure of Luong Hoa Cell land fill site (Dong Hoi) Hazardous and medical waste incinerator within the 10 ha Ly Trach waste management measures in all three cities Island community and ship solid Solid waste transfer stations in all three cities Public toilets in Quy Nhon


. . .

Component 4 (Resettlement Site Development) in Dong Hoa: The Phase 2 EA will assess three (3) alternative sites currently proposed Nam Truong area, along Tran Hung Dao Street (capacity for 200 households) Cho Ga to Le Loi Streets (capacity for 400 households) households) Ly Thuong Kiet Street from Hospital Bridge to Loc Linh (capacity for 400

Proposed Process for Phase 2 EA 9.3 proposed EA process and schedule for Based on the experience gained in during Phase 1 preparation, the EAs will be prepared for each of the three Phase 2 is presented in Table 9-4. Similar to Phase 1, separate Bank, and respective PPU and DONRE (3) sub-projects and will be subject to reviews and approvals by the the Phase 2 EAs will be provided by (or MONRE). Detailed guidance on the agreed process for preparing of which was separately submitted to Bank in the Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2, the draft version contents of the draft Environmenital January 2006 as pre-requisite for project appraisal. The summary key output of the Phase 2 EA process will be the updating and Guidelines is provided in Table 9-5. A directly related to the WWTP construction expansion of the Phase 1 EMP to address issues and impacts and operation.

Summary Environment Assessment 39


Coastal C1ties Environmental Sanition Project (CCESP)


Figure 9.1

Project Location Map - Nha Trang Sub-Project Phase 2






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Assessment "


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Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

Figure 9.2 Project Location Map

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m l

Qui Nhon Sub-Project Phase 2


- -





SumaryEniromen Asesmen

Coastal CRie Envimnrnmeal Sanition Pmoe (CCESP) Figure 9.3 Project Location Map - Dong Hal Sub-Project Phm 2





\ 9

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Summary Environment Assessment


Coastl CII.. Environmental Sanition Project (CCESP)

Figure 9.4

Project Locatin Map - Dong Hol Sub-Project Phase 2

giai doan It - phase 11 (2008-2012)
-. -

CHUJ-LEGEND: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GHI
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Eviromen Assssmet

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)


Public Consultations 9.4 The Phase 2 environmental consultants will be responsible for assisting the PPU / PMU of each of the three (3) sub-project cities to carry out two (2) stages of public consultations for the proposed Phase 2 investments and corresponding EA process. These public consultations will focus on environmental issues and will directly involve PAPs and representatives of local non-government organizations (NGOs) who are involved in activities or areas related to the proposed Phase 2 investments. The documented results and recommendations of these public consultations will be included in the EA Reports for Phase 2. Based on current information, the key focus of Phase 2 public consultations will include PAPs who reside or earn their livelihood near the proposed WWTP sites, effluent discharge outlet areas and proposed hazardous waste incinerator within the Ly Tranch landfill site. Additional consultations will be held and documented as part of the RAPs to be conducted for all proposed resettlement sites and activities in accordance with the Bank's safeguard policies. Public Disclosure 9.5 In accordance with Bank Procedure (BP) 17.50, the draft and final EAs for Phase 2 will be publicly disclosed. Similar to Phase 1, the PPU / PMU will approve the release of the draft and final EA Reports for display at the Bank's Vietnam Development Information Center (VDIC) in Hanoi and at the InfoShop website ( Table 9-5 Summary Contents of the Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2 Project-Related Environmental Laws, Decrees and Standards of Vietnam 2. World Bank Safeguard Policies to be Addressed in the EA 3. Environmental Screening 4. Sub-Project Specific Screening Requirements 5. Environmental Assessment (EA), Public Consultation and Disclosure Requirements 6. Institutional Arrangements 7. Environmental Clearance Process for all CCESP Sub-projects 8. Annex 1: Requirements for collection of environmental baseline data Annex 2: Environmental Screening Matrix
1. Introduction


I 3

10 PROPOSED BUDGETS A summary of the proposed budgets for recommended CCESP environmental management, mitigation and monitoring measures is presented in Table 10-1 which provides sub-total budgets for each phase and subproject for the following key EMP implementation activities:



. *

Implementation of mitigation measure by contractors during construction Environmental training Independent safeguards monitoring (ISM) Environmental monitoring by the Construction Management Consultant (CMC) EMP administration and management responsibilities of the PMU Table 10-1 Estimated Budget Costs for EMP Implementation (in USD)
Nha Trang Total | Phase | TPhase Quy Nhon Dong Hoi

3 3,

Description 1 Implementation of MtabnMeasures 2 Evcommunities etc


otal 1 2 Tal

Phase 1

Phase 2



Costs included in construction contracts 17,000 12,000 29,000 78,000 17,000 12,000 29,000 17,000 12,000 29,000 roceeds

_dMo s3ntoring guards

Monitoring (ISM) Environmental Monitoring










Costs included in Supervision contract Cvrme

costs included In PMU operabng costs 5 EMP Administration & o i i c Management by PMU _ 40 000 1 67,000 | 107,000 | 40,500 | 37,000 1 77,000 1 39,500 1 340500 Total Note: Proposed budget costs exclude VAT, contingency and escalation costs. -



GoV Counterpart

Summary Environment Assessment



Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

Table 9-2 Proposed Phase 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) Process and Schedule
Proposed Phase 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) Process
1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2

3 4 5-6

Disclose Summary EA and Draft Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2 Finalize Summary EA and Environmental Guidelines for CCESP Phase 2 Prepare TOR for Phase 2 based on Final Summary EA and Environmental Guidelines Appoint/ Mobilize Phase 2 Environmental Consutants Conduct Orientation Meetings with each Subproject PPU, DONRE and the World Bank Conduct Environmental Screening of Proposed Phase 2 Subproject Components Draft TOR for EA Reports based on Enviromental Screening Process Conduct Initial Stage of Public Consultations to Present Draft EA TOR Prepare / Submit Draft Envirornmental Screening Report for each Subproject Finalize Environmental Screening Report based on Review Comments Design / Conduct Baseline Data Collection and Detailed Studies Prepare / Submit Draft EA Report for each Subproject to PPU and the Bank Organize / Conduct Second Stage of Public Consultations tor each Subproject Revise Draft EA based on Results of Second Stage Consultations Prepare Draft EMP for Phase 2 to Support EA Implementation Prepare Draft TOR for Phase 2 EMP, including Integrated Safeguards Consultant (ISM) Prepare Draft Training Plan for Phase 2 EMP Implementation Submit Draft EA and EMP to PPU for DONRE and Bank Review and Public Disclosure Support Environmental Reviews of Detailed Design Work Support PPU in DONRE / Bank Review and Environmental Certification Process Finalize / Submit EA and EMPbased on PPU, DONRE and Bank Review Comments Organize / Conduct EA / EMP Implemetation IWorkshops for each Subproject Public Disclosure of Final EA and EMP World Bank issues a NOL to PPU with copy to CPC I PPC for Phase 2 Implementation

Summary Environment Assessment


Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)


............ 2 2. PROJECT-RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS, DECREES AND STANDARDS OF VIETNAM ................ 3 3. WORLD BANK SAFEGUARD POLICIES TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE EA ...................................................... 4. ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING ................................................................................... 5. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) ...................................................................................
6. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ..................................................................................

5 9


.................... 11

4 Table 1: Summary of National Standards that will be followed in the .................................................... 4 Preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) ................................................................................ 6 Table 2: Baseline Data Requirements for Environmental Screening and EA ....................................... ........ 6 Table 3: Summary of Phase 2 Sub-Project Components for Environmental Screening ............... 8 ............. S... Table 4: Key Phase 2 Sub-project Components Requiring Screening and EA ................... Table 5: Environmental Clearance Procedure .................................................................................. 11

I l I I I l l I


Guidelines for Phase 2


l I_

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2 of the Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)



of Phase This document was prepared to guide the environmental impact screening and assessment 2 of the CCESP. For this purpose, this document is organized as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction Project-Related Environmental Laws, Decrees and Standards of Vietnam World Bank Safeguard Policies to be Addressed in the EA Environmental Screening Sub-Project Specific Screening Requirements Environmental Assessment (EA), Public Consultation and Disclosure Requirements Institutional Arrangements Environmental Clearance Process for all CCESP Sub-projects

environmental The CCESP was proposed and designed to help address existing and serious urban their sanitation problems, to help sustain the economic development of each sub-project, including on environmental potential attraction to and benefits from tourism, which in turn is dependent conditions. during Phase The environmental guidelines for Phase 2 of CCESP build upon the experience gained all available 1 as well as from various related Bank and other donor funded projects. Based on environment reports, projects such as the CCESP have been highly positive and beneficial in terms of targeted cities. and social impact as well as in terms of sustainable economic development in the projects are These reported findings of the overall positive impact for such environmental sanitation is to help also expected for Phase 2 of the CCESP. An important objective of the overall CCESP Dong Hoi by improve environmental conditions in the three target cities of Nha Trang, Quy Nhon and and systems. supporting needed improvements in sanitation and waste management infrastructure 2. Project-Related Environmental Laws, Decrees and Standards of Vietnam

for The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) is the government body responsible environ nent, exercising the state function of management over land and water resources, minerals, these public meteorology, hydro-geography, national-level surveys and mapping; governance over relating to services and representative of the owner of state capital in enterprises using state budgets surveys and natural resources of land, water, minerals, environment, meteorology, hydro-geography, mapping in accordance with national legislation, including but not limited to the following:

Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2




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Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

National Law on Environmental Protection (December 27, 1993). Environmental Decree No. 175-CP (October 18, 1994) on implementing the Law on Protection. Decree No. 143/2004/ND-CP on amendment of article 14 of Decree No. 175/CP. of MONRE. Decree No. 91/2002 (Nov. 11, 2002) on the Mandate, Organization and Functions of Natural Decision No. 45/QD-TTg (April. 2, 2003) to establish provincial Department Resources and Environment (DONRE). Waste Disposal Inter-Ministry Instruction on Regulation of Environmental Protection for Solid
Areas (No. 01 / 2001 / TTLT - BKHCNMT - BXD)

of Circular 490/1998/TT-BKHCNMT on guidelines for the preparation and appraisement environmental impact assessment (EIA). Decision No. 155/1999/QD-TTg (July 16, 1999) on hazardous solid waste management

that must be According to the Decision No. 35 / 2002 / QD-BKHCNMT, the minimum standards in Table 1. applied during preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) are summarized landfills can carry Proposed closure of any existing dumpsites and opening of any new sanitary Detailed guidance on special environmental risks that may need to be carefully addressed in the EA. and disposal sites is assessing and ensuring the environmental protection of solid waste management for Solid Waste provided by Inter-ministry Instruction on Regulation on Environment Protection Management (SWM) Disposal Areas No: 01/2001/TTLT-BKHCNMT-BXD. 3. World Bank Safeguard Policies to be Addressed in the EA

of Vietnam, the In additional to environmental review and approval procedures of the Government on World Bank proposed CCESP has been classified as a Category A type project based a Category A project environmental assessment (EA) categories. The CCESP was classified as based on the:


and landfill Type of proposed activities (particularly the construction of new wastewater treatment

urban areas Potential sensitivity of the proposed sub-project sites (primarily involving coastal bordering various rivers and potential wetland areas) and the are not properly Potential to cause significant environmental impact if the proposed activities assessed, managed and monitored.

Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)


Table 1: Summary of National Standards that will be followed in the Preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA)

Number of National Standard

Name / Description of National Standard for the Preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA)

TCVN 5937:1995 5940:1995 TCVN 5948:1999 TCVN 5949:1998 l TCVN 5942: 1995 TCVN 5943:1995 TCVN 5944:1995 TCVN 5945:1995 TCVN 6772:2000 TCVN 6773:2000 TCVN 6774:2000 TCVN 6980:2001 TCVN 6982:2001 TCVN 6984:2001 TCVN 6986:2001 YTCVN 6987:2001

Monitoring system for the air quality Allowed limitation values for road motor vehicle noise Allowed limitation values for noise in public and residential areas Surface water quality standard Water quality - Coastal water quality standard Ground water quality standard Industrial wastewater - Discharge standards Water quality - Domestic wastewater standards Water quality - Water quality guidelines for irrigation Water quality - Fresh water quality guidelines for protection of aquatic sites Water quality - Standards for industrial effluents discharged into rivers used for domestic water supply Water quality - Standards for industrial effluents discharged into rivers used for water sports and recreation Water quality - Standards for industrial effluents discharged into rivers used for protection of aquatic life Water quality - Standards for industrial effluents discharged into coastal waters using for protection of aquatic life Water quality- Standards for industrial effluents discharged into coastal waters using for water sports and recreation Water quality - General environmental requirements for central domestic (municipal) wastewater treatment plants Vibration and shock - Vibration emitted by construction works and factories - Maximum permitted levels in public and residential areas


TCVN 7222:2002 TCVN 6962:2001 TCVN 5998:1995

Guidance on sampling on marine waters (ISO 5667-9:1992) Guidance on sampling of wastewater (ISO 5667-10:1992)

~~~TCVN 5999:1995
TCVN 5298:1995 TCVN 5524:1995 TCVN 5525:1995

Requirements on the use of wastewater and their sludge for watering and I fertilizing purpose surface water against pollution General requirements for protecting General requirements for protection of underground water

Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2
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Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

Similar to Phase 1, the preparation of Phase 2 of the CCESP will involve national and international Environmental Consultants (ECs) who will prepare all necessary reports and supporting information to meet the funding requirements of the World Bank's policies on environmental safeguards. The ECs will be contracted and under the guidance of the respective provincial Project Management Unit the (PMU) and their environmental studies and reports will be subject to review and appraisal by respective provincial Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DONRE). The respective responsibilities of the national and international ECs are summarized in the following Table. the Based on the proposed Phase 2 sub-project activities, the following key safeguard policies of the World Bank may apply and will need to be addressed through the EA to be prepared for each of three (3) Phase 2 sub-project cities: * . * Environmental Assessment (OP / BP 4.01) (Natural Habitats (OP / BP 4.04) Physical Cultural Property (OP 4.11 - OPN 11.03)

preFull compliance with any environmental safeguard triggered by Phase 2 sub-project activities is a requisite to the Bank's review and approval of such sub-project activities. 4. Environmental Screening

The ECs will be responsible for confirming the environmental information and initial analysis provided as part of the Phase 1 Feasibility Studies (FS) and Environmental Assessments prepared for each and sub-project city. Based on a review of each FS and EA, and related CCESP loan agreements Bank Aide Memoire, the ECs will be responsible for compiling all baseline environmental data needed to support the environmental screening of the Phase 2 of each sub-project city and approved component as summarized in Table 2. Guidance on the collection of required environmental baseline data in accordance with these prevailing Vietnamese standards is provided in Annex 1. The purpose of this environmental screening is to identify as early as possible all potentially significant issues and/or impacts for each of the sub-project components so that such impacts can be avoided and/or addressed during the detailed preparation of Phase 2. The basis for this environmental screening will include the guidance provided by the national MONRE and provincial DONRE. Building on work completed during Phase 1, this Phase 2 environmental screening will focus on four (4) proposed component activities for which there is a significant potential for environmental impacts: | * . . Component 1: Drainage and wastewater collection Component 2: Wastewater treatment Component 3: Solid waste management Component 4: Resettlement

Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2


Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)


3. A summary of the proposed Phase 2 sub-project components is provided in Table Table 2: Baseline Data Requirements for Environmental Screening and EA Available from Phase 1 FS / EAs


Description of Baseline Data Location Descriptions Component 1: Drainage and Wastewater system Component 2: Wastewater Treatment Plants Component 3: Solid Waste Management Climate Conditions Topography and Soil Conditions General topography and soil conditions i Component 1: Drainage and Wastewater System Component 2: Wastewater Treatment Plants Component 3: Solid Waste Management Component 4: Resettlement Flora and Fauna General Information Component 1: Drainage and Wastewater System Component 2: Wastewater Treatment Plants -Component 3: Solid Waste Management Component 4: Resettlement Coastal and River Conditions Tidal Regime Sea water quality Site Specific Sampling i Modeling of WWTP Effluent Discharge Areas River water quality Site Specific Sampling / Modeling of WWTP Effluent Discharge Areas Pollution loads and dilution capacity Population and Socio-economic Environment General Population Parameters Public Health and Safety Economic Structure Tourism Site Specific Socio-Economic Surveys

To be Collected i Updated for Phase 2 EAs _

1.1 1.2 1.3 11 IlIl 111.1 111.2 111.3 111.4 111.5 IV IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 V V.1 V.2

4 4



N _








VI Vl.1 Vl.2 Vi.3 VI.4 Vl.5


4 4

1 3

Screening Table 3: Summary of Phase 2 Sub-Project Components for Environmental No. 1 2 3 3.1 Proposed Phase 2 Components Drainage & Wastewater Collection Wastewater Treatment Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Collection Sanitation Landfill Transfer Station Equipment Resettlement ,_ A|___ Nha Trang Quy Nhon

Dong Hoi


3.2 3.3 3.4 4

Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2

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Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)



_ _____

2 This environmental screening will be conducted for each candidate sub-project proposed for Phiase and as determined by the CCESP Project Preparation Unit (PPU) / Project Management Unit (PMU) the World Bank. This environmental screening will include but not be limited to the following concerns: The site of the proposed sub-project (such as a wastewater treatment plant) or sanitary landfill facility), particularly if the proposed site involves: 2 a significant conversion or degradation' of a critical natural habitat, is a cultural heritage site, or a location and design elevation that may subject to flooding or other natural hazard that may present environmental risks. * Compliance of any proposed effluent or leachate discharges with prevailing environmental the standards and regulations of the Government of Vietnam and the respective province in which proposed sub-project is located. * Hydraulic mixing and dilution capacity of the water bodies where any effluents will be discharged. Air quality, noise and induced traffic impacts to sensitive receptors. Types of impacts that may occur during construction as well as operations and maintenance. for which Potential reputational risks or conflicts with related projects funded by other sources and a due diligence review will need to be conducted as part of the EA. attention to During the Phase 2 environmental screening and EA process, the ECs will give particular effluent discharges, air quality, storm overflows, dredge spoils, pipeline sludge and biosolids risks management, hazardous and medical solid waste management, mine / un-exploded ordinance as and construction impacts on natural habitats, public health and environmental sanitation summarized in Table 4. city and The results of the ECs environmental screening will be documented for each sub-project respective submitted as a draft Environmental Screening Report in English and Vietnamese to the

* .

for PPU / PMU, DONRE and the World Bank. Following their reviews, the ECs will be responsible finalizing the Screening Report which will be resubmitted to serve as the basis for each EA.


land clearing; replaceimieint a major, long-term change in land or water use. Significant conversion may include, for example, drainage; dredging, filling, or channelization of wetlands; or SuIrfacc mininig. of natural vegetation; permanent flooding; habileas are: C, 2itical iitaiial/

lersion is Sig,nificanl aonv

the elimination or severe diminution of the integrity of a critical or other natural habitat CalUSCti


that mect the (i) existinig protected areas and areas officially proposed by governments as protected areas (e.g. reserves local the World Conservation Union (IUCN) classifications, areas initially recognized as protected by traditionlal criteria of for the viability of these protected areas (as determinied by the comimiuniities (e.g. sacred groves), and sites that maintain vital EA process); or by traditional (ii) sites identified on supplementary lists prepared by the Bank. Such sites may include areas recognized groves); areas with known high suitability for biodiversity conservation; and sites that are local conmiunities (e.g. sacred suchI facturs critical for rare, vulnerable, migratory, or endangered species. Listings are based on systematic evaluations of and vulnerability of component species; representativeness; an,.d integrity as species richness; the degree of endemism, rarity,

of ecosystemi


Environmiental Guidelines for Phase 2


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Coastal Cities Environimental Sanitation Project (CCESP)

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Requiring Screening and EA Table 4: Key Phase 2 Sub-project Components

Nha Trang Collection Component 1: Drainage, Flood Control and Wastewater Drainage systems (main channel and culverts)i Equipment for cleaning street and drains lines and branch sewers New main sewers, pumping stations, pressure pipe Component 2: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) discharge to Cai River WWTP at South Site, capacity of 59,000 m3 / day, to Quan Trong River WWTP at North Site, capacity of 19,000 m3 / day, discharging Component 3: Solid Waste Management toilets Vehicles, equipment, transfer stations and public Develop new Luong Hoa landfill site Vehicle repair workshop and equipment Quy Nhon Collection Component 1: Drainage, Flood Control and Wastewater line Rehabilitation, new construction of drain Rehabilitation of existing sewers and new outlets Excavation of Ban Sen Lake and outflows Gravity sewer, force main pipe, combined sewer overflows Wastewater pumping stations Secondary and tertiary lines (to be identified) Component 2: Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) / day, CEPT (if GEF grant funding approved) Nhon Binh WWTP (Site 1b) capacity of ,21,500 m3 day, Oxidation ditch, discharging to lake outlet Phu Hoa WWTP (Site 1c), capacity of 14,900 m3 / Oxidation ditch, discharging to Dinh stream Bau Lac WWTP (Site 2a), capacity of 8,200 m3 / day, Component 3: Solid Waste Management Vehicles and equipment Transfer stations / Public toilet My land fill and new equipment Development of additional cells within existing Long Dong Hoi Collection Component 1: Drainage, Flood Control, and Wastewater sewers for other wards New drains, interceptor pipes, separated and tertiary Street surface and pavement improvement Pumping stations and public toilets Component 2: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to Duc Ninh field (in East Buc Ninh ward) Duc Ninh WWTP, capacity of 8 000 m3 / day, discharging capacity of 300 m3 / day Rehabilitation of WWTP in Vietnam - Cuba Hospital, Component 3: Solid waste management Solid waste collection equipment Ly Trach landfill development and equipment incinerator & equipment) Hazardous waste collection & treatment (centralized



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Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2


Project (CCESP) Coastal Cities Environinental Sanitation


Environmental Assessment (EA)

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EA for each of the three (3) Phase 2 sub-project The ECs will conduct a comprehensive and separate results and review comments to their Environmental cities based on the environmental screening Banks' OP / conducted in full accordance with the World Screening Report. This EA process will be process, the and requirements. As a result of this EA BP 4.01 and Vietnamese national standards (3) Phase a "stand alone" EA report for each of the three ECs will produce in English and Vietnamese key information: 2 sub-project cities which will provide the following (EA) PART 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1. Introduction and Project Description 2. Environmental Policies and Legislation 3. Project Background and Planning Framework Baseline Data 4. Existing Environmental Conditions and 5. Alternatives to the Project Identification of Predicted Impacts 6. PLAN (EMP) PART 2 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 7. Mitigation Measures 8. Environmental Monitoring and Reporting 9. Capacity Development and Training Management 10. Project Organization for Environmental Management 11. Budget Requirements for Environmental report dnd will be based on the approved Phase 1 EA The detailed outline of the Phase 2 EA Report will include the following considerations: to work in close cooperation with the Engineering During preparation of the EA, the EC is expected of in the sub-project cities and sites which are Consultant who would carry out various surveys will further provide feed-back to the sub-project importance to the EA. This close cooperation issues into the overall project cycle. planning and design work to integrate environmental * | sub-project the environmental screening of the proposed The EA Report will include the results of other the EA Report will include discussions about site, construction and operation. In addition, sub-project. criteria or alternative considerations on the and will impacts in the screening outline as examples, The EC will treat the listed environmental the based on his judgment in accordance with make the necessary modifications, if necessary,



9 Environmenltal Guidelines for Phase 2



(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environiimental Sanitation Project

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national standards, local conditions and. any requirements of OP / BP 4.01 and Vietnamese related issues raised during consultations. three (3) sub-project cities to carry out two (2) The EC will assist the PPU / PMU of each of the of local NGOs and communities stages of public consultations that will involve representatives activities. The documented results and directly affected by the proposed sub-project will be included in the EA Reports. These recommendations of these public consultations issues, impacts ar.d concerns. consultations will focus on sub-project related environmental in English and Vietnamese, to the PPU / PMU The EC will submit the draft sub-project EA Report, making any needed amendments or corrections and the Bank for their review and comment. After be sent to the PPU / PMU for submission to the both in language versions, the revised reports will appraisal and submission to the respective Bank and the Provincial DONRE for their review, Provincial People's Committee (PPC) for approval. Provincial DONRE, the EC will finalize the EA After appraisal and clearance by the Bank and the The Final EA Report will be submitted in both Report after incorporating all review comments. transmission to the World Bank, PPC and English and Vietnamese to the PPU / PMU for official DONRE. the EA Report will be publicly disclosed. The PPU To comply with the World Bank safeguard policies, and time of disclosure of the draft EA Report (in / PMU will confirm with the World Bank the location for also confirm the release of the final EA Report Vietnamese) to the public. The PPU / PMU will Center (VDIC) in Hanoi and at the InfoShop in display at the Vietnam Development Information EA documents will be made publicly available and Washington, D.C ( The draft PPU / PMU prior to the sub-project appraisal. displayed within each sub-project city by the respective 6. Institutional Arrangements


3 3

overall responsibility for full compliance with the During the Phase 2 sub-project preparation, the by lies with the PPU / PMU. The ECs to be engaged requirements of these Environmental Guidelines conduct the sub-project screening and prepare the the PPU / PMU under Phase 2 of the CCESP will sub-project EAs according to these requirempnts. the active and effective participation and support of The PPU / PMU in each province will ensure an of the EA. In order to build local ownership, the PPU community during preparation and implementation DONRE, and the disclosure activities. will also manage the interaction with the Provincial measures, monitoring plans, and institutional Funds for implementing the environmental mitigation sub-project costs. strengthening activities will be included in Phase 2

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10 Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2

Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project (CCESP)


Sub-projects Environmental Clearance Process for all CCESP

Phase 2 sub-projects is outlined in Table 5. The environmental clearance process for CCESP


Table 5: Environmental Clearance Procedure

an environmental screening for all subThe ECs hired by the PPU / PMU complete stage of consultations. projects with supporting baseline data and the first results and identifies any sub-project The ECs informs the PPU / PMU of the screening impact supports a recommendation that all for which the risk of serious environmental unless he / she hears otherwise from the activities on that sub-project should be stopped

each project phase and city, including The ECs prepares the draft EA Report for proposed for funding. screening and EA study results for all sub-projects is conducted based on the main As part of the EA preparation, public consultation is organized in cooperation with th'e findings of the draft EA. This public consultation PPU / PMU. for their comments. After incorporation of The ECs forwards the draft EA to PPU / PMU the PPU / PMU to the Provincial DONRE for their comments, the revised draft is sent by Bank. review and comments with a copy to the World on the adequacy of the draft EA The Provincial DONRE appraises and comments Report. the comments received and submits it to The ECs finalize the EA Report incorporating corrections have been properly made the PPU / PMU which checks that all requested and resubmits it to the Provincial DONRE the Provincial DONRE provides the If the EA Report is found to be adequate, the PPU / PMU Environmental Certificate for the sub-project to Bank for issuance of a No Objection PPU / PMU submit the final EA Report to the World People's Committee (PPC / CPC). Letter (NOL) with a copy to the Provincial and City's requirements. Disclosure of the EA Report as per World Bank with copy to PPC / CPC. World Bank issues a NOL to the PPU / PMU for sub-project implementation and site PPU / PMU obtains endorsement from the PPC


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Environmentai Guidelines for Phase 2


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(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project


Baseline Data Annex 1: Guidance on the Collection of Required for Environmental Assessment (EA) required the following environmental baseline data is Depending on the type of proposed subproject, of data standards for specific methods for each type to be collected, following existing Vietnamese sites, the treatment plant (WWTP) or sanitary landfill collection. For any proposed wastewater the: following baseline data should be provided for

a . *

property) Within the specific site (within the proposed facility Within the required buffer zone of the proposed WWTP effluent discharge sites Within the receiving water body for proposed landfill sites (see Annex 2 for more detailed Within areas downstream of proposed sanitary guidance on sanitary landfill requirements)

I. Air quality For at least at the starting point and the end point. Samples should be taken at each main pipeline, and the taken (at the intersection between main pipeline long pipelines, more samples should also be densely at front of industrial zone, school, service center, branches or at the specific points such as CO, S02, parameters to be collected and analyzed are: populated residential area...). The air quality total suspended dust, and noise. II. Surface water quality of the city at every outlet, at the main drainage canal The sample of surface water should be taken sea the main drainage canal and/or the river or at downstream of the intersection point between and quality of canals to be dredged in phase 1, the water (if any). If there are lakes or ponds or drainage these lakes and ponds should also be collected. and ponds taken from the main drainage canal, lakes The parameters to be analyzed for the samples . For BOD5, COD, DO, coliform, N03- , P03temperature, pH, total suspended solid (TSS), are: minimum depth, max. water level, average water level, rivers, these parameters are: river width, river P03-, oil, minimum flow, TSS, BOD5, COD, DO, N03-, water level, maximum flow, average flow, areas, these both dry and wet weather. For estuarine coliform. These data should be collected for flow, water level, minimum water level, maximum parameters are: maximum water level, average DO, N03-, P04-, oil, coliform. For the coastal flow, minimum flow, pH, TSS, BOD5, COD, average oil, salt, pH, TSS, BOD5, COD, DO, N03-, P03-, these parameters are: flow / current patterns, areas, coliform.




~~Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2



(CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project


Mn, hardness. Groundwater parameters: pH, Cu, total Fe, 111. IV. Ecology, including description of: 1. Existing and proposed land use any rare or endangered animals) 2. Fauna (common terrestrial and aquatic animals; any rare or endangered plants) 3. Flora (common terrestrial and aquatic vegetation; to to an estuary or the sea, it will be necessary 4. Ecology - if the drainage effluent is discharged collect the following information;



Biological diversity Endemic or migratory organisms, including fish Mangrove, seaweed andlor coral cover and distribution
other unique features known to the area

V. Sludge quality drainage canal - Amount of dredged sludge from the main
Sludge quality: volatile solids

total solids (%), Pb, Cu, Ni

VI. Cultural property - Cultural property

Archeological site

Historical property
Religious property


VIl. Socio-economy 1. Population and Socio-economic Situation

| |

a. -

Population, including description of: in latest census Total households and population recorded Average person / household Population growth level are recognized as ethnic minorities or Presence and percentage of population who indigenous people

| | |

* |

workers, in the project area: percentage of farmers, b. Occupation (The occupation of residents office staff, dealers, services, others) monthly income and sources of income) Household Income (average and range of c. by of the total number of people tthat are affected d. Environmental health, including description to diseases, particularly diseases related infectious, acute, chronic or occupational environmental sanitation conditions.

Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2


Project (CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation


works and and composition of existing public works and infrastructure (description 2. Public cemeteries, temples, churches) facilitiies, including schools, clinics, markets, of existing roads) a. Roads (description and composition including description of: Public water, drainage and power supplies, b. and,type of water supply. - Number of households with water supply supply. - Number of households with electricity to the drainage system. - Number of households connected - Number of public toilets. including description of; c. Solid waste collection and treatment, VIII. 1 collection. Number of households with solid waste service. for the households that lack solid waste The method of handling the solid waste

Other Baseline Data Requirements in environmental quality sampling stations exact locations of existing (DONRE, etc) Maps showing each sub-project city

influenice projects in the sub-project area that may 2. Summary of related / proposed development environmental conditions and quality of liquid / solid sites, identify the existing main sources 3. For proposed WWTP effluent discharge these receiving and the classification / current uses of waste in the area (such as factories, etc) water bodies. * name and subproject site (please list the location Representative photographs of each proposed 4. date of each photograph) IX. Due Diligence Reviews other related projects impact screening and assessment, all As part of the baseline data collection, for the linkage to and impact city will be identified and assessed will and investments in each sub-project This "due diligence review" process proposed CCESP sub-project investment. to / from the project inter-relationships: assess and document the following key risks between the two respective projects? What are the main environmental program adequate? . Are the mitigation measures and monitoring sufficiently in and have their concerns been incorporated I Have the stakeholders been consulted * the EA and EMP? agency? capacity of the other projects' implementing . What is the environmental management rmitigation measures the Bank and recommended appropriate | What are the reputational risks to risks? and actions to avoid or minimize such
14 Environmental Guidelines for Phase 2





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Project (CCESP) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation

Annex 2

Matrix Environmental Impact Screening

Water Quality Air Quality Land Use Flora and Fauna Cultural &Socio-Economic

Potential Impact Source Sub-Project Specific Alternative Site

Component 1. Drainage & Wastewater Collection Site Location

Construction Operation
2. Wastewater Treatment

Site Location Construction Operation

3. Solid Waste Management

Site Location Construction Operation 4. Resettlement Site Location Construction1



t + Positive impac

+ Negative impact:

+ Severe-.

Medium: 0

+ Light:

5 2 Environmental Guodeiines for Phiase


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