Past Continuous

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Past Continuous

Past Continuous
Use We use the past con-nuous to describe an ac-on in progress at a specic moment in the past. What were you doing this morning when I rang you? Oh! I wasnt doing anything important.

Past Continuous
Use We o6en use the past con-nuous to describe the situa-on at the beginning of a story or narra-ve. One day, a girl was playing in the garden when

Past Continuous
Form The past continuous if formed like this: was / were + -ing form What were you doing this morning? I was sleeping.

Past Simple OR Past Continous

Use the past simple for a completed action in the past. I didnt work yesterday. Use the past continuous for an action in progress before or at the time of another action (the past simple action? What were you doing this morning when I rang you? Oh! I wasnt doing anything important.

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