Mass Communication Models

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Lasswell's model of communication:

Lasswell Model (1948) : One of the early models of communication was developed by the political scientist Harold D. Lasswell who looked at communication in the form of a question: Who Says What In Which Channel To Whom With What Effect

This verbal model focused attention on the essential elements of communication and identified the areas of communication research. 'Who' raises the question of identification of the source of the message. 'Says what ' is the subject of analysis of the message. Communication channel is the medium through which the message has traveled. 'To whom deals with the characteristics of the receivers and audience and 'what effect' can be seen as evaluation of the effect of the message. These essentially comprise the basic components of communication. This model implied that more than one channel could carry a message. It was considered an oversimplified model which implied the presence of a communicator and a purposive message. Example: CNN NEWS A water leak from Japans tsunami-crippled nuclear power station resulted in about 100 times the permitted level of radioactive material flowing into the sea, operator Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Saturday. Who TEPC Operator What Radioactive material flowing into sea Channel CNN NEWS (Television medium)

Whom Public Effect Alert the people of japan from the radiation. Advantage of lasswell model: It is Easy and Simple It suits almost all types of communication The concept of effect Disadvantage of lasswell model: Feedback not mentioned Noise not mentioned Linear model

Osgood and Schramm's model of communication:

Wilbur Schramm's models presents a complete treatment of the fundamentals of communication. This model offers a classic general explanation of the nature of communication. According to Wibur Schramm, to know how communication works. It would be necessary to study the communication process in general when two people communicate with each other there occurs a sharing of information, idea, or an attitude. In this process of sharing at least three elements are involved the source or the communicator, the message or the content, and the destination or the receiver.

It can happen within our self(Intra personal communication) or two people(Inter personal communication) each person acts as both sender and receiver and hence use interpretation. It is simultaneously take place e.g. encoding, interpret and decoding.

Advantage of Osgood- Schramm model of communication Dynamic model- Shows how a situation can change It shows why redundancy is an essential part There is no separate sender and receiver, sender and receiver is the same person Assume communication to be circular in nature Feedback central feature.

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