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Disclaimer: The project FolkDC has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Synchronous Concert
David Rthler, Harald Russegger

Synchronous Concert will supervise the synchronous concert preparation in five countries, will explain all the phases and technical requirements to the partners; will supervise the technical rehearsal and will ensure the successful synchronicity of the 5 events.

5 Live Concerts
There will be 5 live concerts that will take place simultaneously in UK, TK FI, RO and ES. In each concert a local school choir will sing 4 songs and this will be broadcast to the other 4 concert venues using web communication software. Thus the UK sings 1st and TK FI, RO and ES will see and hear the UK choir, then TK choir will sing and UK, FI. RO and ES with see and hear etc.

Tue, April 23, 2013, Afternoon

2 high performance (one as a backup solution) state-ofthe-art notebook computers (Intel i3-i7 or similar speed), min. 4GB RAM, 15 or 17 display Windows 7 + Firefox browser (do not use Google Chrome!) and Skype (for internal communication) installed any other pop-up or interfering software shall be disabled

Switch/hub to connect both notebooks via Ethernet cable Switch connected via Ethernet cable to Internet gateway Internet connection 4 Mbit down, 1,5 Mbit upload (minimum) Firewall has to be tested - inbound and outbound ports have to be open for the streaming application

State-of-the-art digital camcorder with min. 4x optical zoom, USB connection or Firewire Tripod for the camera Professional sound system, sound mixer, stereo microphone equipment on tripods

General Hardware Requirements

Bright projector minimum resolution 1024x768 Preferred: 16:9 HD Projector

Professional stage light system to illuminate the entire stage without shadows

Cables in required lenght

Hardware (especially PC and video equipment) has to be tested if compatible with Adobe Connect.

Video Camera ( 200)

Video Camera ( 450)

Dazzle Video Creator ( 70)

Technical Requirements for Video Camera

Aspect ratio 4:3 Zoom Analogue video signal, cinch

Dvdriver (US$ 20)

Professional Videomixer (optional)

4 video camera inputs Sound mixer USB signal to computer 1.500,--
Live streaming of Adobe Connect screen Unlimited audience Embedding of stream into Facbook, website, blog etc. Recording Easy access

Facebook event (registration, viral marketing) Embed code of live stream Recording uploaded to Youtube .

Milestones November

Activity concert locations to be found with specified requirements


Status Hakan Elbasi


Online conference with technical staff of each location & responsible project team members and technically skilled project team staff

Presentation of technical concept and discussion of details For each location we need at least two people who can handle everything (e.g. audio, video technician of location, project team member)


Technical staff has to ensure that equipment required (video cameras, audio etc) is ready. Tests with each location (not sychronous) Compilation of technical checklist To ensure that each locations has everything required...


End of February March End of March Week before the concert

Synchronous test with fake singer, technician, moderator Troubleshooting with individual parties Final technical rehearsal

To ensure that the programme (technically) is feasible

Final rehearsal with singers, technical To ensure a successful concert, adjustment of staff etc. programme... Recording (just in case the concert itself fails) Concert

April 23

Detailed Programme & Next Steps Mindmap:

Contact Details
David Rthler
mobil +43 664 2139427 skype d.roethler

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