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Impalas Leap
I love this story that I read in a book called Jump by Efrem Smith. He shared a story about an impala. The zookeeper told (us) some interesting facts about the impala. She said this animal has the ability to jump 13 feet in the air from a standing position. This allows the impala to escape predators that try to sneak up on it from behind. The impala has the ability to jump not only up but also out thirty feet out . . . impalas can reach maximum speeds of close to 60 miles an hour . . . but it was what the women said next that really caught (our) attention. Notice that even thought the impala has the ability to jump 13 feet high and 30 feet out, the African impalas are contained here at the zoo by a three-foot wall.This grabbed my attention too. Stop right there! How is it that an animal with the ability to jump 13 feet high and 30 feet out can be contained by a three foot wall?. . . when the impalas are young, they are taught they cant jump over the three foot wall. Zoo personnel do this by continued on page 2

Liberty Bell Award

Attorney Laura Ezell presented Daniel Criss the Liberty Bell Award for superior dedication in founding and leading volunteers through Life Achievement Services, a volunteer effort to ministry to at-risk and underprivileged youth. Daniel Criss has led his organization both in Indiana and in Ohio. Life Achievement Services offers education based on the Casey Life Skills curriculum in a Life Tabernacle Church faith based environment. They use professional material such as Dave Ramseys Financial Peace University, to impact young peoples lives in a positive manner.

INDIANA SUPREME COURT JUSTICE Steve David spoke to the Elkhart county Bar Associations annual Law Day celebration. He spoke on his time as the Principle Defense Lawyer for Guantanamo Bay detainees.

SHARING A MOMENT. Daniel Criss and Justice Steve David share a light-heated moment after the meal and awards ceremony. Bro. Criss got to share with him his ministry.

EMCEE Attorney Ed Chester emceed this event for about 60 lawyers and judges from Elkhart County at their annual Volunteer Awards ceremony called the Liberty Bell Award

The Chief Purpose of Dad is to Smile and Wave

Todd Wilson
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Keep Your Mind In Perfect Peace!

Hey Dad, Well, after two weeks on the road, today is the rst time we had to be towed. The distance towed was only 1.8 miles, and technically, they pulled us but it still counts. Up till now, things have gone swimmingly. Of course we almost froze to death in Duluth, but Monday we were able to enjoy a little fun at the Mall of America in St. Paul, MN. That's when I discovered and codied the East Mister Shortest Dad CatechismThe chief purpose of a Dad is to wave and smile. I discovered it as my sons Cal and Jed drove around a little track at the Mall of America. And then I did it again when Maggie rode the Ferris Wheel, when Jed road the Carousel when Ben and Sam rode the Brain Freeze and when Ike stood on a gangplank four stories above the oor. I waved and smiled as only a dad can do with gusto. I know they all liked seeing the pleasure in my face as I watched them and waved. Then it hit me; that's what I'm supposed to dowhat we're all supposed to do.


Is. 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. It takes a lot of effort to keep your mind stayed on Christ. so many duties and responsibilities press in to take over your time, it is hard to nd time to add in spirituality, which is the point. Spirituality is not something you add to your life. Imagine f you will saying to Jesus Christ as He walked on the earth, You should add some quite time in your life. Spiritual is who He was,not something He tacked on. Think about these other mind changing events and words from Jesus ministry. Demoniac in His Right Mind Mark 5:15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. Love with all your mind Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the rst commandment.

Impalas - Continued from page 1 emphasizing a weakness of the adults. An adult impala is hesitant to use its ability to jump if is unable to see where its going to land. The inability to see the end of the jump somehow hinders the impala from something it is naturally able to do . . . the inability to live by faith keeps the impala from doing what God created it to do, what it was born to do. It grows up to become an adult with the ability to jump into freedom, to live out its purpose, but it wont because it doesnt believe it can.

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