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The Granger Report-2ndQ/2001

2nd Quarter - April 15, 2001

Masthead photos: Walter and Anna Granger, ca. 1900.


CAN - Transcription of typewritten original held
by The Granger Papers Project:


By Jimmie Dugan.
Awl rites rissurvd.

Thare wuz a bloke cawled Dock Cy

Ballyhoo witch wuz on 1 ov tha
Wurst papers n rote sumthin feers.
An Hizzoner sez to him "u go owt n
c wot this Mungolyin xpedishn is
upta, i bet thare trine 2 put won
ovur on tha peepul n in leeg ith tha
hatud capped lists. Go getum" sezee.
"Doncha wurry, ol been" sez Dock Si
"ile git thare stuf n grab ther fossles
n Godelp tha syents wot i doktur"
sezee "its owen muther woodent no
it wen i git threw." So he lit owt efter
um inter Mungolyer and deskised "Very good book! Great pictures. Good footnotes."
isself as a cammle an went n jined Ellen, age 10.

em. Noboddy didunt sispecked im,

"I enjoyed reading your book. It caught my attention
noteevn Andy, anny went erlongen during the diary entries." Dylan, age 12.
spide onum.
"Page [15] is awesome." Dana, age 10.
Now Walltur wuz a pokin rown
lookin fur things n he wuz a speshul "This book is really well written and put together and I
hope you guys are really successful!" Victoria, age 12
frend uv tha Boy Reportur n al uv a 1/3.
sudint he hollers hear wuz a hole
krait uv egs line rown luce n how "I really liked your book. I loved the way you added

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The Granger Report-2ndQ/2001

abowt a omlet, but tha Boy Reportur diary entries and the definitions . . . everything was
clear and interesting." Lisa, age 12.
hez a hunch as how trubbel is bruin
n he yells "Doant u tutchem, Walt" n
Independent reviews of uncorrected proof
ut that verry minit tharz a horybul circulated among children ages 10 to 12 in
kinder skreetchin cro n a big New Hampshire and Maine.
dinysore cums a wadlen efterem.
Wen thay skoots she skwalks a bit n Book is based on Walter Granger's 1907
sitzon them egs n boy! tawker expedition diary and photographs and
omlets, thay wuz 1 holey mess. N intended for children and adults. 32 pages of
jess then a cammle thet hed bean text, color illustrations, running glossary.
Softcover. Scheduled for publication in spring
foolin rown pertendin to eet rox n
of 2001. Price about $16.95 plus shipping
things, dropsiz skin n wawks and handling. Add $5.00 for autographed
owtavisself nd sezee in a voys uv copies. Please direct inquiries and orders to
thunnedur "Look atchew a
pussykutin tha dum broots. Jess
wate til I kabal Hizzoner. Thair e iz
atome ovurflown ith tendur felines 4 QUOTE OF INTEREST
tha poar appressed toed grownd
undatha heal uv tha contemshus "Those engaged in the creation of
jellyfish, n hear r u arakkin tha beauty and the artful revelation of the
nurvs uv them jentel dinysores n truth--which sometimes is not beautiful
givenum hissterrix" n he sitz n rites but necessary--are the most valuable
a caybul 2 Hizzoner abowt how that among us. They give us a sense of our
tha syentissts r bitrain tha grate finer selves, of the best we can possibly
ammurrikun peepul n sezee sick tha be. Without this, what are power,
s.p.c.a. onum an awl the Wurst material wealth, and physical
papurs n makum taik tha job away pleasures? They are not enough. We
frummem n givitta me. An rite thare become destructive, to ourselves and
he pulza litul rayjo owtaviz pokit n others, when we try to fill in what is
startstuh fone ta Hizzoner. missing with more of the same.

Walltur growns in agny n sezee Yet, we treat our artists badly,

"thissel kiltha Mewsium" n tha Boy trivializing what they do, or, worse,
Reportur nose his frend izinna tite ignoring it."
plaice awl rite. Wile tha nufferius
Ballyhoo izza fonin he gitza ideer n
Gail Kelley, February 18, 2001, Boston
he bowns 2 wear them egs r n grabs
Globe at p. 14 NH.
1 n brakes it on Dock Size hed. Tha
dinysore missizur egs n spice emon
Size hed n she got anoid sumthin
feers n seshy "ime gonna put my
foot down" n she putiton Dock Si n
that setild him. N tha Boy Reportur NewScientist - "The Granger Papers
maiks a jump fur tha rayjo n keeps Project - This site is dedicated to the
on fonin. "u enfurnle yung imp" sez work of fossil-hunters Walter and Anna

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The Granger Report-2ndQ/2001

Wallt "wotcha upta now?" "doant Granger. Whilst the subject matter is
buttin ya big boob" sez tha Boy very specialist, it is also well presented
Repoarter "ive jess tolled em that we and easy to read. The lack of complex
gotta peetchareeno ovvanoo graphics make navigation quick and
dinysore n ov how u Mewsium boice easy, so that although there is,
hev naimed it "Hizzonerryer glory perhaps, little here for the general
eye". Walltur sobd ith releaf reader, a browse through the pages is
uppunniz manly nek n tha Bot not cumbersome and can be
Reportur - pail but prowd - new rewarding. Its appeal to science
azziyad saived iz frend. historians and those with a general
interest in palaeontology is more
Jess then tha rayjo startud fonin n obvious, and the links, though few, are
tha Boy Reportur hollers "Yess, useful. The photographs in particular
speekin, watchasay? Yea, bo! Sure!" are delightful and well worth a look.
Thenny terns ta Wallt, iz is gleemin (11 December 2000) MDM"
n sezee "Hey, Wallt, watchathink?
Thay giv me ol Dock Cys plaice &
now ime repoartir 4 awl tha Wurst
papurs on tha Mungoalyin xpedishn.
Gosh! jess wawtch me maik wun
good litel pubblissity ajint 4 tha


N.B. My necks efewshin wil b cawled

"Tha Boy Publisty Ajint". I aint kwite
maid up my mine abowt it buttytwil
b 1 humdinger. doant fale 2 getit.

The Granger Report is published quarterly (on or about the 15th of the first
month) and is a gradual, if random, assemblage of items acquired through
cumulative selection. To inquire about prior issues of The Granger Report, e-mail

The Granger Papers Project is an independent research, editing and writing project featuring
the personal expedition diaries and letters of American paleontologist and explorer Walter
Granger (1872-1941) and his wife Anna (1874-1952). In several significant respects, this is the
first treatment of Walter Granger's era based on a significantly more complete documentary
record. In addition to paleontology, the study of evolution, and Granger's pioneering fieldwork
in the Faiyum of Egypt in 1907, in China and Mongolia from 1921 to 1930 (Central Asiatic
Expeditions), and in the American West throughout his life, research topics include: American
foreign policy; western civilian, missionary, and military interests in Asia; the First and Second

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The Granger Report-2ndQ/2001

Asiatic Expeditions; The Explorers Club; the American Museum of Natural History; and
previously published accounts of, by, or about the aforesaid. Address interest or inquiry to us

Copyright © by Vincent L. Morgan for The Granger Papers Project. All rights reserved.
Information may not be republished or redistributed without our prior written authorization.
Please note the following limits specifically on use of any of The Granger Papers Project written
matter and/or images contained throughout this website:

1) We believe information is freedom. Any person may use, store, manipulate, project,
reproduce, and display the recorded images for any purpose associated with their own
educational purposes. Images may be incorporated into educational exercises for students
enrolled in the user's own classes at any institution of learning any where located. We would
appreciate notice of your use; and

2) No image may be displayed, reproduced, stored, transmitted or manipulated for sale or

profit by the user, including training sessions and continuing education programs, without the
written consent of The Granger Papers Project. Permission of The Granger Papers Project is
required for inclusion of images in papers for publication, company reports, derivative works,
or compilations. A royalty may be assessed.

The Granger Papers Project website was launched on 1 February 1997. We thank Kathleen
Fetner for this website design.

In remembrance of Dr. Norman Charles Morgan (1919-1969), Jonathan Patrick Morgan (1945-
1966) and Caroline Granger Morgan (1980- ).

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