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Critique A research article related to Computer Science, Information System, and Information Technology

Critique Paper
Choose any research article (written in English) related to the topics in CS/IS/IT then critique. Read carefully the article and write up your respond in your own words and your understanding. Critique paper exercise is one-page responses to a particular paper (research article). The purpose of this exercise is to hone your critical thinking skills, not to display your mastery over literature.

Quick Guideline
Do not translate the article, instead exercise your capability to write your summarization with your own words. Points to consider, among others:
Is the article posts a clear research problems? Is the article posts a clear research design? Is the research approach appropriate to use in this issue? Are the author's arguments supported by evidence? Is the conclusion reflects the solution of the problems?

Analyze and interpret the findings and conclusions of the article. Submit your one-page critique with the article attached.

Several Examples of Research Articles

Integrating Collaborative Processes and Quality Assurance Techniques: Experiences from Requirements Negotiation. Strategic Alignment Between Business and Information Technology: A Knowledge-Based View of Behaviors, Outcome, and Consequences. Enterprise Architecture Integration in E-Government. Towards a Flexible ICT-Architecture for Multi-Channel EGovernment Service Provisioning. Analyzing Enterprise Architecture in National Governments: The cases of Denmark and the Netherlands. Exploring the service-oriented enterprise: Drawing lessons from a case study. Associating Assertions with Business Processes and Monitoring their Execution.

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