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ANA ACEVEDO MARISOL GOWER Addison Wesley Longman Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex CM20 2/6. Eneland fad Arsociated Companies throughout the word. (© Addison Wesley Longman Limited 1996 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval sytem, ‘or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission ofthe Publishers First published 1996 Fifth impression 1998 Printed in Spain by Mateu Crome ISIN 0 582 079993 Acknowledgements We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: Bayard Press for extracts translated from articles L’Homme Pourrait aller Sur Mars en 2030” and “Jai 14°ns et habe New York’ in OKAPI 15/11/93 and 22/10/94; Faber & Faber Ltd for an extract from the poem ‘My Brother Bert’ by Ted Hughes in Meet My Folks!; Penguin Books Ltd for an extract from the poem ‘Billy Dreamers Fantastic Friends’ by Brian Patten in Geargling with Jelly: A Collection of poems by Brian Patten, Robert Harding Syndication for an extract based on the artic *Star-erossed Lovers’ by Sarah Cunningham in Marie-Claire, April 1994; Newspaper Publishing ple for an adapted extract from the article ‘Biospherians leave their greenhouse toa fanfare’ by Phil Reeves in The Independent 17/9/93; Orbis Publishing Led (part of De Agostini) for an extract based on an article in The Unexplained Vol. 11, Issue 15, pp290-2; Quickritver Connections Ltd for an adapted extract from a Quicksilver brochure; Singer Media Corporation for an adapted extract from ‘The Case of the Ice-skating Incident’ from MORE SOLV-A-CRIME by AC. Gordon. Copyright, 1995 Singer Media Corporation San Clement, Calif. 92673, U.S.A. Times Newspapers Ltd for an extract from the article ‘Pensioner locked up in football dispute’ by Alan Hamilton from The Times 26/7/94 Copyright Times Newspapers Ltd 1994, ‘We are grateful ro the following for permission to reproduce copyright photographs: All Action for 86r, Allsport/S Bruty for 27, B.M.M.V/Adrian Boot Partnership for 361, Bruce Coleman for 24,87, BUAV for 22, Capital Pictures for 7b,88,103bm,0Sbm,36c, Colorifie for 14t,25,34bm,86bm, The Fortean Picture Library for 12, (Greg Evans Photo Library for 26bl,61ml,871r,98r, The Image Bank for 26r,62, Longmans/Gareth Bodlen for 6,8,15,351, 351,38,39,40¢,40b,41b dt, 431434, 43,554, 551,56,61, 64, 644,691,71,71b, 78], 78r,85,85H), 886, 91,93/Maggy Milner for 54,791.79, The Metropolitan Museum of Arc for 48, Oxford Scientific Films Library /Tom McHugh for 26br/J Cooke for 24b, Popperfoto for 471,478, Quicksilver for 61h, Rex Features for 69m,691,861, 86umn, 7, 341,341, 34bx, 103,105, Redferns/RS-Jorge Represa for Jr, $.O.A. for 361,87b,/Silvestrs for 611,241,616, The Ronald Grane Archive for 64, Solo ‘Syndication for 981, South American Pictures/Bill Leimbach for 87ml, Still Pictures for 82b, 82t, Telegraph Colour Library for 61U,72U/Colorifc for 46,51,61br, 611,61bm,/Masterfile for 61mt, Tony Stone Images for 30,50,51b,60,61bl,61t,72m, Werner Forman Archive for 87br, Yaffa Character Licensing/King Features Syndicate for 14b, Zefa for 90/91m. page 14 ~Garfield cartoon © Paws, Inc. by Universal Press Syndicate. reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. Cover photo by Gareth Boden/ Longman Special thanks to the following for their help with commissioned photography: The children from Burnt Mill school, Harlow, Croudace Homes, Church Langley, Harlow, French Railways Ltd, Whaam kites, Lakeside, Thurrock. Ilustrated by Gary Benfield (Artist Partners) Jo Dennis, Diane Fawcett ( Artist Partners), Neil Gower, Biz Hull (Artist Partners), David Kearney (Artist Partners), I-11 Line Art, Barbara Lofthouse (Artist Partners), Stephen Player (Artist Partners), ‘Tony Richards, Liz Roberts, Keith Smith, Andy Walker (Artist Partners), Celia Witehard, Designed by Sue Dorrington Cover designed by Clare Sleven Printed and bound in Spain ‘The publishers’ policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests.

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