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Maturity Benchmarks for The Broadcast College of Las Vegas

Evaluation by Bob Thompson EdTech 501 12-1-2012

Our campus is located in Las Vegas and has a current learning population of 27,000 students: both traditional on-campus and distance learning. Within this population, 9,500 are full and part time learners of the Broadcast Journalism Department. Of this: 5,500 are under the age of 30. 2,350 are between the ages of 30 to 39. 1,500 are between the ages of 40 to 49, and the remaining 150 are over the age of 50. There are 20 instructors and professional staff that make up the teaching core of the Broadcast department and share instructional and maintenance duties in day-to-day operations.

Included in the basic overall technology for department includes: Interdepartmental LAN Network University Wan Network Avid Isis Storage Sharing Network Inews sharing network for production 30 bay Avid classroom connected by Interplay sharing 2 Emergent Technology rooms with various software on Mac & PC

Typical yearlong training for both staff and instructional includes the following: Monthly technical meetings Individualized training based on each specialization Weekly emails sharing problems and solutions Task force for future technology purchases & upkeep Annual NAB conference (which is local) for all

Rankings Administrative Filter: Integrated Stage

Our Broadcast College, located within the larger University, has shifted to an Integrated Stage. Due to a long drought of new capital, a recent endowment allowed us to purchase and do some planning to insure growth within the administrative and educational areas of technology. There were purchases to our infrastructure and some brand new technology: an full Avid lab that connected all areas of Radio/TV to via an Interplay and Inews system. This will allow future growth for emerging technologies that are within the Radio/TV broadcast industry. Policy Behavioral: Integrated Stage Both staff and Instructors have access to a comprehensive array of software and hardware that allows for cohesive grading/assignments/educational resources. A well thought infrastructure has been in place since the purchase of Avid and its ancillary software and hardware programs that make up much of the training tools students use. Prior to purchase of these, a great deal of planning was done in terms of future growth and expansion and this has allowed training and use to be somewhat seamless. Policy Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated stage We have a formal policy for instructors to use our digital input software for grading. There are also some basic instructional policies in place for learning and using all Avid Systems within an educational parameters. No formal policy is in place University wide for this and can cause conflict when other departments share this technology.

Planning Behavioral: Islands Stage The planning for the university overall is highly decentralized. Within each department (college) the policies and planning can be varied. This can cause some problems, mainly if old technology is not meeting up to speed with other colleges who, say, purchased a lower data rate server and now there are some connectivity issues. There are attempts for greater university-wide discussions on sharing of each departments goals and purchases. However, financial constraints create a type of territorial mentality from each college. Planning Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Systems Stage Within our college, there has been tremendous growth from an island stage to now, an intelligent stage. With a recent endowment, our college was able to purchase a great deal of upgrades and new technology. So before all of this was done, many task force meetings were had and new 10 year plan was created to maximize new and future purchases. Budget Behavioral: Integrated Stage Due to our colleges endowment, a great deal of research was given to the purchases made. There is a short term within 10 years plan that allows us smaller purchases to maximize current technology. Larger scale upgrades havent been identified as of yet. Budget Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage Budgets are reviewed and approved by departments within the college and generally meet all standards applied from policies given after endowment. However, this may change in the future, as there is already a trend in that some new purchases are not cohesive to other new purchases within our own college. i.e. Mac vs PC issues. Administrative Information Behavioral: Islands Stage We have both radio and broadcast departments within the college and each has their own administrative systems. There is no formal policy for regulating these and no overall planning for this in future years. Administrative Information Resource/Infrastructure: Islands Stage While there is some disconnect between programs for grading and integrated learning, most instructors and staff have access to them and training, if need be. But again, no overall future planning for a more cohesive administrative planning.

Curricular Filter: Integrated Stage

Electronic Information Behavioral: Intelligent Systems Stage The Avid Interplay ISIS Inews has allowed all Instructors and professional staff to communicate within classrooms, meetings, and departments. This new technology is also used by students, who have access to all of this, to complete assignments and learn doing real-world projects. Electronic Information Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Systems Stage Several classes and training modules (both online and in our digital library) are in place for new users. A policy was created when all of this was purchased. Most technology within department are available in most places or designated areas. Assessment Behavioral: Integrated Stage Knowledge assessments are computer-based and given by instructors and professional staff. The only reason this isnt an Intelligent Systems, is that newer technology has already been purchased and has not been implemented with our current assessment planning. Assessment Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage Our current infrastructure utilizes technology in all areas of training. Avid and Pro Tools radio data is all within access by all. Same issue with Behavioral, in that some recently purchased technology hasnt been adapted into policy yet. Curricular Integration Behavioral: Island Stage By all accounts this should be much higher. With the new purchases and training, technology should be used a great deal more. But there is still a great deal of conflict in terms of what needs to be added to current curriculum. This needs to be addressed.

Curricular Integration Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage Technology is in place and can readily be available for upgrades. It is available to all and easily accessed. Areas of specific technology is open to all students, teachers and staff. Many have training vs. access ratio: more training, opens more access to technical equipment. Teacher Use Behavioral: Integrated Stage Most technologies are in place and readily available. Most instructors and staff were on some type of task force prior to purchases and have well thought out uses for new technology within classroom. Teacher Use Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage Again, most instructors and staff were on some type of task force prior to purchases and have well thought out access and training to new technology. Student Use Behavioral: Intelligent Systems Stage Students have tremendous access with different stages of learning points. Training is available to them with different stages of learning in mind. (person to person, digital, books) This co-exists with the curriculum of degree of student. Student Use Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage All students have access to a wealth of information both digital, online, or from instructors. Again, training is also available to them with varying degrees.

Support Filter: Integrated Stage

Stakeholder Involvement Behavioral: Islands Stage Stakeholders have very limited involvement in this area. While a higher educational rating is desired by those involved, very little is focused in terms of technology acquisitions. Stakeholder Involvement Resource/Infrastructure: Islands Stage There is no mechanism in place to allow tracking of long term goals wanted by stakeholders. Administrative Support Behavioral: Integrated Stage Administrators within this department are equally given opportunity to train on new and existing levels of technology. Each area of this department has access to up to date models of support, chose by them individually. No formal mandate of training is in place as this doesnt seem to be needed at this time. Administrative Support Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage The infrastructure is capable of performing all administrative support tasks electronically. And policies are now being put into place for future software. Training Behavioral: Integrated Stage Training for administrative support functions is standardized and as new areas of technology are implemented, training is provided and recommended with the same type of training equally. Focus is on how each department uses each technology and how it pertains the their respective areas. Meetings are regularly had to ensure long term growth and the effect on each department.

Training Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage New purchases forced a new training mechanism for all instructors and staff to train and keep updated with new technology. Annual training given for new hires and those wanting to update skills. Technical/Infrastructure Support Behavioral: Integrated Stage Policy in place to track and report issues relating to technology problems. All instructors and staff have access to this. Technical/Infrastructure Support Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage A task force is in place, along with full time staff addressing all issues.

Connectivity Filter: Integrated Stage

Local Area Networking (LAN) Behavioral: Integrated Stage All staff and instructors have access to current up to date LAN. Local Area Networking (LAN) Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage High speed networking is readily available for all staff, students, and instructors. District Area Networking (WAN) Behavioral: Integrated Stage Staff and instructor use is limited, but available. District Area Networking (WAN) Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage Fairly comprehensive. Infrastructure is current and up to date and has many services available to instructors and staff. Internet Access Behavioral: Integrated Stage Internet and Intranet access is available to all staff and instructors. Some learning modules are integrated within classrooms as well. Internet Access Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage E-mails is available to all staff and instructors in most areas of college. Communication Systems Behavioral: Integrated Stage E-mail is frequently used as part of administrative duties and regular day to day work. Communication Systems Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Stage E-mail is available to all staff, instructors, and students in most areas of college.

Innovation Filter: Integrated Stage

New Technologies Behavioral: Intelligent Stage Due to influx of new monies and a well thought out future plan for our college and where it stands within the university, policies are in place for current and semi-long term growth with our current technology. New Technologies Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Stage Again, due to influx of new monies and a well thought out future plan for our college and where it stands within the university, policies are in place for current and semi-long term growth with our current infrastructure and potential upgrades in the coming years. Comprehensive Technologies Behavioral: Integrated Stage Access to all communication technologies are readily available in most areas, as well as training in these areas. Comprehensive Technologies Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Systems Stage Access to all communication technologies are readily available and used in most areas, as well as training in these areas.

Overall, I would conclude that our college is at an Integrated Stage in terms of technology. To be clear, this hasnt been the case and most of this was due to the sudden influx of a very large donation given us to use at our discretion. This allowed the school to plan across the board upgrades and new installs that would allow us to grow at a much faster pace that many of our counterparts at the university. While focusing in on the goal of courses and how each department within the college would interact with each other, new Avid systems were purchased, along with Interplay and Inews, which allows connectivity between the radio and TV news departments. Along with these upgrades, a concentrated effort was given to standardize the NAS servers that hold assets and digital media that affects all departments. Due to the AVID labs, more space was needed and at a faster rate, along with greater stability. Also in place, are great areas of internet connectivity and how it pertains to education: Video conferences, Ichat, and even training access to all employees are now commonplace. My only concern, is that as the years pass, and if no future large scale donations appear, a slow descent into an Islands stage might occur. What unfortunately happens is a type of piece-meal planning will occur and again, issues will arise between new and old technology. However, in these years to come, our college should be rated at an Integrated stage.

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