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Evaluation of Crime Prevention Strategies Implemented in Lemery Municipal Station

Evaluation of Crime Prevention Strategies Implemented in Lemery Municipal Police Station Crime prevention is one of the factors to maintain peace and order in our community. It is a task performed primarily by law enforcers to ensure security within the community. But nowadays, there are serious threats to security because of the ineffective and insufficient crime prevention program which the criminals exploited to commit crimes, One is adaptation of modern technology to criminal elements from being getting bolder in the commission of offense. As O.W Wilson reported in 1977, they have to exert lot of efforts in our society and the authorities should revise their tactics and be responsive in suppressing the crime in our country. Police Strategies deals with what officer in the field do as they serve and protect to fulfill their responsibilities, law enforcement officers have been given great power , power entrusted to them by the people they serve and defined by the laws of the land, state and municipality police operation. Public safety includes a comprehensive crime prevention program. The authority develops and monitors procedures and programs to promote safety and security. It is the responsibility of each member of public safety to promote crime prevention throughout the community. Their work provides national leadership on effective and cost-effective ways to prevent and reduce crime by intervening on the risk factors before crime happens. This approach is to promote the implementation of effective crime prevention practices. The only factors that limiting goals achievements are technical emphasis on the goals of monetary success and material property leads to dominant concern with technological and social instrument design to produce the desire result, inasmuch as institutional become of the secondary importance.(Howard Abadinsky, 2007) Lemery Police Station is located at Bagong Sikat Lemery, Batangas opposite to the parish/ church of the municipality. It is compose of 63 police officers; 2 PCO, 34 PNCO and 37 RPSB. Its present chief is Rey Garganza Ochavo. The Lemery Police Station experience several years where crime fluctuates at significant level. The statistic shown at murder crime is the highest percentage while homicide followed it. It was depicted for the year 2009-2011.In comparison, homicide crime attained highest percentage during the same season of the previous year. The Following the statistics of crime prevention is an extremely important part of understanding how your own crime prevention methods in your neighborhood can be streamlined to be most effective in keeping everyone in your neighborhood safe. Understanding the overall levels of crime overall and specifically in your city can help you and your community what to look out for in order to be most on guard. Often new criminal methods and new drugs enter neighborhoods, catching communities off guard, until they are completely infiltrated by the criminal element. The Lemery Municipal Police commonly arrested criminals who commit crimes against property and drug related cases. Overall, Crime Prevention in the form of community watch and education is shown to be an effective tool against crime in communities as demonstrated through such statistics. This information has been an important tool in making sure that every community can feel safe. Though statistics can often be manipulated in various ways, these numbers speak for themselves, demonstrating a clear drop in crime in thousands of communities after the institution for prevention programs. These statistics need to be compared across many communities as each neighborhood and city faces their own particular circumstances. However, regardless, instituting such programs in your community will lead to a large drop in crime over time. The study aims to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the crime prevention program that the Lemery Police Station being implements, and how it can be affect and contribute to the peace and order in Lemery Batangas. The researcher wills also asses the different programs and strategies of Lemery police station to lessen the crime committed in Lemery. Also, the researchers

Evaluation of Crime Prevention Strategies Implemented in Lemery Municipal Station

will also recommend to the people in Lemery Batangas on how to relate the This study will be beneficial to Lemery PNP Station as it will serve as reference to asses and evaluate the effectiveness of its crime prevention program in Lemery, Batangas and to determine their contribution to achieve a crime free community. Lemery, Batangas has recorded offenses concerning crime against person and property and drug related cases such as shooting of former Brgy. Chairman and robbery hold up incident which is still under follow up investigation. These reports prompted the researchers to conduct this study. Objectives of the study This research aim to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the Lemery police station. It seeks to achieve the following specific objectives; to determine the profile of the participants in terms of: sex, age, occupation, witnessed crime for the last month; to evaluate the effectiveness of the crime prevention strategies in Lemery Municipal Police Station and to propose a plan of action based on the result of the study. Review of literature This part presents the literatures related to the present study. Information was taken from informal interview, books and internet. Effectiveness of Crime Prevention Strategy in Lemery, Batangas Crime casts fear in Lemery Batangas from all walks of life and prevents them from taking their rightful place in the development and growth of our country. It inhibits our citizens from communicating with one another freely, from engaging in economic activity and prevents entrepreneurs and to effectively reduce crime, it is necessary to transform and reorganize government and facilitate real community participation. We need to weave a new social fabric, robust enough to withstand the stresses of rapid change in a new-born society. To expect this to happen too quickly is to sabotage proper planning and solid construction of new criminal justice machinery. Most fundamentally this strategy requires that government moves beyond a mode of crisis management and reaction. Government must ensure that effective planning and sustainable success in reducing crime will reach well into the next century. Investors from taking advantage of the opportunities which our country offers. The study also want to find how the respondent asses the following crime prevention strategies and how the respondents participate in such strategies. We are going to ask whether the following strategies are being implemented with the area: if there are mobile patrols along congested area. This question will assess if patrol are visible in the area of responsibilities. If there are random schedules of mobile patrol checkpoint because one of the factor that eliminate the opportunity of criminals is when they knew that there are patrol having a check point in the area where they can have their exit. If law enforcer are conducting seminar awareness program that will help the people to participate in the program being implemented by the police station. Do the police officer in Lemery Batangas is having good relation to the community, this will test if the police officer in Lemery are accommodating to the people and having a good relation to them. I can identify gambling maintainer and drug trafficker and user. Here we are going to assess if the people are helping the police officer in the strategies theyre implementing. Every PNP chief formulated programs to make the country smooth and orderly thats why they didnt stop formulating and thinking possible. Solution in crime the policemen are aware that crime prevention is one of the fundamental objectives of the police although almost any successful police activity involves crime prevention to some degree such as used here relates to long range preventive activity such as the work carried out expressed another way crime prevention is better started as the prevention of criminality. Crime Prevention program is one of the major factor that affect whether the crime committed in I particular place is increasing or decreasing .based on interview in police station in Lemery Batangas is Implementing necessary programs to lessen the crime in Lemery Batangas first, intensity the police visibility second. Stick holder which is concern third, police integrated patrol and fourth, crime prevention programs and seminars. These programs help the Lemery police in preventing the crime and insure the security of the people in the municipality. It concerns to the elimination of the opportunity for crime through the essence of crime prevention programs and hardening the site to foil the commission of crime. Developing programs and interventions that area evidence. Based and that use a logic model for identify gaps in existing community services and to use resources,

Evaluation of Crime Prevention Strategies Implemented in Lemery Municipal Station

expertise and time efficiently among the partners and assessing project impact and results. The social conflict, economic and political factors that confound the relationship between police personnel level sand crime clearance effects are identified. The findings indicate that the number of police has a negative effect on clearance rates. However, its effect is minimal. In addition, the social structural characteristics of nations explain more variance in clearance rates that do the levels of police, as well as attenuate the observe relationship between the police personnel and crimes cleared by arrest. No two communities or neighborhoods are identical neither are the problems encountered by residents of each community however crime and community safety are key concerns of all residents in all communities though each community may employ different strategies in their personnel fight against criminal activity. There is no magic instant cure for crime and disorder nor is there any alone, every agency, organization or business that has a contribution to assist in reducing crime and disorder needs to work in partnership. Evidence based problem solving approaches appear to be an effective method in reducing crime and disorder. The oldest and most basic function in law enforcement is the patrol function. The purpose of patrol is strictly to protect and preserve life and property in communities. Along with protecting citizens, patrol officers deteriorate crime by becoming a visible presence preventing potential crime. Their accessibility to people in the community maintains order and allows a trust to develop between the people and the department. The process of developing a patrol officer demands preparing an officer for patrol, and to put these duties and responsibilities into the hands of an officer of the law. ( A police station which faces problems among its personnel also faces problem in terms of inefficiency in work. The effectiveness of a station defends on the materials available on it, if they are lack of materials to use especially in preventing a crime they cannot be expected to be productive police officers. Insufficient funds, political intervention in the strict implementation of the crime prevention programs, less number of personnel to implement such program, lack of trainings on the part of PNP personnel are problems being encountered in every police station that affect their performance. Satisfaction on the performance of these officers can be solicited if these problems are eliminated. To be more effective, they are implementing several action that will provide the needs of the people in term of security purposes. The Lemery Municipal police Station are doing several methods for these to be more effective and efficient in terms of police visibility within the community. To be more productive, the police personnel in Lemery Police Station are conducting several programs that will enhance their personnel and the station as well. They are tapping support to LGU and NGO for the budget supplement; they are avoiding the station in solicitation of political patronage, requesting additional PNP personnel from higher Headquarters to increase the police visibility in the community. They also have tapping support from the civilians volunteers to participate in crime Prevention programs. In terms of their personnel they send them to a skill training to enhance more their skill in combating criminals. These are the steps being undertaken by the Lemery Police Station to solve those problems being encountered in Lemery Batangas. By these they are securing the people that they have sufficient and efficient police visibility in the community in providing peace and order and eliminating possible crimes in Lemery Batangas. The information we gather is based on he interviewed we made in the police personnel in Lemery municipal police station. According to them the following strategies is made in Lemery Batangas to eliminate the opportunity of the offenders in committing the crimes. Conceptual Framework To give security and protection to the people is one of the primary role of the enforcer, It is a common goal of all authorities to achieve the possible peace and order in the community. Crime prevention is the professed mission of every agency found within the country, criminal justice system. In practice the term prevention seems to be applied confusingly to a wide array of contradictory activities. This confusion can be avoided through the use of conceptual model that defines three level of prevention (1) Primary prevention, directed at modification of criminogenic conditions; in the physical and social

Evaluation of Crime Prevention Strategies Implemented in Lemery Municipal Station

environment at large. (2) Secondary prevention direction at early identification and intervention in the lives of individual or groups in criminogenic circumstances. (3) Tertiary prevention directed at prevention of recidivism. The use of such a conceptual model help to clarify current crime prevention efforts, Suggest fruitful directions for future research by identifying current lacunae in practice and in the research literature and may ultimate prove helpful in addressing the seemingly endless debate between advocates of punishment and advocates of treatment . Method Research Design The research design used in this descriptive normative. The term normative is use because surveys are frequently made to ascertain the normal or typical condition, practice or to compare local test results with a state of national norm. The researchers will use the technique of a good survey to discover the state that gives problems to the member of Lemery Municipal Police Station. Participants of the study The respondents of our study will be the people in Lemery Batangas. Specifically those who lives near in the Lemery Munucipal Police Sation that can really asses the effectiveness and efficiency of Lemery Municipal Police Station. Instrument Questionnaire is the main instrument to be used to find answers to the given problem aided by an informal interview and personal interview to the members of the Lemery Municipal Police Station. Questionnaire was self-made by the researchers and was divided into five types. First part of the questionnaire includes the personal profile of the respondents. Second part is about the evaluation of the implementation of the strategies undertaken by Lemery Police Station to prevent crime in the municipality. Data Gathering Procedures The researchers first sought the permission of Lemery Municipal Police Station by giving them personally a request letter signed by the researchers, thesis adviser, and the dean of the college of criminology. These have gained access for the researchers to distribute questionnaire to gather some information about the profile of the respondents and also the problems encountered in implementation of the crime prevention program. The researchers conducted a pre-survey and interviewed the members of the Lemery Municipal Police Station. After thorough deliberation, the statement of the problem was defined and presented to the research adviser for remarks. The statement of the problem was approved and the researchers proceeded to the reading on the related areas. Literature of the study drafted through library researches, and internet reference. Questionnaire was drafted through the literature and data gathered from the interview. The questionnaire will be validated by persons active in the field and those with thorough knowledge on the topic. It will be administered personally by the researchers to the members of the Lemery Municipal Police Station. Prior to the distribution of the questionnaire, the researchers will carefully explain it before the respondent starts to answer the questions. Data analysis Data will be tallied, analyzed and interpreted by using weighted mean. The result will be presented in tabular form. Percentage distribution will be used for the profile of the respondent. Weighted mean is use to determine the common problems encountered by the members of the Lemery Municipal Police Station and for the measures adopted to solve those problems.

Evaluation of Crime Prevention Strategies Implemented in Lemery Municipal Station

Part I: Respondents Demographic Profile

Direction: Kindly check the appropriate box corresponding your answer. A. Gender



Part II: Evaluation of Crime prevention strategies Implemented

Using the scale below; 46-50 51-55 55-60 61-65 66-70 71- 75

B. Age

18-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45

Please put a check to the box that will correspond to your answers. A Always O Often S Sometimes N Never

C. Occupation 1. Continuous specialized training of Driver Teacher Vendor Construction worker Carpenter Engineer Sewer Others ( please specify) members of PNP under crime prevention program. 2. Commitment of police officers in prosecution of criminals. 3. Saturation drive conducted by police officers in club house, beer house, cockpit arena and other houses of illegal. 4. Intensified police community relation. 5. Crime Prevention Program facilitated

Evaluation of Crime Prevention Strategies Implemented in Lemery Municipal Station

By police officers. 6. Resourcefulness in getting informants to gather information from suspected criminals. 7. Random schedule of Mobile Checkpoint. 8. Visibility of mobile patrol along congested area. 9. Regular conduct of patrolling by police officers in the barangay. 10. Conduct of information drive for the community 11. Preventive patrol (including inquiry and inspectional activity) oriented toward prevention of crimes and accidents, maintenance of public order, and the discovery of hazards and delinquencycausing situations 12. Response to called-for services. 13. Coordination with the LGUs and NGOs. 14. Investigation of crimes, offenses, incidents, and conditions, including arresting offenders. 15. Supervision of public order in the community. .

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