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76/115 EEC


Development of Regulation No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Revised 76/115 81/575 82/318 90/629 96/38 L24/6 L209/30 L139/9 L341/14 L187/95 Issue Date 1976/01/30 1981/07/29 1982/05/19 1990/12/06 1996/07/26 Effective Date Date Presented by JASIC Remarks


As for the content of this Automotive Regulations Information, JASIC has edited the original text of the official gazette issued by the authorities concerned. In spite of every effort to make its edition faithful to the original, there are possibilities that the edited text may contain some inaccuracies in content or in structure. JASIC is not liable for any problems caused by such inaccuracies. Users of this information are advised to refer to the original text of the official gazette itself in case that accuracy is needed.

Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center

COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts (76/115/EEC) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (1), Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (2), Whereas the technical requirements with which motor vehicles must comply pursuant to national laws relate inter alia to safety belt anchorages; Whereas those requirements differ from one Member State to another; whereas it is therefore necessary that all Member States adopt the same requirements, either in addition to or in place of their existing rules, in order, in particular, to allow the EEC type-approval procedure, which was the subject of Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type approval of motor vehicles and their trailers (3), to be introduced in respect of each type of vehicle; Whereas common requirements for the interior fittings of the passenger compartment, the layout of the controls, the roof, the backrest and rear part of the seats were laid down by Directive 74/60/EEC (4); whereas common requirements on interior fittings relating to the behaviour of the steering mechanism in the event of impact were laid down by Directive 74/297/EEC (5); whereas common requirements concerning the strength of seats and their anchorages were laid down by Directive 74/408/EEC (6); whereas other requirements will be adopted subsequently concerning interior fittings, and in particular safety belts, head restraints and the identification of controls; Whereas approximation of the national laws relating to motor vehicles entails recognition by the Member States of the checks carried out by each of them on the basis of the common requirements; whereas, for it to operate effectively, such a system calls for the implementation of these requirements by all of the Member States with effect from the same date, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: Article 1 This Directive applies to anchorages for motor vehicle safety belts intended for adult occupants of forwardfacing Seats. Article 2 For the purposes of this Directive, 'vehicle' means any motor vehicle in categories M1 (defined in Annex I to Directive 70/156/EEC) designed for use on the road, having at least four wheels and a maximum design speed exceeding 25 km/h. Article 3 No Member State may refuse to grant EEC type-approval or national type-approval of a motor vehicle on
(1) OJ No C 5, 8. 1. 1975, p. 41. (2) OJ No C 47, 27. 2. 1975, p. 45. (3) OJ No L 42, 23. 2. 1970, p. 1. (4) OJ No L 38, 11. 2. 1974, P. 2. (5) OJ No L 165, 20. 6. 1974, p. 16. (6) OJ No L 221, 12. 8. 1974, p. 1.


grounds relating to the anchorages for safety belts if these anchorages comply with the requirements laid down in Annexes I, III and IV. Article 4 No Member State may refuse or prohibit the sale, registration, entry into service or use of any motor vehicle on grounds relating to the anchorages for safety belts if these anchorages comply with the requirements laid down in Annexes I, III and IV. Article 5 A Member State which has granted type-approval shall take the necessary measures to ensure that it is informed of any modification to any of the parts or characteristics referred to in Annex I, point 1.1. The competent authorities of that Member State shall determine whether fresh tests should be carried out on the modified vehicle type and a fresh report drawn up. Where such tests reveal failure to comply with the requirements of this Directive, the modification shall not be approved. Article 6 Any amendments necessary to adjust the requirements of the Annexes to take account of technical progress shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of Directive 70/156/EEC. Article 7 1. Member States shall, before 1 October 1976, adopt and publish the provisions necessary to comply with this Directive and shall immediately inform the Commission thereof. They shall apply these provisions with effect from 1 January 1977. 2. Once this Directive has been notified, the Member States shall also ensure that the Commission is informed of all draft laws, regulations or administrative provisions which they propose to adopt in the field covered by this Directive in sufficient time to enable it to submit its comments. Article 8 This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 18 December 1975. For The Council The President M. TOROS


ANNEX I DEFINITIONS, APPLICATION FOR EEC TYPE-APPROVAL, EEC TYPE-APPROVAL SPECIFICATIONS, TESTS, CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION, INSTRUCTIONS 1. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Directive: 1.1. 'vehicle type' as regards safety belt anchorages means a category of vehicles which do not differ in such essential respects as: the dimensions, lines and constituent materials of the components of the vehicle structure or seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the belt anchorages are attached; 'belt anchorages' means the parts of the vehicle structure or seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the safety belt assemblies are to be secured; 'safety belt' (or 'seat belt' or 'belt') means an arrangement of straps with a securing buckle, adjusting devices and attachments which is capable of being anchored to a vehicle and is designed to diminish the risk of injury to its wearer, in the event of collision or abrupt vehicle deceleration, by limiting the mobility of the wearer's body. Such an arrangement is generally referred to as a 'belt assembly', a term also embracing any device for energy absorption or belt retraction; 'strap guide' means a device which alters the lie of the strap in relation to the wearer of the belt assembly. 'effective belt anchorage' means the point used to determine, as specified in point 4.4, the angle of each part of the safety belt in relation to the wearer, that is, the point to which a strap would need to be attached to provide the same lie as the intended lie of the belt when worn, and which may or may not be the actual belt anchorage depending on the configuration of the safety belt hardware at its attachment to the belt anchorage, for example, in the case: where a safety belt incorporates a rigid part which is attached to a lower belt anchorage and which is either fixed or free to swivel, the effective belt anchorage for all positions of seat adjustment is the point at which the strap is attached to that rigid part, where a strap guide is used on the vehicle structure or on the seat structure, the middle point of the guide at the place where the strap leaves the guide on the belt wearer's side shall be regarded as the effective belt anchorage; the strap shall lie in a straight line between the effective belt anchorage and the wearer, where the belt runs directly from the wearer to a retractor attached to the vehicle structure or the seat structure without an intervening strap guide, the effective belt anchorage shall be considered as being the intersection of the axis of the reel for storing the strap with the plane passing through the centre line of the strap on the reel; 'seat' means a structure which may or may not be integral with the vehicle structure complete with trim, intended to seat one adult person. The term covers both an individual seat or part of a bench seat intended to seat one person; 'bench seat' means a structure complete with trim, intended to seat at least two adults; 'group of seats' means either a bench-type seat, or seats which are separate but side by side (i.e. fixed so that the front seat anchorages of one of these seats are in line with the front or rear anchorages of the other or between the anchorages of the other seat) and seat one or more









1.7. 1.8.


adults; 1.9. 'folding (tip-up) seat' means an auxiliary seat intended for occasional use and which is normally folded out of the way; 'seat type' means a category of seats which do not differ in such essential respects as: the shape, dimensions and materials of the seat structure, the types and dimensions of the adjustment systems and all locking systems, the type and dimensions of the belt anchorages on the seat, of the seat anchorage and of the affected parts of the vehicle structure; 'seat anchorage' means the system by which the seat assembly is secured to the vehicle structure, including the affected parts of the vehicle structure; 'adjustment system' means the device by which the seat or its parts can be adjusted to a position suited to the morphology of the seated occupant; this device may, in particular, allow: longitudinal displacement, vertical displacement, angular displacement, 'displacement system' means a device enabling the seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position, to facilitate passenger access; 'locking system' means any device ensuring that the seat and its parts are maintained in any position of use and includes both devices to lock the seat back relative to the seat and the seat relative to the vehicle. APPLICATION FOR EEC TYPE-APPROVAL The application for EEC type-approval of a vehicle type with regard to safety belt anchorages shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or his representative. It shall be accompanied by the undermentioned documents in triplicate and the following particulars: general arrangement drawings of the vehicle structure on an appropriate scale, showing the location of the belt anchorages, and detailed drawings of the belt anchorages and the structure to which they are attached: a specification of the materials used which may affect the strength of the belt anchorages; a technical description of the belt anchorages; in the case of belt anchorages affixed to the seat structure, a detailed description of the vehicle type with respect to the design of the seats, the seat anchorages and their adjustment and locking systems; drawings, on an appropriate scale and in sufficient detail, of the seats, their anchorage to the vehicle and their adjustment and locking systems.

1.10. 1.10.1. 1.10.2. 1.10.3.



1.12.1. 1.12.2. 1.12.3. 1.13.


2. 2.1.



2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4.




The manufacturer shall submit to the technical service either a vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved or the parts of the vehicle considered essential for the belt anchorage tests by the technical service responsible for conducting the approval tests. EEC TYPE-APPROVAL A form conforming to the model set out in Annex II shall be attached to the EEC type-approval certificate. SPECIFICATIONS Definitions (see Annex III) Point H is a reference point determined by the procedure prescribed in Annex IV to Directive 74/60/EEC. The reference line is a straight line passing through the joint of the leg with the pelvis and the joint of the neck with the thorax of the manikin illustrated in figure 2 of Annex IV to Directive 74/60/EEC and representing a 50th percentile adult male. Points Ll and L2 are the lower effective belt anchorages. Point C is a point situated 450 mm vertically above point H. The angles alphal and alpha2 are respectively the angles between a horizontal plane and planes perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and passing through point H and points Ll and L2. S is the distance in millimetres of the effective upper belt anchorage from a reference plane P parallel to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle defined as follows: if the seating position is well defined by the shape of the seat, the plane P shall be the median plane of this seat; in the absence of a well-defined position: the plane P for the driver shall be a vertical plane parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and passing through the centre of the steering wheel in its mean position, if adjustable; the plane P for the front outboard passenger shall be symmetrical with that of the driver; plane P for the rear outboard seating position shall be that specified by the manufacturer on condition that the following limits for distance A between the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle and plane P are respected: A > 200 mm if the bench seat has been designed to accomodate two passengers only, A > 300 mm if the bench seat has been designed to accomodate two or three passengers. General specifications Anchorages for a safety belt shall be so designed, made and situated as to: enable the installation of a suitable safety belt. The belt anchorages of the front outboard positions shall be suitable for safety belts incorporating a retractor and pulley, taking into consideration in particular the strength characteristics of the belt anchorages, unless the manufacturer supplies the vehicle equipped with other types of safety belts which incorporate

3. 3.1.

4. 4.1. 4.1.1.


4.1.3. 4.1.4. 4.1.5.


4.2. 4.2.1.


retractors. If the anchorages are suitable only for particular types of safety belts, their types shall be stated on the form mentioned in point 3.1 above; reduce to a minimum the risk of the belt slipping when worn correctly; reduce to a minimum the risk of strap damage due to contact with sharp rigid parts of the vehicle or seat structures. For belt anchorages which take up different positions to allow persons to enter the vehicle and for restraining the occupants, the specifications of this Directive shall apply to the belt anchorages in the effective restraint position. Minimum number of belt anchorages to be provided For front seats, two lower belt anchorages and one upper belt anchorage shall be provided. For front central seats, two lower belt anchorages shall be considered as sufficient where the windscreen is located outside the reference zone defined in Annex II to Directive 74/60/EEC. As regards the belt anchorages, the windscreen shall be considered part of the reference zone where it is capable of entering into static contact with the test apparatus according to the method described in Annex II. By way of derogation from points 4.3.1 and, and until 1 January 1979, each central seat may be equipped with only two lower anchorages. For rear outboard seats, there shall be two lower belt anchorages and one upper belt anchorage but when no upper belt anchorages shall be installed such as in some convertible cars or cars with a removable roof, two lower belt anchorages shall be acceptable. For all other seats, except folding (tip-up) seats there shall be two lower belt anchorages. For folding (tip-up) seats there is no requirement for belt anchorages. However, if the vehicle is fitted with belt anchorages for such seats, these anchorages shall satisfy the provisions of the present Directive. Location for belt anchorages The location of the belt anchorages as laid down in point 4.3 must comply with the fallowing requirements. General The belt anchorages for any one belt may be located wholly in the vehicle structure, the seat structure or any other part of the vehicle or may be dispersed between these locations. Any one belt anchorage may be used for attaching the ends of two adjacent safety belts provided that the test requirements are met. In the case of a bench seat provided with belt anchorages for two or more seating positions the lower belt anchorages shall all be either integral with the seat or in the body structure. A similar requirement shall also apply to upper belt anchorages. Location of the effective lower belt anchorages The angles alpha1 and alpha2 shall be within the range of 30 degrees to 80 degrees in all normal travelling positions of the seat. Where, in the case of the front seats, there is no seat adjustment


4.3. 4.3.1.


4.3.3. 4.3.4.

4.4. 4.4.1.




or where the belt anchorages are on the seat itself, the angles alpha1 and alpha2 shall be 60 degrees +/- 10 degrees. In the case of the rear seats, the angles alpha1 and alpha2 may be less than the minimum specified in point provided they are not less than 20 degrees. The distance between the two vertical planes parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the seat and each passing through a different one of two effective lower anchorages L1 and L2 of the same seat belt shall not be less than 350 mm. The median longitudinal plane of the seat shall pass between points L1 and L2 and shall be at least 120 mm from those points. Location of the effective upper belt anchorage In the case where a strap guide or similar device is used which affects the location of the effective upper belt anchorage, this location will be determined in a conventional way by considering the position of the anchorage when the longitudinal centre line of the strap passes through a point J defined successively from point H by the following three segments: HZ, which is a segment of the reference line measured in an upward direction from point H and 530 mm long; ZX, which is a segment perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle, measured from point Z in the direction of the anchorage and 120 mm long; XJ, which is a segment perpendicular to the plane defined by segments HZ and ZX, measured in a forward direction from point X and 60 mm long. If located to the rear of a plane perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the seat and passing through the reference line, the effective upper belt anchorage shall lie below the plane FN perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the seat and forming an angle of 65 degrees to the reference line. In the case of rear seats this angle may be reduced to 60 degrees. The plane FN is so positioned that it intersects the reference line at a point D such that DH equals 315 mm + 1.6 S. If located on or forward of a plane perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the seat and passing through the reference line, the effective upper belt anchorage shall be below the plane F1N1 perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the seat and forming an angle of 65 degrees to the reference line. In the case of rear seats, this angle may be reducted to 60 degrees. The plane F1N1 is so positioned that it intersects the reference line at a point D' such that D'H equals 315 mm + 1.8 S. If located to the rear of a plane perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the seat and passing through the reference line, the effective upper belt anchorage shall lie behind a plane FK, perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the seat, intersecting the reference line at an angle of 120 degrees at a point B such that BH equals 260 mm + 1.2 S. If located on or forward of a plane perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the seat and passing through the reference line, the effective upper belt anchorage shall lie behind a plane F1N1 perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the seat, intersecting the reference line at an angle of 120 degrees at a point B' such that B'H equals 260 mm + S. The value of S shall not be less than 140 mm. The effective upper belt anchorage shall be situated to the rear of a vertical plane perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and passing through the H point as shown in Annex III. The effective upper belt anchorage shall be situated above the horizontal plane passing through point C.



By way of derogation from the requirement of point and until 1 January 1979, the effective upper belt anchorage may be placed in the area included between horizontal plane CY and plane CM perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and forming a 20 degree angle with plane CY where the configuration of the vehicle does not allow the location of this anchorage above the plane CY. The seat back may not be lower than the height of a horizontal plane through point C and a strap guide must be provided to prevent the strap from sliding off the shoulder. When tested in accordance with point 5, the point supporting the strap on the seat back shall remain above the plane CM. Dimensions of threaded belt anchorage holes A belt anchorage shall have a threaded hole of 11.11 mm (7/16) 20 UNF 2B. TESTING General Subject to application of the provisions of point 5.2 and at the request of the manufacturer: the tests may be carried out on either a vehicle structure or a completely finished vehicle; windows and doors may or may not be fitted and/or closed; any fitting provided in the vehicle type and likely to contribute to the rigidity of the vehicle structure may be fitted. The seats shall be fitted and shall be placed in the position for driving or use chosen by the technical service conducting approval tests to give the most adverse conditions with respect to the strength of the system. The position of the seats shall be stated in the report. If the angle between the seat back and the cushion is adjustable, it shall be set as specified in Annex IV, point 2.2 of Directive 74/60/EEC. Securing of the vehicle The method used to secure the vehicle during the test shall not be such as to strengthen the belt anchorages or the belt anchorage areas or to lessen the normal deformation of the structure. A securing device shall be regarded as satisfactory if it produces no effect on an area extending over the whole width of the structure and if the vehicle or the structure is blocked or fixed in front at a distance of not less than 500 mm from the belt anchorage to be tested and is held or fixed at the rear not less than 300 mm from that anchorage. It is recommended that the structure should rest on supports arranged approximately in line with the axis of the wheels or, if that is not possible, in line with the points of attachment of the suspension. General test specifications All the belt anchorages of the same group of seats shall be tested simultaneously. The tractive force shall be applied in a forward direction at an angle of 10 degrees +/- 5 degrees above the horizontal in a plane parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle. Full application of the load shall be achieved as rapidly as possible. The belt anchorages must withstand the specified load for not less than 0.2 second.

4.5. 4.5.1. 5. 5.1. 5.1.1.


5.2. 5.2.1.



5.3. 5.3.1. 5.3.2.



5.3.4. 5.3.5.

Traction devices to be used in the tests described in point 5.4 below are shown in Annex IV. The belt anchorages for seats for which upper belt anchorages are provided shall be tested under the following conditions: Front outboard seats: The belt anchorages shall be submitted to the test prescribed in point 5.4.1 in which the loads are transmitted to them by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a three-point safety belt equipped with a retractor having a pulley or strap guide at the upper belt anchorage.

In the case where the retractor is not attached to the required outboard lower belt anchorage or in the case where the retractor is attached to the upper belt anchorage, the lower belt anchorages shall also be submitted to the test prescribed in point 5.4.3. In the cases provided for in point, the tests prescribed in points 5.4.1 and 5.4.3 can be performed on two different structures if the manufacturer so requests. Rear outboard seats and all centre seats: The belt anchorages shall be subjected to the test prescribed in point 5.4.2, in which the loads are transmitted to them by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a three-point safety belt without a retractor, and to the test prescribed in point 5.4.3, in which the loads are transmitted to the two lower belt anchorages by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a lap belt. The two tests can be performed on two different structures if the manufacturer so requests.

By way of derogation from points and, when a manufacturer supplies his vehicle with safety belts incorporating retractors, the corresponding belt anchorages shall be submitted to a test in which the loads are transmitted to them by means of a device reproducing the geometry of safety belts for which these anchorages are to be approved. If no upper belt anchorages are provided for the rear outboard seats and the centre seats, the lower belt anchorages shall be submitted to the test prescribed in point 5.4.3, in which the loads are transmitted to these anchorages by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a lap belt. If the vehicle is designed to accept other devices which do not enable the straps to be directly attached to belt anchorages without intervening sheaves or other similar devices or which require belt anchorages supplementary to those mentioned in point 4.3, the safety belt or an arrangement of wires, sheaves or other similar devices representing the equipment of the safety belt, shall be attached by such a device to the belt anchorages in the vehicle and the belt anchorages shall be subjected to the tests prescribed in point 5.4, as appropriate. A test method other than those prescribed in point 5.3 may be used but evidence must be furnished that it is equivalent. Particular test specifications Test in configuration of a three-point belt incorporating a retractor having a pulley or strap guide at the upper belt anchorage A special pulley or guide for the wire or strap appropriate to transmit the load from the traction device, or the pulley or strap guide supplied by the manufacturer shall be fitted to the upper belt anchorage.




5.4. 5.4.1.


A test load of 1,350 daN +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 2) attached to the belt anchorages of the same belt by means of a device reproducing the geometry of the upper torso strap of such a safety belt. At the same time a tractive force of 1,350 daN +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure l) attached to the two lower belt anchorages. Test in configuration of a three-point belt without retractor or with a retractor at the upper belt anchorage A test load of 1,350 daN +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 2) attached to the upper belt anchorage and to the opposite lower belt anchorage of the same belt, using, if supplied by the manufacturer, a retractor fixed at the upper belt anchorage. At the same time a tractive force of 1,350 daN +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 1) attached to the lower belt anchorages. Test in configuration of a lap belt A test load of 2,225 daN +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 1) attached to the two lower belt anchorages.




Test for belt anchorages located wholly within the seat structure or dispersed between the vehicle structure and the seat structure The tests specified in points 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 shall be performed, as appropriate, at the same time superimposing for each seat and for each group of seats a force as stated below. The loads indicated in points 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 shall be supplemented by a force equal to 20 times the weight of the complete seat applied horizontally and longitudinally through the centre of gravity of the seat. Results of tests All the anchorages shall be capable of withstanding the test prescribed in points 5.3 and 5.4. Permanent deformation, including partial rupture or breakage of any anchorage or surrounding area, shall not constitute failure if the required force is sustained for the specified time. During the test, the minimum spacings for the effective lower belt anchorages specified in point and the requirements of points and for effective upper belt anchorages shall be respected. In the case of a two-door vehicle, the displacement and locking system enabling the occupants of the rear seats to leave the vehicle must still be operable by hand after removal of the tractive force. After testing, any damage to the belt anchorages and structures supporting load during tests shall be noted. CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION In order to verify conformity with the approved type, a sufficient number of random checks shall be performed on serially-produced vehicles. As a general rule, these checks shall be confined to the taking of measurements. However, if necessary, the vehicles shall be subjected to tests conforming to the requirements of point 5.

5.5. 5.5.1.



6. 6.1.


- 10 -


INSTRUCTIONS For every vehicle conforming to the approved type, the manufacturer shall state clearly in the instructions for operating the vehicle: where the belt anchorages are located, the types of safety belt for which they are intended.

- 11 -


Name of administration (Article 4 (2) and Article 10 of the Council Directive of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers) EEC type-approval number .......................................................................................................................... 1. Trade name or mark of the motor vehicle ................................................................................... 2. Vehicle type ................................................................................................................................. 3. Name and address of manufacture ............................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... 4. Where applicable, name and address of manufacturer's representative ...................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... 5. Designation of the type of belts authorized for fitting to the anchorage with which the vehicle is equipped: Anchorage (1) Vehicle structure Right-hand seat Lower anchorages Upper anchorage Lower anchorages FRONT Middle seat Upper anchorage Lower anchorages Upper anchorage outboard inboard outboard inboard right left right left outboard inboard outboard inboard Seat structure

Left-hand seat

- 12 -

Right-hand seat

Lower anchorages Upper anchorage Lower anchorages

outboard inboard outboard inboard light left light left outboard inboard outboard inboard


Middle seat Upper anchorage Left-hand seat Lower anchorages Upper anchorage

Insert in the actual position the following letter or letters: 'A' for a three-point belt including the case where a retractor is attached directly to the anchorage without a pulley or strap guide at the upper anchorage. 'B' for a lap belt. 'S' for special-type belts; in this case the nature of the types under 'Remarks', 'Ar', 'Br' or 'Sr' for a belt incorporating retractors using a pulley or strap guide. 'Ae', 'Be' or 'Se' for a belt with an energy absorption device. 'Are', 'Bre' or 'Sre' for a belt fitted with a retractor using a pulley or strap guide and an energy absorption device on at least one anchorage.


Remarks: ...................................................................................................................................................... 6. Description of seats (1) ................................................................................................................. 7. Description of adjustment, displacement and locking system either of the seat or seat parts(1) ...................................................................................................................................................... 8. Description of seat anchorage (1) ................................................................................................. 9. Description of particular type of safety belt required in the case of an anchorage located in the seat back or incorporating an energy-dissipating device .................................................................................... 10. Number of report issued by that service ...................................................................................... 11. Type-approval granted/refused (2) ............................................................................................... 12. Place ............................................................................................................................................. 13. Date .............................................................................................................................................. 14. Signature ...................................................................................................................................... 15. The following documents, bearing the type-approval number shown above, are annexed to this certificate: ............drawings, technical descriptions of the belt anchorages and of the vehicle structure including photographs where necessary, ............drawings, technical descriptions of the seats, their vehicle anchorages and adjustment, displacement and locking systems including photographs where necessary.

(1) (2)

Only if the anchorage is affixed on the seat or if the seat supports the belt strap. Delete as appropriate.

- 13 -


- 14 -


- 15 -

Figure 2

- 16 -

COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 20 July 1981 amending Council Directive 76/115/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts (81/575/EEC) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1), Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (2), Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3), Whereas Council - Directive 76/115/EEC of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts (4) lays down inter alia in Annex I requirements concerning the minimum number of belt anchorages to be provided for vehicles of category M1 as defined in Annex I to Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers (5), as last amended by Directive 80/1267/EEC (6); Whereas in the interest of road safety the fitting of safety belts and restraint systems complying with Council Directive 77/541/ EEC of 28 June 1977 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to safety belts and restraint systems of motor vehicles (7) should henceforth be required in vehicles of certain M and N categories and permitted and encouraged for vehicles in the other M and N categories; whereas it is therefore necessary, within the framework of EEC motor vehicle type-approval, to provide for anchorages for the different categories of vehicles; whereas for this purpose the scope of Directive 76/115/EEC must be extended in order that manufacturers may fit such vehicles with anchorages which comply with the requirements of that Directive; whereas such an extension has been made possible by technical progress in motor-vehicle construction ; Whereas for this purpose Directive 76/115/ EEC should be amended; Whereas amendment of that Directive means adapting to technical progress certain requirements in the Annexes to Directive 76/ 115/EEC; whereas the entry into force of the provisions of the present Directive should be made to coincide with that of the provisions which, following adoption of the present Directive, will then be adopted in order to adapt the requirements of the Annexes to Directive 76/115/EEC to technical progress, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: Article 1 Directive 76/115/EEC shall be amended as follows: l. Article 2 is replaced by the following: 'Article 2 For the purposes of this Directive, 'vehicle' means any motor vehicle in categories M and N as defined in Annex I to Directive 70/156/EEC intended for use on the road, having at least four wheels and a maximum design speed exceeding 25 km/h.'

(1) (2)

OJ No C 87, 9. 4. 1980, p. 5. OJ No C 265, 13. 10. 1980, p. 77. (3) OJ No C 230, 8. 9. 1980, p. 6. (4) OJ No L 24, 30. 1. 1976, p. 6. (5) OJ No L 42, 23. 2. 1970, p. 1. (6) OJ No L 375. 31. 12. 1980, p. 34. (7) OJ No L 220, 29. 8. 1977, p. 95.


2. In Annex I: (a) Section 4.3.1 is replaced by the following: '4.3.1. For the front seats of vehicles in category M1, category M2 (except vehicles of a permissible maximum weight exceeding 3,500 kg and those which include places specially designed for standing passengers) and categories N1, N2 and N3, two lower belt anchorages and one upper belt anchorage must be provided. However, for front central seats, two lower belt anchorages are considered as sufficient where the windscreen is located outside the reference zone defined in Annex II to Directive 74/60/EEC. As regards the belt anchorages, the windscreen is considered part of the reference zone where it is capable of entering into static contact with the test apparatus according to the method described in Annex II.' (b) Sections and are deleted; (c) Section 4.3.2 is replaced by the following: '4.3.2. For the other outboard seats of vehicles in category M1, there must be two lower belt anchorages and one upper belt anchorage.' (d) Section 4.3.3 is replaced by the following : '4.3.3. For all other seats in category M1 vehicles, and for all other non-protected seats in categories other than M1 as referred to in 4.3.1, there must be a minimum of two lower belt anchorages. For the purpose of defining "protected seat", "protection area" means the area in front of a seat and contained: between two horizontal planes, one through the H point and the other 400 mm above it; between two vertical longitudinal planes which are symmetrical in relation to the H point and are 400 mm apart; behind a transverse vertical plane l.30 m from the H point. Within any transverse vertical plane, "screen zone" means a continuous surface such that, if a sphere of 165 mm diameter is projected in a longitudinal horizontal direction through any point of the zone and through the centre of the sphere, nowhere in the protection area is there any aperture through which the sphere can be passed. A seat is considered to be protected if the screen zones within the protection area have a combined surface area of at least 800 cm2.' (e) Section 4.3.4 is replaced by the following: '4.3.4. For all folding (tip-up) seats, as well as all the seats of any vehicle which are not covered by sections 4.3.1, 4.3.2 or 4.3.3, not belt anchorages are required. However, if the vehicle is fitted with anchorages for such seats, these anchorages must comply with the provisions of this Directive.' Article 2 Member States shall bring into force the provisions necessary in order to comply with this Directive on the same date as that scheduled for the entry into force of the provisions necessary to comply with the Directive to be adopted after this Directive pursuant to Article 6 of Directive 76/115/ EEC, so that the requirements of the Annexes to the latter Directive may be adapted to technical progress. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. Article 3 This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 20 July 1981. For the Council


The President P.WALKER


COMMISSION DIRECTIVE of 2 April 1982 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 76/115/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts (82/318/EEC) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing he European Economic Community, Having regard to Council Directive 70/ 156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers (1), as last amended by Directive 80/1267/EEC (2), and in particular Article 11 thereof, Having regard to Council Directive 76/ 115/EEC of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts (3), as last amended by Directive 81/ 575/EEC (4), and in particular Article 6 thereof, Whereas, in the interests of road safety, the Council, by Directive 81/575/EEC, extended the scope of Directive 76/115/EEC, which until then had been limited to vehicles of Category M1 as defined in Annex I to Directive 70/156/EEC, to cover all classes of motor vehicle; whereas this extension of scope had been made possible by the technical progress which had been achieved in the meantime; whereas implementation of this measure will, however, necessitate the alignment of the requirements and tests specified in the Directive with the enlarged scope; whereas experience gained in applying the Directive has revealed a need for certain provisions to be brought more into line with actual test conditions; Whereas the provisions of this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on the removal of technical barriers to trade in motor vehicles, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: Article 1 Annexes I, II and III to Directive 76/115/ EEC are hereby amended in accordance with the Annex to this Directive. Article 2 1. With effect from 1 October 1982, no Member State may, for motor vehicles of Category Ml, on grounds relating to safety-belt anchorages: refuse to grant EEC type-approval, to issue the certificate referred to in the lastindent of Article 10 (1) of Directive 70/156/EEC or to grant national type-approval in respect of a type of motor vehicle, or prohibit the entry into service of vehicles, if the safety-belt anchorages in this type of vehicle or in these vehicles comply with the requirements of Directive 76/115/EEC, as amended by this Directive. 2. With effect from 1 October 1983, in respect of motor vehicles of Category Ml, Member States: shall no longer issue the certificate referred to in the last indent of Article 10 (1) of Directive 70/156/EEC in respect of a type of motor vehicle in which the safety-belt anchorages do not comply with the requirements of Directive 76/115/ EEC, as amended by this Directive, may refuse to grant national type-approval in respect of motor-vehicle types in which
(1) (2)

OJ No L 42, 23. 2. 1970, p. l. OJ No L 375, 31. 12. 1980, p. 34. (3) OJ No L 24, 30. 1. 1976, p. 6. (4) OJ No L 209, 29. 7. 1981, p. 30.


the safety-belt anchorages do not comply with the requirements of Directive 76/115/ EEC, as amended by this Directive. In the case of certain convertible cars or cars with a removable roof, approved in accordance with Item 4.3.2 of Annex I to Directive 76/115/EEC in its original version, the abovementioned date shall be replaced by 1 October 1986. 3. With effect from 1 October 1984, Member States may prohibit the entry into service of vehicles of Category Ml in which the safety-belt anchorages do not comply with the requirements of Directive 76/115/ EEC, as amended by this Directive. This provision shall not apply to certain convertible cars or cars with a removable roof, approved in accordance with Item 4.3.2 of Annex I to Directive 76/115/EEC in its original version. Article 3 1. With effect from 1 October 1982, no Member State may, on grounds relating to the safety-belt anchorages of vehicles in categories other than M1: refuse to grant EEC type-approval, to issue the certificate referred to in the last indent of Article 10(1) of Directive 70/156/EEC or to grant national type approval in respect of a type of motor vehicle, or prohibit the entry into service of vehicles, if the safety-belt anchorages of this type of vehicle or of these vehicles comply with the requirements of Directive 76/115/EEC, as amended by this Directive. 2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 above, no Member State may, on grounds relating to safety-belt anchorages: refuse, until 30 September 1986, to grant EEC type-approval, to issue the certificate referred to in the last indent of Article 10(1) of Directive 70/156/ EEC or to grant national type approval in respect of a type of motor vehicle of categories N2 and N3, prohibit, until 30 September 1987, the entry into service of vehicles of these categories, if this type of vehicle or these vehicles arc not equipped with safety-belt anchorages. Article 4 Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive not later than 30 September 1982. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. Article 5 This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 2 April 1982. For the Commission Karl-Heinz NARJES Member of the Commission


ANNEX Amendments to the Annexes to Directive 76/115/EEC ANNEX I - DEFINITIONS, APPLICATIONS FOR EEC TYPE-APPROVAL, EEC TYPE-APPROVAL, SPECIFICATIONS, TESTS, CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION, INSTRUCTIONS Item 1.9. The expression '(tip-up)' shall be deleted from the English version. Item 2.2.1 shall read as follows: '2.2.1. general arrangement drawings of the vehicle structure on an appropriate scale, showing the location of the belt anchorages, the effective belt anchorages (where applicable), and detailed drawings of the belt anchorages and of the structure to which they are attached.'

Item 4.1.l shall read as follows: '4.1.1. H is a reference point as defined in Item 1.1 of Annex III to Directive 77/649/EEC which must be determined in accordance with the procedure set out in that Directive. Point H' is the reference point corresponding to H as defined in Item 4.1.1 and shall be determined for all normal positions in which the seat is used. Point R is the seat reference point defined in Item 1.2 of Annex III to Directive 77/649/EEC.'

Item 4.1.2 shall read as follows: '4.1.2. The reference line is a straight line as defined in Item 3.4 of Annex III to Directive 77/649/ EEC.'

Item 4.1.4 shall read as follows: '4.1.4. Point C is the point situated 450 mm vertically above point R. However, if the distance S defined in Item 4.1.6 is not less than 280 mm and if the alternative formula BR = 280 mm + 0.8 S specified in Item is chosen by the manufacturer, the vertical distance between C and R shall be 500 mm.'

Item 4.1.5. The expression 'point H' is replaced by the expression 'point H'. Item shall read as follows: ' the plane P for the driver's seat is a vertical plane parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle which passes through the centre of the steering-wheel in the plane of the steeringwheel rim when the steering-wheel, if adjustable, is in its central position.'

Item The last line shall read: 'A > 300 mm, if the bench seat has been designed to accommodate more than two passengers.' Item 4.3.4. The following shall be added: 'In this case, two lower anchorages shall be sufficient.' Item shall be deleted.


Item 4.4.3. In the Dutch version, the word 'effectief' shall be added. Item shall read as follows: ' The angles alpha1 and alpha2 must be between 30 degrees and 80 degrees for all normal positions of use of the seat. Where, in the ease of the front seats of motor vehicles of Category M1, at least one of the angles alpha1 and alpha2 is constant in all normal positions of use, its value shall be 60 degrees +/- 10 degrees.'

Item shall read as follows: ' In the case of bench seats in vehicles of categories other than M1, rear seats and adjustable seats with an adjusting device as described in Item 1.12 with a seat-back angle of less than 20 degrees (see Annex III, Figure l), angles alpha1 and alpha2 may be below the minimum value stipulated in Item, provided they are not less than 20 degrees in any normal position of use.'

Item shall read as follows: ' If a strap guide or similar device is used which affects the location of the effective upper belt anchorage, this location shall be determined in a conventional way by considering the position of the anchorage when the longitudinal centre line of the strap passes through a point J1 defined successively from point R by the following three segments: RZ, which is a segment of the reference line measured in an upward direction from R and 530 mm long, ZX, which is a segment perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle, measured from point Z in the direction of the anchorage and 120 mm long, XJ1, which is a segment perpendicular to the plane defined by segments RZ and ZX, measured in a forward direction from point X and 60 mm long. Point J2 is determined by symmetry with point J1 about the longitudinal vertical plane passing through the reference line described in Item 4.1.2 of the manikin positioned in the seat under consideration.'

Item shall read as follows: ' The effective upper anchorage must lie below the plane FN, which runs perpendicular to the longitudinal median plane of the seat and makes an angle of 65 degrees with the reference line. The angle can be reduced to 60 degrees in the case of rear seats. The plane FN must be positioned as to intersect the reference line at a point D such that DR = 315 mm + 1.8 S. However, when S < 200 mm, DR becomes 675 mm.'

Item shall read as follows: ' The effective upper belt anchorage must lie behind a plane FK running perpendicular to the longitudinal median plane of the seat and intersecting the reference line at a point B at an angle of 120 degrees such that BR = 260 mm + S. Where S > 280 mm, the manufacturer may use BR = 260 mm + 0.8 S at his discretion.'

Item 'H' shall be replaced by 'R'. Item shall read as follows: ' The effective upper belt anchorage must be situated above a horizontal plane passing through the point C defined in Item 4.1.4.'

Item shall read as follows:



In addition to the upper anchorage specified in Item 4.3.1, other effective upper anchorages may be provided if one of the following conditions is satisfied: The additional anchorages comply with the requirements laid down in Items to The additional anchorages can be used without the aid of tools, comply with the requirements laid down in Items and and are located in one of the areas determined by shifting the area described in Annex III, Figure 1, 80 mm upwards or downwards in a vertical direction. The anchorage(s) is/are intended for a harness belt, complies/comply with the requirements laid down in Item, lie(s) behind the transverse plane passing through the reference line and is/are located: in the case of a single anchorage, inside the area common to two dihedra defined by the verticals passing through points J1 and J2 as defined in Item and whose horizontal sections are defined by Figure 2 in Annex III; in the case of two anchorages, inside whichever of the above defined dihedra is suitable, provided that each anchorage is not more than 50 mm distant from the symetrically located, mirror-image position of the other anchorage about plane P, defined in Item 4.1.6, of the seat under consideration.' In the Dutch version `(7.16 duim)' shall be replaced by `(7/16)'.


In the Dutch version '(7.16 duim)' shall be replaced by '(7/16)'. After Item 4.5.1, the following new items 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 shall be added: '4.5.2. If the vehicle is fitted by the manufacturer with safety belts which are attached to all anchorages prescribed for the seat in question, these anchorages need not meet the requirement stipulated in Item 4.5.1, provided that they comply with the other provisions of this Directive. Nor does the requirement set out in Item 4.5.1 apply to additional anchorages which meet the condition specified in Item It must be possible to separate the safety belt and anchorage without causing any damage to the latter.'


Item 5.1.2 shall read as follows: '5.1.2. The seats shall be fitted and shall be placed in the position for driving or use chosen by the technical service conducting approval tests to give the most adverse conditions with respect to the strength of the system. The position of the seats shall be stated in the report. The seat back shall, if its inclination is adjustable, be locked as specified by the manufacturer or, in the absence of any such specification, in a position corresponding to an effective seat-back angle as close as possible to 25 degrees for vehicles of categories M1 and N1 and to 15 degrees for vehicles of all other categories.'

Item 5.3.2. '10 degrees + 5 degrees' shall be replaced by '10 +/- 5 degrees'. Item 5.3.3. In the Dutch version 'kort' shall be replaced by 'snel'. Item The following shall be added: 'In addition, where more anchorages exist than those prescribed in Item 4.3, these anchorages shall be subjected to the test specified in Item 5.4.5 in which the loads are transmitted to the anchorages by means of a device reproducing the geometry of the type of safety belt intended


to be attached to these anchorages.' Items,, and The following shall be added: 'In the case of vehicles in categories other than M1 and N1, the test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN.' Item 5.4.3. The following shall be added: 'In the case of vehicles in categories other than M1 and N1 the test load shall be 1,110 +/- 20 daN.' Item The following shall be added: 'In the case of vehicles in categories other than M1 and N1, this force must be equal to 10 times the weight of the complete seat.' After Item, the following new Item 5.4.5 shall be added: '5.4.5. Test in configuration of a special-type belt A test load of 1,350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, Figure 2) attached to the belt anchorages of such a safety belt by means of a device reproducing the geometry of the upper torso strap or straps. At the same time, a tractive force of 1,350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, Figure 3) attached to the two tower belt anchorages. In the case of vehicles of categories other than M1 and N1, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN.'

Item 5.5.2 shall read as follows: '5.5.2. In vehicles where such devices are used, the displacement and locking devices enabling the occupants of all seats to leave the vehicle must still be operable by hand after removal of the tractive force.'

ANNEX II - ANNEX TO THE EEC VEHICLE TYPE-APPROVAL CERTIFICATE: SAFETY-BELT ANCHORAGES Footnote (1): The explanatory notes shall be replaced as follows: '"A" for a three-point belt, "B" for a lap belt, "S" for special-type belts; in this case, the nature of the types shall be explained under "Remarks", "Ar", " Br" or "Sr" for belts with retractors, "Are", "Bre" or "Sre" for belts with retractors and energy-absorption devices on at least one anchorage.' Annex III is amended as follows: ANNEX III


Figure l Areas of location of effective belt anchorages


Figure 2 Effective upper anchorages in accordance with Item of Annex I

Annex IV: The following figure shall be added: Figure 3


COMMISSION DIRECTIVE of 30 October 1990 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 76/115/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for motor vehicle safety belts (90/629/EEC) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Having regard to Council Directive 76/ 115/EEC of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts (1), as last amended by Commission Directive 82/318/EEC (2), and in particular Article 6 thereof, Whereas practical experience and technological development show that it is possible to improve road safety by applying similar requirements to those existing already to vehicle categories M2 with a permissible maximum mass exceeding 3,500 kilograms and M3 (buses) which were not covered hitherto and to generally extend the requirements to seating positions, not covered hitherto, of other vehicle categories; Whereas that experience shows that some existing definitions and requirements have to be adjusted slightly; Whereas the protection against "submarining" should be improved, which could be provided by modified positioning of the anchorages for safety belts and/or modifications to the seat construction; whereas a test procedure must be developed which enables the improvement in the level of protection to be shown; Whereas the provisions of this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on the removal of technical barriers to trade in motor vehicles, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: Article 1 Annexes I to Directive 76/115/ EEC, is hereby amended in accordance with the Annex to this Directive. Article 2 1. With effect from 1 May 1991 no Member State may, on grounds relating to anchorages for safety belts: refuse, in respect of a type of vehicle, to grant EEC type-approval, or to issue the copy of the certificate provided for in the last indent of Article 10 (1) of Directive 70/156/EEC (3) ,or to grant national type-approval, or prohibit the entry into service of vehicles if the anchorages in this type of vehicle or in these vehicles comply with the requirements of Directive 76/ 115/EEC, as amended by this Directive. 2. With effect from 1 July 1992 Member States: shall no longer issue the copy of the certificate provided for in the last indent of Article 10 (1) of Directive 70/156/ EEC in respect of a type of vehicle, may refuse to grant national type-approval in respect of a type of vehicle in which the anchorages do not comply with the requirements of Directive 76/115/EEC, as amended by this Directive. 3. With effect from 1 July 1997 Member States may prohibit the entry into service of vehicles in which the anchorages do not comply with the requirements of Directive 76/115/EEC, as amended by this Directive. Article 3
(1) (2)

OJ No L 24, 30. 1. 1976, p. 6. OJ No L 139, 19. 5. 1982, p. 9. (3) OJ No L 42, 23. 2. 1970, p. 1.


The Commission shall, not later than 31 December 1992, proceed to a further review of the provisions of Directive 76/115/EEC and notably Annex I, item 4.4.3 thereof, in order to improve the protection against the risk of submarining, which amendment might include new measures and related dynamic test methods. Article 4 Member States shall implement the provisions necessary in order to comply with this Directive before 1 May 1991. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. When Member States adopt these provisions, these shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their official publication. The procedure for such reference shall be adopted by Member States. Article 5 This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 30 October 1990. For the Commission Martin BANGEMANN Vice-President


ANNEX Annex I is amended as follows: After item 1.6, a new item 1.6.1 is added: '1.6.1. a "front passenger seat" means any seat where the "foremost H-point" of the seat in question is in or in front of the vertical tranverse plane through the drivers R-point.'

Item, amend to read: 'incorporate retractors. This provision shall not apply to vehicles for which, according to item 4.3, lap belts only for front outboard seating positions are allowed. If anchorages . . .'. (Remainder unchanged) Item 4.3 is replaced by the following: '4.3. 4.3.1. minimum number of belt anchorages to be provided (see Appendix 1). Any vehicle in categories M and N (except those vehicles which include places specially designed for standing passengers in categories M2 over 3.5 tonnes and M3) must be equipped with safety belt anchorages which satisfy the requirements of this Directive. The minimum number of safety belt anchorages for each forward directed seating position shall be as specified in Appendix 1. However, for outboard seating positions - other than front - of vehicles of the category M1, shown in Appendix 1 and marked with the symbol phi, two lower anchorages are allowed, where there exists a passage between a seat and the nearest side wall of the vehicle intended to permit access of passengers to other parts of the vehicle. A space between a seat and the side wall is considered as a passage, if the distance between that side wall, with all doors closed, and a vertical longitudinal plane passing through the centreline of the seat concerned measured at the R-point position and perpendicularly to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle - is more than 500 mm. For the front centre seating positions shown in Appendix 1 and marked with the symbol*, two lower anchorages shall be considered adequate where the windscreen is located outside the reference zone defined in Annex II to Directive 74/60/EEC; if located inside this reference zone, three anchorages are required. As regards belt anchorages, the windscreen is considered as part of the reference zone when it is capable of entering into static contact with the test apparatus according to the method described in Annex II to Directive 74/60/EEC. For all seating positions shown in Appendix 1 and marked with the symbol #, each exposed seating position, as defined in item 4.3.6, must be equipped with two lower anchorages. An "exposed seating position" is one where there is no "protective screen" in front of the seat within the following defined space: between two horizontal planes, one through the H-point and the other 400 mm above it, between two vertical longitudinal planes which are symmetrical in relation to the Hpoint and are 400 mm apart, behind a transverse vertical plane 1.30 m from the H-point. For the purposes of this requirement "protective screen" means a surface of suitable strength and showing no discontinuities such that, if a sphere of 165 mm diameter is geometrically projected in a longitudinal horizontal direction through any point of the space defined above and through the centre of the sphere, nowhere in the protective screen is there any aperture







through which the geometrical projection of the sphere could be passed. A seat is considered to be an "exposed seating position", if the protective screens within the space defined above have a combined surface area of less than 800 cm2. 4.3.7. For all folding seats, as well as all the seats of any vehicle which are not covered in items 4.3.1 to 4.3.5, no belt anchorages are required. However, if the vehicle is fitted with anchorages for such seats, these anchorages must comply with the provisions of this Directive. In this case, two lower anchorages shall be sufficient.'

Item 4.4.3 reads as follows: '4.4.3. Location of the effective lower belt anchorages (see Appendix 2) Front seats, vehicle-category M1 In motor vehicles of category M1 the angle alpha1 (other than buckle side) shall be within the range of 30 to 80 degrees and the angle alpha2 (buckle side) shall be within the range of 45 to 80 degrees. Both angle-requirements shall be valid for all normal travelling positions of the front seats. Where at least one of the angles alpha1 and alpha2 is constant in all normal positions of use, its value shall be 60 +/- 10 degrees. In case of adjustable seats with an adjusting device as described in item 1.12, with a seatback inclination angle of less than 20 degrees (see Annex III, figure 1), the angle alpha1 may be below the minimum value (30 degrees) stipulated above, provided it is not less than 20 degrees in any normal position of use. Rear seats, vehicle category M1 In motor vehicles of Category M1 the angles alphal and alpha2 shall be within the range of 30 to 80 degrees for all rear seats. If rear seats are adjustable the above angles shall be valid for all normal travelling positions. Front seats, vehicle categories other than M1 In motor vehicles of categories other than M1 the angles alpha1 and alpha2 must be between 30 to 80 degrees for all normal travelling positions of the front seats. Where in the case of front seats of vehicles with a maximum vehicle mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes at least one of the angles alpha1 and alpha2 is constant in all normal positions of use, its value shall be 60 +/- 10 degrees. Rear seats and special front or rear seats, vehicle categories other than M1 In vehicles of categories other than M1, in the case of: bench seats, adjustable seats (front and rear) with an adjusting device as described in item 1.12 with a seatback angle of less than 20 degrees (see Annex III, figure l), and other rear seats, angles alpha1 and alpha2 may be between 20 and 80 degrees in any normal position of use. Where in the case of front seats of vehicles with a maximum vehicle mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes at least one of the angles alpha1 and alpha2 is constant in all normal positions of use, its value shall be 60 +/- 10 degrees.' Old item becomes Add at the end of 'Where a two-door configuration is used to provide access to both the front and rear seats and


the upper anchorages is fitted to the "B" post, the system must be designed so as not to impede access to or egress from the vehicle.' After item 5.2.3, a new item 5.2.4 is added: '5.2.4. If a test method other than that prescribed in items 5.2.1 to 5.2.3 of this Directive is used, evidence must be furnished that it is equivalent.'

Item reads as follows: ' When a manufacturer supplies his vehicle with safety belts, the corresponding belt anchorages may, at the request of the manufacturer, be submitted only to a test in which the loads are transmitted to them by means of a device reproducing the geometry of the type belts to be attached to these anchorages.'

Item 5.3.6 reads as follows: '5.3.6. If no upper belt anchorages are provided for the outboard seats and the centre seats, the lower belt anchorages shall be submitted to the test prescribed in 5.4.3, in which the loads are transmitted to these anchorages by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a lap belt.'

Item reads as follows: ' For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, a test load of 1,350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied by a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 2) attached to the belt anchorages of the same belt by means of a device reproducing the geometry of the upper torso strap of such a safety belt. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, the test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, the test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN.'

Item reads as follows: ' For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, at the same time a tractive force of 1,350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 1) attached to the two lower belt anchorages. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, this test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN.'

Item reads as follows: ' For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, a test load of 1,350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 2) attached to the belt upper anchorage and to the opposite lower belt anchorage of the same belt, using, if supplied by the manufacturer, a retractor fixed at the upper belt anchorage. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, this test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN.'

Item reads as follows: ' For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, at the same time a tractive force of 1,350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 1) attached to the lower belt anchorages. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, this test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN.'

Item 5.4.3 reads as follows: '5.4.3. Test in configuration of a lap belt.


For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, a test load of 2,225 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 1) attached to lower belt anchorages. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 1,110 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, this test load shall be 740 +/- 20 daN.' Item, amend the sentence which was added with Directive 82/318/EEC to read: 'In the case of vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this force must be equal to 10 times the weight of the complete seat; for categories M3 and N3 it must be equal to 6.6 times the weight of the complete seat.' Replace old items and by the following new ' For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, at the same time, a tractive force of 1,350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, figure 3) attached to the two lower belt anchorages. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, this test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN.'

Add new Appendices 1 and 2 to Annex I as follows: 'Appendix l MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORAGE POINTS

Outboard seating positions Vehicle categories Driver M1 M2 < 3.5 tonnes M2 > 3.5 tonnes M3 N1 N2 N3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Front Passenger 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 phi 3 # # # # # # * * 2 2 * * * Other than front

Centre seating positions Front Other than front

2 # # # # # #

Notes: 2 : two lower anchorages which allow the installation of a lap belt. * : refers to items 4.3.4. # : refers to items 4.3.5 and 4.3.6. 3 : two lower anchorages and one upper anchorage which allow the installation of a three point safety belt, with the exception of front outboard seats on vehicles in categories M1, N1 and M2 with a maximum vehicle mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, for which the anchorages shall allow the installation of a safety belt type Ar. phi : refers to item 4.3.3.' 'Appendix 2 LOCATION OF LOWER ANCHORAGES, ANGLE REQUIREMENTS ONLY: alpha (degrees)


Old requirements M1 Front (outboard and centre) - buckle side - outer than buckle side - angle constant - bench: - buckle side - other than buckle side - adjustable seat with seat back angle < 20 degrees Rear (outboard and centre) Folding seat

New requirements M1 45-80 30-80 50-70 45-80 30-80 20-80 45-80 (*) 30-80 Other than M1 30-80 30-80 50-70

Other than M1 30-80 30-80 30-80 20-80

30-80 30-80 50-70 30-80

20-80 20-80

20-80 20-80

20-80 20-80 20-80 20-80

No belt anchorage required. If anchorage is fitted: see angle requirements Front and Rear.

"other than buckle side" (alpha1): 20-80 degrees "buckle side" (alpha2): 45-80 degrees (both: if angle is not constant: see item'


COMMISION DIRECTIVE of 17 June 1996 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 76/115/EEC relating to anchorages for motor vehicle safety belts (Text with EEA relevance) 96/38/EC THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970 relating to the approximation of the laws of the Member States on type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers (1), as last amended by Commission Directive 95/54/EC (2), and in particular Article 13 (2) thereof, Having regard to Council Directive 76/115/EEC of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for motor vehicle safety belts (3), as last amended by Commission Directive 90/629/EEC (4), and in particular Article 3 thereof, Whereas Directive 76/115/EEC is one of the separate directives of the EEC type-approval procedure which has been established by Directive 70/156/EEC; whereas, consequently, the provisions laid down in Directive 70/156/EEC relating to vehicle systems, components and separate technical units apply to this Directive; Whereas, in particular, Articles 3 (4) and 4 (3) of Directive 70/156/EEC necessitate that each separate directive has attached to it on information document incorporating the relevant items of Annex I to that Directive and also a type-approval certificate based on Annex VI thereto in order that type-approval may be computerized; Whereas it is possible to improve the protection provided for passengers against ejection in case of an accident by requiring a minimum of lap belts of type 1 with retractors for all forward and rear-facing seating positions in motor vehicles of categories M2 and M3 (except those vehicles which are designed for both urban use and standing passengers), as foreseen in Commission Directive 90/628/EEC(5); Whereas the entry into force of amendment to Council Directive 77/541/EEC(6), as last amended by Directive 90/628/EEC to require such seat belts in M2 and M3 vehicles is dependent upon the adaptation to technical progress of Council Directive 74/408/EEC (7), as last amended by Directive 81/577/EEC(8), on the strength of seats and this Directive on seat belt anchorages; Whereas reference is made to Council Directive 74/60/EEC(9), as last amended by Commission Directive 78/ 632/EEC(10), relating to the interior fittings of motor vehicles; Whereas the provisions of this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee for Adaptation to Technical progress established by Directive 70/156/EEC, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: Article 1 Directive 76/115/EEC is amended as follows. 1. Article 1 shall read as follows:

(1) (2)

OJ No. L 42, 23.2.1970, p.1. OJ No. L 266, 8.11.1995, p.1. (3) OJ No. L 24, 30. 1.1976, p.6. (4) OJ No. L 341, 6.12.1990, p.14. (5) OJ No. L 341, 6.12.1990, p.1. (6) OJ No. L 220, 29.8.1977, p.95. (7) OJ No. L 221, 12.8.1974, p.1. (8) OJ No. L 209, 29.7.1981, p.34. (9) OJ No. L 38, 11.2.1974, p.2. (10) OJ No. L 206, 29.7.1978, p.26.


'This Directive applies to anchorages for motor vehicle safety belts intended for adult occupants of forward or rear-facing seat.'; 2. in Article 2 'Annex 1' is replaced by 'Annex II A'; 3. in Articles 3 and 4 of Directive 76/115/EEC 'Annexes I, III and IV' are replaced by 'the Annexes'; 4. the Annexes are amended in accordance with the Annex to this Directive. Article 2 1. With effect from 1 January 1997 no Member State may, on grounds relating to anchorages for safety belts: refuse, in respect of a type of motor vehicle, to grant EEC type-approval, or national type-approval, or prohibit the registration, sale or entry into service of vehicles, if the anchorages in this type of vehicle or in these vehicles comply with the requirements of Directive 76/ 115/EEC as amended by this Directive. 2. With effect from 1 October 1999 for vehicles of category M2 with a maximum mass not exceeding 3,500 kg and all other vehicles from 1 October 1997, Member States: shall no longer grant EC type-approval, and may refuse to grant national type-approval, for a type of vehicle on grounds relating to safety belt anchorages if the requirements of Directive 76/115/ EEC, as amended by this Directive, are not fulfilled. 3. With effect from 1 October 2001 for vehicles of category M2 with a maximum mass not exceeding 3,500 kg and all other vehicles in category M from 1 October 1999, Member States: shall consider certificates of conformity which accompany new vehicles in accordance with the provisions of Directive 70/156/EEC to be no longer valid for purposes of Article 7 (1) of that Directive, and may refuse the registration, sale or entry into service of new vehicles which are not accompanied by a certificate of conformity in accordance with Directive 70/156/EEC, on grounds relating to safety belt anchorages if the requirements of Directive 76/115/EEC, as amended by this Directive, are not fulfilled. Article 3 1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 31 December 1996 and shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. When the Member States adopt these provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member States. 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive. Article 4 The Directive shall enter into force the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Article 5 This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 17 June 1996.


For the Commission Martin BANGEMANN Member of the Commission


ANNEX A list of annexes is added as follows: 'LIST OF ANNEXES ANNEX I: Definitions, application for EEC type-approval, granting of EEC type-approval, specifications, tests, conformity of production, instructions: Appendix 1: Minimum number of anchorage points, Appendix 2: Location of lower anchorages, angle requirements, Appendix 3: Information document, Appendix 4: Type-approval certificate ANNEX II: Location of effective belt anchorages ANNEX III: Traction device.' Annex I is amended as follows - A new item is added after Item 1.14 to read: '1.15. "Reference zone" means the space between two vertical longitudinal planes, 400 mm apart and symmetrical with respect to the H-point, and defined by rotation of the head-form apparatus, described in Annex II of Directive 74/60/EEC, from vertical to horizontal. The apparatus shall be positioned as described in that annex and set to the maximum length of 840 mm.'

- Item 2.1 is amended to read: '2.1. The application for type-approval pursuant to Article 3 (4) of Directive 70/156/EEC of a vehicle type with regard to safety belt anchorages shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer.'

- Item 2.2 is amended to read: '2.2. A model for the Information Document is given in Appendix 3.'

- Item 2.2.1 to 2.2.5 inclusive are deleted. - Item 3 is amended to read: '3. 3.1. Granting of EC type-approval If the relevant requirements are satisfied, EC type-approval pursuant to Article 4 (3) and, if applicable, 4 (4) of Directive 70/156/EEC shall be granted. A model for the EEC type-approval certificate is given in Appendix 4. An approval number of accordance with Annex VII of Directive 70/156/EEC shall be assigned to each type of vehicle approved. The same Member State shall not assign the same number to another type of vehicle.'

3.2. 3.3.

- In Item 4.1, 'Annex I' is replaced by 'Annex II'. - Item 4.3.1 is amended to read: '4.3.1. Any vehicle in categories M and N (except those vehicles in categories M2 and M3 which are designed for both urban use and standing passengers) must be equipped with safety belt anchorages which satisfy the requirements of this Directive.'


- Item 4.3.2 is amended to read: '4.3.2. The minimum number of safety belt anchorages for each forward and rearward directed seating position shall be as specified in Appendix 1.'

- In Item 4.3.5, the symbol '*' is replaced by the symbol '#' (German version only). - A new Item 4.3.7 is added to read: '4.3.7. Every seating position in Appendix I marked with the symbol

, three anchorages shall be provided unless one of the following conditions is fulfilled: there is a seat or other parts of the vehicle conforming to Paragraph 3.5 of Appendix 1 of Annex III of Directive 74/408/EEC directly in front; or no part of the vehicle is in or, when the vehicle is in motion, capable of being in the reference zone; or parts of the vehicle within the said reference zone comply with the energy absorbing requirements set out in Appendix 6 of Annex III of Directive 74/408/EEC in which case two anchorages may be provided.' - The old Item 4.3.7 is renumbered 4.3.8. - The first sentence of Item 4.3.8 is amended to read: 'For the folding seats or seating intended solely for use when the vehicle is stationary, as well as all the seats . . . . no belt anchorages are required.' - Two new items are added after Item 4.3.8. '4.3.9. In the case of the upper deck of a double-deck vehicle the requirements for the centre front seating position shall apply also in the outboard front seating positions. In the case of seats capable of being turned to or placed in other orientations, for use when the vehicle is stationary, the requirements of Item 4.3.1 shall only apply to those orientations designated for normal use when the vehicle is travelling on a road, in accordance with this Directive. A note to this effect shall be included in the information document.'


- The following is added at the end of Item 'In the case of seats, other than front seats, of vehicles in categories M2 and M3, the angles alpha1 and alpha2 shall be between 45 and 90 degrees for all normal positions of use.' - A new Item is added as follows: ' The tests may be restricted to the anchorage relating to only one seat or one group of seats on the conditions that: the anchorages concerned have the same structural characteristics as the anchorages relating to the other seats or groups of seats; and where such anchorages are fitted totally or partially on the seat or group of seats, the structural characteristics of the seat or group of seats are the same as those for the other seats or groups of seats.'

- The old Items and are renumbered and respectively.


- Item 5.3.1 is amended to read as follows: '5.3.1. All the belt anchorages of the same group of seats shall be tested simultaneously. However, if there is risk that non-symmetrical loading of the seats and/or anchorages may lead to failures, an additional test may be carried out with non-symmetrical loading.'

- Item 5.3.2 is amended to read as follows: '5.3.2. The tractive force shall be applied in a direction corresponding to the seating position at an angle of 10 degrees +/- 5 degrees above the horizontal in a plane parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle.'

- In Items 5.3.4,,,,, 5.4.3 and replace 'Annex IV' by 'Annex III'. - Item is amended to read: ' The loads indicated in Items 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 shall be supplemented by a force equal to 20 times the weight of the complete seat. In the case of vehicles in categories M2 and N2 this force must be equal to 10 times the weight of the complete seat; for vehicles in categorie M3 and N3 it must be equal to 6.6 times the weight of the complete seat.'

- A new item is added after Item to read: '5.4.6. Test in the case of rearward-facing seats: The anchorage points shall be tested according to the forces prescribed in Paragraphs 5.4.1, 5.4.2 or 5.4.3 as appropriate. In each case the test load shall correspond to the load prescribed for M3 or N3 vehicles. The test load shall be directed forward in relation to the seating position in question, corresponding to the procedure prescribed in paragraph 5.3.'

- A new item is added after Item 5.5.3 to read: '5.5.4. By way of derogation, the upper anchorages fitted to one or more seats of vehicles of category M2 above 3.5 tonnes and M3, which meet the requirements of Annex III of Directive 74/408/ EEC, need not comply with the requirements paragraph 5.5.1 concerning compliance with Paragraph Details of the seat(s) concerned shall be mentioned in the addendum to the Type-Approval certificate referred to in Appendix 4.'

- Item 6.1 is amended to read: '6.1. As a general rule, measures to ensure the conformity of production shall be taken in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 10 of Directive 70/156/EEC.'

- Item 7 is renumbered 8 and a new Item 7 is inserted to read: '7. 7.1. Modifications of the type and amendments to approval In the case of modifications of the type pursuant to this Directive, the provisions of Article 5 of Directive 70/156/EEC shall apply.'

- New Appendices 1 and 2 to Annex I are added as follows:


'Appendix 1 Minimum number of anchorage points

Forward facing seating positions Vehicle category Out board Front M1 3 Other 3 or 2 3 or 2* 2 2 Front Centre Other Rear facing

M2 < 3.5T M3 & M2 > 3.5T

3 3

3 3 or 2

3 3 or 2

3 3 or 2

2 2

N1, N2 & N3

2 or 0 #

3 or 2*

2 or 0 #

Key to symbols: 2 : two lower anchorages which allow the installation of a safety belt type B or, where required by Annex XV of Directive 77/541/EEC, type Br, Br3, Br4m or Br4Nm. 3 : two lower anchorages and one upper anchorage which allow the installation of a three point safety belt type A or, where required by Annex XV of Directive 77/541/EEC, type Ar, Ar4m or Ar4Nm.

: refers to Item 4.3.3 (two anchorages permitted if a seat is inboard of a passageway). * : refers to Item 4.3.4 (two anchorages permitted if the windscreen is outside reference zone). # : refers to Items 4.3.5 and 4.3.6 (two anchorages required in exposed seating positions).

: refers to Item 4.3.7 (two anchorages permitted if nothing is in reference zone).

: refers to Item 4.3.10 (special provision for the upper deck of a vehicle).


Appendix 2 Location of lower anchorages - Angle requirements only

Seat buckle side (alpha2) other than buckle side (alpha1) angle constant Front # bench - buckle side (alpha2) bench - other than buckle side (alpha1)

M1 45 degrees - 80 degrees 30 degrees - 80 degrees 50 degrees - 70 degrees 45 degrees - 80 degrees 30 degrees - 80 degrees

Other than M1 30 degrees 80 degrees 30 degrees 80 degrees 50 degrees 70 degrees 20 degrees 80 degrees 20 degrees 80 degrees 20 degrees 80 degrees 20 degrees 80 degrees psi

adjustable seat with seat back angle 45 degrees - 80 degrees (alpha2)* < 20 degrees 20 degrees - 80 degrees (alpha1)* Rear # Folding 30 degrees - 80 degrees

No belt anchorage required. If anchorage fitted: see angle requirements Front and Rear.

Notes: # : outboard and centre. * : if angle is constant see Item psi : 45 degrees - 90 degrees in the case of seats on M2 and M3 vehicles.' Two new appendices are added as follows:


'Appendix 3 Information document No.... pursuant to Annex I of Council Directive 70/156/CEE (1) relating to EC type-approval of a vehicle with respect to safety belts anchorages (76/115/EEC) as last amended by Directive..../..../EEC. The following information, if applicable, must be supplied in triplicate and include a list of contents. Any drawings must be supplied in appropriate scale and in sufficient detail on size A4 or on a folder of A4 format. Photographs, if any, must show sufficient detail. If the systems, components, or separate technical units have electronic controls, information concerning their performance must be supplied. 0. General 0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer): ........................................................................................... 0.2. Type and general commercial description(s) ............................................................................... 0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle (b) ...................................................... 0.3.1. Location of that marking: ............................................................................................................ 0.4. Category of vehicle (c): ................................................................................................................ 0.5. Name and address of manufacturer: ............................................................................................ 0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s): ................................................................................................ 1. General construction characteristics of the vehicle 1.1. Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle: ........................................................... 9. Bodywork 9.10.3. Seats Number: ....................................................................................................................................... Position and arrangement: ........................................................................................................... positions designated for use only when the vehicle is stationary: ................................. ...................................................................................................................................................... Mass: ............................................................................................................................................ Characteristics: Descriptions and drawings of: seats and their anchorages ..................................................................................................... adjustment system ................................................................................................................. displacement and locking systems ........................................................................................ seat belt anchorages if incorporated in the seat structure ...................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... Design torso angle of:'s seat ................................................................................................................................. other seating positions ........................................................................................................... Range of seat adjustment of:'s seat ................................................................................................................................. other seating positions ........................................................................................................... 9.13. Safety belt anchorages 9.13.1. Photographs and/or drawings of the bodywork showing the position and dimensions of the actual and the effective anchorages including the R-points: ................................................................................... Drawings of the belt anchorages and parts of the vehicle structure where they are attached (with the material indication): ................................................................................................................................................... 9.13.3. Designation of the types (1) of safety belts authorized for fitting to the anchorages with which the vehicle is equipped:

The item numbers and footnotes used in this Information Document correspond to those set out in Annex I to Directive 70/156/EEC. Items not relevant for the purpose of this Directive are omitted. (1) For the symbols and marks to be used, see Annex III, Items 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 of Directive 77/541/EEC. In the case of "S" type belts, specify the nature of the type(s). (9.13.3)





Anchorage position Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Anchorage location Vehicle structure Seat structure

First row of seats Right-hand seat

Centre seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Left-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Second row of seats #

Right-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower outboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Centre seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Left-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

# The table may be extended as necessary where vehicles have more than two rows of seats or if there are more than 3 seats across the width of a vehicle.

9.13.4. Description of a particular type of safety belt where an anchorage is located in the seat backrest or incorporates an energy-dissipating device: .................................................................................................. Data, file

- 10 -

Appendix 4 MODEL (maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)) EEC TYPE-APPROVAL CERTIFICATE

Stamp of administration Communication concerning the: type-approval (1) extension of type-approval (1) refusal of type-approval (1) withdrawal of type-approval (1), of a type of vehicle/component/separate technical unit (1) with regard to Directive 76/115/EEC, as last amended by Directive.../.../EC. Type-approval number: Reason for extension: SECTION I 0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer): 0.2. Type and general commercial description(s): 0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle/ component/separate technical unit(1)(2): 0.3.1. Location of that marking: 0.4. Category of vehicle (3): 0.5. Name and address of manufacturer: 0.7. In the case of components and separate technical units, location and method of affixing of the EEC type-approval mark: 0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s): SECTION II 1. Additional information (where applicable) (see addendum): 2. Technical service responsible for carrying out the tests: 3. Date of test report: 4. Number of test report: 5. Remarks (if any) (see addendum): 6. Place: 7. Date: 8. Signature: 9. The index to the information package lodged with the approval authority, which may be obtained on request, is attached.

Delete where not applicable. If the means of identification of type contains characters not relevant to a description of the vehicle, component or separate technical unit types covered by this type-approval certificate, such characters shall be represented in the documentation by the symbol "?" (e.g. ABC??123??). (3) As defined in Annex II A to Directive 70/156/EEC.


- 11 -

Addendum to EEC type-approval certificate No...... concerning the type-approval of a vehicle with regard to Directive 76/115/EEC as last amended by Directive ..../..../EEC 1. 1.1. 1.2. Additional Information Category of vehicle: Location of anchorages and safety belts provided (1):

Row First row of seats

Seat Right-hand seat

Anchorage position Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Anchorage location Vehicle structure Seat structure

Centre seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Left-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Second row of seats

Right-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Centre seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Left-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

# The table may be extended as necessary where vehicles have more than two rows of seats or if there are more than 3 seats across the width of a vehicle.

5. 3. 4. 5.

Remarks:' ANNEX II is deleted ANNEX III is renumbered 'ANNEX II' and is headed, 'Location of effective belt anchorages'. ANNEX IV is renumbered 'ANNEX III'.

For the symbols and marks to be used, see Annex III, Items 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 of Directive 77/541/EEC. In the case of "S" type belts, specify the nature of the type(s).

- 12 -

LIST OF ANNEXES ANNEX 1: Definitions, application for EEC type-approval, granting of EEC type-approval, specifications, tests, conformity of production, instructions: Appendix 1: Minimum number of anchorage points, Appendix 2: Location of lower anchorages, angle requirements, Appendix 3: Information document, Appendix 4: Type-approval certificate ANNEX II: Location of effective belt anchorages ANNEX III: Traction device


ANNEX I DEFINITIONS, APPLICATION FOR EEC TYPE-APPROVAL, EEC TYPE-APPROVAL, SPECIFICATIONS, TESTS, CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION, INSTRUCTIONS 1. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Directive: 1.1. 'vehicle type' as regards safety belt anchorages means a category of vehicles which do not differ in such essential respects as: the dimensions, lines and constituent materials of the components of the vehicle structure or seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the belt anchorages are attached; 'belt anchorages' means the parts of the vehicle structure or seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the safety belt assemblies are to be secured; 'safety belt' (or 'seat belt' or 'belt') means an arrangement of straps with a securing buckle, adjusting devices and attachments which is capable of being anchored to a vehicle and is designed to diminish the risk of injury to its wearer, in the event of collision or abrupt vehicle deceleration, by limiting the mobility of the wearer's body. Such an arrangement is generally referred to as a 'belt assembly', a term also embracing any device for energy absorption or belt retraction; 'strap guide' means a deivce which alters the lie of the strap in relation to the wearer of the belt assembly. 'effective belt anchorage' means the point used to determine, as specified in point 4.4, the angle of each part of the safety belt in relation to the wearer, that is, the point to which a strap would need to be attached to provide the same lie as the intended lie of the belt when worn, and which may or may not be the actual belt anchorage depending on the configuration of the safety belt hardware at its attachment to the belt anchorage, for example, in the case: where a safety belt incorporates a rigid part which is attached to a lower belt anchorage and which is either fixed or free to swivel, the effective belt anchorage for all positions of seat adjustment is the point at which the strap is attached to that rigid part, where a strap guide is used on the vehicle structure or on the seat structure, the middle point of the guide at the place where the strap leaves the guide on the belt wearer's side shall be regarded as the effective belt anchorage; the strap shall lie in a straight line between the effective belt anchorage and the wearer, where the belt runs directly from the wearer to a retractor attached to the vehicle structure or the seat structure without an intervening strap guide, the effective belt anchorage shall be considered as being the intersection of the axis of the reel for storing the strap with the plane passing through the centre line of the strap on the reel; 'seat' means a structure which may or may not be integral with the vehicle structure complete with trim, intended to seat one adult person. The term covers both in individual seat or part of a bench seat intended to seat one person; a "front passenger seat" means any seat where the "foremost H-point" of the scat in question is in or in front of the vertical transverse plane through the drivers R-point. 'bench seat' means a structure complete with trim, intended to seat at least two adults;













'group of seats' means either a bench-type seat, or seats which are separate but side by side (i.e. fixed so that the front seat anchorages of one of these seats are in line with the front or rear anchorages of the other or between the anchorages of the other seat) and seat one or more adults, 'folding seat' means an auxiliary seat intended for occasional use and which is normally folded out of the way; 'seat type' means a category of seats which do not differ in such essential respects as: the shape, dimensions and materials of the seat structure, the types and dimensions of the adjustment systems and all locking systems, the type and dimensions of the belt anchorages on the seat, of the seat anchorage and of the affected parts of the vehicle structure; 'seat anchorage' means the system by which the seat assembly is secured to the vehicle structure, including the affected parts of the vehicle structure; 'adjustment system' means the device by which the seat or its parts can be adjusted to a position suited to the morphology of the seated occupant; this device may, in particular, allow: longitudinal displacement, vertical displacement, angular displacement, 'displacement system' means a device enabling the seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position, to facilitate passenger access; 'locking system' means any device ensuring that the seat and its parts are maintained in any position of use and include both devices to lock the seat back relative to the seat and the seat relative to the vehicle. 'Reference zone' means the space between two vertical longitudinal planes, 400 mm apart and symmetrical with respect to the H-point, and defined by rotation of the head-form apparatus, described in Anne II of Directive 74/60/EEC, from vertical to horizontal. The apparatus shall be positioned as described in that annex and set to the maximum length of 840 mm. APPLICATION FOR EEC TYPE-APPROVAL The application for type-approval pursuant to Article 3 (4) of Directive 70/156/EEC of a vehicle type with regard to safety belt anchorages shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer. A model for the Information Document is given in Appendix 3. The manufacturer shall submit to the technical service either a vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved or the parts of the vehicle considered essential for the belt anchorage tests by the technical service responsible for conducting the approval tests. GRANTING OF EC TYPE-APPROVAL


1.10. 1.10.1. 1.10.2 1.10.3.



1.12.1. 1.12.2. 1.12.3. 1.13.



2. 2.1.

2.2. 2.3.



If the relevant requirements are satisfied, EC type-approval pursuant to Article 4 (3) and, if applicable, 4 (4) of Directive 70/156/EEC shall be granted. A model for the EEC type-approval certificate is given in Appendix 4. An approval number of accordance with Annex VII of Directive 70/156/EEC shall be assigned to each type of vehicle approved. The same Member State shall not assign the same number to another type of vehicle. SPECIFICATIONS Definitions (see Annex II) H is a reference point as defined in Item 1.1 of Annex III to Directive 77/649/EEC which must be determined in accordance with the procedure set out in that Directive. Point H' is the reference point corresponding to H as defined in Item 4.1.l and shall be determined for all normal positions in which the seat is used. Point R is the seat reference point defined in Item 1.2 of Annex III to Directive 77/649/EEC. The reference line is a straight line as defined in Item 3.4 of Annex III to Directive 77/649/EEC. Points L1 and L2 are the lower effective belt anchorages. Point C is the point situated 450 mm vertically above point R. However, if the distance S defined in Item 4.1.6 is not less than 280 mm and if the alternative formula BR = 280 mm + 0.8 S specified in Item is chosen by the manufacturer, the vertical distance between C and R shall be 500 mm. The angles a1 and a2 are respectively the angles between a horizontal plane and planes perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and passing through point H' and points L1 and L2. S is the distance in millimetres of the effective upper belt anchorage from a reference plane P parallel to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle defined as follows: if the seating position is well defined by the shape of the seat, the plane P shall be the median plane of this seat; in the absence of a well-defined position: the plane P for the driver's seat is a vertical plane parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle which passes through the centre of the steering-wheel in the plane of the steeringwheel rim when the steering-wheel, if adjustable is in its central position. the plane P for the front outboard passenger shall be symmetrical with that of the driver; plane P for the rear outboard seating position shall be that specified by the manufacturer on condition that the following limits for distance A between the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle and plane P are respected: A > 200 mm. if the bench seat has been designed to accommodate two passengers only, A > 300 mm. if the bench seat has been designed to accommodate more than two passengers. General specifications

3.2. 3.3.

4. 4.1. 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 4.1.4.






Anchorages for a safety belt shall be so designed, made and situated as to: enable the installation of a suitable safety belt. The belt anchorages of the front outboard positions shall be suitable for safety belts incorporating a retractor and pulley, taking into consideration in particular the strength characteristics of the belt anchorages, unless the manufacturer supplies the vehicle equipped with other types of safety belts which incorporate retractors. If the anchorages are suitable only for particular types of safety belts, their types shall be stated on the form mentioned in point 3.2 above; reduce to a minimum the risk of the belt slipping when worn correctly; reduce to a minimum the risk of strap damage due to contact with sharp rigid parts of the vehicle or seat structures. For belt anchorages which take up different positions to allow persons to enter the vehicle and for restraining the occupants, the specifications of this Directive shall apply to the belt anchorages it the effective restraint position. Minimum number of belt anchorages to be provided (see Appendix 1). Any vehicle in categories M and N (except those vehicles in categories M2 and M3 which are designed for both urban use and standing passengers) must be equipped with safety belt anchorages which satisfy the requirements of this Directive. The minimum number of safety belt anchorages for each forward and rearward directed seating position shall be as specified in Appendix 1. However, for outboard seating positions - other than front - of vehicles of the category M1, shown in Appendix 1 and marked with the symbol


4.3. 4.3.1.



, two lower anchorages arc allowed, where there exists a passage between a seat and the nearest side wall of the vehicle intended to permit access of passengers to other parts of the vehicle. A space between a seat and the side wall is considered as a passage, if the distance between that side wall with all doors closed, and a vertical longitudinal plane passing through the centreline of the seat concerned - measured at the R-point position and perpendicularly to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle - is more than 500 mm. 4.3.4. For the front centre seating positions shown in Appendix 1 and marked with the symbol* ,two lower anchorages shall be considered adequate where the windscreen is located outside the reference zone defined in Annex II to Directive 74/60/EEC; if located inside this reference zone, three anchorages are required. As regards belt anchorages, the windscreen is considered as part of the reference zone when it is capable of entering into static contact with the test apparatus according to the method described in Annex II to Directive 74/60/EEC. For all seating positions shown in Appendix 1 and marked with the symbol # each exposed seating position, as defined in item 4.3.6, must be equipped with two lower anchorages. An "exposed seating position" is one where there is no "protective screen" in front of the seat within the following defined space: between two horizontal planes, one through the H-point and the other 400 mm above it, between two vertical longitudinal planes which are symmetrical in relation to the Hpoint and the other 400 mm apart, behind a transverse vertical plane 1,30 m from the H-point.




For the purposes of this requirement "protective screen" means a surface of suitable strength and showing no discontinuities such that, if a sphere of 165 mm diameter is geometrically projected in a longitudinal horizontal direction through any point of the space defined above and through the centre of the sphere, nowhere in the protective screen is there any aperture through which the geometrical projection of the sphere could be passed. A seat is considered to be an "exposed seating position", if the protective screens within the space defined above have a combined surface area of less than 800 cm2. 4.3.7. Every seating position in Appendix I marked with the symbol

, three anchorages shall be provided unless one of the following conditions is fulfilled: there is a seat or other parts of the vehicle conforming to Paragraph 3.5 of Appendix 1 of Annex III of Directive 74/408/EEC directly in front; or no part of the vehicle is in or, when the vehicle is in motion, capable of being in the reference zone; or parts of the vehicle within the said reference zone comply with the energy absorbing requirements set out in Appendix 6 of Annex III of Directive 74/408/EEC in which case two anchorages may be provided. 4.3.8. For the folding seats or seating intended solely for use when the vehicle is stationary, as well as all the seats of any vehicle which are not covered in items 4.3.1 to 4.3.5, no belt anchorages are required. However, if the vehicle is fitted with anchorages for such seats, these anchorages must comply with the provisions of this Directive. In this case, two lower anchorages shall be sufficient. In the case of the upper deck of a double-deck vehicle the requirements for the centre front seating position shall apply also in the outboard front seating positions. In the case of seats capable of being turned to or placed in other orientations, for use when the vehicle is stationary, the requirements of Item 4.3.1 shall only apply to those orientations designated for normal use when the vehicle is travelling on a road, in accordance with this Directive. A note to this effect shall be included in the information document. Location for belt anchorages The location of the belt anchorages as laid down in point 4.3 must comply with the following requirements. General The belt anchorages for any one belt may be located wholly in the vehicle structure, the scat structure or any other part of the vehicle or may be dispersed between these locations. Any one belt anchorage may be used for attaching the end of two adjacent safety belts provided that the test requirements are met. Location of the effective lower belt anchorages (see Appendix 2) Front seats, vehicle - category M1 In motor vehicles of category M1 the angle alpha1 (other than buckle side) shall be within the range of 30 to 80 degrees and the angle alpha2 (buckle, side) shall be within the range of 45 to 80 degrees. Both angle-requirements shall be valid for all normal travelling positions of the front seats. Where at least one of the angles alpha1 and alpha2 is constant in all normal



4.4. 4.4.1.




positions of use, its value shall be 60 +/- 10 degrees. In case of adjustable seats with an adjusting device as described in item 1.12, with a seatback inclination angle of less than 20 degrees (see Annex III, figure l),the angle al may be below the minimum value (30 degrees) stipulated above, provided it is not less than 20 degrees in any normal position of use. Rear seats, vehicle category M1 In motor vehicles of category M1 the angles alpha1 and alpha2 shall be within the range of 30 to 80 degrees for all rear seats. If rear seats are adjustable the above angles shall be valid for all normal travelling positions. Front seats, vehicle categories other than M1 In motor vehicles of categories other than M1 the angles alpha1 and alpha2 must be between 30 to 80 degrees for all normal travelling positions of the front seats. Where in the case of front seats of vehicles with a maximum vehicle mass not exceeding 3,5 tonnes at least one of the angles alpha1 and alpha2 is constant in all normal positions of use, its value shall be 60 +/- 10 degrees. Rear seats and special front or rear seats, vehicle categories other than M1 In vehicles of categories other than M1, in the case of: bench seats, adjustable seats (front and rear) with an adjusting device as described in item 1.12 with a seatback angle of less than 20 degrees (see Annex III, figure 1), and other rear seats, angles alpha1 and alpha2 may be between 20 and 80 degrees in any normal position of use. Where in the case of front seats of vehicles with a maximum vehicle mass not exceeding 3,5 tonnes at least one of the angles alpha1 and alpha2 is constant in all normal positions of use, its value shall be 60 +/- 10 degrees. In the case of seats, other than front seats, of vehicles in categories M2 and M3, the angles alpha1 and alpha2 shall be between 45 and 90 degrees for all normal positions of use. The distance between the two vertical planes parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the seat and each passing through a different one of two effective lower anchorages L1 and L2 of the same seat belt shall not be less than 350 mm. The median longitudinal plane of the seat shall pass between points L1 and L2 and shall be at least 120 mm from those points. Location of the effective upper belt anchorage If a strap guide or similar device is used which affects the location of the effective upper belt anchorage, this location shall be determined in a conventional way by considering the position of the anchorage when the longitudinal centre line of the strap passes through a point J1 defined successively from point R by the following three segments: RZ, which is a segment of the reference line measured in an upward direction from R and 530 mm long, ZX, which is a segment perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle, measured from point Z in the direction of the anchorage and 120 mm long, XJ1, which is a segment perpendicular to the plane defined by segments RZ and ZX, measured in a forward direction from point X and 60 mm long. Point J2 is determined by symmetry with point J1 about the longitudinal vertical plane passing through the reference line described in Item 4.1.2 of the manikin positioned in the seat under consideration. Where a two-door configuration is used to provide access to both the front and rear seats and



the upper anchorages is fitted to the "B" post, the system must be designed so as not to impede access to or egress from the vehicle. The effective upper anchorage must lie below the plane FN, which runs perpendicular to the longitudinal median plane of the seat and makes an angle of 65 degrees with the reference line. The angle can be reduced to 60 degrees in the case of rear seats. The plane FN must be positioned as to intersect the reference line at a point D such that DR = 315 mm + 1.8 S. However, when S < 200 mm, DR becomes 675 mm. The effective upper belt anchorage must lie behind a plane FK running perpendicular to the longitudinal median plane of the seat and intersecting the reference line at a point B at an angle of 120 degrees such that BR = 260 mm + S. Where S > 280 mm, the manufacturer may use BR = 260 mm + 0.8 S at his discretion. The value of S shall not be less than 140 mm. The effective upper belt anchorage shall be situated to the rear of a vertical plane perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and passing through the R point as shown in Annex III. The effective upper belt anchorage must be situated above a horizontal plane passing through the point C defined in Item 4.1.4. In addition to the upper anchorage specified in Item 4.3.1, other effective upper anchorages may be provided if one of the following conditions is satisfied: The additional anchorages comply with the requirements laid down in Items to The additional anchorages can be used without the aid of tools, comply with the requirements laid down in Items and and are located in one of the areas determined by shifting the area described in Annex III, Figure 1,80 mm upwards or downwards in a vertical direction. The anchorage(s) is/are intended for a harness belt, complies/comply with the requirements laid down in Item, lie(s) behind the transverse plane passing through the reference line and is/are located: in the case of a single anchorage, inside the area common to two dihedra defined by the verticals passing through points J1 and J2 as defined in Item and whose horizontal sections are defined by Figure 2 in Annex III; in the case of two anchorages, inside whichever of the above defined dihedra is suitable, provided that each anchorage is not more than 50 mm distant from the symmetrically located, mirror-image position of the other anchorage about plane P, defined in Item 4.1.6, of the seat under consideration. Dimensions of threaded belt anchorage holes A belt anchorage shall have a threaded hole of 11.11 mm (7/16) 20 UNF 2B. If the vehicle is fitted by the manufacturer with safety belts which are attached to all anchorages prescribed for the seat in question, these anchorages need not meet the requirement stipulated it Item 4.5.1, provided that they comply with the other provisions of this Directive. Nor does the requirement set out in Item 4.5.1 apply to additional anchorages which meet the condition specified in Item It must be possible to separate the safety belt and anchorage without causing any damage to the

4.5. 4.5.l. 4.5.2.



latter. 5. 5.1. 5.1.1. TESTING General Subject to application of the provisions of point 5.2 and at the request of the manufacturer: the tests may be carried our on either a vehicle structure or a completely finished vehicle; The tests may be restricted to the anchorage relating to only one seat or one group of seats on the conditions that: the anchorages concerned have the same structural characteristics as the anchorages relating to the other seats or groups of seats; and where such anchorages are fitted totally or partially on the seat or group of seats, the structural characteristics of the seat or group of seats are the same as those for the other seats or groups of seats. windows and doors may or may nor be fitted and/or closed; any fitting provided in the vehicle type and likely to contribute to the rigidity of the vehicle structure may be fitted. The seats shall be fitted and shall be placed in the position for driving or use chosen by the technical service conducting approval tests to give the most adverse conditions with respect to the strength of the system. The position of the seats shall be stated in the report. The seat back shall, if its inclination is adjustable, be locked as specified by the manufacturer or, in the absence of any such specification, in a position corresponding to an effective seat-back angle as close as possible to 25 degrees for vehicles of categories Ml and N1 and to 15 degrees for vehicles of all other categories. Securing of the vehicle The method used to secure the vehicle during the test shall nor be such as to strengthen the belt anchorages or the belt anchorage areas or to lessen the normal deformation of the structure. A securing device shall be regarded as satisfactory if it produces no effect on an area extending over the whole width of the structure and if the vehicle or the structure is blocked or fixed in front at a distance of not less than 500 mm from the belt anchorage to be tested and is held or fixed at the rear not less thin 300 mm from that anchorage. It is recommended that the structure should rest on supports arranged approximately in line with the axis of the wheels or, if that is not possible, in line with the points of attachment of the suspension. If a test method other than that prescribed in items 5.2.1 to 5.2.3 of this Directive is used, evidence must be furnished that it is equivalent. General test specifications All the belt anchorages of the same group of seats shall be tested simultaneously. However, if there is risk that non-symmetrical loading of the seats and/or anchorages may lead to failures, an additional test may be carried out with non-symmetrical loading. The tractive force shall be applied in a direction corresponding to the seating position at an angle of 10 degrees +/- 5 degrees above the horizontal in a plane parallel to the median


5.2. 5.2.1.




5.3. 5.3.1.



longitudinal plane of the vehicle. 5.3.3. Full application of the load shall be achieved as rapidly as possible. The belt anchorages must withstand the specified load for not less than 0.2 second. Traction devices to be used in the tests described in point 5.4 below arc shown in Annex III. The belt anchorages for seats for which upper belt anchorages are provided shall be tested under the following conditions: Front outboard seats: The belt anchorages shall be submitted to the test prescribed in point 5.4.1 in which the loads are transmitted to them by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a three-point safety belt equipped with a retractor having a pulley or strap guide at the upper belt anchorage. In addition, where more anchorages exist than those prescribed in Item 4.3, these anchorages shall be subjected to the test specified in Item 5.4.5 in which the loads are transmitted to the anchorages by means of a device reproducing the geometry of the type of safety belt intended to be attached to these anchorages. In the case where the retractor is not attached to the required outboard lower belt anchorage or in the case where the retractor is attached to the upper belt anchorage, the lower belt anchorages shall also be submitted to the test prescribed in point 5.4.3. In the cases provided for in point, the tests prescribed in points 5.4.1 and 5.4.3 can be performed on two different structures if the manufacturer so requests. Rear outboard seats and all centre seats: The belt anchorages shall be subjected to the test prescribed in point 5.4.2, in which the loads are transmitted to them by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a three-point safety belt without a retractor, and to the test prescribed in point 5.4.3, in which the loads are transmitted to the two lower belt anchorages by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a lap belt. The two tests can be performed on two different structures if the manufacturer so requests. When a manufacturer supplies his vehicle with safety belts, the corresponding belt anchorages may, at the request of the manufacturer, be submitted only to a test in which the loads are transmitted to them by mean of a device reproducing the geometry of the type of belts to be attached to anchorages. If no upper belt anchorages are provided for the outboard seats and the centre seats, the lower belt anchorages shall be submitted to the test prescribed in 5.4.3, in which the loads are transmitted to these anchorages by means of a device reproducing the geometry of a lap belt. If the vehicle is designed to accept other devices which do not enable the straps to be directly attached to belt anchorages without intervening sheaves or other similar devices or which require belt anchorages supplementary to those mentioned in point 4.3, the safety belt or an arrangement of wires, sheaves or other similar devices representing the equipment of the safety belt, shall be attached by such a device to the belt anchorages in the vehicle and the belt anchorages shall be subjected to the tests prescribed in point 5.4, as appropriate. A test method other than those prescribed in point 5.3 may be used but evidence must be furnished that it is equivalent. Particular test specifications

5.3.4. 5.3.5.





- 10 -


Test in configuration of a three-point belt incorporating a retractor having a pulley or strap guide at the upper belt anchorage A special pulley or guide for the wire or strap appropriate to transmit the load from the traction device, or the pulley or strap guide supplied by the manufacturer shall be fitted to the upper belt anchorage. For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, a test load of 1 350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied by a traction device (see Annex III, figure 2) attached to the belt anchorages of the same belt by means of a device reproducing the geometry of the upper torso strap of such a safety belt. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, the test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, the test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M1, and N1, at the same time a tractive force of 1 350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex III, figure 1) attached to the two lower belt anchorages. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3, and N3, this test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN. Test in configuration of a three-point belt without retractor or with a retractor at the upper belt anchorage For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, a rest load of 1 350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex III, figure 2) attached to the belt upper anchorage and to the opposite lower belt anchorage of the same belt, using, if supplied by the manufacturer, a retractor fixed at the upper belt anchorage. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, this test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M1, and N1, at the same time a tractive force of 1 350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex III, figure 1) attached to the lower belt anchorages. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3, and N3, this rest load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN. Test in configuration of a lap belt. For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, a test load of 2 225 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex III, figure 1) attached to the two lower belt anchorages. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 1 110 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, this rest load shall be 740 +/-20 daN.




Test for belt anchorages located wholly within the seat structure or dispersed between the vehicle structure and the seat structure The tests specified in points 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 shall be performed, as appropriate, at the same time superimposing for each seat and for each group of seats a force as stated below. The loads indicated in points 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 shall be supplemented by a force equal to 20 times the weight of the complete seat. In the case of vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this force must be equal to 10 times the weight of complete seat; for categories M3 and N3 it must be equal to 6,6 times the weight of the complete seat. Test in configuration of a special-type belt


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A test load of 1 350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex IV, Figure 2) attached to the bell anchorages of such a safety belt by means of a device reproducing the geometry of the upper torso strap or straps. For vehicles in categories M1 and N1, at the same time, a tractive force of 1 350 +/- 20 daN shall be applied to a traction device (see Annex III. figure 3) attached to the two lower belt anchorages. For vehicles in categories M2 and N2, this test load shall be 675 +/- 20 daN. For vehicles in categories M3 and N3, this test load shall be 450 +/- 20 daN. Test in the case of rearward-facing seats; The anchorage points shall be tested according to the forces prescribed in Paragraphs 5.4.1, 5.4.2 or 5.4.3 as appropriate. In each case the test load shall correspond to the load prescribed for M3 and N3 vehicles. The test load shall be directed forward in relation to the seating position in question, corresponding to the procedure prescribed in paragraph 5.3. Results of tests All the anchorages shall be capable of withstanding the test prescribed in points 5.3 and 5.4. Permanent deformation, including partial rupture or breakage of any anchorage or surrounding area, shall not constitute failure if the required force is sustained for the specified time. During the test, the minimum spacings for the effective lower belt anchorages specified in point and the requirements of points and for effective upper belt anchorages shall be respected. In vehicles where such devices are used, the displacement and locking devices enabling the occupants of all seat to leave the vehicle must still be operable by hand after removal of the tractive force. After testing, any damage to the belt anchorages and structures supporting load during tests shall be noted. By way of derogation, the upper anchorages fitted to one or more seats of vehicles of category M2 above 3.5 tonnes and M3, which meet the requirements of Annex III of Directive 74/408/ EEC, need not comply with the requirements paragraph 5.5.1 concerning compliance with Paragraph Details of the seat(s) concerned shall be mentioned in the addendum to the Type-Approval certificate referred to in Appendix 4. CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION As a general rule, measures to ensure the conformity of production shall be taken in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 10 of Directive 70/156/EEC. As a general rule, these checks shall be confined to the taking of measurements. However, if necessary, the vehicles shall be subjected to tests conforming to the requirements of point 5. MODIFICATIONS OF THE TYPE AND AMENDMENTS TO APPROVALS In the case of modifications of the type pursuant to this Directive, the provisions of Article 5 of Directive 70/156/EEC shall apply. INSTRUCTIONS


5.5. 5.5.1.




6. 6.1.


7. 7.1.


- 12 -

For every vehicle conforming to the approved type, the manufacturer shall state clearly in the instructions for operating the vehicle: where the belt anchorages are located, the types of safety belt for which they are intended. ___________

- 13 -

Appendix 1 Minimum number of anchorage points

Forward facing seating positions Vehicle category Out board Front M1 3 Other 3 or 2 3 or 2* 2 2 Front Centre Other Rear facing

M2 < 3.5T M3 & M2 > 3.5T

3 3

3 3 or 2

3 3 or 2

3 3 or 2

2 2

N1, N2 & N3

2 or 0 #

3 or 2*

2 or 0 #

Key to symbols: 2 : two lower anchorages which allow the installation of a safety belt type B or, where required by Annex XV of Directive 77/541/EEC, type Br, Br3, Br4m or Br4Nm. 3 : two lower anchorages and one upper anchorage which allow the installation of a three point safety belt type A or, where required by Annex XV of Directive 77/541/EEC, type Ar, Ar4m or Ar4Nm.

: refers to Item 4.3.3 (two anchorages permitted if a seat is inboard of a passageway). * : refers to Item 4.3.4 (two anchorages permitted if the windscreen is outside reference zone). # : refers to Items 4.3.5 and 4.3.6 (two anchorages required in exposed seating positions).

: refers to Item 4.3.7 (two anchorages permitted if nothing is in reference zone).

: refers to Item 4.3.10 (special provision for the upper deck of a vehicle).

- 14 -

Appendix 2 Location of lower anchorages - Angle requirements only

Seat Front # buckle side (alpha 2) other than buckle side (alpha 1) angle constant bench - buckle side (alpha 2) bench - other than buckle side (alpha 1) adjustable seat with seat back angle < 20 degrees

M1 45 degrees 80 degrees 30 degrees80 degrees 50 degrees 70 degrees 45 degrees 80 degrees 30 degrees 80 degrees 45 degrees 80 degrees (alpha 2)* 20 degrees 80 degrees (alpha 1)* 30 degrees 80 degrees

Other than M1 30 degrees 80 degrees 30 degrees 80 degrees 50 degrees 70 degrees 20 degrees 80 degrees 20 degrees 80 degrees 20 degrees 80 degrees

Rear # Folding

20 degrees 80 degrees psi

No belt anchorage required. If anchorage fitted: see angle requirements Front and Rear.

Notes: # : outboard and centre. * : if angle is constant see Item psi : 45 degrees - 90 degrees in the case of seats on M2 and M3 vehicles.

- 15 -

Appendix 3 Information document No... pursuant to Annex I of Council Directive 70/156/CEE (1) relating to EC type-approval of a vehicle with respect to safety belts anchorages (76/115/EEC) as last amended by Directive.../...EEC. The following information, if applicable, must be supplied in triplicate and include a list of contents. Any drawings must be supplied in appropriate scale and in sufficient detail on size A4 or on a folder of A4 format. Photographs, if any, must show sufficient detail. If the systems, components, or separate technical units have electronic controls, information concerning their performance must be supplied. 0. General 0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer): ............................................................................................ 0.2. Type and general commercial description(s)................................................................................ 0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle (b) 0.3.1. Location of that marking .............................................................................................................. 0.4. Category of vehicle (c): 0.5. Name and address of manufacturer: ............................................................................................. 0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s):................................................................................................. 1. General construction characteristics of the vehicle ...................................................................... 1.1. Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle: ........................................................... 9. Bodywork 9.10.3. Seats Number: ........................................................................................................................................ Position and arrangement: ............................................................................................................ positions designated for use only when the vehicle is stationary: .................................. ...................................................................................................................................................... Mass:............................................................................................................................................. Characteristics: Descriptions and drawings of: seats and their anchorages:..................................................................................................... adjustment system:................................................................................................................. displacement and locking systems: ........................................................................................ seat belt anchorages if incorporated in the seat structure: ..................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... Design torso angle of:...................................................................................................................'s seat: ................................................................................................................................. other seating positions: ........................................................................................................... Range of seat adjustment of:.........................................................................................................'s seat: ................................................................................................................................. other seating positions: ........................................................................................................... 9.13. Safety belt anchorages 9.13.1. Photographs and/or drawings of the bodywork showing the position and dimensions of the actual and the effective anchorages including the R-points: ................................................................................... 9.13.2. Drawings of the belt anchorages and parts of the vehicle structure where they are attached (with the material indication): ..................................................................................................................................... 9.13.3. Designation of the types (1) of safety belts authorized for fitting to the anchorages with which the vehicle is equipped:

The item numbers and footnotes used in this Information Document correspond to those set out in Annex I to Directive 70/156/EEC. Items not relevant for the purpose of this Directive are omitted. (1) For the symbols and marks to be used, see Annex III, Items 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 of Directive 77/541/EEC. In the case of "S" type belts, specify the nature of the type(s). (9.13.3)


- 16 -



Anchorage position Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Anchorage location Vehicle structure Seat structure

First row of seats Right-hand seat

Centre seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Left-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Second row of Right-hand seat seats #

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Centre seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Left-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

# The table may be extended as necessary where vehicles have more than two rows of seats or if there are more than 3 seats across the width of a vehicle.

9.13.4. Description of a particular type of safety belt where an anchorage is located in the seat backrest or incorporates an energy-dissipating device:................................................................................................... Data, file

- 17 -

Appendix 4 MODEL (maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm) EEC TYPE-APPROVAL CERTIFICATE

Stamp of administration Communication concerning the: type-approval (1) extension of type-approval (1) refusal of type-approval (1) withdrawal of type-approval (1) of a type of vehicle/component/separate technical unit (1) with regard to Directive 76/115/EEC, as last amended by Directive.../.../EC. Type-approval number: Reason for extension: SECTION I 0.1. Make (trade name of manufacture): 0.2. Type and general commercial description(s): 0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle/ component/separate/ technical unit(1)(2): 0.3.1. Location of that marking: 0.4. Category of vehicle (3) 0.5. Name and address of manufacturer: 0.7. In the case of components and separate technical units, location and method of affixing of the EEC type-approval mark: 0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s): SECTION II 1. Additional information (where applicable) (see addendum): 2. Technical service responsible for carrying out the tests: 3. Date of test report: 4. Number of test report: 5. Remarks (if any) (see addendum): 6. Place: 7. Date: 8. Signature: 9. The index to the information package lodged with the approval authority, which may be obtained on request, is attached.

Delete where not applicable. If the means of identification of type contains characters not relevant of the vehicle, component or separate technical unit types covered by this type-approval certificate, such characters shall be represented in the documentation by the symbol "?" (e.g. ABC??123??). (3) As defined in Annex II A to Directive 70/156/EEC.


- 18 -

Addendum to EEC type-approval certificate No...... concerning the type-approval of a vehicle with regard to Directive 76/115/EEC as last amended by Directive .../.../EEC 1. 1.1. 1.2. Additional Information Category of vehicle: Location of anchorages and safety belts provided (1): Anchorage location Vehicle structure Seat structure

Row First row of seats

Seat Right-hand seat

Anchorage position Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Centre seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Left-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Second row of seats # Right-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Centre seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

Left-hand seat

Lower outboard anchorage Lower inboard anchorage Upper anchorage(s)

# The table may be extended as necessary where vehicles have more than two rows of seats or if there are more than 3 seats across the width of a vehicle.



For the symbols and marks to be used, see Annex III, Items 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 of Directive 77/541/EEC. In the case of "S" type belts, specify the nature of the type(s).


- 19 -

ANNEX II Figure I Location of effective belt anchorages

- 20 -

Figure 2 Effective upper anchorages in accordance with Item of Annex I


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- 22 -

Figure 2


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Figure 3


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