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Merry Christmas!

President Justin Lee Vice President Sophia Le Secretary Amber Cao Assistant Secretary Angela Nguyen Treasurer Allen Chen Project Coordinators Diana Mai Christina Tomakin Editors Judy Mai Cynthia Hoang Web Master Ashley Im Historians Vu Vo Cindy Zarate Representatives Anuj Singh Angie Cortez Angela Nguyen Sergeant Of Arms Jason Orbita Juan Barajas Its finally December! That means the holidays and winter break are almost here. This first semester has been a blast for us and our community. Keep up the great work! There is more to come next year! It is also the last month of this semester so do not forget about completing your hours! November was our busiest month yet! Our first car wash had astonishing results! We greatly appreciate everyone who came out and supported the club despite the cold weather! We are thankful for your dedication. This month we also hosted our first Key Club potluck social- it was an immense success! The diverse selection of cultural foods and interaction amongst the members were great. As for events, last month we were able to help earn hours and have a great time at the Korean Festival and the Rockets Run. Now that December has finally arrived, we are ready to start counting up our hours for the first semester. Do not forget that it is mandatory to have a total of 15 physical hours and 5 non-physical hours to prevent yourself from being on probation! We have already started December off with The Glow Run. If you are still in need of hours, come help out for the Talent show on December 4th! We can not wait to see this month's success! Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday break! :)

Judy Mai and Cynthia Hoang

Dec. 1: Glow Run Dec. 4: Talent Show Help Out Dec 12: Feed Our Children

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