Amanda Rowland: Date 12:45 12:5 0 12:5 5 1:0 0 1:0 5 1:1 0 1:1 5 1:20 1:25 % Tks

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Amanda Rowland

Managing the Learning Environment Describe the context/situation: Throughout the entire Geometry class students engage in conversation while the teacher is giving instruction. Students sometimes get out of their seats to talk to other students on the other side of the class, or switch to sitting in seats in which they are not assigned. The students also seem to be looking everywhere except where the instruction is taking place. A lot of valuable instruction time is spent trying to quiet the students and get them to pay attention. Operational Definition: I am targeting to increase the frequency of students in the class who, while the teacher is talking to the class, are sitting in their assigned desk, not talking unless to answer a question posed by the teacher, and looking at either the teacher, the Smartboard, or their geometry notes and books. Baseline Data: I used time sampling to gain my baseline data. I use a fixed interval schedule of every five minutes. The desks in the classroom are arranged in 7 groups of 4. Each day I pre determined the order of groups I select at the end of each five minute interval. Then at the end of every 5 minute interval I will look up at the group I predetermined for that interval and every student in that group who is displaying the target behavior would receive a ticket if this was during the intervention. Since it is not I simply write how many students are displaying the target behavior and I write how many students are currently sitting at that group of desks. So, if at 12:55 it says 1/4 this means that 1 student was displaying the target behavior out of the four students seated at the table at that particular moment in time. If during one of the times displayed on the chart the teacher was not delivering instruction or the students were working in groups I put N/A. I then found the percent by taking total number of tickets that would have been given out (target behaviors observed) and dividing by the number of opportunities students could have earned a ticket or displayed the target behavior to me. Date 12:45 12:5 0 10/15 1/1 10/16 2/3 N/A 0/3 12:5 5 1/3 N/A 1:0 0 2/4 N/A 1:0 5 0/3 0/4 1:1 0 1/3 2/3 1:1 5 N/A 1/2 N/A 1/2 2/4 2/4 38.9 38.1 7 8 1:20 1:25 % Tks

Amanda Rowland

Date 12:45

12:5 0

12:5 5 N/A/

1:0 0 N/A

1:0 5 2/4

1:1 0 1/3

1:1 5 N/A

1:20 1:25


10/17 1/2





Tks= Total number of tickets earned that day N/A = data could not be collected at this time The fraction in each box represents the number of tickets awarded divided by the number of students at the table. Baseline data reflects the number of tickets that would have been given if this was after the intervention. (The students displaying the target behavior) % is equal to tickets awarded divided by total number of opportunities to give tickets. The baseline data shows the target behavior being displayed between 3040 percent of the time. There are times when entire groups of students do not display the target behavior and it is rare when an entire group of students is displaying the target behavior. The intervention is needed in this classroom. Proposed intervention: -desired outcomes or expectations: As a result of this intervention I want to see an increase in the frequency of students in the class who, while the teacher is talking to the class, are sitting in their assigned desk, not talking unless to answer a question posed by the teacher, and looking at either the teacher, the Smartboard, or their geometry notes and books. Hopefully the students will become more engaged in the lesson and learn more as a result of the intervention. When I explain to the class how the token economy is going to work. I will explain that every few minutes I am going to look at a group and the students who are sitting in their assigned desk, not talking unless to answer a question posed by the teacher, and looking at either the teacher, the Smartboard, or their geometry notes and books will receive a ticket. I will randomly select tables so you never know if it is going to be your table. When you receive a ticket write your name on it and put it in the basket. On Fridays we will have a raffle and whoever gets their name pulled will win a prize. The more tickets with your name on them the better chance you have to win the prize. I will also communicate my expectations to the students. I will describe to them the target behavior and that I am expecting to see an increase in this behavior. I will explain to them that I believe they all have the ability to be great at geometry and it will help them all by working together to make a classroom where everyone can learn.

Amanda Rowland

-Antecedent strategies: At the beginning of every class Mr. Trupin projects a slide about the class goals for the day. I will have Mr. Trupin add the target behavior as one of the goals for the day and I will read it to the class everyday to remind them of what they need to be doing to be successful. -consequence strategies: I am going to create a token economy for this class. The way it is going to work is by using a fixed interval schedule of every 5 minutes. The desks in the classroom are arranged in 6 groups of 4. Each day I will pre determine the order of groups I select at the end of each interval. Then at the end of every 5 minute interval I will look up at the group I predetermined for that interval and every student in that group who is displaying the target behavior will receive a ticket. If students begin to only display the target behavior every five minutes I will switch to a variable interval schedule. At the end of the class period the students will all write their names on the back of the tickets they won that day and then put them into a bowl in the front of the classroom. On Fridays there will be a raffle with the tickets and the winner will win a candy bar of their choice. The more tickets students get the better their chances are of winning a prize. data collection: I used time sampling to gain my baseline data. I use a fixed interval schedule of every five minutes. The desks in the classroom are arranged in 6 groups of 4. Each day I pre determined the order of groups I select at the end of each five minute interval. Then at the end of every 5 minute interval I will look up at the group I predetermined for that interval and every student in that group who is displaying the target behavior would receive a ticket. I simply write how many students are displaying the target behavior and I write how many students are currently sitting at that group of desks. So, if at 12:55 it says 1/4 this means that 1 student was displaying the target behavior out of the four students seated at the table that at particular moment in time. If during one of the times displayed on the chart the teacher was not delivering instruction or the students were working in groups I put N/A. I then find the percent by taking total number of tickets that were given out (target behaviors observed) and dividing by the number of opportunities students could have earned a ticket or displayed the target behavior to me. I will use the following chart to do so. Data

Amanda Rowland


12:4 5

12:5 0

12:5 5

1:0 0

1:0 5

1:1 0

1:1 5

1:2 0



10/18 10/19 10/2 2 10/2 3 10/2 4 10/2 5 10/2 9 10/3 0 10/31 11/1 11/2 11/5 11/6 11/7

Tks= Total number of tickets earned that day N/A = data could not be collected at this time The fraction in each box represents the number of tickets awarded divided by the number of students at the table.

Amanda Rowland

Baseline data reflects the number of tickets that would have been given if this was after the intervention. (The students displaying the target behavior) % is equal to tickets awarded divided by total number of opportunities to give tickets.

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