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ISEAN-Hivos Program (Global Fund Round 10)


ISEAN-Hivos HIV/AIDS (MARPs) Round 10 Philippines EoI Number 27: ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS Issuance Date: December 6, 2012 ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS-Philippines Call for Submission of Proposals for the Stop AIDS Now (SAN) PF Funds - Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV Infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST In 2010, the Insular Southeast Asian Network on MSM, TG, and HIV (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia, was approved by GFATM and contract for the grant was signed on 6 October, 2011. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and TG to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Insular Southeast Asia. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV and AIDS among MSM and TGs. Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant, received additional funding support from Hivos Head Office (from SAN-PF) for use in the mobilization and support of community based organizations. An indicative budget of PhP 1 million was allocated for ISEAN Hivos Program (IHP) Philippines for this purpose. The Philippine NGO Council on Population Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC), as the SubRecipient (SR) of the grant, together with TLF SHARE Collective, Inc. as the Sub-Sub-Recipient (SSR), is soliciting project proposals from partner community based organizations (CBOs). Project / Activities that are eligible for funding include the following: Forming of additional CBOs in other localities and provision of similar trainings (Training modules will be made available by the ISEAN-Hivos Program) Targeted local HIV-AIDS prevention BCC campaigns (e.g. schools, local communities, migrant workers, factory employees, sex work establishments) Conduct of World AIDS Day/ AIDS Candlelight Memorial activities with multi-sectoral representatives from local communities Development and distribution of BCC materials in local language HIV-AIDS prevention events such as beauty contests (for transgender people), art competitions, sing/dance contests and other community activities Organizing of province or district-wide fora to discuss HIV-AIDS issues, as well as sexual health and rights for LGBTI Condom distribution campaigns (in coordination with local health units who shall provide the commodities Organizing discussion for a with local chief executives and government officials in relation to local HIV/AIDS-related policies

Qualified CBO can apply for a maximum of PhP 250,000 to conduct an activity or a series of activities with a required 10% counterpart (in the form of cash, in kind or services) from the CBO. Organizations Eligible for Funding Support MSM and TG CBOs working on HIV-AIDS prevention, particularly those that have already benefited from the trainings provided under the ISEAN-Hivos Program. Requirements

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Copy of SEC Registration / Accreditation Certificate Bank Account Name and Number Organizational Profile (VMG, history, track record) List of Partners (government, NGO, private) Two (2) recommendation letters from partners Project proposal

Outline of the Project Proposal

A. B. C. D. E. F.

Title of the Project Implementing organization/contact person/address Rationale/background of the grant-supported activity Objectives and expected results Key activities/critical steps Budget (include counterpart contributions)

Implementation Schedule: January to March 31, 2013 Submission Procedure: Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest (EoI) letter, together with the project proposal, via email to on or before December 28, 2012 addressed to Ms. Mariluz P. Tejares, Program Manager, ISEANHivos Program Philippines. Technical review of documents and approval will be done by Hivos and PNGOC.

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