By Renae Chan: Consultant Speaker-Trainer

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By Renae Chan

Consultant Speaker-Trainer

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr:

Nine of Pentacles

Work/Career Take care about the things you are being responsible for at work in this month. Always think twice before you put your signature on a certain document. In addition, if you have to give a specific instructions or assignment make sure that you have a written document to follow you. You have to have evidence for you activities or potential future disputes. Single: There is a Leo you simply find very attractive to you. Do not hesitate anymore and do not postpone what is inevitable. The chances for you to establish a long term relationship with this person are so high. Now is the time for you to act. This is the right moment you have been waiting for and the right person you have been looking for. In Love: Aries should control the temper for the whole time right until the New Year's Eve. The fire in you is influencing you choice and leading you to wild party places. Nevertheless, your partner's wishes should also be taken into serious consideration as well. Romantic dinner and the final countdown until midnight just for you two could be very interesting. Finances This month is going to seem to you that is without an end when it comes to the finances. You should do some planning, because this is going to be a long run. It is definitely too late for some savings at last minutes. However, you do not have to buy almost everything you like for Christmas. Save some money for the New Year's Eve as well.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May:

Five of Cups

Work/Career Some of the ideas you are about to present could really improve the productivity and results at your work. Do not hesitate in your decision to promote them to your colleagues and your superiors as well. On the other hand, try not to enjoy so much in your own contribution. Finally, you have been thinking about the benefit of you company at first, rather than yourself Single: There is a very dear person to you under the strong influence of the Cancer. In this month it is your strong decision not to enter into the new year with this person as just a friend. You will ask for more and you are not certain what kind of a response you can expect. Perhaps you should preserve the old friendship and look for the new love. In Love:

In this period retro Mars is going to be in conjunction with Uranus. You are going to be a little more possessive about your partner than usual. Especially in situations when you are going to be literally surrounded with family's members because of the upcoming Holidays. Please do not exaggerate this is only temporary and your partner will be again only yours for the rest of the year. Finances . Between the 13th and the 17th you should avoid borrowing the significant amounts of money to your friends. There is nothing wrong in being honest with your friends when it comes to finances. You have done some hard and long savings in expectation of the Christmas and New Years Eve. You have completely deserved to enjoy without any worries.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun:

King of Cups

Work/Career It is about time for your voice to be heard at your working place. Really there is no reason or justification for you to keep silent with low profile in your office. It is a completely legitimate thing for you to stand up and to make up your mind in front of your colleagues. Maybe, that was the thing needed for your company. More daring people just like you. Single: You should avoid romantic involvement with another Gemini. Perhaps, you can be good and reliable friends, but romantic relationship with perspective for long term commitment is a completely different thing. Do not confuse friendship and love. The fact that you get along with someone as a friend, does not necessarily mean you can make a nice couple. In Love: Mars is going to retrograde somewhere around the middle of this month. Even for you is going to be hard to recognize yourself. Definitely you are going to be more temperament as usual. Hold your horses as much as possible and do your best not to hurt your partner. The storm is going to pass sooner or later and you are going to be left with nothing but regret. Finances It is more than obvious that you cannot handle your financial difficulties all by yourself. Do not worry, planets are here to find a way of paying for your debts. On the other hand, if you were able to get away this time with a help of luck, does not mean this should become your habit.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul:

Five of Swords

Work/Career In this period you should be more practical and less theoretical at your work. It would not be a bad thing for you to set an example of constructive and desirable behavior in your working environment. Remember that when it comes to business actions are definitely more valuable than words. Single: There are five planets around your Zodiac sign in this month. You are literally shining and many people around you find you irresistible and charming. However, this lucky situation for you should not be wasted on short love affairs. Maybe among these people who are approaching driven from the light within you is your long term partner. In Love: Life with your partner could have been so much better if you had not been so bossy. Learn to share responsibility with your partner. You would be surprised with new perspectives this change can bring into your home. If you are really looking forward for this relationship to last forget at least for a moment that you are the number one. Finances This has been more than successful year for you when it comes to your finances. Nevertheless, you should not forget that money cannot buy you happiness or friends. Stop for a moment and look around. There are so many people around you who will need and appreciate some additional help on your behalf. It is good to do some charity during the Christmas period, brings out some lovely holiday feelings.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug:

Page of Wands

Work/Career There are so many new job opportunities for you in this period. Many companies would like to hire you for their teams in 2013. Nevertheless, you should carefully reconsider your situation. Maybe, you wish for a change is only a consequence of cumulated stress and work during the year. Your results will certainly not pass unnoticed. Single Between the 2nd and the 9th thanks to the stars the love portal will be opened for you. Take advantage of this situation the best you can. You are going to be introduced to the number of people. No matter how this may seem tempting to you focus your attention to one person. This

should be your goal long term partner for serious commitment. In Love The decision to accept to spend the weekend just for two with your partner was the right one. However, do not let down the expectations of your partner in this matter. Control your temper and leave your habits at home. Do not spend the entire weekend on a romantic place by watching TV or arguing with your partner. Remember why you came in the first place. Finances There has been a lot of spending for you in this month. You should expect some more spending at the end of the year as well. Your finances are stabile, but this could not apply for your nerves. Try to relax and to enjoy. There is really no use for you to count every single cent you are about to spend.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept:

Four of Wands

Work/Career Starting from the 13th of this month you should not believe everything you hear at working place. Focus on your work and career issues and office's gossip leave to someone else. During the whole year you had flawless working record. Do not put dark shadow on your professional image because of the few not verified and not directly to the work related stories. Single You are about to receive a popularity plus in this period. However, the intention of the stars is very precise in this matter for you. Your friends club with long and dedicated relationships should be richer for one new member, and that is you. Your friends will not easily accept excuses for maintaining your single status. They are all for a change just as you are. In Love Just because you are not married does not mean you should allow yourself that kind of emotional luxury to get involved with a married person. Your long term relationship will eventually lead one day to the marriage harbor, and you will be in position to see first-hand how harmful, your current intentions may be. There is no gain for you to get between two emotional fires. Finances You have some disputes with your partner which can easily grow into something more serious. The very reason for you to argue is the destination you are about to choose for your long anticipated travel. This is actually win-win situation for you. Therefore, there is no sense for you or for your partner to insisting on being so stubborn.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct:

VI The Lovers

Work/Career As many planets cluster in Cancer in this month your attention is going to be completely focused on professional goals. However, do not exaggerate too much in this matter. You should not allow yourself that kind of a luxury to completely forget about your friends and family. Single: The planets are not in favor of your social life in this month. Your personal perception of the situation is your worst enemy. Keep in mind that should not be the end of the world for you. If you do not go out for some time and meet new people you are not going to lose anything of your love energy. In Love: In this month your single friends are going to cause you trouble more than ever. Your long term partner is with less and less appreciation for your bachelor parties with your friends. Make up your mind about priorities in your private life. It will not be long when the majority of your friends will find themselves in the exact situation you are in right now. Finances You had proven your point with hard and long savings during this year. Nevertheless, allow your Christmas wishes to breathe at least for a while. Do some unplanned spending and try not to calculate how much of your money has gone in these moments.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov:

XVI The Tower

Work/Career This is an excellent period for you to try some new business approaches. If they show themselves to be fruitful you can use them during the 2013. The thing you need to change is you should not wait for the challenges and tasks to come to you, instead you should run toward them in advance. You should be the one to determine the tempo of activities, and not the other way around. Single During this period, it is time to be honest towards yourself. If you really want to change your single status, you should not be so much oriented toward your work. Love should be definitely more than just a hobby in your life. Find more time and improve the level of importance for potential partner. You would be more than surprised with the results. In Love

The decision to whom to spend the New Year's Eve is making your relationship with your partner very tense. One of you is extremely oriented towards friends, while the other is focus on parents and family. This is not going to work out if both of you does not give way. Maybe the best solution is to split up and enjoy your celebrations separately or compromising. One part of the night should be your choice, the rest according to your partner's wishes. Finances Your claim that the New Year's Eve is the most important day of the year could not be more accurate. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have a justification for uncontrolled spending which consequences you will feel until the next summer. Only it is alright to party and be merry during this festive season, be more prudent and dont blow your budget unnecessarily.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec:

IX The Hermit

Work/Career One young colleague is going to ask for your guidance at work in this period. This is an excellent opportunity for you to transfer some of your knowledge and experience. At the same time you will be in position to strengthen your position in company as the professional who really knows all about the job. Do not hesitate and lead the way. Single: On the 19th of this month you are going to be all about sparkle and shine whenever you appear. It is only a matter of time when someone is going to be irresistibly attracted to you. However, keep in mind that for that person this could be more than just a game. The stars are not giving you charm powers to hurt anyone's feelings. In Love: Mars is going to retrograde just around the 29th in this month. That will be the exact time when New Year's Eve euphoria is going to reach its peak. You never felt comfortable around Holidays time. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you have the right to spoil the other people's mood, especially your partner. Leave your mood aside for once, put on your best smile and just simply cherish the time you have with your significant half. Finances In this month your finances are going to cause you one additional problem. Your need for additional income is going to put you in a dilemma. Should you ask for your money from a friend who borrowed it from you or should you wait for him to address you about this matter? Whatever you decide, it is sure this is not going to be an easy choice.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan:

Queen of Cups

Work/Career In this period at work you should allow your colleagues to contribute as well on working assignments. Although, you may think you are the best person for a certain job, this is definitely not one man's game. By sharing the ideas and responsibility about work in the office you are building better working environment for yourself and people you are working with. Single: The planets are going to be concentrated in emotional Cancer for the period of the early December. This situation is going to bring a lot of opportunities for you to change your single status. However, you should not relay completely on the support from the stars. The very first move has to be done exclusively by you. In Love: In the second half of this month the planets are going to move into Leo, which will enable your long term relationship to be moved to the next level of intimacy. This may be the same time you and your partner wanted, but not at the same time. You should not pressure your partner in any way. Certain things you cannot demand, you have to wait for them. Finances Retrograde Mars in this month is going to have significant impact on your financial situation. Although you have worked hard on almost every possible situation, some things are simply impossible to predict. You should remember that for every sudden spending, there is a lucky chance for additional income waiting for you around the corner.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb:

Knight of Pentacles

Work/Career The end of the year in your office is the time for the analysis of the previous year and the planning for the next year. However, this would be also the time wheel the nerves of the majority of your colleagues at the very end. Control your temper and do not allow yourself to spoil the Holidays mood with something you will later regret. Single: You should welcome this New Year with more honest smile on your face. There is a pressure from couples around you. You wish you had someone to be with on that very special night. No time to be desperate. There is no better opportunity than this one to change your single status. In Love:

It is the end of the year. During the whole year you have been so busy. Your partner had more understanding for you than expected. Do not try to make it up with expensive presents. You should provide what your partner is really demanding from you. Your attention and time are the only gifts your partner is willing to accept. Finances You should not trade short pleasure in December for the longest month in January. Spend your money for the Holidays more wisely. Do not spoil your memories of fun with regrets for the money being spent so recklessly. There is a time to get crazy and there must be a time to wiser.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar:

King of Pentacles

Work/Career You should be more supportive for the idea of your colleagues from work to organize the New Year's Party. This has been a difficult year for all of you in the office. Much had been said and done negative under pressure and after regular working hours. This is an excellent opportunity to improve atmosphere at work for the upcoming year. Do not miss it. Single: In early December most of the planets in Cancer are going to make your life filled with fun and joy. This is going to make it too difficult for you to think about serious commitment and long term relationships. Maybe, this time only you should not follow the stars blindly. It is about time for you to change your single status. In Love: You feel stretched between two invitations for the upcoming Holidays. Two couples are in questions, one is closer to you and the other to your long term partner. You have gone too far already in dispute with your partner. Perhaps, it is time for a compromising solution. Would not be a nice idea to involve all three couples in celebration. Think about it. Finances Expect a sudden change around the 9th which will bring additional money you needed so much. This kind of events will not repeat themselves regularly on every month. You had what you wanted now use it wisely. Do some planning as well so you can have it for both: Christmas and New Year's Eve. Do not follow the ones who are impulsive with their money in December. Be firm and stick to your plans.

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