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(Answer any ALL Questions/ 3x10=30marks) PART A (2x10=20Marks) 1.

. Fill in with suitable tenses : At Chernobyl, an accident _____ (occur) while the operators _____ (carry) out a test on the tube generator. There _____ (be) some serious violations of basic operation rule. No less than specific violations _____ (take) place. 2. Identify the tenses in the following sentences. a. The girl is looking outside b. I was sleeping when you came last night. 3. Choose the meaning of the word (underlined) which is most suitable in the given context i. It would be nave to proceed further in this matter. a. unaffected b. ideal c. rude d. senseless ii. The most bellicose by the traffic system of the city. a. attractive b. intractable c. noisy d. pugnacious 4. Change the following into impersonal passive voice. a. This will prevent the damage to the shaft. b. A skilled operator can carry out many operations on the lathe. 5. Write definitions for the following. a. Generator b. keyboard 6. Write an extended definition for Genetic Engineering 7. Match the words in column A with antonyms in column B: A B i. Quit intensify ii. Diminish admire iii. Abridge stay iv. Hate extend 8. Find the odd word out. a. Sutlej, Ganga, Pacific, Cauvery b. Chemistry, Biology, English, Physics 9. Change the following into active voice: i. This pump can be maintained by the users themselves. ii. The laboratory was being cleaned by the workers. 10. Fill in with appropriate tense: i. I wish you ____ me about your plans earlier, said Reena. a. have told b. told c. had told d. hadnt told. ii. They got off and waited until Girija _____ ready. a. will be b. is c. would be d.was PART B

31. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in the area of Florence, Italy. He did many things. He was a scientist. He was an inventor- he made new things. He was a musician. He was a mathematician. He was an architect-he knew how to plan the construction of buildings. He knew about plants. He could do many things well. He was very talented. He was famous for his paintings. Many people know the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. They are his famous paintings. Many people know about them. He started working on The Last Supper in 1495 in Milan. He finished it in 1498. He started working on the Mona Lisa in 1503 in Italy. He finished it a short time before he died. It is now in France. Leonardos paintings were very good. He understood how bodies worked. He knew how happy or sad people looked. He knew how emotion looked on peoples faces. He understood nature, light and shadow. His paintings looked real. Leonardo had many ideas for inventions. He drew plans for a tank. He had an idea for a calculator. He had an idea for making solar power, which is power that comes from Sun. Leonardo lived at the same time as Michelangelo and Raphael. He was 27 years older than Michelangelo. He was 31 years older than Raphael. Leonardo died in 1519. I. Choose the correct option: (1X5=5) i. When did Leonardo start the Mona Lisa? a.1495 b. 1498 c. 1503 d. 1519 ii. Where is the Mona Lisa now? a. In Florence b. In France c. In Milan d. None of the above iii. What was one of Leonardos talents? a. He could dance b. He was a pilot c. He could cook d. He knew math iv. What was one of Leonardos ideas? a. He drew plans for a helicopter. B. He hade drawings of a TV c. He got power from plants d. he built a zoo. v. Leonardo was 27 years older than. a. Raphael b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Michelangelo II Choose the correct synonym: (1X5=5) i. An inventor is someone who .

A. knows about math B. makes power. C. makes new things d. understands light and shadow. ii. An architect is a person who. A. can play music c. invents new machines c. plans buildings d. paints nice paintings. iii. Any person who is talented. a. can do something well. b. understands shadow c. can fly a helicopter d. makes solar power. iv The best synonym for emotions is . A. health B. shadows c. feelings d. None of the above. V. What is another way to say solar? a. Related to talent b. Related to Sun c. Related to paintings d. related to nature 12. Based on the passage given for reading comprehension make note 13. Rearrange the jumbled sentences in coherent paragraph (10X1=10) i. Both had a city-state type of government. ii. Athens and Sparta were the two most- advanced Greek cities of Hellenic period. iii. For example, Sparta was the hostile, war like and military. iv. However the differences out weigh the similarities. v. Whereas, Athens catered more towards the democratic and cultural way of life. vi. Also both took slaves from the people they conquered. vii. The latter city left its mark in the fields of art, literature, philosophy and science. viii. Also, the former passed on its totalitarianism and superior military traditions to the latter.

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