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Eleanor Boyd Pease Berkshire


My distant cousin Eleanor wrote this book in 1986. I treasure the copy I received. It contains
information about the descendants of Joseph Boyd Sr. which is not found in any other publication. I
have used it to document some of the family relationships that can not be otherwise proven at this
How accurate is the information found in her book? In my research, I have found some minor
discrepancies on dates in some primary sources (especially cemetery records). Overall, the
information seems to be excellent. Eleanor lived in northern Virginia and did original research in
the Maryland Archives in Annapolis. I believe most of the information on the Scott and Haywood
families is her original work.
How did Eleanor know the stories she tells of the early generations of the Boyd family? Eleanor
(1901-2000) explains that she was not the only researcher in her family. Her mother, Fanny Peters
Pease (1867-1955) and grandmother, Martha Ann Boyd Peters (1841-1915), also had an interest in
family history and gathered information. Martha Ann was raised in Baltimore by her great aunt,
Ann (Scott) Livingston (1784-1852), and her maiden aunts, Eleanor Boyd (1794-1875) and Ann
Boyd (1797-1854). In 1857, Eleanor Boyd and Martha Ann moved to Marion, Ohio. Therefore,
Martha Ann was in the unique position of knowing first hand family members who could tell the
stories and knew the family relationships both in Maryland and Ohio.
I talked to Eleanor several times in the 1990s by phone and she was a delightful lady. I
remember asking her where she found the date of the marriage of Hiram Boyd and Matilda
Harbaugh. She couldn't remember and said all her genealogy papers were in storage. When she
died, I tried to find out what happened to her genealogical papers without success.
I am sure Eleanor would have no objection to me reprinting her book to make it more available.
The book shows no copyright. I scanned the book and made a few minor changes in punctuation
and capitalization. Organizationally, the only change I made was numbering the pages
consecutively. She had numbered them by section (ie: Boyd-14, Scott-5, etc).

Andrew Devore Boyd


I have attempted to include in this short and informal history of the Boyd family all of the
information in my possession, gathered from notes left by my grandmother and mother, as well as
personal research and recollections. Much of the early history is based on data found in the Hall of
Records in Annapolis, Brumbaugh's records of Maryland and books on Prince George's County. I
am ending the manuscript with my mother's generation, as the information on later generations of
my family is quite well documented and others can follow down their particular branches. The
marginal letters and numerals indicate generations of the descendants of Joseph Boyd, junior, so
that anyone interested will be able to trace his or her lineage. For example, my lineage is as
A- Joseph Boyd, junior
A-III - Hiram Boyd
A-III-f - Martha Boyd Peters
A-III-f-l - Fanny Peters Pease
In the cases of Joseph Boyd, Junior and John Wesley Boyd, (2) is used to denote a second
marriage. The names underlined are "those of the ten children of Joseph Boyd, senior, as given in
his will.
It has never been definitely established just when the first Boyd came to America nor the place
from whence he came. However, it has always been believed that the first emigrant[ 2 ] was a
William Boyd and that he came from Kilmarnock, Scotland. The home of the Boyd’s is now known
as Dean Castle. It is now owned by the town of Kilmarnock, near Edinburgh, and is noted as a
tourist attraction. My late brother, Harvey Pease, visited there several times and brought back
much information and some pictures. There seems to have been a large migration of Scotsmen into
the Washington area and many customs and holidays are still celebrated in Alexandria, Virginia.
In the Maryland calendar of wills, filed at Annapolis, there is one for a John Boyd, probated in
October 1704, which names his wife Mary, and children Charles, John, Abraham, Isaac, Mary and
Martha. Mary Boyd's will was probated December 4, 1722. Since his will specifically names a tract
of land "Amphill Grange" and this tract was mentioned in later Boyd documents, I feel sure that,
John Boyd was probably the grandfather of Joseph Boyd, senior. It was the custom in those days to
give tracts of land interesting names. We find such names as "Tyler's Pasture", "Turkey Thicket",
"Fry's Choice", "Castle Plains" and "Walnut Hills" mentioned in documents, with many variations
in spelling. Variations in spelling and grammar were common in those days and we find "Amphill
Grange" referred to as "Ample" or "Ample Grange". Part of this piece of land was in Calvert
County, Prince George's County having been formed with land taken from Calvert County and in
turn, had land taken away for Frederick and Montgomery Counties. Apparently, much of the land
owned by the Boyd family was near Bladensburg, Maryland, which is just north of Washington,
The[ 3 ] first ancestor for whom we have definite information was Joseph Boyd, Senior, who lived
in Prince George's County, Maryland. Although we have no dates of his birth or marriage, we do
know that his wife's name was Eleanor and that she was of Scotch-Irish ancestry. His will, probated

Berkshire page 1.
Berkshire page 2.
Berkshire page 3.
in 1799 is filed at the Hall of Records in Annapolis and, with all its variations in grammar and
spelling, reads as follows:
In the name of God Amen I Joseph Boyd of Prince George's County and State of Maryland
being sick and weakly but in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and
testament in the manner and form following Item I give and bequesth to my son John five shillings
Current money to be paid to him by my executor after my death Item I give to my son Joseph Boyd
Jun. five shillings Current money to be paid to him by my executor after my death. Item I give to
my son Benjamin Boyd five shillings Current money to be paid to him by my executor after my
death Item I give and bequeath all my lands containing two Hundred and twenty acres part of three
tracts one hundred and one acres part of Tylers paster ninety acres part of Mitchels Addition with
all the Improvements there on it being the plantation where I now dwell to be Equilly Divided
among my four youngest sons Richard Boyd Thomas Boyd Abraham Boyd & William Boyd in
Quantaty as well as Quallaty Item I give all my personal Estate after my debts are all paid to be
Equilly divided among my seven youngest children Richard Boyd Thomas Boyd Abraham Boyd
William Boyd Sarah Boyd Elizabeth Boyd and Rachel Boyd and lastly I constitute appoint[ 4 ] and
ordain my son Abraham Boyd Sole executor of this my last will and testament In testamony thereof
I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal and Published and declared this to be my last will and
testament this twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and ninety-nine –

Joseph Boyd Sen seal

Witnesses: Samuel Duvall, Seth Hyatt, Richard H. Duvall, Walter Duvall.

Signed seald Published Prince George's and Declared in the County to wit, Came June 27th 1799
Richard H. Duvall and Walter Duvall two of the subscribing witnesses to the within last will and
testement of Joseph Boyd Sen late of said county. Deceased and made oath on the Holy Evangels of
Almighty God that they did see the Testator Joseph Boyd Sen Sign and seal this will and heard him
Publish Pronounce and Declare the same to be his last will and testament That at the time of his so
doing he was to the" best of their apprehensions of Sound & Disposing mind Memory and
understanding and that they together with Samuel Duvall and Seth Hyatt respectively Subscribed
their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of the Testator and in
presence of each other Before Sam Tyler register Prince George's County
At the same time Abraham Boyd the appointed executor in the foregoing will made oath on the
Holy Evangels of almighty God that this will was this day Delivered to him by Walter Duvall one of
the above named Witnesses thereto in whose care it hath been from the day it was Executed and
that he does not know of any other Will made by the said Deceased – Before Sam Tyler Reg.
Joseph Boyd's wife Eleanor is not mentioned in the will, so that we can only assume that she had
either passed away or been provided for before his death. I rather think the latter since, in a
transaction recorded June 13, 1810, Eleanor Boyd sold three young slaves to Joseph Boyd junior. It
is impossible to determine the correct chronological order for the birthdates of the children of
Joseph Boyd Senior and his wife Eleanor. The only thing I can do is to take them in the order in
which they are mentioned in the will.[ 5 ]
John Boyd, the eldest son, was born in 1764. On December 18, 1787 he and Elizabeth (Betsy)
Carrick took out a marriage license in Arundel County, Maryland. They had four children.
Betsy Boyd married David Allen.

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Sallee Boyd married Alec Scott.
John Carrick Boyd. No information.
Benjamin Boyd. No information about him.
All this information came from my grandmother, who knew, them when she lived in Baltimore,
but left few notes.
I A -Joseph Boyd, junior, my great great grandfather, was born July 5, 1766. In a land deed filed
January 5, 1800 his is given as merchant. On August 18, 1791 he took out a license to marry Mary,
Scott in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, which adjoins Prince George's County. Mary Scott Boyd
was the daughter of Joseph and Ann Hayward Scott and a member of the Society of Friends. At that
time Quakers, as they were called, did not take out marriage licenses. Instead, the couple was
required to appear before the Monthly Meeting three times in succession and declare their
intention to marry. Therefore it is highly probable that Mary Scott Boyd was read out of meeting or
"disowned" for marrying outside her faith. She was born October 5, 1767 and died November 6,
1797 leaving six children, all five years of age or younger. We do not know where the children
were raised. It is quite probable that the girls, at least, were raised by their maternal grandmother,
Ann Scott and aunt, Ann Scott Livingston, in Baltimore.[ 6 ]
A-I -Joseph Boyd III, eldest son of Joseph and Mary Scott Boyd, was born June 2, 1792. As a
young man he went to sea, returning to Baltimore later where he married Arpatia Harwell on April
25, 1838. She died in 1839 and Joseph went to live with his sister, Ann Scott Livingston, until his
death in 1847. He was a carpenter by trade and made a teakwood table, which is now in the
possession of Gwyneth Pease Spindel.
A-II -Eleanor and Ann Boyd were twins born December 3, 1793. It is entirely possible that,
with their younger sister, Mary, they went to live with their maternal grandmother and aunt when
their father re-married. In 1822 Ann went to visit friends in Sandy Spring, Maryland. While there
she contracted fever and died. She was buried in the cemetery adjoining the meeting house, which I
visited not long ago. Eleanor Boyd, always called "auntie" by her nieces and nephews, helped her
aunt run the boarding house in Baltimore. Most of their boarders were young Quaker men who
came to the city to work. Eleanor Boyd never married, though she was engaged to a young railroad
engineer, who was killed in a train accident. In 1857, after the death of her aunt, Ann Scott,
Livingston, she moved to Marion, Ohio with Susan and Martha, hoping to re-unite the family of her
brother Hiram. She lived in Marion and continued to reside with Martha Boyd Peters until her
death May 15, 1878. She was buried in the Marion cemetery.
A-III -Hiram Boyd, my great grandfather, was born May 4, 1795, the second son of Joseph
and Mary Scott Boyd. He[ 7 ] was a miller by trade as his grandfather, Joseph Scott, had been. As a
young man, he moved to Fountaindale, Pennsylvania, which is located just over the Maryland line.
We can only assume that he went there hoping to pursue his 'work as a miller. I have notes in my
mother's handwriting stating that he ran a store there, which he later sold to go to work for the
local railroad. April 5, 1831 he married Matilda Harbaugh, daughter of Jacob and Mary Harbaugh,
in Harbaugh Valley. This settlement is on the line between Maryland and Pennsylvania. The Mason-
Dixon Line, which is the border between the two states, runs through the house in which my
grandmother was born. Since the bedroom was in the rear of the house, she always gave Adams
County, Pennsylvania as her place of birth. Hiram and Matilda Boyd lived in Fountaindale, where
their first three children were born. Later they moved to Harbaugh Valley where Matilda kept
house for her father. After Jacob Harbaugh's death December 12, 1842 Hiram and Matilda started

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for Ohio, where the former's father, Joseph Boyd, had moved with his second family. Matilda died
in childbirth April 22, 1843 in Cumberland, Maryland. She was probably buried there, as well as
the infant, Hiram Boyd, junior. Hiram returned to Baltimore, where he left Susan Catherine and
Martha Ann to be raised by his sister, Eleanor Boyd and his aunt, Ann Scott Livingston. When he
reached Ohio, Hiram, for some reason, did not settle near his father. Perhaps he could not find
work as a miller. The family went to Mendon, Mercer County, where Hiram went to work at the
Hamilton Mills. Cholera struck there and Hiram died April 23, 1850 while caring[ 8 ] for the two
children of his employer. He was buried in an unmarked grave on the banks of the St. Mary's River.
Many years ago mother, and grandmother went to Mendon, where they spoke to an elderly
gentleman who had known Hiram Boyd. Since Joseph Boyd, junior had passed away, John Wesley
Boyd went to Mendon and brought Hiram's three orphaned children to live with him.
A-III-a - Mary Ann Boyd, eldest child of Hiram and Matilda, was born in Fountaindale in 1832
and died in infancy.
A-III-b - Joseph John Boyd, eldest May 9, 1833 in Fountaindale. After his father's death he
lived with his uncle until his marriage to Evaline Gill Gorton on October 13, 1858. She was the
daughter of Hezekiah and Alpha Capron Gorton and was born February 22, 1838 in Marion, Ohio.
She died December 30, 1889. Joseph John Boyd clerked in the store of William Davids until the
Civil War, when he served in Co. B of the Ohio National Guard. In 1873 he moved his family to
Loveland, Colorado where he took up "soldier land". This was land given by the U.S. Government
to veterans of the war. He first raised sheep, then went into cattle raising on a more extensive
scale. He died February 12, 1887.
A-III-b-1 - Willis Gorton Boyd, eldest son of Joseph and Evaline, was born in Marion November
1, 1859 and died in Denver on March 14, 1939. He married Margaret Elizabeth Cross, daughter of
Thomas and Louisa Gard Cross, on November 29, 1885. She was born June 2, 1862 and died
March 27, 1942. With my younger brother John Pease and my mother I visited the cousins in
Colorado in the summer of 1920. I met many cousins whom I had never known before and their
hospitality was wonderful. We were delighted[ 9 ] with the mountain scenery and enjoyed a day at
the Frontier Days rodeo in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Willis and Lizzie Cross Boyd had six children:
Myrna, Raymond, Nellie, Andrew, Louise and Zita (Peggy).
A-III-b-2 - Harry Barton Boyd was born December 2, 1862 in Marion. He was married to Laura
Richart on February 5, 1893. She passed away and Harry continued to live in Estes Park, where he
ran a grocery store for over sixty years and was well known in that part of Colorado. Harry passed
away March 4, 1950.
A-III-b-3 -Edwin Boyd, born August 28, 1865, died January 17, 1866.
A-III-b-4 -Bertha Ellen Boyd was born February 26, 1867. She died August 16, 1869.
A-III-b-5 -Joseph Edward Boyd was born December 6, 1870. He married May Stitt on May 5,
1903. He seems to have been a wanderer and I know little about him except that he died May 27,
1947 and I heard Cousin Eva refer to him several times as "Eddie".
A-III-b-6 -Evelyn Gorton Boyd was born August 25, 1879. Upon her mother's death in 1889 she
went to live with her aunt, Martha Boyd Peters, in Marion. This was her mother's deathbed
request. Cousin Eva, as we called her, seemed like an aunt to me and I have only happy memories
of my association with her. In spite of the distance separating them she always managed to keep
close touch with her brothers and their families and, in 1915, when my grandmother died, Eva
moved to Estes Park to keep house for her brother Harry. She died January 2, 1945.

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A-III-c - Mary Ellen Boyd, third child of Hiram and Matilda Harbaugh Boyd, was born January
15, 1835, probably in Fountaindale.[ 10 ] After her father's death she lived with her uncle, John
Wesley Boyd, until her marriage August 15, 1855 to Ami P. Johnson, at the home of her maternal
aunt, Mrs. Valentine (Polly) Pentzer near Dayton, Ohio. Some years ago my mother and I located
this house on Stroop Road, near Dayton. It was a lovely white washed brick house owned at that
time by the Stroop family. We also located the graves of Aunt Polly and her husband in the
cemetery adjoining the house. Mary Ellen Boyd Johnson died April 27, 1860 and was buried near
her home in Radnor, Ohio. She left no children.
A-III-d - Susan Catherine Boyd was born November 26, 1836. I have always understood that, by
this time, Hiram and Matilda Boyd were living in Harbaugh Valley. She lived with her aunts and
sister, Martha Ann, in Baltimore until moving to Marion in 1857. Two years later, October 25,
1859, she married Edward Livingston Palmer, an importer, and lived in Baltimore the rest of her
life. She died January 26, 1910, leaving five children.
A-III-d-1 - Albert Palmer was the eldest child. He was born August 11, 1860 and died
November 19, 1934. In 1923, while visiting his sister Elsie in Washington, D.C., mother and I
visited him in his home in Sandy Spring, Maryland. I believe he lived in Aunt Sue's summer home
there and had three children: Curtis, Eleanor and Julia.
A-IlI-d-2 -Eleanor Boyd Palmer was the eldest daughter. I have no data on her except that she
married Carroll Williams, a lawyer, January 1, 1890 and lived in Philadelphia. She had three
children: Catherine Boyd Williams, John Williams and Carroll Williams, junior.[ 11 ]
A-IlI-d-3 - Elsie Palmer was the only one in this family whom I ever knew. She was born
December 17, 1865. She and my mother were quite close and spent one year at Swarthmore
College together. Elsie graduated and was, for many years, a member of the Board of Directors of
the college. She married Thomas Janney Brown, an insurance executive, and lived in the
Georgetown area of Washington. Elsie passed away January 21, 1965, just eleven months short of
her 100th birthday, leaving five children: Janet, Boyd, Elsie (Betty), Virginia and Thomas, junior. I
regret that my mother did not leave more information on this family. I suppose that, knowing them
well, she did not think it necessary to write all the information down for us.
A-III-d-4 - Janet Palmer was the youngest girl. I have very little information about her, except
that she married a Mr. Robinson and had several children.
A-III-d-5 - Edward Palmer, the youngest son, was an architect and lived in Baltimore. He
married Jessie M. Siffler in Baltimore, and they had one daughter, Anne Livingston Palmer.
A-III-e - Henry Livingston Boyd, second son of Hiram and Matilda Harbaugh Boyd, was born
September 1, 1838. Raised in the home of his uncle, John Wesley Boyd, he went to live with his
aunt, Eleanor Boyd, when she moved to Marion in 1857. At the time of the Civil War he enlisted
in the 4th regiment of the Ohio National Guard where he rose to the rank of major. In 1866, after
his discharge, he took up "soldier land" given to him by the government.[ 12 ] He located near
Loveland, Colorado and raised sheep, later going quite extensively into cattle raising with his
brother, Joseph John Boyd. There is a large recreational area near Loveland named "Boyd Lake" for
these two brothers. January 1, 1874 he married Marian Alford. She was born January 3, 1851 and,
as a small girl, went west with her parents in a covered wagon, settling in Golden, Colorado.
Henry Boyd, always referred to as "the major" by his children, passed away July 13, 1903 leaving
seven children. I do not know the date of Aunt Marian's death. In the summer of 1938 several

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members of our family were visiting in Colorado and Myrna Boyd Williams arranged a Boyd picnic
reunion at the farm where Aunt Marian lived with her daughters, Susan and Eugenia. Although she
was eighty-seven years old and somewhat handicapped physically, she was still quite mentally alert.
I think she died two or three years later.
A-III-e-1 -Albert Alford Boyd, the eldest son, was born October 15, 1874 and died July 5,
1902. I have no other information about him.
A-III-e-2 - Ethel W. Boyd, born September 21, 1876, married Charles Parker on September 8,
1897. They had one daughter, Adelaide. Ethel, with her daughter Adelaide and grandchildren were
at the picnic.
A-III-e-3 - Marian A. Boyd was born February 1, 1878. She married James Dexter. I saw them,
with their daughter, Marian, at the picnic.
A-III-e-4 - Joseph Harvey Boyd, born June 24, 1880, was the younger son of Henry and Marian
Boyd. On June 7, 1904 he married[ 13 ] Elizabeth V. Landis and had three children: Carrie Eleanor,
Bessie Beatrice and Harvey Livingston. Joseph was at the picnic with his second wife, Dottie Boyd.
A-III-e-5 - Mary Eugenia Boyd was born June 24, 1882 and never married. I knew her better
than any other member of her family, as she visited my grandmother often. While visiting Nellie
Boyd Landers in 1972 I went to see Eugenia and Susan, who lived in a retirement home near
Loveland. I believe they both died about two years later.
A-III-e-6 -Susan Catherine Boyd was born November 16, 1883. When young, she lived with her
aunt, Mrs. Edward Palmer in Baltimore and studied art. She then returned to Ft. Collins,
Colorado, and lived with her mother and sister for the rest of her life.
A-III-e-7 - Martha Peters Boyd, youngest child of Henry and Marian Boyd, was born August 16,
1889. She married Paul Hermitet May 18, 1910. When I visited Aunt Marian in 1920, Martha had
passed away, leaving two daughters, Pauline Joyce and Eleanor Janet. Although Paul Hermitet
remarried, he and his second wife remained very close to the family and were always a great help to
Aunt Marian. All the girls in this family except Martha were over six feet and were often referred
to as "the tall Boyds".
A-III-f - Martha Ann Boyd, my grandmother, was born April 26, 1841 in her grandfather's
house. Since the bedroom was in the rear of the house, she always gave Adams County,
Pennsylvania as her birthplace. She was raised by her aunts in Baltimore, moving to Marion in
1857. She married Harvey Peters, son of Nathan and Alice Peters, on December 29, 1864 at the
home[ 14 ] of her sister, Mrs. Edward Palmer, in Baltimore. Harvey Peters conducted a drug store
with his older brother, Wilson Peters, until selling the business in 1881 because of ill health. He
was born March 4, 1828 and died January 1, 1883. Martha Boyd Peters passed away April 8, 1915.
Considering the fact that she raised her family on a very limited income and that she had been
separated from her brothers and their families at such an early age I marvel that she always managed
to maintain such close family ties and instilled in us a great sense of family togetherness. Until her
death we spent all of our summer vacations and Christmas holidays in her spacious home in Marion
and I have thousands of happy memories of these visits.
A-III-f-1 - Fanny Peters, eldest child of Harvey and Martha Boyd Peters, was born August 7,
1867. She attended Swarthmore College for one year, then went to the Cincinnati Art Academy,
where she studied wood carving under Mr. Ben Pitman, brother of the gentleman who invented the
Pitman short hand system. He had come to America to take the minutes of the Lincoln assassination
trial. I have in my possession a very beautiful desk which mother carved. January 28, 1892 she

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married Charles Harlow Pease, son of David and Sarah Pease of Norwalk, Ohio. The ceremony was
performed at the home of the bride's mother by Dr. Thomas, minister of the First Presbyterian
Church. He was the father of Norman Thomas, the famous socialist. The couple lived in Louisville,
Kentucky until November 1893, when they moved to Cincinnati, where Charles opened a sash and
door business, which, greatly enlarged, is still being conducted by the fourth generation.[ 15 ]
Charles Harlow Pease was born March 14, 1866 and died August 4, 1936. Fanny Peters Pease
passed away May 5, 1955 leaving five children: James Lewis, Harvey Peters, David Harlow,
Eleanor Boyd and John Wemple. My brothers have all passed away and I am the only one left in my
A-III-f-2- Walter Boyd Peters was born August 14, 1869 and never married. He lived at the
southeast corner of Forest Lawn and Center streets in Marion, but had a large truck farm on
Pennsylvania Avenue. About 1935 he moved to Cincinnati and lived with his nephew James Lewis
Pease until his death December 30, 1952.
A-III-f-3- Fred Wilson Peters was born January 5, 1871. He had a small insurance business in
Marion and served as a captain in the Spanish American war. His first wife was Lillian West, from
whom he was divorced. Later he married Margaret Mereness. They moved to Cleveland in 1917,
later going to Dayton, Ohio. Margaret Mereness Peters was born October 1, 1878 and died
February 1, 1953. Fred Wilson Peters died October 20, 1955, leaving no children.
A-IV -William Boyd, youngest son of Joseph and Mary Scott Boyd, was born September 28,
1796. As a young man he moved to Farmington, Missouri where he married Rebecca Meloy, who
died June 19, 1881. William Boyd passed away October 30, 1881. They had eight children.
A-IV-a- Hiram Boyd, the eldest child, was born January 25, 1830. In his late teens he went to
live with his grandfather, Joseph Boyd, in Marion. Hiram died April 19, 1850 and was buried in
Idleman Cemetery near Waldo.[ 16 ]
A-IV-b - Mary Ann Boyd, born October 7, 1833, married James Brewen March 13, 1857. She
died June 19, 1881, leaving four children: David F., Rebecca W., Mary Magdalene and James W.
A-IV-c - Hannah Boyd was born July 29, 1836. She never married and died August 29, 1909.
A-IV-d - Sarah Eleanor Boyd, born June 19, 1839, died April 8, 1848.
A-IV-e - Lavinia Boyd. I have no information about her.
A-IV-f - John J. L. Boyd was born September 4, 1846 and married Lucinda Chapman in 1867.
Their children were: Calvin, William, Firman, Finas, Lee, Joseph F. and Virginia.
A-IV-g - David J. Boyd was born September 11, 1849 and married Ellen Baley. He died April
12, 1928 leaving two children: Sallee and Arthur.
A-IV-h - Elesbeth Boyd, born December 4, 1853, married Daniel J. Ruh on March 15, 1886.
They had three children: Casper J., Amos C. and Ellis E.
All of the information on this family was obtained from correspondence between Walter Boyd
Peters and Olin Boyd, a grandson of John J. L. Boyd. Some of William Boyd's descendants now live
in Coffeyville and Englewood, Kansas. On her last trip to Ohio Myrna Boyd Williams stopped to
visit these cousins on her way home to Colorado. Because of her untimely death I did not learn
anymore about the family.
A-V -Mary Boyd, youngest child of Joseph and Mary Scott Boyd, was born November 6, 1797.
She never married and lived with her[ 17 ] aunt and sister in Baltimore until her death in 1854.
A(2) - Joseph Boyd, junior, was married a second time to Sarah Duvall. Documents on file in

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Berkshire page 17.
the Hall of Records indicate that the Boyd and Duvall families must have been close friends. We
find two Duvall signatures as witnesses to the will of Joseph Boyd, senior, and there seems to have
been at least two marriages between the families. Sarah Duvall was a close friend of Rachel Boyd,
Joseph Boyd, junior's sister. She is said to have helped Rachel elope with Joseph Owens by
throwing clothes and a side saddle out of a second story window. Brumbaugh lists the marriage
license date of Joseph and Sarah as August 15, 1815. I feel that this must be a misreading of early
records, as their first son was born in 1810. There is also a land transaction in Annapolis which
reads as follows: "made 23 Feb. 1803, between Richard Boyd of Morgan Twsp. Greene Co., Pa. ,
John Boyd and Joseph Boyd and Rachel Boyd of Prince George's Co., heirs of Joseph
Boyd,...whereas tract to be divided among 4 youngest sons of Joseph Boyd: Richard, Thomas,
Abram and William, and Abraham is deceased (leaving his brothers and sisters his heirs) deed made
to Zadock Duvall for 220 ac. Elizabeth Boyd, wife of John Boyd released dower in deed. On 509, a
special warrent from Joseph Boyd, a bond of obligation, whereas the wife of Joseph Boyd has not
released dower..." This would indicate that Joseph had remarried, sometime between 1797 and
1803. Sarah Duvall, daughter of John and Frances Duvall, was born July 12, 1774. The family
seems to have moved to Ohio before the birth of the third son, John Wesley, probably about 1816.
They settled on a farm in Licking County, later moving to Pleasant Township in Marion County,
where Joseph purchased a large[ 18 ] farm. He was a Whig in politics and served two terms as a
Justice of the Peace in Pleasant Township. He and his wife were members of the First Presbyterian
Church on Prospect Street in Marion. This stone church was built in 1828 about two blocks north
of the large frame home built by Harvey and Martha Peters. As children we attended services there,
although grandmother and mother were never members of the church. Joseph Boyd, junior died
December 18, 1846 and Sarah Duvall Boyd passed away January 23, 1854. They were both buried
in the Idleman Cemetery near Waldo with their son Edwin and grandson Hiram. Joseph's will reads
as follows:
In the name of the Benevolent Father I, Joseph Boyd, jr., of Pleasant Township, Marion Co. and
state of Ohio, being of sound mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and
testament in manner and form following, that is to say
1st. I give and devise to my son Joseph (he being the oldest) the sum of one dollar in cash. He
lives in Baltimore, Md.
2d. I give and devise to my daughter Eleanor Boyd the sum of one I dollar in cash.
3d. I give and devise to my son Hiram Boyd the sum of one dollar to be paid in cash.
4th. I give and devise to my son William Boyd the sum of one dollar in cash.
5th. I give and devise to my daughter Mary Boyd the sum of one dollar.
6th. I give and devise to my son Sylvester Boyd my mare Sylvia.
7th. I give and devise to my son John W. Boyd my bay mare by the name of Hannah.
8th. I give and devise to my son George W. Boyd the old farm on which I reside. Situated in
Pleasant Township, Marion County, Ohio.
9th. I give and devise to the three children of Hiram Boyd as follows, to Joseph Boyd, son of
Hiram Boyd, the sum of two hundred dollars in cash.
10th. I give and devise to Mary E. Boyd, daughter of Hiram Boyd, the sum of two hundred
dollars in cash.
11th. I give and devise to Henry L. Boyd, son of Hiram Boyd, the sum of two hundred dollars in
12th. I give and devise to Susan K. Boyd, a daughter of Hiram Boyd, the sum of one dollar in
Berkshire page 18.
13th. I give and devise to Martha A. Boyd, daughter of Hiram Boyd, the sum of one dollar in
cash.[ 19 ]
14th. It is my will that my executor dispose of a certain tract of land which I bought of Thomas
Cooper, situated in Pleasant Township, Marion County, Ohio and payoff all the above legacies out
of the proceeds of the sale of said land and also all my just debts - and the remainder of the proceeds
of said land to be divided share and share alike between Sylvester Boyd, John W. Boyd, and the
three children of Hiram Boyd, namely Joseph Boyd, Mary E. Boyd and Henry L. Boyd. And lastly, I
hereby constitute and appoint my said son Sylvester Boyd to be executor and in case of his death my
son John W. Boyd - my last will and testament by me made and ratifying the same - it is also my
will that my executor see to my beloved wife Sarah Boyd -that she is well taken care of and
provided for during her natural life - In testimony whereof I have hereinwith set my hand and seal
the 22nd day of October AD 1846.
(Signed) Joseph Boyd (seal)
I certify the foregoing is a true copy of the original will filed in the office of the clerk of the
Court of Common Pleas of Marion County, Ohio.
(Signed) Wm. Kendrick Clerk.”
It is interesting to note that he left a bequest of only one dollar each to the sons and daughters of
his first marriage and the two younger daughters of Hiram Boyd.
A(2)-I - Edwin Boyd, eldest son of Joseph and Sarah Duvall Boyd, was born March 31, 1810.
Some years ago I drove my mother and Cousin Alice Brown down to the Idleman Cemetery. There
I saw the headstone, which read "In memory of Edwin Boyd, who died July 27, 1834 aged 24 years
3 mos. & 27 days". This is one reason I have questioned the 1814 date for the marriage of his
A(2)-II - Sylvester Boyd, born July 8, 1814, married Melinda Selanders on February 11, 1840.
She was born November 10, 1819 and died November 26, 1901. He passed away January 31,
1871, leaving three sons.
A(2)-II-a - Austin Augustus Boyd was born January 6, 1841. On November 2, 1871 he
married Mary Elizabeth Wasser in Marion. They lived in Prospect for a few years, then moved to
Marion. Mary Elizabeth was born December 4, 1852 and died in 1931. Austin Augustus[ 20 ] Boyd
died in 1923 leaving five children.
A(2)-II-a-1 - Sylvester Boyd was born March 15, 1873 and died March 29, 1873.
A(2)-II-a-2 -Edna Mae Boyd, born December 1, 1874, was married to a Mr. Auchley and died
in 1950.
A(2)-II-a-3 - Charles Carey Boyd was born November 23, 1876. He lived in Missouri and died
January 18, 1969.
A(2)-II-a-4 - Mary Elizabeth (Molly) Boyd was born August 18, 1878. Her married name was
Rinker and she died in 1952.
A(2)-II-a-5 - Austin Dewitt Boyd, born April 19, 1889, lived in Marion and was, I am sure the
Austin Boyd of whom my uncle, Walter Peters, often spoke. He married Ruth Elizabeth Weber
September 20, 1922. She was born November 4, 1892 and died April 23, 1973. Austin Dewitt
Boyd passed away July 9, 1965. They had four children: Mary Elizabeth, Richard Austin, Robert
William and John Joseph. I am indebted to Mark Boyd, John Joseph's son for some of the
information concerning this branch of the Boyd family.

Berkshire page 19.
Berkshire page 20.
A(2)-II-b - William Edwin Boyd, born October 7, 1844, married Sara J. Hopkins. They had
three children: Adda M., Corra Ellen and Harry.
A(2)-II-c - Joseph Valentine Boyd, youngest son of Sylvester and Melinda Boyd, was born March
7, 1846. The only information I, have is that he never married and died in 1925.
A(2)-III - John Wesley Boyd, third son of Joseph arid Sarah Duvall Boyd, was born October 5,
1817 in Licking County, Ohio, where his father owned a farm. Later Joseph purchased an eighty
acre farm[ 21 ] in Pleasant Township and the family moved to Marion. When John Wesley Boyd was
twenty one years old his father deeded to him and his brother Sylvester one hundred and sixty
acres. He lived there about ten years before moving to another farm, which was always referred to
in the family as "the new farm". April 21, 1845, John Wesley Boyd married Isabel Davids,
daughter of William and Margaret Davids. In 1850 they brought into their home the three
orphaned children of his half-brother, Hiram Boyd. While I was growing up my grandmother spoke
often with great love and respect of Uncle Wesley Boyd and the many happy hours she had spent at
his home. Perhaps this is why I always felt so close to Cousin Alice Brown and her family.
A(2)-III-a- Cassius Jenkins Clay Boyd was the only child of this marriage. He was born January
16, 1846 and married Christina Smith who was born January 4, 1848. Cassius Boyd died January
19, 1882. I have no other information on Christina Smith Boyd, but that she survived her husband
by many years and died October 24, 1938.
A(2)-III-a-1 -Isabel Elizabeth Boyd, eldest child of Cassius and Christina Boyd, was born May 3,
1871. She married Elmer C. Bolger March 24, 1893 and they had one daughter, Eleanor Marie.
She was born July 10, 1897. I have a dim recollection of having known Marie and think she died in
her late teens. Elmer Bolger died September 13, 1900 and, on September 2, 1901, Isabel married
Ernest A. Alline. I remember Cousin Isabel well. She was quite tall and had reddish hair. I used to
wonder why she called Alice Brown "aunt" as they seemed about the same age to me. Now I
understand the reason. Isabel Alline passed away October 24, 1938.[ 22 ]
A(2)-III-a-2 - Charles Wesley Boyd and George F. Boyd were born May 6, 1874. They were
both taken ill just a month after their father passed away and died within a few days of each other.
A(2)-III-a-3 - John Edwin Boyd. I have no information about him, but think he must have died
in childhood.
A(2)-III-a-4 - Eleanor Marie Boyd, youngest child of Cassius and Christina Boyd, was born June
29, 1882. She married Joseph Lauer on November 3, 1907. I think they lived on a farm near
Prospect, Ohio, and had three children: Eloise, Carroll Joe and Eugene Cassius. According to notes
from Myrna Boyd Williams, a cousin and close friend, only Eugene Cassius lived to adulthood.
A(2)-III(2) - Isabelle Davids Boyd died in 1856 or 1857. John Wesley Boyd married Mary
Roads, daughter of John and Margaret Winegartner Roads, on January 10, 1861. She was born
November 7, 1834. When I was a child she lived with her daughter Alice Boyd Brown. John
Wesley Boyd had passed away June 14, 1891. She was a fine lady and I saw her often when I visited
in Marion, as my grandmother was devoted to Aunt Mary. She passed away January 22, 1922 at the
home of her son Wilson Boyd in Columbus, Ohio.
A(2)-III(2)-a -Mary Ellen Boyd, the eldest child of John Wesley and Mary Boyd, was born
October 29, 1861. She married David Brown, eldest son of James and Sara Long Brown, on May 9,
1885. For some years they lived on a farm near Prospect, Ohio, then moved to Galion, Ohio,
northeast of Marion, where Cousin Dave farmed a large tract of land. I have vivid memories of

Berkshire page 21.
Berkshire page 22.
visiting their farm one summer[ 23 ] when I was about six years old. The children all slept on fresh
straw beds in the loft of the barn and considered it quite a lark. I also remember riding to the cider
mill atop a load of apples and returning seated on gunny sacks placed over the mash, which Cousin
Dave fed to his pigs. The farm visit was a wonderful experience for children raised in the city.
About 1911 Cousin Nellie moved her family to California. At that time, travel to the west coast
was much more difficult than it is today and I am sure that she was fully aware that she would
probably never see her mother, brothers or sister again. The family settled in Selma, which is near
Fresno. I have no further information, but think that Cousin Nellie died in 1931.
A(2)-III(2)-a-1 -Alice Florence Brown was born January 25, 1886 and died January 19, 1894.
A(2)-III(2)-a-2 - John Wesley Brown, born April 29, 1887, was always called Wesley by his
family. After moving to California he married and was killed in a motorcycle accident, leaving an
infant son. I believe this boy was named for his father and was raised by his aunt, Janet Brown.
A(2)-III(2)-a-3 - Janet Brown was born September 7, 1888. I remember her well, as she worked
in a millinery shop in Marion and was at my grandmother's house often. She never married and
worked in a fruit cannery after reaching California. My mother kept in touch with her and in 1920
my brother David visited her home. About ten years ago, the Christmas cards no longer came, so I
suppose that both Janet and Eleanor are deceased.[ 24 ]
A(2)-III(2)-a-5 - Eleanor Brown, the youngest child of David and Nellie Brown, was born
October 19, 1902. I do not remember her married name but know that she had two sons, one of
whom was killed in a motorcycle accident. The other was in the navy during the war.
A(2)-III(2)-b - Alice Kempton Boyd was born December 24, 1863. She married Emmet Gibson
Brown, brother of David Brown, on December 29, 1887. Gibson passed away August 1, 1903 after
a long illness. Cousin Alice lived on Pennsylvania Avenue across the street from Uncle Walter's
truck garden. As children we visited her often. The last time I saw her, she and her son Boyd were
operating a greenhouse business. She had a remarkable knowledge of plant life. Although by this
time her eye sight was extremely poor she could identify the plants by feeling the leaves. She gave
us a bushel basketful of plants, which Mother had planted on the terrace back of our Winton Road
home. She enjoyed watching these flowers bloom from May through November. Alice Boyd Brown
passed away at the home of her daughter in Provo, Utah on November 14, 1958.
A(2)-III(2)-b-1 - David Brown, eldest child of Gibson and Alice Brown, was born March 26,
1890 and died August 1, 1890.
A(2)-III(2)-b-2 - Boyd Brown, born March 31, 1892, married Doris Byers in 1915. Their
children were Janet, Arthur, Donald, Mary Alice, Gracie, Jim, Florence, Margaret, Lois and
Robert. During World War II one of the boys was in the navy and stopped to see us on his way
through Cincinnati. He seemed like a very nice young man. I understand that Boyd was married
two more times before his death in December 1973, but have no other definite information about
his family.[ 25 ]
A(2)-III(2)-b-3 - Elsie Brown was born July 14, 1895. She taught in the Marion schools and
married William Edison Reeley on June 1, 1920. They lived with Alice Brown and had one
daughter, Marilyn Reeley. Elsie Brown Reeley passed away in September 1974.
A(2)-III(2)-b-4 -Leland Arthur Brown, born November 18, 1897, was between my brothers
Harvey and David in age. For this reason perhaps we seemed to know him a little better than the
rest of the family. He married Lucille Melvin on November 28, 1923. She was born November 29,

Berkshire page 23.
Berkshire page 24.
Berkshire page 25.
1899. For many years Leland was a member of the faculty of Transylvania College in Lexington,
Kentucky. He and Lucille have recently moved to Vermont. Their two sons were Leland and
Peter. Tim Brown, the former's son has been of great help to me in assembling information.
A(2)-III(2)-b-5 - Gibson and Alice Brown seem to have had another daughter born May 3, 1900.
I have no information, except that she probably died soon after birth.
A(2)-III(2)-b-6 - Mary Brown was born September 2, 1901. She married Ellis Hoover from
whom she was divorced. Mary Brown and her second husband, Ralph McCormick lived in Provo,
Utah where Mary died July 9, 1979.
A(2)-III(2)-c - Henry Herbert Boyd, born Apri129, 1866, married Catherine Burrows and they
had five children: Frank L., Catherine E., Gladys G., Mildred and Arthur.
A(2)-III(2)-d - Louisa Boyd, born November 9, 1868, married Frank Brown, brother of David
and Gibson. She died January 28, 1908, leaving two children, Sarah and Frank. They lived adjacent
to my[ 26 ] uncle, Walter Peters, and I remember seeing them several times shortly after their
mother passed away.
A(2)-III(2)-e -Wilson Grant Boyd was born May 22, 1871. He married Nora E. Stiffles on
October 6, 1892. I believe that he was a newspaperman and married a second time.
A(2)-III(2)-e-1 - Mable Boyd, eldest child of Wilson and Nora Boyd, was born July 26, 1895. I
have no further information about her.
A(2)-III(2)-e-2 - John Wesley Boyd was born January 2, 1902.
A(2)-III(2)-e-3 - Rolland C. Boyd. There is no information on him.
A(2)-III(2)-e-4 - Harold Boyd was Wilson Boyd's youngest child. Although I have no other
information about him, I do remember that Cousin Alice Brown mentioned him frequently.
A(2)-III(2)-f - Frank Elmer Boyd, John Wesley Boyd's youngest son, was born November 14,
1876 and died May 9, 1879.
A(2)-IV - George Washington Boyd, youngest son of Joseph and Sarah Duvall Boyd was born
October 2, 1819. He never married and lived on his father's farm until enlisting at the time of the
Mexican War. He died in Mexico in 1849.
Benjamin Boyd was probably the third son of Joseph and Eleanor Boyd. The 1799 muster roll
for Prince George's County gives his birthdate as March 24, 1768. Since his name comes between
Joseph and William Boyd, we can be fairly certain that they were brothers. Brumbaugh records the
marriage of Benjamin Boyd and Rebecca Duvall on December 21, 1794. This is another indication
of the close relationship between the Duvall and Boyd families. This is all the information I have
about Benjamin Boyd, except for the mention of him in a number of land transactions.[ 27 ]
Abraham Boyd was, I think, the next son of Joseph Boyd and probably the eldest of the four sons
still at home when Joseph Boyd died, as he was named executor of the estate. We have no birthdate
for him, but Brumbaugh records the marriage of Abraham Boyd and Elizabeth Ingleheart on January
26, 1800. There are several indications of the friendship of these two families, including a deed
filed in Annapolis giving Benjamin Boyd a passageway through the Ingleheart plantation. The land
deed executed February 25, 1803 between Joseph Boyd, John Boyd, Richard Boyd, Rachel Boyd
and Zadock Duvall states that Abraham was deceased. This would indicate that he did not live long
after his marriage and it is doubtful that he left any children.
Richard Boyd. We do not have any dates of birth or death, but he may have been born about
1768. He was married, had one son, Hersey, and lived in Greene County, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Boyd. The only information on him is that he was mentioned in his father's will as one

Berkshire page 26.
Berkshire page 27.
of the four younger boys.
Rachel Boyd was, I think, the eldest of Joseph Boyd's daughters. She was born April 10, 1775. I
understand that she and her first husband, Joseph Owens eloped, so there is no record of their
marriage in the Brumbaugh records. Her second husband was Hezekiah Harrington. I have no
information on Rachel's four oldest children: George Owens, Eleanor Owens, Benjamin Owens
and William Owens.
Mathilda Owens, the youngest child, married Sylvester Harrington and lived in Newark, Ohio.
George Byron Harrington, the oldest son, lived in Newark, but I have no further information
about him.[ 28 ]
Rachel Frances Harrington was married April 26, 1859 to Edward Rankin. This is all I know
about her.
Edward Henry Rankin, the oldest son, was born May 22, 1860. He married Lutie Scott on
December 24, 1885 and they had one son, Robert Scott Rankin.
Charles B. Rankin, his brother, was born May 29, 1862 and married Nettie Leigh in September
Edna Augusta Harrington was the third child of Sylvester and Mathilda. There is no additional
information on her.
Ellen Augusta Harrington, the fourth child in this family, seems to have kept in touch with my
grandmother and mother. Ellen married a Mr. White on February 13, 1866 and they had three
children: Diana, Rolland and Archibald. She lived in New York City with Archibald, and mother
often spoke of her visit with them during her year at Swarthmore.
Sarah Edna Harrington, the youngest child of Sylvester and Mathilda, was married in 1870 to a
Mr. Branch and they had one daughter, Olive Branch.
Sarah (Sallee) Boyd, daughter of Joseph and Eleanor Boyd, was born in 1772. There is no
information on her. It is said that she was engaged, but died before being married.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Boyd, another sister, was born in 1774 and apparently died young, as she was
said to have been engaged and passed away before marriage. In those days, epidemics were
common and it is quite possible that some plague struck the two sisters.
William Boyd. He was probably the youngest son of Joseph and Eleanor Boyd. According to the
1799 muster roll he was born[ 29 ] April 10, 1781. I believe this to be the William Boyd whose
marriage to Jemima Igleheart on December 29, 1802 was recorded in Brumbaugh. I know they
moved to Kentucky, later moving to Ohio. They had three sons, Washington, Middelton and

This concludes my brief history of the Boyd family. I have tried to make it as correct as possible
and hope that members of the family will find it interesting.

Berkshire page 28.
Berkshire page 29.
The original home of this family and the date of their emigration to America is not known. They
were members of the Society of Friends, known as Quakers, whose early history can be traced only
through the minutes of the various meeting houses. It is quite possible that they came from England
and may have come with William Penn.
The first record we have is of Thomas Scott, whose wife was Amy. We know nothing about
her. They probably lived in Bensalem, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where many Quakers settled.
Thomas died in 1703. His son, Samuel, was a member of Abington meeting, just north of
Philadelphia. The only other information we have is that the wife's name was Mary and that he died
in 1761. Because of several entries found in the minutes of various meetings, I feel that Samuel
Scott had at least two sons and one daughter besides Samuel.
The Abington Monthly Meeting Marriage Book has the following entry: "10th mo. 27th da.
1729- William Sands married Mary Scott, daughter of Samuel Scott." At this time the old calendar
was being used and March was the first month. Our present calendar was adopted in March 1752.
This means that this marriage took place December 27, 1729. It is interesting to note that, since
names of months were taken from war gods such as Janus and Mars, the Quakers used only
numerals in their minutes. William and Mary Scott Sands later removed to Middleton monthly
meeting in Bucks County, Pennsylvania with their seven children. This reinforces the idea that
Mary was probably Thomas Scott's granddaughter. Will Sands died May 23, 1758.[ 31 ]
According to the minutes of Middleton meeting a Benjamin Scott and Jane Twining were
married June 2, 1752 after Benjamin brought a certificate from Abington signed by Samuel Scott.
Benjamin and Jane Scott were granted a certificate to Buckingham meeting in New Jersey on May
25, 1730. They had five children and Benjamin died July 27, 1757.
At an Abington meeting January 31, 1731 the marriage of John Scott and Hannah Merrick was
reported as orderly. I have no further information except that they had five children. I have no
doubt that John and Benjamin were both brothers of Jacob Scott.
Jacob Scott, our ancestor, whose birthdate is unknown, married Hannah Forsyth (Forsythe) at
Chesterfield meeting in New Jersey. Their intentions to marry were published April 4, J734 after
his father brought a certificate from Abington meeting. They were probably married in May. Jacob
and Hannah Scott went between Abington and Chesterfield meetings until November 25, 1756
when with their six children they removed on certificate to Gunpowder meeting at Cockeysville,
Maryland, near Baltimore. Jacob Scott died December 11, 1766 and was buried in the Friends
Burying Ground in Baltimore. A genealogical card at the Historical Society in Philadelphia reads,
"Jacob Scott, prominent Quaker died 11 Dec. 1766. He was the son of Samuel Scott and grandson
of Thomas Scott of Bensalem (Bucks Co., Pa.)" His will, as given below, was found in the Hall of
Records at Annapolis, Maryland.

I Jacob Scott of Baltimore City & province aforesaid being sick and weak of body but of
sound and perfect disposing mind32 and memory do ordain constitute and appoint this my last
will and testament In manner and form following viz -
Imprimis: My will and my mind is that my wife Hannah Scott have my land called Pleasant
Prospect during her life and then to be my son Joseph Scott’s, he paying each of my three

Berkshire page 30.
Berkshire page 31.
Berkshire page 32.
daughters Rebeckah Hayward, Sarah and Hannah Scott ten pounds and five pounds to my son
Jacob Scott.
Item I give unto my daughter Mary Scott five pts. Curry.
Item I give unto my daughter Sarah Scott the remaining part. That tract of land sold to
Francis Daws to her and her heirs and the rest of my estate I give unto my wife Hannah Scott.
In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this 13 day of the 4th month 1766.
Jacob Scott
Signed sealed and acknowledged, Before sind,
John Scoffield, William Hayward, Robert Forman
March 23, 1767 Came William Hayward and Robert Forman two of the subscribing
witnesses to the within will and being people called Quakers made their solemn affirmation
that they and each of them saw the testator Jacob Scott sign, seal and deliver the same as for his
last will and testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension
of sound and disposing mind and memory that they subscribed their names as witnesses to the
said will in the presents of the said[33] testator as also they both affirm they saw the other
witness John Scholfield sign his name as an evidence thereto in the presence of the said testator
and at his request.

There is no record of the birthdate of Hannah Scott. However, at the time of her death, the
minutes read "Hannah Scott departed this life 5th of the 11th month 1812 aged 99 years."
From the will we know that Jacob and Hannah Scott had four daughters and two sons. Since
there are no exact dates of birth for any of these brothers and sisters, I am listing them arbitrarily.
Rebecca (Rebekah) Scott married Joseph Hayward, brother of Ann, on June 20, 1757 at
Gunpowder meeting. There is no information on Sarah Scott. Hannah Scott married William
Hayward, brother of Ann. Mary Scott married Francis Daws January 20, 1767. Since, according to
Gunpowder meeting, they had declared their intention to marry October 26, 1766 it is probable
that the wedding was postponed because of the illness and death of Jacob Scott on December 11,
Jacob Scott married Elizabeth Hayward, sister of Ann at Sadsbury (Pa.) meeting in 1763. We
know nothing of this couple until June 27, 1778 when they, with their five minor children, were
received on certificate at Fairfax (Va.) meeting.
Joseph Scott, our ancestor, was born about 17~5 and married Ann Hayward, daughter of
William and Mary (Chaney) Hayward on April 29, 1762 at Deer Creek meeting in Darlington,
Maryland. She was born January 22, 17~1. It is interesting to note the incidence of four
intermarriages between the Hayward and Scott[ 34 ] families. After their marriage Joseph and Ann
Scott lived at Blackrock Mills, Gunpowder, north of Baltimore, until 1775 when they moved
south. Joseph was a miller and was probably looking for employment at one of the many mills in
Maryland. On June 27, 1778 they and their children were received at Fairfax meeting in Loudoun
County, Virginia on certificate from Gunpowder meeting. It is quite evident that Joseph was caring
for his mother at this time, as she joined the meeting at the same time. This meeting house, built of
fieldstone, still stands at Waterford, Virginia, on the banks of the Potomac, and is now a private
residence. A stone at the corner of the property commemorates the fact that it was a meeting
Joseph seems to have had financial troubles as, in 1790, he was "disowned" for failure to pay
debts. This meant that he was no longer considered a member of the meeting. The family returned

Berkshire page 33.
Berkshire page 34.
to Maryland. On December 25, 1790 Ann Scott and her minor children were admitted to Indian
Springs meeting in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The 1790 census of this county lists Joseph
Scott with two white males over sixteen, two white males under sixteen, and five females. This
would indicate that William and Benjamin had left home, but the other seven children were still
living with their parents. The next record we have of Joseph is that on July 14, 1796 he was
readmitted to the Baltimore meeting, presumably having paid his debts. He died at Union Mills,
Maryland, where he managed a mill, July 27, 1799. This mill is still in existence, though not in use
now. Ann Scott continued living with her children in Baltimore until her death December 31,
1835.[ 35 ]
William Scott, the eldest son of Joseph and Mary, was born April 16, 1763 at Blackrock Mills.
He went to Fairfax meeting with his parents in 1778. After he came of age, he returned to
Gunpowder meeting February 26, 1785. The 1790 census lists a William Scott, with one male over
sixteen years, one male under sixteen years and two females. I am sure this was the same William
Scott, with a wife, one son and a daughter. Apparently he lived the rest of his life at Gunpowder
and died July 20, 1806.
Benjamin Scott was born December 9, 1764 at Blackrock Mills. He went to Virginia with his
parents and married Sarah Randall at Fairfax meeting August 6, 1786. For some reason she was
disowned at Fairfax, then later restored. Afterwards they went to Goose Creek meeting, also in
Loudoun County, with their eight children: Israel, Ann, Elizabeth, Joseph, William, Benjamin,
Sarah and Jacob. In 1807 the family moved to Columbiana County, Ohio and, on December 12,
1807 were received on certificate at Middleton meeting. Hinshaw's volume on Ohio contains many
references to this family.
Mary Scott was born October 5, 1767 at Blackpowder Mills. She removed to Indian Springs
meeting in Ann Arundel County, Maryland, a few years before marrying Joseph Boyd in this county
on August 18, 1791. She married outside the Quaker faith, so must have been disowned. The
further history of her family is found in the account of .the Boyd family.
Joseph Scott was born December 10, 1769 at Blackrock Mills. He married Hannah Morris,
daughter of a wealthy planter, in Kingsville, Maryland on March 5, 1795. Because he married[ 36 ]
outside the faith, he was read out of Baltimore meeting as follows:
Whereas Joseph Scott, Jr. hath had a birthright among us the people called Quakers, but hath so
deviated from the good order established in the Society as to have his marriage accomplished
contrary thereto, which misconduct we do testify, disown him from being any longer a member of
our religious society until he be favored to condemn the same to the satisfaction of this meeting,
which is our desire - given forth from Baltimore Meeting held the 13th day of the 8th month 1795.
His wife, Hannah Norris Scott was born December 17, 1772 and died in 1814. I have seen the
record of their marriage in the Episcopal Church in Kingsville, but have no information as to their
place of residence. Their daughter, Elizabeth Norris Scott, was born N9vember 5, 1796 and died in
1826. Her brother, John Norris Scott, was born January 5, 1799 and died in 1820. They both died
of quick consumption and are the subjects of the portraits now in the possession of Fanny Pease
Smith, granddaughter of Fanny Peters Pease. After the death of his wife and children Joseph
returned to Baltimore to live with his sister Ann Scott Livingstone until his death on October 31,
1847. He must have been re-admitted to the Society of Friends, as he was buried in the Friends
Burying Ground.
Rachel Scott was born January 7, 1773 at Blackrock Mills. As a child she went to Virginia with

Berkshire page 35.
Berkshire page 36.
her family. She returned to Maryland in 1790 and died May 25, 1793 of scarlet fever.[ 37 ]
Isaac Scott was born February 24, 1775 at Elkridge meeting in Ellicott City, Maryland, as his
parents were on their way to Virginia. He married Elizabeth (Betsy) Wilson at Goose Creek
meeting on November 7, 1816. She was born in 1790 and was quite possibly his second wife. She
died September 17, 1835 and Isaac Scott died November 21, 1851 at Sandy Spring, Maryland
where they had resided. They left six children and this group of cousins was well known to Aunt
Sue Palmer, who had a summer home at Sandy Spring.
Jacob Scott, the youngest son of Joseph and Ann Scott, was born June 19, 1778 in Loudoun
County, Virginia. He died at Laurel Mills, Maryland on May 25, 1793 of scarlet fever.
Sarah Scott, born July 27, 1781 in Loudoun County, died May 13, 1793 of scarlet fever.
Ann Scott, youngest child of Joseph and Ann Hayward Scott, was born March 27, 1784 in
Loudoun County. She was married to John Livingston on September 23, 1835 at the Lombard
Street meeting in Baltimore, where she was a minister. Their framed wedding certificate is now in
the possession of Mary Jo Beck, great granddaughter of Fanny Peters Pease, and contains the
signatures of family and friends attending the ceremony. He was an English Episcopalian
schoolmaster, who had become a convert to the Quaker faith and Ann was his second wife. She and
her niece, Eleanor Boyd, conducted a boardinghouse for many years. Most of her boarders were
Quakers who came to Baltimore to find employment. Ann Scott Livingston, or "Aunt Nancy", as
my grandmother always called her, seems to have been a pillar of[ 38 ] strength to her family. She
cared for her mother and three nieces, Eleanor, Ann and Mary Boyd, as well as raising Susan and
Martha Boyd, her great nieces. In addition, her brother Joseph Scott and nephew Joseph Boyd came
to live with her after their wives died. John Livingston died February 27, 1838 in the 73rd year of
his life and Ann passed away December 31, 1852 at the age of 68. It was after the death of her aunt
Ann Scott Livingston and sister Mary Boyd that Eleanor Boyd, with her two nieces, moved to
Marion, Ohio.

Berkshire page 37.
Berkshire page 38.
Yost Harbaugh was born in Switzerland and came to America about 1736. He settled in Berks
County, Pennsylvania halfway between Allentown and Reading. A few years later he moved to
Kreutz Creek, west of the Susquehanna River, where he lived the rest of his life. His will was
probated April 27, 1762. We know that he married twice. He had six sons by his first wife:
George, Ludwig, Jacob, John, Henry and Yost. By the second wife were three daughters and one
son: Mary Elizabeth, Ann Margaret, Ann Catharine and Leonard. We find the last name spelled in a
number of ways: Harbogh, Herbach, Herbogh, Heerbach, Herbaugh and Harbaugh. The latter
seems to have become the anglicized form most commonly used.
Jacob Harbaugh, the third son of Yost Harbaugh and his al first wife, was our ancestor. He was
born in Switzerland February 5, 1730 and came to America with his father in 1736. He married
Anna Margaretta Smith in April 1761. A daughter of George Smith, she was born April 3, 1740 and
died March 18, 1803. Jacob died April 28, 1818. He had moved to the area which came to be
known as Harbaugh's Valley immediately after his wedding. His older brother, George, had
preceded him and his brothers Ludwig and Henry came later. It was said that, originally, everyone
living there bore the name of Harbaugh. It is a beautiful, mountainous region in northern Maryland,
entered by a road from Sabillasville on the west and Thurmont on the east. It is easy to see why this
area would appeal to those of Swiss descent. The names of the tracts owned b~ Jacob were "Mount
Olivet", "Sweetland" and "The Tied Dog."[ 40 ]
For many years there had been a dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland over the dividing
line between the two states. This had retarded emigration into the area. Finally, in 1761, the
dispute was settled and the Mason-Dixon Line was accepted. This line ran through the house in
which my grandmother, Martha Ann Boyd, was born. Since the bedroom in which she was born
was in the Pennsylvania side of the house, Grandmother always gave Adams County, Pennsylvania
as her birthplace. Her sister, Susan Boyd, disliked the Pennsylvania Dutch, so always insisted that
she was born in Maryland.
Jacob and Anna Margaretta Harbaugh had fifteen children: Anna Margaretta, Jacob, John,
Susannah, Catharine, Barbara, Julia, Anna Maria, Henry, George, Yost, Yost (2), Frederick, Joseph
and Elias. The presence of the name Yost twice demonstrates a custom very common in colonial
days. When one baby passed away in infancy another child of the same gender was given the name.
Jacob Harbaugh, eldest son of Jacob and Anna Margaretta Harbaugh, was born March 21, 1763
and died December 16, 1842. In 1788 he married Mary Magdalina _________. We do not know
her last name, but know that she was born August 1, 1771 and died June 7, 1824, as I have pictures
of the markers on their graves.
Jacob and Mary Harbaugh had ten children: Joseph, Mary, Jonathan, Benjamin, Solomon,
Elizabeth, David, Nancy, Catharine and Matilda. Jacob belonged to the German Reformed Church
and was instrumental in building the fieldstone church which still stands in Harbaugh's Valley and is
known as Jacob's Church.[ 41 ]
Matilda Harbaugh, youngest daughter of Jacob and Mary, was born May 28, 1810. She married
Hiram Boyd. The biography of their family can be found in the Boyd Family history which I have

Berkshire page 39.
Berkshire page 40.
Berkshire page 41.
We do not know anything about the origin of the Hayward family in America. William
Hayward, the first ancestor about whom we have any authentic data, was born March 29, 1707.
His wife, Mary Chaney, was born July 28, 1708. These dates, as well as the birthdates of his
children, were found on a paper in the effects of Eleanor Boyd. The Hayward family were Quakers
and, apparently, close friends of the Scott family, as William Hayward's name appears as a witness
on Jacob Scott's will. There were four marriages between their children. The dates of death or
place of burial are not known, although it is more than likely that they were members of the Deer
Creek meeting, north of Baltimore, Maryland. William and Mary Chaney Hayward had seven
Joseph Hayward was born May 26, 1733. He married Rebecca Scott, sister of Joseph, on June
20, 1757;
Mary Hayward was born June 13, 1735 and died October 1, 1737;
William Hayward was born March 25, 1737. He married Mary Scott, sister of Joseph Scott;
Elizabeth Hayward was born February 28, 1738. She married Jacob Scott, brother of Joseph, at
Sadsbury, Pennsylvania Meeting in 1761;
Ann Hayward was born January 22, 1741. She married Joseph Scott and the history of their
family can be found in the section on the Scott Family;[ 43 ]
John Hayward was born December 10, 1740 and died December 27, 1744.
Isaac Hayward was born July 21, 1744.
I have no further information on this family. Anyone interest in pursuing research might find
material in the minutes of Deer Creek and Gunpowder meeting on file in the Hall of Records at
Annapolis, Maryland.

Berkshire page 42.
Berkshire page 43.

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