JAM December 2012

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JAM Newsletter

December 2012

Jabulani Africa Ministries

This year has been a fantastic year! God has been preparing all of us not only personally but corporately for the next phase of impact that JAM will be having not only in South Africa but into other African countries. JAM strength has been its ability to adapt and be ready to be dispatched on short notice to present the gospel, teach on leadership or simply come along side people to assist them through tough times. This year as we began implementing systems for future growth we embraced that strength and will leverage that strength to maximize what God has given us to further his kingdom. Here are two areas of growth this year: Camps we host camps on our property here at Apostle Battery. This year we hosted and facilitated over 40 camps with themes such as leadership, character development and team building. With our staff being incredibly flexible we are able to discuss with groups that are coming in what theme they would like to address and we adapt our program and teaching to effectively communicate and highlight what is important for that group. Next year we will continue to grow our camps and plan on adding new camps that will address the growing need of leadership among youth in South Africa. In addition, we will be partnering with Hume Lake Christian Camps in California, USA in 2014 to mobilize the youth of America to assist us in reaching the youth of South Africa through camps. Please keep in prayer this partnership that God has orchestrated. Influence JAM is still a relatively young ministry with 6 years under its belt but God continues to open doors for us to bring him glory. Pointman Leadership Institute out of Colorado, USA commissioned us earlier this year to develop a youth Pointman curriculum adapted for Africa. In addition, the youth Pointman will be rolled out to other countries over the next few years and leaders in those countries will be able to use the backbone of this curriculum to adapt it to their country. This pointman training has been the catalyst for reaching youth in Africa with gospel of Jesus Christ and the same will be true in other countries. Next year we will be transitioning into a decentralized organization. Many of our staff will move to other parts of South Africa where we have been establishing mission bases for the last several years. It is a necessary and God appointed step that we must take to continue to impact this countrys youth for Christ. This will push us once again to move out of our comfort zones and into the forefront of Gods purpose for us at Jabulani Africa Ministries. As a result of this move we have been creating systems from how to handle finances to communication to facilitate this move to decentralization. This has been very exciting as what we are doing would not have been able to be done just a few years ago with as much efficiency. We will be utilizing our flexibility and technology quite a bit and hope to continue to build and improve with every chance we get to honor God with resources he has trusted us to steward. In closing, we are honored to have your prayers! Please keep us in prayer through this next year and continue to read our updates on Facebook, our blog at www.jamafrica.org.za and newsletters that are periodically dropped into your email. Without the whole, our part would not thrive the way it is and that is the way God intended it. Training and discipling young Africans in becoming Godly, servant leaders who can impact their communities for Christ. -Dereck Nunley

Jabulani Africa Ministries is now a registered non-profit. Donations Receipt to Validate TAX DEDUCTIBILITY of Donation : Issued in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act of 1962, as amended. The donation received will be used exclusively for the objects of Jabulani African Ministries in carrying out public benefit

JAM team 2012

This year JAM has taught me so much about love. I have learned that it is a choice we make, not just some zealous feeling. And I have learned that I must glorify Gods name in all circumstances! Heinrich Smit - Heiny

This JAM year has helped me to experience all of the aspects of a life of ministry... the joys, the trials, the blessings and triumphs! Victor Vincent Baloyi - our Victorious brother

JAM has blessed me in so many more ways than I could have ever imagined. I did not have a family, but now I do! I feel loved and accepted with the real love of Jesus. Patience Mwaba - Sis P

JAM this year has been an amazing experience and I am super excited to see where God takes me as I use all of the valuable things that I have learned. Charl Axl Du Preez

Please continue to pray for the 2012 JAM year team as they begin a new chapter in life. Pray for Gods guidance, provision, love, wisdom and protection where ever God takes them. The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lords favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion - to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:1-3
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