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Lozada 1 Philip Lozada Mia Eaker ENGL 1102-094 5 December 2012 Influence of American Media in Asia Annotated Bibliography

Introduction The culture in America, especially through media and pop culture, has a major influence on other countries. Not only is it prominent in pop music, street fashion, movies, and other forms of entertainment, buts its influence seems to outshine other countries traditional cultures. It is interesting that such influence can almost dictate whats considered to be modern, or whats hot or not, in other countries across the world. As we are closely moving towards globalization, at least in Western civilization, such dominance can develop a lack of interest on other cultures traditional ideals. I believe the people who will benefit from this research is the Americas younger generations, because through modern technology such as Twitter, YouTube, and blogs, their thoughts and opinions can almost have an instant impact and can influence their peers. I believe it is inevitable to be a victim of Western culture especially to other countries who are democratic and uses English as their second and official language together with their native one.

Annotated Bibliography Arango, Tim. "World Falls for American Media, Even as It Sours on America." U.S Media Thrive Worldwide, but Not U.S Image. The New York Times, 01 Dec. 2008. Web. 29 Oct. 2012.

Lozada 2 This New York Times article explains American entertainment industry having a role to play after the 9/11 attacks that could help recover the image of America. The article states that the concept of soft power is one of the main ideas used by spreading American movies and television to gain support or at least influence public opinion, especially in Islamic nation. The trademark or icons established by different American movies and television hasnt change a bit even the White House or the America as a whole is governed by Bush, Obama, a democrat or a republican. What is known as Batman or Superman, from DC Marvel Comics, before the war, is still the same superheroes during and after the war. This article, written by an author who is a journalist and Baghdad bureau chief of The New York Times, is a good overview on how America is seen as a whole to the rest of the world relative to media culture and can be a good introduction for my research. Shin, Han Na. "Influence of American Media upon Korean Broadcasting Culture - Analyzing 'American Idol' vs. 'SuperStar K II'" Thesis. Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA, 2012. 45-47. Digitalcommons.liberty.edu. Liberty University, Apr. 2012. Web. 5 Nov. 2012. In a limited sample size of Shins survey of college students and young adults, this research is about comparing the popularity of American Idol and its Korean version, SuperStar K season II. It shows a couple of interviews and percentages of different viewer rates of several American dramas and reality shows aired on Korean television and its overall influence to Korean TV program genre. Although Shins sample size is limited statistically, the research illustrates significant effects and how the Korean scene embraces and adapts constant imports of western media entertainment in their society

Lozada 3 which I find relevant to my paper, because I dont find many sources that can present statistical data that arent available to public. Kuperberg, Arielle. "Westernization and Women's Bodies: An Analysis of Chinese Magazines." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, GA,. N.p., 16 Aug. 2003. Web. 29 Oct. 2012. Kuperbergs paper presents a longitudinal study of Chinese womens physical attributes that is influenced by Western media and their perception towards beauty and womens value in Chinese society. The notion that modernization is quite identical to westernization has been an issue even though its just a conceptualization, but in practice, westernization most of the time defines modernization. To have an appearance much closer to a Caucasian and less Asian, Chinese women believe changes in physical attributes, such as breast implant and eyelid surgery, will increases their likelihood to get married or increase their income. Written by an author whose major publications focuses on family, feminist, and life course methods, shows a good analysis of the changes and influence of American-inspired Chinese magazines, from 1960s to 20th century, to Chinese women imitating the western ideals. I find this source much relevant to other of my sources, because it gives more concrete and direct example of the influence of American media through magazine in Asia which in this case its China. Hansen, Ranald D. "Music and Music Videos." Ed. Doff Zillman and Peter Vorderer. Media Entertainment, The Psychology of its Appeal,. By Christine H. Hansen. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. 177-91. Print. This book covers the different media trends and the changes of different music genre overtime. Focusing on music and music videos covered in Chapter 10, according to

Lozada 4 Hansen, one of the study shows that listeners especially the young ones do not appreciate the meaning of the words and the context of the song overall even in a low level lyric comprehension, yet most of the these young listeners catches the themes of sex and violence from a rock band. The study is intended for general audience and has data showing some comparison of different genres of music and illustrating sexual imagery as the dominant theme as it changes from 1960s and 2000. I find this source relevant as most demographic comprises younger generations that are the center of media and pop culture. Roudakova, Natalia. "Comparing Processes: Media, "Transitions," and Historical Change." Comparing Media Systems Beyond The Western World. Ed. Daniel C. Hallin and Paolo Mancini. New York, NY: Cambridge UP, 2012. 246-50. Print. This book focuses on the concept of western model media as the basis of comparison with different countries. In Roudakovas discussion of media transition overtime, suggesting that media systems are in a constant change and is not always stable in relation with politics. Because of media systems being dynamic, researchers have a hard time approaching the logic behind the relation of politics and media, such as how we know its a significant historical change, how the relations are maintained, and how they begin to change. The different volumes of the books is written by authors with diverse backgrounds which contributes to a more comparative theory building without the intention of establishing a conceptual single framework, but instead instituting a much multi-perspective and a broad comparative analysis. The relevance of this particular chapter as a source to my paper is Asian countries that have healthy relations with America politically and economically is much more susceptible to western influence.

Lozada 5 Rosenfeld, Megan. "Malaysia's Hybrid Culture." Washingtonpost.com: Made in America. Washingtonpost, 26 Oct. 1998. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. An article of Washington Post shows that, like any developing Asian countries, Malaysia embraces American pop culture. Indeterminate ethnicity is usually the feature actors, and the models portrays in television ads are based on American counterpart versions. The government tries to regulate or control what media is being broadcasted by removing violence and sex, giving reviews for every movie, television shows, books and performance etc. Mary Assunta, spokeswoman for the Consumers Association of Penang, Malaysia, states that, We're so vulnerable economically we feel we can't afford to offend foreign interests. There is a very strong culture coming out of the U.S., controlled and promoted by large multinational corporations. They sell this aura, this Coca-ColaMcDonald's movie image. She said the American based companies have influenced the diet of their children, foods that are highly processed and expensive, high on fat and low on nutrients which are the common ingredient among the foods advertised on television. This article is another great example because it shows a much more concrete example of the influence of American media in Asian countries. Onishi, Norimitsu. "Indonesians Embrace American-Style Reality TV." The New York Times, 23 May 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2012. This New York Times articles shows that the origins or roots of the programs from Indonesias rapid growth and rich variety of reality television shows are based from America. Even though Indonesia is the most populous Muslim nation, it is believed that in Malaysia is the staging ground of radical Islamic groups attacking Western presence in the early years of this
Comment [T2]: This is an additional annotation resource from the previous annotated bib. Comment [T1]: This is an additional annotation resource from the previous annotated bib

Lozada 6 past decade. Malaysian television viewers have learned to embrace shows that, even not explicitly American, are American in their formats, conceits and, often values. Ariel Heryanto, an Indonesian scholar and editor of Popular Culture in Indonesia, a collection of essays on Indonesian film and television, states that the growth of the influence of American culture together with its reality TV shows carries not an innocent hope for the future, but a particular American version of it. Another expert of Indonesian television from Airlangga University in Surabaya, in East Java, said that, Now we have these reality shows that are copycat of American shows, people dont realize that these new shows are very much American. Not only this is another good concrete example of the influence of American media in Indonesia, but also it is a country whose major population is Muslim and home to the radical Islamic groups that are plotting an attacks to any Western related connections. Discussion The common key points between the sources are the specifics on how American media is influencing a particular country in Asia. For instance China, Kuperbergs paper, Westernization and Women's Bodies: An Analysis of Chinese Magazines , discussing about how the magazine media influence Chinese women to change their physical appearance to make it look more less Asian and more western. Also, Shins research, Influence of American Media upon Korean Broadcasting Culture - Analyzing 'American Idol' vs. 'SuperStar K II', about majority of Korean television airing several American inspired drama and reality shows, such as American Idol, known as SuperStar K season II, which is a very popular Korean version of American Idol. Some of the sources gives an overview on how is America perceived as a country to the rest of the world in relation to media culture. Especially when the war started after

Lozada 7 the 9/11 attack, particularly the Islamic nation hated the American government but not the American produced and inspired media culture, such as movies. Politics plays a big role on how America can influence other Asian nations, especially on a democratic nation. Being a democratic country, America will have a much healthier relationship economically, thus an increase in foreign trade that leads to more American based companies established to those countries ultimately increasing Americas presence. My concern on how I engage my sources with more depth is showing how the American media is actually making impact directly to the citizen of a certain Asian country. What I found on my research is that there are different effects to certain Asian countries from different forms of American media. One source I have is the influence on Chinese women through magazine. Another source is on South Korean television airing several American inspire dramas. Also, in Indonesia, the embrace of American reality TV shows in a country where the highest population of Muslims religion and considered to be the home of Islamic extremists staging an attack on the West. Plus in Malaysia, it is through the form of TV ads affecting the diet of their Malaysian children because of the foods that are advertised from American based companies are unhealthy.
Comment [T3]: This an addition points I added based on the comments/feedback from the first annotated bibliography

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