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America on Global Media

Influence of American Media on Asia ISSUE #143 Dec 2012

this issue
Americanisation P.1 War on Iran P.2 Asian Politics P.3 Trends & New Software P.4

Is Globalization the same as Americanization?

All over the world, today, ever before since medieval age, people all across the globe have never been this much connected to each other. The flow of money, knowledge, and information are much faster. We live in a world which is very interrelated, and all countries of the world with its unique identity through its culture and tradition are now abstracted together for immediate communication, thus its uniqueness are slowly fading away. This phenomenon is referred to as globalization. Globalization eliminates or minimizes the differences and barriers between two different nation in order to simplify the exchange of ideas, information, resources, and information. The consequence of globalization is the notion of westernization or Americanization. In some Asian countries, such as India and Singapore, regional languages are been placed by international languages such as English, French, German etc. and are on the verge of extinction. The introduction of Globalization in Philippines for instance, has now made the Filipino youth have easy access to pornographic materials an adult movies from all over the world. This change of lifestyle brought up a society which is full of lust and immoral. The case of rape is increasing since the spread of globalization. And because a countrys government dont have full control over tradition and culture, this spread of globalization especially in these Asian developing countries learn to accept such paradigm as it comes. Marriages are also breaking down in a very rapid manner and even divorce cases are also increasing. Patriotism and nationalism are also affected. People are becoming less and less considerate towards their country and sometimes even forget that they owe something what their country has done for them. More people would think that their life is more important than that of their country. There are certainly positive changes resulted in globalization. Financially it helped improved the living condition of the people, for example jobs that are available because of the business relation between countries. Globalization resulted negative effects more than that of good and to think that this effects are unavoidable especially in Asian developing countries. Not only it is unavoidable for some, but also these effects of globalization cannot be reversed.

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