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During the last century we have lived under the promise of a better living derived from science and

technology, this has been the underlying idea of progress in our society.

Many great discoveries have been made since Westinghouse commercialized the Direct Electrical Current and Ford introduced the Internal Combustion Engine. For instance, Maxwells Unified Laws of Physics allowed us to effectively harness the power of the atom, allowing technology to grow in an almost exponential scale.

Sadly, in its ambition, science has been oblivious to the damage and high risks each of these advancements have brought upon the world. It seems like this idea of progress provided the tools for the destruction of the very society it helped to build.

However, new research from a group of mavericks has allowed us to raise above the status quo to deliver a new era for YOU, the individual, a new world designed to succeed where the previous one had failed.

This is the story of Edward P. Kreel and the men and women who followed his vision of the Center for Perceptual Enrichment.

Dr. Kreels derived the state of Perpetual Dissonance in modern society from the Obfuscation Devices introduced by the technologies of the last century. These technologies disrupted the ability of the Individual to Synchronize with his environment, making him unable to live in Harmony.

Dr. Kreel and the C.P.E spearheaded the research in the

field of Artificial Technologies and developed a robust set of Intelectual Instruments, designed to significantly reduce the signal-to-noise ratio, in order to increase Harmony and embetter the life of the individuals.

TERTIARY EQUILIBRIUM Our current political landscape is dominated by monolithic political conglomerates, leaving the individual without real options to choose from.

However our Tertiary Equilibrium provides YOU with the tools to create as many choices as you can imagine. It is YOUR democracy, wholesale.

Tertiary Equilibrium dissolves and restructures traditional political constructions so everybody can feel happily represented... however all those options are almost the same thing with
just a little added flavor, making your decisions meaningless.

Now YOU can feel identified qnd engaged, if only as an espectator, in the political plays found in current affairs.

TOP/DOWN HIERARCHIZATION Traditional belief systems demand from their members adherence to strict moral structures built from various circumstances but thanks to the C.P.Es TOP/DOWN HIERARCHIZATION, belief systems can be made to serve YOU.

By implementing our 7 technologies YOU will be able to

build and take advantage of your own belief system.

It is so easy even the humble son of a carpenter can do it!... even though certain... euhhhh,....sacrifices will have to be made
from time to time.

EXTRANEOUS QUALITY In the beginning consumer products were massively produced, undistinctive and drab, serving only their function... but in order bring new alternatives to YOU, we have worked around the clock to develop your individual lifestyles and needs in order to adapt our consumer products around them.

Now you can use our EXTRANEOUS QUALITY to enhance YOURSELF and take that great leap forward so YOU can perform like the champions and the stars... of course you wont be able to run
faster or jump higher or be rich like them, but you will have their cool stuff nonetheless.

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