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PAGE 1 - d4bm01p0 - body computer (CPH) : initialisation procedures


1 Recommendations/precautions
CAUTION : All initialisation procedures require the use of a diagnostic tool and must be performed on the vehicle . To perform all of the initialisation procedures, it is necessary to have the access code which is recorded on the custo mer's confidential card.


The initialisation procedure deletes all the codes (keys and remote controls) from the body computer's memory. URGENT : The initialisation procedure applies to all the vehicle keys.

N.B. : Those keys not included in the procedure, will no longer be recognised by the body computer.

2.1 General

- Fig. : 1 -

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(21) key with transponder and "HF" remote control ("high frequency" transmitter). (30) ignition key with integrated transponder. Initialising the keys involves the 2 following procedures : initialisation of the transponder codes initialisation of the "HF" remote controls These 2 procedures are performed automatically by the diagnostic tool via the menu : "INITIALISATION OF THE KEYS". N.B. : The order in which these 2 procedures are performed depends on the diagnostic tool used. When initialising the transponders, the number of keys to be programmed must be entered using the diagnostic tool : enter the total number of vehicle keys (keys ( 21 ) and ( 30 )). When initialising the "HF" remote controls, the number of keys to be programmed must be entered using the diagnostic tool : enter the number of remote controls (key number ( 21 )). N.B. : Initialisation can take place as many times as necessary.

2.2 Initialisation procedure using the " PROXIA " diagnostic tool
Select in turn the following menus : diagnosis the vehicle anti-theft system "CPH" system function button : "programming"

Stage. 1.

Operations to be carried out. From the screen of the diagnostic tool, select the menu : "INITIALISATION O F THE KEYS" . Validate. Enter the access code . Validate.


Start of the procedure : initialisation of the transponder codes.

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3. 4.

Enter the number of keys to be initialised . Validate. Switch off the ignition . Remove the key fro m the ignition . Validate. Within 15 seconds : insert the key to be initialised into the ig nition . Switch on the ignitio n (ignition switched +) . Validate . A message confirm s that the ignition ke y has been correctly initialised, as well as giving the number o f keys initialised.


6. 7.

1st case.

2nd case.

The number of keys The number of keys is equal programmed is lower than the to the number entered at number of keys entered at stage 3. stage 3. The diagnostic tool Press the "ENTER" button : automatically returns to stage 4.

Start of the procedure : initialisation of the "HF" remote controls. 8. 9. Enter the number of remote controls to be initialised . Validate. Within 15 seconds : press one of the re mote control buttons . Validate . A message confirm s that the ignition ke y has been correctly initialised, as well as giving the number o f keys initialised. 10. 1st case. 2nd case.

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The number of keys The number of keys is equal programmed is lower than the to the number entered at number of keys entered at stage 9. stage 8. The diagnostic tool Press the "ENTER" button. automatically returns to stage 9.


End of the procedure :

End of the procedure : "INITIALISATION OF THE KEYS". If the initialisation procedure fails : refer to the list of error messages. When an error occurs during transponder initialisation : press the "ENTER" button the diagnostic tool automatically returns to stage 4 When an error occurs during initialisation of the "HF" remote control codes : press the "ENTER" button the diagnostic tool automatically returns to stage 9

2.3 Initialisation procedure using diagnostic tool " ELIT " or " LEXIA "
Select in turn the following menus : the vehicle safety

Stage. 1.

Operations to be carried out. From the screen of the diagnostic tool, select the menu : "INITIALISATION O F THE KEYS" . Validate. Enter the access code . Validate.


Start of the procedure : initialisation of the "HF" remote controls. 3. Enter the number of remote controls to be initialised . Validate.

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Within 15 seconds : press one of the re mote control buttons . Validate . A message confirm s that the ignition ke y has been correctly initialised . Validate.

5. 6.

1st case.

2nd case.

The number of keys The number of keys is equal programmed is lower than the to the number entered at number of keys entered at stage 3. stage 3. The diagnostic tool automatically returns to stage 4. The diagnostic tool automatically proceeds to stage 8. End of the procedure :



Start of the procedure : initialisation of the transponder codes. 8. 9. Enter the number of keys to be initialised . Validate. Switch off the ignition . Remove the key fro m the ignition . Validate. Within 15 seconds : insert the key to be initialised into the ig nition . Switch on the ignitio n (ignition switched +) . A message confirm s that the ignition ke y has been correctly initialised. 11. 12. 1st case. 2nd case. The number of keys The number of keys is equal programmed is lower than the to the number entered at number of keys entered at stage 8.


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stage 8. The diagnostic tool automatically returns to stage 10. ---. Validate.

End of the procedure :

End of the procedure : "INITIALISATION OF THE KEYS". If an error occurs during initialisation of the transponders : press the "ENTER" button the diagnostic tool automatically returns to stage 9 When an error occurs during initialisation of the "HF" remote control codes : press the "ENTER" button the diagnostic tool automatically returns to stage 4

2.4 Error message

2.4.1 List of error messages which may occur during the procedure : initialisation of the transponder codes Error message. Access code rejected or invalid access code. Cause. Remedies.

The body computer fitted to Check that the body computer the vehicle is locked by an does not come from another access code which is different vehicle. from the one recorded on the customer's confidential card. The key in the ignition has already been initialised. Validate .

Key already initialised. Switch on the ignition.

Menu "Demarrer" ( 5 icones). Start the whole process again (keep within the 15 seconds limit). If not :

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Code not understood.

The body computer cannot read the key code correctly.

If none of the keys can be initialised :

Ignition switched "+" present during the procedure.

Start the whole process again :

2.4.2 List of error messages which may occur during the procedure : initialisation of the "HF" remote controls Error message. Remote control already initialised. Code not received or remote control not memorised. Cause. The remote control code has already been initialised. One of the remote control buttons was not pressed within the required 15 seconds. Remedies. Validate .

Start the whole process again (keep within the 15 seconds limit) .

N.B. : If none of the remote controls can be initialised : check that the body computer is working correctly.


3.1 Operations to be carried out
Stage. Press "ENTER" (validation de 1/3 ). Operations to be carried out. From the screen of the diagnostic tool, select the menu :


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Enter the access code . Validate. 2. A message confirms that the initialisation procedure has been correctly carried out . Validate to return to If the initialisation procedure fails : refer to the list of error messages.

3.2 Error message

Error message. Initialisation interrupted or fault dialogue with the engine ECU. Cause. Remedies. Restart the ECU initialisation procedure :

Transponder initialisation fault.

No key code is memorised by Initialise the keys before the body computer. initialising the engine ECU .

Access code rejected.

The body computer fitted to Check that the body computer the vehicle is locked by an does not come from another access code which is different vehicle. from the one recorded on the customer's confidential card.


4.1 Operations to be carried out
URGENT : Enter the access code recorded on the customer's confidential card (incorrectly entering the code will make it impossible to initialise the CPH on the vehicle).

Stage. 1.

Operations to be carried out. From the screen of the diagnostic tool, select the menu :

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"INITIALISATION OF Validate. 2. Press "ENTER" (validation de OK). Enter the access code . Validate. Enter the vehicle configuration. 1: deadlocks Alarm . Pioup. 2: 3: deadlocks Without alarm. 4:

alarm with deadlocki

without alarm Without deadlocking Validate :

a message confirms cedure has been cor 4. The diagnostic tool automatically sets itself on the procedure :

"INITIALISATION OF If the initialisation procedure fails : refer to the list of error messages press the "ENTER" button (restart the initialisation procedure)

4.2 Error message

Error message. Transponder initialisation fault. Cause. Remedies.

No key code is memorised by Initialise the keys before the body computer. initialising the engine ECU .

Access code rejected.

The body computer fitted to Check that the body computer the vehicle is locked by an does not come from another access code which is different vehicle. from the one recorded on the customer's confidential card.

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5.1 Operations to be carried out
URGENT : Enter the access code recorded on the customer's confidential card (incorrectly entering the code will make it impossible to initialise the CPH on the vehicle).

Stage. 1.

Operations to be carried out. From the screen of the diagnostic tool, select the menu :

"INITIALISATION OF Validate. 2. Appuyer sur la fleche droite du bouton selection (selection du NON). Enter the access code . Validate. Enter the vehicle configuration. 1: deadlocks Alarm . Pioup. 2: 3: deadlocks Without alarm. 4:

alarm with deadlocki

without alarm Without deadlocking Validate :

a message confirms cedure has been cor 4. The diagnostic tool automatically sets itself on the procedure :

"INITIALISATION OF If the initialisation procedure fails : refer to the list of error messages press the "ENTER" button (restart the initialisation procedure)

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5.2 Error message

Error message. Initialisation interrupted. Cause. Problem occurs during the initialisation procedure. Remedies. Restart the ECU initialisation procedure :

Transponder initialisation fault.

No key code is memorised by Initialise the keys before the body computer. initialising the engine ECU .

Access code rejected.

The body computer fitted to Check that the body computer the vehicle is locked by an does not come from another access code which is different vehicle. from the one recorded on the customer's confidential card.

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