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Business Voice Messaging 3000

BVMS 3000
User Guide
Setting Up Your Mailbox
When you first enter the voice messaging system, you will
be asked to set up your mailbox. To activate your mailbox,
follow the steps below.
To set up your mailbox from
your own office phone:
1 Call the system (___-____)
2 Enter your temporary passcode
To set up your mailbox from another phone:
1 Call the system (___-____)
2 Press *
3 Enter your mailbox number (same as your telephone
number, not extension number)
4 Enter your temporary passcode
The voice prompts will guide you through three steps:
(You must perform all three functions in order for your
mailbox to be set up.)
1 Creating a new passcode
Your passcode is a 4 10 digit number that keeps
your mailbox private and secure.
2 Recording your name announcement
Your name announcement helps identify you
with your mailbox when other mailbox owners
send you messages. You may wish to record company
or departmental information. For example:
Joe Andrews of Allied Marketing.
3 Recording your personal greeting
Because you have purchased the enhanced features
that Quick Access offers, you will record the greeting
callers actually hear at a later time. In order to set up
your mailbox it will also be necessary for you to
record a greeting at this time. For example:
This is Joe Andrews. I am either on the phone or
away from my desk. Please leave a detailed message
and Ill return your call as soon as possible.
This recording will NOT be the one callers hear.
After you set up your mailbox, you will go directly to the
Main Menu. BVMS 3000
Quick Access users must also
follow the steps in the next section.
Setting Up Your Quick Access Mailbox
1 Press 7 to access other mailboxes and services
2 Press 2 for Quick Access
3 Enter your name in the name directory
the keypad. For example, enter 563 for
the name Joe.
using the keypad. For example, enter
2637397 for the name Andrews.
for the letter Z press 9.
4 Record your No Answer greeting. The No Answer
greeting will be played when there is no answer on
your line. For example:
This is Joe Andrews with Allied Marketing. Im
currently away from my desk. Please leave a
detailed message and Ill return your call as soon as
possible. If you need immediate assistance, press 0
now for an operator.
The No Answer greeting will be played when there is no
answer on your line. The Busy greeting will be played
when your line is busy. You will want to record your
greetings to reflect these different situations.
5 Your Quick Access mailbox is now set up. Press *1
for your Voice Mail to return to the Main Menu or
press ** to exit
Remember to always press * to exit the system.
User Support
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Accessing Your Mailbox
Once you have set up your mailbox, you can access it by
following the steps below.
To enter your mailbox from your own office phone:
1 Call the system (___-____)
2 Enter your passcode
To enter your mailbox from any phone:
1 Call the system (___-____)
2 Press *
3 Enter your mailbox number (same as your telephone
number, not extension number)
4 Enter your passcode
You can access your voice mailbox 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. Voice messaging lets you communicate in
different time zones or after business hours.
Special Keys
You can use these keys at any time while using
the system.
* Cancel or Exit
The * key cancels the last action you took or returns
you to the previous set of options.
For example, if you press * while reviewing your
messages, the system will stop reviewing your messages
and will return you to the Main Menu. Or if you are
sending a message to more than one mailbox, and you
accidentally enter the wrong mailbox, you can press *
to cancel the last entry without losing all prior entries.
If you press * when you are at the Main Menu, you will
exit the system. You should always use this method to
disconnect from the system because new messages
may have arrived while you were in your mailbox.
0 Help
The 0 key provides you with information to assist you in
using the system. If you ever need help, simply press 0
and you will hear the various options available to you.
# Complete or Skip
The # key completes the current action and moves you
on to the next menu. # lets the system know you have
finished whatever action you are performing and you
are ready to move on to the next set of options.
You can also use the # key to skip to the next
message or to skip through another mailbox owners
personal greeting.
Let your regular callers know that they can also skip
your greeting by pressing the # key.
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Checking Your Messages
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 1 to listen to your messages
3 You will hear the time/date stamp and the name
announcement if valid
The following options are available to you after listening to
each message:
1 Repeat
Repeats the current message.
2 Save
Saves the current message and plays the next message.
If you save a message, it will be in your mailbox the next
time you call to review your messages.
3 Erase
Erases the current message and plays the next message
in your mailbox.
If you accidentally erase a message, do not hang up.
Press * to return to the Main Menu or 64 for the
previous message. Also, dependent upon the product
you choose, there is a message storage limit of up to
250 saved and new messages. If you reach that limit,
you will not be able to receive new messages until some
of the messages in storage have been deleted.
4 Reply
Allows you to send a reply to the person who sent you
the message, if it was by another mailbox owner.
5 Copy
Relays a copy of the current message to another
mailbox. The voice prompt will ask you to record an
introduction to be sent along with the copied message.
After you send the copy, you can erase the original
message or save it in your mailbox.
6 Options
Press 64 to go back to the previous message.
Press 65 for the time and date that the message
was received.
Press 66 for the name of the sender.
7 Rewind
Rewinds the message by five seconds.
8 Pause
Pauses for twenty seconds. You can press any
key to resume.
9 Advance
Advances the message by five seconds.
* Cancel
Stops the review process and returns you to
the Main Menu.
Provides more information on the options available
to you while listening to your messages.
# Skip
Skips ahead to next messages.
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Sending Messages
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 2 to send a message to another person
or group
3 Enter mailbox or group list numbers, then press #.
Enter the 7-digit mailbox number of each person to
receive the message. You can enter as many mailbox
numbers as you wish. If you have created a
group list*, you may enter the group number
4 Record your message and press #
5 After recording your message, the following options
are available to you:
1 Send
Sends your message.
2 Re-record
Allows you to re-record or add comments to
your message.
*A group list is similar to a distribution list. It allows you
to record one message and send it to each person on
the group list at the same time.
Group List Information
To access information on the group lists you have
created, press 0 instead of entering a mailbox or
group number. This will allow you to pick the group
number you want. (Please see page xx for more
information on group lists.)
3 Review
Replays your messages.
4 Copy
Allows you to copy the message to additional mailboxes
or group lists.
9 Delivery Options
Press1 to mark the message Urgent. These
messages automatically go to the front of
the recipient's mailbox and are heard before
non-urgent messages
Press2 to mark your message Private. Private
messages cannot be copied to other mailboxes
Press3 to activate Return Receipt. Activation
of this feature allows you to be notified when
the message you are sending has been heard
by the recipient. The system automatically
notifies you regarding the name of the
recipient, the time and the date the message
was received, along with a copy of the
message. You can then review it, cancel it,
forward it to another user or save it
Press4 to mark a message for Future Delivery.
The system will deliver your message at
whatever time and date you specify, up to 365
days in the future. You may send messages to
your own mailbox as event reminders
A Future Delivery message will be counted as a
message in your mailbox until it is sent on the
date specified.
* Cancel
Cancels the message and returns you to the Main Menu.
You can also use this key to undo an action, such as
to delete a mailbox or group number you entered by
mistake or to cancel a recording.
6 After selecting an option, press 1 to send
the message
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Changing Your Personal Greeting
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 9 to access the Mailbox Options
3 Press 1 for Greeting/Name/Passcode
BVMS 3000
Quick Access Users - Your callers will no
longer hear your regular voice mail greeting because
your Quick Access greeting will override it. Therefore,
when you want to change your greeting, remember
to change your Quick Access greetings, not your
voice mail greeting.
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 7 to access other mailboxes and services
3 Press 2 for Quick Access
4 Press 1 to change your greeting
Standard Quick Access users follow steps 5a & b. Quick
Access with Busy Greeting users follow steps 6a, b & c.
5a Press 2 to change your No Answer greeting
Press 1 to review your current greeting
b Record your new No Answer greeting
Press # to end your greeting
Press 1 to save new recording
Press 2 to re-record
6a Press 1 for your Busy greeting
Press 2 for your No Answer greeting
b Press 2 to change your greeting
Press 1 to review your current recording
c Record your new greeting
Press # to end your greeting
Press 1 to save new recording
Press 2 to re-record
Changing Your Personal Operator
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 7 to access other mailboxes and services
3 Press 2 for Quick Access
4 Press 3 to change your custom features
5 Press 2 for your personal operator
6 Press 2 to change your personal operator
Press 1 to review your personal operator
7 Enter the extension for your new personal operator
Press 1 to keep it
Press 2 to change it
8 Enter the time of day to begin using the personal
operator. For example, enter 800 for 8:00
9 Press 1 for a.m. or 2 for p.m.
10 The system will read back to you the time
you specified
Press 1 to keep it
Press 2 to change it
11 Enter the time of day to stop using your personal
operator. For example, enter 500 for 5:00
12 Press 1 for a.m. or 2 for p.m.
13 The system will read back to you the
time you specified
Press 1 to keep it
Press 2 to change it
Use your Personal Operator to help callers receive
immediate service. Callers can ring your Personal
Operator Monday through Friday during the time you
specify. This Personal Operator may be a colleague
or department secretary who can assist your callers
directly or provide special assistance. On Saturday
and Sunday, the Personal Operator will revert to the
operator set up in the system.
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Changing Your Directory Name
for Quick Access Users Only
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 7 to access other mailboxes and services
3 Press 2 for Quick Access
4 Press 3 to change your custom features
5 Press 3 to change your directory name
6 Press 2 to change your name
Press 1 to review your current name
7 Enter your name in the directory
the keypad. For example, enter 563 for the
name Joe.
keypad. For example, enter 2637397 for
the name Andrews.
for the letter Z press 9
8 Press 1 to keep this name
Press 2 to change it
Changing Your Passcode
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 9 for Mailbox Options
3 Press 2 to change your passcode
4 Enter your new 410 digit passcode
5 Press #
6 Listen to your new passcode
Press 1 to keep it
Press 2 to change it
Changing Your Name Announcement
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 9 for Mailbox Options
3 Press 1 for greeting or name announcement
4 Press 2 for name announcement
5 Listen to your current name announcement
Press 2 to change your name announcement
Press 1 to review your current name announcement
6 Record your new name announcement
Press # to end recording
Press 1 to save new recording
Press 2 to record
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Advanced Features
Group Lists
The system allows you to create group distribution lists, so
that you can simultaneously send a message to more than
one mailbox.
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 9 for Mailbox Options
3 Press 9 again for additional Mailbox Options
4 Press 1 for group lists. You will hear four options:
Press1 to Review the group list(s)
Press2 to Change a group list
Press3 to Delete a group list
Press4 to Create a group list
The system will ask you to enter a group number. Pick any
number between 1 and 999 that is not already assigned
to a group list. Next, you will be asked to record a name
for the group. Then, you will be asked to enter the mailbox
number of each person to be included in the group. Each
time you add a mailbox number, you will hear the persons
name announcement to confirm that you have added the
correct mailbox. Press * to cancel if you enter a wrong
mailbox number. Use the following worksheet for easy
reference for your group lists:
Group Number:
Group Name:
Group Member:
Mailbox Number:
Group Member:
Mailbox Number:
Group Member:
Mailbox Number:
Group Member:
Mailbox Number:
Group Member:
Mailbox Number:
Group Member:
Mailbox Number:
Group Member:
Mailbox Number:
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Extended Absence Greeting
This feature allows you to have a special greeting when
you will be away from your phone for an extended
amount of time. When this feature is turned on, it takes
away the callers ability to bypass your greeting or to leave
a message.
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 9 for Mailbox Options
3 Press 1 for Greeting or Name Announcement
4 Press 4 for Extended Absence Greeting
5 Press 2 to record your Extended Absence Greeting
6 Press # to end your recording
7 Press 1 to keep your recording
8 Press 1 to turn your Extended Absence Greeting ON
9 Press 2 to turn your Extended Absence Greeting OFF
Your Extended Absence Greeting will override your
normal greeting until you go back into your mailbox
and turn it off.
Message Forwarding
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 9 for Mailbox Options
3 Press 9 again for additional Mailbox Options
4 Press 2 for Message Notification
5 Press 1 for Message Forwarding. Your messages will
be forwarded to another mailbox, although
callers will still hear your personal greeting and
name announcement. You may wish to activate this
feature when you are out of town or unable to
receive your messages for a period of time
The Message Forwarding menu contains three options:
Press1 to Turn on/Turn off
Message Notification
Press2 to Review the mailbox number that will
receive your messages
Press3 to Change the mailbox number that
will receive your messages
Be sure to change your greeting to alert callers that
your messages are being forwarded.
Optional Features*
Pager Notification
1 Access your mailbox. You are at the Main Menu
2 Press 9 for Mailbox Options
3 Press 2 for Message Notification
4 Press 2 for Pager Notification. You will be notified by
pager when a message is received in your mailbox
The Pager Notification menu contains four options:
Press1 to Turn on/Turn off Pager Notification
Press2 to Review your pager
telephone number
Press3 to Change your pager
telephone number
Press9 for Restriction Options. You can restrict
the messages that will activate Pager
Notification. You can specify that you want to
be notified only of urgent messages or those
sent from a certain mailbox
*Optional features available at an additional charge.
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Caller Options
Your Quick Access mailbox gives your callers a variety
of options. Let your frequent callers know about these
options to make voice mail easier and more convenient
to use.
Options When Not Leaving a Message
Your caller can:
1 Dial another extension
Before the tone, the caller types in the extension
number of the other party. The system will transfer
the caller to the other extension
2 Access a name directory
Callers press 9 before the tone to access the name
directory. Then type in the first few letters of the last
name. The system will find the corresponding
matches and the caller can choose to transfer to
the desired extension. (The system will also give the
extension number for future reference.)
3 Dial an operator
Callers press 0 before the tone to reach the
Personal Operator
4 Skip personal greetings
Callers press # to skip the personal greeting
Options After Leaving a Message
Your caller can press # after they finish recording, then:
Press1 to send a message
Press2 to change the message
Press3 to review the message
Press* to cancel the message
Press9 to mark the message Urgent or Private
After pressing 1 to send the message, the system will
prompt the caller to transfer to another extension by
typing in that extension.
Press9 to access name directory
Press0 to access the Personal Operator
Press* to exit
Quick Keys
Listen Quick Keys
Repeat 1 Listen 1
Save 1 Listen 2
Erase 1 Listen 3
Reply 1 Listen 4
Copy 1 Listen 5
Previous 1 Listen 64
Time & Date 1 Listen 65
Sender 1 Listen 66
Rewind 1 Listen 7
Pause 1 Listen 8
Advance 1 Listen 9
Send Quick Keys
Send 2 Mailbox No. # Record #1
Re-record 2 Mailbox No. # Record #21
Add Comments 2 Mailbox No. # Record #22
Replay 2 Mailbox No. # Record #3
Send Copy 2 Mailbox No. # Record #4
Delivery Options
Urgent 2 Mailbox No. # Record #911
Private 2 Mailbox No. # Record #921
Return Receipt 2 Mailbox No. # Record #931
Future Delivery 2 Mailbox No. #
Record #94 Date 1
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Mailbox Options Quick Keys
Standard Greeting 912 Record Greeting #1
Busy Greeting 72112 Record Greeting #1
No Answer Greeting 72122 Record Greeting #1
Extended Absence Greeting
91422 Record Greeting #1
Turn On/Off
Name 9122 Record Name #1
Passcode 92 Enter Passcode #1
Group Lists
Review a Group 9911
Change a Group
Add a mailbox 99121 Mailbox No.
Delete a mailbox 99122 Mailbox No.
Re-record name 99123 Record
Delete a group 9913 Number
Create a group 9914 Number/name,
Mailbox No.
Message Notification
Message Forwarding
On/Off 99211
Review Forwarding
Mailbox 99212
Change Forwarding
Mailbox 99213
Pager Notification
Pager On/Off 99221
Review Pager No. 99222
Enter Pager No. 99223 Pager No.
Restriction Options
Specified Sender
On/Off 992291
Urgent Message
On/Off 992292
Important Numbers
Your mailbox number
Inside access number
Outside access number
Mailbox Number
Mailbox Number
Mailbox Number
Mailbox Number
Mailbox Number
Mailbox Number
BVMS 3000
User Guide
Hear Message
Enter Mailboxes or
Group Numbers

For Help _
Listen _
Send _
Other Mailboxes
and Services _
Mailbox Options _
Exit _
Extended Absence
or Name _
Passcode _
Mailbox Options _
Message Forwarding
On/Off _
Review Forwarding
Mailbox _
Change Forwarding
Mailbox _
Pager On/Off _
Review Pager No. _
Enter Pager No. _
Options _
Speciial Sender
On/Off _
Urgent Message
On/Off _
Forwarding _
Pager (optional) _
Previous Message _
Time and Date _
Sender _
Review _
Change _
Delete _
Create _
Repeat _
Save _
Erase _
Reply _
Copy _
Options _
Rewind _
Pause _
Advance _
Cancel _
Help _
Skip _
Voice Mail _
Quick Access _
Other Mailboxes _
Exit _
Group Lists
Directory _
Enter New
Passcode _
When Finished _
Record Message _
Enter Extension
Letters of First Name
Beginning Time
of Day
Ending Time
of Day
Letters of
Last Name
Record Greeting _
Record Greeting _
Record Name _
Change Greeting _
Change Extension _
Change Custom
Features _
Exit _
Busy Greeting _
No Answer
Greeting _
Do Not Disturb _
Operator _
Directory Name _
Add _
Delete _
Re-record Name _
Group Lists _
Notification _
Name _
Absence _
Review _
Change _
Keep _
Change _
Keep _
Change _
Keep _
Change _
Keep _
Change _
Turn On _
Leave Off _
Keep _
Change _
Keep _
Change _
Keep _
Change _
Keep _
Change _
Keep _
Change _
Review _
Change _
Review _
Change _
Re-record _
Add Comments _
AM _
PM _
AM _
PM _
Review _
Change _
Review _
Change _ Review _
Change _
1. Call system number
2. If away from your
office, press _
then your 7-digit
telephone number
3. Enter your passcode
Re-record or
Add Comments _
Review _
Send Copy _
Delivery Options _
Urgent _
Private _
Return Receipt _
Future Delivery _
User Support
Accessing Your Mailbox
1. Call the system (___-____)
2. Press *
3. Enter your mailbox number (same as your telephone number)
4. Enter your passcode

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