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GEOMORPHOLOGY Morphology and its relation to structure and Lithology Role of regional scale structure in the evolution of landforms

s Impact of Lithology on the Geomorphology Topography is known to be the function of structure and Lithology How do Structure, Climate, Topography and Vegetation influence rocks in nature Show how signature and Lithology are architect of morphology and Landforms Americn and European views on geosynclines Karst Topography Karst Geomorphic features Repetition and Omission of Strata due to structure and other process Discuss the role of running water on an agent of erosion and deposition. Describe some important geomorphic features produced by these process What kind of mountain are the Himalayas? Discuss how the Himalayas might have originated. Describe the common planar and linear structures found nature. Discuss their genetic significance Topography related to structure and nature of rocks Coastal geomorphology Development of Coastal Landforms Write briefs notes on the following, giving Indian examples wherever possible (i) Guyot (ii)nLandforms of Glaciated Mountains (iii)Significance of Linear and Planar structure (iv) River Piracy (v) Barchans and Loess Lagoons as coral gardness justify Write brief notes on (i) Moraines (ii) Canyons and Gorges (iii) Slump Describe Landforms of Coastal areas (40) Application of Geomorphology in Mineral Prospecting, Civil Engineering, Hydrology and Environmental studies Application of Geomorphology in Mineral Prospecting (20) How does Geomorphology helps in Environmental studies (20) Discuss the role of Geomorphology in Civil Engineering construction activities Role of Geomorphology in Mineral Prospecting Describe the application of Geomorphology in Mineral prospecting and for search of building and construction materials. Geochronology in Geological studies Relationship between Geomorphology and Hydrology Application of Geomorphology to Environmental Problems

Geomorphologic studies can be applied to prospecting of minerals,civil constructional studies (30).

Geomorphology of Indian subcontinent Broad Geomorphological features of Indian sub-continent Give the Geomorphic classification of the Indian subcontinent (20) Geomorphological features of India Define Peninsula and extra Peninsula with reference to India. Major Geomorphic features of Indian subcontinent Tectonic Division of India / Tectonic framework of India Write short essay on Geomorphic features of the Indian subcontinent Aerial Photographs and their Interpretation merits and Limitations Tonal variation in aerial photographs and interpretation of Lithology and structure Merits and application of aerial photography Aerial photographs and their interpretation Salient features of aerial Photo interpretation Discuss the advantage and limitation of aerial photography Limitations of Aerial Photographs Discuss application of Remote sensing in Geological investigation. Merits and Limitation of aerial Photography Advantage of Photo geology over conventional survey Aerial photographs and satellite imageries considerably assist the economics of a country. The Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic Spectrum Orbiting satellites and Sensor systems Indian Remote sensing satellites Indian remote sensing sattelites Sattelites data products Satellite data products The Geographic Informatin system (GiS) and Global positioning system (GPS) ----Its Application The working of global positioning system (10) Geographical Information system (GIS) and its application Significance of GIS

Discuss briefly the Geographic Information system(GIS) and its application Global Positioning System (GPS) What is GIS? How is it applied for social benefits Explain the basic principle of GPS

Application of Remote sensing in geolgy Application of Remotesensing in geology (20) Remotesensingf techniques for identification of rock types Significance of Remotesensing in small mining industries

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