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Early Christian Writings Gospel of Thomas Saying 103 Previous - Gospel of Thomas Home - Next

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Nag Hammadi Coptic Text Funk's Parallels
GThom 21:3, Luke
12:39-40, Matt 24:37-44,
1 Thess 5:2, 2 Pet 3:10,
Rev 3:3, Rev 16:15.


(103) Jesus said: Blessed is (103) Jesus said, "Blessed is 107 [103]. Jesus says:
the man who knows [in the man who recognizes "Blessed is the man who
which] part (of the night) [which] district the brigands knows [where] the robbers
the robbers are coming, that are going to enter, so as to are going to enter, so that he
he may rise and gather his arise, gather (the forces of) watches, he gathers his [. . .]
[ . . . ] and gird up his loins his domain, and arm himself and girds his loins before
before they come in. before they enter." they enter."

Visitor Comments Scholarly Quotes

The brigands are the learnt Gerd Ludemann writes: "The beatitude picks up the woe from the previous logion.
self-destructive attitudes. The logion is a free version of 21.5-7; Matt. 24.43-44/Luke 12.39-40 (=Q). It puts a
When one is aware of them new emphasis on the Q parallel by indicating the place (and not the time) of the
one can arm one's self with attack. Perhaps Thomas could interpret this logion in a Gnostic way, starting from
one's learnt constructive 'know'." (Jesus After 2000 Years, pp. 639-640)
attitudes. J. D. Crossan writes: "There are five major differences betwewen this version [103]
- Rodney and the preceding one [21]. (a) The form of 21c was metaphor succeeded by
I think the key word in application, that of 103 is beatitude, beginning with the Greek loan-word makarios.
understanding this saying is (b) In 21c the protagonist is a householder, but in 103 he is simply a man, and there
"arise". According to Marvin is no mention at all of a house. (c) In 21c the metaphor mentions a singular thief, but
Meyer's interpretation of the application mentions the plural brigands or robbers. In 103 there is only mention
Saying 17 in the Q Thomas of brigands or robbers, using the same Greek loan-word as earlier in 21c. (d) In 21c it
Reader, the last part of this is a question of knowing the time of attack, but in 103 it is the place of attack that is
saying is "what has not in question. There is, however, a textual problem here. The Coptic reads literally:
arisen in the human heart". 'Blessed is the man who knows in what part the robbers are coming' (Wilson,
As someone notes there (re 1973:521). The problem is whether 'part,' using the Greek loan-word meros, is to be
saying 17), but modified to taken as 'part (of the property),' that is, 'where' (so Lambdin: 129), or 'part (of the
be consistent with the Meyer night),' that is, 'when' (so Guillaumont, 1959:52-53). I am accepting the Lambdin
translation, Jesus is interpretation because there are enough other differences between Thomas and Q on
promising to arise in our this saying to render intrusions from Q into Thomas on this point at least doubtful. (e)
hearts when we understand This is also an important point but it depends on an even greater textual problem, one
the Gospel of Thomas well of restoration rather than interpretation. In 21c the phrase 'his house of his domain'
enough. So I read Saying (tefmentero) appears, as was seen earlier. In 103 the protagonist sets out to 'muster his
103 here as follows: menet [. . .].' That is, the object of that action is uncertain because of a bad tear in the
"Servants and dupes of Satan manuscripts outside top corner. Most translators attempt no reconstruction after 'his.'
(the 'Great Deceiver') will They simply leave a gap. But Lambdin proposes reading 'muster his domain,'
soon try to break your faith. presuming menter (domain, kingdom) as the missing word. If that reconstruction is
The assault will be correct, it is an important connection between 21c and 103, and it would indicate that
formidable. Understand the 103 has infiltrated the application not only by the plural 'robbers' or 'brigands,' but
Gospel of Thomas well and also by the term 'domain' or 'kingdom.' I find this reconstruction very appealing, but
their lies will be met with there is a major problem in that the manuscript's photographic copy evidences a
truth." It sounds scary. But fourth letter after that opening triad (mnt), a fourth letter that is mostly lost in the
the big point seems to be that lacuna but which could not be e or r. Accordingly, although I accept Lambdin's
Christians had better well 'muster his domain,' I do so with some doubts." (In Fragments, pp. 62-63)
start understanding the J. D. Crossan continues: "But even apart from that reconstruction, it is now clear that
Gospel of Thomas if they are there are important content differences between Gos. Thom. 21c and 103. (a) That
going to save their faith. latter text concerns a man knowing the place where brigands will invade his
- jayjay property. Place, not time, is what is important. The former text concerns a
Know Yourself! For there are householder knowing that a thief is going to attack his house. One could presume
brigands within... here that time (when) rather than place (where) is the significant point. But I would
- Thief37 emphasize that time is not explicitly mentioned within the metaphor itself and that
place would seem even more indicated in the application ('find a way to come to
you'). (b) That application in 21c links even more closely with the distant image in
103 than with the proximate and preceding one in 21c itself. One sees, in other
words, a slight movement from explicit place in 103 to implicit time in 21c's
Alias: metaphor, but with 21c's application still capable of moving in either direction." (In
Fragments, p. 63)

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