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minimize or eliminate the emissions of P.J. Dick will start the fit out of the core reasons it was chosen for Three PNC
compounds that contribute to ozone deple- building soon, and expects to begin work Plaza. In fact, the contractor notes it has
tion and global warming. Additionally, P.J. on the condominiums early this summer. been using green techniques since the
Dick deconstructed the site’s existing build- mid-1980s. P.J. Dick explains it started by
ings to salvage or reuse more than 65 per- A Green Family using fly ash for heavy and highway
cent of materials that would otherwise go Based in West Mifflin, Pa., P.J. Dick works embankments and fill, but it has expand-
to landfills. The majority of construction alongside its sister companies, Trumbull ed to use fresh air diffusers, solar panels,
waste, including wood, steel and cardboard, Corp. and Lindy Paving. The company storm water collection systems and other
is being recycled or salvaged. offers general contracting, design/build, conservation mechanisms in its projects.
“The green aspect of the project is part- construction management and consulting “We prefer to start the green design
ly why P.J. Dick was chosen for this job,” services to markets such as commercial, process in the conceptual phase as it is
Spatafore says. “PNC is the firm’s bank heavy/highway, government, healthcare, our responsibility to ensure it continues
and we have constructed LEED-certified education, retail and corrections. It also through project close-out,” P.J. Dick says.
branches for them before. Also, we have offers infrastructure inspection, landfill “Sustainability is an integral concept
a good relationship with Oxford, the devel- management and asphalt production. throughout the construction process. We
oper. We are helping with the green aspect “We are a closely held family of com- work with the architect, community, con-
of the project by providing extensive docu- panies that brings innovative solutions, sultant and owner to ensure sustainabili-
mentation and using a waste management dedicated professional personnel, a lega- ty requirements are met.
plan for the construction materials.” cy of quality and safety and more than “As contractors, we are compelled to
The core part of the building will be 50 years of construction experience into find innovative strategies, materials and
finished later this year, and the hotel will every project,” the firm says. “Our compa- resources that promote energy conserva-
be complete in 2010. P.J. Dick self-per- nies have managed more than $5 billion tion and recycling. Pittsburgh ranks third
formed some aspects of the work, includ- in construction activity and are consis- in the nation for green building projects.
ing all of the concrete, which has been a tently ranked among the top-100 general Of the 300 projects certified by the
benefit to the schedule, Spatafore says. contractors and construction managers USGBC, 37 of them are in Western
Going forward, the project still needs its in the United States.” Pennsylvania. We expect to continue to
internal finishes and the mechanical sys- Spatafore says P.J. Dick’s experience in build many more in this area and in the
tem needs to be finalized. sustainable construction was one of the surrounding states.” ■


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