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qxd:Layout 1 1/14/09 10:27 AM Page 181

“These meetings are not just focused on

the construction side of the project,” Griffin
“We make sure that we are meeting Social responsibility and The firm has also been involved with
every deadline, and we regularly sit down community involvement are the United Way for approximately 30
with people from advertising, finance, and years, and is consistently ranked as a
many other areas to make sure we are all important to Carter Real leading contributor among other com-
on the same page, and accountable for the Estate, and the firm has mercial real estate firms in Atlanta,
success of each project.” developed longstanding the company explains.
One of the biggest challenges in today’s In addition, Carter has become part
volatile economy is accurately forecasting relationships with organiza- of Glencastle Constructors, which is an
a budget. tions that often benefit from organization of a group of Atlanta-based
“Costs are always fluctuating from con- Carter employee fundrais- general contractors using their expert-
struction materials to most recently, volatile ise to respond to the facility needs of
changes in the capital market,” Griffin says. ing and volunteering. disadvantaged people.
”Having good experience to draw from In 2007, Carter chose the Make-A-Wish These recent accomplishments are
and trusted relationships with partners is Foundation as its primary partner for only a small part of Carter’s annual
key to weathering through these uncertain the following three years. contributions to its community.
times,” she continues. In 2008, the firm donated more than “Over the past three years alone,
Carter is feeling the impact of an increas- $75,000 – and volunteer hours – Carter has given well over half a mil-
ingly competitive market. “Many develop- toward granting six wishes for chil- lion dollars to more than 170 causes,”
ers are moving into business lines they’ve dren in Florida and Georgia, the com- the company explains.
never been in previously to stay afloat,” pany explains. “Our people have been fervent and
Griffin says. “We can’t use the same presen- These wishes have included vaca- active supporters of the community,
tations we’ve used in the past, because this tions to Disneyland, room makeovers, both in Atlanta and the other commu-
competition is helping us all find fresh, new toys and even life-sized train sets, nities where we have had the privilege
interesting ways to address the needs of Carter explains. to serve.”
our clients. It’s an exciting time.” ■


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