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eP Assessment

From Moons Discussion

Assessment should include

Depth of reective thinking (Critical & Dialogic reection is the goal) several ways of assessing reective work (there is no one way) Deep approach of learning as compared to a surface approach (p. 5) evidence of metacognitive thinking Is reection being contextualized? Is the object or context of reection described so reader can understand? engaging students (us) in developing our own assessment criteria for reection (p. 15)

Assessment shouldnt include

grading / numerical scores difcult judgements on works that may be very diverse and/or creative a recipe for reection checklist or /linear process to work through pressure (through monitoring and assessment) for students to write what they think the tutor wants to see (p. 15)

Assessment may include

a denition of reection (?) continual feedback learning demonstrated with different forms of representation

From Scoring Guide for Portfolio Assessment (English 102)

well organized, coherent appropriate, effective design error-free links /connections between content & ideas

what a portfolio is not or what a weak portfolio looks like questions that dont contribute to understanding of what makes a strong portfolio. i.e., Is the portfolio complete? Technical pieces such as do pages load is it saved in the proper space. They can be distracting and out of control of students. Students inventing new ways to demonstrate learning... invests is too strong of a word (creativity instead)

new ways of demonstrating learning

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eP Assessment
From What makes a good web portfolio?

Assessment should include

description of excellent or expected layout / design expectations for focus, organized around a theme links between various works explained, connected to the theme evidence of growth, development, reection on & reconsideration of earlier works & ideas target audience is clear, questions are posed for the purpose of sparking curiosity, encouraging further exploration on the part of the viewer

Assessment shouldnt include

restrictive categories or too many different areas of assessment within one criterion Judging style requirement of white space

Assessment may include

links to external sites for further discussion and information, connections between eP and external site clear peer commentary and invites others into a dialogue between ePs of others in the program

From EPortfolio (Digital Portfolio) Rubric

artifacts / samples connected to a theme

reections illustrate growth, description of development, learning and specics about fonts expectations for demonstrate problems solving & and type size, and citations (at our creativity horizontal and vertical level this should white space (too much be a given) careful consideration to design detail) and layout, includes a variety of visuals accessibility issues considered, i.e., alternate text for graphics well organized, artifacts easy to locate, links are clear, logical writing is error free, no editing required

descriptions of an unsatisfactory or limited portfolio

weighting of criteria

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