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qxd:Layout 1 1/20/09 8:49 AM Page 230


Texas BBL is constructing Austin’s Midtown Commons

at Crestview Station, which will feature 316 residences.

Midtown Convenience
Irving, Texas-based general contractor Texas BBL is building phase two of a residential complex in
midtown Austin centered around MetroRail, the city’s new commuter train system.
By Kelly McCabe accessibility,” he explains. “Coordination and scheduling

T exas’ capital city is getting its first commuter rail

system, and Midtown Commons at Crestview
Station is one of the city’s first transit-oriented
developments. General contractor Texas BBL is complet-
ing phase one of the three-phase project. Phase one com-
were [the] biggest challenges.”
Texas BBL is building three three-story buildings with
two parking garages with urban form and design.
The project will include 316 residences on 296,000
square feet and approximately 62,000 square feet of com-
menced in May 2008 and is on track to be completed in mercial space, which will house both retail and office
September 2009. spaces. The residences have one or two bedrooms, their
Project Manager Chad Courty says Midtown Commons sizes ranging from 600 to 1,100 square feet. The develop-
is in central Austin’s first wave of redevelopment, and he ment includes “a variety of unit designs with unique fin-
predicts the area will see even more change when the rail ishes,” Courty says.
system opens in March 2009. The MetroRail will run on Among the various unit types, Midtown Commons
32 miles of existing freight tracks between downtown will include flexible live-work units designed to allow
Austin — home of the University of residents to operate small galleries or home-based busi-
Texas BBL — Midtown Texas — and Leander, a city of approxi- nesses and studios. Midtown Commons also will feature
Commons at Crestview Station mately 30,000. Future lines and connec- loft-style units that have a contemporary metal staircase
Site: Austin, Texas tions are being studied. with white oak inlayed treads leading up to the second-
Employees on site: 105 Courty says building Midtown floor loft area.
Scope: Residential construction Commons presents a challenge because of Midtown Commons offers four unit schemes from
Chad Courty, project manager:
“Like any project in the city, we’re the tight spaces around the site. “Like any which residents may choose, including a variety of floor-
limited in space and accessibility.” project in the city, we’re limited in space and ing, such as colored, stained concrete and vinyl wood


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