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Early Christian Writings Gospel of Thomas Saying 55 Previous - Gospel of Thomas Home - Next

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Nag Hammadi Coptic Text Funk's Parallels
GThom 101, Luke 14:25-
33, Luke 9:23-24, Matt
10:34-39, Matt 16:24-25,
Mark 8:34-35.


(55) Jesus said: He who (55) Jesus said, "Those who 60 [55]. Jesus says: "He
does not hate his father and do not hate their fathers and who does not hate his father
his mother cannot be a their mothers cannot be and mother cannot be my
disciple to me. And (he who disciples of me, and those disciple; and if he does not
does not) hate his brothers who do not hate their hate his brother and sister
and sisters and take up his brothers and their sisters and does not take up his
cross like me, will not be and take up their cross like cross like me, he will not
worthy of me. me will not become worthy become worthy of me!"
of me."

Visitor Comments Scholarly Quotes

This Q1 saying was first in Marvin Meyer quotes Manichaean Psalm Book 175:25-30 as saying: "I have left
Aramaic. The Greek MISEI father and mother and brother and sister. I have come a stranger for the sake of your
in Aramaic is SANA which name. I have taken up my cross, and I have followed you. I have left the things of the
is an idiom for "set aside." body for the sake of the things of the spirit. I have disregarded the glory of the world
The idiom was not for the sake of your glory that does not pass away."
transmitted in the Greek nor J. D. Crossan writes (In Fragments, p. 136):
from Greek to Coptic.
Setting aside one's family to Matt. 10:37-38 had retained three stichs, but Luke 14:26 had reduced
follow Jesus makes much the former double-stich saying into one. Gos. Thom. 55 also reduces
more sense. the three stichs to two, but he does so by incorporating the cross
- Jack Kilmon saying within the second stich of the family saying:
By this, I think Jesus meant Whoever does not hate his father and mother
that we must be capable of cannot become a disciple to Me,
rejecting or sacrificing all And whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters
that we love in order to be [cannot become a disciple to Me,]
truly free. Because in And [whoever does not] take up his cross in My way
rejecting all that we love and will not be worthy of Me.
care for, we reject all that Those lines in parentheses and italicized have dropped from Thomas's
bounds us to our current version in a different mode of amalgamation from either Matthew's or
state of illusion. Sacrificing Luke's.
one's self for the family Gerd Ludemann writes: "The logion is a mixed quotation made up of Matt. 10.37(-
perpetuates an endless cycle 38) and Luke 14.26(-27). Thomas has woven the saying about taking up the cross (cf.
of need and obligation. But Mark 8.34 parr.) into the parallelism." (Jesus After 2000 Years, p. 617)
only in sacrificing the family Robert M. Grant and David Noel Freedman write: "This saying is a combination of
for the self would you be Luke 14:26-27 (hating father and mother, brothers and sisters, carrying cross,
able to break that cycle and becoming disciple) with Matthew 10:37-38 (being worthy of me). From Luke,
transcend as Jesus did. Thomas omits mention of wife and children, perhaps because the Gnostic will have
- AnyMe neither; he adds to carrying the cross 'as I do' (or 'like me,' Doresse, page 177),
According to Strongs perhaps because as in John 19:17, Jesus bears his own cross (Simon of Cyrene carries
Exhaustive Concordance, the it in the synoptic gospels)." (The Secret Sayings of Jesus, pp. 163-164)
word hate was derived from J. P. Meier writes: "A mixed text resulting from the conflation of Matt 10:37-38 and
the greek word misos, which Luke 14:26-27 is found in the Coptic Gos. Thom. saying 55: 'Whoever will not hate
means by extension to love his father and his mother cannot become a disciple to me; and whoever will not hate
less. This makes more sense his brothers and his sisters and will not carry his cross as I have will not be worthy of
seeing that Jesus instructs us me.' Here we have a parade example of how the Gospel of Thomas melds various
to "love our neighbors as we phrases from various Synoptic Gospels to create its own form of a Gospel saying. On
love ourselves." Hatred is the whole, the saying is closer to Luke than to Matthew. The phrases 'will not hate'
not a Christian quality. [as opposed to Matthew's 'love'], 'his father and his mother' [with possessive
- Don Perkins pronouns, reflecting Luke's heautou, which is not in Matthew], 'brothers and sisters'
Jesus talks about the old [Matthew has 'son or daughter'], and 'cannot become a disciple to me' comes from
fashioned stagnated thoughts Luke. Yet at the end of the saying we see a clear trace of the redactional tendency of
that are part of our Matthew or his M tradition: 'will not be worthy of me.' The key words mathetes
upbringing and beliefs, that (disciple), stauros (cross), and axios (worthy) appear in Greek in the Coptic text. The
all come from those that are theme of imitating Jesus carrying his cross, which is implicit in the passages of the
older than and born before Synoptic Gospels, is made explicit by the addition in the Gospel of Thomas: '.. . carry
us. Rather, love the his cross as I have.' On the whole saying, see Fieger, Das Thomasevangelium, 165-
inquisitivness and freshness 67. A similar saying, with a similar conflation of Matt 10:37 and Luke 14:26 and a
of youth that seeks and finds similar addition of 'as I,' is found in Gos. Thom. saying 101. The text, however, is
and moves on with fragmentary, and there is no mention of carrying one's cross; see Fieger, ibid., 256-
technology and 57. Fieger's analysis of the parallels in Gos. Thom. to Mark 8:34-35 parr. shows that
understandings, ever it is highly unlikely that Thomas' versions of these sayings are independent of the
changing the world for the Synoptics." (A Marginal Jew, v. 3, pp. 105-106 n. 75)
future generations to inherit R. McL. Wilson writes: "The wording is certainly nearer to Luke, who alone speaks
and change themselves. of 'hate.' The differences lie in the omission of any reference to wife and children,
- anonymous and in the substitution of 'in My way' (or 'like Me') for 'and come after Me.' Matthew
One has to reject the and Luke evidently give variant translations of the same original saying, and it is
destructive attitudes of ones therefore possible that what seems at first sight to be a conflation is, in fact, another
parents, kith and kin. rendering. If this be so, the substitution noted is not difficult to explain. Moreover, as
- Rodney Creed has observed, Luke has added 'and his own soul' from the sequel in his source.
It is therefore possible that the references to wife and children do not derive from the
Jesus states that you should source, but are due to the intensification of the Evangelists; it should be noted that
hate your family. This is they differ on this point. According to Bartsch the differences compel the assumption
supremely Buddhist where of a special tradition independent of the Synoptics, a statement the more remarkable
you are supposed to forget in that he is critical of some of Quispel's other examples." (Studies in the Gospel of
your name and all your Thomas, p. 57)
wordly possesions, for what
is your family if not a wordly
- Diggy
The meaning (with the
correction of the first note
above by Jack Kilman) is
literal. If you know and
understand who and what I
am, then you must abandon
all and follow me. Literally.
If you see the Son of God
before you, offering you the
knowledge of heaven and
earth, what more do you
need? Drop everything and
follow him.
- active mystic
Poetic. Everything is to be
assigned to its place. Not to
be taken literally and
arguments about
mistranslation are irrelevant
- Thief37
"Take up the cross"? I
thought the Gospel of
Thomas never referenced the
resurrection. How then are
we to understand the notion
of "taking up the cross"?
- Indy Al
You might have to change
programmed beliefs you
were raised into and the ones
you acquire later in life. And
cherish your own beliefs as
Christ would YOUR CROSS
(I am not implying to die for
- King
Jesus means exactly what he
says here. To love someone
is to be one with them. How
can we be one with somone
if we are still calling them
"Mother" or "Father"? A true
relationship of love implies
oneness. Jesus tells us to hate
our mother so we are forced
to think about what love
really does--it makes two
individuals into one person.
Once we are one, any
separation into "mother" and
"son" would be a horrible
and hateful thing.
- The Monist


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