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Early Christian Writings Gospel of Thomas Saying 58 Previous - Gospel of Thomas Home - Next

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Nag Hammadi Coptic Text Funk's Parallels
1 Pet 3:14a, Jas 1:12.


(58) Jesus said: Blessed is (58) Jesus said, "Blessed is 63 [58]. Jesus says:
the man who has suffered; the person who has labored "Blessed is the man who
he has found life. and found life." has laboured; he has found

Visitor Comments Scholarly Quotes

He who labors in the search Marvin Meyer writes: "If this is a saying about those who work hard, as is likely,
for wisdom and truth, has mention may be made of Proverbs 8:34-36, with its commendation of a person who
found life. No symbolism continually observes the ways of Wisdom, or Sirach 51:26-27, with its injunction that
required. one labor under the yoke of Wisdom, or the Cynic author 'Crates,' Epistles 15 and 16,
- whacky with the observation that a Cynic is one who works hard at philosophy." (The Gospel
The note to Saying 58 says of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus, p. 92)
that finding rest there is Robert M. Grant and David Noel Freedman write: "Here we find an equivalent, in the
equivalent to finding life. Is form of a blessing, to the invitation repeated in Saying 90 from Matthew 11:28-30; in
life rest? that saying Matthew's reference to 'labor' is omitted, perhaps in order to be placed
- george here. 'Finding rest' in Saying 90 is equivalent to 'finding life' here. See also Saying
It is bloody hard, painful 10, on 'working together.'" (The Secret Sayings of Jesus, p. 165)
work becoming truly human! Funk and Hoover write: "In form, this aphorism mimics the beatitudes found in
- Rodney Matthew (5:3-12) and Luke (6:20-22). But in content it recalls the 'labors' of
To suffer is to say a painful Hercules. In early Christian times, Cynics and Stoics, two dominant schools of
goodbye to bad things. Then philosophy during the Greco-Roman period, 300 B.C.E. - 300 C.E., looked to
we can say a joyful welcome Hercules as a kind of heroic founder. This sort of borrowing from popular culture
to life. was common in the early Christian movement as the followers of Jesus added to the
- Peter T. legacy of their teacher. Also, the promise of life echoes the prologue to Thomas and
related motifs elsewhere in this gospel (101:3; 114:1; further, 18:3; 19:4; 85:2;
Dealing with the two 111:2)." (The Five Gospels, p. 506)
lowermost nafs [of seven]
will certainly produce
suffering in the victor of that
battle. You cannot control the
Commanding Self, and its
handmaiden the Accusing
Self, without there being
suffering for that is how you
were created. In fact if you
have not suffered you cannot
bear the stigmata of ever
being engaged in such a
- Thief37
When one loses one's
identity, suffering is natural.
On the spiritual path, one
consciously or unconsciously
detaches from personality,
i.e. identity as a singular
complex. The suffering is the
result of the detachment
from who we think we are .
That detachment can be
experienced as a deep
painful void of emptiness.
When life loses it's former
meaning, suffering ensues.
When the spirit becomes
more dominant in one's
experience than the body,
detachment from life begins.
Finally, when the truth of
Spirit awakens to perception,
and we come to know who
we really are, then the
Kingdom of God is open to
us from within our own
Being. This is the end of
- Vidya
He who suffers (in his fight
to overcome his corrupt
flesh) and succeeds has
found truth. He shall not
taste death.
- Random

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