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Early Christian Writings Gospel of Thomas Saying 62 Previous - Gospel of Thomas Home - Next

You can view this web page along with Grondin's Coptic/English Interlinear in frames.
Nag Hammadi Coptic Text Funk's Parallels
Luke 8:9-10, Matt 13:10-
17, Matt 6:2-4, Mark
4:10-12, Pseudo-
Clementine Homilies
19.20.1, Clem. Alex.
(62) Jesus said: I speak my (62) Jesus said, "it is to 66 [62]. Jesus says: "When I
mysteries to those [who are those [worthy] of [my] tell my mysteries to [. . .]
worthy of my] mysteries. secrets that I am telling my mystery: [what] your right
What your right hand does, secrets. Do not let your hand does, let your left hand
let not your left hand know (sing.) left hand understand not know <that> it does it."
what it does. what your right hand is

Visitor Comments Scholarly Quotes

The one who knows these F. F. Bruce writes: "The first sentence is similar to the canonical saying about the
mysteries, will be able to disciples receiving the mystery of the kingdom of God which remains a riddle to
give the world precious gifts. outsiders (Mark 4.11 f.; cf. Matthew 13.11 ff.; Luke 8.10); but here the esoteric
- Peter T. doctrine of the Gnostics is meant. The second sentence in the canonical tradition
Reserve discussion of the (Matthew 6.3) enjoins secrecy in generous giving; here it forbids the spreading of the
mysteries for those of a like esoteric doctrine beyond the privileged circle." (Jesus and Christian Origins Outside
persuasion and who sit at the New Testament, p. 137-138)
table at one hand and for
those who sit at the other
hand speak to them only of
the things of the mundane
world --- to express it
poetically. It is a conduct
requirement, don't mix things
- Thief37
"Left and right hands" are so
called KAV SMOL and KAV
YAMIN - parts of the soul
and one of biggest mysteries
in the Bible, similar to
Bridegroom & Bride. The
soul, who feels own left &
right, will understand this
- Fivetrees
Note: there are no words
mentioning any "hands" in
the Coptic text. Left and
right are inner parts.
- Tomer
Left & Right are essential
universal powers in our souls
and Cosmos. These powers
are the same as Bridegroom
& Bride in NT/OT. Saying
62 explains specific,
astonishing and secret aspect
of L&R. For an advanced
soul it shows difference of
L&R qualities and feeling
(sensation). There is no way
to see as a whole and control
L&R together without
knowledge of this aspect.
The subject of L&R is an
essential secret of the Bible-
Torah and universal secret of
the Soul in all religions and
cultures (see Greek
Caduceus, Indian Nadis etc.).
Ophis (serpent) of gnostic
Ophites is a personification
of power (inside of the soul),
which balances and controls
L&R, and is the only "being"
able to go through paradoxes
and conflicts of "two cosmic
powers in heaven". The one
who knows, understands,
feels and controls L&R - is
"above the all". And he is in
an end of search. L&R is a
connection between
concrete, acute praxis of
everyday life and abstract
theory of mysterious
knowledge. Aspects of L&R
are very important (example:
Mt 9:14-17) for whole
understanding of logia. More
on L&R "lines" see book of
Baruh Ashlag "Shamati".


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