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Water Operations

Committee Meeting
Trinity= .98 MAF January 21, 2009
Shasta = 1.40 MAF

Keswick = 3,250 cfs


Oroville = .97 MAF

a m nt
e o R i ve

Feather = 950 cfs

Folsom = 0.22 MAF


Nimbus = 800 cfs

North Bay Aqd. Freeport = 7,300 cfs
Clifton Court = 2,000 cfs
Jones = 1,300 cfs
Vernalis = 1,040 cfs
Net Delta Outflow
4,400 cfs
So. New Melones = 1.15 MAF
Old & Middle River Flows a

14 - Day Running Average = -3,185 cfs Bay n

5 - Day Running Average = -3,339 cfs Aqd.

. iv
San Luis:
SWP = 0.34 MAF
CVP = 0.29 MAF
Total = 0.63 MAF
f or n




Southern Reservoir
Castaic Storage = 0.57 MAF


Northern Sierra Precipitation: 8-Station Index, January 20, 2009

1982-1983 (wettest)

Daily Precip. 2005-2006

80 80.1
Cumulative Daily/Monthly Precipitation (inches)


Total Water Year Precipitation


50 15.4 Average (1922-1998) 50.0

Daily Precip. 2007-2008


20 19.0
1923-1924 (driest) 17.1

1976-1977 (2nd driest & driest thru Aug)


Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec 1 Jan 1 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May 1 Jun 1 Jul 1 Aug 1 Sep 1
Water Year (October 1 - September 30)
San Joaquin Precipitation: 5-Station Index, January 20, 2009
Percent of Average for this Date: 75%

1982-1983 (wettest)

Cumulative Daily/Monthly Precipitation (inches)

Daily Precip. 2005-2006 56.2

Total Water Year Precipitation


40 Average (1956-2005) 40.8

30 Daily Precip. 2007-2008



Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec 1 Jan 1 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May 1 Jun 1 Jul 1 Aug 1 Sep 1
Water Year (October 1 - September 30)
California Snow Water Content, January 20, 2009, Percent of April 1 Average
North 1982-83 (max) Percent of Average for this Date: 50%


100 2007-08 Average

1976-77 (min)
Central Percent of Average for this Date: 55%
1982-83 (max)

100 Average
1976-77 (min)
South 1982-83 (max) Percent of Average for this Date: 60%

2007-08 Average

1976-77 (min)
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Statewide Percent of April 1: 30% Statewide Percent of Average for Date: 55%
Allocation Analysis for 2009 (TAF)
WY 2009 based on January 2009 WSI Forecast
2008 2009 Total Possible
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (MAF) Table A %
50% Exceedence (90% Fall) D1641 D SRI = 13.5 SVI = 5.9 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 2.53 61%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1058 1470 1917 2210 2287 2087 1647 1250 1030 874 762 709 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 1060 1250 3830 6590 6250 4450 2150 1500 1500 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 423 247 52 199 149 311 316 301 135 167 173 2.62
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 303 605 690 513 403 132 71 42 127 76 70 69 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 108 116 146 213 295 405 357 332 210 185 173 172 2.71
50% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Most Restrictive OMR) D SRI = 13.5 SVI = 5.9 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 1.04 25%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1058 1470 1917 2170 2274 2244 1940 1454 1164 1008 906 863 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 1730 810 970 4370 7690 5630 2150 1330 1330 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 114 77 102 92 40 58 175 405 393 135 157 77 1.82
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 321 334 348 326 202 42 52 310 610 668 755 760 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 60 59 72 98 150 202 150 135 87 76 71 70 1.23
50% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Moderate OMR) D SRI = 13.5 SVI = 5.9 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 1.44 35%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1058 1470 1917 2146 2250 2100 1796 1310 1020 864 762 719 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 2130 810 2990 4370 7690 5630 2150 1330 1330 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 175 127 116 40 99 175 405 393 135 157 92 2.06
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 338 434 453 424 261 87 42 247 513 542 602 594 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 73 74 92 129 189 257 206 188 120 105 98 97 1.63
50% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Least Restrictive OMR) D SRI = 13.5 SVI = 5.9 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 1.70 41%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1058 1470 1917 2138 2242 2111 1796 1310 1020 864 762 719 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 2270 810 2670 4550 7690 5630 2150 1330 1330 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 206 228 143 40 80 186 405 393 135 157 163 2.28
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 329 446 553 531 341 113 42 212 456 466 507 553 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 81 84 105 150 214 293 243 223 142 125 117 116 1.89
75% Exceedence (90% Fall) D1641 C SRI = 10.4 SVI = 4.9 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 1.29 31%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1033 1316 1651 1782 1778 1629 1327 1075 1010 927 847 826 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 1820 1280 2050 3680 3070 1510 960 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 308 214 90 90 29 149 143 55 62 135 140 1.56
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 336 562 678 620 516 258 174 123 64 52 104 188 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 75 77 80 133 179 270 217 182 107 73 84 54 1.53
75% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Most Restrictive OMR) C SRI = 10.4 SVI = 4.9 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 0.71 17%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1033 1316 1651 1817 1842 1670 1403 1150 1010 927 847 826 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 1230 810 2440 3110 3090 2770 960 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 113 54 80 76 40 52 114 144 130 62 135 77 1.08
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 326 324 331 308 211 68 42 71 133 152 240 284 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 54 52 54 83 122 178 124 102 61 42 47 31 0.95
75% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Moderate OMR) C SRI = 10.4 SVI = 4.9 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 0.98 24%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1033 1316 1651 1817 1842 1629 1372 1129 1010 927 847 826 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 1230 810 3130 2940 2930 2420 960 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 153 105 76 40 93 104 134 109 62 135 92 1.25
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 347 431 452 406 283 139 60 42 62 67 138 186 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 64 63 66 106 148 221 167 139 82 56 64 41 1.22
75% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Least Restrictive OMR) C SRI = 10.4 SVI = 4.9 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 1.14 27%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1033 1316 1651 1817 1842 1629 1372 1129 1010 927 847 826 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 1230 810 3130 2940 2930 2420 960 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 183 206 76 40 93 104 134 109 62 135 140 1.43
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 341 449 563 504 364 194 89 49 56 52 113 203 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 70 70 73 120 164 247 193 162 95 65 74 48 1.38
90% Exceedence (90% Fall) D1641 C SRI = 8.4 SVI = 4.2 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 0.36 9%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1017 1212 1461 1542 1494 1328 1150 1028 1000 979 900 879 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 2350 2020 2390 2210 1760 1500 1010 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 120 109 8 40 8 15 13 14 18 135 136 0.76
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 358 430 460 392 302 148 96 58 43 45 164 284 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 53 60 81 94 139 145 49 36 20 14 16 12 0.72
90% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Most Restrictive OMR) C SRI = 8.4 SVI = 4.2 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 0.19 5%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1017 1212 1461 1542 1494 1328 1150 1028 1000 979 900 879 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 2350 2020 2390 2210 1760 1500 1010 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 109 41 66 8 40 8 15 13 14 18 135 77 0.54
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 334 337 342 290 228 110 74 50 42 48 172 238 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 42 50 64 78 111 110 33 22 14 10 11 8 0.55
90% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Moderate OMR) C SRI = 8.4 SVI = 4.2 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 0.36 9%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1017 1212 1461 1542 1494 1328 1150 1028 1000 979 900 879 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 2350 2020 2390 2210 1760 1500 1010 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 120 109 8 40 8 15 13 14 18 135 92 0.72
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 358 430 460 392 302 148 96 58 43 45 164 240 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 53 60 81 94 139 145 49 36 20 14 16 12 0.72
90% Exceedence (90% Fall) (FWS BO - Least Restrictive OMR) C SRI = 8.4 SVI = 4.2 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 0.36 9%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1017 1212 1461 1542 1494 1328 1150 1028 1000 979 900 879 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 810 2350 2020 2390 2210 1760 1500 1010 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 120 109 8 40 8 15 13 14 18 135 136 0.76
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 358 430 460 392 302 148 96 58 43 45 164 284 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 53 60 81 94 139 145 49 36 20 14 16 12 0.72
99% Exceedence (90% Fall) C SRI = 5.1 SVI = 3.3 Possible 2009 Table A Delivery = 0.27 6%
Oroville EOM Storage 981 1001 1099 1232 1210 1135 982 852 764 725 707 628 607 -
Feather R. release (avg. cfs) 950 960 950 800 2200 810 1230 780 780 1360 960 960 960 -
SWP Banks PP exports 83 143 111 104 0 4 0 0 35 0 15 134 135 0.68
Potential Art. 21 Water Avail. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
SWP San Luis EOM Storage 258 342 407 455 388 278 137 79 71 46 45 166 288 -
SWP Contractor Deliveries 46 47 54 71 85 123 125 40 28 16 12 13 10 0.62

Provisional - Subject to Revision

DWR; O&M 1/21/2009;
Assumptions for 2009 Allocation Analysis
• Deliveries based on SWPAO's 2009 50% water file for the 50% forecast.
• Deliveries based on SWPAO's 2009 30% water file for the 75% forecast.
• Deliveries based on SWPAO's 2009 15% water file for the 90% and 99% forecasts.
• 100% FRSA delivery assumed for the 50% and 75% exceedances.
• 50% FRSA delivery assumed for the 90% and 99% exceedances.
• Probability of exceedence is based on 1/1/09 WSI forecast report.
• Year types are from Sacramento Valley 40-30-30 index and San Joaquin Valley 60-20-20 index classifications.
• USBR operation based on USBR 12/2008 and 01/2009 operation forecasts.
• Determination of remedy costs - SWP exports are reduced to level of CVP exports and then shared equally.
• Combined drawdown of San Luis Reservoir exceeds the 2 feet per day in the 50% and 75% most restrictive OMR studies.
• VAMP assumed to occur during May.

Estimated Delivery in Details (1) (2) (3) (4) (1+3-2) (1+2+4) (1+3+4)
Exceedence '09 Table A Txfr Adj '09-'10 ANTCO '08 CO & Others 2009 Allocation 2009 Delivery Total Water Available for '09
50% D1641 2.448 maf 0.000 maf 0.077 maf 0.264 maf 2.525 maf 2.712 maf 2.789 maf
50% (90% Fall) (Most Restrictive OMR 0.965 maf 0.000 maf 0.077 maf 0.264 maf 1.042 maf 1.229 maf 1.306 maf
50% (90% Fall) (Moderate OMR) 1.364 maf 0.000 maf 0.077 maf 0.264 maf 1.441 maf 1.628 maf 1.705 maf
50% (90% Fall) (Least Restricitve OM 1.627 maf 0.000 maf 0.077 maf 0.264 maf 1.704 maf 1.891 maf 1.968 maf
75% D1641 1.260 maf 0.000 maf 0.029 maf 0.268 maf 1.289 maf 1.528 maf 1.557 maf
75% (90% Fall) (Most Restrictive OMR 0.683 maf 0.000 maf 0.029 maf 0.268 maf 0.712 maf 0.951 maf 0.980 maf
75% (90% Fall) (Moderate OMR) 0.950 maf 0.000 maf 0.029 maf 0.268 maf 0.979 maf 1.218 maf 1.247 maf
75% (90% Fall) (Least Restricitve OM 1.113 maf 0.000 maf 0.029 maf 0.268 maf 1.142 maf 1.381 maf 1.410 maf
90% D1641 0.354 maf 0.000 maf 0.010 maf 0.367 maf 0.364 maf 0.721 maf 0.731 maf
90% (90% Fall) (Most Restrictive OMR 0.185 maf 0.000 maf 0.010 maf 0.367 maf 0.195 maf 0.552 maf 0.562 maf
90% (90% Fall) (Moderate OMR) 0.354 maf 0.000 maf 0.010 maf 0.367 maf 0.364 maf 0.721 maf 0.731 maf
90% (90% Fall) (Least Restricitve OM 0.354 maf 0.000 maf 0.010 maf 0.367 maf 0.364 maf 0.721 maf 0.731 maf
99% (90% Fall) 0.257 maf 0.000 maf 0.010 maf 0.367 maf 0.267 maf 0.624 maf 0.634 maf

Reservoir Targets
• Lake Oroville storage target = 1.000 MAF + "F" x (1.097 MAF - 1.000 MAF) on September 30; where "F" = 1/2 x Possible Table A %
Exceedence Possible Table A Storage Target
50% D1641 61% 1.03 MAF
50% (90% Fall) (Most Restrictive OMR 25% 1.01 MAF
50% (90% Fall) (Moderate OMR) 35% 1.02 MAF
50% (90% Fall) (Least Restricitve OM 41% 1.02 MAF
75% D1641 31% 1.02 MAF
75% (90% Fall) (Most Restrictive OMR 17% 1.01 MAF
75% (90% Fall) (Moderate OMR) 24% 1.01 MAF
75% (90% Fall) (Least Restricitve OM 27% 1.01 MAF
90% D1641 9% 1.00 MAF
90% (90% Fall) (Most Restrictive OMR 5% 1.00 MAF
90% (90% Fall) (Moderate OMR) 9% 1.00 MAF
90% (90% Fall) (Least Restricitve OM 9% 1.00 MAF
99% (90% Fall) 6% 1.00 MAF

• SWP San Luis storage targets for 2009

Exceedence Deadpool = Total
All 42 taf 42 taf
- Fall Storage Level
>>>>> for the 50% Exceedance
Deadpool + '09-'10 ANTCO = Req'd Sto.
Oct-08 42 taf 26 taf 68 >>> 1/3 of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Oct. '09
Nov-08 42 taf 51 taf 93 >>> 2/3 of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Nov. '09
Dec-08 42 taf 77 taf 119 >>> 100% of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Dec. '09

- Fall Storage Level

>>>>> for the 75% Exceedance
Deadpool + '09-'10 ANTCO = Req'd Sto.
Oct-09 42 taf 10 taf 52 >>> 1/3 of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Oct. '09
Nov-09 42 taf 19 taf 61 >>> 2/3 of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Nov. '09
Dec-09 42 taf 29 taf 71 >>> 100% of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Dec. '09

- Fall Storage Level

>>>>> for the 90% Exceedance
Deadpool + '09-'10 ANTCO = Req'd Sto.
Oct-09 42 taf 3 taf 45 >>> 1/3 of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Oct. '09
Nov-09 42 taf 7 taf 49 >>> 2/3 of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Nov. '09
Dec-09 42 taf 10 taf 52 >>> 100% of '09-'10 ANTCO is available in Dec. '09

Provisional - Subject to Revision

DWR; O&M 1/21/2009;
Oroville Reservoir Storage
2008- 2009 vs 1976-1978 and 1990-1992
4,000 897.6

3,500 864.0


Storage - TAF





970 TAF 663.9


1/21/91: Minimum Storage - 921 TAF 9/7/77: Minimum Storage - 882 TAF
Elevation - 651.4 feet Elevation - 645.11 feet

2008/2009 (C/?) 1976/1977/1978 (C/C/AN) 1990/1991/1992 (C/C/C)


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