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Assemblymen fear Thruway may pull bait and switch at Dec. 17th meeting and use guise of choosing new Tappan Zee Bridge to sneak in toll hike Assemblymen Steve McLaughlin (R,C,I-Melrose) and Jim Tedisco (R,C,I-Glenville) today called out the New York State Thruway Authoritys (NYSTA) consideration to raise tolls on passenger vehicles, as reported by The Buffalo News. Since May, the NYSTA has proposed to implement a so-called modest 45 percent toll hike on commercial vehicles, refused to hold a public hearing about the toll hikes in the Capital Region, rescheduled and cancelled meetings regularly, did not release agendas for their meetings, and just this week, it was reported that the NYSTA paid $11.2 million in overtime, up from $9.8 million in 2010 with an overall payroll of $188 million. Now, with no details, no plan to cut costs and no mention of a forensic audit, the NYSTA is considering raising tolls on passenger vehicles. These arrogant, unresponsive bureaucrats just dont get it, said McLaughlin. It does not matter who the NYSTA raises tolls on because, ultimately, its the consumer that pays the price. It would be different if this body of unelected bureaucrats came to the table with options to cut costs, reduce massive overtime, and conduct a forensic audit. Instead, and as usual, the public is given no details, no information on their December 17 agenda, and will be affected the most by any toll increase. With the highest taxes and worst business climate in the country, its ludicrous and insulting the NYSTA wants to drive up the cost of doing business by 45 percent. Families across the Capital Region are already stretching their hard earned money, and the NYSTAs proposal to raise tolls is going to make it that much more difficult for families to put food on the table each night. The NYSTA must exhaust every possible avenue before raising tolls, and so far, they have made no effort to that end. Its time for the NYSTA to do the right thing and open their books to the public and conduct a forensic audit and not pass the costs of their out-of-control agency to the public. Not even the Grinch Who Stole Christmas could be this diabolical. This is yet another example of secret government emanating from the Thruway Authority. Once again, we called and asked for a copy of their agenda for the December 17th meeting and they refused to give it to us. The last time we caught the Thruway Authority with their hands in the cookie jar they twice had to cancel their meeting. Now I fear that a week before Christmas when people arent paying

attention, the Thruway Authority may pull a bait and switch and sneak in a massive toll hike when they claim they just want to pick a design for the new Tappan Zee Bridge, said Tedisco. A toll increase of any kind on cars or trucks is unacceptable, especially in this difficult economy and when report after report has outlined the rampant incompetence and mismanagement by the Thruway Authority. The easy thing for the Thruway Authority is raising tolls on consumers but right thing to do would be for the Thruway to do a forensic audit and tighten its belt and merge into the NYS Department of Transportation as my colleagues and I and the Governor's own SAGE Commission have recommended. This also underscores the need to take the power to raise the tolls out of the hands of these bureaucrats who are not accountable to voters and require members of the Legislature, who just went before voters, to approve any toll or fee increase as I have proposed (A.2040), said Tedisco. ###

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