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SOCIOLINGUISTICS (Analysis of Language Variation in a Multilingual Society)

This assignment is submitted as a requirement to fulfill the final examination of this discipline

Submitted by:

Lukman Supriadi F1F009065

Department of Humanities Faculty of Social and Political Science English Language and Literature Study Program Jenderal Soedirman University 2012

INTRODUCTION Language has a great value for all people in the world. Everywhere and every time people always use language as communication for their real life. As we know that there are a lot of languages in the world and language has a very important role that cannot be left by all of the people in the world. People realize how so important understanding the language and they need also to have such a good communication in having interaction with the other people particularly in the social life. Language in this discipline is not only followed by formal structure as in the study of linguistics theories, it is also concerned about the interaction within social life. Sociolinguistics concerns in a wide field of the study. It is not only concerned about formal languages and various languages but also it provides the deep concern toward the use of language within the society. Basically, the use of language is involved with various factors, the use of language itself, social factor, situation, the culture of society and so on (Sudaryanto 1993, Fasold 1984). Sociolinguistics is the relationship between language and society, of language variation, and of attitudes about language. In the discussion of this discipline, it will involve a lot of ideas about the obstacles of languages and the social factors will be studied deeply in this study, Sociolinguistics (Fishman 1972; Wardhaugh 1986; Homes 1997:1, Labov 1977). Sociolinguistics is the study of language as part of culture and society (Pride and Holmes 1997). Here, there is an emphasis that language is part of culture therefore its existence could not stand alone because exactly language can still alive and develop in the social life, even if sometimes people are rare to realize it. There is an important assumption of sociolinguistics explains that the existence of language is never stagnant (Holmes; 2001). Language always has various variations and it will always be develop as well as the users of language still maintain its existence strongly. The assumption shows that study about sociolinguistics demonstrates the societys study as a various society at least in the use of language within social life. Language can be everlasting if the society still intensively uses it in any talk. In contrary, there will be nothing of the existence of language if the society does not preserved it by using it every day.

Therefore, in this study of language and society, this shows that sociolinguistics studies the relation between society and language. They are interested in explaining why people speak differently in different social context, and they are concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning (Holmes; 2001). In this paper, the writer is interested to analyze further about one of important parts of sociolinguistics which concerns to explain deeply about CodeMixing and Code-switching within multi language of the society. Because in a communication of societys multilingual communities, the speaker is being demanded to talk properly particularly in choosing languages code. Therefore the running of certain communication can be common and suitable. Usually, the choosing is not random but it is considered by the various factors, such as social, culture and situation. As a result, the writer decided to choose a certain example of society which is the society in Temboro, Karas, Magetan, East Java as a society that has variety languages use within social aspects. The writer will take some important conversations happened in particular places. Then, it will be analyzed as well as give the important highlight on how those utterances have correlation with the social factors or even the writer is trying to give the explanations in the mean of code-mixing and code-switching.

RESEARCH QUESTION Based on the description of the introduction above, the writer formulates the problems in the following procedures:
1. How many kinds of languages varieties in this multilingual society? 2. Why do people switch code within a particular social situation?

DISCUSSION Language always has various variations and it will always be developed as well as the users of language still maintain its existence strongly. In this assignment, as the writer has formulated the research questions above, this chapter will explain further about the language varieties within multilingual society here. The writer knows that the society in Temboro, Magetan, they are different in using the language for particular talk event. For example when a native person of this village talks to the another who originally comes from this village too, they will probably use Javanese as well as the others. Here, it means that people in the society suppose to use the most acceptable language to talk with the other communities. There are some major causes as reasons of people choosing a particular language, these include social aspects within this society. As problems appear, it can show that in the society of Temboro, Magetan. There are three notable categories of language varieties used by society as their variation of communication to interact with the other communities. First, single variation, as the only one language commonly used by similar background of people live in the society. For example both of the participants would like to have such a talk event in a particular situation, then they will only use single language as a way to converse. Second, code-switching variation, as a variation particularly used by society and it usually occurs as a process of the speaker to move into another code, or it is mostly famous as a process to move from one language into the another one. Third, code-mixing, where the speaker tries to combine a particular conversation by using two languages or mix them in the same time. Mostly, the code mixing appears in a phrase of a language or even clause and sentence. Codemixing is the use of two languages or more by involving a certain language into the another one consistently (Holmes; 2001). The writer would like to concern those points in the following explanations.

1. Single Variation As the experience that the writer had, the single variation within the society in Temboro, Magetan, east Java has three code variations usually used social interaction. There are Arabic language variation (BA) , Javanese variation (BJ) and Bahasa Indonesia variation (BI) . Here are the specific explanations about those major variations. a. Arabic language variation This variation mostly used by the society for having such a social interaction is the dialect of BA in Magetan. As the fundamental principle, The use of the language aims to communicate with some Arabic people live in Magetan. Therefore, the writer conclude that the main characteristic is because of the regional factor or even the ethnicity. On the other hand, there are some important functions of the language use in the society such as it is used as a way to conduct the internal communication (Arabic) in Magetan, as the regional identity and as the was to communicate with the others in an informal situation. Here is the example of the conversation within a family and it talks about place for eating. A: older brother B: little brother A : Keif, ente kul ein? B : hena, khol ma fi nas A : henak? B : hena Translation: A: How, where do you eat? B: here, it is quite lonely A: there? B: here From the conversation above, it can be seen that both of the participants use Arabic language code. They prefer to choose it because they are Arabic people and

they can master it well. The dialogue happens in a family environment so that they are able to speak well. Therefore, the ability to use a certain language in a family shows its social status and their prestige that they come from the high level of Arabic family in its society. The another example shows that the use of Arabic language commonly for the social communication. The following example happens in a market while people mostly do such trading and the buyer tries to weaken the price. A: buyer (non-Arabic) B: seller (Arabic person) A: kam? how much B: asroh ten A: sab, jaiz? seven, fine? B: zid, tsamin add, eight A: aiwah alright From the conversation above, it can be seen that both of the participants use Arabic language code. They use the language because they can master it well. Even though the buyer is not the Arabic person, he is able to communicate with Arabic person by using it kindly. This because A often creates such a conversation and communication Arabic language. Here, A uses it to respect the another participant, seller and B chooses Arabic language while they are speaking is to show that they are solid and have such a close relation. b. Javanese variation Javanese variation is a regional language used for intern social interaction for Arabic people and between Arabic people and the Javanese society. This happens

because there are Javanese people live in Temboro village. Most of people use the language as a way to communicate with the others. And when they converse with Arabic people they commonly use both of languages, Javanese and Arabic languages code. Here is the example of Javanese language while happening in a family environment. Both of the participants are Arabic languages. A: Habib Lutfi (Islamic scholar) B: Zainab (daughter) A: piye kabare Husen? hows Husein life? B: sae, sehat bah fine, he is fine dad A: kapan budal? when will you go? B: mbenjing ndalu tomorrow night A: mugo-mugo selamet wish you are alright B: amiin, enggih bah Amiin, yes dad From the conversation above, it can be seen that both of the participants use Javanese language code. They prefer to choose it even if they are Arabic people but they can master it well and moreover it aims to respect the value of Javanese culture because they live in a Javanese community. The dialogue happens in a family environment so that they are able to speak it well. The first participant uses BJ Ngoko (as low level of the language) because he is older than his daughter furthermore it concerns to show their relation that they are solid and have a very close relation. B uses BJ Kromo (as high level of the language) because she wants to respect the first participant as the older person than her. Therefore, from this point of view it can be taken obviously that the use of language is aimed to make the conversation becomes

more common and effective atmosphere. Now, let us see the following example where this talk event happens before conducting religion learning and it talks about the sellings goods. A: Arabic person B: Javanese person A: Assalamualaikum B: Wassalamualaikum A: piye kabare kang, slamet yo Hows your life brother, good, arent you? B: heeh, Alhamdulillah slamet pandongane yes, alhamdulillah fine, with wishes A: sehat kabeh to? fine all, isnt it? B: Alhamdulillah sehat waras sedoyo with pleasure, all is well and health A: dagangane piye kang? hows your trading? B: apik lancar wingi bathi akeh tak nggo mangkat ngaji run well, yesterday we got so much profit, it enabled to go learning From the dialogue above it can be indicated that both of the participants use Javanese language for having intern communication as well as making nice interaction with the others. This proves that they enable to master it kindly. There is a big possibility that A and B use Javanese Ngoko language because they want to show their close relation and also this indicate that they often make a particular conversation before. B comes from Java and A comes from Arabic society. This kind of variation mostly happens in informal situation. For example the utterance kang it comes from the word kakang. It refers into the older person than someone else. The utterance kang is being spoken to show the solidity and relax situation.


Bahasa Indonesia Variation As a national language, the language holds a very important role and it has such a wider meaning than the other languages such as regional language. Because mostly people use regional language is only in informal situation or even they would only like to show the closeness and solidity with the other people. However, Bahasa Indonesia is not only holding in an informal situation, it also concerns to be used in any kind of circumcantes such as for official talk event, formal situation and so on. Sometimes, this code is heard as a code combining way while it is being used by some particular speakers. On the other hand, the writer indicates that code switching into Bahasa Indonesia is a common thing because of the multilingual within this society. Therefore, if we see the main function of this code which is it can be used wider as a general aim, Bahasa Indonesia becomes a neutral language to communicate with the other people in a social life. To communicate in an informal situation, this code variation is signed by some factors: ethnic, education, speakers background, and social factor (Mustamar 2006). Moreover, nowadays we see that a lot of Arabic people use this code as a way to interact with the other Arabic people or even they use it within their family such as the father talks to his son or daughter particularly this occurs in a society lives in a city. Here is the example of Bahasa Indonesia while happening in a family environment before the son is going to the school. Both of the participants are Arabic languages. A: Ummu Aisyah (Mother) B: Ahmad (her son) A: Ayo, cepat berangkat nanti telat! lets go before it is late B: Bentar lagi mi for a moment mom A: cepat-cepat sudah ditunggu be quick you have been waited B: bentar lagi, belum habis mi for a moment, it has not been over

A: tinggal aja keburu telat! leave it, for not coming late B: iya, iya mi alright mom From the conversation above, it can be seen that both of the participants use Bahasa Indonesia code. They prefer to choose it because they can master it well. The dialogue happens in a family environment and even if they originally the native people of Arab they choose to use this code and we might see that there is such a shifting of the use of the mother language that at the beginning is a local language is changed into BI. This is because they are able to use it well and BI is considered to be a communication language that is easy to be learnt and it does not think too much about the level of the speaker. In this example is between the mother and her son. And the writer identifies that code switching within this village into Bahasa Indonesia happens because of the culture with the people of Indonesia who are so crowded and dynamic and it mostly occurs for young families. 2. Code-switching variation As the result of this bilingual languages, the writer recognizes that there are three major reasons; social affect, cultural, and linguistics affect. As a study which concerns to the language itself, here it will only be chosen the linguistics affect that occurs in this society. Here, the code switching happens in all codes such as while they are using Arabic language, Javanese language, or even Bahasa Indonesia. code-switching variation, as a variation particularly used by society and it usually occurs as a process of the speaker to move into another code, or it is mostly famous as a process to move from one language into the another one. Here is the example that happens in a family environment. A: Bib Abdul (Older brother) B: Bib Ubaid (Little brother A: eh, pinjem sepatu

lend me your shoes B: yang mana Bib? which one Bib? A: khida jaded lil khuruj baad, keif? suwayya lail rujuk the new shoes for going out a moment, how? Tonight will be back B: Jaiz, khud, tahta maktab fine, take it under the table From the dialogue above, it can be obviously seen that A did such a code switching. The mean of code switching is from Bahasa Indonesia into Arabic language in utterances khida jaded lil khuruj baad, keif?suwayya lail rujuk. There we may indicate that the code switching is being started from BI into BA. Both of the participants use this variation because they are brothers. A is older than B which means that A want to show his closeness and solidity to his little brother and this exactly happens within an informal situation. Then in the end of this conversation, the little brother also wants to response it using Arabic language because both of them can master it well. 3. Code-mixing variation Code-mixing, where the speaker tries to combine a particular conversation by using two languages or mix them in the same time. Mostly, the code mixing appears in a phrase of a language or even clause and sentence. Code-mixing is the use of two languages or more by involving a certain language into the another one consistently. There are some major kinds of code-mixing appear in this society. Sometimes it might be phrase, word, sentence or even repetition utterances. Here is the following example of code-mixing happening in this society. A: student B: teacher A: Assalamualaikum B: Waalaikum salam A: Dospundi kabaripun yi?

how are you sir? B: Alhamdulillah, bil khoir , njenengan enggih to Alhamdulillah, Im fine, you too, arent you? From the dialogue above, it can be concluded that A has a relation with B which is in social interaction and they also shows with a polite language because their social status are totally different. We know that teacher are always being respected by their students. Therefore, while the teacher combines the language into Javanese language. The student prefers to use Krama language in Javanese because it is the most polite language level in Javanese to respect older people than him. Moreover, in a social life people will always tend to use higher level of a particular language to interact with older people because it is one way to show the honor to them and it reflects into the education people who know whether his/her language are good. For example this appear in utterance Dospundi kabaripun, yi? How are you sir?. Therefore it can be seen that code switching here uses Javanese language into Arabic language. The teacher gives mix code in utterance Alhamdulillah, bil khoir , njenengan enggih to. Alhamdulillah, Im fine, you too, arent you?

CONCLUSION The choosing code of certain language in the multicultural society is an

interesting phenomenon to be studied from sociolinguistics perspective because in the writers point of view it could be clearly demonstrated that this is not concerning in only a language term, but also it tends to concern in a social aspect. From this study, there are some major points about the use of a multilingual languages. Firstly, the choosing code of language in the society of Temboro, Magetan, east Java is being used in a social interaction. This code appears in the relation between participants, background, status and also the certain topic spoken. Secondly, There are three notable categories of language varieties used by society as their variation of communication to interact with the other communities 1) single variation; includes a)

Arabic language variation b) Bahasa Indonesia variation c) Javanese language variation and 2) code-switching variation 3) code-mixing variation. Lastly, people switch or mix from one language into the another is because they want to demonstrate the close relation, respect, solidity toward the other participant within particular talk event. REFERENCES

Fasold, Ralph. 1984. The Sociolinguistics of Society. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Fishman, Joshua A. 1972. Sociolinguistics a Brief Introduction. Third printing. Massachusetts: Newbury House Publisher Holmes, Janet. 2001. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London: Longman. Labov, William. 1977. Sociolinguistics Patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Mustamar, Marzuqi. 2006. Metode Penelitian Bahasa-Penelitian. Malang: Fakultas Tarbiyah,Universitas Islam Negeri. Pride and Holmes. 1997. Sociolinguistics. Middlesex: Penguin Books. Sudaryanto. 1993. Metode Dan Aneka teknik Analisis Bahasa-Pengantar Penelitian Wahana Kebudayaan secara Linguistis. Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana University Press.

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