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i wrote a poem dedicated to god that i

considered to be extremely disrespectful

for you

The glow from the park's night's floods lights the

wet grass in spots and fog hangs curtain-thick
and cold. The late night's walking dogs with their
owners on leashes sing in their evening voices
the songs of the stage for the audience of the
windows in the tall apartment blocks that seem
to have no summit. He thinks about the way the
earth moves slower every year. His dog sits down
and refuses to move and a passing cyclist notices
all four of the eyes on the man and the dog
blinking in unison and blinks also.

oh shit i have


and the beach below is wild and coarse dark

sand and great green-smeared curves and the
sea is huge and deep and wholly blue and
overhung with a thick grey wall of cotton-wool
sky and climbing the dunes and dry rock bluff
are samphire glasswort aster and thrift and the
ledge that i walk on is narrow but ahead is the
flat of the bay where ill meet you



the sky swells

and breathes
and shifts
and is alive
and my body is lead
and my body is lead
and my body is lead
and you are

A woman leans out of her bedroom window to

smoke a cigarette. She sees the dog sit down and
refuse to move and the man stand still and the
cyclist passing them. She wonders what would
happen if the man standing still looked up.
Maybe he'd wave and she'd wave back and he'd
indicate with his hands and his hips what he
would like to do to her.

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She had always thought it strange that people

talk about the heat of the summer as heavy and
yet here she was watching the smoke in the warm
air of her room being drawn into the dense cold
of the city's August winters night by its relative

[not even the leaves,
[living motionless
[and inescapable
[in appearance

There was visib ility in all directions. The

visibility was limited only by the horizon. The
horizon was the same general color as the sky.
The horizon was the same general texture as the
sky. The horizon being the same general color as
the sky created the impression of being in the
center of some body of water. The horizon being
the same general texture of the sky created the
impression of being in the center of some body of
water. The body was huge. The horizon being the
same general color of the sky created the
impression of being in the center of some body of
water. The horizon being the same general
texture of the sky created the impression of being
in the center of some body of water. The body
was stagnant. The impression was specular. The
impression was obliterating. The impression was
oceanic. The obliteration was literal.

The man's dog still refuses to move and they are

lit perfectly in their tableau of dog and lead and
man and bench and bush nearby by the tennis
court's floods and the man is waiting patiently
for the dog to change his mind about the rest of
the walk. He looks at his watch. It has stopped
i am that mans impatience when you look at me

evr y th i ng i s
s lo w i ng d o w n

[] he had dreamt that night of tiny men inside

his veins, stirring and regulating the transfer of
oxygen to his limbs from his heart and back
again in this great warm swell of plasma and cells
~4 times as viscous as water in this state and
woke up with sweat on his brow and a dense
stickiness between his thighs.

The cyclist, blinking, becomes suddenly acutely

aware of his eyelids ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

it is the future now

and we are both dead
a long time ago
but i still love you

He smiles and asks if her mouth opens any
wider. She listens to his heart beating through
his shirt. He asks her if she know where they
could get some good coffee. She says: No.

diane marie

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