The Importance of Tawheed - Shaikh Hamad Al-Ateeq

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The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life

Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012

Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects
on the Muslim Life
By: Ash-Shaikh Hamad bin Abdul Azeez Al- Ateeq
Translated by: Umm Hamzah Doaa
Transcribed by: Umm Mu aawiyah LaKeita

The Shaikh-may Allh reward him- after giving Khutbah-tul-Hajah (the
opening sermon), gave a very nice talk about the importance of Tawheed
(Islmic Monotheism), in our lives and the way that Tawheed (singling out
Allh ((Alone)) in worship) is a means for us to achieve protection from
many of the things we may fear. So he said my talk to you today is related
about what Allh has created us for and that is for His worship and for His
Tawheed (singling out of Allh Alone in worship). Allh says:
$Br M)= z `g:# R}#r w) br79 $B & Nk]B `B - $Br & b&
And I (Allh) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should
worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them (i.e. provision
for themselves or for My creatures) nor do I ask that they should feed
Me (i.e. feed themselves or My creatures).

So Allh created us to worship and to obey Him (Alone), and He does not
accept any acts of worship except if it is for Him (Alone) and except if it is
built upon Tawheed. And this Tawheed that Allh commanded us with;
the meaning of it is that we single Allh out with our acts of worship.
This means that nobody besides Allh has a share in the actions (of worship)
that we do. Meaning we don t do them for anybody except Allh, whether
human or (any), other deity. So Allh has also set out many types of reward
for this Tawheed. And the Shaikh -may Allh reward him- said he will
speak about one of the rewards of Tawheed (singling out of Allh ((Alone))
in Worship) and he said it will show us all the importance of Tawheed
(Islamic Monotheism), in our everyday lives.
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

And the Shaikh-may Allh reward him- said many people think that the
benefit of Tawheed or obedience to Allh, benefits us in the Akhirah
(hereafter), only.
But the correct belief is that the benefit of obedience to Allh and Tawheed
is the continuous of both in the Dunya (worldly life) and in the Akhirah
So the Shaikh -may Allh reward him- said that his talk today is to show all
Muslims that Tawheed is important for us in the Dunya (worldly life) and
that our lives will not be set correctly or set straight except with this
Tawheed. So Allh says in order to show us this, the Ayah:
%!# #q`ZB# `O9r #q6= OgZJ) O=/ 79`r& `Ng9 `B{# Ndr brGgB
It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allh and worship none but
Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Dhulm (wrong i.e. by
worshipping others besides Allh), for them (only) there is security and
they are the guided.

This is an Ayah that there is a Hadith speaking about it. The Hadith is in
Bukhri and Muslim from Ibn Mas d. And it says that when this Ayah was
revealed, it worried the Sahbah because they thought to themselves that
mixing belief with injustice meant committing sin. So they came to
Raslullh r, and they said who of us does not fall into sin? and they
were worried that they would not have security and would not be rightly
guided. So the Messenger of Allh r, corrected them and he told them that
the Dhulm (oppression/injustice) that is meant here is Shirk (associating
partners with Allh in worship) . So what is intended by oppression or
injustice in this Ayah is committing Shirk (associating partners with Allh
in worship).
And what is intended by having security is as a result of security from
having Tawheed in Allh. And the Messenger of Allh r, told the
Sahbah (companion of the Messenger of Allh): Did you not hear the
statement of the righteous slave to his son?
Meaning the slave Luqmn, the Prophet Luqmn said to his son:
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

)r A$% `J)9 mZ/w qdr m _6 w 8@ !$/ c) 89# 'O=9 'O

And (remember) when Luqmn said to his son when he was advising
him: "O my son! Join not in worship others with Allh. Verily joining
others in worship with Allh is a great Dhlm (wrong) indeed.

Indeed Shirk (associating partners with Allh in worship) is a great
injustice! So, those who believe in Allh Alone and do not mix their belief
with Shirk (associating partners with Allh in worship), then they are the
ones that will have security and they are rightly guided. And this is reward
that Allh has given to those who have Tawheed in Him. And it is that they
will have security as a result of Tawheed.
The fact that the believers (i.e. the Muwhideen) have security is something
that is manifested many times in the Book of Allh and in the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allh r, And people achieve safety and security as a result
of Tawheed and as a result of things like Duaa (supplication), seeking
protection in Allh, asking Allh for assistance. These are all forms of
Tawheed because we are singling Allh out and in doing them security are
achieved for those who do them.
So, the Shaikh -may Allh reward him- went on to give several examples of
fear that humans have and the way that Tawheed can remove this fear. So,
the first type of fear that the Shaikh used as an example was the fear of Jinn
and the Shai atn (devils). He said many times we are afraid that the Jinn
and Shai atn may hurt us and we wonder how to protect ourselves from
them. And the answer is by our Tawheed in Allh and by seeking the
protection of Allh from them and seeking from Him I, His help and
assistance from them (i.e. the Jinn and Shai atn). So Allh says in the
Qur n in Surah An-Naas:
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

@% q`& >/ $Y9# 7=B $Y9# m9) $Y9# `B #q`q9# $Y:#
%!# 'q`q` r Z$Y9# `B pYf9# $Y9#r
Say: I seek refuge with (Allh) the Lord of mankind, The King of
mankind -The Ilh (God) of mankind, From the evil of the whisperer
(devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws (from his
whispering in one's heart after one remembers Allh)."Who whispers
in the breasts of mankind. Of jinn and men.

So the Shaikh -may Allh reward him- said that this entire Surah is a means
of asking Allh for protection and Allh is the Lord and the Owner and the
God of all. And with this Surah, you ask Allh for protection from the
whisperer who withdrawals and that is the Shaitn (Ibls). And the Shaikh -
may Allh reward him- said that Surah An-Naas and Surah Al-Falaq, which
we use in order to seek protection from the Shaiatn (devils) and the Jinn,
these were two Suratian (two chapters) that were revealed to the Messenger
of Allh r, after magic was performed on him. And magic is a result of the
collaboration between humans and the Shaiatn (devils) of men and the
Jinn. So these two Suratian (two chapters) were revealed to the Messenger
of Allh r, and Allh cured him of the magic that he was afflicted with.
Then the Shaikh -may Allh reward him- recited Surah Al-Falaq, which
Allh says:
@% q`& >/ ,=9# `B $B ,={ `Br ,% #) =%r `Br
MVZ9# )`9# `Br %n #) m
Say: I seek refuge with (Allh), the Lord of the daybreak, From the
evil of what He has created, And from the evil of the darkening (night)
as it comes with its darkness; (or the moon as it sets or goes away), And
from the evil of those who practice witchcraft when they blow in the
knots, And from the evil of the envier when he envies.
And in this Surah, Surah Al-Falaq, when Allh says From the evil of that
which He created this means that we can ask Allh for protection from
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

everything that we may fear, because Allh created everything. So anything
that you fear, Allh is its Creator. So this included protection from the
Shaiatn (devils) from the men and the Jinn.
And there is also fear of humans. If a person has enemies, he may fear that
his enemies may harm him. Or if a person has fear of the disbelievers or
fear of the innovators or fear of the evil doers or fear of the oppressors, the
only way that we can achieve safety and protection from them is by the
Tawheed (Oneness) of Allh, by making Duaa (supplication), to Allh
Alone, by asking Allh for assistance, by asking Allh for protection.
All of these are means of Tawheed (singling out Allh Alone in worship)
and they are successful means of gaining protection. And then the Shaikh -
may Allh reward him- mentioned the Ayah:
%!# A$% `Ng9 '$Z9# b) $Z9# % #q`K_ N39 Ndqz$ Nd# $ZJ) #q9$%r
$Z6`m !# NRr `@2q9#
Those (i.e. believers) unto whom the people (hypocrites) said, Verily,
the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a great army),
therefore, fear them." But it (only) increased them in Faith, and they
said: "Allh (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of
affairs (for us).

This Ayah was related to the Sahbah (companions of the Messenger of
Allh r), in one of their battles. The enemy army gathered and the
hypocrites told the Sahbah (companions of the Messenger of Allh r); the
people have gathered against you so be afraid of them.
But instead of the Sahbah (companions of the Messenger of Allh r)
being afraid, Allh says that it increased the Sahbah in faith and they said
HasbunnAllh wa Nimah Al-Wakeel (i.e. sufficient is Allh for us and
He is the best disposer of affairs). And this Eemaan, this faith, is from their
Tawheed (singling out Allh Alone in worship) and their Tawwakul (trust),
in Allh. They believed that Allh was enough and was sufficient for them.
So what was the result? The next Ayah says:
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

#q7=)R$ pJZ/ `B !# @r N9 N'h`J "q #q`7?#r bq !#
!# r r @ O
So they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allh. No harm
touched them; and they followed the good Pleasure of Allh. And Allh
is the Owner of Great Bounty.

So they were rewarded and their fear was removed. So because of their
Tawheed, no harm touched them and Allh was pleased with them. And
then another example of Tawheed relieving people of their fear is in the
story in the Qur n Talt (Saul) and Jalt (Goliath). And Allh says about
the King Talt:
$J= nr%` qd %!# r #q`ZB# mB #q9$% w p%$ $Z9 Pq9# Nq9$f/ nq`Z`_r

So when he had crossed it (the river), he and those who believed with
him, they said: We have no power this day against Jalt (Goliath) and
his hosts.

So those who were with Talt, the majority of them said we can t fight
Jalt because he has strength, he has weapons, and we are not a match for
them. But what did those who had strong belief in Tawheed say? Allh
says in the next Ayah:
A$% %!# cqZ NgR& #q) =B !# N2 `B p '#=% M7= p oW2 b*/
!# !#r B 99#
But those who knew with certainty that they were to meet their Lord,
said: How often a small group overcame a mighty host by Allh's
Leave? And Allh is with As-Sbirn (the patient).

The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

So those who believed that they were going to meet Allh, meaning they
believed in the afterlife, they believed in the meeting with Allh, they had
perfected their Tawheed and their Tawwakul (trust), in Allh. They left
the matter to Allh and they believed that Allh is the One Who defeats. It
is not by your amount of weapons or your strength that you are victorious,
but it is by your belief in Allh, the One Who gives victory. So what
happened as a result of this group who had Tawheed? Allh says:
$J9r #r`/ Vq9$9 nq`Z`_r #q9$% $Y`/ & $Z= #9 M7Or $YB#%& $RR#r
? Qq)9# 69#
And when they advanced to meet Jalt (Goliath) and his forces, they
invoked: Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience and make us victorious
over the disbelieving people."

So, they made Duaa (supplication). They turned to Allh. They ask Allh
for assistance and they singled Allh out Alone. And so what happened?
The next Ayah says:
Ndq`Bg c*/ !# @F%r `r# Vq9%` m9?#r !# =J9# pJ6t:#r mJ=r
$JB '$
So they routed them by Allh's Leave and Dawd (David) killed Jalt
(Goliath), and Allh gave him (Dawd (David)) the kingdom (after the
death of Talt (Saul) and Samuel) and Al-Hikmah (Prophet- Hood),
and taught him of that which He willed.

So, how did Dawd (David) u, and his people defeat Jalt (Goliath) and
his army? It wasn t by their strength and it wasn t by their numbers nor was
it by their weapons, but it was by their attachment to the Tawheed
(Oneness) of Allh. So this is one benefit of Tawheed, that it gives us safety
from the things that we may fear, whether they are Shaiatn (devils), Jinn,
or human beings.

The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

The next type of fear that Tawheed can relieve us from is fear if falling into
sins and falling into disobedience and falling into the desires that are
Harm (impermissible). So, the Shaikh -may Allh reward him- said we all
fear falling into sins. We may fear sins before we fall into it or we may fear
that once we sin that a punishment will come to us or we may sin and be
punished for the sin and fear that the punishment will never be lifted from
us. So these are three types of fear that a person may have as a result of sin
or related to sin. So, how do we achieve safety and security from these three
Again, the answer is through the Tawheed (Oneness) of Allh and through
the Duaa (supplication), to Allh, seeking Allh s help and seeking Allh s
protection. So with the first fear, the fear of falling into sins or falling into
those desires that are Harm (impermissible), Shaitn (Ibls)whispers to all
of us to fall into sins and to fall into those things that Allh has prohibited us
from. The way we fight this is by making Duaa (supplication), to Allh and
seeking Allh s protection. Allh says in the Qur n:
$B)r Z\ `B `9# R G`$ !$/ mR) J 'O=
And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaitn (Satan) then seek
refuge with Allh. Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower.

So this is a type of Tawheed (of worship), al-Istiaathah Billaah, (seeking
Allh s assistance). Is Shaitn whispers evil thoughts to you then you turn
to Allh and you turn to Him before you fall into the sin. And this is what
the Prophet r, used to do. One example of this is Prophet Yusuf u, when
Shaitn whispered to him to commit Zinah (fornication), with the wife of
Al-Azz who s house he lived he and the wife desired him, Yusuf u,
turned to Allh before committing the sin and Allh saved him from
committing the sin. It says in the Qur an:
m?rr L9# qd $gF/ ` mR M)=r Uq/{# M9$%r Md 9
And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him (to do an evil
act), and she closed the doors and said: "Come on, O you.

The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

So, the wife of Al-Azz made the bedroom ready, she closed the door; she
called Yusuf to come to her. So, all the means of falling into Zinaa
(fornication) were present. The room was prepared, the husband was not
there, the wife of Al-Azz s was dressed and she was ready for Yusuf. And
he was a young man and he desired her as well. But he knew that this was a
sin. So how did he protect himself? He said, in the next Ayah:
A$% $B !# mR) 1 `m& #qWB mR) w x=` cqJ=9#
He said: I seek refuge in Allh (or Allh forbid)! Truly, he (your
husband) is my master! He made my living in a great comfort! (So I will
never betray him). Verily, the Dhlimn (wrong and evil-doers) will
never be successful.

So he said Man athAllhe! which means Authubillaah ( I seek the
refuge and protection from Allh ). So seeking refuge and protection in
Allh is a way to protect yourselves from falling into sin. So, Allh saved
him from falling into sin. It says in the next Ayah:
$)6G`#r >$79# N%r mJ% `B / $9&r $d #$! >$79#
So they raced with one another to the door, and she tore his shirt from
the back. They both found her lord (i.e. her husband) at the door

So Allh saved him by letting her husband enter into the room. So, did this
stop the wife of Al-Azz? No! In this case, she tried to seduce Yusuf u,
but when she tried again to persist in committing Zinaa (fornication) with
him, she didn t just try to seduce him; but she threatened him. So, it says in
the Qur an
$H> MJ `d3J/ M=& `k9) NG&r `l; $3`G`B M?# r @. onr `k]B
$Z3 M9$%r `l`z# `k= $H> mZ& mR9.& `%r `k& `=%r m ! $B #d
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

#0 b) #d w) 7=B 'O. M9$% `39 %!# _ZFJ9 m )9r m?r `
mR NF`$ 9r N9 @ $B n``B# `Zf``9 $Rq39r `B 9#
So when she heard of their accusation, she sent for them and prepared
a banquet for them; she gave each one of them a knife (to cut the
foodstuff with), and she said ((to Ysuf (Joseph)) "Come out before
them." Then, when they saw him, they exalted him (at his beauty) and
(in their astonishment) cut their hands. They said: "How perfect is
Allh (or Allh forbid)! No man is this! This is none other than a noble
angel! She said: "This is he (the young man) about whom you did blame
me, and I did seek to seduce him, but he refused. And now if he refuses
to obey my order, he shall certainly be cast into prison, and will be one
of those who are disgraced.

So, the first time she just merely invited him to Zinaa (fornication), but the
second time she threatened him. That if he did not give in, she would
punish him and imprison him.
So this is much worse and much graver. So how did Yusuf u, get out of it,
this time? Again, he turned to Allh I. Yusuf u, said:
A$% > `f9# =m& <) $JB _Rq` m9) w)r $`? _ `d. =& `k9)
`.&r `B =gg:# >$fF`$ m9 m/ $ mZ `d. mR) qd J9#
He said: "O my Lord! Prison is dearer to me than that to which they
invite me. Unless You turn away their plot from me, I will feel inclined
towards them and be one (of those who commit sin and deserve blame
or those who do deeds) of the ignorant. So his Lord answered his
invocation and turned away from him their plot. Verily, He is the All-
Hearer, the All-Knower.

The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

So, Yusuf u, turned to Allh I, and he ask Allh to free him of the
situation. This is because of his immense fear of Allh and his immense
Tawwakul (trust) in Allh. So Allh removed their plot from him because
of this Tawheed that he had. And this type, when you fear sins and you fear
falling into them, we should be like Yusuf u, and turn to Allh I.
The second type of way that sin can result in fear is when you actually
commit the sin and you fear that you are going to be punished. Because we
know that every sin has a punishment that comes with it. And like it or not,
we all fall into sin. So what happens if we fall into a sin and we fear a
punishment? What should we do? Again, we must turn to our Tawheed to
save us. We must make Tawbah (repentance), we must make repentance,
and we must ask Allh for forgiveness. This is all forms of Tawheed (of
worship) and forms of singling Allh out in worship. Allh says in the
Qur n:
$Br c%2 !# Ng/`9 MR&r Nk $Br c%. !# Ng/`B Ndr br`G`

And Allh would not punish them while you (Muhammad (peace be
upon him)) are amongst them, nor will He punish them while they seek
(Allh's) Forgiveness.

So Allh will not punish a people while they ask for His forgiveness and
while they ask for His protection from the punishment that your sin would
incur. So, once you fall into a sin, your Tawheed and your turning to Allh
can actually turn that sin into a good deed. Allh says:
%!#r w cq` B !# $g9) z# wr bq=F) Z9# L9# Pm !# w) ,s9$/
wr cqR `Br @ 79 ,= $B$O& #` `&! >#9# Pq pJ)9# $#r
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

m $R$g`B w) `B >$? B#r @Jr xJ $s= 9`r' `A6` !#
Mg?$ MZm
And those who invoke not any other ilh (god) along with Allh, nor
kill such person as Allh has forbidden, except for just cause, nor
commit illegal sexual intercourse - and whoever does this shall receive
the punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of
Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace; Except those who
repent and believe (in Islmic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for
those, Allh will change their sins into Hasanh (good deeds).

So, Tawheed (of worship) doesn t just protect you from punishment but if
you re sincere in your repentance it might even turn the sin that you made
into a good deed because of your sincerity and turning to Allh and asking
for forgiveness and not returning to the sin that you made, it might make
you closer to Allh and actually achieve Hasanh (good deeds).
The third type of way that we may have fear as a result of sinning is when a
person falls into a sin and is punished because of the sin and then he is
fearful that Allh will never remove this punishment. But Allh can remove
the punishment that He inflicts on people if they turn to Him and single Him
out Alone in worship. And one example of this is the Prophet Yunus u.
Allh says:
#r bqZ9# ) =d $6`B ` b& `9 )R m= $Y MJ=9# b& w m9) w)
MR& Ys6 T) MZ2 `B J=9#
And mention the man of the fish. When he went off in anger and
thought that we would not decree anything upon him.

So what happened was, Prophet Yunus u, called his people to the
Tawheed (Oneness) of Allh but they rejected him. So Prophet Yunus u
left the village without the permission of Allh. He gave up on his people
and he left them. And he rode a boat with some people and he was punished
for leaving the village without asking Allh for permission by being thrown
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

into the sea and by being swallowed by a whale. So, it comes in a regular
persons mind that if somebody is swallowed by an animal like this is can he
ever escape from this whale? No, he will never escape. But we see in the
Qur an that it can be reversed and how is it reversed for the Prophet Yunus
u? It was reversed because of his Tawheed.
Allh says:
$Y MJ=9# b& w m9) w) MR& Ys6 T) MZ2 `B J=9#

But he cried through the darkness (saying): L Ilh illa Anta (none has
the right to be worshipped but You (O, Allh)) Glorified (and Exalted)
are You (above all that (evil) they associate with You). Truly, I have
been of the wrong-doers.

So, Allh answered his Duaa (supplication). So when Prophet Yunus u,
turned to Allh with Tawheed and he said L Ilh illa Anta Subhaanak!
(None has the right to be worshipped but You (O, Allh)) Glorified (and
Exalted) are You (above all that (evil) they associate with You) and he
repented, Allh says that if he was not of those who made repentance, then
he would have stayed in the stomach of the whale until the Day of
Judgment. But his Tawheed and his repentance and his turning to Allh
caused him to be saved. So these are three ways as it relates to fear of sins,
that we can be saved from them because of Tawheed.
The third type of fear that Tawheed can protect us from is the fear of
poverty and the fear of our death overcoming us. So having debt and being
poor means having more expenses than you have income. And this is
something hard on the family, it s hard on the Wali (guardian), it s hard on
those who don t have a lot of money and those who have debt, this is
something very stressful. And the Tawheed (Oneness) of Allh can protect
us from this. The Shaikh -may Allh reward him- mentioned the story of
Musa u, when he left Egypt because he killed someone, he left in a hurry
and he didn t take anything with him to help in his travel because he was in
a rush to escape Fir aun and his army, and not get caught. So he left by
himself without anything and he got to the city of Madi an. Allh says:
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

l$J9r r $B B `r m= pB& B $Y9# cq)` _rr `B
`NgRr ?&B# b#r? A$% $B $J37z $G9$% w +`S Lm `` '$9# $Rq/&r
72 + $Jg9 OO <q? <) @9# A$) > T) $J9 M9R& <) `B z
And when he arrived at the water (a well) of Madyan (Midian) he found
there a group of men watering (their flocks), and besides them he found
two women who were keeping back (their flocks). He said: "What is the
matter with you?" They said: "We cannot water (our flocks) until the
shepherds take (their flocks). And our father is a very old man." So he
watered (their flocks) for them, then he turned back to shade, and said:
"My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on

So Musa u he had no wife, he had no house, he had no work, he had no
money, and he had no kids. He had none of these things. When he returned
to the shade, he said O Allh! I am in need of whatever good you send
down to me. So he was poor. He didn t have a single thing. Any type of
good that Allh would give him, he was in need of it. So what happened?
As soon as he made this Duaa (supplication), one of the two women came
to him
m?$g $Jg1n) J? ? $`sF`# M9$% c) 1& 8q` f9 _& $B
M) $Y9 $J= n$_ %r m= )9# A$% w #? NqgU B Qq)9#
J=9# M9$% $Jg1n) M/' nfG`# c) z `B NfG`# q)9#

The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

Then there came to him one of the two women, walking shyly. She
said: Verily, my father calls you that he may reward you for having
watered (our flocks) for us." So when he came to him and narrated the
story, he said: "Fear you not. You have escaped from the people who
are Zlimn (polytheists, disbelievers, and wrong-doers). And said one
of them (the two women): "O my father! Hire him! Verily, the best of
men for you to hire is the strong, the trustworthy.

So, Musa u, made this Duaa to Allh. He turned to Allh in his time of
need. And, Subhana Allh! (Glory be to Allh!), he was brought to the
father, this old man and not only did this old man present him with the
opportunity to get married, but he also presented him with a salary, a reward
for the work that he did and a job for eight years. And of course he gave
him a wife and a job he was going to give him a home.
And once you have a wife, a job, a home and money you will have kids. So,
the five things that Musa u, left, he had nothing of them and he was in
need of any type of good, his Duaa (supplication) caused him to suddenly
now he possess all of them. So this one Duaa (supplication) resulted in all
of this because it was a sincere Duaa (supplication) to Allh Alone. In the
Sahih the Shaikh -may Allh reward him- mentioned the Hadith from
Abdullah Ibn Az-Zubayr y, that he said
. : . : :
: :
My father Az-Zubayr began to order me concerning his debt. And he said
Oh my son, if you are unable to settle any of it then ask my master for help
in doing it. So Abdullah Ibn Az-Zubayr said By Allh, I did not know what
he meant. So I said Oh my father! Who is your master? And he said
Allh. So Abdullah Ibn Az-Zubayr said whenever I ran into a difficulty
regarding his debt (meaning his fathers debt), I would say Oh master of
Az-Zubayr! Pay his debt for him! And Allh would settle it.
The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

So, Subhana Allh! (Glory be to Allh!), Az-Zubayr s son used to call out
to Allh and ask Allh to settle the debt of his father and Allh would
always settle it for him. And this was a result of his turning to Allh with a
sincere heart. So, this is another way that fear can be relieved by the
Tawheed of Allh.
And the last example that the Shaikh-may Allh reward him- gave is the fear
that we may have of the evil of our children and the actions that our children
might do and the fear that our children might not be righteous or fall into
sin. So how can we be protected from this? It is again with our Tawheed.
Allh says about Prophet Ibrahim, that when he worried for himself and for
his children that they would fall into Shirk (associating partners with Allh
in worship), he said:
> @_# #d $#69# $YB# _7`Y_#r _/r b& 7R P$Y{#
O my Lord! Make this city (Makkah) one of peace and security, and
keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols.

He made Duaa (supplication) to Allh and this Duaa (supplication)
protected his sons and not only did it protect them but as a result of it his
sons became Anbiyyaa, his son Ism il became a Prophet, his son Ishaac
u, became a Prophet, Ishaac s son Yaqub u, became a Prophet, Yaqub s
son Yusuf u, became a Prophet and so on and so forth.
So this one Duaa (supplication) had so much Barak and so much blessing
and so much khayr, it not only protected him and his sons from Shirk
(associating partners with Allh in worship), but it caused them to be raised
in level in the Dunya (worldly life) and in the Akhirah (hereafter).
Another example is Prophet Zakariy. He desired a child and he desired a
righteous child. So Allh says:

The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

9$Zd $ $`2 m`/ A$% > `=d < `B R$! p` p7 R)
At that time Zakariy (Zachariya) invoked his Lord, saying: "O my
Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-
Hearer of invocation.

So he asks Allh for good offspring, meaning children that were righteous.
So right then (at that moment), Allh says:
m?$Y p3=J9# qdr "N$% ?` >#`sJ9# b& !# 8;` `s/ $%`B pJ=3/
`B !# #r #qmr $;Rr `B s=9#
Then the angels called him, while he was standing in prayer in Al-
Mihrb (a praying place or a private room), (saying): "Allh gives you
glad tidings of Yahy (John), confirming (believing in) the Word from
Allh (i.e. the creation of 'Is (Jesus) (peace be upon him), the Word
from Allh ("Be!" - and he was!)) noble, keeping away from sexual
relations with women, a Prophet, from among the righteous.

So Allh gave him the tiding of the righteousness of his son before his son
was even born. So anything that we fear, the answer is to try to achieve
protection from it through the Tawheed of Allh.
And the Shaikh -may Allh reward him- made Duaa (supplication) that we
are all from among the Muwhideen (those who single out Allh in
worship) and he gave his salaam to the sisters!

The Importance of Tawheed and Its Effects on the Muslim Life
Date of Lecture: Rabi I 12, 1433/Feburary 4, 2012
Edited by: DTSSBC Admin

Copyright 1432/2011 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

End Notes:

Al-Dhariyat: 56-57
Al-An'am: 82
An-Nas: 1-6
Yusuf: 23
Yusuf :23
Yusuf :25
Yusuf :31-32

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