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Inquiry Question: What is the process that Buddhist Monks use to find the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama?

Sub questions: A. B. C. D. E. Who is the Dalai Lama? What is the process? How do monks know who is and who isnt? What separates the Dalai Lama from everybody else? Does the process confine people by race or ethnicity or even continent or gender? Are their restrictions to becoming the Dalai Lama? F. What does being the Dalai Lama represent to the Buddhist religion and the government? G. What about the Mistaken Child that was thought to be the next Dalai Lama??? H. How did that decision change the life of the Mistaken Child? I. Were there any controversies with the child after he was decided to not be the true Dalai Lama? J. Who was been the most Famous or worldly known Dalai Lama? What made him so well known? Was it the process that he was chosen through or was it his contributions as the Dalai Lama?

Im exploring the topic of the process of finding the reincarnation of the Dalia Lama that is used by Buddhist Monks. This is not an argument, unless I decide to talk about the Mistaken Child that was thought to the be the next Dalai Lama, but wasnt.

Free Write: I have seen a movie about Buddhist monks coming to the United States to see if a child thought to be a possible candidate was actually the Dalai Lama reincarnation. I cant remember what the movie is called but does it have to do with the Mistaken child. Who is the mistaken child, I just goggled the process to find the Dalai Lama, and stumbled across the book/ incident. I remember in a history class I took a few years back about learning briefly about the Dalai Lama, but exactly who he is and what he does I know nothing about. I do believe he is the reincarnation of Buddha, but dont hold me to it. I know that the Dalai Lama is the highest monk in the Tibetan Buddhist Society. Do Tibetan monks live in the Himalayas is super cool monasteries? That would be really cool to see! Is the mandala sand art those Buddhist monks create in those monasteries a way to worship the Dalai Lama or Buddha? When I think about the Dalai Lama I think of a kind old Tibetan man who wears red and yellow robes and has glasses. UmmmI know that the process to find the reincarnation is taken very seriously and is most likely a long drawn out affair. But as far as how monks determine who is and who isnt have no former knowledge of it. Well, except maybe that when I was reading earlier that monks are given a message or signal of some sort through meditation. Is meditation the way that monks find the reincarnation? I dont think Ive said reincarnation enough or Dalai Lama enoughhaha. Focus. Back to the mistaken child,

how did the process of figuring out if he was the Dalai Lama change the rest of his life? How is he viewed now?

Do a short preliminary research search. Google it see how many pages you come up with. And sources. Used the library database thing from last class and talk about that. List names of the links in Google search and how they relate. Upload to the box, due thursday

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