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Pharaohs Timeline

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Pharaohs Timeline
Pharaohs Timeline
Ancient Egypt encompasses one of the most exciting periods in World History. This comprehensive Pharaohs Timeline details the major events significant to lives of the Kings and Pharaohs of Egypt. The timeline commences at the beginning of the first Ancient Egyptian dynasty with the rule of the mysterious Scorpion and Narmer, then moving on to King Menes. The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Timeline then goes on to chart the great dynasties and Pharaoh Kings of Egypt including Tutankhamen, Ramses and Cleopatra. Dates of all of the successions and reigns of these Egyptian Pharaohs are detailed, where available, in the Pharaohs Timeline. Facts and information via the Pharaohs timeline. The Pharaohs Timeline details the important people and events, via a simple timeline, charting the key dates in the Ancient Egyptian history of the Pharaohs.

Pharaohs Timeline - Periods, Kingdoms and Dynasties

Egyptologists have divided the different times into Periods, Kingdoms and Dynasties. There is some confusion regarding dates in Egyptian history as the Egyptians had a different method of recording dates and the Egyptian calendar was reset to year one at the start of each Pharaoh's rule. The intermediate periods refer to the time between the end of an old period or Kingdom to the start of a new period or Kingdom, allowing for possible anomalies and are detailed on the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Timeline. For more facts and information on this subject or a general Ancient Egyptian Timeline please click one of the following links: Ancient Egyptian Dynasties Ancient Egyptian Timeline

Pharaohs Timeline
Timeline Dates Ancient Egyptian Dynasties Periods and Kingdoms
Pharaohs of the Predynastic Period Up to 13 kings ruled from Hierakonpolis in Upper Egypt during this period who were known as the "Horus-people" or Predynastic Period the "Hawk-people" Protodynastic 5550 BC - 3050 BC Period of Egypt Horus 'Scorpion' Pharoah Dynasty 0 Horus Zekhen Horus Ro Horus Narmer "Catfish" Pharaohs of the 1st - First Egyptian Dynasty Menes - Hor-Aha aka King Menes the Hawk King Djer Djet Den Anedjib Semerkhet Qa'a Pharaohs of the 2nd - Second Egyptian Dynasty Hotep-sekhemwy Raneb aka Nebra Weneg Senedj Nynetjer Sekhemib 5/23/2010

3050 BC - 2686 BC

Early Dynastic Period

Pharaohs Timeline Khasekhemwy 2686 BC - 2181 BC Pharaohs of the 3rd - Third Egyptian Dynasty Sanakhte aka Nebka - 2686 - 2668 BC Djoser - 2668 - 2649 BC Sekhemkhet - 2649 - 2643 BC Khaba - 2643 - 2637 BC Huni - 2637 - 2613 BC BC Pharaohs of the 4th - Fourth Egyptian Dynasty Sneferu aka Snefru - 2613-2589 BC Khufu aka Cheops 2589 - 2566 BC Djedefra - 2566 - 2558 BC Khafre aka Khafra, Shafra Rakhaef, Chephren - 2558 2532 BC Menkaure aka Mycerinus, Mykerinos - 2532 - 2504 BC Shepseskaf - 2504 - 2500 BC Pharaohs of the 5th - Fifth Egyptian Dynasty Userkaf aka Weserkaf 2498 BC - 2491 BC Sahure - 2491 BC - 2477 BC Neferirkare - 2477 BC - 2467 BC Shepseskare - 2467 BC - 2460 BC Neferefre aka Raneferef - 2460 BC - 2453 BC Niuserre - 2453 BC - 2422 BC Menkauhor - 2422 BC - 2414 BC Djedkare - 2414BC - 2375 BC Unas aka Wenas, Unis- 2375BC - 2345 BC Pharaohs of the 6th - Sixth Egyptian Dynasty Teti - 2345BC - 2333 BC Pepi I aka Pepy I, Piopi I, Phiops I - 2332BC - 2283 BC Nemtyemsaf Merenre - 2283BC - 2278 BC and Queen Nitiqret (also known by the Greek name Nitocris) Pepi II - 2278BC - 2184 BC Pharaohs of the 7th / Seventh & 8th / Eighth Egyptian Dynasties Wadjkare Qakare Iby 2181 BC - 2040 BC Pharaohs of the 9th / Ninth & 10th / Tenth Egyptian Dynasties Meryibre Khety Merykare Kaneferre Nebkaure Akh-toy Pharaohs of the 11th - Eleventh Egyptian Dynasty Mentuhotep I 2134 BC ? Sehertawy Intef I ? 2118 BC Wahankh Intef II 2118 BC 2069 BC Nakhtnebtepnefer Intef III 2069 BC 2061 BC Nebhetepra Mentuhotep II 2061 BC 2010 BC Sankhkara Mentuhotep III 2010 BC 1998 BC Old Kingdom

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First Intermediate Period


Pharaohs Timeline Nebtawyra Mentuhotep IV 1998 BC 1991 BC Pharaohs of the 12th - Twelfth Egyptian Dynasty Amenemhat I 1991 BC 1962 BC Senusret I (Sesostris I) 1971 BC 1926 BC Amenemhat II 1929 BC 1895 BC Senusret II (Sesostris II) 1897 BC 1878 BC Senusret III (Sesostris III) 1878 BC 1839 BC Amenemhat III 1860 BC 1814 BC Amenemhat IV 1815 BC 1806 BC Queen Sobekneferu 1806 BC 1802 BC 2040 BC - 1782 BC Pharaohs of the 13th - Thirteenth Egyptian Dynasty Wegaf Khutawyre 1782-1778 BC Ameny Intef IV (Amenemhet V) c. 1760 BC Hor Auyibre c. 1760 BC Sobekhotep II (Amenmehet VI) c. 1750 BC Khendjer Userkare c. 1747 BC Sobekhotep III Sekhemre Sewadjtawy c. 1745 BC Neferhotep I Khasekhemre 1741-1730 BC Sobekhotep IV Khaneferre 1730-1720 BC Ay Merneferre c. 1720 BC Neferhotep II Sekhemre Sankhtawy Dates unknown Pharaohs of the 14th - Fourteenth Egyptian Dynasty Nehesey (or Nehesi) the name means 'Nubian' Pharaohs of the 15th - Fifteenth Egyptian Dynasty Salitis Sakir-Har Khyan c. 1620 BC Apepi I c. 1580 BC - 1540 BC Apepi II c. 1550 BC - 1540 BC Khamudi c. 1540 BC - 1534 BC Pharaohs of the 16th - Sixteenth Egyptian Dynasty 1782 BC - 1570 BC Anat-her User-anat Semqen Zaket Wasa Qar Pepi III Bebankh Nebmaatre Nikare II Aahotepre Nubankhre Nubuserre Khauserre Khamure Jacob-Baal Yakbam/Sekkhaenre Amu Second Intermediate Period

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Middle Kingdom


Pharaohs Timeline Pharaohs of the 17th - Seventeenth Egyptian Dynasty Rahotep Sekhemrewahkhaw Sobekemsaf I Sekhemreshedtawy Antef VI Sekhemrewepmaat Antef VII Nebkheperre Intef VIII Sekhemreherhermaat Sobekemsaf II Sekhemrewadjkhaw 1566 BC - 1559 BC Tao I the Elder Senakhtenre 1559 BC-1558 BC Tao II the Brave Seqenenre 1558 BC-1554 BC Kamose 1554 BC-1549 BC Pharaohs of the 18th - Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty Ahmose I 1550 BC -1525 BC Amenhotep I 1525 BC -1504 BC (aka Amenophis) Thutmose I 1504 BC -1492 BC Thutmose II 1492 BC -1479 BC Queen Hatshepsut 1472 BC -1457 BC & Thutmose III 1479 BC -1425 BC Amenhotep II 1425 BC -1399 BC (aka Amenophis) Thutmose IV 1399 BC -1389 BC Amenhotep III (aka Amenophis) 1389 BC -1351 BC Akhenaten (first known as Amenhotep) 1351 BC -1337 BC Smenkhkare 1336 BC -1334 BC Tutankhamun 1334 BC -1325 BC Ay (Kheperkheprure Ay) 1325 BC -1321 BC Horemheb 1321 BC -1292 BC Pharaohs of the 19th - Nineteenth Egyptian Dynasty 1570 BC - 1070 BC Ramses I 1292 BC 1290 BC Seti I 1290 BC 1279 BC Ramses II aka Ramses the Great 1279 BC 1213 BC Merenptah aka Merneptah 1213 BC 1203 BC Amenmesse 1203 BC 1199 BC Seti II 1199 BC 1193 BC Siptah 1193 BC 1187 BC (Boy king, Queen Twosret was Queen Regent) Queen Twosret 1187 BC - 1186BC Pharaohs of the 20th - Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty Setnakhte 1186 BC 1182 BC Ramses III 1182 BC 1151 BC Ramses IV 1151 BC 1145 BC Ramses V 1145 BC 1141 BC Ramses VI 1141 BC 1133 BC Ramses VII 1133 BC 1125 BC Ramses VIII 1125 BC 1124 BC Ramses IX 1124 BC 1106 BC Ramses X 1106 BC 1102 BC Ramses XI 1102 BC 1069 BC Pharaohs of the 21st - Twenty-first Egyptian Dynasty Smendes 1069 BC - 1043 BC Amenemnisu 1043 BC - 1039 BC Psusennes I 1039 BC - 990 BC Amenemope 992 BC - 983 BC New Kingdom

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Pharaohs Timeline Osorkon the Elder 983 BC - 977 BC Siamun 977 BC - 958 BC Psusennes II 958 BC - 943 BC Pharaohs of the 22nd - Twenty-second Egyptian Dynasty Shoshenq I 943 BC 922 BC Osorkon I 922 BC 887 BC Takelot I 887 BC 874 BC Shoshenq II 874 BC 872 BC Osorkon II 872 BC 837 BC Shoshenq III 837 BC 798 BC Shoshenq IV 798 BC 785 BC Shoshenq V 778 BC 740 BC Osorkon IV 740 BC 720 BC Pharaohs of the 23rd - Twenty-third Egyptian Dynasty 1070 BC - 525 BC Takelot II 840 BC 815 BC Pedubast I 829 BC 804 BC Shoshenq VI 804 BC 798 BC Osorkon III Takelot III Rudamun Pharaohs of the 24th - Twenty-fourth Egyptian Dynasty Tefnakhte I Bakenranef (Bocchoris) 725 BC - 720 BC Pharaohs of the 25th - Twenty-fifth Egyptian Dynasty Kashta Piye c. 752 BC 721 BC Shabaka 721 BC 707 BC Shebitku 707 BC 690 BC Taharqa 690 BC 664 BC Tantamani 664 BC 656 BC Pharaohs of the 26th - Twenty-sixth Egyptian Dynasty Necho I 672 BC - 664 BC Psammetichus I (Wahibre) 664 BC - 610 BC Necho II (Wehemibre) 610 BC - 595 BC Psammetichus II (Neferibre) 595 BC - 589 BC Apries (Haaibre) 589 BC - 570 BC Amasis II (Khnemibre) aka Ahmose II 570 BC - 526 BC Psammetichus III (Ankhkaenre) 526 BC - 525 BC Pharaohs of the 27th - Twenty-seventh Egyptian Dynasty (First Persian Period) Cambyses II 525 BC - 522 BC Darius Setutre 521 BC - 486 BC Xerxes 485 BC - 465 BC Artaxerxes I 465 BC - 424 BC Darius II 423 BC - 405 BC Artaxerxes II 405 BC - 359 BC Pharaohs of the 28th - Twenty-eighth Egyptian Dynasty

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Third Intermediate Period


Pharaohs Timeline Amyrtaeus 404 - 399 B.C. Pharaohs of the 29th - Twenty-ninth Egyptian Dynasty Nepherites I 398 BC - 393 BC Psammuthes 393 BC Hakor (Achoris) 393 BC - 380 BC Nepherites II 380 BC Pharaohs of the 30th - Thirtieth Egyptian Dynasty 672 BC - 332 BC Nectanebo I 380 BC - 362 BC Teos 362 BC - 360 BC Nectanebo II 360 BC - 343 BC Pharaohs of the 31st - Thirty-first Egyptian Dynasty Artaxerxes III 343 BC - 338 B.C. Arses 338 BC - 336 BC Darius III 336 BC - 332 BC Pharaohs of the Ptolemaic Dynasty Late Period

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332 BC - 30 BC

Ptolemy I Soter (305 BC-283 BC) Ptolemy II Philadelphus (283 BC-246 BC) Ptolemy III Euergetes (246 BC-222 BC) Ptolemy IV Philopator (222 BC-204 BC) Ptolemy V Epiphanes (204 BC-180 BC) Ptolemy VI Philometor (180 BC-164 BC, 163 BC-145 BC) Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (170 BC - 163 BC, 145 BC116 BC) Cleopatra II Philometora Soteira (131 BC-127 BC) Cleopatra III Philometor Soteira Dikaiosyne Nikephoros (Kokke) (116 BC-101 BC) ruled jointly with Ptolemy IX (116 BC-107 BC) and Ptolemy X (107 BCPtolemaic Dynasty 101 BC) Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) (116 BC-107 BC, 88 BC81 BC as Soter II) ruled jointly with Cleopatra III in his first reign Ptolemy X Alexander I (107 BC-88 BC) ruled jointly with Cleopatra III till 101 BC Berenice III Philopator (81 BC-80 BC) Ptolemy XI Alexander II (80 BC) Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) (80 BC-58 BC, 55 BC-51 BC) with co-regents Cleopatra V Tryphaena (58 BC-57 BC) and Berenice IV Cleopatra Epiphaneia (58 BC-55 BC) Cleopatra VII Thea Neotera (51 BC-30 BC) ruled jointly with Ptolemy XIII (51 BC-47 BC) Ptolemy XIV (47 BC-44 BC) and Ptolemy XV Caesarean (44 BC-30 BC).


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