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Analysis of Shutter Island

Analysis of Shutter Island

Analysis of Shutter Island Kenneth E. Wiley Sr. Core Assessment Paper-Abnormal Psychology PS 401 March 3, 2011

Analysis of Shutter Island Abstract Shutter Island is a film depicting several of the many facets of Abnormal Psychology as defined and studied over the course of this term. Several of the concepts discussed in our lectures and demonstrated during our classroom time were evident and vividly depicted in the film including personality disorders past and present; stress and anxiety disorders; psychosis, and mood disorders. There were others subtly displayed in the film however, these listed were of primary focus and coincidence most closely with our study this term. While focusing more on the abnormal, Shutter Island also shares common ground with the film A Beautiful Mind.

Analysis of Shutter Island

Analysis of Shutter Island

Shutter Island revolves around the main character, Teddy Daniels, and his adjustment to, or failure to adjust to and cope successfully with several traumatic life events. .Family is the heart and soul of every community. Most parents love their children, try to teach them right from wrong, and hope they grow up to be happy, healthy, and productive citizens. I believe that most individuals value family and what it adds to their lives daily whether it's good or bad. And few will argue that parenting can be a tough but rewarding responsibility as each generation faces its own unique challenges. But like many people, I wonder if we are fast becoming a world that no longer appreciates good old-fashioned morals and values, two fundamental elements in building strong family-centered communities.

Baby boomers may easily recall when most mothers stayed at home and fathers went off to work. This meant that mother was home when you returned from school; she was there when you scraped your knees; she was there when other children visited, or when you had a tough homework problem to solve. However, many children today are reared in single-parent households, and spending quality time with your children may be a luxury if you work outside the home. Instead of a mother figure to care for them, children might be left alone or in the care of an older sibling. So, if parents or

Analysis of Shutter Island

guardians are spending less time with children, who or what is teaching them right from wrong?

Like previous generations today's youth are greatly influenced by what they see and hear. Outside of parents or legal guardians, the big screen, television, music, and peers have the greatest influence over young people today. What is being communicated to our youth falls short on doses of old-fashioned morals and values. Analysis on Family Morals in the 21st Century

Now, here is where things get a little complicated. Because as "free moral agents" we each have a right to decide what has value or merit in our lives and our environment could very well determine how our value system is formed. Boston University professor and social scientist Glenn Loury raises some critical issues in his essay "Values and Judgments: Creating Social Incentives for Good Behavior." He claims there are underlying factors that lie at the root of behavior. This is particularly true when we examine dysfunctional behavior.

Dysfunctional behavior is thought to be more prevalent in impoverished communities. Some debate that a common dysfunctional correlation exists among individuals whether they live in poor, middle, or upper class communities. It appears dysfunctional behavior is not limited to one particular segment of our population. If the ground is fertile dysfunction will grow into divorce, alcohol and drug use, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, violence, or suicide which are escalating at an alarming rate. The elimination of dysfunctional behavior, Loury believes, lies in our system of values or

Analysis of Shutter Island what he calls "virtue" along with the need for a rejuvenated civil society, and of course, spirituality.

Spirituality plays a huge role in formulating good morals and values. Although our country was founded on religious principles, we still live in a world where no real morals and values reign true. And if we allowed politicians or even television to formulate what has merit or value in our life, then we still come up short. The very standards that determine what is moral or valuable may be skewed since there are far Analysis on Family Morals in the 21st Century

too many extenuating circumstances intermingled with geographic, economic, cultural, gender, familial, or other social lines that may cause a person to act or respond in a certain manner.

Some say teachers ought to educate our youth about such things as "patriotism, loyalty, faithfulness, courage, the ability to make the crucial distinctions between right and wrong." Obviously, these are noble thoughts, but teachers cannot do it alone. I believe the teaching of good sound morals and values have to begin at home.

Analysis of Shutter Island

References Skolnick, Arlene; Skolnick, Jerome. (2009). Family in Transition. Boston: Pearson Higher Education Company Loury, Glenn C. (November 1995). Values and judgments: Creating social incentives for good behavior. Transforming Welfare: The Revival of American Charity.

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