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Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus

Diagnosis, Management, and Control
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Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus

Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Edited by Sagar M. Goyal and Julia F. Ridpath

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To our families: Krishna, Vipin, Kavitha, Dinesh, Sarina,

Harold, Lance, Reid, and Grant.

Sagar M. Goyal, BVSc, MSC, PhD, Professor, De- clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided
partment of Veterinary Population Medicine, College that the base fee of $.10 per copy is paid directly to the
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, St. Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Dan-
Paul. vers, MA 01923. For those organizations that have been
granted a photocopy license by CCC, a separate system
Julia F. Ridpath, PhD, Virus and Prion Diseases of of payments has been arranged. The fee code for users
Livestock Research Unit, NADC/ARS/USDA, Ames, of the Transactional Reporting Service are ISBN-13:
Iowa. 978-0-8138-0478-1; ISBN-10: 0-8138-0478-7/2005
©2005 Blackwell Publishing
All rights reserved First edition, 2005

Blackwell Publishing Professional Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014, USA
Bovine viral diarrhea virus : diagnosis, management,
Orders: 1-800-862-6657 and control / edited by Sagar M. Goyal and Julia F.
Office: 1-515-292-0140 Ridpath.— 1st ed.
Fax: 1-515-292-3348 p. cm.
Web site: Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8138-0478-7 (alk. paper)
Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1. Bovine viral diarrhea virus. 2. Bovine viral diar-
9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK rhea. I. Goyal, Sagar M., 1944- II. Ridpath, Julia F.
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Contributors vii
Preface ix

1 Introduction and History 3

Dirk Deregt

2 Risk Assessment 35
Hans Houe

3 Classification and Molecular Biology 65

Julia F. Ridpath

4 Virus Replication 81
S. K. Hietala and B. M. Crossley

5 Virus Transmission 91
Mark C. Thurmond

6 Clinical Features 105

James F. Evermann and George M. Barrington

7 Pathogenesis 121
E. M. Liebler-Tenorio

8 Reproductive Disease and Persistent Infections 145

Kenny V. Brock, Daniel L. Grooms, and M. Daniel Givens

9 Immunity and Immunosuppression 157

Sanjay Kapil, Paul Walz, Melinda Wilkerson, and Harish Minocha

10 Hosts 171
Trevor R. Ames

11 Interactions of Virus and Host 177

John D. Neill

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vi Contents

12 Diagnosis 197
Sagar M. Goyal

13 Vaccines 209
Robert W. Fulton

14 Management Systems and Control Programs 223

Robert L. Larson

15 Conclusions and Future Research 239

Julia F. Ridpath and Sagar M. Goyal

Index 245
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Trevor R. Ames M. Daniel Givens

Department of Veterinary Population Medicine Departments of Pathobiology & Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Minnesota Auburn University
St. Paul, MN Auburn, AL
George M. Barrington Sagar M. Goyal
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Department of Veterinary Population Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine
Washington State University University of Minnesota
Pullman, WA St. Paul, MN
Kenny V. Brock Daniel L. Grooms
Department of Pathobiology Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine
Auburn University Michigan State University
Auburn, AL East Lansing, MI
B. M. Crossley S. K. Hietala
California Animal Health and Food Safety California Animal Health and Food Safety
Laboratory Laboratory
University of California University of California
Davis, CA Davis, CA
Dirk Deregt Hans Houe
Animal Diseases Research Institute Department of Large Animal Sciences
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Section for Veterinary Epidemiology
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
Frederiksberg, Denmark
James F. Evermann
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences and Sanjay Kapil
Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Department of Diagnostic Medicine-Pathobiology
College of Veterinary Medicine Kansas State University
Washington State University Manhattan, KS
Pullman, WA
Robert L. Larson
Robert W. Fulton Veterinary Extension and Continuing Education
Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology University of Missouri
College of Veterinary Medicine Columbia, MO
Oklahoma State University
E. M. Liebler-Tenorio
Stillwater, OK
Friedrich-Loeffler Institut
Federal Research Center for Animal Health
Jena, Germany

2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_FM 3/18/05 9:46 AM Page viii

viii Contributors

Harish Minocha Mark C. Thurmond

Department of Diagnostic Medicine-Pathobiology Department of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Manhattan, KS University of California
Davis, CA
John D. Neill
National Animal Disease Center Paul Walz
Agricultural Research Service Department of Clinical Sciences
U.S. Department of Agriculture College of Veterinary Medicine
Ames, IA Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Julia F. Ridpath
National Animal Disease Center Melinda Wilkerson
Agricultural Research Service Department of Diagnostic Medicine-Pathobiology
U.S. Department of Agriculture Kansas State University
Ames, IA Manhattan, KS
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The disease caused by bovine viral diarrhea virus countries, including the U.S., are contemplating era-
(BVDV) was first described in 1946, along with dication and/or control programs.
virus isolation from sick cattle. In the intervening 60 In spite of these developments and several sym-
years, many important advances have been made in posia dedicated to discussing the pathogenesis,
understanding this virus and the disease it produces. transmission, diagnosis, and molecular virology of
These developments include the recognition of the virus, BVDV and BVDV-induced diseases are
BVDV biotypes and genotypes; development of not completely understood, as exemplified by the
monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to study strain varia- appearance of severe hemorrhagic disease caused by
tion; defining the mechanism of development of per- BVDV 2 in the early 1990s in Canada and then in
sistent infections, mucosal disease, and immune tol- other countries. It is with this in mind that we have
erance; BVDV-induced immunosuppression; the attempted to collate information on the current state
discovery of problems caused by the presence of of knowledge on the diagnosis, management, and
BVDV and anti-BVDV antibodies in fetal bovine control of the multifaceted diseases caused by BVD
serum used in the production of cell cultures; se- viruses. An internationally renowned team of ex-
quencing of viral genome; and the development of perts has been assembled to contribute chapters on
rapid methods for virus detection. These achieve- various aspects of this problem.
ments have culminated in the development of con- We thank Dede Pedersen of Blackwell Publishing
trol and eradication programs in several Scandina- for keeping the book on track.
vian countries with some successes. Many other

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Introduction and History
Dirk Deregt

In 1996, Cornell University held an international Vaccines were first mass produced in the 1960s to
symposium at the College of Veterinary Medicine. deal effectively with the acute disease but were also
This event was a celebration of 50 years of bovine found to occasionally precipitate a severe manifesta-
viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) research marked from tion of BVDV called mucosal disease (MD). The
the time of the first publication on BVDV, “An ap- pathogenesis of spontaneous and vaccine-induced
parently new transmissible disease of cattle,” by mucosal disease in persistently infected cattle came
Cornell University researchers (Olafson et al., to be understood by important discoveries in the
1946). Presenting at the meeting were two Cornell 1960s and 1980s. The decade of the 1980s also saw
pioneers: Dr. Francis Fox, one of the coauthors of the first complete sequencing of a BVDV genome
the original publication, and Dr. James Gillespie and the production of monoclonal antibodies to the
who, with his colleagues, had propagated the first virus. These developments led eventually to new nu-
isolates of BVDV in tissue culture. Also presenting cleic acid- and monoclonal antibody-based diagnos-
at this meeting was another BVDV pioneer, Dr. tic methods.
Bernd Liess of the Hannover Veterinary School, In the 1990s, virulent strains of a new BVDV
who recounted his early experiences and interac- genotype, type 2 BVDV, devastated many North
tions with Cornell University researchers. Their his- American herds and presented yet another challenge
torical perspectives on the discovery of the disease, for researchers, veterinarians, and vaccine compa-
the virus, and the scientific contributions of Cornell nies. At the same time, several European countries
University are recorded (Fox, 1996; Gillespie, 1996; embarked on eradication programs for BVDV with-
Liess, 1996). These personal accounts are highly out vaccination. These programs have been highly
recommended reading. The meeting was a blend of successful to date. Thus, in the beginning of the new
“old” and “new.” Classical (type 1) BVDV was now millennium, countries and regions with endemic
50 years old, but what dominated the discussion was BVDV will need to consider what type of control
the newly discovered genotype of BVDV (type 2 programs, if any, they will embark on and what the
BVDV) and the disease it causes. costs and risks are. In the absence of national or re-
From its emergence as a new virus in 1946 to the gional programs, veterinarians and cattle producers
present day, BVDV has proven to be multifaceted in need to know how to apply proper management and
the disease it produces and is arguably the most control strategies for individual herds. The objective
complicated bovine virus in its pathogenesis. During of this book is to provide detailed information on
the past half-century and more, a multitude of ad- our current knowledge of the virus and the diseases
vances have been made in BVDV research and diag- it causes, the diagnostic methods available, and
nostics. These advances have led to the development management systems.
of numerous diagnostic tests and the design of suc- In writing this chapter on the history of BVDV,
cessful management and control strategies for the author has divided the historical developments
BVDV. The discovery of persistent infection and into specific time periods. However, to avoid too
how this state is produced in cattle was key to both much fragmentation of thought, some related devel-
our understanding of how BVDV maintains itself opments, that either overlap the time periods (earlier
and to developing rational control and eradication or later) or may be too brief to mention individually
strategies. in their time period, may be brought together in a

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4 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

single context in the period in which the most signif- After the report of acute BVD in New York, a sim-
icant findings or a majority of the research took ilar but more severe disease in cattle was reported in
place. These events are referenced with their date of Canada by Childs (1946). This report was consid-
publication and, thus, should not be confusing to the ered by Pritchard (1963) in his review of those early
reader. In addition to providing a history and intro- times as probably the first description of mucosal
duction to the virus and disease, another objective in disease in cattle. Mucosal disease was characterized
writing this chapter is to provide an introduction (in by fever, anorexia, depression, profuse salivation,
historical context) of subjects that are further devel- nasal discharge; gastrointestinal hemorrhages, ero-
oped in subsequent chapters. sions, and ulcers; and severe diarrhea with watery
feces that were sometimes mixed with blood.
THE EARLY YEARS, 1946–1969 Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract were quantita-
tively much more severe in MD than those observed
THE VIRUS AND THE DISEASE in BVD. Furthermore, MD usually affected only a
The new transmissible disease in cattle, described by few animals in a herd but had a very high case fatal-
Cornell University researchers Olafson, MacCallum, ity rate. In 1953, Ramsey and Chivers (1953) re-
and Fox (1946), was characterized by leukopenia, ported on MD in the U.S. and gave the disease its
high fever, depression, diarrhea and dehydration, name. These authors noted that MD had some of the
anorexia, salivation, nasal discharge, gastrointestinal characteristics of BVD but was apparently not trans-
erosions, and hemorrhages in various tissues. missible experimentally, and only fever was ob-
Initially, the disease was observed in Ithaca, New served in cattle inoculated with the agent. Thus,
York, in a “one-cow herd” by Dr. Francis Fox, who based on the differences in lesions of the gastroin-
initially considered the disease to be classical winter testinal tract, the low morbidity and high case fatal-
dysentery in his recounting of the event (Fox, 1996). ity rates, and the nontransmissibility of MD, it was
Subsequently, outbreaks of the disease occurred in thought to be a disease distinct from BVD.
other herds in the area. In five initial herds, the mor- It was discovered in 1957 that the viral agent iso-
bidity ranged from 33–88% and mortality was 4–8%. lated in acute BVD did not cause cytopathology in
In addition to other signs, milk production was di- vitro, meaning that infected cells in culture appeared
minished and fetal abortions occurred 10 days to 3 normal (Lee and Gillespie, 1957). In the same year,
months following infection. Some of the cows in one a cytopathic virus had been isolated from MD
herd developed pneumonia. The severe leukopenia (which was thought at the time to be caused by a dif-
seen in clinically affected animals was considered to ferent virus than the one causing BVD) (Underdahl
be indicative of a viral etiology. The attempted treat- et al., 1957). After the isolation of two noncyto-
ment involved blood transfusions, but often the ap- pathic viruses from BVD cases, including the refer-
parently healthy donor animals of the herd had a ence NY-1 strain (Lee and Gillespie, 1957), Gilles-
more severe leukopenia than the clinically affected pie et al. (1960) reported the first isolation of a
animals (Fox, 1996). This indicated that the donors cytopathic strain of BVDV, designated Oregon
were infected and that BVDV infections could also C24V. The discovery of cytopathic strains allowed
be subclinical in nature. the development of serum neutralization and plaque
The lesions of BVD resembled those of rinder- neutralization assays. Cytopathic strains could be
pest, an exotic disease for the U.S. However, the dis- more easily studied in tissue culture than noncyto-
ease observed by Olafson et al. (1946) did not be- pathic strains, and their neutralization with antisera
have as rinderpest. Since the U.S. had a susceptible allowed characterization of the antigenic relatedness
cattle population, rinderpest would have presented a of viruses from cases of BVD and MD. Studies em-
much more devastating clinical picture with high ploying virus neutralization (Gillespie et al., 1961;
transmission and mortality rates. However, it was Kniazeff et al., 1961; Thomson and Savan, 1963)
thought that a mild form of rinderpest could have determined that the viral agents isolated from BVD
been responsible for the lesions observed and, thus, and MD in North America and Europe were, indeed,
it was important to rule out this disease. Subse- the same and that BVD and MD were actually dif-
quently, Walker and Olafson (1947) demonstrated ferent disease manifestations caused by the same
experimentally that sera from cattle that recovered agent. Thus, several years later, the disease became
from BVD did not neutralize rinderpest virus and officially known as bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal
that these recovered cattle did not show resistance to disease (BVD-MD) (Kennedy et al., 1968).
infection with the rinderpest virus. In an early review of BVD-MD, Pritchard (1963)
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Introduction and History 5

described BVD as a separate syndrome from MD virus. It was noted at the time that, if the operating
and stated that BVD occurs in three forms: severe mechanism was immune tolerance, the lack of im-
acute BVD, mild acute BVD, and chronic BVD mune response would be expected to be BVDV-
(now recognized as a form of MD). Severe acute specific, whereas if immune cell destruction was op-
BVD had been prominent a decade earlier, but by erating, there would also be a depression of the im-
1963, a very mild clinical form of BVD was most mune response to unrelated antigens (Segre, 1968).
commonly observed. Pritchard (1963) noted that The hypothesis of immune tolerance was eventually
one of the common early clinical signs of the severe proven in the 1980s, a decade in which the precipi-
acute form of BVD was a harsh, dry cough in many tating event in MD was also identified and in which
of the animals. In some herds, lameness attributed MD was experimentally reproduced.
to laminitis was also prominent. In the chronic Fetal abortions were associated with BVDV in-
form, affected cattle failed to grow at a normal rate fection from the time of the first outbreaks of BVD
or lost weight. Many of these animals became ema- (Olafson et al., 1946). Evidence of a causative role
ciated and developed continuous or intermittent in abortion included the isolation of noncytopathic
diarrhea. BVDV from aborted fetuses and the occurrence of
Although BVD could be reproduced experimen- abortions following experimental exposure and after
tally, MD could not. Only fever or a milder form of natural outbreaks (Olafson et al., 1946; Baker et al.,
BVD could be produced with the virus obtained 1954; Gillespie et al., 1967). Cerebellar hypoplasia
from cases of MD (Pritchard, 1963). An early study and ocular defects (cataracts, retinal degeneration,
of field cases of BVD and MD indicated that there and optic neuritis) in newborn calves were also ob-
was an immune component to MD (Thomson and served after BVDV infection of pregnant cows.
Savan, 1963). In seven cases, the cattle that became These BVDV-induced congenital defects were first
diseased and died were serologically negative to the reported by Ward et al. (1969). For the dams of three
virus. One animal, which was clinically ill for 2 calves with cerebellar hypoplasia, Kahrs et al.
months, remained serologically negative immedi- (1970) reported that infection occurred at an esti-
ately prior to death when viable virus was still iso- mated 134–183 days of gestation. Experimentally,
lated from its blood. Based on these observations, cerebellar and ocular defects were produced in
Thomson and Savan (1963) suggested that cattle calves by inoculation of their dams with a noncyto-
that did not recover from their illness may have been pathic BVDV at 79–150 days of gestation (Scott et
incapable of producing an immune response. al., 1973).
By the end of the 1960s, it had become evident Early in the 1960s, it became established that
that cattle with MD had persistent viremia and often BVDV was antigenically related to hog cholera
failed to produce neutralizing antibodies to the virus virus, now more commonly known as classical swine
(Malmquist, 1968). It was also observed that fetal fever virus (CSFV) (Darbyshire, 1962). Soon after,
bovine serum frequently contained BVDV (Malm- live BVDV vaccines were proposed for immuniza-
quist 1968). This finding and the finding of BVDV tion of swine against CSFV in the U.S., but this was
infections in newborn and 1-day-old calves were in- later abandoned in 1969 when the Department of
dicative of intrauterine infections (Bürki and Agriculture issued a notice against their use for this
Germann, 1964; Romváry, 1965; Malmquist, 1968). purpose (Fernelius et al., 1973). Swine had originally
Thus, one mechanism proposed to explain persistent been thought to be dead-end hosts for BVDV, mak-
infection, and the failure of cattle with MD to pro- ing the virus attractive for immunization of swine.
duce antibodies to BVDV was the development of However, this was proven to be false when BVDV
immune tolerance in these cattle during intrauterine was isolated from naturally infected swine (Fernelius
infection (Malmquist, 1968). Exposure to BVDV et al., 1973). Later, serological evidence indicated
before the age of immune competence could lead to that the agent causing border disease in sheep was
failure of the fetus to recognize the virus as foreign also related to BVDV and CSFV (Plant et al., 1973).
and, thus, a failure to produce antibodies to the
virus. This would result in the eventual birth of DIAGNOSIS AND CONTROL
calves infected with BVDV but without the capabil- The serum neutralization test developed after the
ity to clear the infection. An alternative mechanism discovery of cytopathic strains of BVDV became an
proposed by Malmquist (1968) for the lack of neu- important diagnostic assay and is still widely used
tralizing antibodies in cattle with MD was the de- today. Early studies in the 1960s using this test
struction of immunologically competent cells by the proved that BVDV was present worldwide at a high
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6 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

seroprevalence (usually about 60%) in most adult BVDV was recognized as a highly contagious dis-
cattle populations and that the majority of BVDV in- ease that was easily spread from herd to herd
fections were subclinical in nature. (Pritchard, 1963). The original outbreaks in New
During the 1960s, the use of cell lines such as York were described as explosive in character, in
Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells sim- which practically all the animals in a herd came
plified the study of the virus and its diagnosis down with the disease within a few days (Olafson et
(Marcus and Moll, 1968). Also of importance was al., 1946). Thus, before a vaccine became available,
the development of the fluorescent antibody tech- control procedures were limited to protecting the
nique (FAT) for the detection of BVDV in inocu- noninfected herd by prevention of direct and indirect
lated cell cultures (Fernelius, 1964). Prior to the de- contact with infected animals.
velopment of FAT, identification and titration of By the mid- and late 1960s, modified-live vac-
noncytopathic BVDV was difficult, often involving cines comprising the attenuated Oregon C24V and
calf inoculation, an interference test in which the NADL strains were in use (Bittle, 1968; Gutekunst,
cytopathic effect of cytopathic BVDV was inhibited 1968). The latter strain was isolated in 1962 at the
by noncytopathic virus (Gillespie et al., 1962; National Animal Disease Laboratory and attenuated
Diderholm and Dinter, 1966), or agar gel-diffusion in porcine kidney cell culture. Although modified-
precipitin tests. With FAT, the detection of noncyto- live vaccines were considered efficacious in prevent-
pathic BVDV from biological specimens was made ing acute BVD, their use was thought to be some-
much easier, although the interference test was still what risky due to the occurrence of pvMD. The risk
used experimentally as late as 1985 (McClurkin et of pvMD was somewhat a matter of perception and
al., 1985). personal experience. Bittle (1968), describing the
Soon after the discovery of the cytopathic BVDV Oregon C24V vaccine, stated that the incidence of
strain, Oregon C24V, Coggins et al. (1961) reported postvaccinal problems reported to the USDA com-
on its attenuation by serial passages in primary pared to the number of doses used had been ex-
bovine kidney tissue culture. This led to its mass tremely small (less than 1 in 10,000) and he encour-
production as a modified-live vaccine for BVD in aged its use. Likewise, Gutekunst (1968) stated that,
1964 (Peter et al., 1967). However, soon after its following 8 months of field use of 350,000 doses of
use, reports began to appear of a few sick animals in the NADL vaccine, no reports of postvaccinal reac-
some herds following immunization. It became ap- tions had been received. In contrast, a commentator
parent that the vaccine produced an MD-like disease at the meeting at which Drs. Bittle and Gutekunst
in a small number of animals in a few herds (Fuller, spoke remarked that he had personally observed 40
1965; Peter et al., 1967; McKercher et al., 1968). cases of pvMD in a 3-month period in approxi-
The animals that became sick with MD-like symp- mately 1,000 vaccinated cattle (Clark, 1968). Subse-
toms usually died. The discussion of possible causes quently, it was discovered that pvMD occurs only in
of postvaccinal MD (pvMD), as it became known, persistently infected cattle and although these ani-
included insufficient attenuation of the Oregon mals comprise a small portion of the total cattle pop-
C24V strain and contamination of the vaccine with ulation, they could comprise a significant portion of
a virulent BVDV field strain. Further, since pvMD animals in an individual herd.
was first observed after the introduction of multiva- The modified-live vaccines were contraindicated
lent vaccines against both BVD and infectious for use in pregnant animals because of the possi-
bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), it was considered pos- bility of inducing abortions, and thus, emphasis
sible that a synergistic effect between the two was placed on vaccination of calves and heifers.
viruses may have been responsible for the postvac- Kahrs (1971) also advocated protecting naive cat-
cinal syndrome. The possible role of the vaccine as tle from contact with potentially infected cattle,
a stressor in cattle already in the acute stage of in- particularly those from auction markets or shipping
fection with a BVDV field strain was also suggested centers and, probably because of the risk of pvMD,
(McKercher et al., 1968). Peter et al. (1967), how- considered this the “best control method.” For
ever, noted that animals that died from pvMD failed feedlot cattle, Fuller (1965) stated that it was poor
to develop antibodies to BVDV but could produce economy to vaccinate already stressed cattle imme-
antibodies to IBR virus. Thus, they suggested that diately upon arrival to feedlots. Instead, he recom-
cattle succumbing to MD or pvMD were uniquely mended acclimatizing calves to their new sur-
susceptible to BVDV and that this susceptibility in- roundings for about 3 weeks before vaccinating
volved a failure of the immune system. them against BVDV.
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Introduction and History 7

THE DECADE OF THE 1970s (ⱖ1:128) 6 weeks after breeding. Four heifers gave
birth to normal calves and one heifer aborted at 6
months of gestation but no BVDV was isolated from
the fetus. None of the calves produced by either
By the 1970s, it was established that calves with group showed evidence of intrauterine infection.
congenital BVDV infections were unthrifty and usu- However, the study indicated that BVDV may play
ally died within a few months, and that surviving a role in repeat breeding problems. It was suggested
calves often suffered from chronic disease, were that losses due to repeat breeding and from neonatal
persistently infected with the virus, and were defi- disease might be prevented by ensuring that all cat-
cient in serum neutralizing antibodies against tle have high antibody titers to BVDV before breed-
BVDV (Bürki and Germann, 1964; Malmquist ing (McClurkin et al., 1979).
1968; Johnson and Muscoplat, 1973). These obser- Also of interest in this study was the observation
vations were made in sick and unthrifty animals. In that BVDV antibody titers in the herd (38% of the
1978, Coria and McClurkin (1978) reported on the animals had titers >1:256) were generally much
persistent infection and immune tolerance of an ap- higher than expected (usually 1:16 to 1:64) for cat-
parently healthy bull. The bull was continuously tle vaccinated with the killed vaccine. It was sur-
viremic and a noncytopathic BVDV was isolated mised that virus shedding by the persistently in-
from its blood leukocytes repeatedly from birth to fected animals had constantly challenged the other
2.5 years of age. The virus was also isolated repeat- cattle in the herd and boosted their antibody titers.
edly from the bull’s semen. The bull remained The idea that the level of BVDV antibodies in a herd
seronegative for BVDV antibodies during this time. could be used to predict which herds contained per-
When challenged with the equivalent of three doses sistently infected animals was later developed in the
of a killed vaccine, it failed to produce a significant 1990s and recently evaluated for herds of unknown
immune response. It was suggested that the bull had BVDV status (Pillars and Grooms, 2002), as will be
acquired the infection early in gestation before the discussed later in this chapter.
development of its immune system and had thus ac- Lesions in the persistently infected, healthy cattle
quired a specific immune tolerance to BVDV. were found to be microscopic, primarily in the brain
A year later, McClurkin et al. (1979) described and kidney (Cutlip et al., 1980). However, immuno-
the reproductive performance of four healthy cattle fluorescence staining of tissues demonstrated wide-
persistently infected with BVDV: the bull previously spread distribution of viral antigen in brain and
identified and three newly identified pregnant cows. spinal cord neurons, renal glomeruli, renal tubules,
As an aid to the identification of apparently healthy, lymph nodes, spleen, small intestine crypts, testicu-
persistently infected cattle in a herd, they noted that lar tubules, and endothelial cells.
cattle that remain seronegative while in contact with
seropositive cattle were likely to be immune-tolerant
and persistently infected. They further noted that, DIAGNOSIS AND CONTROL
after three vaccinations of the herd, all cattle except The observation that fetal bovine sera frequently
these three cows had serum neutralizing antibody contained BVDV and neutralizing antibodies
titers of 1:16 or greater against BVDV. As in the per- against BVDV (Kniazeff et al., 1967; Malmquist,
sistently infected bull, a noncytopathic BVDV was 1968) was an increasing concern in the 1970s for
consistently isolated from the three persistently in- cell culture work because contaminated cultures
fected cows, and these cows gave birth to calves that could have undesirable consequences for research
became ill: Two died within the first week postpar- and vaccine production. Tamoglia (1968) found that
tum and one calf was euthanized at a few weeks of 8% of licensed live IBR vaccines were contaminated
age. A noncytopathic BVDV was isolated from the with BVDV, raising concerns that such vaccines
blood leukocytes of all three calves indicating ma- might give rise to fetal abortions. Experimental
ternal transmission. studies, like those examining the effects of cyto-
When seropositive cows were bred by the persist- pathic BVDV, could be compromised if cell cultures
ently infected bull, normal calves were born but used to propagate the cytopathic virus were contam-
services per conception averaged a high 2.3. For five inated with noncytopathic BVDV. Commercial fetal
seronegative heifers bred by the bull, services per bovine sera were contaminated with noncytopathic
conception averaged 2.0. All seronegative heifers se- BVDV as a result of pooling sera from infected and
roconverted to BVDV and had high antibody titers noninfected fetuses. Commonly, sera of 500 fetuses
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8 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

were pooled and, although the incidence of fetal in- (42–125 days). Cows or their fetuses were inocu-
fection was unknown at the time, Nuttall et al. lated directly with one of five different BVDV iso-
(1977) calculated that contamination of a batch of lates. Four of the isolates were noncytopathic strains
fetal bovine serum required only a 0.2% incidence and the fifth was the cytopathic NADL strain. For 38
of infection. At the time, the interference test (Gil- pregnant cows or fetuses inoculated with noncyto-
lespie et al., 1962), which relied on the visible inhi- pathic strains, there were 10 abortions, 1 stillborn
bition of cytopathic BVDV, was used to screen fetal calf, 4 weak or unsteady calves, and 23 calves that
bovine sera and bovine cells for noncytopathic had a normal and vigorous appearance at birth. All
BVDV. Nuttal et al. (1977) believed that the interfer- weak calves and 22 of the 23 normal appearing
ence test was not sensitive enough to detect low- calves were persistently infected and seronegative
level contamination of fetal bovine serum with non- and were the result of inoculations occurring at days
cytopathic BVDV and advocated the use of FAT for 42–125 of gestation. One calf infected at 125 days
regular screening of sera and cells for noncytopathic of gestation was immune-competent, virus-negative,
virus. and seropositive at birth.
For serological diagnosis of BVDV infection, Of interest, but not fully appreciated at the time,
Lambert et al. (1974) recommended the use of the was the failure by McClurkin et al. (1984) to pro-
serum neutralization assay on paired serum samples duce any persistently infected calves with the cyto-
collected 2 or 3 weeks apart, with a rising titer indi- pathic NADL strain. Prior to this study, Done et al.
cating active infection. To prevent BVD in neonatal (1980) had infected 15 pregnant cows at 100 days of
calves, they recommended vaccination of open gestation with a mixture of 10 cytopathic strains of
heifers and cows 30–60 days prior to breeding and BVDV. Virus was recovered from eight live-born
the consumption of antibody-rich colostrum by calves, but in each case these viruses were noncyto-
calves. pathic BVDV. These researchers also did not appear
Because of the concern for pvMD, abortions, and to fully recognize the significance of this finding,
in utero infections, a number of studies were done in stating that “the absence of cytopathogenicity in all
the early and mid-1970s on the efficacy of killed reisolates of virus is remarkable, but perhaps no
vaccines for BVDV. However, these efficacy studies more than a reminder of the genetic variablity of
were often limited in scale and involved challenge viruses in general and of the pestiviruses in particu-
with homologous virus. Lambert et al. (1971) evalu- lar.” It is almost certain that noncytopathic BVDV
ated a killed BVDV-NADL vaccine and found it ef- contaminated their cytopathic virus stocks used for
ficacious against homologous virus challenge in infection. Later, Brownlie et al. (1989) infected
calves aged 5–11 months. McClurkin et al. (1975) pregnant cattle with a cytopathic virus and could not
examined the use of killed vaccines using inacti- produce persistent infection. Thus, it became gener-
vated cytopathic NADL and Singer strains to pre- ally accepted that only noncytopathic BVDV could
vent fetal infection and found these vaccines effica- produce persistent infections.
cious. However, these researchers used homologous McClurkin et al. (1984) also followed the fate of
challenge, and a heterologous or noncytopathic the persistently infected calves they had produced.
BVDV challenge was not attempted. Challenge with All four weak calves either died or were euthanized
noncytopathic virus would prove to be essential in within 4 months after birth. Of the 22 apparently
evaluating fetal protection when it was later discov- healthy calves, 6 developed diarrhea and/or pneu-
ered that only noncytopathic viruses caused persist- monia within 5 months of birth and died, and 1 be-
ent infections. came unthrifty and remained small. Ten of the ap-
parently healthy calves remained healthy at 6
THE DECADE OF THE 1980s months of age or as yearlings (most of these calves
were then used in other experiments). Three animals
EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTION OF remained healthy as 2-year-olds and were bred. Two
PERSISTENT INFECTION AND MUCOSAL of the persistently infected cows produced appar-
DISEASE ently healthy, persistently infected calves, whereas
In 1984 and 1985, a number of important advances the third cow lost her calf and developed MD at 28
were made in BVDV research. McClurkin et al. months of age. This study demonstrated several
(1984) described the production of persistently in- characteristics of persistent infection: that persist-
fected, immune-tolerant calves in five experiments ently infected calves may be born weak or appar-
involving 44 cows in the first trimester of pregnancy ently normal; that some may live to breeding age;
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Introduction and History 9

and that persistently infected families can arise by topathic BVDV with antigenic similarity to the non-
breeding persistently infected cattle. cytopathic BVDV. Superinfection could occur by
Soon after the study by McClurkin et al. (1984), mutation in spontaneous MD or, in the case of
Brownlie et al. (1984) and Bolin et al. (1985c) ex- pvMD, by vaccination with a vaccine virus antigeni-
perimentally reproduced MD in persistently infected cally similar to the noncytopathic BVDV infecting
cattle. Brownlie et al. (1984) noted that while the persistently infected animal.
healthy, persistently infected cattle were infected The above hypothesis suggested that inoculation
with only noncytopathic BVDV, both noncytopathic of persistently infected animals with a cytopathic
and cytopathic BVDV could be isolated from per- BVDV antigenically different (heterologous) from
sistently infected cattle that were clinically ill with the noncytopathic persisting virus would not result
MD. The latter finding was also observed by in MD; but rather, the animal would produce anti-
McClurkin et al. (1985). From their observations, bodies to the cytopathic virus and clear the infec-
Brownlie et al. (1984) developed a hypothesis for tion. This apparently was the reason for the failure
the induction of MD, which stated that cattle be- of superinfection with cytopathic BVDV (e.g., by
come persistently infected with noncytopathic vaccination) to produce MD consistently. In support
BVDV after in utero infection and postnatally suc- of this hypothesis, Moennig et al. (1990) showed
cumbed to MD when superinfected with a cyto- that persistently infected animals superinfected with
pathic BVDV. To test the hypothesis, Brownlie et al. closely related cytopathic BVDV developed MD
(1984) used a cytopathic isolate from an animal suf- within 14 days of infection but those that were su-
fering from MD to inoculate two healthy persist- perinfected with heterologous cytopathic BVDV did
ently infected herdmates. Both animals came down not develop MD within a 2–3-week time frame.
with MD, supporting the hypothesis. In another Instead, these animals developed antibodies to the
study, Bolin et al. (1985c) inoculated persistently in- superinfecting virus. Other studies, however,
fected cattle with noncytopathic or cytopathic showed that the inoculated cytopathic BVDV could
BVDV. The cattle inoculated with noncytopathic sometimes be heterologous and yet precipitate MD
virus did not develop clinical signs of disease, in a persistently infected animal. Westenbrink et al.
whereas MD developed in all cattle inoculated with (1989) inoculated 14 clinically healthy, persistently
cytopathic BVDV. infected animals with three heterologous cytopathic
Although pvMD was known to be a relatively viruses. Twelve of these animals developed MD,
common phenomenon, failure to consistently induce some within the expected time frame for MD of 2–3
MD in persistently infected cattle with cytopathic weeks postinoculation, and several others after sev-
BVDV vaccines (Bolin et al., 1985b) suggested that eral months (so called late-onset MD). The actual
the induction of MD was somewhat more compli- range when MD began was 17–99 days. Interest-
cated than simple superinfection with a cytopathic ingly, neutralizing antibodies were produced against
BVDV in an animal persistently infected with non- the inoculated cytopathic virus but, as expected, not
cytopathic BVDV. Subsequent studies indicated that to the persisting noncytopathic virus. However, in
the noncytopathic and cytopathic viruses (called a 10 of 12 cases, the neutralizing antibodies did not
virus pair) from individual MD cases were antigeni- neutralize the cytopathic virus recovered at necropsy
cally similar. Howard et al. (1987) compared five from the intestines. This suggested that mutational
virus pairs from separate MD outbreaks and found changes had occurred and, as a result, cytopathic
that virus pairs from the same outbreak were anti- virus antigenically similar to the persisting noncyto-
genically indistinguishable when tested in cross- pathic virus arose and induced MD.
neutralization tests with antisera. Corapi et al. Shimizu et al. (1989) also produced MD in per-
(1988) using a panel of monoclonal antibodies also sistently infected cattle with inoculation of heterolo-
showed that noncytopathic and cytopathic viral pairs gous cytopathic BVDV. Similar to the findings of
from MD had a high degree of antigenic similarity. Westenbrink et al. (1989), they found that the cyto-
This led to the conclusion that in natural outbreaks pathic viruses recovered from blood early after in-
of MD the likely origin of the cytopathic BVDV was fection were antigenically similar to the challenge
via mutation of the noncytopathic BVDV infecting cytopathic virus but that the cytopathic viruses iso-
the persistently infected animal. Thus, the hypothe- lated from the carcasses at necropsy were antigeni-
sis for the induction of MD was refined to include cally different from the challenge virus but similar
antigenic similarity: MD was induced in a persist- to the noncytopathic persisting virus. Neutralizing
ently infected animal by “superinfection” with a cy- antibodies were produced to both the challenge
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10 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

virus and cytopathic virus isolated early in infection preimmunized, seropositive heifers with semen from
but not to the persisting noncytopathic virus nor to this bull (Cy 105). Both groups had poor rates of
the cytopathic virus recovered from the carcasses at conception but eventually all but one heifer con-
necropsy. These results again suggested that muta- ceived after repeated inseminations. Eleven appar-
tional changes or selection of antigenic variants in ently normal calves were born and none were persist-
the challenge virus occurred, which resulted in a ho- ently infected. Paton et al. (1989) also used virus
mologous cytopathic virus responsible for precipi- isolated from the serum of Cy 105 to infect four
tating MD. However, subsequent studies would Freisen bulls. Virus was isolated from the semen of
show that the arising homologous cytopathic virus one of the bulls from four collections taken 7–14
was often the result of RNA recombination between days postinoculation. The highest titer obtained was
the cytopathic challenge virus and the persisting 101.4 TCID50/ml. Semen quality of the bull was
noncytopathic virus. found to deteriorate following infection and showed
a reduction in both sperm density and motility.
ACUTE AND PERSISTENT INFECTIONS IN THE Meyling and Jensen (1988) were the first to report
BULL the production of a persistently infected calf sired
Whitmore et al. (1978) examined BVDV shedding from the semen of a persistently infected bull.
in the semen of nine bulls after acute infection and Twelve seronegative heifers were inseminated with
found detectable virus in 4 of 70 semen samples. semen from this bull containing 105–107.5 TCID50/
They were also able to recover virus from the testi- ml of BVDV. All 12 heifers became infected as indi-
cle of one bull. The positive samples were obtained cated by seroconversion and all heifers gave birth to
in the first 10 days postinoculation from four of the clinically normal calves. Only1 of the 12 calves was
nine bulls but the amount of virus in the semen was persistently infected. Later, Kirkland et al. (1994)
not quantified. Treatment of the bulls with dexam- described the results of widespread field use of
ethasone at 28 or 56 days postinoculation did not re- semen from a persistently infected bull. Approxi-
sult in additional virus shedding in semen. More re- mately 600 doses of semen had been distributed to
cently, Kirkland et al. (1991) studied five bulls 97 dairy farms for sire evaluation purposes and 162
during an acute infection with BVDV. Semen sam- cows were inseminated. The first service conception
ples were collected between 7 and 14 days after in- rate was only 38%. A subsequent study of 61 calves
fection on four occasions from each bull. Virus was sired by the bull revealed that only two of these
isolated from three bulls and from 9 of 12 batches of calves were persistently infected. From these stud-
semen from these bulls. Titers of virus were low ies, it is apparent that production of persistently in-
ranging from 5–75 TCID50/ml of semen. They also fected offspring via BVDV-contaminated semen is
noted that acute infection did not appear to affect the an uncommon event.
quality of semen.
Subsequent to Coria and McClurkin’s (1978) re- RESPIRATORY DISEASE
port, discussed earlier, Barlow et al. (1986) reported During the 1980s, research into the contribution of
on virus shedding in a persistently infected bull. BVDV to respiratory disease was initiated. This re-
Virus was shed at high titer (104.0–105.5 TCID50/0.2 search followed the successful reproduction of
ml) in the semen. This animal had a sight defect, “shipping fever” pneumonia in cattle with aerosals
which was discovered postmortem to be due to reti- of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and
nal atrophy, but otherwise the bull appeared normal. Mannheimia haemolytica in the late 1970s (Jericho
Upon examination, the semen had been of acceptable and Langford, 1978). Shipping fever pneumonia, a
quality and the bull had successfully sired a calf. cause of significant mortality in cattle in feedlots,
Thus, had the bull not had a vision defect, the risk it was thought to be precipitated by the stress of trans-
posed of transmitting BVDV might have gone unde- porting cattle from the farm to the feedlot. The
tected. Revell et al. (1988) reported on two bulls that pathogenesis of the disease is thought to involve
were persistently infected. In contrast to the findings dual infection of a pneumotropic virus and a colo-
of Barlow et al. (1986), the quality of the semen of nizing bacterial species, most often M. haemolytica
these bulls was consistently poor, as measured by (Yates, 1982). As early as the first description of
density and motility. Gross abnormalities of sperm BVDV herd outbreaks in 1946, the virus has been
heads (“collapsed heads”) was seen in 28–45% of implicated in causing at least mild respiratory dis-
spermatozoa from one of the bulls (Cy 105). Paton et ease with symptoms of nasal discharge and cough-
al. (1990) inseminated six seronegative and six ing. Potgieter et al. (1984, 1985) performed several
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Introduction and History 11

experiments examining the ability of BVDV to in- surfaces of the cheeks, lower gingiva, tongue, and
duce respiratory disease. BVDV infection of calves soft palate. Both calves had prolonged bleeding
without subsequent bacterial superinfection resulted from venepuncture sites. Internal hemorrhages were
in mild respiratory tract lesions characterized by also observed on the surfaces of various organs of
small, scattered areas of interstitial pneumonia in- one calf at necropsy. In a later report, Corapi et al.
volving 2–7% of the total lung volume. Infection of (1990b) inoculated 8 veal calves with the CD-87
calves with M. haemolytica alone produced local- isolate and 10 veal calves with CD-89, a BVDV iso-
ized lesions involving about 15% of the lung. In late recovered from a veal calf on a farm in Pennsyl-
contrast to the mild disease produced by these vania where hemorrhages were noticed in several
agents when given individually, inoculation of calves. Ten in-contact calves were included in the
BVDV followed by M. haemolytica produced a se- experiment. During the experiment, virus was iso-
vere fibrinopurulent bronchopneumonia and pleuri- lated from all calves including in-contact calves.
tis involving 40–75% of the lung volume. Potgeiter Severe thrombocytopenia was observed in 12
(1985) also found that BVDV strains may differ in calves, and 11 of these developed hemorrhages.
their pneumopathogenicity. That BVDV infection Calves that had a pre-exposure virus-neutralizing
can precipitate severe respiratory disease is also sup- antibody titer of >1:32 to the Singer strain of BVDV
ported by the observation that pneumonia, including did not develop severe thrombocytopenia. Five
shipping fever–like fibrinous pneumonia, was a calves died during the course of the experiment, four
common finding in the severe type 2 BVDV out- of which exhibited hemorrhages, and the others re-
breaks that occurred in Ontario, Canada, in the mid- covered. Hemorrhages were observed in these ex-
1990s (Carman et al., 1998, van Dreumel, 2002). periments when platelet counts decreased below
5,000 platelets/µl. Although the majority of severely
THROMBOCYTOPENIA thrombocytopenic calves recovered, there was no
Thrombocytopenia with hemorrhage associated way to determine beforehand the calf’s fate since
with BVDV virus infection was first reported in those that died often appeared to be in relatively
1987 within a summary of case reports for dairy good physical condition just hours prior to death
herds in the northeastern United States (Perdrizet et (Corapi et al., 1990b). A few years later, it was dis-
al., 1987). In one report from 1985, 6 of 30 first-calf covered that hemorrhagic syndrome, as the disease
heifers developed a high fever, had bloody and mu- came to be known, was caused by a new type of
coid diarrhea, and died within 2 weeks. Rebhun et BVDV, genetically distinct from the classical
al. (1989) reviewed case records of cattle admitted viruses used in BVD vaccines.
to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell
University for the years 1977–1987 and found that ADVANCES IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
thrombocytopenia was reported in about 10% of In the late 1980s, significant advances were made in
clinically acute BVDV infections in adult cattle. the molecular biology of BVDV with the first ge-
Clinical signs included hemorrhages, red or orange nomic sequencing of BVDV strains, the finding of a
bloody diarrhea, epistaxis, and abnormal bleeding marker protein for cytopathic BVDV, and the first
from injection sites. Hemorrhages associated with evidence of RNA recombination in cytopathic
BVDV infection in young veal calves were also ob- strains of BVDV. Monoclonal antibodies to the virus
served with increasing frequency in the late 1980s in were also first produced in the late 1980s as reagents
the northeastern United States (Corapi et al., 1990b). for protein studies and diagnostic test methods (see
Corapi et al. (1989) experimentally reproduced the following section, “Diagnosis”).
thrombocytopenia in young calves with a BVDV The first BVDV strains to be sequenced were two
isolate (CD-87) recovered from a severe outbreak. cytopathic strains, the North American NADL strain
This outbreak involved 50% of a milking herd of and the European Osloss strain (Collett et al.,
100 holsteins in New York in which 20 animals died. 1988b; Renard et al., 1987). The NADL sequence
Of the eight calves inoculated with the CD-87 iso- showed that the RNA genome of BVDV has one
late, three developed severe thrombocytopenia long open reading frame (ORF). Thus, proteins are
(ⱕ5,000 platelets/µl). Two of these three calves de- produced by cotranslational and posttranslational
veloped hemorrhages when their platelet counts fell processing of a polyprotein (Collett et al., 1988a).
to 2,000/µl of blood or less for a period of 24 hours The original Osloss sequence was at first shown to
or longer. Hemorrhages were observed on the sclera contain two ORFs but was later corrected to consist
of the eyes, inner surface of the eyelids, mucosal also of a single ORF (de Moerlooze et al., 1993).
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12 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

The elucidation of the genomic organization of Panels of monoclonal antibodies were produced
BVDV and the pestivirus genus led to their taxo- to both BVDV and CSFV in the late 1980s and early
nomic reclassification from the Togaviridae to the 1990s by several research groups. The specificity of
Flaviviridae. these monoclonal antibodies was usually to the E2
At about the same time, protein studies revealed (gp53) protein, which was determined to be the
that the two biotypes of the virus, cytopathic and major neutralizing envelope protein of the virus
noncytopathic, could be distinguished at a molecu- (Donis et al., 1988), or to the nonstructural NS3
lar level. It was found that cytopathic strains of (p80) protein or less frequently, to the Erns (gp48)
BVDV produce in infected cells one additional protein, a second envelope protein, which was dis-
nonstructural protein not observed in cells infected covered later to have RNase activity (Schneider et
with noncytopathic BVDV (Donis and Dubovi, al., 1993). Edwards et al. (1988) examined a total of
1987; Pocock et al., 1987). The protein, which is a 38 monoclonal antibodies, of which 26 were against
marker protein of cytopathic BVDV, is designated BVDV antigens and 12 were against CSFV anti-
p80 or NS3. This protein is actually a smaller ver- gens. The monoclonal antibodies could be divided
sion of a larger nonstructural protein, p125 or NS2- into three panels: those that were pan-pestivirus spe-
3, that is present in all BVDV-infected cells. Several cific; those that were CSFV-specific; and those that
mechanisms leading to expression of NS3 were were selectively reactive with ruminant pestiviruses.
later found to occur: The NS3 protein can be gener- Monoclonal antibodies to the NS3 protein tend to be
ated by proteolytic cleavage of NS2-3 or generated cross-reactive with all pestiviruses, because the
as the result of genetic duplications or deletions in amino acid sequence of this protein is highly con-
the genomes of some cytopathic BVDVs (Meyers served among pestiviruses. Monoclonal antibodies
and Thiel, 1996). to the envelope proteins E2 and Erns tend to be spe-
Meyers et al. (1989) compared the BVDV Osloss cific for the viral species (i.e., BVDV or CSFV)
and NADL genomic sequences with that of the pes- used as the immunogen in their production (Ed-
tivirus CSFV and found insertions in the NS2 gene wards et al., 1991). Corapi et al. (1990a) examined
of these cytopathic strains of BVDV. The Osloss in- the cross-reactivity of a panel of BVDV monoclonal
sertion was 228 nucleotides long whereas the inser- antibodies to 70 BVDV isolates. They found that 12
tion of NADL was 270 nucleotides. The insertions of 13 of their NS3 monoclonal antibodies reacted
were found to be different and that of NADL was with 100% of BVDV isolates tested, whereas the re-
unidentified. However, remarkably, the Osloss inser- activity of E2 monoclonal antibodies varied from
tion was found to be derived from the cellular gene 6–98%. Of two Erns monoclonal antibodies, one was
coding for ubiquitin. These findings led to a molec- reactive to 100% of BVDV isolates tested, whereas
ular model for pathogenesis of MD: In persistently the other was less cross-reactive (57%). For the 70
infected animals, the noncytopathic virus mutates to BVDV isolates, a total of 32 distinct patterns of
a cytopathic virus by the incorporation of cellular monoclonal antibody reactivity were observed. This
sequences during a recombination event. Subse- demonstrated that considerable antigenic diversity
quently, it was found that genetic recombination exists among BVDV isolates.
could also occur between BVDV genomes as evi-
denced by insertions of viral sequences in the CONTROL
genomes of some cytopathic viruses. To gain insight into the carrier state and for control
strategies for BVDV, it was important to determine
DIAGNOSIS the prevalence of persistently infected cattle in en-
Meyling (1984) described a microisolation test for tire populations. Meyling (1984), used the immu-
detection of BVDV in serum samples that used im- noperoxidase monolayer assay and found that ap-
munoperoxidase staining of viral antigens rather proximately 1% of slaughter cattle in Denmark were
than immunofluorescence. The immunoperoxidase viremic and apparently persistently infected. Subse-
monolayer assay (IPMA) is still commonly used quently, Bolin et al. (1985a) made the first attempt
today because of its ease and the ability to test many to determine the prevalence of persistently infected
serum samples for BVDV at a time. Prior to the de- cattle in U.S. herds. The prevalence of persistent in-
velopment of the assay for serum, Bielefeldt- fection in a nonrandom population of 66 herds was
Ohmann (1983) had utilized the immunoperoxidase 1.7%. Since 50% of these herds were chosen be-
staining technique for the detection of BVDV in tis- cause of a history of BVDV infection, it was noted
sues of infected animals. that the prevalence figure for the entire U.S. cattle
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Introduction and History 13

population was probably somewhat lower. However, port on the immunosuppressive properties of a
the figure of 1.7% turned out to be similar to the modified-live (Singer strain) vaccine (Roth and
prevalence of persistently infected cattle of approxi- Kaeberle, 1983) and believed that it would be ad-
mately 0.5% to 2.0% obtained in later surveys con- vantageous to vaccinate calves in a preconditioning
ducted in different countries in the 1980s and 1990s program before their arrival at a feedlot. If calves are
(Houe, 1999). In their study on the prevalence of vaccinated on arrival at feedlots, he believed they
persistently infected cattle, Bolin et al. (1985a) also should be vaccinated with a killed-virus vaccine.
titrated the virus from the serum of persistently in- Bolin (1990) also stated the concerns regarding
fected animals and found that these animals usually the use of modified-live vaccines: immunosuppres-
had high BVDV titers (104–105 TCID50/ml). sion, the potential to produce pvMD, and the poten-
At about the same time as the study of McClurkin tial to adversely affect the fetus. During the late
et al. (1984) on the production of immune-tolerant, 1980s, there was also a growing awareness of the
persistently infected calves, Liess et al. (1984) pro- antigenic diversity among BVDV isolates. Thus, an-
duced congenital malformations (cerebellar hy- other concern for vaccines in general was their effi-
poplasia, hydrocephalus) and persistent infections in cacy in protecting against fetal infections with anti-
calves by inoculation of pregnant cattle with a genically variable field viruses. Bolin (1990)
modified-live vaccine and demonstrated the risk of recommended using modified-live vaccines in large
using these vaccines in breeding animals. In both grazing herds or when handling facilities for cattle
studies, persistently infected calves could be pro- were poor, since only a single dose of vaccine is re-
duced by inoculation of pregnant cows to about 120 quired for immunization. Modified-live vaccines
days of gestation, after which BVDV infection gen- were contraindicated for use in pregnant cattle and
erated a fetal immune response. animals in contact with pregnant cattle. Instead,
By the late 1980s, modified-live vaccines, a Bolin (1990) recommended the use of killed-virus
temperature-sensitive mutant virus vaccine (Lob- vaccines in dairy herds where pregnant cattle are al-
man et al., 1984), and killed-virus vaccines were ways present. Killed-virus vaccines were also rec-
available for use. Two elements of control were con- ommended for bulls in semen collection centers.
sidered essential: the detection and elimination of Although the identification and elimination of
persistently infected carriers and immunization of persistently infected cattle was considered an essen-
breeding animals before their first conception tial element of control, it was also considered costly
(Radostits and Littlejohns, 1988). Immunization of because of the amount of testing involved. Baker
calves was now considered to be less important by (1987) recommended testing for virus or viral anti-
some. Previously, before the pathogenesis of MD gen and determining antibody status, but stated that
was understood, it was thought by some that immu- screening of whole herds may not be economically
nization of young cattle might prevent MD from oc- feasible in all situations. He suggested an alternate
curring because the disease usually occurs in cattle approach to reduce the cost of testing. Persistently
from 6–24 months of age. Radostits and Littlejohns infected animals are viremic, usually antibody-
(1988) commented that pvMD gave vaccines a poor negative, and often exhibit a poor response to vacci-
reputation and as a result they had not been used on nation. Hence, one possibility is to vaccinate all cat-
a regular basis. There was also a concern that modi- tle greater than 6 months of age with a killed-virus
fied-live BVDV vaccines might cause immunosup- vaccine followed by a booster, and then determine
pression and increase the risk of mortality in feedlot their antibody titers. Cattle that remained antibody-
cattle (Martin et al., 1980; 1981). negative or respond poorly with low levels of anti-
Radostits and Littlejohns (1988) stated that there body would be suspected to be persistently infected
was no substantial evidence to warrant the vaccina- and could be tested for virus or viral antigen. This
tion of feedlot cattle. They further suggested that, if was reminiscent of the observations of McClurkin et
vaccination of the dam prior to conception is a part al. (1979) that cattle that remain seronegative while
of the control program, vaccination of calves may be in contact with seropositive cattle are likely to be
unnecessary until they approach breeding age. Thus, immune-tolerant and persistently infected, and these
there was a de-emphasis of vaccination for some cattle had low antibody titers after vaccination.
groups of cattle (calves and feedlot animals), at least However, because the immune tolerance is specific
in some circles. Baker (1987), cited studies showing for the persisting BVDV in these animals, screening
an association between BVDV vaccination and in- by this method may not be highly reliable, particu-
creased risk of mortality in feedlot animals and a re- larly when the vaccine is antigenically very different
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14 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

from the virus persisting in the herd. In the latter from early strains such as the Oregon C24V, NADL,
case, higher than expected levels of antibodies might and Singer strains utilized in vaccines. The new
be produced by persistently infected animals and group was designated type 2 (BVDV 2) and the
obscure differences in antibody levels between per- group comprising the early strains as type 1 (BVDV
sistently infected and normal cattle. 1). Pellerin et al. (1994) further subdivided BVDV 1
Baker (1987) noted several important factors that into two subgroups: 1a, comprising such strains as
should be considered in herd screening, including NADL, Oregon, and Singer; and 1b, which included
that persistently infected calves may be seropositive NY-1 and Osloss strains.
because of colostral antibodies, and that passive im- In the Ontario BVDV 2 outbreaks, the initial clin-
munity may interfere with virus isolation. Further- ical complaint was frequently of respiratory disease
more, any calves born in the 9 months after herd in calves or adults (Carman et al., 1998). Diarrhea
testing potentially may be persistently infected. He and abortion were also listed as initial clinical signs.
also noted that retesting along family lines may be Postmortem lesions were generally those described
worthwhile because of the possibility of persistently for MD: gastrointestinal erosions and ulcers.
infected families. After a herd is free of persistently Pneumonia was the most common concurrent diag-
infected animals, he recommended isolating and nosis and was observed in all age groups.
testing all new additions to the herd and that any ad- Retrospective typing of Ontario isolates recov-
ditions that are pregnant should also have their ered from 1981–1994 proved that as early as 1981,
calves tested for virus at birth. BVDV 2 was already present in Ontario, Canada
(Carman et al., 1998). Since outbreaks of severe
THE DECADE OF THE 1990s acute BVD did not occur until much later (1993),
this suggests that either earlier circulating strains of
THE EMERGENCE OF TYPE 2 BVDV BVDV 2 were not highly virulent and that some
In the early and mid-1990s, in addition to outbreaks strains had subsequently acquired virulence deter-
of hemorrhagic syndrome (severe thrombocytopenia minants or, alternatively, virulent strains of BVDV
with hemorrhages) (Ridpath et al., 1994), outbreaks 2 existed early but were harbored in seropositive
of acute, severe BVD in which hemorrhagic syn- herds and only later caused outbreaks of severe dis-
drome was either inapparent or was not a prominent ease when naive populations became exposed and
clinical feature, occurred in Canada and the United infected.
States (Pellerin et al., 1994; Carman et al., 1998;
Sockett et al., 1996; Drake et al., 1996). In Canada, PHYLOGENETIC STUDIES
these BVD outbreaks were most damaging to the Prior to the decade of the 1990s, BVDV, CSFV, and
cattle industry in the provinces of Quebec and BDV were the three recognized pestiviruses, al-
Ontario. In 1993, Quebec lost approximately 25% of though it was uncertain whether BDV represented a
its veal crop (overall mortality: 32,000 out of unique viral species or whether border disease in
143,000 calves) to these BVDV outbreaks (Pellerin sheep was caused by BVDV. During the 1990s, in
et al., 1994). Although the Quebec outbreaks were addition to the segregation of BVDV into two geno-
not described in detail from a clinical standpoint, types, genetic characterization of isolates from
Pellerin et al. (1994) stated that herds of calves that sheep showed that sheep could be infected by both
looked healthy one day could suffer a 10% death genotypes of BVDV and by a unique pestivirus that
loss the next day, and it was not a rarity to have a was referred to as the “true” border disease virus
mortality rate of 100%. Fever, pneumonia, diarrhea, (Becher et al., 1995). The first “BDV” isolate se-
and sudden death occurred in all age groups and quenced was actually a BVDV 2 strain (Sullivan et
abortions were frequent in the Ontario outbreaks of al., 1994; Becher et al., 1995). It was also demon-
1993 to 1995 (Carman et al., 1998). The disease strated that wildlife could be infected with pes-
often resembled MD. However, severe acute BVD tiviruses. Genetic analysis of a pestivirus isolated
could be distinguished from MD because only non- from a giraffe proved this virus to be a unique geno-
cytopathic BVDV was isolated from animals suffer- type, whereas three deer isolates were found to be-
ing severe acute BVD. long to the BVDV 1 genotype (van Rijn et al., 1997;
Pellerin et al. (1994) and Ridpath et al. (1994) de- Becher et al., 1997).
termined that the BVDV isolates causing hemor- Baule et al. (1997) reported that southern African
rhagic syndrome and acute severe BVD formed a isolates consisted of four BVDV 1 subtypes, includ-
new genetic group (genotype) of BVDV distinct ing the subtypes 1a and 1b previously described
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Introduction and History 15

(Pellerin et al., 1994; Ridpath et al., 1994). The two 2-125nc to produce the cytopathic BVDV 2-125c.
new BVDV 1 subtypes from southern Africa were The authors speculated that the prolonged time be-
designated 1c and 1d. The latter BVDV subtype was tween vaccination and pvMD may have been a re-
reported to be predominantly associated with respi- flection of the time required for a single virus parti-
ratory tract disease and later shown experimentally cle, generated by the recombination event, to
to be able to cause primary respiratory disease replicate to a high enough titer to precipitate pvMD.
(Baule et al., 2001). Vilček et al. (2001) examined The cytopathic BVDV 2-125c was one of the first
76 BVDV 1 isolates from various countries and re- isolated and characterized cytopathic BVDV 2
ported that these viruses could be separated into 11 strains and has since been used by many laboratories
phylogenetic groups. Recently, Flores et al. (2002) as a challenge virus in serum neutralization assays
identified six South American strains and one North for determination of neutralizing antibodies to
American BVDV 2 strain that cluster in a separate BVDV 2.
group from other BVDV 2. Thus, two subgenotypes Subsequently, Becher et al. (2001) also found, in
of BVDV 2 (2a and 2b) have now been identified. two independent cases of pvMD, that genetic re-
combination between the persisting noncytopathic
GENETIC RECOMBINATION AND BVDV and a BVDV vaccine virus had occurred. In
SPONTANEOUS AND POSTVACCINAL one of these cases, the cytopathic component of the
MUCOSAL DISEASE virus pair was shown to have been generated by both
After the findings by Meyers et al. (1989) of the cel- recombination and deletion events and was actually
lular insertion of ubiquitin-coding sequences in the comprised of five different cytopathic BVDV sub-
NS2 gene of cytopathic Osloss strain of BVDV and genomes (genomic BVDV RNA containing large in-
another unidentified insertion (also identified later ternal deletions but able to express the NS3 protein).
to be of cellular origin) in the same gene of the
NADL strain, much of the research activity in the LATE-ONSET MUCOSAL DISEASE
early and mid-1990s was devoted to the genetic Several experimental studies were conducted on
analysis of cytopathic and noncytopathic virus pairs late-onset (or delayed-onset) MD in the mid- and
from cases of MD. This analysis revealed a number late 1990s. Whereas in MD (or acute MD) the super-
of genetic changes in cytopathic BVDV, including infecting cytopathic BVDV kills the persistently in-
insertions and gene duplications and deletions, fected host within about 3 weeks, in late-onset MD
changes that resulted in the production of NS3 by there may be several months between challenge with
creation of a cleavage site at its amino terminus (re- the cytopathic virus and the onset of clinical signs of
viewed by Meyers and Thiel, 1996). In cases where disease. Late-onset MD was first described by
viral genes were duplicated, an additional NS3 gene Brownlie et al. (1986), who infected six persistently
generated the NS3 protein. The genetic changes ob- infected calves with homologous cytopathic BVDV
served in cytopathic BVDV demonstrated that both and six with heterologous cytopathic BVDV. All six
viral-cellular and viral-viral recombination were the animals superinfected with the homologous virus
operating mechanisms for the generation of cyto- developed MD in the first 3 weeks, whereas none of
pathic BVDV from the persisting noncytopathic the animals superinfected with a heterologous virus
BVDV. developed MD in this time period. However, two of
In 1995, Ridpath and Bolin (1995) characterized a the animals infected with the heterologous virus de-
noncytopathic (BVDV 2-125nc) and cytopathic veloped late-onset MD at 98 and 146 days postinoc-
(BVDV 2-125c) viral pair isolated from an animal ulation. Three others remained healthy until eutha-
suffering from late-onset pvMD. This animal had nized at 59–209 days postinoculation. The sixth
been vaccinated 3 months prior with a modified-live animal appeared to be developing late-onset MD at
BVDV 1 (NADL strain) vaccine. Genetic sequenc- about 80 days with signs of intermittent diarrhea
ing of the BVDV 2 viral pair revealed that in com- over a 4-week period. Later, Westenbrink et al.
parison with BVDV 2-125nc, the BVDV 2-125c iso- (1989) also inoculated clinically healthy, persist-
late contained a 366-nucleotide insertion in the ently infected animals with three heterologous cyto-
NS2-3 gene (leading to the expression of the NS3 pathic BVDV, and MD occurred as late as 99 days
protein). The inserted sequence was found to have a postinoculation. It should be noted here that since
99% identity with sequences of the BVDV 1-NADL spontaneous MD can occur in persistently infected
vaccine virus, indicating that the vaccine virus had animals that are not superinfected and are held in
recombined with the noncytopathic virus BVDV isolation (Brownlie and Clarke, 1993), it is possible
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16 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

that some experimental cases of late-onset MD (and onset of MD. No genetic analysis of viral isolates
pvMD), could actually be cases of spontaneous MD. was conducted, but neutralizing antibody data indi-
Thus, in experiments of this type, an analysis is cated that at least three antigenically distinct cyto-
needed (preferably genetic sequence analysis), be- pathic viruses were isolated from the calf during the
yond that of virus-neutralizing antibody responses, period between superinfection and postmortem ex-
of the superinfecting input cytopathic BVDV, the amination. The authors speculated that the noncyto-
persisting noncytopathic virus, and the output or pathic virus in the heterologous challenge may have
MD-associated cytopathic BVDV. influenced the survival of cytopathic BVDV in the
Moennig et al. (1993) inoculated a persistently in- animal in some manner, possibly by influencing the
fected bull with a heterologous cytopathic BVDV immune response of the host.
(TGAC), and MD was observed 15 weeks after in-
oculation. In this case, the neutralizing antibody re- NORMAL CALVES FROM PERSISTENTLY
sponse to the cytopathic TGAC virus was delayed INFECTED COWS
31 days postinfection and neutralizing antibody Calves born to persistently infected cows are like-
titers increased to a maximum on day 114 posti- wise persistently infected; thus these animals are un-
noculation (when the animal was euthanized), indi- suitable for breeding (McClurkin et al., 1984). Wen-
cating prolonged persistence of the superinfecting tink et al. (1991), in an attempt to preserve the
cytopathic virus in this animal. However, only non- genetic material of a highly valued heifer that was
cytopathic virus was recovered from buffy coat cells developmentally normal but persistently infected,
and nasal swabs. The cytopathic BVDV recovered transferred a fertilized embryo of the heifer to an
from fecal samples (designated cpX) at the onset of immunocompetent recipient cow. Before transfer,
disease was analyzed and found to have the same the embryo was treated and washed according to
phenotype (monoclonal antibody reactivity pattern) routine methods of the International Embryo Trans-
as the noncytopathic persisting virus but the same fer Society (IETS). The result was a normal heifer
genotype in the NS2-3 region as the TGAC cyto- calf with normal immunity to BVDV. Since then,
pathic virus as observed by restriction enzyme di- several other researchers have repeated these results
gestion of PCR products (Fritzemeier et al., 1995). and have produced, by embryo transfer, normal
Thus, they concluded that cpX was a phenotypically calves from persistently infected cows (Bak et al.,
altered variant of TGAC. Subsequent nucleotide se- 1992; Brock et al., 1997; Smith and Grimmer,
quencing (Fritzemeier et al., 1997) indicated that 2000).
cpX arose by recombination of persisting noncyto- It was noted however, that there was a lack of a
pathic virus and TGAC. This finding was consistent superovulatory response following hormone stimu-
with the finding of Ridpath and Bolin (1995) of lation in persistently infected cows and only low
viral-viral recombination for a case of late-onset numbers of viable embryos could be obtained.
pvMD. Fritzemeier et al. (1997) also found that a Wentink et al. (1991) obtained only one viable em-
superinfecting cytopathic BVDV in experimental bryo out of six, and Brock et al. (1997), who used
acute MD (MD occurring in a 2–3-week time frame seven persistently infected donors, obtained only
after inoculation) remained genetically unchanged nine transferable embryos from two of the females
from inoculation to the onset of MD. They con- after 45 individual uterine flushes. In the study of
cluded that acute MD and late-onset MD may occur Brock et al. (1997), only one pregnancy was ob-
by two different mechanisms: In the former, it is the tained from the transfer of six embryos into seroneg-
superinfecting virus that causes the disease; whereas ative recipients. None of the recipient cows showed
in the latter, genetic recombination between the su- seroconversion to BVDV leading the authors to con-
perinfecting cytopathic virus and the persisting non- clude that neither horizontal nor vertical transmis-
cytopathic virus creates a new cytopathic virus that sion of the virus occurs when recommended IETS
causes the disease. Subsequently, Fray et al. (1998) embryo washing procedures are followed.
inoculated a persistently infected calf with culture of
an uncloned heterologous cytopathic BVDV ob- ATYPICAL PERSISTENT INFECTION
tained from a natural case of MD (thus also contain- In 1998, Voges et al. (1998) described for the first
ing a noncytopathic virus) and the animal developed time a persistent infection of BVDV in an immune-
MD at 145 days postinoculation. Of interest in this competent animal. The bull in this case was not
study was the occurrence of a prolonged nasal shed- viremic but continuously shed virus in its semen over
ding and viremia of cytopathic BVDV before the a period of 11 months until slaughtered. The bull ap-
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Introduction and History 17

peared healthy and its growth rate and testicular de- et al., 1960), an infectious cDNA clone was con-
velopment were unremarkable. Semen quality was structed from the genome of the type 1, cytopathic
considered good. Limited pregnancy data suggested Oregon strain (Kümmerer and Meyers, 2000). The
that the in vivo fertility of the bull’s sperm was not availability of infectious cDNA clones has begun to
compromised. The animal had a consistently high have, and will continue to have, a large impact on
titer of serum neutralizing antibodies to the standard our understanding of the molecular biology of
test virus (ⱖ1:4096). Against the homologous virus, BVDV as these cDNA clones are manipulated and
the animal had an extraordinarily high serum neutral- used in studies to decipher the function of genes and
izing antibody titer of >1:100,000. genetic elements.
The virus titer in the semen was relatively low Meyers et al. (1996) removed an insertion of 27
(<103.3 TCID50/ml) when compared to semen ob- nucleotides in the NS2 gene of the infectious clone
tained from typical, persistently infected (viremic) of the cytopathic cp7, which is not present in the
bulls (approximately 105–107 TCID50/ml) (Barlow genome of cp7’s noncytopathic counterpart, ncp7
et al., 1986; Meyling and Jensen, 1988; Kirkland et (the two viruses representing a homologous viral
al., 1991). On postmortem, BVDV was isolated pair from a case of MD). In removing the insertion,
from testicular tissues but not from any other tissue a noncytopathic BVDV was recovered, proving that
examined. This long-term shedding of BVDV in a the insertion was responsible for the cytopatho-
non-viremic bull is reminiscent of the situation in genicity of the cp7 virus. Similarly, Mendez et al.
stallions infected with equine arteritis virus (1998) deleted a 270-nucleotide insertion in the NS2
(Timoney and McCollum, 1993). In this infection, gene of the infectious clone of NADL and also pro-
stallions undergo a transient viremia resulting in an duced a virus that was no longer cytopathic. In both
immune response that eliminates the virus except cases, the altered infectious clones of cp7 and
for that in the genital tract. Chronic shedding of the NADL failed to produce NS3, showing that these in-
virus in the semen occurs in many infected stallions sertions led to processing at the NS2/NS3 site, pro-
and may persist for years, although most horses duction of NS3, and cytopathic effect.
eventually clear the infection. These carrier stallions Some strains of cytopathic BVDV, such as the
also have high serum neutralizing antibody titers. Oregon and Singer strains, do not contain insertions
As hypothesized by Voges et al. (1998), the bull or genetic rearrangements and, thus, did not arise by
with the atypical persistent infection was likely in- recombination but by another mechanism. Küm-
fected near the age of puberty, shortly before the merer et al. (1998) and Kümmerer and Meyers
blood-testis barrier becomes fully functional. This (2000) used chimeric cDNA constructs in a transient
allowed infection of testicular tissues but excluded expression system and alterations in an infectious
ensuing antibodies from the site. The high level of cDNA clone to show that processing at the NS2/
serum neutralizing antibodies suggests continual ex- NS3 site in the Oregon strain was the result of point
posure of the immune system to the virus. This atyp- mutations within the NS2 protein. They noted that
ical persistent infection of BVDV in bulls appears to about 40 cytopathic pestiviruses have thus far been
be rare, but at least one other case has been reported analyzed and the majority of these have been gener-
(van Rijn, 1999). Nevertheless, this has changed the ated by recombination. The remaining strains have
testing requirements for bulls entering artificial in- apparently arisen by point mutations generated dur-
semination (AI) centers. Previously, testing for vire- ing replication. However, since these cytopathic
mia was all that was required to identify typical per- viruses occur less frequently than those that arise by
sistently infected bulls and to restrict their entry; recombination (itself a rare event) these researchers
semen was rarely tested. Now the World Organiza- hypothesized that this second mechanism of gener-
tion for Animal Health (Office International des ating cytopathic BVDV was not one of sequential
Epizooties) requires the testing of semen from each accumulation of point mutations, but rather the si-
bull before entry into an AI center. multaneous introduction of a set of point mutations.
Recently, an infectious cDNA clone for a virulent,
ADVANCES IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY noncytopathic type 2 BVDV (New York 93 strain)
In the latter half of the 1990s, infectious cDNA was constructed (Meyer et al., 2002). Infectious
clones were constructed for the type 1, cytopathic virus derived from the cDNA clone retained viru-
BVDV strains cp7, and NADL (Meyers et al., 1996; lence when used to infect cattle. These animals de-
Vassilev et al., 1997; Mendez et al., 1998). Subse- veloped fever, leukopenia, and clinical signs, includ-
quently, 40 years after its initial discovery (Gillespie ing respiratory symptoms and gastrointestinal
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18 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

disorders. Alteration of single histidine codons (at However, it has been generally recommended that, if
positions 300 and 349) in the sequence of the Erns calves under 3 months of age have been tested by
gene in the infectious cDNA clone led to two new virus isolation, they be retested at 3 months of age
infectious clones with RNase-negative phenotypes. (Brock et al., 1998; Saliki et al., 1997). Dubovi
Virus derived from the infectious clone having a (2002) recommended that, for young calves, in ad-
deletion of the histidine codon at position 349 was dition to the standard washing of leukocytes to re-
used in animal experiments and was found to have move colostral antibody, fresh, rather than freeze-
an attenuated phenotype. None of the calves in- thawed, leukocytes be used for virus isolation since
fected with this mutant virus had body temperatures interference, presumably by residual antibodies,
above 39.5°C, nor did they develop diarrhea; only may occur upon freeze-thawing.
mild respiratory signs were observed. Leukopenia Although persistently infected cattle generally
occurred but with an early recovery of leukocyte have very high BVDV titers (104–105 TCID50/ml of
numbers. Viremia and nasal shedding also occurred serum), Brock et al. (1998) found that the level of
but for a shorter duration than in animals infected viremia in one of seven persistently infected animals
with virus derived from the unaltered infectious became undetectable over several test dates when
cDNA clone. As demonstrated by this study, the serum was tested. In this apparently rare case, the
availability of an infectious cDNA clone in which animal developed neutralizing antibodies to the per-
virulent BVDV can be recovered allows new ap- sisting virus although the infection was never
proaches to the study of BVDV-induced disease and cleared. During periods when the virus was unde-
identification of genetic markers of virulence and tectable in serum because of neutralizing antibody,
attenuation. virus was isolated at low concentrations from blood
DIAGNOSIS BY VIRUS ISOLATION Rae et al. (1987) examined the viability of BVDV
An essential element of control of BVDV in herds is in serum and plasma collected from persistently in-
the detection and elimination of persistently infected fected cattle. Storage of samples in the dark at room
calves. The classical method of detecting persistent temperature (17–26°C) for up to 5 days had no sig-
infections is virus isolation in cell culture using nificant effect on virus titer. They concluded that
serum or leukocytes as the test sample. In testing successful isolation of BVDV from persistently in-
young calves, a major concern with the use of virus fected animals was unlikely to be compromised by a
isolation, especially from serum, was the presence delay of up to 5 days between sample collection and
of colostral antibodies to BVDV, which could inter- testing.
fere with the sensitivity of the test. Palfi et al. (1993)
studied the decline of BVDV colostral antibodies MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY-BASED TESTS
and the detectability of BVDV in young, persist- With the emergence of BVDV 2, existing panels of
ently infected calves and found that viremia was not BVDV 1 monoclonal antibodies were examined for
detectable in the serum of seven persistently in- cross-reactivity with these new isolates, and mono-
fected calves with colostral antibody titers, which clonal antibodies to BVDV 2 were also produced.
were as low as 1:16 to 1:24. Ridpath et al. (1994) tested 29 E2-specific mono-
In a later study, only one of four persistently in- clonal antibodies produced against BVDV 1 strains
fected calves, which had the highest viral titer (106.5 and found that most of these failed to react with
TCID50/ml) before ingestion of colostrum, was de- BVDV 2 isolates. However, two E2-specific mono-
tected as viremic after colostrum ingestion when clonal antibodies were reactive with all 15 BVDV 2
both serum and leukocytes were tested (Brock et al., isolates tested. Deregt and Prins (1998) also deter-
1998). Palfi et al. (1993) found that the half-life of mined that one BVDV 1 E2-specific monoclonal an-
colostral antibodies in persistently infected calves (5 tibody was reactive to all 21 BVDV 2 isolates tested,
to 11 days) was much shorter than in non-persist- whereas another E2-specific monoclonal antibody
ently infected calves (approximately 3 weeks). was determined to be BVDV 1-specific. The epitopes
Presumably, the continuous high virus production in of these two monoclonal antibodies were mapped,
persistently infected calves is responsible for the the first to an immunodominant, type-common epi-
rapid clearance of colostral antibodies. Palfi et al. tope (Paton et al., 1992; Deregt et al., 1998a) and the
(1993) found that clearance of these antibodies in latter to a conformational epitope containing a criti-
persistently infected calves may occur by 8 weeks of cal amino acid deleted in BVDV 2 isolates (Deregt et
age, at which time viremia can be detected. al., 1998a). E2-specific monoclonal antibodies
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Introduction and History 19

against BVDV 2 that were reactive with neutralizing clonal antibody 15C5 was found to be particularly
epitopes in three antigenic domains were also pro- useful for this application because its epitope was
duced (Deregt et al., 1998b). Most of these mono- shown to be highly conserved, reacting with all of
clonal antibodies were unreactive or only weakly re- the 70 BVDV isolates tested (Corapi et al., 1990a).
active with BVDV 1. One monoclonal antibody had Pooled monoclonal antibodies were employed in
a type-common specificity, and two others were en- immunoperoxidase monolayer assays (IPMA)
tirely BVDV 2-specific. (Saliki et al., 1997; Deregt and Prins, 1998) as well
A number of monoclonal antibody-based tests as in a monolayer ELISA (m-ELISA) for microtiter
were developed in the 1990s. Competitive (block- virus isolation (Saliki et al., 1997). Saliki et al.
ing) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (1997) utilized the Erns monoclonal antibody 15C5
(ELISAs) for the detection of antibodies to BVDV and a NS3 monoclonal antibody, whereas Deregt
were constructed using NS3 monoclonal antibodies and Prins (1998) utilized a pool of E2 and NS3 mon-
(Lecomte et al., 1990; Paton et al., 1991). Paton et oclonal antibodies for detection of BVDV 1 and
al. (1991) used two NS3 monoclonal antibodies re- BVDV 2. The m-ELISA uses a spectrophotometer
active to 157 different pestiviruses for development for reading samples and is a more rapid test than the
of a blocking ELISA. They examined the ability of IPMA. The microtiter IPMA and m-ELISA, com-
the assay to detect antibodies against pestiviruses in pared to conventional virus isolation, were shown to
cattle, sheep, and swine. The relative sensitivity of have a relative sensitivity of 100% for samples from
the blocking ELISA compared to serum neutraliza- cattle greater than 3 months of age suspected of
tion was high for bovine and ovine sera (94.7% and being persistently infected and 85% when samples
99.1%, respectively) but lower for swine (76%), of cattle with acute infections were included (Saliki
whereas the specificity was high in each case et al., 1997).
(ⱖ96%). Flow cytometry has also been investigated for use
Several capture ELISAs for detection of the NS2- as a diagnostic assay. Qvist et al. (1990, 1991) eval-
3 protein in persistently infected cattle were also de- uated its use in identification of persistently infected
veloped and commercialized (Brinkhof et al., 1996). cattle and found it to be more sensitive than virus
The NS3/NS2-3 proteins are highly immunogenic isolation. Using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter
and the NS2-3 protein is produced in large amounts to analyze fluorescent antibody-bound, infected
in persistently infected cattle. Brinkhof et al. (1996) leukocytes, BVDV-specific antigens were shown to
evaluated four commercial capture ELISAs employ- occur in 3–21% (mean 11%) of mononuclear leuko-
ing NS3 monoclonal antibodies in which blood cytes of persistently-infected cattle.
leukocyte preparations were tested. These assays
demonstrated high sensitivity (94–97%) and speci- POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION
ficity (100%). The capture ELISA was considered to The first of many reverse transcription-polymerase
be the test of choice for eradication programs where chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays for BVDV was de-
many animals need to be screened and monitored. In veloped in 1990 (Schroeder and Balassu-Chan,
the above study and in another study (Shannon et al., 1990). Although validation of this assay was limited,
1992), false negative results were obtained with cap- it was reported to be as analytically sensitive as the
ture ELISAs for calves with high levels of colostral IPMA for virus detection. Since the development of
antibodies in their blood. Thus, as for virus isola- this assay, many more sophisticated PCR assays
tion, it was recommended that if young calves under were developed for BVDV in the 1990s, which
3 months of age are tested by capture ELISA for matched the development of PCR in general for
persistent infections they be retested again at 3 other viruses. These included nested PCR assays
months of age. with two rounds of PCR to increase analytical sen-
Haines et al. (1992) developed a monoclonal anti- sitivity, multiplex assays with species-specific
body-based immunohistochemical method for de- primers for genotyping, and real-time PCR assays
tecting BVDV antigen in formalin-fixed tissues that utilize fluorescent signals from oligonucleotide
using the monoclonal antibody, 15C5. This mono- probes to detect amplification.
clonal antibody, with specificity for the Erns protein, With the discovery of BVDV 2 and the existence
was the only monoclonal antibody out of 32 tested of two genotypes of BVDV in the mid 1990s, sev-
that was reactive against antigen preserved in these eral PCR-based assays for typing BVDV were de-
tissues, suggesting that most protein epitopes of veloped. Harpin et al. (1995) used an indirect
BVDV are conformational in nature. The mono- method, following RT-PCR with restriction endonu-
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20 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

clease digestion of the PCR product for typing. these samples. Their assay was able to detect BVDV
Ridpath et al. (1994) utilized the specific amplifica- shed by 1 persistently infected cow in a herd of 162
tion of BVDV 2 for typing, with a negative result in- lactating animals. Later, Renshaw et al. (2000) used
dicating BVDV 1. Subsequently, these researchers a PCR assay, which employed the primers used in
made improvements to their PCR assays, including the assay of Radwan et al. (1995), to detect BVDV
a positive test for BVDV 1 and specific primers for in bulk milk samples and also attempted virus isola-
the differentiation of BVDV 1 subtypes, 1a and 1b tion from these samples. They found that BVDV
(Ridpath and Bolin, 1998). The earlier PCR assays could be detected by both methods when milk from
were followed by two multiplex PCR assays in a single persistently infected animal was diluted
which specific primers for BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 1:600 with milk from a herd of BVDV-negative an-
are used in a nested PCR format in the second round imals. Of 144 bulk milk samples from 97 farms, 24
of amplification (Sullivan and Akkina, 1995; Gilbert were BVDV-positive by either PCR or virus isola-
et al., 1999). The advantage of the multiplex assay is tion: 20 were positive by PCR and 17 were positive
that a specific product of differing size is produced by virus isolation. Renshaw et al. (2000) suggested
for each genotype and differentiation occurs in a sin- that the poor virus isolation rate of Radwan et al.
gle assay. The assay of Sullivan and Akkina (1995) (1995) may have resulted from using milk somatic
could type BDV as well as BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 cells that were frozen before virus isolation was at-
since BDV-specific primers were included in the tempted, and that successful virus isolation could be
assay. This is seen as an advantage for typing pes- obtained when freshly prepared (not frozen) milk
tiviruses from sheep, which can be infected by all somatic cells are utilized. Furthermore, they recom-
three viruses, but in cattle BDV does not appear to mended simultaneous PCR and virus isolation test-
be readily infectious. BDV has not been isolated ing of bulk milk samples to ensure detecting BVDV
from North American or European cattle (Paton et that may either not be amplified by primers cur-
al., 1996; Ridpath, 1996) and only one bovine BDV rently in use or which for unknown reasons may be
isolate has ever been reported; its original isolation difficult to isolate.
was thought to have been made in the 1960s (Becher McGoldrick et al. (1999) designed a real-time
et al., 1997). The PCR assay of Gilbert et al. (1999), (Taqman) nested PCR assay for CSFV, which could
further described in Deregt et al. (2002) could be be modified with different fluorescent probes to
used with conventional RNA extraction, or directly allow specific detection of BVDV 2 or BDV.
without RNA extraction, by adding the sample to the Another fluorescent probe allowed detection of all
RT-PCR mixture. pestiviruses except for some isolates of BVDV 2.
Radwan et al. (1995) developed a PCR assay for The nested PCR assay was performed in a closed,
testing bulk milk samples to identify dairy herds in- single tube in which reagents for the second round
fected with BVDV. For validation of the assay, these of PCR were maintained in the inner lid. After re-
researchers first determined the BVDV titers in milk verse transcription and a primary round of PCR, the
from an experimentally (acutely) infected cow and tubes were inverted to mix the second round
two persistently infected cows. Virus titers of 102.5, reagents in the lid with the first round products for
106.5, and 105.5 TCID50/ml were present in milk initiation of the second round of PCR. Later,
from the acutely infected cow and persistently in- Mahlum et al. (2002) designed a real-time (Taqman)
fected cows, respectively. The virus titers in the milk PCR assay specifically for BVDV. The assay was
of persistently infected cows were higher than those found to be more sensitive than virus isolation and
in their sera (approximately 104.5 TCID50/ml). The IPMA in detecting BVDV in sera, and more sensi-
PCR assay was found to be about 15 times more tive than virus isolation or immunohistochemistry in
sensitive than virus isolation in detecting BVDV in detecting BVDV in tissues.
milk somatic cells. By testing bulk milk samples,
BVDV was detected in 33 of 136 dairy herds by the CONTROL BY VACCINATION
PCR assay. In sharp contrast, virus isolation did not Prior to the emergence of virulent BVDV 2 strains,
detect BVDV in any of the bulk milk samples. It was most BVDV infections of nonbreeding animals were
suggested that BVDV antibodies in the milk were thought to be benign and emphasis was placed on
responsible for the poor virus isolation results. the prevention of fetal infections. Thus, it was rec-
Drew et al. (1999) also applied PCR to bulk milk ommended that all breeding females be vaccinated
samples to identify BVDV infection among lactat- prior to conception (Baker, 1987; Radostits and
ing cows, but did not attempt virus isolation from Littlejohns 1988). Other animals in the herd were
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Introduction and History 21

often not vaccinated. In the 1990s, with the emer- Swedish and Danish programs involve classification
gence of virulent BVDV 2, the failure to vaccinate of herds by their BVDV status, removal of persist-
all animals in a herd proved to be disastrous, with ently infected cattle from infected herds, monitoring
losses of up to $40,000 to $100,000/herd when out- herd status, and prevention of infection in BVDV-
breaks due to these virulent viruses occurred free herds. Since these countries do not vaccinate,
(Carman et al., 1998). Fortunately, the vaccines at antibody-positive animals act as indicators of infec-
that time, which contained only BVDV 1, did pro- tion. Thus, bulk milk testing for antibodies consti-
vide a measure of protection against acute infections tutes an important component of these programs and
with BVDV 2 and outbreaks could be controlled is used to classify and monitor herds as to their BVD
(Carman et al., 1998). status. In Sweden, bulk milk testing is done with an
Although immunization with some vaccines con- indirect ELISA and in Denmark with a blocking
taining BVDV 1 alone were protective against acute ELISA (Alenius et al., 1996; Houe, 1996). These
BVD caused by BVDV 2 (Cortese et al., 1998, programs significantly reduced the prevalence of
Carman et al., 1998), apparent vaccine breaks did BVDV-positive dairy herds after only a few years.
occur (Ridpath et al., 1994) and incorporation of For Sweden, the prevalence dropped from 51% in
BVDV 2 in vaccines was considered a priority. In 1993 to 24% in 1995; for Norway, from 23% in
addition to the prevention of acute disease by BVDV 1993 to 14.4% in 1996; and for Denmark, from 39%
2, a continuing concern was the degree of fetal pro- in 1994 to 9% in 1999 (Alenius et al., 1997; Bitsch
tection against BVDV provided by vaccines in gen- and Ronshølt, 1995; Bitsch et al., 2000; Waage et
eral. With the emergence of BVDV 2, this concern al., 1997). Finland, which began its program in 1994
escalated with reports that vaccines containing with a very low prevalence (only 1%) in dairy herds,
BVDV 1 appeared not to be protective against fetal further reduced the prevalence to just 0.4% in 1997
infection with BVDV 2 (van Campen et al., 2000). (Nuotio et al., 1999).
van Oirschot et al. (1999) reevaluated the results Bitsch et al. (2000) reported that for the Danish
of fetal protection experiments that were conducted program, legislation was needed in 1996 to ensure
in the 1970s to 1990s by six different research that no persistently infected cattle were allowed on
groups. They concluded that no vaccine had shown common pastures. Movement of cattle to other herds
full fetal protection and that protection varied from or common pastures was allowed only after blood
33–86%. In only one study were none of the fetuses testing and certification that the animals were not
from the vaccinated cows infected after challenge; persistently infected. At first, pregnant (non-persist-
however, one fetus from six unvaccinated control ently infected) cows were not controlled. Instead, all
cows also remained uninfected (Brownlie et al., buyers of pregnant animals were advised to isolate
1995). In this type of experiment it is important that and ensure a non-persistently infected status of their
all fetuses in the control group become infected to calves before introducing them into a new herd.
demonstrate the ability of the challenge virus to in- Since not all farmers heeded these recommendations
fect the fetus under the defined experimental condi- and herds became infected because of persistently
tions. Thus, in the latter study the degree of protec- infected calves resulting from the purchase of preg-
tion conferred by the vaccine was calculated to be nant animals, legislation was modified to restrict the
86% because only five of six fetuses from the con- movement of all female cattle over 1 year of age,
trol group became infected rather than 100% of specifically that no such cattle could be moved from
them. non-free herds to other herds or common pastures.


In the 1990s, eradication programs for BVDV on a
national level were implemented in Sweden, Nor- RESPIRATORY DISEASE
way, Finland, and Denmark (Bitsch and Ronshølt, Respiratory diseases have plagued the feedlot indus-
1995). These programs were conducted without vac- try for many years and are collectively considered to
cination. In Sweden, the national program began in be the most significant cause of mortality for feedlot
1993 as a voluntary program entirely financed by calves. Several recent studies have linked BVDV
producers (Alenius et al., 1996). In Denmark, the with bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle and
BVDV eradication program was initiated by dairy another study has identified BVDV strains that can
farmers in 1994 followed by a government order to cause primary respiratory disease experimentally.
support the program in 1996 (Houe, 1996). Both the Martin et al. (1999) determined the antibody titers
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22 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

to BVDV, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, parain- intravenously. All inoculated calves developed res-
fluenza-3, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, and piratory symptoms. One of the isolates produced
two mycoplasma strains in 32 groups of calves prior mainly nasal discharge and fever in calves; however,
to entry, and 4–5 weeks after their arrival, at the the other isolate produced a more severe disease that
feedlot. They then looked for an association of these included ocular discharge, nasal discharge, fever,
infectious agents (by increases in antibody titers) coughing, abnormal breathing, and oral erosions.
with the risk of respiratory disease. Of all the agents, Transient diarrhea was observed in only 2 of 10
BVDV had the most consistent association with ele- calves. There was a widespread distribution of virus
vated risk of respiratory disease and lower weight in various tissues and organs of infected calves, in-
gains. In another study, Haines et al. (2001) exam- cluding heart muscle, skin, bone marrow, and brain.
ined 49 cases of antibiotic-unresponsive, chronic However, lesions were mainly observed in the respi-
disease (most often respiratory disease and/or arthri- ratory tract (focal catarrhal bronchopneumonia and
tis) in Canadian feedlot cattle. By immunohisto- atelectasis of the lung) and lymphoid tissues. In one
chemistry, they found that Mycoplasma bovis and calf, virus was still present in tissues 31 days after
BVDV were the most common pathogens persisting infection in the absence of viremia. Furthermore,
in the tissues of these animals. BVDV was found in two calves were still shedding cytopathic BVDV in
lung and/or joint tissues in 20 of the 49 (41%) cases. nasal secretions at 21 and 31 days after infection
Shahriar et al. (2002) reported on the prevalence when virus was no longer detectable in blood.
of pathogens in cases of chronic, antibiotic-resistant
pneumonia with or without concurrent polyarthritis MOLECULAR ACTIONS OF CYTOPATHIC AND
occurring in feedlot cattle in western Canada. They NONCYTOPATHIC BVDV
examined retrospective (1995–1998) and current In recent years, the actions of cytopathic and noncy-
cases (1999) by immunochemistry of lung and heart topathic BVDV on cells have been studied more in-
tissue and found that Mycoplasma bovis was pres- tensively. For cytopathic strains of BVDV, it has
ent in 44 of 48 cases of the retrospective group and been found that, like many other “lytic” viruses,
15 of 16 of current cases; whereas BVDV was pres- they kill cells by triggering apoptosis (programmed
ent in 31 of 48 retrospective and 9 of 16 current cell death) rather than lysis and necrosis (Zhang et
cases. From four positive virus isolations in the cur- al., 1996; Adler et al., 1997; Hoff and Donis, 1997).
rent group, BVDV type 1b was isolated in two cases Apoptosis is responsible for the elimination of cells
and BVDV 2 was isolated from the other two cases. in normal developmental processes but can be trig-
These researchers suggested that a synergism be- gered by many stimuli and is characterized by con-
tween Mycoplasma bovis and BVDV might occur densation of chromatin, cell shrinkage, generation
in this syndrome of pneumonia with concurrent of apoptotic bodies, and fragmentation of chromo-
arthritis. somal DNA with the generation of typical oligonu-
Later, Fulton et al. (2002) examined the preva- cleosomal fragments. The mechanism(s) by which
lence of BVDV in stocker calves with acute respira- cytopathic BVDV triggers apoptosis is currently an
tory disease and reported that BVDV type 1b was active area of research. BVDV is an ideal model sys-
the predominant type involved. These researchers tem for viral-induced apoptosis because both cyto-
also noted that vaccines in the U.S. primarily con- pathic and noncytopathic forms of the virus exist. In
tained BVDV type 1a, that some vaccines also in- addition to the production of NS3, which is corre-
cluded BVDV 2, but that only one vaccine contained lated with cytopathic effect, it has recently been dis-
BVDV 1b. They suggested that, for effective vacci- covered that cytopathic viruses accumulate much
nation against BVDV type 1b, there should be higher levels of viral RNA in cells than do noncyto-
demonstrated efficacy of current BVDV type 1a pathic viruses.
vaccines against type 1b. Alternatively, new compo- Vassilev and Donis (2000) used an infectious
nents of BVDV type 1b could be included in current cDNA clone of the NADL strain to create, by dele-
BVDV type 1a vaccines. tion of the cellular insertion in the NS2 gene, an iso-
Baule et al. (1997, 2001) identified two new sub- genic, noncytopathic virus mutant. To study viral
types of BVDV 1 isolated in southern Africa and RNA accumulation in cells, they utilized both cyto-
designated these as type 1c and type 1d. Type 1d pathic and noncytopathic (mutant) forms of the
viruses were found to be predominantly associated NADL strain and several naturally occurring cyto-
with respiratory disease. Two cytopathic viruses of pathic and noncytopathic viral pairs. At a multiplic-
this type were inoculated in calves intranasally or ity of infection of one, viral RNA accumulation was
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Introduction and History 23

6.5 to 23 times higher when cells were infected with produce interferons, as did calves in a subsequent
the cytopathic virus than with the corresponding study (Charleston et al., 2002). Thus, there appears
noncytopathic virus. Thus, in addition to generation to be a marked difference in the interferon response
of NS3, a second factor—increased viral RNA con- between the early fetus and immune-competent ani-
centration in cells—may contribute to the ability of mals upon infection with noncytopathic BVDV.
cytopathic BVDV to induce the death of cells.
Studies spanning several decades have shown that AN OLD VIRUS, ONCE LOST, TEACHES
noncytopathic strains of BVDV do not induce type 1 LESSONS
(alpha/beta) interferons in cells (in vitro) and block Of the old cytopathic BVDV strains—those that
the induction of interferons by other viruses have been used in laboratories for many years—the
(Diderholm and Dinter 1966; Nakamura et al., 1995; NADL strain that was isolated from a case of MD in
Adler et al., 1997). In contrast, cytopathic strains of 1962 (Gutekunst, 1968) is still one of the most
BVDV do induce type 1 interferons in cells in vitro widely used in research and diagnostics and as a
(Adler et al., 1997). Recently, Schweizer and component in vaccines. As for other old cytopathic
Peterhans (2001) showed that noncytopathic BVDV strains, the noncytopathic counterpart of the cyto-
inhibits the induction of apoptosis and interferons pathic NADL strain had been lost. However, re-
by a synthetic double-stranded RNA (poly IC). Sub- cently, this virus has made an unexpected appear-
sequent work indicates that noncytopathic BVDV ance; it was found, through in vivo studies, to be still
blocks an interferon regulatory factor (Baigent et al., residing in a stock of cytopathic NADL virus origi-
2002). These studies explain the basis of two some- nally obtained from the American Type Culture
what obscure diagnostic tests for noncytopathic Collection (Harding et al., 2002). Pregnant cows (at
BVDV. The first, described in 1968, was the END 90–105 days of gestation) were inoculated with
method (enhancement/exaltation of Newcastle dis- virus originating from an infectious cDNA clone of
ease virus) (Inaba et al., 1968). Newcastle disease NADL (i-VVNADL), or the parental NADL virus
virus (NDV) induces, and is sensitive to, interferon. stock (termed NADL-A), and 3 or 6 weeks after in-
Co-infection of noncytopathic BVDV and NDV oculation the fetuses were harvested. Virus isolated
leads to an enhancement of the replication of NDV. from cows inoculated with iVVNADL was always
In the END method, the presence of noncytopathic cytopathic in biotype and no virus was isolated from
BVDV is thus shown by NDV enhancement due to fetuses from these cows. Surprisingly, viruses of
the suppression of interferon by noncytopathic both biotypes were initially isolated from cows in-
BVDV. The second diagnostic test was based on the oculated with NADL-A, but after 8 days postinocu-
suppression of an effect of poly IC (Maisonnave and lation only noncytopathic virus was recovered. Virus
Rossi, 1982). Cells were inoculated with noncyto- was isolated from 8 of 10 fetuses from dams inocu-
pathic BVDV, and then treated with poly IC, and lated with NADL-A. In each case, the virus was
subsequently inoculated with vesicular stomatis noncytopathic.
virus (VSV). Cells infected with noncytopathic The nucleotide sequence of the NS2-3 and NS5A
BVDV were not protected against cytopathic effect regions of the genome of the contaminating noncy-
by VSV, whereas cells that were not infected with topathic BVDV (termed NADL-1102) in the
noncytopathic BVDV, were protected. It is now NADL-A stock was determined and the virus was
clear that the action of noncytopathic BVDV is via found to lack the 270 base pair cellular insertion in
inhibition of interferon induction by poly IC. the NS2 gene of NADL-A. Aside from the lack of
The interference with interferon production in the cellular insertion, which had been shown pre-
vitro by noncytopathic BVDV has been suggested as viously to be responsible for cytopathogenicity
an enabling factor in the ability of these viruses to (Mendez et al., 1998), a greater than 99% homology
establish persistent infections in the early fetus exists between sequences of NADL-1102 and pub-
(Schweizer and Peterhans, 2001). To determine lished NADL strain sequences. This level of homol-
whether interference occurs in vivo, Charleston et ogy indicates that NADL-1102 is the ancestral non-
al. (2001) inoculated the amniotic fluid of approxi- cytopathic NADL virus from which the cytopathic
mately 60-day-old fetuses with noncytopathic or cy- NADL virus arose by genetic recombination. The
topathic BVDV. Whereas cytopathic BVDV induced authors of this report state that there had been no
interferon production in the fetus, noncytopathic systematic attempts to eliminate noncytopathic
BVDV failed to do so. In contrast, the dams of the BVDV from this stock by the repository personnel
fetuses inoculated with noncytopathic BVDV did or the depositors (Gutekunst and Malmquist, 1963).
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24 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

This study illustrates well, and confirms the find- considered unreliable for detecting acute outbreaks
ings of others, that noncytopathic BVDV, but not cy- caused by BVDV.
topathic BVDV, can infect the fetus and establish Recently, the use of skin biopsies as diagnostic
persistent infections (McClurkin et al., 1984; Brown- specimens for a BVDV antigen capture ELISA was
lie et al., 1989). Prior to 1984, it was not appreciated evaluated (Brodersen et al., 2002). The assay, based
that both BVDV biotypes could be isolated from on the detection of the Erns protein, was reported to
cases of MD. Thus, cytopathic BVDV isolates may be equally sensitive to PCR, IHC, and virus isolation
not have always been purified or adequately purified. from leukocytes. The same capture ELISA had been
For instance, plaque purification may not be ade- previously validated for the detection of BVDV in
quate for purification of cytopathic BVDV without serum for screening herds for persistently infected
additional immunochemical or immunofluorescent animals and for screening BVDV in sublots of fetal
staining to rule out the presence of noncytopathic bovine serum for the production of the commercial-
BVDV. McClurkin et al. (1984), in their classic study ized product (Plavsic and Prodafikas, 2001).
on the production of immune-tolerant and persist- The use of pooled samples for diagnostic testing,
ently infected calves, produced persistent infections a trend that began in the 1990s, has continued in re-
with noncytopathic BVDV but not with the cyto- cent years. Weinstock et al. (2001) developed a sin-
pathic NADL strain. Apparently, their NADL stock gle tube PCR assay for detection of BVDV in
virus was free of noncytopathic BVDV. pooled serum. The assay was compared with a mi-
croplate virus isolation method performed on indi-
DIAGNOSIS vidual sera. The PCR assay was sensitive enough to
Within the past few years, several studies have ex- detect a single viremic serum sample in 100 pooled
amined the use of immunohistochemistry (IHC) on samples. Muñoz-Zanzi et al. (2000) examined least-
skin biopsies to detect BVDV infections, a tech- cost strategies for using PCR/probe testing of
nique that had been introduced earlier by Thür et al. pooled blood samples to identify persistently in-
(1996) for use on frozen specimens. The skin biopsy fected animals in herds. For a herd prevalence of
technique is now being used by some laboratories to 1%, the least-cost strategy for pooled sample testing
screen herds for persistently infected cattle. Njaa et was to test pools from 20 animals initially, and then
al. (2000) applied the technique on formalin-fixed, pools of five blood samples for repooled testing. As
paraffin-embedded specimens and were able to de- herd prevalence increased beyond 3%, the competi-
tect positive staining in 41 of 42 skin samples from tive benefit of pooled testing diminished.
persistently infected calves. Sections of skin from Based on earlier work of Houe (1992; 1994) and
all acutely infected animals were negative for stain- Houe et al. (1995), who reported that antibody lev-
ing when they were infected with 105 TCID50 of els can be used to predict the presence of persist-
BVDV, and only 40% of acutely infected animals ently infected animals in a herd, Pillars and Grooms
showed positive skin biopsies when infected with a (2002) applied this technique to herds with un-
much higher dose (108 TCID50) of BVDV. It was known BVDV status. Specifically, they examined
concluded that immunohistochemical staining of whether serological evaluation of five unvaccinated,
skin biopsies was an effective method for identify- randomly selected, 6- to 12-month-old heifers is a
ing persistently infected cattle. valid method for identifying herds that contain per-
Ridpath et al. (2002) used virus isolation as the sistently infected cattle. A herd was classified as
standard to evaluate both the skin biopsy method likely to contain persistently infected animals when
and a serum PCR-probe test, another technique used at least three of the heifers had neutralizing antibody
for screening herds for persistently infected animals, titers of ⱖ1:128 to BVDV 1 or BVDV 2. Of the 14
for detection of acute BVDV infections. In this herds examined, 6 contained persistently infected
study, 16 animals were inoculated with 106 TCID50 animals. The sensitivity and specificity of the sero-
of BVDV 1 or BVDV 2. Whereas virus was isolated logic method for determining which herds had per-
from all animals, only three (19%) animals were sistently infected animals was 66% and 100%, re-
positive by the PCR-probe test and none was posi- spectively. In one herd with a false negative result,
tive by immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of skin by chance three of the heifers examined serologi-
biopsies. These researchers concluded that the skin cally were persistently infected animals and had
biopsy test would usually not confuse persistently titers of <1:4, whereas the other two animals had
infected animals with acutely infected animals. titers of >1:4,096. The authors noted that this herd
However, both methods (IHC and PCR-probe) were would have been rightly classified had virus isola-
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Introduction and History 25

tion been used in addition to the serological testing. ulation sites using a gene gun delivery system. Se-
In the other herd with a false negative result, a sin- rumneutralizing antibody titers of >212 and >27
gle persistently infected calf of 3 months of age was were generated in calves to the NADL strain of
missed. This animal was reported not to have had BVDV 1 and to a BVDV 2 strain, respectively.
contact with the target population. The authors Muñoz-Zanzi et al. (2002) developed models to
noted that the overall sensitivity of the serologic predict the age of dairy calves when colostrum-
evaluation of five unvaccinated heifers for determin- derived BVDV antibodies would decline to a level
ing herds with persistently infected cattle could be that would no longer offer disease protection or in-
improved by periodic retesting of herds that had terfere with vaccination. The ages at which 50% of
negative results. The use and testing of sentinel ani- the calves were predicted to have low antibody titers
mals in vaccinated herds has been recommended as (<1:16) were, for two herds, 107–111 days for
an important element of a BVDV control program BVDV 1 and 75–81 days for BVDV 2. The ages at
(Dubovi, 2002). which 50% of the calves were predicted to be
seronegative (titer <1:8) were, for the same herds,
CONTROL BY VACCINATION 139–143 days for BVDV 1 and 110–118 days for
In recent years there have been two major trends in BVDV 2. These ages were considerably shorter than
vaccine research and development: the inclusion of earlier estimates for the persistence of colostral an-
BVDV 2 strains in commercial vaccines and the tibodies (6–10 months). The differences in these es-
evaluation of the efficacy of BVDV vaccines for timates may be due, in part, to the large sample size
protection against fetal infection. The latter, an as- (466 calves) used in this study or due to differences
sessment of efficacy for fetal protection, has not in protocols for administering colostrum.
been a requirement for the licensing of vaccines in
the U.S. and Canada. For licensing, the vaccines are ERADICATION
required only to show protection against acute infec- The eradication programs without vaccination that
tions. However, in recent years, efforts by both indi- began in the 1990s in the Scandinavian countries
vidual researchers and vaccine companies have been have proven to be very successful in reducing the
intensified to evaluate BVDV vaccines for their effi- number of herds with BVDV infections. For in-
cacy in providing fetal protection. The ability to stance, 52% of herds were estimated to be infected
demonstrate and claim vaccine efficacy for fetal pro- in Sweden in 1993, whereas in 2002, 93% of dairy
tection should give those vaccine companies a com- and 88% of beef herds were considered BVDV-free
petitive advantage over others that cannot make such (Lindberg, 2002). Eradication of BVDV appears to
a claim for their products. This will be the driving have been even more successful in Denmark where,
force for new and better products in the absence of in 2002, approximately 99% of dairy and 98% of
new regulations. beef herds were free of BVDV (Bitsch et al., 2002).
Recently, experiments involving immunization In Germany, an ongoing control program for
with BVDV-specific nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) eventual BVDV eradication is voluntary and par-
have been performed. The first of these utilized a tially subsidized by the state (Greiser-Wilke, 2002).
recombinant plasmid containing the BVDV E2 Vaccination is practiced in Germany to reduce virus
gene with a human cytomegalovirus promotor for circulation and to minimize economic losses. A
DNA immunization of mice (Harpin et al., 1997). killed vaccine is used for basic immunization and an
Neutralizing responses against BVDV 1 strains attenuated live virus vaccine is used to booster the
were generated, which persisted for 6 months after immune response. Screening for removal of persist-
the last injection. In cattle, immunization with the ently infected animals is performed using an antigen
plasmid produced both a neutralizing antibody re- capture ELISA. If all animals up to 3 years of age in
sponse and a cellular immune response, but immu- a herd are negative, the herd is classified as “BVDV
nization was only partially protective when the cat- unsuspicious.”
tle were inoculated with a challenge virus (Harpin In 2002, the Academy of Veterinary Consultants
et al., 1999). (AVC), presented a position statement on BVDV for
Vassilev et al. (2001) used full-length, infectious eventual eradication of the virus in North America at
BVDV RNA derived from a recombinant, infectious a USDA-sponsored meeting (Grotelueschen, 2002).
cDNA clone (NADL strain) to immunize cattle and The AVC, established in 1970, is an association of
sheep against BVDV. The RNA was coated onto veterinarians involved in beef cattle medicine, herd
gold microcarrier particles and delivered to the inoc- health programs, and consultation. Its members con-
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26 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

sist of veterinarians from both the U.S. and Canada. Barlow RM, Nettleton PF, Gardiner AC, et al.: 1986,
The BVDV position statement reads: Persistent bovine virus diarrhoea virus infection in
a bull. Vet Rec 118:321–324.
The beef and dairy industries suffer enormous Baule C, Kulcsár G, Belák K, et al.: 2001, Pathogene-
loss due to effects of bovine viral diarrhea virus sis of primary respiratory disease induced by iso-
(BVDV) infection. The highly mutable nature of lates from a new genetic cluster of bovine viral di-
BVDV and the emergence of highly virulent arrhea virus type 1. J Clin Microbiol 39:146–153.
strains of BVDV contribute to limited success of Baule C, van Vuuren M, Lowings JP, Belák S: 1997,
present control programs. Also persistently in- Genetic heterogeneity of bovine viral diarrhoea
fected cattle are the primary source of infection viruses isolated in Southern Africa. Virus Res
and effective testing procedures are available to 52:205–220.
identify those infected carriers. Therefore, it is Becher P, König M, Paton DJ, Thiel H-J: 1995,
the resolve of the Academy of Veterinary Further characterization of border disease virus iso-
Consultants that the beef and dairy industries lates: Evidence for the presence of more than three
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Risk Assessment
Hans Houe


Many biological variables can be used to quantify EPIDEMIOLOGICAL VARIABLES
the occurrence of bovine virus diarrhea virus The relevant variables for describing the occurrence
(BVDV) infections, including clinical, pathological, of BVDV infection include the detection of virus
virological, serological, and production measures. and/or antibodies in the animal as well as data re-
The importance of each measure depends on the lated to disease and reduced production following
purpose of the investigation. In surveillance and infection. In addition, the occurrence of BVDV
eradication programs, the laboratory diagnoses are should be described in relation to risk factors that
important to document where the infection is pres- can be host-, agent-, or environment-related. This
ent or was present recently; from an economic point chapter emphasizes risk factors for determining the
of view it is important to combine virological and occurrence and distribution of BVDV. An epidemio-
serological measures with information on clinical logical framework for the necessary data for de-
and production variables; and from an animal wel- scribing BVDV occurrence is given in Figure 2.1.
fare point of view the emphasis would be on the Here the variables are divided into risk factors on
severity of the clinical signs. However, it is not al- the one hand and measurable output variables on the
ways possible to fully describe the occurrence of a other. The list of epidemiological data in Figure 2.1
disease for all purposes, simply because of the vari- is not exhaustive, but the boxes in the figure refer to
ations in the quality of the data. the following subchapters where more detailed in-
For BVDV infections, good quality data are avail- formation is given.
able from many parts of the world on the presence There are two important mathematical measures
of persistently infected (PI) animals and antibody of disease occurrence (or disease frequency): preva-
carriers in addition to epidemiological data on the lence and incidence. The prevalence is a measure of
occurrence of infection. However, when it comes to what is present here and now, whereas incidence
the disease (clinical signs and reduced production measures the occurrence of new cases over time.
due to BVDV infections), the data are often based Both measures are useful in describing BVDV in-
on selected cases, making it difficult to estimate the fections. The occurrence of long-lasting antibodies
true occurrence of the disease in a population. (often lifelong) and the lifelong presence of virus in
Therefore, the calculation of the economic effect of PI animals make prevalence studies more suitable
infection is often based on the proportion of infected for BVDV infections than is the case for many other
animals that are estimated to have suffered from the infections. Prevalence and incidence can be applied
disease, which are hereafter included in economical both to individual animals as well as herds.
models. Also the importance of risk factors is usu- However, the definition of a herd infection may
ally related to the occurrence of infection rather than often be more uncertain and more complicated than
that of the disease. This chapter outlines the occur- at the individual animal level.
rence of BVDV infections, the associated risk fac-
tors for infection and the effect of infections on dis-
ease and production including financial losses.

2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02 3/18/05 10:07 AM Page 36

36 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Figure 2.1. An epidemiological framework for the necessary data for describing BVDV occurrence, risk factors, and

PREVALENCE OF BVDV and its antibodies are covered in detail in Chapter

INFECTIONS 12. In the context of describing occurrence, it is im-
The prevalence of a disease or infection (or any portant to evaluate prevalence studies in relation to
other condition) is defined as the proportion of the the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic tests.
population with the disease at a given point in time: If, for example, a serologic test has revealed a preva-
lence of 45% antibody carriers (apparent preva-
Number of diseased or infected animals at time t lence, AP) and the test is known to have sensitivity
Number of animals in the sample at time t (Se) of 97% and a specificity (Sp) of 88%, the true
prevalence (TP) can be calculated from this formula:
The prevalence can be interpreted as the probabil-
ity that a randomly selected animal has the disease AP + Sp − 1 0.45 + 0.88 − 1
at time t. Thus, the prevalence of BVDV antibody TP = = = 0.339
Sp + Se − 1 0.88 + 0.97 − 1
carriers is the proportion of animals having antibod-
ies, no matter when they were acquired. The advan- where AP denotes apparent prevalence (the preva-
tage of a prevalence study is that animals need to be lence of test-positive animals). This means that the
sampled only once. The disadvantage is that it is not true prevalence is 39%. These calculations are made
known when the antibodies were acquired, or how. with the assumption that all serologically positive
However, for PI animals we know that they were in- animals arose via natural infection. Antibodies titers
fected in the first trimester of fetal life (although that are due to vaccination will throw off these cal-
viremic animals need to be retested after 2–3 weeks, culations.
it is still considered a prevalence study), and hence For the detection of both virus and antibodies in
prevalence studies on the occurrence of PI animals individual animals, the sensitivities and specificities
are very useful. are usually very high and often close to 100%. For
Diagnostic methods for the detection of BVDV detection of antibodies, the Se and Sp of different
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02 3/18/05 10:07 AM Page 37

Risk Assessment 37

ELISA tests as compared to serum neutralization test one animal being positive for either antibody or
have often been higher than 90% (Cho et al., 1991: virus.
Se = 97.6% and Sp = 100%; Rønsholt et al., 1997: Se The herd diagnoses for the presence of PI animals
= 96.5% and Sp = 97.5%; Canal et al., 1998: Se = are often based indirectly on an interpretation of
97.5% and Sp = 99.2%; Kramps et al., 1999: Se = serological test results of screening young stock,
98% and Sp = 99%). Comparison of BVDV antigen from antibody reaction in bulk tank milk or combi-
ELISA with conventional tissue culture isolation nations hereof. The true status should then prefer-
technique has also shown high sensitivity and speci- ably be based on examination of all individual ani-
ficity (Rønsholt et al., 1997: Se = 97.9% and Sp = mals. In 26 herds where blood testing of all animals
99.5%). was used as the gold standard, the HSe and HSp of
Many studies give estimates on the prevalence of using a small screening sample of young stock was
infected herds. Here it is important to know that the calculated as 0.93 and 1.0, respectively (Houe,
definition of an infected herd can vary substantially 1999). Others have reported HSe and HSp of 0.66
and that the sensitivity and specificity can show and 1.0, respectively, using serologic results from
higher variation and will often be known with a unvaccinated heifers among 14 dairy herds (Pillars
lower certainty than at the individual animal level. et al., 2002). The reason for a low HSe can be that
Correct classification of herds into being truly in- the PI animals are young (Houe, 1992b; Houe,
fected or noninfected has important implications for 1999; Pillars et al., 2002) or it has even occurred that
observational studies on epidemiological aspects— by chance the PI animals were selected for serologic
e.g., prevalence, incidence, identification of risk fac- testing giving negative results (Pillars et al., 2002).
tors, and quantification of the effect of BVDV infec- Therefore repeating the serologic testing of young
tion on disease and production. stock a few months later and also having them tested
The term herd test or herd diagnosis is based on for virus will increase HSe significantly.
testing samples from more than one animal. The The antibody level in bulk tank milk has shown
sample can consist of separate samples from indi- good correlation with the prevalence of antibody
vidual animals (e.g., blood samples) or it can be a carriers in a herd (Niskanen, 1993; Houe, 1994;
pooled sample from several animals (e.g., pooled Beaudeau et al., 2001). Using a screening sample of
blood samples or a bulk tank milk sample). If the young stock as a gold standard, a blocking ELISA
samples consist of individual animals with a sample measuring antibody levels in bulk tank milk was
size of n, and the herd is defined as positive if there evaluated. Among 352 dairy herds the bulk tank
is at least one positive animal in the herd, the herd milk antibody test had a sensitivity of 1 and a speci-
sensitivity (HSe) and herd specificity (HSp) can be ficity of 0.62 at a blocking percentage (cutoff) of
calculated from the prevalence of test-positive ani- 50% (Houe, 1999). Furthermore, at an estimated
mals (AP) and from the specificity at animal level herd prevalence of 26%, the positive and negative
(Sp) as follows: predictive values were 0.48 and 1.00, respectively.
This means that the bulk tank milk test is very good
HSe = 1 − (1 − AP )n at detecting herds with true PI animals. On the other
hand, many herds without PI animals may also have
high antibody levels (e.g., due to a PI animal moved
HSp = Sp n from the herd before the test), and therefore the test
result is false positive. In some areas, there may be
From the formulas it can be seen that increasing the poor predictive values of antibody detection among
sample size will result in increased herd sensitivity a few young stock or antibody level in bulk milk for
but decreased herd specificity. Furthermore, a high herd diagnosis because of high prevalence of infec-
prevalence would increase herd sensitivity but tion and large variation of antibody-positive ani-
would not affect herd specificity. These formulas are mals in herds without PI animals (Zimmer et al.,
true only when definition of a herd is based on one 2002).
or more animals being positive (i.e., the critical Many studies use an increase in bulk tank milk
number is 1). Sometimes, a herd is defined positive antibody level as an indication of a recent infection
only if a higher number of animals are positive and in the herd (Niskanen et al., 1995). Also PCR on
in these cases other approaches are needed (Martin bulk milk has been used to directly detect virus ex-
et al., 1992). In many published epidemiological cretion in the herd (Drew et al., 1999). Unfortu-
studies the herd prevalence is given based on at least nately, there are no international standards for clas-
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02 3/18/05 10:07 AM Page 38

38 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

sification of herd infection status, and one should be obtaining a herd infection status by serological test-
careful when comparing studies that use different ing of a few young stock, testing the bulk tank milk
definitions for an infected herd. for antibody or virus, or by various combinations of
these methods. These studies provide prevalence es-
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES FOR timates of herds with any antibody carriers or pres-
ESTIMATION OF PREVALENCE ence of any PI animals (or rather herds being sus-
Due to the development of faster and cheaper diag- pected of having PI animals). As these studies are
nostic methods the number of prevalence studies has often based on different interpretations of antibody
increased significantly in recent years. When com- level in bulk tank milk, they are presented separately
paring different studies one should be aware of dif- in Table 2.3 (some keywords of the interpretation
ferences in study design, study period, sampling from the studies are given in the table). Altogether,
frame, sampling method, sampling units, sample the following six prevalence measures are presented
size, and the exact test variable being measured. in Tables 2.1–2.3:
Tables 2.1–2.3 summarize a number of prevalence
1. Prevalence of antibody-positive animals
studies including some keyword information on sam-
2. Prevalence of virus-positive animals
pling frame and sampling methods. These studies
3. Prevalence of herds with at least one antibody
were selected to represent a broad variety of different
geographical regions. Another criterion for selection
4. Prevalence of herds with at least one virus-
was that the studies contained sufficient information
positive animal
on study design and sampling strategies to be judged
5. Prevalence of herds with antibody-positive ani-
fairly representative for the study area. Attempts
mals as detected from screening samples (spot
were made to include both older and newer preva-
tests) and bulk milk
lence studies. Studies in countries with national con-
6. Prevalence of herds with high probability of
trol and eradication programs are from before or at
virus-positive animals as detected from screen-
the beginning of the eradication programs.
ing samples (spot tests), antibody level in bulk
The sampling frame in the tables specifies
milk, or PCR on bulk milk
whether samples have been taken from certain re-
gions in the country and whether there is informa- One of the difficulties of interpreting serological
tion on the type of enterprise (dairy herds, beef results is the very different use of vaccines. When
herds, breeding herds, or artificial insemination cen- there were clear indications of the use of vaccine, ei-
ters). The exact sampling methods are often rather ther in the country or in the study herds, this infor-
complicated and for details the reader is referred to mation is provided in the tables. One should also be
the cited publications. The tables include informa- careful interpreting the prevalence of infected herds
tion on the major criteria for sampling such as the if not all animals in the herd are tested.
randomness and representativeness of the samples Due to the various sampling strategies and inter-
and whether only certain age groups are sampled. pretation of test results, formal statistical analyses of
The sampling has often been done by initially se- Tables 2.1–2.3, estimation of confidence intervals
lecting herds (primary sampling units) followed by (CI) of the true occurrence, and testing for differ-
sampling of individual animals (secondary sampling ences between different areas are not straightfor-
units). But there are also examples where animals ward. Instead, many different studies are outlined in
are the primary sampling unit (e.g., sampling from the tables in order to provide the reader with a spec-
abattoirs) or where herds are sampled without fur- trum of results from different areas, emphasizing
ther sampling of animals (e.g., testing for antibody some selected trends. The reader should be aware of
level in bulk milk, as shown in Table 2.3). the sampling methods when comparing prevalence.
The variables behind the prevalence measures If, for example, only younger animals were sampled
when testing individual animals are either antibod- for the detection of PI animals, the prevalence would
ies (Table 2.1) or virus (Table 2.2). The same study be higher than if sampling was done among all ani-
can, therefore, be represented in both tables if ani- mals (simply because PI animals die faster than
mals are tested for both antibodies and virus. The other animals).
prevalence can be given both at the animal level as Considering the prevalence of antibody carriers at
well as at the herd level (here defined as the preva- the animal level, there seems to be a continuum of
lence of herds with any antibody or virus-positive prevalence levels from a minimum of 12% to a max-
animal). In addition, many studies aim directly at imum of 89% (Table 2.1). However, if all the pre-
Table 2.1. Epidemiological studies for estimation of prevalence of animals with antibodies against BVDV
Sampling Method Sample Size Prevalence

Country/ Study Herd Animal

Region Period Sampling Frame Herds Animals Herds Animals Level (%) Level (%) Vaccination Reference

Belgium ... Southern Belgium 42.5% of herds had All animals in herd 61 9685 100 66 Some vaccination Schreiber et al.,
Belgian White Blue prior diagnosis or (not considered 1999
and Friesian were suspicious important)
Denmark 1988 Jutland in Denmark Representative All animals in herd 19 2570 100 64 No vaccination Houe and Mey-
Dairy herds NPE ling, 1991
Netherlands ... ... ... Random among ani- >100 1798 — 65 ... Kramps et al.,
mals in BHV1a 1999
diagnostics and
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02

field trial
Norway 1984–1986 Wide geographic Geographic repre- Random 187 1133 28 19 No vaccination Løken et al., 1991
representation sentative, NPE >2 years
Dairy herds


Poland ... Bulls at artificial — >6 months old — 175 — 86 ... Polak and
insemination Zmudzinski,
centers 1999
Scotland 1992–1993 South West Scotland ... Random 78 109 — 78 ... McGowan and
Breeding bulls Murray, 1999
10:07 AM

on dairy, beef of
mixed farms
(5 bulls from
Page 39

Slovenia 1996 5 regions ... All animals in herd 274 6892 ... 17 ... Grom et al., 1999
Breeding herds
Spain 1997 Asturias region Random/stratified 20 herds: all animals 28 529 86 21 No vaccination Mainer-Jaime et
Dairy herds NPE 8 herds: Random, al., 2001
Sweden ... 11 counties in dif- NPE Breeding heifers 114 711 — 41 No vaccination Alenius et al.,
ferent parts of 1986
Sweden 1987 County of Koppar- Random All lactating cows 15 413 73 46 No vaccination Niskanen et al.,
berg 1991
Dairy herds (continued)
Table 2.1. Epidemiological studies for estimation of prevalence of animals with antibodies against BVDV (continued)
Sampling Method Sample Size Prevalence

Country/ Study Herd Animal

Region Period Sampling Frame Herds Animals Herds Animals Level (%) Level (%) Vaccination Reference

Switzerland 1994–1995 Canton of St. Gallen Random Cows and heifers 95 2892 100 84 ... Braun et al., 1997
Dairy herds (All)
Switzerland 1995 Canton of St. Invited by cantonal Animals prior to 149 990 — 63 ... Braun et al., 1998
Gallen, 7 Alpine veterinary officer pasture, 98%
pastures were replacement
Swiss Braunvieh cattle NPE
Dairy herds
Switzerland 1993–1994 Dairy herds Random (at least All cows 113 1635 99 72 ... Stärk et al., 1997
5 cows)
United 1974–1975 England and Wales 3 herds in each 12 per herd repre- 133 1593 — 62 ... Harkness et al.,
Kingdom county senting a range 1978
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02

of ages
United 1985–1986 England and Wales — Submissions of — 18,759 — 65 ... Edwards et al.,

Kingdom more than 10 1987
samples to Cen-

tral Veterinary
North, Central and South America
Canada ... Saskatchewan and Several sources: Brucellosis certification, 295 1745 (67)b 41 Some vaccination. Durham and
Alberta bull test station, research station and One-third of Hassard, 1990
10:07 AM

Several breeds others vaccinated had

Especially beef antibodies

Canada 1990–1991 Northwestern Random Systematic random 15 311 93 53 Only nonvacc. Ganaba et al.,
Page 40

Quebec, beef >25 breeding among pregnant. within 1 year 1995

herds (cow calf) females 12–25 cows per included here
Canada ... 3 Maritime Stratified, two stage 5 cows or 5 heifers 89 445 (66) 38 Tested animals VanLeeuwen et al.,
provinces: New random sample >6 months old not vaccinated 2001
Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, Prince
Edward Island
Dairy herds
Table 2.1. Epidemiological studies for estimation of prevalence of animals with antibodies against BVDV (continued)
Sampling Method Sample Size Prevalence

Country/ Study Herd Animal

Region Period Sampling Frame Herds Animals Herds Animals Level (%) Level (%) Vaccination Reference

United States 1976 Louisiana Research herds >2 years old breed- 5 444 100 68 No vaccination Fulton and Seger,
ing cattle 1982
United States . . . Midwest and west- Appr. Half of the Between 20 and 312 66 3157 ... 89 ... Bolin et al., 1985
ern U.S. herds had past per herd Both
Beef and dairy evidence of calves and adults
herds BVDV
United States 1993 Michigan, 2 coun- 5 herdsc All animals in herd 5c 794c 80c 29c Vaccination used Houe et al., 1995b
ties 2 herdsd 2d 428d 100d 76d in 4 herds
Dairy herds 2 herdse 2e 372e 100e 91e
United States . . . 17 states Representative of Owner chose age 256 3894 91 all 69 all Vaccination re- Paisley et al., 1996
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02

Beef cow calf oper- the national beef group 95 Vf 78 V ported in 137
ations herd 86 NVf 57 NV herds
Mexico ... Dairy cattle: 2 states ... Random ... 132 (dairy) — 71 ... Suzan et al., 1983
Beef cattle: 11 771 (beef) — 63


Brazil ... State of Rio Grande ... Adults, Abattoirs 20 430 90 56 ... Canal et al., 1998
(Argentina) ¶ 1 farm in (mostly)
Argentina Between 2 and 47
from each herd
10:07 AM

Chile ... Southern part of Large herds Cows and bulls 40 948 cows 100 74 No vaccination Reinhardt et al.,
Chile Stratified Random 116 bulls 81 assumed 1990
Beef, dairy and
mixed breed
Venezuela 1997 5 districts of Apure Multistage, random Random 123 615 — 36 ... Obando et al.,
Page 41

State 5 cows per herd 1999

Beef cattle

Africa, Asia and New Zealand

Tanzania 1985 18 regions “Stock at Animal Diseases Research ... 419 — 12 No vaccination Msolla et al., 1988
Institute, Dar-es-Salaam”
Age not recorded (continued)
Table 2.1. Epidemiological studies for estimation of prevalence of animals with antibodies against BVDV (continued)
Sampling Method Sample Size Prevalence

Country/ Study Herd Animal

Region Period Sampling Frame Herds Animals Herds Animals Level (%) Level (%) Vaccination Reference

Tanzania 1985–1986 5 regions, 11 differ- “Under the Auspices of the Rinderpest ... 938 — 34 ... Hyera et al., 1991
ent districts, campaign”
Tanzania NPE
India 1996–1997 16 states National serum bank ... 327 — 15 ... Sudharshana et al.,
New Zealand . . . South Island, Otago Two abattoirs — 64 — 66 ... Robinson, 1971
New Zealand 1993 North and South 14 abattoirs 70 140 (78)g 63 ... Pérez et al., 1994
Beef cattle
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02

General legends and abbreviations in tables:

— Information not applicable.

. . . Information not available (the reader can of course add information on the use of vaccine from other sources).

NPE: No past evidence, meaning that herds were not selected based on past evidence of infection (unknown BVD status).
AI: Artificial insemination centers.
V: Vaccinated; NV: Not vaccinated.
aBHV: Bovine herpes virus.
bSample size varied considerably between farms.
10:07 AM

cHerds without use of vaccination and without PI animals.

dHerds with use of killed vaccine; no PI animals present.
eHerds with use of killed vaccine and presence of PI animals.
fV: Prevalence among vaccinated; NV: Prevalence among nonvaccinated (herds were classified according to reported use of any BVDV vaccine during the previous 12 months).
Page 42

gNote that there were only two sampled animals per farm.
Table 2.2. Epidemiological studies for estimation of prevalence of virus-positive and persistently infected animals
Sampling Method Sample Size Prevalence

Country/ Study Herd Animal

Region Period Sampling Frame Herds Animals Herds Animals Level (%) Levela (%) Vaccination Reference

Belgium ... Southern Belgium. 42.5% of herds had All animals in herd 61 9685 44 0.75 (PI) Some vaccina- Schreiber et al.,
Belgian White prior diagnosis or tion (not 1999
Blue and Friesian were suspicious considered
Holstein important)
Denmark 1988 Jutland in Denmark Representative, NPE All animals in herd 19 2570 53 1.4/1.1 No vaccination Houe and Mey-
Dairy herds ling, 1991
Germany ... Northern Germany. Exporting herds Pregnant >1000 2317 — 0.9 ... Liess et al., 1987
Breeding animals NPE (viraemic)
Germany 1993–1994 Lower Saxony NPE Up to 3 years 329 20,253 45 2.1 (PI) Some vaccina- Frey et al., 1996
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02

Poland ... Bulls at artificial — >6 months old — 219 — 0.9 (PI) ... Polak and Zmud-
insemination zinski, 1999

Sweden ... 11 counties in dif- NPE Breeding heifers 114 711 — 1.7/1.3 No vaccination Alenius et al.,

ferent parts of 1986

Switzerland 1995 Canton of Invited by cantonal Animals prior to 149 990 — 0.9 ... Braun et al., 1998
St. Gallen, veterinary officer pasture, 98%
10:07 AM

7 Alpine pastures were replacement

Swiss Braunvieh cattle
cattle NPE
Dairy herds
United 1980–1985 ... — Beef calves 2–4 — 924 — 0.8/0.4 ... Howard et al.,
Page 43

Kingdom months old 1986

Cows 2–3 years old
Gnotobiotic calves
United 1986 England and Wales — Submissions of — 3151 — 1.8 ... Edwards et al.,
Kingdom more than 10 (viraemic) 1987
samples to Cen-
tral Veterinary
Laboratory (continued)
Table 2.2. Epidemiological studies for estimation of prevalence of virus-positive and persistently infected animals (continued)
Sampling Method Sample Size Prevalence

Country/ Study Herd Animal

Region Period Sampling Frame Herds Animals Herds Animals Level (%) Levela (%) Vaccination Reference

North America
Canada 1991 Western Canada 1 feedlot, but ani- Systematic random, — 1029 — 0.1 ... Taylor et al., 1995
feedlot calves mals were arriv- every 5th calf at
ing from many arrival
Canada and ... Northeastern and — Bulls at AI isolation — 1532 — 0.4 ... Howard et al.,
U.S. western states prior to progeny 1990
(2 AI centers testing. Mostly
throughout U.S. 3–12 months old
and Canada (2 AI
United States . . . Midwest and Appr. half of the Between 20 and 312 66 3157 9.1 1.9/1.7 ... Bolin et al., 1985
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02

western US. herds had past per herd

Beef and dairy evidence of Both calves and

herds BVDVb adults
United States 1993 Michigan, Random from All animals in herd 20 5481 15 0.13/0.11 Vaccination used Houe et al., 1995b

2 counties DHIA list in 15 herds

Dairy herds
United States . . . 17 states Beef cow Representative of Owner chose age 256 1201 Ab 0.67 of Ab Vaccination re- Paisley et al., 1996
calf operations the national beef group. Only Ab- neg. out negatives ported in 137
herd neg tested for of 3894 and 0.2 of herds
10:07 AM

virus total
United States 1996 Alabama, Nebraska, A. Random, 76 Calves <4 months Total: 128 18,931 Total: Total: 92% of positive Wittum et al.,
Nevada, North herds, min 20 and old (most >4 A: 76 10.2 0.3/0.17 and 82% of 2001
Dakota, and Ohio max 500 breed- months old) B: 52 A: 4 negative herds
Page 44

Beef herds ing females B: 19 used vaccina-

B. Suspected, 52 tion
aIf two percentages are given, the first number is prevalence of animals being viraemic and the second number is animals proven to be PI.
bAmong 6 herds where virus was isolated only one herd had been selected based on past evidence.
Table 2.3. Epidemiological studies for estimation of herd level prevalence based on screening samples and bulk milk samples
All Countries
Herd Prevalence,
Herd PI Animals
Sample Prevalence, or Suspect of
Country/ Study Sampling Size Antibody Having PI
Region Period Sampling Frame Method (Herds) Sample Carriers (%)a Animals (%)a Reference

Austria 1996–1998 Nieder-östereich Stepwise: A: 5,024 Milk ... 1.0 Rossmanith and
All breeding herds A: milk, B: spot B: 512 Spot test (detection of PI Deinhofer, 1998
test and C: C: 154 All animals animals)
all animals
Denmark 1994 Dairy herds All herds 16,113 Bulk milk ... 39 Bitsch and Rønsholt,
(suspected to have PI) 1995
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02

Estonia 1993–1995 Dairy herds with Representative 328 Bulk milk ... 46 Viltrop et al., 2002
1997–1998 >=20 cows random sample 363 and/or 16
1999–2000 351 young 18

stock test (suspected to have PI)

Finland 1993 Dairy herds All herds (>98%) 34,115 Bulk milk 1 ... Nuotio et al., 1999
England 1996 Dairy herds Systematic 1070 Bulk milk 95 66 Paton et al., 1998
and Wales >40 cows random (OD >=0.135) (OD >=0.9)
Northern 1999 Dairy herds From the largest 929 Bulk milk 99 50 Graham et al., 2001
10:07 AM

Ireland milk processor (OD >0.04) (OD >=0.55)

Norway 1993 Dairy herds All herds 26,430 Bulk milk 37 7.1 Waage et al., 1997
(OD >=0.05) (OD >=0.55)
Peru 1998 Mantaro Valley Proportional 60 Bulk milk 96 27 Ståhl et al., 2002
geographical (OD >=0.05) (OD >=0.55)
Page 45

Sweden 1993 Dairy herds Majority of dairy 14,463 Bulk milk ... 51 Alenius et al., 1997
herds (OD >0.55)
United 3-year Most herds: New ... 97 Bulk milk — 12 Renshaw et al., 2000
States period York, Pennsylvania, PCR and (most likely PI
and Michigan virus animals among
Remaining from isolation lactating animals)
11 other states
a Note that the antibody detection methods vary between countries as do the cutoffs when a herd is considered to have antibody carriers or PI animals. Prevalences are therefore just in-

dicative of the level and not directly comparable between countries.

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46 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

valence studies are ranked according to prevalence In Sweden, self-clearance has been fostered by con-
levels there is a tendency to different plateaus. Espe- trolling introduction of new animals (Lindberg and
cially, a large number of studies have revealed pre- Alenius, 1999). However, without such specific in-
valence from 60–70% of antibody carriers. At the terventions, BVDV infections will usually maintain
low scale there are almost as many studies revealing themselves at high levels. In the Nordic countries,
prevalence in the range of 10–20% as there are from eradication programs were initiated in the begin-
20–60%. ning of the 1990s. In these countries the prevalence
Turning to the prevalence of virus-positive and PI of herds with PI animals has been significantly re-
animals it is evident that many studies find preva- duced and is now approaching zero (Alenius et al.,
lence from 0.75 to around 2%. However, another 1997; Bitsch et al., 2000; Valle et al., 2000a; Houe,
group of studies has revealed prevalence in the range 2001).
of 0.1–0.2% (Table 2.2). This is also reflected in the
prevalence at the herd level where some studies have EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON
found 40–50% of the herds to host PI animals (Table OCCURRENCE OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPES
2.2) or being suspicious of hosting such animals The variation of BVDV strains is described in detail
(Table 2.3) whereas other studies have found only in Chapter 3. On most occasions, the variation in
10–15% of the herds to host (or being suspicious of BVDV is described at a qualitative level, but quan-
hosting) PI animals (Tables 2.2 and 2.3). This could tification of the strains in different regions and their
lead one to speculate that areas can be divided into relationship to risk factors is largely unknown.
high-and low-prevalence areas. Among 96 field isolates collected in Germany be-
Looking at the regional differences, many Euro- tween 1992 and 1996, 11 (11%) were identified as
pean countries were found to have high prevalence. BVDV genotype 2 (Wolfmeyer et al., 1997). Another
However, generalizations are not possible because study of 61 field isolates collected between 1960 and
some countries (e.g., Norway, Finland, and Austria) 2000 in Northern Germany identified 2 isolates as
show low prevalence. It is noteworthy that preva- genotype 2 (Tajima et al., 2001). It was also indi-
lence studies in North America have revealed a very cated that the virus population had been relatively
low prevalence of PI animals although the preva- stable over time. Among 28 field isolates from
lence of antibody carriers in nonvaccinated herds in Belgium, only 1 belonged to genotype 1a and the re-
some studies has been relatively high. The reason maining could be divided into genotypes 1b and 2
for these differences can only be speculated upon. (Couvreur et al., 2002). Other isolations of BVD
Variation in vaccination programs and management genotype 2 in Europe include findings from Slovakia
styles may result in differences. It can also be spec- (Vilcek et al., 2002) and United Kingdom where the
ulated that the mortality among PI animals may vary first definitive genotype 2 isolate was obtained in
or that the outcome of fetal infection is different 2002 (Drew et al., 2002).
(i.e., the ratio of abortion versus birth of PI animals In the U.S., several strains gathered over the last
may vary). Furthermore, it would be reasonable to many years have belonged to genotypes 1a, 1b, and
assume that some of the differences are due to vari- 2 (Ridpath et al., 2000). Among a sample of 203
ations in demographic circumstances (see later sec- BVDV isolates from lots of pooled fetal bovine
tion, “Risk Factors for Occurrence of BVDV Infec- serum, 51 (25.1%) were identified as genotype 1a,
tions”). In U.S. and Canadian studies it is also 64 (31.5%) as genotype 1b, 65 (32%) as genotype
characteristic that PI animals can occur in high num- 2, and 23 (11%) as a mixture of isolates (Bolin and
bers in some herds. Ridpath, 1998). Of the 105 BVDV isolates from
Follow-up studies in some areas have shown that diagnostic laboratory accessions, 61% belonged to
the infection can stay endemic in an area but with a genotype 1 and 39% to genotype 2 (Fulton et al.,
pronounced change in infection status among the 2000). In South America, analysis of 17 Brazilian
underlying herds (Houe et al., 1997). A study in Es- isolates identified 13 isolates (76%) as genotype 1
tonia showed a large decrease in herds suspected to (4 as 1a and 9 as 1b) and 4 isolates (24%) as geno-
have PI animals from 1993 to 2000 (Viltrop et al., type 2 (Flores et al., 2000). In summary, BVDV
2002). The change was believed to be due to de- genotype 2 seems much more prevalent in North
creased trade of breeding animals. Further, it was America than in Europe. There are little or no data
proposed that the reduction of BVDV in these herds on prevalence in the African or Asian continents
was facilitated by the facts that most large herds and only very limited data from South America
were closed and the density of cattle farms was low. thus far.
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Risk Assessment 47

INCIDENCE OF BVDV the following relationship exists between the two

INFECTIONS measures:
The incidence of an event (disease, infection, or any
Irisk = 1 − e − Irate * t
other condition) is a measure of new cases within a
given time period. The incidence is usually calcu-
lated relative to the population at risk. Two often-
used measures are the incidence risk and the inci-
dence rate. The incidence risk (Irisk) can be defined There are few studies with direct determination of
as follows (Toft et al., 2004): incidence of infection based on repeat sampling. It
is, therefore, relevant to determine the incidence in-
Number of new cases directly from prevalence measures (see next section,
in the study perio od “Prevalence and Incidence”). The incidence of in-
Irisk =
Number of animals at risk fection within herds or group of animals will depend
at the start off the study period on whether only transiently infected animals are
present or both PI animals and transiently infected
The incidence risk can be interpreted as the proba- animals are present. The incidence of infection
bility that a susceptible animal (i.e., animal at risk) when only transiently infected animals are present
will experience the event of interest in a given time varies from case to case. In a dairy herd where the
period. Thus the incidence risk can be interpreted at last PI animal was removed in April 1987, 7 of 41
the individual animal level. If the incidence risk has animals born in 1988 and 7 of 54 animals born in
been determined for a time period, the incidence risk 1989 had seroconverted by December 1990 (Barber
for n time periods of the same length, where we as- and Nettleton, 1993). As we do not know the birth
sume that the incidence risk is constant throughout dates of calves, the exact incidence rate cannot be
all individual periods, can be determined as follows: calculated. However, assuming an average time at
Irisk = 1 − (1 − Irisk ( p ))n risk of 2 years for each animal, the total time at risk
will be 95 animals of 2 years—i.e., a total of 190 an-
The incidence rate (Irate) on the other hand is a imal years at risk. A total of 14 seroconversions in
measure of the speed (rate) at which healthy animals 190 animal years at risk gives an incidence rate of
becomes diseased or infected. It is expressed per 14/190 = 0.073 cases of seroconversions per animal
time unit (animal time at risk) and can mathemati- year corresponding to an annual incidence risk of
cally be defined as: 0.067 (6.7%) using the shown formula for conver-
sion between incidence risk and incidence rate.
Number of new cases in the study periood In a long-term epidemiological study in a dairy
Irisk =
Animal time at risk herd where the virus was spreading slowly over
more than 2 years and where there was no direct
The animal time at risk is the sum of the time at contact with PI animals, a SIR (susceptible/
risk for each animal until it either becomes sick, is infectious/removed) model was used to determine
withdrawn from the study or the study ends. The Irate the basic reproduction rate R0 (the number of sec-
is suitable for studies in dynamic populations where
ondary cases produced by one infectious animal
animals enter and leave the study during the study
during the whole period in which it is infectious).
period, because it is a measure per animal time and
Among groups of freely mixing cattle with no
not per animal, as is the case for the Irisk. If animals
contact with PI animals, R0 was estimated as 3.3
enter and leave the study population uniformly
(CI: 2.6–4.1) (Moerman et al., 1993). There is no
throughout the study period (i.e., on average they
consensus on whether the transient infection will be
enter and leave in the middle of the study period) the
an ongoing process or will be self-limiting and
time at risk can be estimated as follows:
affect only a few animals (1992a). In some experi-
Number of animals at mental studies, susceptible animals in direct con-
risk at start + Number of tact with transiently infected animals did not get
animals at risk at end infected (Niskanen et al., 2000; Niskanen et al.,
Time at risk = * time period. 2002).
When PI animals are present in a herd there will
Under the assumption that the incidence risk or in- be a continuous high infection pressure. Among 67
cidence rate is constant during the study period, antibody-negative animals from herds with PI ani-
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48 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

mals, retesting 6 months later showed that 65 had risk in Norwegian herds was estimated as 12% in
seroconverted (Houe and Meyling, 1991). This cor- 1993 (i.e., at the start of the eradication program)
responds to an incidence risk of 65/67 = 0.97 for a declining to 2% in 1997 (Valle et al., 2000a).
6-month period and an annual incidence risk of: The incidence of birth of PI animals will naturally
1⫺(1⫺0.97)2 = 0.999 i.e., practically a 100% risk of follow the incidence of transient infection in suscep-
infection. The study by Moerman et al. (1993) also tible pregnant cows. Based on the incidence of tran-
showed a 100% risk of seroconversion among sient infection and age distribution of cattle at the
groups of cattle having lived among PI animals. time of conception in a high-prevalence area, the the-
Among 22 cows that have had only a brief acciden- oretical incidence risk of fetal infection in the first 3
tal contact with a PI animal, only 12 had become months of pregnancy was calculated as 3.3% (Houe
positive 4 months later (Moerman et al., 1993). and Meyling, 1991). Because of fetal death and abor-
Therefore the incidence risk naturally depends on tions, the incidence of PI animals born would be
the length of exposure to PI animals. Among 22 somewhat lower. Although the incidence risk may be
heifers brought in contact with a PI animal, all sero- assumed to be relatively constant in a larger popula-
converted within 5 months, with the fastest serocon- tion (i.e., the infection is endemic), there is often
version among heifers with the closest contact to the high variation over time in the individual herd.
PI animal (Wentink et al., 1991). It is important to Some possible reasons for this variation are dif-
stress that in production systems in which subgroups ferences among BVDV strains (e.g., differences in
of the herd are segregated from PI animals, these viral shed or differences in PI/abortion ratios) and
subgroups of animals can stay uninfected for long subsequent introduction of other BVDV that are
periods (Taylor et al., 1997). In addition to variation antigenically divergent from the first BVDV. In ad-
in the production system, there are considerable dif- dition PI animals often occur in clusters. In 22
ferences in the pasturing conditions among coun- dairy herds with a total of 129 PI animals, the inci-
tries. In Switzerland, animals are often pastured in dence of PI animals born was closely related to the
the Alps where incidence risk during the summer for time of birth of the first PI animal (i.e., oldest iden-
replacement animals has been calculated as 45% tified PI animal) in the herd (Houe, 1992a). Thus
(Braun et al., 1998). On pastures with PI animals the 26.3% of the PI animals were born within the first
incidence varied between 33–100% as compared to 2 months after the oldest PI animal, whereas no PI
6–22% on pastures without PI animals. animals were born from 2 months until 6 months
Antibody levels in bulk tank milk were taken at 1- after the oldest PI animal. Hereafter from 6–14
year intervals among dairy herds in Sweden. It was months after birth of the oldest PI animal, a larger
found that 5 of 43 herds and 7 of 91 herds with an group consisting of 52.7% of all identified PI ani-
initial low level showed an increase in antibody level mals was born (note that these percentages are
1 year later, indicating that these herds had experi- compared to other PI animals and therefore not in-
enced a new BVDV infection during the year (Nis- cidence risks, but a measure of relative incidence
kanen, 1993; Niskanen et al., 1995). The correspon- of PI animals born).
ding annual herd incidence risk can be calculated as This pattern of occurrence of PI animals seems to
12% and 8%, respectively, for these herds. Among reflect two periods of transient infection among
90 dairy herds in Northern Ireland, with an initial cows: an initial period with transient infections of
low bulk tank milk antibody level, 12 had a substan- short duration (and there are probably no PI animals
tial increase after 1 year, corresponding to an annual around) and a second period of transient infections
incidence risk of 13.3% (Graham et al., 2001). If of longer duration caused by continuous presence of
herds with a smaller increase in antibody level were PI animals. It is not possible to calculate the levels
also included, the annual incidence risk could have of incidence risk from these figures because the
been as high as 47.7%, but it was not known number of susceptibles at different periods was not
whether some of these moderate increases in anti- known. Taken together, these studies indicate that at
body level were due to purchase of antibody- the herd level a common scenario concerning inci-
positive animals. In Denmark, repeated serological dence could be the following:
examination of individual dairy cattle in 9 and 24
herds revealed herd annual incidence risks of 52% • An initial transient infection period of relatively
and 26%, respectively (Houe and Palfi, 1993; Houe low infection pressure and variable duration
et al., 1997). Based on the annual tested antibody (sometimes it stops and sometimes it will
level in bulk tank milk, the average seroconversion continue)
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Risk Assessment 49

• After the birth of PI animals from 6 months later stant at around 0.34 for most age groups. It is an im-
the incidence increase to high levels staying portant assumption that the population is in an en-
there as long as PI animals are present. demic situation with a constant infection pressure in
the population as a whole. Similar increases in age-
PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE specific prevalence of antibody carriers by increas-
Most epidemiological studies on the occurrence of ing age has also been seen in other studies (Hark-
BVDV infection have focused on determining the ness et al., 1978; Braun et al., 1998; Luzzago et al.,
prevalence from cross-sectional or repeated cross- 1999; McGowan and Murray, 1999).
sectional studies. Studies on incidence are usually
more expensive because it is necessary to take sam- RISK FACTORS FOR
ples at more than one time point. However, under cer- OCCURRENCE OF BVDV
tain circumstances, the incidence can be calculated INFECTIONS
from data on antibody prevalence. The assumption is A risk factor can be defined as a factor that is asso-
that the prevalence at a certain age is a measure of the ciated with increased probability of a given event or
incidence of infection throughout the cow’s life until outcome (infection, disease, or reduced productiv-
that age (Houe and Meyling, 1991; Toft et al., 2003). ity). Sometimes risk factors are used for all factors
We, therefore, need a formula to sum up the Irisk over that have a statistical association with the outcome,
the animal’s life. As calculation of incidence over se- but often they are used only for factors where a cer-
quential periods is dependent on the previous periods, tain degree of causality can be anticipated. On the
it is easier to calculate the probability of avoiding in- other hand, the term etiology is used for the imme-
fection over several periods and then finally subtract diate cause of the disease. The combination of etiol-
that probability from 1. The probability of avoiding ogy and risk factors defines the disease determi-
infection in a given time period is 1 ⫺ Irisk(i) and the nants, which are often described according to their
total probability of avoiding infection during n time association with the host, the infectious agent, or the
periods is simply the product of each time period: environment. As the host and agent are described in
n detail in other chapters, this chapter will focus on
Probability of avoiding infection=∏ (1− Irisk(ii )) the environmental determinants, which in this case
i=l are environmental risk factors.
Risk factors can be viewed as either the risk of in-
where ∏ denotes the products of all time periods. fection or the risk of disease. For example, the use of
Hereafter the total incidence simply becomes the common pasture will increase the risk of introducing
following: the infection, whereas high humidity in the calf barn
n will increase the risk that calves develop pneumonia
I risk total = 1 − ∏ (1 − Irisk ( i )) following infection. This section covers risk factors
i=l for the occurrence of infection, and the next section
covers the effect of infection on disease and produc-
As the prevalence at a given age is a measure of total
tion (i.e., the risk of damages following infection).
incidence risk and assuming a constant incidence
When the outcome of risk factor studies is infec-
over different time periods e.g., a constant annual in-
tion, disease, or other dichotomous variables, the
cidence risk (Irisk(p)) the formula can be written as
prevalence of a given outcome (e.g., infection) in an
exposed group can be compared to the prevalence in
Age specific prevalence = 1 − (1 − Irsk ( p ) )n a nonexposed group by setting up the data in a 2 ⫻ 2
where n is the number of time periods, each of the
same length p—i.e., in this case the age in years.
This methodology was used by Houe and Meyling Infection Status
(1991) where age specific prevalence of 0.48, 0.65, Risk Factor
0.75, 0.85, 0.95, and 0.96 for 1-year age groups Status Infection No Infection Total
from 1–7 years was entered on the left side of the
formula together with age, whereafter the annual in- Exposed a b a+b
cidence risks were calculated as 0.35, 0.34, 0.32, Not exposed c d c+d
0.34, 0.42, and 0.39 for each age group, respectively. Total a+c b+d a+b+
Thus it can be seen that the incidence was fairly con- c+d=n
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 02 3/18/05 10:07 AM Page 50

50 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

The risk in the exposed group (i.e., prevalence measures the ORs of exposure. Thus, if infected an-
among exposed: a/(a + b)) as compared to the risk imals in a case-control study have an OR of 2.0 of
in the unexposed group (i.e., prevalence among non- having been on the pasture, this is not the same as to
exposed: c/(c + d)) is measured as the relative risk say that pastured animals have an OR of 2.0 of being
(RR): infected, although we intuitively feel that in practice
it will almost be the same. There are several other
a / (a + b)
RR = measures on the importance of risk factors. For
c / (c + d ) more detail, the reader is referred to epidemiological
The RR is a measure of the relative importance or textbooks. Among the risk factor studies on BVDV
association of the risk factor with infection. If we the OR seems to be the most frequently used meas-
want to measure the additional importance of the ure of effect.
risk factor we simply subtract the prevalence in non- The presence of PI animals in the vicinity of sus-
exposed group from the prevalence in the exposed ceptible animals poses the highest proven risk of se-
group obtaining the so called attributable risk (AR): roconversion in the population. In a cross-sectional
study, the mean antibody prevalence among cattle
a c from herds with PI animals was 87% as compared to
AR = − 43% in herds without PI animals (Houe and Mey-
a+b c+d
ling, 1991). The RR of being infected according to
Another important measure is the odds ratio (OR). the risk factor of coming from a herd with PI ani-
Rather than establishing the relation between preva- mals was not stated but it can be obtained simply as
lence in exposed and nonexposed group as for RR, the relationship between the two prevalences (87/43
the OR establishes the relationship between the odds = 2.0) or to illustrate the use of the RR formula di-
in the exposed versus nonexposed group: rectly from the distribution of antibody carriers in
the two herd categories:
a/b a×d
OR = =
c/d b×c
Antibody Status of
Note that if a and c are small (low prevalence of in- Individual Animals
fection), the OR is a good approximation of the RR.
Usually the RR is preferable to OR, but as the RR is Risk Factor Status:
not a valid measure in case-control studies it be- Presence of PI Antibody- Antibody-
comes an important measure. Animals in the Herd Positive Negative Total
Risk factor studies on BVDV infections have
often been performed as observational studies where PI animals present 1083 166 1249
the main types are cross-sectional, cohort or case- PI animals not present 0572 749 1321
control studies. In cross-sectional studies we sample Total 1655 915 2570
without regard to infection or exposure status, in co-
hort studies we sample according to risk factor sta-
tus (only among noninfected), and in case-control Hereafter the RR is calculated as follows:
studies we sample according to infection status. In
a / ( a + b ) 1083 / 1249
case-control studies where we have sampled accord- RR = = = 2.0
ing to infection, we are not allowed to establish the c / ( c + d ) 572 / 1321
prevalence measures of infection. Instead, preva-
This may be an underestimation of the effect of PI
lence measures or odds of risk factor relative to in-
animals because many of the animals in herds with-
fection status can be calculated. Especially the odds
out PI animals at the time of cross-sectional study
for risk factor status are useful as the OR for risk
may have been exposed to PI animals previously.
factors ends up being the same formula as for OR for
The following description of other risk factors
infection status:
will often be a reflection of the increased risk of di-
a/c a×d rect or indirect contact with PI animals and to some
ORrisk factor = = extent with acutely infected animals or other
b/d b×c
sources. Some may claim that the presence of PI an-
Still, one should be more careful interpreting causal- imals should be viewed as the direct etiology and
ity from OR obtained in case-control studies as it not a risk factor, and often the distinction between
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Risk Assessment 51

etiology and risk factor is unclear. However, this is stock) in 1992 and 1994 (Houe et al., 1997; Houe,
more of an academic discussion. 1999). Of the 24 herds being lightly infected in
The importance of different risk factors will vary 1992, 11 changed to highly infected in 1994 and 13
substantially between regions. For example, the pur- remained lightly infected. The change in infection
chase of animals without testing will be a much status was associated with the purchase of new ani-
higher risk factor in high-prevalence areas such as mals within the past 3 years (P = 0.052) and moder-
central Europe than in low-prevalence areas such as ately associated with pasturing cattle at a distance of
Finland. The following examples on risk factors less than 5 m to cattle from other herds or having
should therefore be seen in the context of the preva- other contacts with cattle from other herds (P =
lence, as shown in Tables 2.1–2.3. 0.085).
In a cross-sectional study, the prevalence of anti- Risk factors for the presence of PI animals in cat-
body carriers was significantly higher among ani- tle herds have been studied including demographic
mals kept in extensive production systems (76.8%) information on herd sizes and information from ge-
than those in intensive productions systems (70.9%) ographic information systems concerning distances
(Reinhardt et al., 1990). This was believed in part to between herds. Multivariable logistic regression
be due to a higher rate of animal movement in exten- with data from more than 8,000 herds showed sig-
sive production systems. In the same study there was nificant effect of the following risk factors (OR, CI,
no difference in prevalence between beef, dairy, or and p values given in parenthesis) on the occurrence
mixed farming. of PI animals: herd size measured as number of
A case-control study of 314 herds in Norway cows (OR = 1.09 per change in herd size of 10 cows;
compared risk factors between herds with antibody- CI = 1.06–1.11; P<0.001), mean distance to neigh-
positive young stock (case herds) and those with boring herds (OR = 0.87 per change in unit of 500m;
negative bulk tank milk samples (control herds) CI = 0.81–0.93; P<0.001) and sum of infected
(Valle et al., 1999). A high number of risk factors neighbors (OR = 1.54 for herds with >3 infected
occurred in a higher percentage of case herds as neighbors as compared to no infected neighbors; CI
compared to control herds, including (percentage of = 1.17–2.02; P = 0.024 for the overall effect of sum
case herds compared to control herds given in paren- of infected neighbors) (Ersbøll and Stryhn, 2000). In
thesis): heifers on common pasture (21.0 vs. 8.7), a study in U.S. herds with PI animals were signifi-
sheep in pasture with cattle (31.5 vs. 22.1), breaking cantly (P<0.01) larger than herds without PI animals
through pasture fences (33.8 vs. 24.6), over pasture (Wittum et al., 2001). Thus, herds with PI animals
fence contact (50.0 vs. 31.2), mixing of herds in pas- had a medium number of 245 calves born in the
ture (43.8 vs. 30.6), wild animals in pasture (92.2 vs. calving season as compared to 89 in herds without
84.5), purchasing animals (67.3 vs. 48.7), not asking PI animals. The OR for a herd of having high levels
information about BVD when purchasing animals of antibodies in bulk tank milk was shown to in-
(73.4 vs. 40.9), other animal traffic including com- crease by a factor 1.003 for each additional cow in
mon summer housing and exchange of calves (9.6 the herd (Paton et al., 1998).
vs. 0.6), veterinarian reusing needles between farms Several risk factors are confounded among each
(7.1 vs. 1.3), and not using dairy advisors (25.0 vs. other. If, for example, larger herds purchase more
12.0). However, due to the long list of variables and animals than smaller herds then an apparent effect of
occasional low number of herds with the indicated herd size may in reality be due to purchase of ani-
risk factor, few risk factors were significant. In the mals and not to the herd size. It is, therefore, impor-
logistic regression models, purchasing animals (OR tant that risk factor studies are performed by includ-
= 1.8), use of common pasture (OR = 5.1), over pas- ing several risk factors. Furthermore, there is a need
ture fence contact (OR = 2.5), purchasing without to address interactions between risk factors. For ex-
BVD documentation (OR = 5.4), not using dairy ad- ample, the risk of infection at pasture will be higher
visors (OR = 4.1), being a younger farmer, and in a high-prevalence area as compared to a low-
“other animal traffic” (OR = 28.6) were found to be prevalence area.
risk factors, which explained 51% of the seroposi- An alternative to large-scale studies identifying
tive herds. risk factors for the presence of infection is to perform
In a repeat cross-sectional study in Denmark, 41 intensive follow-up in recently infected herds.
dairy herds were classified into lightly infected (ⱕ3 Follow-up investigations were performed in 67 pre-
antibody carriers among 10 young stock) and highly viously BVDV-free Danish herds that got infected in
infected (≥8 antibody carriers among 10 young 1998. Obvious explanations for re-infection were
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52 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

identified in 74% of the cases. Of the 67 herds, 28% With the high number of prevalence studies per-
had purchased pregnant animals that later delivered formed in recent years it would be an obvious next
PI animals. In 36% of the herds, PI animals had been step to gather all the information on prevalence stud-
present on neighboring pastures. Seven percent of ies with information on cattle demographics (e.g.,
the herds had had animals on common pasture and in cattle density, herd density, herd size, trade patterns,
3% of the herds there had been PI animals in neigh- use of vaccination) from a number of regions and
boring farmhouses. In the remaining 26% of the perform formal meta-analyses of possible risk fac-
herds, no obvious explanations could be identified tors. Already some trends are obvious (Tables
(Bitsch et al., 2000). Because this is an explorative 2.1–2.3). For example, low-prevalence areas such as
type of study, probabilities cannot be given for the Norway and Finland have lower cattle population
actual reasons apart from the given frequency distri- density and smaller herd size than high-prevalence
bution of the most obviously identified reasons. areas (or areas that used to be high-prevalence areas
As previously stated, the effect of risk factors will before an eradication program), such as Belgium,
be highly influenced by the prevalence of infection Germany, and Denmark.
in the area. Therefore the effect of different risk fac- Despite the intuitively obvious effects of many of
tors will obviously change during an eradication these risk factors, the documentation in literature is
phase. It can be beneficial to combine different stud- often scarce and the risk factors can explain only a
ies in order to obtain sufficient observational units relatively low percentage of infections. Some of the
for statistical analysis. Attempts have been made to reasons for difficulties in establishing the risk fac-
compare risk factors in a low-prevalence area tors may be due to uncertainties of the time of in-
(Michigan) with that in a high-prevalence area fection. For example, presence of infection in a
(Denmark) (Houe et al., 1995a). The actual preva- herd may be due to introduction of infection 3–4
lence related to two previous studies (Houe and years ago as illustrated in the following study.
Meyling, 1991; Houe et al., 1995b; prevalence can Routinely recorded data (register data) from the
be seen in Tables 2.1 and 2.2) showed that the preva- Danish Cattle Database and the BVDV eradication
lence of PI animals was 10 times higher in Denmark scheme were used to estimate the origin of the first
than in Michigan. When the effect of purchasing any PI animal occurring in Danish cattle herds (Alban et
animal versus no purchase of animals was analyzed al., 2001). The study showed that among herds par-
separately in the two areas there was no significant ticipating in the milk recording scheme (i.e., dairy
effect of purchase on the occurrence of PI animals in herds) the first PI animal was born to a dam that had
individual herds. However, when including both been in the herd the whole period of lactation in
areas in the analyses stratifying on area, a significant 76.1% of the cases, PI animals were introduced di-
effect of purchasing animals was found. The analy- rectly in 4.5% of the cases and they were introduced
ses also included a number of demographic vari- by purchase of a dam in late gestation in 4.3% of
ables (either obtained at the country or state level or the cases. In the remaining cases the exact source
obtained for the studied herds), and all risk factors could not be identified. For comparison, among
except herd size were in favor of the lower preva- herds not in the milk recording scheme (mostly beef
lence in Michigan. The following examples where herds), the first PI animal was born from a dam that
the variables for Denmark versus Michigan are had been in the herd during the whole lactation in
given in parentheses illustrate the differences: con- 26.3% of the cases, whereas PI animals had been
centration of cattle in the country or state (DK: 67 directly introduced in 33.9% of the cases and
per km2, MI: 27 per km2), concentration of herds in through dams in late lactation in 2.4% of the cases.
the country or state (DK: 1 per km2, MI: 0.29 per It should be noted that some of the dams that had
km2), herd size among the studied herds (DK: 135, been in the herds throughout their whole lactation
MI: 274), use of pastures (DK: 79% of herds, MI: could have been infected by previously purchased
45% of herds), purchase and addition of animals to but unidentified PI animals. Still, most of the PI an-
the studied herds (DK: 18.5% of herds; MI: 12.6% imals in the herds were generated within the herd,
of herds), and use of vaccination (DK: no vaccina- meaning that the exact trace back for risk factors
tion, MI: 75% of studied herds). On a regional basis often needs to go several years back in time.
a study in England and Wales showed a significant Therefore, cohort studies linking the time of infec-
relationship between antibody level in bulk tank tion with the time of occurrence of risk factors
milk and cattle population density (Paton et al., would be useful to further quantify the importance
1998). of risk factors.
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Risk Assessment 53

QUANTIFICATION OF THE congenital defects) have frequently been docu-

EFFECTS/CONSEQUENCES OF mented. Observational studies often suffer from the
BVDV INFECTIONS ON DISEASE lack of knowledge of how many animals actually se-
AND PRODUCTION roconverted and at what time points. Therefore, the
The measures of consequences include the presence effects seen in observational studies are probably
of the disease as well as reduced production. The underestimated when considering the effect in the
clinical manifestations often used in epidemiologi- individual seroconverting animal. However, obser-
cal studies to measure the effect of transient infec- vational studies are useful for estimation of the ef-
tion include diarrhea, reduced milk production, re- fect of infection in a partly immune population.
productive disorders, increased occurrence of other
diseases, and death. Losses from fetal infection in-
clude abortions, congenital defects, birth of weak The clinical spectrum of postnatal infection of im-
and undersized calves, unthrifty PI animals, and munocompetent animals ranges from subclinical in-
death among PI animals (Baker, 1995). These con- fection to severe disease followed by death. Several
sequences of BVDV infections have been docu- years ago it was estimated that 70–90% of transient
mented in several experimental and case studies, infections were mild or subclinical (Ames et al.,
whereas quantification of the consequences in larger 1986). Although the risk of disease following tran-
observational studies is often less well documented. sient infection has not been exactly quantified, epi-
The validity of these data in relation to their verifi- demiological investigations indicate that these esti-
cation of being BVD-related varies substantially. mates are good. The clinical consequences of acute
The losses following acute (transient) infection are BVDV infection were studied in a large dairy herd
especially difficult to quantify. Losses such as respi- where BVDV was circulating for approximately 2.5
ratory disease, repeat breeding, or abortions have years (Moerman et al., 1994). Among 136 cattle
seldom been measured together with a rise in anti- with transient infection, 129 (95%) showed no clin-
body titer, and therefore such losses are often ana- ical signs of infection, 5 animals were slightly af-
lyzed in retrospective studies, where the time period fected, and only 2 animals were severely ill. Further-
of transient infections is only loosely estimated. more, many studies in the 1990s have shown that
Losses among the PI animals have been quantified BVDV infection was more widespread than previ-
with a higher degree of certainty because the pres- ously thought, indicating the presence of a large
ence of persistent infection together with clinical number of subclinical infections.
symptoms has often been documented. Measures of
prevalence and incidence together with quantifica- REDUCED MILK YIELD
tion of disease and production parameters are the Milk yield was studied in a longitudinal study of 54
foundation for calculating the effect of BVDV in cows of which 22 seroconverted (Moermann et al.,
economical terms. The following sections empha- 1994). A gradual drop in the milk yield (measured as
size measures of consequences that have been quan- moving average over 3 days) of 10% or more within
tified under field conditions followed by estimation 10 days was seen in 18 out of 22 cows that serocon-
of economic impact of BVDV infections. On some verted and 9 out of 32 cows that did not seroconvert,
occasions quantitative assessments from case stud- giving an OR of reduced milk production of 11.5.
ies and experimental studies are also given when On the other hand comparison of antibody level in
they are judged to have sufficient quantitative inter- bulk tank milk and milk yield did not reveal a signif-
pretation. icant association (Graham et al., 2001).
The effects of infection have often been investi-
gated in case studies and experimental studies, but OCCURRENCE OF OTHER DISEASES
to a lesser extent in observational studies. All of FOLLOWING TRANSIENT INFECTION IN
these approaches have drawbacks associated with COWS
them. For example, more severe outbreaks tend to Examination of bulk tank milk samples from 213
attract attention and are liable to be investigated and Swedish dairy herds in 1988 and 1989 indicated that
published leading to overestimation of the effect of recent infection had occurred in 7 herds (Niskanen
BVDV infections. In experimental studies, it is dif- et al., 1995). Compared to 84 herds with continuous
ficult to mimic natural circumstances and it has low level of antibodies in bulk tank milk (i.e., unin-
often been difficult to demonstrate clinical signs of fected), cows in the 7 infected herds had increased
acute BVD, although reproductive disorders (e.g., ORs for several clinical conditions, with mastitis,
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54 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

miscellaneous diseases, and retained placenta being tive dams developed moderate or severe broncho-
significant (OR and 95% CI for OR are given in pneumonia. This corresponds to an OR of 3.1 for de-
parenthesis): mastitis (OR = 1.8; CI = 1.1–2.8), veloping bronchopneumonia if receiving colostrum
tramped teat (OR = 1.6; CI = 0.9–2.8), ketosis (OR from antibody-negative dams. In another herd 10 of
= 1.3; CI = 0.6–2.2), miscellaneous diseases (OR = 61 calves (16.4%) born in the period when BVDV
2.8; CI = 1.7–4.4) and retained placenta (OR = 2.8; was introduced into the herd, underwent veterinary
CI = 1.6–4.7). Increased risk of retained placenta treatment for respiratory disease and/or enteritis be-
may also be seen among dams delivering PI calves tween 2 days and 4 months of age, whereas only 5
(i.e., several months after the transient infection). out of 134 calves (3.7%) born before or after the in-
Thus, 5 (41.7%) out of 12 PI dams had retained pla- troduction period received treatment (P<0.01)
centa compared to 7 (3.5%) cases of retained pla- (Larsson et al., 1994). This corresponds to an OR of
centa in 198 non-PI dams (P<0.001) (Larsson et al., 5.1 of being treated if born in the period of BVDV
1994). introduction. In the same study the mortality was
In Norway, the national screening of all dairy 13.1% among calves born in the period of introduc-
herds for BVDV antibodies in bulk milk in 1992 and tion of BVDV as compared to 2.2% in the other pe-
1993 was used to estimate the effect of transient in- riods (P<0.01).
fection on udder health (Waage, 2000). A total of After strict closure of a dairy herd together with
404 herds with a significant rise in antibody level in eradication of BVDV the incidence of diarrhea
bulk milk were compared to herds with continuous among calves in the first 31 days of life decreased
low levels of antibodies. In infected herds, there was significantly from 70.6% to 19.4% (Klingenberg et
a 7% (CI = 0.2%–11.4%) increase in the incidence al., 1999). However, it was difficult to distinguish
of clinical mastitis in the year of exposure as com- the strict effect of BVDV compared to general im-
pared to negative control herds but there was no sig- provement in management practice including clo-
nificant effect on the bulk milk somatic cell count or sure of the herd.
the culling rate due to mastitis. However, a study by In addition to having an effect on clinical dis-
Graham et al. (2001) found a significant increase in eases, BVDV also has an effect on the occurrence of
somatic cell count with increasing antibody levels in other infections. For example infectious bovine
bulk tank milk (P<0.01). rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus was much more wide-
spread in the respiratory tract of calves previously
OCCURRENCE OF OTHER DISEASES exposed to BVDV (Potgieter et al., 1984a). Further-
FOLLOWING TRANSIENT INFECTION IN more, there are many examples that BVDV will ag-
CALVES gravate the severeness of other infections—for ex-
Transient BVDV infections have been associated ample, P. haemolytica (Potgieter et al., 1984b; also
with respiratory diseases and diarrhea in calves. see Chapter 9 on immunity and immunosuppres-
However, due to the multifactorial nature of these sion). However, the quantitative effect of BVDV on
diseases it is difficult to quantify the exact role of the prevalence, incidence, and severity of other in-
BVDV in their occurrence. Different field investiga- fections is not completely documented.
tions indicate that BVDV will often double the risk
of these conditions. Among calves entering a feed- TRANSIENT INFECTION BY VIRULENT
lot, 13 of 29 (45%) calves treated for respiratory STRAINS OR BVDV IN COMBINATION WITH
disease and 8 of 36 (22%) untreated calves had se- OTHER PATHOGENS
roconverted (Martin and Bohac, 1986). This corres- For many years postnatal infection of immunocom-
ponds to an OR of 2.8 for treatment following sero- petent animals was characterized as mild or subclin-
conversion. The effect of BVDV infection on the ical in most cases. In the 1990s there came increased
occurrence of respiratory diseases has also been evidence of the importance of highly virulent strains
demonstrated indirectly by comparing calves receiv- with much more severe consequences following
ing colostrum from seronegative dams with calves transient infection (hemorrhagic syndrome and per-
receiving colostrum from seropositive dams (Moer- acute BVD) especially with BVDV genotype 2. Al-
man et al., 1994). Among calves exposed to BVDV though there is no unambiguous connection between
soon after birth, 30 of 44 calves (68.2%) receiving genotype and virulence, genotype 2 has predomi-
colostrum from seronegative dams developed mod- nated as the cause of hemorrhagic syndrome and
erate or severe bronchopneumonia whereas 35 of 86 peracute BVDV (Bolin and Ridpath, 1996; Ridpath
calves (40.7%) receiving colostrum from seroposi- et al., 2000).
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Risk Assessment 55

An outbreak of acute BVD in a herd also infected lower than the control group. A group of seronega-
with Leptospira hardjo and Coxiella burnetii caused tive cows that were inadvertently exposed to a PI an-
very severe losses (Pritchard et al., 1989). In a dairy imal were bred before (9 cows), during (9 cows), or
herd with 183 milking cows, the losses included 15 after seroconversion (14 cows) (Virakul et al.,
dead cows, 20 culled cows (primarily because of 1988). The first service conception rates at 21 days
emaciation and infertility), 40 abortions, 18 stillborn in these three groups were 22.2%, 44.4%, and
calves, and 3 calves dying soon after birth. Other 78.6% (the difference between 22.2% and 78.6%
case descriptions of acute outbreaks have revealed being significant at P<0.05).
morbidity of up to 40% and mortality up to 10% The severe effect on conception rates is also seen
(Hibberd et al., 1993; David et al., 1994). in observational studies, although the effect is some-
In 1993, BVDV genotype 2 was associated with what less pronounced. In five Danish dairy herds,
severe outbreaks of BVDV in Ontario, Canada. A the overall conception rate in a risk period of infec-
study of seven herds (mean number of cattle: 93; tion (presence of a young PI animal spreading the
range: 40–191) with outbreaks of acute BVD re- infection) was 38% as compared to a conception
vealed a mortality among adults of 9% (range rate of 47% (P<0.001) in a post-risk period (pres-
2–26%), a mortality among immature animals (<2 ence of older PI animals where the herd would be
years of age) of 53% (range 13–100%), and 44% immune) (Houe et al., 1993a). The increase in con-
(range 3–83%) mean abortion frequency based on ception rate ranged from 16–64% in individual
the number of breeding age females. Furthermore, herds.
the occurrence of respiratory diseases was high along In seven Swedish herds with recent infection there
with a number of sequelae (Carman et al., 1998). In was an increased OR of estrus stimulating treat-
1993, the mortality was estimated as 31.5% for ments (OR = 2.2; CI = 1.0–4.9); however, the num-
grain-fed calves and 17.1% for milk-fed calves, and ber of inseminations per service period was not sig-
the overall mortality was 32,000 out of 143,000 nificantly increased (Niskanen et al., 1995). In
calves (Pellerin et al., 1994). Norway the ORs for abortions in herds with recent
infection was calculated as 2.6 and 11.6, respec-
REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS tively for two different registration periods (P< 0.01)
Reproductive disorders are a very important clinical as compared to BVDV free control herds (Frederik-
manifestation. These are outlined in more detail in sen et al., 1998). A Swiss study showed that animals
Chapter 8. This chapter emphasizes the quantitative seroconverting in midgestation (days 46–210) had
aspects of their occurrence. An often-used measure an OR of abortion of 3.1 (P = 0.02), whereas an ef-
for reproduction efficiency is the conception rate. fect was not seen after infection in later stages of
Note in the following examples that although the gestation (Rüfenacht et al., 2001). In the study by
measure is usually defined as a proportion it is still Moerman et al. (1994), abortions were not more fre-
termed conception rate (although it is mathemati- quent in seroconverting cattle. A field investigation
cally not a rate). In an experimental study, 15 heifers of the causes of abortions in the United Kingdom
(Group I) were infected by contact with PI animals showed that 39 out of 149 (26%) abortions in 54
4 days after insemination, another 18 heifers (Group farms were associated with BVDV (Murray, 1990).
II) were infected intranasally 9 days before insemi- Although congenital defects, stillbirths and weak-
nation, and 14 uninfected heifers acted as control born calves have been demonstrated in many exper-
group (McGowan et al., 1993). The conception rates imental studies (e.g., Done et al., 1980; Liess et al.,
20 days after insemination (defined as proportion of 1984; McClurkin et al., 1984; Roeder et al., 1986),
eligible heifers that had serum progesterone concen- they have seldomly been quantified in larger obser-
tration of more than 2.0 ng/ml on day 20 after in- vational studies. Some observational studies did not
semination) were 60% (9 of 15) and 44% (8 of 18) find significantly more stillbirths, weak-born calves,
for Groups I and II as compared to 79% (11 of 14) or congenital defects (Moerman et al., 1994;
in the control group. At 77 days after insemination Frederiksen et al., 1998; Rüfenacht et al., 2001).
the conception rates (defined as proportion of eligi-
ble heifers which were palpably pregnant 77 days LOSSES AMONG PI ANIMALS
after insemination) were 33% (5 of 15) and 39% (7 PI animals are often born weak and undersized and
of 18) for the infected groups; those for the control when they grow up they are at risk of acquiring other
group remained unchanged. At 77 days, conception diseases and being culled due to unthriftiness or
rates in Groups I and II were both significantly they may die from mucosal disease. In a study the
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56 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

mean heart girth at 80 days of age among 8 male PI fections due to the severe suffering from mucosal
calves was 96 cm as compared to 100.5 cm among disease. The second purpose of performing an eco-
13 male non-PI calves (P<0.05) (Larsson et al., nomic analysis is to guide decision makers in deter-
1994). The same figures at 180 days were 123.3 vs. mining whether it is cost-effective to control the in-
130.2, respectively (P<0.05). fection and also to compare the cost effectiveness of
The incidence risk of dying or being slaughtered different control options. The different control op-
due to unthriftiness within 1 year among 34 PI ani- tions are discussed in Chapter 14.
mals in 10 Danish dairy herds was 0.28 and 0.31, re- The direct economic cost (C) of a disease is the
spectively (Houe, 1993). The attributable risk for PI sum of the production losses (L) and the expendi-
animals of leaving the herd for any reason within 1 tures (E) for treatment and prevention (McInerney et
year was calculated as 0.35. In eight Danish dairy al., 1992; Bennett et al., 1999a):
herds with outbreaks of mucosal disease, 31 of 52 PI C=L+E
animals died that were identified as PI either at out-
break or following whole herd testing (Houe et al., The expenditures for treatment and prevention are
1994). However, as these were selected outbreaks, often relatively easy to obtain as they follow specific
this mortality might have been higher than what actions in the herd. The production losses on the
would occur among PI animals in the whole cattle other hand are often associated with much higher
population. On the other hand, had whole herd test- uncertainty due to biological variation. The produc-
ing not been performed more PI animals would tion losses can be obtained if there is general infor-
probably have died before they were identified as PI mation about the population size, the incidence of
animals and slaughtered. Another way of judging infection, damaging effect (including both the prob-
the mortality among PI animals is to look at age spe- ability and magnitude) on disease and production,
cific prevalence. Thus, the prevalence of PI animals and the value of each damaging effect:
L = ∑ population size × incidence × effect × value
among all cattle in 19 Danish dairy herds was 1.4%
(Houe and Meyling, 1991). However, among cattle
younger than 1 year of age the prevalence was 2.9% The calculations need to be done for each damaging
indicating a high mortality (or at least culling) also effect and the associated value (drop in milk produc-
among younger PI animals. In a prevalence study by tion, abortion, death, etc.).
Frey et al. (1996), 66% of the PI animals were The economic losses at the herd level are often
younger than 1 year, whereas only 10% were older determined from what actually happened in a partic-
than 2 years. ular herd or group of herds. In larger populations
and at the national level, it is more common to first
ECONOMIC IMPACT OF BVDV establish the relevant variables (population size, in-
Economic calculations and models depend on the cidence, effect, and values) and then include them in
underlying data. The types of data necessary for cal- economic models. The following section gives some
culation of economic impact have been outlined in examples of economic estimations that have been
previous sections of this chapter. The significant published. The size of the economic estimations is
variation in occurrence, frequency, and damaging cited as they appeared in the original publications,
effects following infection will affect the uncer- sometimes together with recalculations in other pub-
tainty in economic estimations. Also, there are indi- lications. In addition, if standardization has been
cations of a changing disease pattern of BVDV over made (e.g., measuring economic values per cow),
time (Evermann and Ridpath, 2002) and hence in- this is also included.
corporation of appropriate variables in the economic Present values (PV) can be calculated based on
models should be a dynamic process. earlier values (EV) and the real rate of interest (r),
There are two major functions of performing eco- where the real rate of interest is the difference be-
nomic analyses. First, calculation of the pure costs tween the market rate of interest and the inflation
of disease will give an indication of the relevance of rate (Huirne and Dijkhuizen, 1997). The formula for
disease as compared to other diseases in animal hus- calculating the present value based on a given earlier
bandry. In addition to economics, there are other cri- value n years ago is
teria for ranking the relevance and importance of
PV = EV × (1 + r )n
diseases, such as animal welfare and human safety.
These criteria will not be discussed further although In addition, the exchange rate between currencies
animal welfare is an important aspect of BVDV in- should also be considered.
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There are many ways to estimate the economic im- POPULATIONS AND AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL
pact at the herd level in any given outbreak situation. The losses or costs for the cattle industry may be
The outbreak situation can consist of accumulated better calculated using average values for variables
clinical data of both reproductive disorders and obtained from epidemiological studies rather than
losses among PI animals over a longer time period, summing up the losses described in case studies.
or they may only estimate the sudden losses of an There are significant differences in the virulence of
outbreak of mucosal disease over a few months. In BVDV strains and both genotype 1 and genotype 2
any case they usually reflect observable problems. have high virulent strains. We only have sparse in-
Often only outright losses are included. formation on the occurrence of strains with different
In an outbreak of abortion, neonatal death and virulence, so this information cannot be directly in-
subsequent mucosal disease in a 67-cow dairy herd corporated in the models for calculating the eco-
the estimated economic losses varied between nomic impact. Therefore, many calculations have
£1720 and £4115, depending on whether dead or been performed anticipating an average effect of in-
culled animals were replaced (Duffel et al., 1986). fections within the area, or the estimations have
In U.S. dollars this corresponds to approximately been made anticipating either a high-virulent or a
$40–95 per dairy cow. A study of 14 outbreaks in the low-virulent strain being present.
Netherlands including losses due to abortions, still- Using the formula for production loss, the eco-
births, various clinical lesions, and mucosal disease nomic losses in Denmark before initiation of the
had losses in the range of 42Dfl. to 285Dfl. eradication campaign have been estimated as $20
($24–161) per dairy cow (Wentink and Dijkhuizen, million per million calvings (Houe et al., 1993b;
1990). In outbreaks of mucosal disease in eight Houe, 1999). Including the variables on damaging
Danish dairy herds, the losses due to mucosal dis- effects from virulent strains the losses were esti-
ease only were estimated to be $13–39 per animal mated as $57 million per million calvings (Houe,
corresponding to $33–98 per dairy cow (Houe et al., 1999). These calculations were based on an annual
1994). incidence risk of 34% corresponding to very high
Case descriptions of severe outbreaks of acute prevalence of infection, and therefore the magnitude
BVD have resulted in losses several times higher. of the losses should be adjusted when considering
An outbreak with a combined infection with BVDV, areas with a lower prevalence (for details see Houe,
Leptospira Hardjo and Coxiella burnetii was, asso- 1999). The losses in Norway (at the start of the erad-
ciated with death in adult cows, abortion, and neona- ication program) were estimated as 26 million NKr
tal mortality. This resulted in a total cost of more per year (Valle et al., 2000b) corresponding roughly
than £50,000 (Pritchard et al., 1989) corresponding to $10 million per million calvings. This corre-
to $410 per cow. Seven outbreaks of severe acute sponds well with the lower prevalence seen in Nor-
BVD in Canada with high mortality and abortion way as compared to the prevalence in Denmark. In
rate caused losses in the range of $40,000–100,000 Great Britain, the direct costs associated with
per herd (Carman et al., 1998). These herds had be- BVDV have been estimated as between 5 and 31
tween 40 and 191 animals, so the losses per cow million£ (1996 values) (Bennett et al., 1999b),
would be higher than $400 per cow. which with an estimated 4.5 million calvings
This means that whether we are dealing with a roughly corresponds to $6 million per million calv-
more “classic” outbreak with losses in the range of ings. In this case, the population at risk was consid-
$50–100 per cow (note that these figures are per all erably lower compared to the one used in the Danish
cows being in the herd and not only diseased cows) model. In Canada, the total annual cost for an aver-
or we are dealing with severe outbreaks of acute age 50-cow dairy herd have recently been estimated
BVD with losses of more than $400 per cow, the as $48 per cow (Chi et al., 2002).
losses make up a significant percentage of the total It is noteworthy that in a high-prevalence area the
value of the livestock. Due to the variation of these average loss due to infection is almost half the
estimations and the uncertainty of how representa- amount of losses calculated in the outbreak situa-
tive these cases are, we can only have rough indica- tion. But in many herds the losses were not very ob-
tions of the true losses or costs. Therefore BVDV is vious because most herds were partly immune and
among the diseases where an outbreak can be devas- abortions and deaths were more often seen as occa-
tating for the economy of the individual farmer. sional cases than actual outbreaks. Therefore calcu-
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58 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

lation of the economic losses has been an important farmer’s capability to avoid reinfection and certainly
motivator for considering control programs both also of the general infection status of the area the
when farmers have experienced outbreaks and when farm is located in.
there was a more continuous occurrence of various
OPTIMIZING DECISIONS BASED ON In Norway, a cost-benefit evaluation of the control
ECONOMIC CALCULATIONS and eradication program from 1993 to 1997 was
From an economical point of view the optimal situ- made by subtracting the program costs from the
ation is when the total costs are minimized—i.e., the benefits (Valle et al., 2000b). The 1993 net present
sum of losses and expenditures are minimized, value for the 5 years of the program was calculated
which is the basic economical principle (McInerney as $6 million, and the program was cost-effective in
et al., 1992). Naturally, the more money we spend the second year. For comparison, it was estimated
on treatment and prophylaxis the more the produc- that an eradication program in France would take 15
tion losses will be reduced. However, we should years to be cost-effective (Dufour et al., 1999).
only continue to increase expenses as long as $1 Before the eradication program was initiated, the an-
spent on treatment and prophylaxis will cause a re- nual losses in Denmark were estimated as approxi-
duction in production loss of more than $1. In prac- mately $20 million. Thus, this amount is a possible
tice, it is not always possible to change the size of benefit that can be obtained after total eradication.
the expenditures on a continuous scale because a In the initial phases the cost of the program was ap-
control strategy (e.g., vaccination) will only make proximately $9 million per year (Bitsch and Røn-
sense if it is performed to a certain extent. But still sholt, 1995), thereafter being reduced to $3.5 mil-
calculating losses and expenses for different control lion per year. The costs for continuous monitoring
strategies makes them directly comparable from an have not been established but will be significantly
economic point of view. lower. Because the country is close to total eradica-
tion, an annual benefit of almost $20 million is ob-
ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF CONTROL tained and the program can therefore be considered
STRATEGIES AT THE HERD LEVEL highly cost-effective. As for the individual herd
Decision tree analyses have been used to support de- level, the calculations will be highly dependent on
cision of selecting a blood testing strategy following the capability to stay free of infection. Another im-
outbreaks of mucosal disease (Houe et al., 1994). portant factor for making the Scandinavian program
The calculations showed that testing a risk group of very cost-effective is the low cost of using bulk tank
animals being no more than 3 months younger or milk testing for antibody for the continued monitor-
older than the age of the index case of mucosal dis- ing of dairy herds.
ease was most beneficial to the greatest number of
farms. However, the most beneficial strategy was al- CONCLUDING REMARKS AND
ways dependent on the individual farm. Further- PERSPECTIVES
more, decision tree models are not suitable for han- This chapter summarizes results of epidemiological
dling the long-term effect of control decisions. The studies on the occurrence of bovine virus diarrhea
effect of different control strategies has been evalu- virus (BVDV) infections, identification of risk fac-
ated in simulation models. A model simulating tors, and effects of the infection on disease and pro-
Dutch conditions showed that culling of PI animals duction. The occurrence is described as prevalence
was unattractive (Pasman et al., 1994). However, the and incidence of antibodies and virus, both at the an-
conclusion was highly dependent on the risk of rein- imal level and at the herd level. It is concluded that
fection. For comparison, a Markov Chain model as- laboratory methods are sufficiently valid at the ani-
suming that reinfection could be avoided was in mal level for their use in epidemiological studies. At
favor of eradication. Bennett (1992) described a de- the herd level the sensitivity and specificity show
cision support system showing that depending on larger variation. Studies show that in many areas the
the farm-specific situation, the recommendation prevalence of PI animals is 0.75–2% and that
could be any of the following: a do nothing strategy, 60–70% of animals are antibody-positive. However,
a culling strategy, or a vaccination strategy. In con- there may be regional differences in prevalence. For
clusion, a general optimal control strategy cannot be example, many studies in the U.S. have revealed a
given because it will depend on an evaluation of the lower prevalence of PI animals than those reported
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Risk Assessment 59

in European studies. Other differences in prevalence dersized and have a considerable increased risk of
may be related to cattle density and management either being culled early due to unthriftiness or
style. For example, some areas with low cattle pop- dying throughout their lifetime. Different observa-
ulation density and small herds seem to have rela- tional studies on the effect of infection show re-
tively low prevalence. markable differences in the clinical consequences.
Susceptible animals housed together with PI ani- Although some of the differences obviously seem to
mals will have a very high incidence rate of infec- be due to differences in virulence, a closer under-
tion, and almost 100% of the animals will be in- standing of the host-agent-environment triad seems
fected within a few months. In production systems relevant for the understanding of the variation.
in which subgroups of the herd are segregated from There is a high variation in the general disease level
PI animals, these subgroups of animals can stay un- in herds without BVDV infection, and the impor-
infected for long periods. tance of infection to herds with a general high health
Risk factors for BVDV infections are often a re- status as compared to herds with low health status
flection of the risk of direct or indirect contact with needs to be clarified. A lot of the variation seen in
PI animals. Risk factors include livestock trade, pas- the observational studies can also simply be due to
turing of animals, use of common pasture, cattle chance. If for example the virus is spread at a time
density in the area, herd size, number of infected when there are many cattle in first trimester means
neighbors, fence breakout, other animal contact be- different consequences compared to the situation
tween herds (e.g., exhibitions), insufficient hygienic where most cattle would be in the last trimester.
procedure, and occurrence of other species (sheep, Such differences would be most obvious in herds
wild life). The documentation in literature on the with seasonal calvings. Furthermore many observa-
importance of risk factors is often surprisingly low tional studies are based on the fact that some infec-
as compared to the obvious effect one would antici- tion took place, but without knowing exactly how
pate. Often the proven risk factors explain only a rel- many seroconversions occurred.
atively low percentage of infections. Some of the Estimations of economic impact are often at-
reasons for the difficulties of establishing the impor- tempted by combining all the information presented
tance of risk factors may be due to uncertainties of in this chapter, including the occurrence of the in-
the time of infection of herds. The improved surveil- fection (prevalence and incidence) and quantifica-
lance systems for herds make larger risk factor stud- tions on the different clinical and production conse-
ies possible in the future with more precise identifi- quences following infection. In order to improve the
cation of the herd infection time. Furthermore many economic models, a closer description of distribu-
risk factors are confounded among each other in- tion of the different genotypes and especially the
creasing the need for studies on a larger scale. With differences in virulence both within and between
the high number of prevalence studies being per- genotypes would be needed.
formed, it would be recommended to gather infor-
mation on risk factors in a uniform way between ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
studies in order to combine them in formal meta- Thank you to associate professor Annette Kjær
analyses. These studies should also include infor- Ersbøll and assistant professors Søren Saxmose
mation on cattle demographics (e.g., cattle density, Nielsen and Nils Toft for critical reading of the
herd density, herd size, trade patterns, use of vac- manuscript.
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Classification and Molecular Biology
Julia F. Ridpath

TAXONOMY—DEFINING from the viral polypeptide. The second unique gene

CHARACTERISTICS OF BOVINE product is the Erns. It is an envelope glycoprotein
VIRAL DIARRHEA VIRUSES that possesses an intrinsic RNase activity.
Pestiviruses are also unique among flaviviruses in
THE FLAVIVIRUS FAMILY their resistance to inactivation by low pH. Most fla-
Bovine viral diarrhea viruses belong to the pes- viviruses are inactivated by low pH, but pestiviruses
tivirus genus within the Flavivirus family (Heinz et are stable over a broad pH range (Hafez and Liess,
al., 2000) and, as such, possess many traits charac- 1972).
teristic of this family. Like all flaviviruses, they have
a lipid envelope that is derived from the membranes MEMBERS OF THE PESTIVIRUS GENUS
of the infected host cell. The lipid envelope makes There are currently four recognized species within
these viruses susceptible to inactivation by solvents the pestivirus genus: BVDV 1 (type virus BVDV 1a-
and detergents. NADL, accession #M31182); BVDV 2 (type virus
Similar to other flaviviruses, BVDV have a single- BVDV 2a-890, accession #U18059); border dis-
stranded positive sense RNA genome. The organiza- ease virus (BDV) (type virus BDV-BD31, accession
tion of the genome, which is conserved within the #U70263); and classical swine fever virus (CSFV),
Flavivirus family, consists of a single open reading previously known as hog cholera virus (type virus
frame (ORF) flanked by 5’ and 3’ untranslated re- Alfort/187, accession #X87939). The pestiviruses
gions (UTR). The ORF is translated as a single were originally classified into the species BVDV,
polyprotein that is cleaved by viral and cellular pro- CSFV, and BDV based on the animal host they orig-
teinases into the individual viral proteins. The struc- inated from. This classification proved problematic
tural proteins are coded in the 5’ end of the genome, because some pestiviruses are not restricted to a sin-
and the nonstructural proteins are coded in the re- gle host. Viruses characterized as BVDV, for exam-
maining 3’ end of the genome. The replication of the ple, were shown to infect cattle, sheep, and swine
RNA genome occurs in the host cell cytoplasm. The (Paton, 1995a, b). Subsequent efforts to divide pes-
viral particles are assembled and enveloped at intra- tiviruses into species based on monoclonal antibody
cellular membranes, transported in cytoplasmic (Mab) binding (Moennig et al., 1987; Bolin et al.,
vesicles through the secretory pathway and released 1988; Hess et al., 1988; Zhou et al., 1989; Edwards
by exocytosis. et al., 1991; Edwards and Paton, 1995; Paton et al.,
1995b) had limited success due to antigenic cross
CHARACTERISTICS UNIQUE TO THE reactivity between proposed species, antigenic vari-
PESTIVIRUS GENUS ation within proposed species, and the ease with
Viruses from the pestivirus genus have several char- which Mab escape mutants could be generated.
acteristics that differentiate them from other mem- Phylogenetic analysis of genomic sequences has
ber viruses of the Flavivirus family. Pestiviruses en- proved very helpful in differentiating pestivirus spe-
code two proteins that are unique to their genus. The cies (Hofmann et al., 1994; Harasawa, 1996; Becher
first is the nonstructural Npro, which is the first pro- et al., 1997; Ridpath and Bolin, 1997; Sullivan et al.,
tein coded by the pestivirus ORF. The Npro is a pro- 1997; Vilcek et al., 1997; Harasawa et al., 2000;
teinase whose only known function is cleaving itself Vilcek et al., 2001b). The comparison of genomic
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66 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

sequence of viruses classified as BVDV led to the and no correlation with clinical disease has been
conclusion that there were actually two genotypes of reported.
BVDV, BVDV 1, and BVDV 2 (Pellerin et al., 1994;
Ridpath et al., 1994a). The degree of sequence iden- THE PESTIVIRUS VIRION
tity between pestiviruses in the 5’ UTR region is the
Pestivirus virions are enveloped, spherical particles
most frequently used parameter for differentiation
that are 40 to 60 nm in diameter. The virions are
pestivirus species (Ridpath et al., 1994a; Harasawa
made up of a central capsid, composed of the vi-
and Mizusawa, 1995; Harpin et al., 1995; Harasawa,
rally encoded C protein and the genome RNA, sur-
1996; Baule et al., 1997; Becher et al., 1997;
rounded by a lipid bilayer. The capsid appears as an
Giangaspero et al., 1997; Ridpath and Bolin, 1997;
electron-dense inner core with a diameter of ap-
Sandvik et al., 1997; Vilcek et al., 1997; Wolfmeyer
proximately 30 nm (Horzinek et al., 1971). The
et al., 1997; Harasawa and Giangaspero, 1998;
structure and symmetry of the core has not been de-
Ridpath and Bolin, 1998; Shimazaki et al., 1998;
termined. Three virus encoded proteins—Erns, E1,
Letellier et al., 1999; Sakoda et al., 1999; Flores et
and E2—are associated with the lipid bilayer enve-
al., 2000; Ridpath et al., 2000; Falcone et al., 2001;
lope. The envelope surrounding the virion is pleo-
Tajima et al., 2001; Tajima et al., 2001; Vilcek et al.,
morphic, which impedes purification of infectious
2001b; Beer et al., 2002; Couvreur et al., 2002;
particles by banding in sucrose gradients and iden-
Evermann and Ridpath, 2002; Flores et al., 2002).
tification by electron microscopy. There appear to
However, differences between BVDV 1 and BVDV
be 10–12 nm ring-like subunits on the surface of the
2 strains are found throughout the genome (Ridpath
virus envelope (Heinz et al., 2000). The Mr of the
and Bolin, 1995b, 1997).
virion is estimated as 6.0 ⫻ 107, and the buoyant
All pestiviruses are antigenically cross-reactive.
density in sucrose is 1.10–1.15 gm/cm3 (Heinz et
Although antigenic differences do exist between
al., 2000).
pestivirus species, they are not extensive enough for
Virions are stable within a pH range of 5.7 to 9.3
pestivirus species to be recognized as serotypes.
(Hafez and Liess, 1972). Infectivity is not affected
Convelescent sera generated against a virus from a
by freezing but decreases at temperatures above
particular pestivirus species will generally have a
40°C (Heinz et al., 2000). Like other enveloped
higher titer against other viruses from that species as
viruses, BVDV are inactivated by organic solvents
opposed to viruses from the other pestivirus species
and detergents. Other methods of inactivation in-
(Ridpath, 2003). However, animal-to-animal varia-
clude Trypsin treatment (0.5 mg/ml, 37°C, 60 min)
tion and divergence among viruses from the same
(Liess, 1990), ethylenimine (reduction of 5 log10
pestivirus species can make it difficult to repro-
units using 10 mM at 37°C for 2 h) (Preuss et al.,
ducibly and reliably differentiate pestivirus species
1997), electron beam irradiation (4.9 and 2.5 kGy
based on serology alone (Muller et al., 1997; Bolin
needed to reduce virus infectivity 1 log10 unit for
and Ridpath, 1998). Mabs have been developed that
frozen and liquid samples respectively) (Preuss et
differentiate between the pestivirus species (Wens-
al., 1997), and gamma irradiation (20–30 kGy)
voort et al., 1989a; Zhou et al., 1989; Dahle et al.,
(Miekka et al., 1998).
1991; Edwards et al., 1991; Kosmidou et al., 1995).
However, cross-reactivity between pestivirus spe-
cies and variation within any one species make it THE PESTIVIRUS GENOME
difficult to generate a Mab that simultaneously dif- The pestivirus genome, in the absence of insertions,
ferentiates between species and still recognizes all is approximately 12.3 Kb in length (Collett et al.,
the viruses within one species. Antigenic variation is 1988a, b; Moormann et al., 1990; Deng and Brock,
particularly pronounced among BVDV 1 and 1992; Ridpath and Bolin, 1995b, 1997). The long
BVDV 2 strains (Ridpath et al., 1994a) and impacts open reading frame (approximately 4000 codons) is
on both detection and control. bracketed by relatively large 5’ (360–390 bases) and
In addition to the four recognized pestivirus spe- 3’ (200–240 bases) untranslated regions (UTR). The
cies, three putative species have been suggested. 5’ terminus does not contain a cap structure (Brock et
These putative species are based on viruses isolated al., 1992; Deng and Brock, 1993), and no poly(A)
from a giraffe, a reindeer, and a pronghorn antelope tract is present at the 3’ end. All pestivirus genomes
(Becher et al., 1997; van Rijn et al., 1997; Harasawa terminate at the 3’ end with a short poly(C) tract. The
et al., 2000; Vilcek et al., 2001b). Only one virus highest nucleic acid sequence identity among pes-
has been isolated for each of these putative species, tiviruses is found in the 5’ UTR (Ridpath and Bolin,
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Classification and Molecular Biology 67

Figure 3.1. Conservation and predicted pseudoknots in pestivirus 5’ UTR sequences. Top. The alignment and
comparison of 5’UTR sequences from recognized pestivirus species is shown. Hyperviable regions are boxed.
Conserved sequences used in RT-PCR tests to detect pestiviruses are underlined. The first ATG of the open reading
frame is in bold type. Bottom. A schematic of predicted tertiary structures in the 5’ UTR is shown. Deng and Brock
(1993) domain designations are shown in bold, and Pestova and Hellen (1999) domain designations are shown in
parentheses. Note that domain D5 of Deng and Brock is just a portion of the domain IIIe of Pestova and Hellen. The
location of hypervariable regions shown in Figure 3.1a are denoted by a thickened line in the schematic.

1997). Although sequence identity is high among ploited in PCR-based tests designed to differentiate
pestiviruses in the 5’ UTR, there are two short re- BVDV genotypes (el-Kholy et al., 1998; Ridpath and
gions that are notable for their variability (Figure Bolin, 1998). High conservation of 5’ UTR se-
3.1A). These are located between nucleotides 208– quences is related to formation of tertiary structures
223 and nucleotides 294–323 (nucleotide position required for internal ribosomal entry mediated initia-
numbers based on the sequence of BVDV 1-SD-11). tion of translation (Deng and Brock, 1993; Pestova
Sequence variations in these regions have been ex- and Hellen, 1999) (Figure 3.1B).

1Although BVDV 1a-NADL and BVDV 2-890 are the type viruses for genotypes BVDV 1 and BVDV 2, respectively, both
genomes have inserted sequences. Insertions can cause confusion when indicating genomic location based on nucleotide number.
For this reason BVDV 1a-SD-1 is used as the reference for nucleotide position. It was the first noncytopathic BVDV1 sequenced
and does not have an insertion. The accession number for BVDV 1a-SD-1 is M96751.
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68 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

ENTRY OF THE VIRUS INTO polyprotein is shown in Figure 3.2C. The hydropho-
CELLS, TRANSLATION, AND bicity profile of the polyprotein is conserved within
REPLICATION the pestivirus genus.
The binding and entry of BVDV to susceptible cells
Viral structural proteins
has not been extensively studied. Based on the be-
havior of other flaviviruses and pestiviruses, it is The proteins associated with the mature virion are
hypothisized that binding and entry is a multistep C, Erns, E1, and E2. C is the virion nucleocapsid pro-
process initiated by receptor-mediated endocytosis tein. It is highly basic and relatively conserved
involving cell surface molecules and the viral pro- among the pestivirus species. It is postulated that the
teins Erns and E2 (Schelp et al., 1995; Xue et al., C terminus of the nucleocapsid protein contains an
1997; Iqbal et al., 2000; Schelp et al., 2000; Iqbal internal signal sequence that directs translocation of
and McCauley, 2002). The genomic RNA is un- structural glycoproteins to the endoplasmic reticu-
coated following endocytosis and serves as the lum (Heinz et al., 2000). The Erns protein is glycosy-
mRNA. No subgenomic mRNA molecules have lated and forms disulfide-linked homodimers (Weil-
been detected. Initiation of translation is mediated and et al., 1990). In tissue culture systems Erns may
by a cap-independent internal initiation mechanism be found both associated with released virus and
that requires an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) free in the culture medium. This protein has an un-
located within the 5’ UTR. A secondary structure usual ribonuclease activity. Although the function of
model for the pestivirus 5’ UTR was first proposed this ribonuclease activity in the viral life cycle is un-
by Deng and Brock (1993). Further refinements of a known, antibodies that inhibit ribonuclease activity
BVDV specific model have been developed (Poole neutralize virus infectivity of classical swine fever
et al., 1995; Pestova et al., 1998; Pestova and viruses (CSFV) (Windisch et al., 1996). The ribonu-
Hellen, 1999). Unfortunately a universal terminol- clease activity does not require dimer formation or
ogy system was not adopted. The different names glycosylation (Windisch et al., 1996). The Erns of
used for the same structural domains by different re- CSFV possesses epitopes that induce neutralizing
search groups can be confusing. The proposed 5’ antibodies (hereafter referred to as neutralizing epi-
UTR secondary structures shown in Figure 3.1B are topes) and CSFV Erns subunit vaccines induce neu-
identified by both the domain names given by Deng tralizing antibodies (Konig et al., 1995). It is not
and Brock and those given by Pestova and Hellen. It known whether the Erns of BVDV possesses neutral-
should be noted that domain D5 of Deng and Brock izing epitopes that are important in disease control.
is just a portion of the IIIe domain of Pestova and However, protection afforded by killed BVDV vac-
Hellen. The IIIe domain contains the D5 domain cines does not appear to be dependent upon Erns spe-
plus the nucleotides between D5 and nucletide 380 cific antibodies (Bolin and Ridpath, 1990).
(numbering based on BVDV 1a-SD-1). Domains C Both the E1 and E2 proteins possess potential
(II) and D (III) contain structures critical for the at- membrane-spanning domains and are glycosylated.
tachment of the initiation complex. A pseudoknot They are predicted to be integral membrane proteins
formed just upstream of the start codon is necessary and interact to form heterodimers (Weiland et al.,
for IRES function. The hypervariable regions used 1990). The E2 protein is the immunodominant struc-
in PCR based tests to differentiate BVDV genotypes tural protein and possesses neutralizing epitopes
are located in domains D2 (IIIb) and D4 (IIId2). (Donis et al., 1988; Bolin and Ridpath, 1989). Mabs
produced against the E2 have been used to differen-
VIRAL PROTEINS tiate pestivirus species (Peters et al., 1986; Wens-
The large open reading frame is translated as a voort et al., 1986; Bolin et al., 1988; Hess et al.,
polyprotein. The order of the individual viral pro- 1988; Wensvoort et al., 1989a; Corapi et al., 1990a;
teins within the polyprotein is as follows: Npro- Edwards and Sands, 1990; Dahle et al., 1991; Deregt
C-E rns -E1-E2-p7-NS2/3-NS4A-NS4B-NS5A- et al., 1994; Paton et al., 1994; Ridpath et al., 1994a;
NS5B (Figure 3.2A). The polyprotein is processed Ridpath and Bolin, 1997). The coding region for E2
cotranslationally and posttranslationally by host and neutralizing epitopes are found in a hypervariable re-
viral proteases. The size, function, and characteris- gion located in the N-terminal portion of the E2 pro-
tics of the viral proteins are summarized in Table tein (Paton et al., 1992; Deregt et al., 1998) (refer to
3.1. Conservation of the polyprotein coding se- Figure 3.2B). E2 antigenic variation is particularly
quences among pestiviruses is shown in Figure pronounced among BVDV strains and contributes to
3.2B. The predicted hydrophobicity profile of the vaccine failure (Bolin et al., 1988; Bolin and Rid-
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Classification and Molecular Biology 69

Figure 3.2. The pestivirus genome. A. Organization of the pestivirus genome is shown. Structural proteins are de-
noted by shading. B. Sequence conservation among pestivirus species is shown. These results are a composite of
comparisons between the four recognized pestivirus species. Sequence similarity is indicated by different levels of
shading. C. A hydrophobicity plot of a pestivirus consensus sequence is shown. A consensus sequence was derived
by comparison of representatives of noncytopathic strains from each of the four recognized pestivirus species.

path, 1989, 1990; Bolin et al., 1991a; Bolin et al., Neither p7 nor E2-p7 are found associated with in-
1994; Ridpath et al., 1994a; Van Campen et al., 1997; fectious virus.
Bolin and Ridpath, 1998; Van Campen et al., 1998; Following p7 the next nonstructural protein in the
Ridpath et al., 2000; Van Campen et al., 2000). polyprotein is the serine protease, NS2-3. In BVDV
strains from the cytopathic biotype (see discussion
Viral nonstructural proteins of biotype below), the NS2-3 is cleaved to NS2 and
The first viral protein encoded by the BVDV ORF is NS3. The serine protease activity of the NS2-3 re-
the nonstructural protein, Npro. This protein, which sides in the NS3 portion of the protein. The function
is unique to the pestivirus genus, is an autoprotease of the NS2 is unknown. It is not required for RNA
whose only known function is to cleave itself from replication, and its cleavage from the NS2-3 does
the polyprotein. The next nonstructural protein, p7, not affect serine protease activity (Behrens et al.,
follows the structural protein E2 in the polyprotein 1998). Sequence analysis reveals regions in the NS2
(Elbers et al., 1996). It consists of a central charged with homology to zinc-finger motifs present in DNA
region flanked by hydrophobic termini. The role of binding proteins (De Moerlooze et al., 1991).
this cell-associated protein is unknown. It is hypoth- However, a function for the putative DNA binding
esized that p7 is required for production of infec- activity of NS2 in viral replication has not been
tious virus but not for RNA replication (Harada et demonstrated.
al., 2000). It is inefficiently cleaved from the E2, Both the uncleaved NS2-3 and the cleaved NS3
leading to two intracellular forms of E2 with differ- act as serine proteases (Tautz et al., 1997) that cleave
ent C termini (E2 and E2-p7) (Elbers et al., 1996). the remaining nonstructural proteins from the
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70 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Table 3.1. Pestivirus proteins

Viral Size Neutralizing
Protein (K Daltons) Attributes Epitope(s) Function

Npro 020 Nonstructural N Autoproteolysis

Not required for RNA replication
C 014 Structural N Forms nucleocapsid of virion
Highly basic
Erns 048 Structural Y Envelope-associated glycoprotein
7–9 glycosylation sites Ribonuclease activity
E1 025 Structural N Envelope-associated glycoprotein
2–3 glycosylation sites Integral membrane protein
E2 053 Structural Y Envelope-associated glycoprotein
4–6 glycosylation sites Integral membrane protein
Least conserved of structural proteins Immunodominant structural protein
p7 007 Nonstructural N Function unknown
Central charged region flanked Required for production of
by hydrophobic termini infectious virus but not RNA
NS 2/3 125 Nonstructural N NS2 has a zinc-finger–like domain
NS2 054 In cytopathic biotype NS 2/3 cleaved NS2/3 and NS3 contain RNA
NS3 080 to NS2 and NS3 helicase and N-terminal serine
Conserved protease domains; cleaves itself
and remaining nonstructural pro-
teins from viral polyprotein
Immunodominant nonstructural
NS4A 7.2 Nonstructural N Serine protease cofactor
NS4B 38–39 Nonstructural N Replicase component
NS5A 55–56 Nonstructural N Replicase component
NS5B 81–82 Nonstructural N RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

polyprotein. Purified BVDV NS3 also possesses primarily react with structural proteins and not the
RNA helicase and RNA-stimulated NTPase activi- NS2-3 or NS3 (Bolin and Ridpath, 1990). The dif-
ties (Tamura et al., 1993; Warrener and Collett, ference in recognition of NS2-3 or NS3 may be use-
1995). All three activities (serine protease, RNA he- ful in differentiating between immune responses to
licase, and RNA-stimulated NTPase) are essential to inactivated vaccines and immune responses to natu-
virus viability (Grassmann et al., 1999; Gu et al., ral infection.
2000). Antibodies to the NS2-3 and NS3 do not neu- The NS4A and NS4B proteins are similar in size,
tralize infectivity. However, the NS2-3 and NS3 (but composition and hydrophobicity to the NS4A and
not the NS2) are strongly recognized by polyclonal NS4B proteins of other flaviviruses (Lindenbach
convalescent sera (Donis et al., 1991). Animals vac- and Rice, 2001). NS4A acts as a cofactor for the
cinated with modified live vaccines also have a NS2-3 and NS3 serine protease activity. NS4B and
strong antibody response to the NS2-3 and/or NS3 NS5A probably are replicase complex components.
protein (Bolin and Ridpath, 1989). In contrast, ani- RNA polymerase activity has been demonstrated for
mals vaccinated with inactivated (killed) vaccines the NS5B protein (Lai et al., 1999).
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Classification and Molecular Biology 71

Nomenclature for proteins After translation, RNA replication begins with the
The names of the viral proteins have changed over synthesis of complementary negative strands. Using
time and these variations in terminology can be con- these negative strands as templates, genome-length
fusing as one reads past literature. The names used positive strands are synthesized by a semiconserva-
above and in Table 3.1 are those designated in the tive mechanism involving replicative intermediates
Seventh Report of the International Committee on and replicative forms (Gong et al., 1996; Gong et al.,
Taxonomy of Viruses (van Regenmortel et al., 1998). Because viral proteins are not detected on the
2000). The first studies of BVDV reported two gly- surface of infected cells, it is thought that virions
cosylated structural polypeptides, with molecular mature in intracellular vesicles and are released by
weights of 55K and 45K, which were termed VP1 exocytosis (Heinz et al., 2000). A substantial frac-
and VP2, respectively (Matthaeus, 1979). Later re- tion of the infectious virus remains cell associated
views referred to these proteins as E1 and E2 (Lindenbach and Rice, 2001).
(Westaway et al., 1985). When Collett et al. first de-
rived the genomic map for BVDV, gene products
were designated by their molecular weights and gly-
cosylation status (Collett et al., 1988b). Thus, the As stated above, BVDV strains may belong to one
viral protein now known as E2, may be referred to of two different genotypes, BVDV 1 and BVDV 2.
as VP1, E1, or gp53 in the literature. Similarly, Erns Further, viruses from either genotype may exist as
may be reported as VP2, E0, E2, or gp48. one of two biotypes, cytopathic and noncytopathic.


POLYPROTEIN Genotyping is grouping based on comparison of ge-
As stated above, the first viral protein in the ORF is nomic sequences. There are no hard and fast taxo-
a nonstructural protein unique to the pestivirus nomic rules governing how different two genomes
genus, Npro. The Npro is an autoprotease whose only have to be before they are designated different geno-
known function is to cleave itself from the polypro- types. However, for genotypic designations to be
tein. Cellular signal peptidases are responsible for meaningful, some practical considerations should be
the cleavages between C and Erns, E1, and E2, and taken into account. Genotypes should be distinct,
E2 and p7 (Rumenapf et al., 1993; Stark et al., 1993; discrete, and stable. That is, there should be a clear
Elbers et al., 1996). The mechanism that produces defined break between groups (discreet groups as
the cleavage between Erns and E2 is unknown. As opposed to a continuum), and isolates should not be
stated above, the cleavage between E2 and p7 may able to easily switch back and forth between groups.
not be complete. Depending on the biotype of the Ideally genotypes would be associated with practi-
virus (see section on biotypes below), the NS2/3 cal observations such as geographic distribution,
protein may be further processed to the NS2 and the antigenic variation, or variations in virulence. The
NS3 proteins. Both NS2/3 and NS3 have serine pro- differentiation between the BVDV 1 and the BVDV
tease activity that cleaves the remaining downstream 2 genotypes meets these practical considerations.
proteins from the polyprotein. The NS4A viral pro- The first reported division of BVDV strains into
tein facilitates the protease activity of the NS2/3 two different genotypes was based on comparison of
(and/or NS3) at the cleavage between NS4B and the 5’ UTR (Pellerin et al., 1994; Ridpath et al.,
NS5A and between NS5A and NS5B. 1994a). Previous studies of vaccination cross pro-
tection and monoclonal antibody binding revealed
VIRAL REPLICATION that BVDV strains were quite variable (Moennig et
Viral proteins, generated by processing the trans- al., 1987; Bolin et al., 1988; Corapi et al., 1990a;
lated polyprotein, participate in viral replication. It Bolin et al., 1991a; Donis et al., 1991; Edwards et
has been proposed that a secondary structure motif al., 1991). Although these studies indicated that
in the 5’ UTR enables the switch of viral RNA from there was considerable variation among BVDV
a template for translation to a template for replica- strains, no standard means of grouping viruses based
tion (Yu et al., 2000). RNA replication occurs via a on these variations was generated. Meanwhile, hy-
replication complex, composed of viral RNA and bridization analysis and sequence comparison sug-
viral nonstructural proteins, in association with in- gested that the 5’ UTR was highly conserved com-
tracytoplasmic membranes. The replication of pared to other portions of the genome (Lewis et al.,
BVDV RNA is similar to that of other flaviviruses. 1991; Ridpath and Bolin, 1991; Ridpath et al.,
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72 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

1993). The highly conserved sequences in the 5’ late to BVDV 2 strains isolated from North America
UTR were evaluated by several groups as targets for led to the segregation of this virus to the BVDV 2
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests designed to genotype (Paton et al., 1995b). Further, a phyloge-
detect the wide range of BVDV strains or to differ- netic survey of BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 strains
entiate BVDV from CSFV or BDV (Hofmann et al., showed similar levels of sequence variation in the 5’
1994; Vilcek, 1994). Concurrent to this research a UTR (Ridpath et al., 2000). If one assumes that the
highly virulent form of BVD, termed hemorrhagic evolutionary clock ticks at the same rate for both
syndrome, was reported in Canada and the United genotypes, similar rates of variation in the 5’ UTR
States (Corapi et al., 1989; Corapi et al., 1990b; suggests that the two genotypes have been evolving
Carman, 1995; Carman et al., 1998). Phylogenetic for approximately the same time span. This suggests
analysis of the BVDV strains, isolated from animals that viruses from the BVDV 2 genotype are not
suffering from hemorrhagic syndrome, grouped newly emerging viruses, but newly recognized ones.
them separately from the BVDV strains commonly Initially the BVDV 2 genotype was associated
used, at that time, in vaccine production, diagnostic with outbreaks of hemorrhagic syndrome (Corapi et
tests, and research (Pellerin et al., 1994; Ridpath et al., 1989; Corapi et al., 1990b; Pellerin et al., 1994;
al., 1994a). The newly recognized group of BVDV Carman et al., 1998), a clinically severe form of
was designated BVDV genotype II, and the group acute BVDV infection. This led to the misconception
containing the strains used in vaccines, detection, that all BVDV 2 strains cause severe acute disease.
and research was termed BVDV genotype I. The In an initial survey of BVDV 2 strains, only 32 out of
names of these two genotypes were later modified to 76 strains were associated with clinically severe dis-
BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 in keeping with taxonomic ease (Ridpath et al., 1994a). Since then, animal stud-
conventions in use with other viruses (Heinz et al., ies have shown that there is a continuum of virulence
2000). It was further noted that viruses from the seen in acute infections with type 2 BVDV (Flores et
BVDV 2 genotype were also isolated from persist- al., 2000; Fulton et al., 2000a; Hamers et al., 2000;
ently infected calves born to dams that had been Ridpath et al., 2000; Tajima et al., 2001; Evermann
vaccinated with vaccines based on BVDV 1 isolates and Ridpath, 2002; Kelling et al., 2002; Liebler-
(Ridpath et al., 1994a). Comparison of monoclonal Tenorio et al., 2002; Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2003).
antibody binding profiles revealed clear differences Thus, it appears that only a minority of BVDV 2
between BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 strains (Ridpath et strains cause severe acute clinical disease. The ma-
al., 1994a). Although initial phylogenetic differenti- jority of BVDV 2 strains present in North America
ation was based on comparison of 5’ UTR se- appear to be no more virulent than BVDV 1 strains.
quences, comparison of complete genomic se-
quences showed that differences between BVDV 1 Prevalence of BVDV genotypes
and BVDV 2 strains were found throughout the Both BVDV genotypes have been reported in North
genome (Ridpath and Bolin, 1995b). America (Pellerin et al., 1994; Ridpath and Neill,
There are two common misconceptions relating to 1998), Europe (Becher et al., 1995; Edwards and
the BVDV 2 genotype. One relates to origin of the Paton, 1995; Paton, 1995a, b; Sandvik et al., 1997;
BVDV 2 genotype and the other relates to the viru- van Rijn et al., 1997; Giangaspero et al., 2001;
lence of BVDV 2 strains. In the late 1990s there was Luzzago et al., 2001; Pratelli et al., 2001; Couvreur
some speculation that BVDV 2 strains represented et al., 2002; Vilcek et al., 2002), and South America
newly emerging viruses that originated in the United (Canal et al., 1998; Jones et al., 2001), although the
States as a result of use of vaccines by U.S. produc- reported prevalence of BVDV 2 is higher in North
ers and were then transferred to Europe. Although America than in Europe or South America. Reports
BVDV 2 strains were first recognized in 1994, ret- of the prevalence of the BVDV 2 genotype in com-
rospective characterization of strains collected from mercial cattle herds in North America range from
BVDV outbreaks in Ontario that occurred between 24–47% (Carman, 1995; Bolin and Ridpath, 1998;
1981 and 1994 demonstrated that BVDV 2 were Carman et al., 1998; Fulton et al., 1998; Fulton et
present in North America at least since the the early al., 2000b; Evermann and Ridpath, 2002).
1980s. However, the first BVDV 2 strain described
in the literature was isolated in Europe prior to 1979 Similarities between viruses from the BVDV 1
(Wensvoort et al., 1989b). Interestingly, this strain and the BVDV 2 genotype
was isolated from a pig and was referred to as an Viruses from both genotypes may exist as one of
atypical CSFV. Subsequent comparison of this iso- two biotypes, cytopathic and noncytopathic (see
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Classification and Molecular Biology 73

below). Noncytopathic viruses from either genotype path, 2002). While the reported incidence of BVDV
can cross the placenta and establish persistent infec- 2 strains is lower, European BVDV 1 strains appear
tions in the fetus. to be more variable than North American BVDV 1
Aside from severe acute BVDV, it is difficult to strains. The European BVDV 1 strains have been
distinguish BVDV 1 infections from BVDV 2 infec- separated into at least 11 subgroups (Vilcek et al.,
tions based on clinical signs. There is considerable 2001a). The biological significance of these 11
heterogeneity among strains from both genotypes. groups has yet to be examined.
Although virulence is strain-dependent, clinical pre- Similarly, BVDV 2 strains from North and South
sentation may also be effected by immune status, re- American have been segregated into two subgroups,
productive status, stress, and the presence of second- BVDV 2a and BVDV 2b (Flores et al., 2002). In
ary pathogens. North America BVDV 2b strains are relatively rare;
Heterogeneity, among strains within each geno- in South America the prevalence of BVDV 2a
type, also affects antigenicity. Although strains from strains and BVDV 2b strains are similar.
the BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 genotypes may be distin-
guished by monoclonal antibody binding, there are BVDV BIOTYPES
smaller, but still significant, differences among As stated above, both BVDV 1 strains and BVDV 2
strains from the same genotype (Ridpath et al., strains may exist as one of two biotypes, cytopathic
1994a; Ridpath et al., 2000). and noncytopathic. The division into biotypes is
based on the activity of the strain when propagated
Differences between viruses from the BVDV 1 in cultured epithelial cells (Lee and Gillespie, 1957;
and the BVDV 2 genotype Gillespie et al., 1960). Recall that both noncyto-
To date only viruses from the BVDV 2 genotype are pathic and cytopathic strains code for the nonstruc-
associated with severe acute BVDV (Corapi et al., tural protein NS2-3. Among cytopathic strains the
1989; Corapi et al., 1990b; Bolin and Ridpath, 1992; NS2-3 is processed to an NS2 and an NS3 protein.
Pellerin et al., 1994; Ridpath et al., 1994a; Carman Processing of the NS2-3 protein in cytopathic
et al., 1998; Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002). BVDV 1 strains may occur by several different strategies de-
and BVDV 2 strains are antigenically distinct, as pending on the viral strain (Meyers et al., 1991a, b;
demonstrated by serum neutralization using poly- Meyers et al., 1992; Qi et al., 1992; Ridpath et al.,
clonal sera and monoclonal antibody binding 1994b; Kupfermann et al., 1996; Tautz et al., 1996;
(Ridpath et al., 2000). The practical significance of Becher et al., 1998; Mendez et al., 1998; Meyers et
antigenic differences is indicated by the birth of al., 1998; Qi et al., 1998; Becher et al., 1999; Baroth
BVDV 2 persistently infected animals to dams that et al., 2000; Kummerer and Meyers, 2000; Ridpath
had been vaccinated against BVDV 1 strains (Bolin and Neill, 2000; Vilcek et al., 2000; Neill and
et al., 1991a; Ridpath et al., 1994a). Although mod- Ridpath, 2001; Becher et al., 2002; Ridpath and
ified live BVDV 1 vaccines may induce antibodies Bolin, 1995a). Most commonly, the generation of
against BVDV 2 strains, the titers average one log the NS3 is associated with insertion of sequences
less than titers against heterologous BVDV 1 strains into the viral genome. Generally the amino acid se-
(Cortese et al., 1998). quence flanking the carboxy-terminus of the inser-
tion corresponds to either amino acid position 1535
Subgenotypes of BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 or position 1589 (numbering based on the noncyto-
Subgenotypes of both BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 have pathic BVDV 1a strain SD-1, acc. # M96751, see
been described, although the biological significance footnote a). These two positions are referred to as
of these subgroupings is a matter of debate. BVDV positions A and B, respectively (Meyers et al.,
1 strains from North America can be segregated to 1998). Position B corresponds to the cleavage site
two subgenotypes, BVDV 1a and BVDV 1b (Pelle- that frees the N-terminus of the NS3 from the NS2-
rin et al., 1994). These two subgenotypes can be dis- 3 precursor. It is thought that insertions at the B po-
tinguished by monoclonal antibody binding (Bolin sition result in the processing of the NS2-3, either by
and Ridpath, 1998) and RT-PCR (Ridpath and introducing a new cleavage site at carboxy terminus
Bolin, 1998). Epidemiological surveys suggest that of the insertion or by introducing sequences with au-
BVDV 1b strains may predominate in respiratory tocatalytic activity that act at the carboxy terminus
cases (Fulton et al., 2002), and BVDV 1a strains of the insertion. The end result is that cleavage oc-
may predominate in fetal infections occurring late in curs at position 1589, making Gly1589 the first
gestation (>100 days gestation) (Evermann and Rid- amino acid of NS3. Insertions at position A, al-
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74 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

though upstream of the cleavage site, also produce in vivo. All highly virulent viruses studied to date
cleavage at amino acid position 1589. It has been have been noncytopathic (Corapi et al., 1990b;
proposed that insertions upstream of the cleavage Bolin and Ridpath, 1992; Carman et al., 1998; Ellis
site induce conformational changes that allow cleav- et al., 1998; Ridpath et al., 2000; Liebler-Tenorio et
age via a cryptic mechanism at Gly1589 (Meyers and al., 2002). In short, from a management standpoint,
Thiel, 1996). The most frequently described inser- determining the genotype of a strain is generally
tions into cytopathic BVDV 1 strains have been at more important than determining the biotype.
position B and consist of duplicated viral genomic
sequence and/or ubiquitin coding sequences. Inser- Importance of variation among BVDV
tions in cytopathic BVDV 2 strains are more fre- Heterogeneity is the defining characteristic of
quently reported in the vicinity of position A and BVDV viruses. Variation between BVDV genotype
consist of portions of a gene coding for a DnaJ-like 1 and BVDV genotype 2 has practical significance.
protein (Ridpath and Neill, 2000; Neill and Ridpath, In particular, variation in antigenicity impacts on de-
2001). Included among the possible explanations for tection and management programs. The impact of
these differences in relative frequency of position variation within each genotype is less well defined.
and source of inserted sequences are (i) differences Understanding and compensating for variation
in recombination frequencies due to sequence varia- among BVDV is essential to developing a success-
tion; (ii) differences in the stability of recombina- ful control program.
tions; and (iii) differences in the relative amounts of
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Virus Replication
S. K. Hietala and B. M. Crossley

INTRODUCTION mechanisms to obtain multiple protein products

RNA viruses, including bovine viral diarrhea virus from a single genome by fragmentation at the level
(BVDV), replicate and survive through diverse ge- of protein, mRNA, or the gene. Pestiviruses, includ-
netic strategies and lifecycles that rely on the biol- ing BVDV, utilize their single-stranded positive-
ogy and biochemistry of their hosts. Like other sense genome as template for both translation and
viruses, infection of host cells by BVDV results in replication. BVDV relies on fragmentation by ex-
modifications in gene expression that would be tensive cotranslation and posttranslation proteolytic
beneficial to virus replication and survival. Up- processing using host and viral proteases to obtain at
regulation of genes encoding host proteins involved least 11 viral proteins from a single translated
in translation and posttranslational processing, and polyprotein.
nonlethal down-regulation of genes encoding pro-
teins involved in energy production and cell struc- VIRAL GENOME
ture have been documented in cells infected with
BVDV (Neill and Ridpath, 2003a, 2003b). As seen GENOME ORGANIZATION
with other viruses possessing both cytopathic and The BVDV genome consists of single-stranded
noncytopathic biotypes, cytopathic BVDV amplifies positive-sense RNA approximately 12.5 kb in
viral RNA at levels that are several logs higher when length, with some variability in size associated with
compared to their noncytopathic counterparts (Glew genomic deletions, insertions, and duplications. Un-
et al., 2003; Kummerer and Meyers, 2000; Mendez translated regions at the 5⬘ and 3⬘ ends of the
et al., 1998; Vassilev and Donis, 2000). genome (5⬘ UTR and 3⬘ UTR, respectively) flank a
A semiconservative asymmetric model has been large open reading frame (ORF) that encodes the ap-
used to describe BVDV RNA replication. Based on proximately 4,000 amino acid polyprotein. The high
finding of negative-strand template and nascent pos- degree of conservation of nucleotide sequence and
itive-strand RNA, BVDV replication has been de- structure for BVDV and the other pestiviruses in the
tected in cell culture models within 4–6 hours of in- 5⬘ and 3⬘ regions of the genome indicates specific
fection, with peak BVDV titer detected at 12–24 genomic elements required for positive-strand syn-
hours postinfection (Gong et al., 1996; Purchio et thesis, translation, and possibly packaging of viral
al., 1983). genome (Becher et al., 1999b; Becher et al., 2000;
BVDV replication occurs through an RNA- Chon et al., 1998; Deng and Brock, 1993; Yu et al.,
dependent RNA synthesis pathway that utilizes en- 1999).
zyme activities not typically found in uninfected The organization of the BVDV genome is Npro,
host cells, and therefore, must be encoded in the Capsid, Erns, E1, E2, and p7, which code for struc-
viral genome and expressed during infection. In eu- tural proteins, followed by NS2-3, NS4A, NS4B,
karyotic cells, ribosomes require a specific methy- NS5A, and NS5B encoding nonstructural proteins.
lated cap structure at the 5⬘ end of the genome to sig- The genomic organization in cytopathic strains of
nal the initiation of protein synthesis, and in general, BVDV can deviate based on the variety of genomic
each mRNA results in a single polypeptide product. insertions, deletions, and replications. The function
As a family, the RNA viruses have evolved unique and description of proteins encoded by the BVDV

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82 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

genome are described in the preceding chapter. In hairpin loops that functions to direct initiation of
brief, the viral-encoded proteins involved in BVDV negative-strand synthesis and is critical for replica-
replication include an autoprotease encoded by Npro, tion (Fields et al., 2001; Yu et al., 1999). The single-
NS3-encoded serine protease, ATPase, and RNA he- stranded region separating the two stem-loop struc-
licase, an NS4A-encoded essential cofactor of NS3 tures is highly conserved among the pestiviruses
serine protease, an NS5A-encoded serine phospho- (Becher et al., 1998b; Yu et al., 1999). It has been
protein, and the NS5B encoded RNA-dependent suggested, based on similarities to other single-
RNA polymerase. The function of nonstructural stranded RNA viruses, that the structurally con-
proteins NS4B and NS5A has not been identified, served 3⬘ region may be involved in regulatory func-
but these proteins have been associated with a mul- tions by cross-talk with the 5⬘ structural components
tiprotein complex also involving NS3. Blockage of (Yu et al., 1999). If analogous to other RNA viruses,
the ion channel encoded by the small structural pro- the structural interaction of the 5⬘ and 3⬘ regions
tein p7 has recently been shown to suppress replica- could be involved in modulation of RNA-RNA in-
tion of BVDV (Pavlovic et al., 2003). teractions, translation, replication, and encapsula-
tion steps.
5⬘⬘ UTR
Translation among the pestiviruses is cap-independ- VIRUS BINDING AND RNTRY
ent, relying instead on an internal ribosomal entry Based on comparisons to related members of the
site (IRES), which mediates internal attachment of Flaviviridae, the binding and entry of BVDV in-
ribosomes to the translation initiation codon. The volves a series of steps, beginning with attachment
BVDV IRES is encoded in the 5⬘ UTR and contains or interaction of the virion with specific host cell re-
essential structural or functional components that ceptors, followed by internalization and pH depend-
may extend into or include nucleotide sequence ent fusion of the viral envelope and cell membrane.
within the ORF. Although the exact genomic bound- Envelope glycoproteins coded by E2 and Erns have
aries of the IRES have not yet been clearly defined, been demonstrated to independently bind to cell sur-
the structural integrity in the region, divided among faces (Hulst and Moorman, 1997; Iqbal et al., 2000).
three domains and including a pseudoknot structure, The ability of BVDV to infect a relatively diverse
is required for IRES activity (Fields et al., 2001). range of cell-types, as well as the tissue and host-
Structural and biochemical models demonstrate that species tropisms observed for BVDV have been as-
the two stem-loop structures located at the 5⬘ of the sociated with the E2 envelope glycoprotein (Liang
genome and nucleotides of the Npro-coding region et al., 2003). The E2 protein is translated from a
are required for efficient RNA replication. Proper highly variable region of the genome and may addi-
secondary structure in the stem of the 5⬘ terminal tionally contribute to the ability of BVDV to escape
stem-loop was found to be critical to efficient trans- the host immune response (Ridpath, 2003). Though
lation, and an intact loop and portion of the stem are specific cell receptors for BVDV entry have not
important components for replication (Yu et al., been well characterized, low-density lipoprotein re-
2000). Based on similarities with other Flaviviridae ceptors have been identified (Baranowski et al.,
genomes, it is postulated that the pseudoknot struc- 2001). Candidate receptors, as determined by mon-
turally serves to position the ribosomal subunit over oclonal antibodies capable of blocking infection, in-
the initiator AUG codon (Lemon and Honda, 1997). clude 50kDa, 60kDa, and 93kDa cell surface pro-
The 5⬘ UTR of BVDV, similar to other pestiviruses, teins found on bovine cells (Minocha et al.,1997;
is relatively long at approximately 385 nucleotides Schlep et al., 1995; Xue and Minocha, 1993; Xue et
and contains multiple initiator codons upstream of al., 1997). After entry into the host cell is complete,
the actual translation initiation site (Yu et al., 2000). viral RNA is released into the host cell cytoplasm
Additionally, four initial nucleotides at the 5⬘ termi- and RNA translation begins.
nus of the BVDV genome have been reported to pro-
vide an essential signal for replication (Frolov et al., TRANSLATION AND
1998; Yu et al., 2000). REPLICATION
Initiation of the translation process is mediated by
3⬘⬘ UTR the IRES. It has been demonstrated among pes-
The 3⬘ end of the BVDV genome also contains crit- tiviruses that the IRES binds specifically to the 40S
ical primary and secondary structures, including a ribosomal subunit in the absence of any additional
conserved single-stranded region separating two translation initiation factors. In concert with cellular
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Virus Replication 83

components, and functionally linked to the transla- tween noncytopathic and cytopathic (Ridpath and
tion process, viral nonstructural proteins assemble Bolin, 1995b, Fritzemeier et al., 1997, Nagai et al.,
into a functional replicase complex to catalyze tran- 2003), BVDV type 1 and type 2 (Ridpath and Bolin,
scription of positive-sense RNA into full-length 1995b), BVDV persistent infection strains and vac-
complementary strand negative-sense RNA. The cine strain (Ridpath and Bolin, 1995b; Becher et al.,
negative RNA strands provide template for the repli- 2001), and between BVDV and host RNA (Becher
case complex to synthesize additional positive-sense et al., 2002; Baroth et al., 2000; Mendez et al., 1998;
RNA molecules, using a semiconservative asym- Meyers et al., 1989; Meyers et al., 1991a; Meyers et
metric replication model (Warrilow et al., 2000). al., 1998; Qi et al. 1998; Ridpath and Bolin, 1995a;
The model includes three virus-specific RNAs: a Ridpath et al., 1994; Ridpath and Neill 2000; Rinck
double-stranded replicative form (RF), a partially et al., 2001; Tautz et al., 1996; Tautz and Thiel.,
single-stranded and partially double-stranded repli- 2003) have been well documented. Cellular inser-
cative intermediate (RI), and single-stranded viral tions include duplicated viral sequences, host ubiq-
RNA. uitin or ubiquitin homologs, ribosomal ubiquitin
The replication process begins with a positive- gene fusion protein, host mRNA encoding a DnaJ
strand replicase complex comprised of viral and cel- or J-domain-regulatory proteins, and multiple
lular components formed at the 3’ terminus of the microtubule-associated proteins. The insertion and
genome. Progression from initiation to elongation recombination events can occur at different sites
occurs after the synthesis of nascent RNAs 8–10 nu- along the viral genome (Desport et al., 1998;
cleotides in length (Sun and Kao, 1997). Elongation Meyers et al., 1992; Meyers and Thiel, 1996); how-
mediated by viral-polymerase displaces the positive ever, those involving the NS2/3 coding sequences
strand from the RI template, allowing recycling of have been most extensively studied, based on asso-
the template while elongation of the prior nascent ciation with the generation of cytopathic BVDV
strand continues. Approximately six nascent positive (Meyers et al., 1996, Fields et al., 2001). The genetic
strands per template have been predicted (Gong et modifications associated with NS2-NS3 cleavage
al., 1998). The double-stranded replicative form is a tend to be associated with two specific sites located
product of viral RNA used as template for minus- within 54 base pairs of each other and within BVDV
strand synthesis, or may represent the replicative in- NS2/NS3 (Ridpath and Neill, 2000).
termediate during synthesis of the final nascent
strand (no new initiation complexes formed). During CYTOPATHOLOGY
in vitro experiments, the ratio of positive-to- Cytopathic strains of BVDV evolve from noncyto-
minus–sense RNA increases from 2:1 at 4 hours to pathic BVDV by mutation, with specific genomic
10:1 by 12 hours postinoculation (Gong et al., 1996). rearrangements varying considerably between dif-
ferent cytopathic strains of the virus (Becher at al.,
GENETIC RECOMBINATION 1998a; Kummerer and Meyers, 2000; Meyers et
The high rate of genetic insertion and recombination al., 1991a, 1991b; Meyers et al., 1998; Muller et al.,
events in BVDV as compared to other positive-sense 2003; Nakamura et al., 1997; Qi et al.,1992; Qi et
RNA viruses is unique to pestiviruses and is possi- al.,1998; Ridpath and Bolin, 1995a; Ridpath and
bly related to some unique character of the pes- Neill, 2000; Tautz et al., 1993; Tautz et al., 1994;
tivirus polymerase (Fields et al., 2001). Recombina- Tautz et al., 1999; Tautz et al., 2003). The genomic
tion can occur in BVDV when virions having rearrangements generating cytopathic BVDV—
different genomic sequences coinfect the same host including duplications of the BVDV genome, inser-
cell, allowing genetic crossover resulting in a hybrid tion of cellular sequences at the junction of NS2 and
BVDV strain (Moenning et al., 1993; Becher et al., NS3, or in-frame deletions—primarily affect the
1999a). Sequence analyses of cytopathic strains of coding region for the NS2-3 polypeptide and result
BVDV, as discussed in more detail below, suggest in the production of NS3. Cleavage of NS2/NS3 oc-
genomic hot-spots for viral recombination at the curs by different theoretical strategies, dependent on
border of NS2 and NS3, though recent cloning ex- the strain of BVDV and may include introduction of
periments using replicons expressing NS3 argue for sequences that form new cleavage sites, introduction
functional selection of mutations or recombination of sequences with autocatalytic activity, introduc-
events, based on a highly conserved region within tion of conformational changes signaling cellular
the NS3 that is critical for effective viral replication protease, or activation of latent protease activity di-
(Tautz and Thiel, 2003). Genetic recombinations be- rectly encoded by NS2 (Fields et al., 2001; Meyers
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84 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

and Thiel, 1996; Ridpath and Neill 2000; Rinck et mune response. The existence of DI in naturally oc-
al., 2001). NS3 production, and associated BVDV curring disease has been confirmed from animals
cytopathogenicity, have also been generated by with mucosal disease; however, DI are difficult to
point mutations in the region encoding NS2 detect due to low virus yields, and they also can get
(Kummerer et al., 1998; Kummerer and Meyers, lost easily during virus isolation and plaque purifi-
2000), upstream of the NS2/3 region (Kummerer et cation (Meyers and Thiel, 1996). DI particles are
al., 1998), or through a specific mutation in the re- typically observed in vitro only during cell culture
gion encoding NS4b (Qu et al., 2001). The majority passages with a high multiplicity of infection
of cytopathic BVDV characterized in the literature (Meyers and Thiel, 1996).
appear to be associated with genomic insertions, of
either host cell sequences or duplications of the viral PROTEOLYTIC PROCESSING
genome. A relatively small number of the character- The single BVDV polyprotein translated from the
ized cytopathic BVDV sequences appear to arise open reading frame (ORF) undergoes proteolytic
through recombination between BVD viruses hav- processing to derive at least 11 viral proteins
ing different genomic sequences. Proteolytic pro- (Meyers and Thiel, 1996). BVDV structural proteins
cessing associated with generation of BVDV cy- are located within the N-terminus third of the
topathology is further discussed in Chapter 11. In polyprotein, followed by a single non-virion protein
addition to BVDV superinfection with a cytopathic (p7), and nonstructural proteins that comprise the re-
and noncytopathic BVDV pair, spontaneous cases of mainder of the polyprotein. Proteolytic processing
mucosal disease arise when noncytopathic persistent of the polyprotein is mediated by both host and viral
BVDV mutates or undergoes recombination, as re- enzymes, including a viral autoprotease (Npro)
viewed in Chapter 8 on reproductive disease and unique to pestiviruses, host signal peptidase, and
persistent infections. viral serine protease (Fields et al., 2001). BVDV
proteolytic processing and function of the structural
DEFECTIVE INTERFERING and nonstructural proteins are discussed in detail in
PARTICLES AND Chapters 3 and 11.
Viral genomes having deletions or truncations, REGULATION OF TRANSLATION
which can replicate with the support of a helper AND REPLICATION
virus or helper virus-coreplication, are referred to as Tight regulation of translation and replication is re-
defective interfering (DI) particles (Huang and quired during the BVDV lifecycle, since the same
Baltimore, 1970). BVDV DI particle have been as- positive-sense RNA is used as template for both
sociated with cytopathology in vitro and mucosal processes. Structural and functional studies of the 5’
disease in vivo. A BVDV DI particle, approximately terminal fragment of the BVDV genome, including
4.3 kb smaller than the corresponding noncytopathic the IRES site, demonstrate secondary structure
BVDV virus and lacking all structural genes plus the that could enable viral RNA to switch from a trans-
amino-terminal region of the nonstructural NS3 pro- lation to a replication cycle (Yu et al., 2000). Ac-
tein, was initially described from a persistently in- cumulation of viral proteins, such as NS5A and
fected calf in 1994 (Tautz et al., 1994). Other BVDV NS5B, which can inhibit IRES-dependent transla-
DI, with slightly different deletions but lacking all tion may also provide a regulatory mechanism for
structural genes, have been described (Kupfermann the translation-to-replication switch. Kinetic analy-
et al., 1996), and at least one (DI9c) has been shown sis of translation and replication using BVDV full-
to function as an autonomous replicon (Behrens et length and replicon genomes indicate that regulation
al., 1998). of the translation-to-replication switch is not spe-
DI particles have been implicated in the onset of cific for the BVDV IRES, but may result from regu-
mucosal disease in cattle persistently infected with a latory proteins interacting with viral genome outside
noncytopathic BVDV, potentially through recombi- the IRES or from interaction between viral and host
nation events involving structural proteins of the translation protein complexes (Li and McNally,
helper noncytopathic virus (Kupferman et al., 1996). 2001). Alternately, competition for replicase and
Theoretically, the structural genes of the persistent ribosome-loading on the same template molecule
virus would not be recognized by the immune sur- may serve to regulate the switch.
veillance of the host, allowing the recombinant The asymmetric replication of the BVDV genome
BVDV virus to replicate while escaping the host im- is consistent with other positive-sense RNA viruses,
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Virus Replication 85

where an excess of newly synthesized positive-sense of quasispecies among BVDV strains reflects the
RNA compared to negative-sense RNA is generated. high replication rate of the virus, as well as the lack
A close functional control appears to exist between of proofreading capacity of the viral RNA-dependent
generation of the polyprotein and generation of RNA polymerase. BVDV is able to effectively evade
replication complexes. The replicase complexes, emerging humoral and cellular immune responses
formed by association of new viral nonstructural (Bolin et al., 1991), which may be a function of
proteins plus cellular components with the 3’ end of BVDV quasispecies generation in infected hosts.
the genomic RNA, act to catalyze synthesis of a low Among BVDV, point mutations occurring approxi-
copy number of negative-strand RNA templates for mately once per 10 kb would be equivalent to one or
the transcription of an excess of positive-strand more mutations per BVDV viral replication cycle and
RNA progeny (Behrens et al., 1998; Yu et al., 2000). logically explain the existence of multiple distinct,
but closely related, genetic variants of BVDV. BVDV
VIRION ASSEMBLY AND quasispecies have been recovered (Becher et al.,
EXOCYTOSIS 1999a; Jones et al., 2002) from persistently infected
Little information is available on the assembly and cattle, though other studies have reported apparent
release of virions from infected host cells. BVDV stabilization of the genome in persistent infection
virions appear to mature in intracellular vesicles at (Edwards et al., 1991; Edwards and Patton, 1995;
the Golgi apparatus or endoplasmic reticulum where Hamers et al., 1998, Hamers et al., 2001). Stabiliza-
the lipid envelope is acquired through budding into tion of the antigenic, if not genetic, character of the
the vesicle lumen. Virus maturation, including con- virus is consistent with the theory of immunologic
formational stabilization through glycoprotein fold- elimination of BVDV variants in PI animals. Stabili-
ing of E1-E2 (Branza-Nichita et al., 2001) and asso- zation, or lack of significant genetic change in the
ciated transport to the cell surfaces is mediated by genome of BVDV isolated from PI cattle over time, is
host cell enzymes and processes (Zitzmann et al., also consistent with observations of herd-specific
1999, Branza-Nichita et al., 2001, Durantel et al., strains of BVDV (Paton et al., 1995).
2001). The intact virions are released by budding
into the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, fol- REPLICATION SITES
lowed by exocytosis (Grummer et al., 2001; Similar to most RNA viruses, BVDV replicates in
Bielefeldt-Ohmann and Block, 1982; Gray and the cellular cytoplasm. In studies aimed at subcellu-
Nettleton, 1987) with detection reported as early as lar localization of BVDV replication, nonstructural
8 hours postinfection (Nuttall, 1980). proteins NS2-3 and NS3 were found in association
with the cytoplasmic face of the endoplasmic retic-
QUASISPECIES AND POPULATION ulum, but not with the Golgi apparatus or lysosomal
GENETICS membrane, suggesting that replication occurs on the
The RNA-dependent RNA polymerases that catalyze cytoplasmic side of the endoplasmic reticulum
RNA replication and reverse transcription have mini- (Zhang et al., 2003). Both cell and species tropisms
mal proofreading activities, resulting in error rates are seen with BVDV. Though BVDV can infect a
tens of thousands times greater than those encoun- wide variety of cell types, both in vitro and in vivo,
tered during DNA replication (Domingo and Holland, there is an apparent predilection for cells of the im-
1997; Holland et al., 1992; Malet et al., 2003; Moya mune system, including T cells, B cells, monocytes,
et al., 2000). Because mutation is a frequent event, an macrophages, and dendritic cells (Sopp et al., 1994).
RNA virus population does not represent a homoge- The biotypes of BVDV behave differently, with
neous clone, but is a “cloud of mutants” clustered noncytopathogenic strains having tropism for leuco-
around the most frequent viral sequence (Moya et al., cytes, lymphoid tissues, parotic gland, proximal
2000). The related, but nonhomogeneous populations colon, and respiratory tract; cytopathogenic strains
have been identified as quasispecies (Eigen, 1993). are generally associated with the gastrointestinal
Although the theories of quasispecies and population tract (Greiser-Wilke et al. 1993; Liebler et al.,1991)
genetics differ in mathematical modeling and the con- and replicate in the ovaries (Grooms et al., 1998).
tributions of point mutations to viral evolution (Page
and Nowak, 2002; Moya et al., 2000; Domingo, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
2003), it is agreed that the target of natural selection Important genetic diversity occurs among BVDV
is not a single fittest genotype, but a distribution of isolates, as evidenced by point mutations, deletions,
genotypes around a master sequence. The existence genetic recombination among virus strains, and by
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86 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

integration of segments of the host genome. Each Bielefeldt-Ohmann H, Bloch B: 1982, Electron micro-
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Virus Transmission
Mark C. Thurmond

INTRODUCTION fectiousness would be higher for PI animals than for

Transmission of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) animals with an acute infection. The second factor is
in cattle follows the infectious disease epidemiology the number of adequate contacts per time period (k)
characteristics of many viral infections, with a no- between infectious and susceptible animals. An ade-
table exception: Infection with BVDV can manifest quate contact is one that would be sufficient for
in two patterns for the infectious period of the dis- transmission to take place, such as direct nose-to-
ease, depending on when the animal became in- nose contact between an infectious animal and a
fected. Infected animals can shed the virus tran- seronegative, susceptible animal. The third factor is
siently, following an acute infection acquired the duration of the infectious period (d) for the spe-
postnatally, or they can shed the virus persistently, cific host, or, alternatively, the prevalence of infec-
following congenital infection acquired before tious animals in a herd during a specified period.
120–150 days of gestation. This chapter reviews The fourth factor is the presence of truly susceptible
concepts of disease transmission in the context of animals that lack specific or cross-reacting serum
BVDV followed by specific discussion of routes of neutralizing (SN) antibodies (humoral immunity)
transmission and factors that may affect virus trans- and/or cell-mediated immunity necessary to prevent
mission from animals with an acute or a persistent infection.
infection. The chapter concludes with a brief sum- These factors can be used to estimate rates of
mary of general considerations for minimizing virus transmission in a susceptible population. One
transmission of the virus in cattle populations. approach to estimating the rate or force of transmis-
sion is by the use of basic reproduction number (R0),
INFECTIOUS DISEASE referred to as “R-not,” which represents the ex-
EPIDEMIOLOGY IN THE pected number of new infections resulting from
CONTEXT OF BVDV contact with an infectious index case animal, and is
TRANSMISSION calculated as R0 = ßdk. For example, suppose, hypo-
thetically, that the probability of a susceptible
FACTORS AFFECTING BVDV TRANSMISSION weaned calf becoming infected per adequate contact
Conceptually, four main factors can be expected to with an acutely infected animal in a feedlot is 0.02.
influence the transmission of infectious agents such That is, if an adequate contact was made between an
as BVDV (Haloran, 1998). The first factor is the in- acutely infected animal and 100 susceptible ani-
fectiousness of the virus strain, given the exposure mals, the virus would be transmitted successfully to
dosage and route of infection, referred to as the co- 2 animals. Suppose also that the number of contacts
efficient of infectiousness (ß). The latter is a meas- made, on average, is 50 per day and the duration of
ure of the probability that infection will be transmit- infectiousness is 4 days, then R0 = ßdk = (0.02/con-
ted to a susceptible animal following contact with an tact)(4-day duration)(50 contacts/day) = 4. A value
infectious animal. As discussed later, animals per- of 4 would indicate that the acutely infected calf
sistently infected with BVDV generally shed more (index case) would infect 4 susceptible calves, and
virus over a much longer period of time than ani- each of them in turn would infect 4 other calves.
mals with an acute infection, so the coefficient of in- As transmission proceeds through a herd, how-

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92 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

ever, infected animals become immune and the then ß = (0.005)/(25)(0.01) = 0.02. After substituting
number of susceptible animals decline. As the num- this value for ß into the formula for R0, and assum-
ber of susceptible animals decline, the likelihood ing an infectious period of at least 100 days for ani-
that an infectious animal will come in contact with a mals with PI, R0 = (0.02)(25)(100) = 50. Because
susceptible animal will decrease, and the R-value these formulas assume random mixing, constant du-
will decline with each newly infected animal. ration of infectiousness, and a constant coefficient
Eventually, the number of susceptible animals be- of infectiousness, they should be used to obtain a
comes so small that the transmission rate will de- general sense for the rate of transmission. The main
cline to R = 1, referred to as the endemic state, in benefit of these equations is that they provide a con-
which each new infection creates only one more ceptual context for key elements in the transmission
new infection. As the number of susceptible animals of BVDV.
declines further, R will become less than 1 and new
infections will stop because transmission is no MEASURING THE EFFECT OF VACCINATION
longer supported by a sufficient number of suscepti- ON TRANSMISSION
ble animals. Transmission will not continue unless In addition to characterizing key forces influencing
additional susceptible animals are added to the herd, BVDV transmission (i.e., probability of infection,
the immunity wanes, the contact rate is increased, contact rate, and duration of infectiousness), esti-
the duration of infectiousness increases (i.e., a re- mates of R0 and II can be used as a benchmark for
crudescence or extension of shedding), or patho- assessing vaccine efficacy required to control infec-
genicity of the virus changes (i.e., mutation). tion. Suppose, for example, that R0 = 4, whereby in-
Because ß is often unknown, an alternative ap- troduction of an acutely infected animal into a com-
proximation for R0 is R0 = 1 + L/A, where L is the pletely susceptible herd or group of animals will
average or median life span of animals in a herd and result in 4 new infections. If the proportion of the
A is the average or median age of animals at the time animals, p, represents those animals that have been
of infection. Suppose, for example, the median life- effectively immunized and that are not susceptible is
time of a cow on dry-lot dairies is 40 months and 0.5, 1 new BVDV infection will result in only 2 new
half (median) of the animals are infected with infections rather than 4, because half of the contacts
BVDV by 8 months of age (Rush et al., 2001), then will be immune. In planning a vaccination program,
R0 = 1 + 40/8 = 6. Thus, one would expect that in a we can use R0 to estimate p, the proportion of the
fully susceptible population, introduction of 1 in- herd that must be immunized to prevent transmis-
fected animal would result in transmission of infec- sion within the herd. If p ⫻ R0 animals will not be-
tion to 6 susceptible animals, which in turn would come infected because of vaccination, the average
transmit infection to other susceptible animals, and number of animals that will become infected by the
so on. This somewhat hypothetical example does not primary case is R0 ⫺ (p ⫻ R0 ).
distinguish between persistent and acute infections. In order to prevent transmission of infection, the
Alternatively, ß can be estimated using the for- number of secondary cases resulting from the pri-
mula for incidence of BVDV infection, II, along mary case will need to be less than 1, or R0 ⫺ (p ⫻
with available data and reasonable assumptions. R0 ) = <1. This is equivalent to R0 ⫺ 1 <(p ⫻ R0 ) or
Incidence provides a measure of transmission by es- p >1 ⫺ 1/R0, which is the formula for vaccination
timating the rate at which new BVDV infections protection (Giesecke, 2002). In other words, if R0 =
occur, or the proportion of susceptible animals that 4, then the proportion of the herd that will need to be
become infected during a specified time period. The effectively immunized by vaccination (assuming the
formula for II is II = ßPk, where ß is the unknown vaccine is 100% effective in immunizing an animal
probability of infection given a contact (coefficient against the particular virus strain) to prevent trans-
of infectiousness), P is the assumed prevalence of mission from acutely infected animals is 1 ⫺ 1/R0 =
infectious animals for a given time period, and k is 1 ⫺ 1/4, or 75%. If the R0 for the strain causing the
the contact rate for the given time period (Haloran, acute infections was 2, rather than 4, only 50% of
1998). Suppose incidence is 0.5% per day for the herd would need to be immunized.
weaned calves in a feedlot environment (Taylor et
al., 1995; Rush et al., 2001), k is about 25 contacts TRANSMISSION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF
per day, and the prevalence of PI animals is 1% (as- HERD IMMUNITY
suming that all PI animals are infectious and ignor- Herd immunity implies that the overall immunity of
ing the prevalence of acutely infectious animals), the herd is greater than the sum of immunity enjoyed
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Virus Transmission 93

by individual animals in the herd. In other words, a ceptible animal. The extent to which viral shedding
nonimmune, completely susceptible animal enjoys is reduced in PI animals with SN antibodies is not
some immunity from infection if it is in a herd with known. However, the transient cessation of viremia
animals that possess immunity, where immunity may in some PI animals after consuming BVDV colostral
have been acquired by natural infection with a field antibodies or with active SN antibodies could sug-
strain, through vaccination, or from colostral anti- gest that viral shedding might also be reduced, at
bodies. Several factors can contribute to herd immu- least temporarily.
nity. Transmission within a herd or group of animals When herd immunity is present, virus transmis-
with a high proportion of immune animals is slower, sion is less likely. This is because herd immunity re-
as shown above using R0 or II, than for herds with a sults in a reduction in the number of animals that are
low proportion of immune animals. Thus, a suscepti- susceptible to viral infection. Thus, the probability
ble animal in a herd with a high proportion of im- that the agent will be transmitted to a susceptible an-
mune animals will have a lower risk of infection than imal during an “adequate” contact is reduced, as in-
if it were in a herd with a low proportion of immune dicated by a diminished value for ß in the equations
animals. Individual animal immunity also can affect above for R0 and incidence. In addition, the reduced
the dynamics of transition from one disease state duration of shedding (d), or reduced prevalence of
(i.e., latent, infectious, noninfectious) to the other infectious animals (P), will further diminish the
and the infectious dose needed to produce infection. force of transmission through a herd, as indicated by
For example, animals with little or no immunity can the equations for R0, and the diminished incidence
be expected to have a shorter latent period and to re- would not only reduce disease caused by BVDV but
quire a lower dose of virus to become infected, com- would also reduce virus transmission by limiting the
pared with animals with immunity. amount of virus shed from infected animals.
Although specific data are not available for
BVDV herd immunity, some generalizations are HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL
possible by applying what is known about the infec- TRANSMISSION OF BVDV
tiousness of the disease. For example, depending on Transmission of BVDV can occur vertically, result-
strain variation, cell-mediated or humoral immunity ing in congenital infection of the fetus, or horizon-
acquired from exposure to one strain of BVDV may tally after birth, sometimes referred to as postnatal
reduce the amount of virus shed and/or duration of transmission. Transmission of BVDV to the fetus
shedding, and thus reduce ß and d, if the animal is before 120–150 days in gestation may result in abor-
infected with a different strain of the virus (Howard tion, resorbtion, or stillbirth. Surviving fetuses will
et al., 1989; Brock et al., 1998: Grooms et al., 2001). be born as BVDV-infected calves. The BVDV infec-
Generally, immunity to most infectious agents is not tion will persist for the life of the animal and will re-
likely to be absolute; infection may be acquired by sult, presumably, in the continuous shedding of the
animals with some marginal or incomplete spectrum virus into the environment. Thus, PI animals are be-
of immunity if exposed to a sufficiently large dose lieved to serve as a reservoir of BVDV. In utero
of the agent. This is particularly true in the case of transmission after about 120–150 days of gestation,
BVDV because of the presence of high antigenic when fetus becomes immune-competent, will result
diversity among BVDV strains (Dubovi, 1992; in a congenital infection characterized by abortion,
Ridpath, 2003). Low levels of immunity might pro- stillbirth, congenital defects, or the birth of a live,
tect against low doses of a reasonably homologous normal-appearing calf. Horizontal (postnatal) trans-
strain, but higher levels of immunity would be re- mission results in an acute infection sometimes re-
quired to protect against high doses of the virus, par- ferred to as transient infection (TI), varying in sever-
ticularly if it is a heterologous strain. If an animal ity from inapparent or mild signs to life-threatening
with partial immunity becomes infected, however, it disease. Although animals that have acquired an
may not necessarily shed as much virus and not for acute BVDV infection may remain infected for
as long, when compared to a nonimmune animal some time, as indicated by prolonged duration of SN
(Howard et al., 1989; Brock et al., 1998; Grooms et antibodies for a year or more, it is generally believed
al., 2001). Generally, acute BVDV infection of ani- that they shed the virus only transiently for a week
mals with some immunity can be expected to mani- or less. Unfortunately, the requisite long-term data
fest in shorter periods of shedding and lower doses are not available to confirm or deny subsequent re-
of the agent being shed, which subsequently would crudescence of shedding. Several reviews of BVDV
reduce the probability of transmission to a fully sus- have addressed specific aspects of BVDV infection
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94 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

(Duffell and Harkness, 1985; Radostits and Little- quate contact either with an acutely infected animal
johns, 1988; Harkness, 1987; Brownlie, 1990; that is in the infectious (shedding) phase of the dis-
Houe, 1995; Radostits et al., 1999). ease or with a PI animal that continuously sheds the
virus. Acute infection can be acquired through vari-
CONGENITAL TRANSMISSION RESULTING IN PI ous routes of transmission, including direct nose-to-
There are two ways in which a fetus can acquire a nose contact, fomites contaminated with the virus,
persistent infection. One is by transmission of the and vaccination with a modified live virus (MLV)
virus from a PI cow to her fetus, which very likely (Duffell and Harkness, 1985; Harkness, 1987;
will result in PI calf. The other way is by acute infec- Brownlie, 1990; Houe, 1995; Radostits and Little-
tion of the dam in the first 120–150 days of gestation johns, 1988; Radostits et al., 1999).
during which it can transmit infection to the fetus.
The rate at which PI animals are created in a herd de- ROUTES AND MEANS OF BVDV
pends on the prevalence of PI among pregnant cows TRANSMISSION
and on the proportion of cows acquiring an acute Generally, one can expect BVDV to be shed in most
BVDV infection during the first 120–150 days of excretions and secretions, including tears, milk,
gestation. The ability of BVDV to infect embryos saliva, urine, feces, nasal discharge, and semen of
prior to attachment may be limited, as suggested by acutely infected animals during the transient, infec-
studies showing only one of six fetuses exposed be- tious phase of the disease, as well as those of most
fore 60 days developed into PI calves (Moerman et if not all PI animals (Houe, 1995). Some key routes
al., 1993). In contrast the generation rate of PI ani- of transmission pertaining to current management
mals was significantly higher when fetuses were ex- conditions are discussed in the following sections.
posed after 45–60 days gestation (Liess et al., 1984).
CONGENITAL TRANSMISSION AFTER Semen from PI and acutely infected bulls contains
120–150 DAYS IN GESTATION large amounts of BVDV, although semen from
Little information exists on the rates of congenital acutely infected bulls typically would have much
transmission in fetuses after they become immune- less virus than semen from PI bulls (Brock et al.,
competent. Two large studies of midwestern slaugh- 1991; Voges et al., 1998). Transmission of BVDV
terhouses found that 20% of the fetuses from culled via semen can result in an acute infection or in the
cows had evidence of BVDV infection (Bolin et al., development of PI, or both. The potential for estab-
1991b; Bolin and Ridpath, 1998), some of which ap- lishment of persistent infection in calves sired by a
peared to be attributable to cytopathic vaccine PI bull was illustrated in a study in which all 12
strains. As shown in a recent field study of large seronegative heifers developed acute BVDV infec-
dairies, congenital transmission after 120–150 days tion following insemination with semen from a PI
gestation may occur in 10% or more of vaccinated bull (Meyling and Mikel Jensen, 1988). One of the
dairy cows (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2003a). This esti- 12 calves (8%) developed persistent infection, indi-
mate represents only those calves that are born alive cating a significant potential not only for acute
and probably would be considerably higher if con- transmission of BVDV from PI bulls but also for the
genital infections in aborted fetuses and stillborn establishment of PI animals. Even though only 1 of
calves are also included. Congenital transmission of 12 calves developed PI, a transmission rate of 8%
BVDV after 120–150 days in gestation, which is in- would suggest that natural breeding by PI bulls
dicated by the presence of precolostral BVDV-neu- could contribute significantly to an accumulation of
tralizing antibodies in calves at birth, has recently PI animals in large herds.
taken on new importance. Calves congenitally in- The risk of calves developing persistent infection
fected with BVDV were more likely to develop se- may be high in herds using a large number of bulls
vere diseases in the first 4–5 months of life (Muñoz- in natural breeding, particularly in large dairy herds
Zanzi et al., 2003a) and to experience breeding where each bull may service several hundred cows
difficulties as heifers (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2003b). per year and in herds with a significant proportion of
susceptible, antibody-negative females. In one case,
HORIZONTAL TRANSMISSION AND ACUTE a single PI bull was found to have transmitted
INFECTION BVDV to 55 cows, resulting in at least 2 PI animals,
Acute infection results from horizontal transmission and was responsible for spreading BVDV to several
of the virus to a susceptible animal following ade- clean herds (Kirkland et al., 1994). In contrast, in-
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Virus Transmission 95

semination of 73 heifers with semen of a bull with (Givens et al., 2000). Large amounts of virus have
acute BVDV infection resulted in virus transmission been found in serum (106 TCID50/ml), vaginal mu-
to only 3 of the animals, but a second cycle of trans- cous (106 TCID50/ml), urine (104 TCID50/ml), uter-
mission appearing 29 days after insemination re- ine flush medium (102 TCID50/ml), and feces (104
sulted in 8 of 15 of the heifers that were subse- TCID50/ml) of a PI donor heifer (Brock et al., 1991).
quently followed becoming infected. In addition, several studies have documented BVDV
Bulls that acquire an acute BVDV infection also contamination of commercial FCS. In one study,
can shed the virus in the semen for several days after 10% of irradiated lots and 62% of nonirradiated lots
cessation of viremia, perhaps up to 14 days after in- of FCS were contaminated. Heat inactivation of
fection, even though semen quality may remain nor- serum at 56°C for 30 min was not considered to be
mal (Kirkland et al., 1991; Kirkland et al., 1994). a reliable method to eliminate BVDV from sera
The much lower amount of virus found in the semen (Rossi et al., 1980). The virus also was found in
of acutely infected bulls, as compared with that in PI 20.6% of slaughterhouse fetuses, which constitute
bulls, and the low rate of shedding of BVDV in the main source of FCS (Bolin et al., 1991b). BVDV
acutely infected bulls (Whitmore et al., 1978), was found in 20.3% of 1000 lots of FCS harvested
would suggest a low risk of BVDV transmission via by a commercial supplier from an abattoir that killed
semen from acutely infected bulls, compared with beef and dairy cattle from three states (Bolin and
that from PI bulls. In one reported case, however, Ridpath, 1998). Thus, even if donors and recipients
BVDV was shed persistently for at least 11 months are not infected with BVDV, use of untested FCS
in an apparently acutely infected young bull (Voges may result in transmission of BVDV to an embryo
et al., 1998), suggesting that some acutely infected and establishment of PI. Embryo transfer also can
bulls may pose the same threat as PI bulls. Thus, use result in back-transmission of BVDV from an in-
of semen from bulls with acute BVDV infection fected or contaminated embryo to a susceptible re-
could pose a substantial risk of transmission to sus- cipient animal. It has been proposed that maternal
ceptible cows, with possible development of PI in families of animals with PI may be established if fu-
their fetuses, as previously illustrated (Kirkland, et ture breeder animals acquire PI as a result of BVDV
al., 1997). transmission through embryo transfer (Brock et al.,
The high prevalence of PI (0.8%) found among 1991).
well-screened bulls at artificial insemination centers
(Howard et al., 1990) and the high rate of PI in em- TRANSRECTAL TRANSMISSION
bryo transfer (ET) animals (>2%) (Hietala et al., Rectal transmission of BVDV was demonstrated
2000) suggest that bulls selected for breeding, par- following the palpation of eight seronegative
ticularly ET bulls, can be expected to have a higher heifers, all of which seroconverted after a single rec-
probability of PI than the general population of cat- tal palpation of the uterus and ovaries, using the
tle. Coupled with the high rate of contact with fe- same glove that had been used to palpate an animal
males, therefore, bulls can pose a significant risk of with PI. Virus was isolated from five of the heifers,
infection, either as a PI animal or temporarily as an and all eight showed mild signs of clinical BVD.
acutely infected animal. Recommendations for re- The results suggest that transmission to seronegative
ducing bull-related transmission include routine animals following rectal palpation with the same
testing of bulls for PI, testing the semen for virus, glove as used for a PI animal could be an important
and vaccination (Brock et al., 1991; Voges et al., means of transmitting BVDV (Lang-Ree et al.,
1998). 1994), and of establishing PI if cows are palpated
before 120 days in gestation.
Embryo transfer can constitute an important means IATROGENIC, FOMITE, ENVIRONMENTAL,
of BVDV transmission to valuable genetic stock. AND INSECT TRANSMISSION
The virus can be transmitted to the fetus if the donor The BVD virus can survive in a cool, protected en-
has acute or persistent infection and the embryo is vironment for several days or even weeks (Houe,
not adequately washed, if the recipient has acute in- 1995). Consequently, fomite or iatrogenic transmis-
fection or PI, or if the fetal calf serum (FCS) used to sion can occur if susceptible animals are exposed to
wash the embryo contains BVDV. The replication feed or equipment (e.g., nose tongs, halters, milk
and persistence of BVDV in in vitro embryonic pro- bottle nipples, balling guns, etc.) previously used on
duction systems appears to be strain-specific animals with PI or acute infection (Radostits and
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96 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Littlejohns, 1988; Gunn, 1993; Houe 1995; Rado- vaccination found evidence of PI in all live-born
stits et al., 1999). Transmission to seronegative ani- calves of 9 seronegative cows vaccinated before 120
mals also is possible by reusing the same 19 gauge days in gestation, while fetuses of 12 other vacci-
needle within a few minutes after it has been used on nated seronegative cows were aborted, had congeni-
a PI animal, but viable virus may remain in the nee- tal defects, or were stillborn (Liess et al., 1984).
dle for at least 3 days (Gunn, 1993). Environmental Shedding of virus after vaccination can be mini-
contamination of shared calving pens by uterine dis- mal for some strains. In one study, a transient
charges from PI or acutely infected cows may create viremia lasted 3–10 days after vaccination, but no
a common source of exposure for other cows and for shedding was detected in nasal secretions or by ex-
newborn calves that lack colostral protection posing susceptible contact animals (Kleiboeker et
(Radostits and Littlejohns, 1988). al., 2003). In contrast, PI calves infected with
Environmental conditions that favor crowding and BVDV type 1b and given a BVDV type 1a MLV
aerosol transmission would increase the likelihood vaccine shed the Ia vaccine strain of virus in nasal
of BVDV transmission from acutely infected, secretions for up to 28 days after vaccination (Fulton
coughing calves with a respiratory form of BVDV et al., 2003). These findings suggest that transient
infection, particularly that caused by BVDV type 1b shedding of vaccine strains is possible and may rep-
(Baule et al., 2001). It also is possible for flies to resent a means of secondary transmission to preg-
mechanically transmit the virus to susceptible ani- nant animals in contact with vaccinated animals.
mals. The BVD virus was isolated from face flies
(Musca autumnalis) feeding on the nose and face of TRANSMISSION OF BVDV FROM
a PI animal (Gunn, 1993). In another study, stable INFECTED ANIMALS
flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), horseflies (Haemato- Contagiousness, or the degree to which BVDV-
pota pluvialis), and head flies (Hydrotaea irritans) infected animals can transmit infection following
force-fed for 10–15 minutes on a PI animal, were contact with a susceptible animal, can depend on
able to transmit infection to susceptible animals multiple factors, which may include type of infec-
(Tarry et al., 1991). tion (PI or acute), the stage of an acute infection,
presence of neutralizing antibodies, and the strain of
TRANSMISSION VIA MILK AND COLOSTRUM virus and its associated virulence.
Milk from PI cows can be expected to contain
BVDV and thus will serve as a source of virus for TRANSMISSION FROM PI ANIMALS
calves fed unpasteurized waste milk from sick or PI animals can be assumed to shed large amounts of
treated cows, as is practiced commonly on large BVDV in secretions and excretions most, if not all,
calf-raising operations. Colostrum from cows with of the time. Pregnant PI cows invariably transmit the
persistent or acute infection may or may not contain virus to the fetus in the first 120–150 days of gesta-
infectious BVDV, depending on whether cross- tion, resulting in persistent infection of the fetus.
reacting neutralizing antibodies are present. Bulls with persistent infection will shed large
amounts of the virus in their semen, while maintain-
TRANSMISSION VIA MODIFIED LIVE VIRUS ing acceptable semen quality. An understanding that
VACCINE PI is transmitted from generation to generation
Iatrogenic transmission of BVDV to the fetus, re- along maternal lines (Radostits and Littlejohn,
sulting in CNS lesions, teratogenic defects, and 1988; Brock et al., 1991) can be used in identifica-
death, can occur if susceptible females are vacci- tion of PI animals by testing the dam, daughters, and
nated with a MLV BVDV vaccine during pregnancy sons of PI females.
(Orban et al., 1983; Liess et al., 1984). A survey of In contrast to acute infection, PI animals are be-
fetuses harvested from midwestern slaughterhouses lieved to continuously shed large amounts of virus,
found cytopathic strains of BVDV identical to those thereby posing a constant threat of exposure to sus-
used in some MLV vaccines (Bolin et al., 1991b), ceptible animals. However, considerable data have
suggesting that fetal infection following BVDV accumulated to indicate that viremia in PI animals
MLV vaccination may not be uncommon. Vaccina- with SN antibodies that cross-react with the PI strain
tion with MLV BVDV also can be a highly efficient will cease for some period of time until antibodies
means of transmitting BVDV to the fetus and pro- wane (Howard et al., 1989; Palfi et al., 1993; Brock
ducing animals with persistent infection. An experi- et al., 1998; Grooms et al., 2001). Although data on
mental study of congenital infection following MLV virus shedding are not readily available, the cessation
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Virus Transmission 97

of BVDV viremia suggests that the amount of virus nity such that the infecting viruses were able to pro-
shed in secretions and excretions and the duration of duce severe disease, with viral shedding extending
shedding might also be diminished for some period. for several days or weeks. Similar observations were
The existence of some PI animals that could remain made in an experimental study where acute infec-
undetectable through intermittent or low shedding tion with virulent strains producing severe clinical
would be a logical explanation for the unexpectedly disease resulted in more extensive shedding of virus
prolonged and continued transmission in herds for well over a week, compared to infection with
thought not to have any PI animals, and for which strains that caused only mild disease (Kelling et al.,
transmission was thought to be solely from acutely 2002). Thus, the potential for shedding and trans-
infected animals (Barber et al., 1985; Moerman et mission from acutely infected animals should be ex-
al., 1993). In light of these findings and the intermit- pected to vary considerably, depending on cross-
tent viremia in PI animals (Brock et al., 1998), it protection acquired from other exposures, including
would be prudent for programs aimed at detecting PI vaccines (Bolin et al., 1991a), and the virulence of
animals and at reducing BVDV transmission to con- the virus.
sider the possibility that PI animals may shed the As noted elsewhere (Brownlie, 1990), little atten-
virus intermittently, rather than continuously. tion has been given to the presumed latency of acute
BVDV infections. A prevailing assumption has been
TRANSMISSION FROM ACUTELY INFECTED that acute infections result only in transient shed-
ANIMALS ding of the virus, perhaps as long as 14–21 days
The amount of virus shed and the duration of shed- (Duffell and Harkness, 1985), but more typically be-
ding by acutely infected animals very likely depend tween 1–2 days or less than a week, with no recrude-
on the virulence of particular strains of BVDV and scence of virus later on. Unfortunately, there are no
their propensity to replicate (Bolin and Ridpath, reports of the requisite long-term follow-up studies
1992), as well as on the presence and repertoire of necessary to confirm or deny such an assumption.
SN antibodies (Bolin et al., 1991a). Animals in- The fact that SN titers persist long after viremia
fected acutely are believed to shed the virus briefly, wanes indicates the virus is still replicating and
perhaps for only a few days or weeks, depending on being presented to the lymphoid tissue. Although
the strain of the virus (Duffell and Harkness, 1985; seemingly unlikely, given the effect of SN antibod-
Niskanen et al., 2000). Under field conditions, ies in suppressing viral shedding, exacerbation of an
where the vast majority of acute infections by in- acute infection with renewed shedding, perhaps
digenous strains in a herd are mild and subclinical, from sequestered, protected sites, could explain
the duration of shedding may be only 1–2 days, or transmission cycles and unusually long time (2–3
less. Failure to detect viremia by alternate-day PCR years) for all animals in some small herds to become
testing in unaffected dairy calves during a 4-week infected (Barber et al., 1985; Moerman et al., 1993).
period preceding seroconversion suggests that It is not known with confidence whether, under
viremia and shedding in acute infections can be very certain conditions, the latency of acute infections
short-lived, perhaps less than 24 hours in calves ex- that follows an initial transient shedding can be bro-
periencing no untoward signs of infection (Thur- ken, allowing the virus to be shed again. For exam-
mond, unpublished observations). ple, in one study, a young bull that had acquired an
In contrast to endemic BVDV infection and trans- acute BVDV infection, perhaps at 10–11 months of
mission of indigenous strains among cattle in a herd, age when the blood testicle barrier was being devel-
the severity of disease and duration of shedding have oped, was observed to persistently shed the virus in
been observed to be much different following the his semen for at least 11 months thereafter. Virus
addition of new cattle to a herd. Clinical disease has could not be detected in serum, buffy coat, or other
been more severe and the virus has been shed for organs except the testicles, but high SN antibody
longer periods both in newly purchased, out-of-state titers were maintained to the homologous virus
cattle following week-long exposure to their new (Voges et al., 1998). The fact that this case resem-
herdmates and in some of the herdmates in contact bles an acute infection, rather than persistent infec-
with the new replacements (Thurmond, unpublished tion, would suggest the possibility that acutely in-
observations). A possible explanation is that the an- fected bulls could persistently shed virus in the
imals became infected with new strains that were semen and yet maintain high antibody titers with no
sufficiently different from those that directed their detectable virus in the serum or buffy coat. The au-
repertoire of cell-mediated and SN antibody immu- thors recommend that as part of routine screening of
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98 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

bulls for BVDV, semen should be tested for the pres- 2002). The rate of antibody decay determines the
ence of the virus. rate at which calves become susceptible to infection,
The recurrence of shedding in acutely infected an- and also to MLV BVDV vaccination, where SN an-
imals also may depend on the biotype of the virus. tibody titers of 1:16–1:32 have been considered to
Intermittent nasal shedding of the virus was ob- offer protection against clinical signs associated
served in animals experimentally infected with a with BVDV infection (Bolin and Ridpath, 1992;
cytopathic strain (Fray et al., 1998). Others have de- Howard et al., 1989).
tected cytopathic virus in tissues and nasal secre- Colostral protection depends on the quality of the
tions, after clearance of the virus from the blood, colostrum management program, including ingestion
while SN antibodies were still present (Baule et al., of first milking colostrum with a high specific grav-
2001). Authors of this study suggested that seques- ity from multiparous cows immediately after birth.
tration of cyptopathic BVDV in acutely infected an- Cows contributing colostrum should be well immu-
imals may present a source of virus for recurrent nized against BVDV, preferably with both type 1 and
shedding. type 2 strains. Because BVDV colostral antibodies
can neutralize the BVDV in a MLV vaccine (Ellis et
EFFECT OF COLOSTRAL al., 2001), and thus diminish vaccine efficacy, it is
ANTIBODIES AND VACCINATION- necessary to know at what age colostral BVDV anti-
INDUCED IMMUNITY ON bodies can be expected to decay to <1:16. At this
TRANSMISSION age, calves become more susceptible both to infec-
Passive or acquired immunity to BVDV can affect tion with BVDV and to an effective immunization
transmission in two ways. One is by potentially re- with a MLV vaccine. Because colostral antibodies of
ducing the amount or duration of shedding in ani- all calves do not decay at the same rate, the age of
mals with an acute or PI infection, thus diminishing susceptibility that provides an early window for vac-
the amount and duration of infectiousness, as dis- cination may vary by a month or more. Conse-
cussed above. Animals that shed lesser virus for a quently, multiple vaccinations may be needed; an
shorter period of time will enhance herd immunity early vaccination to protect calves with little or no
by reducing the likelihood of susceptible animals colostral antibody and a later vaccination for calves
acquiring the infection if they contact an infected in which antibodies decay more slowly. Coupled
animal. The other way immunity reduces transmis- with timing of vaccination to avoid colostral antibod-
sion is by reducing the number of animals suscepti- ies that may negate MLV vaccination is strategic vac-
ble to infection where susceptibility exists on a con- cination before calves would begin to experience a
tinuous scale, rather than on an all-or-none scale. risk of natural infection from herdmates.
Animals with considerable immunity (i.e., high SN The period of maximum transmission will vary
antibody titers to a diversity of strains) would be from herd to herd, depending on the prevalence of
much less susceptible to a given infectious dose than PI calves and stocking rates. Transmission of BVDV
animals with lesser immunity (i.e., low SN titers and in dairy calves in large, intensive dry-lot operations
limited antibody cross-reactivity). Immunity of can begin at about 3 months of age and peak at about
varying degrees and duration can be acquired from 7 months of age (Rush et al., 2001). Consequently,
colostral antibodies, vaccination, and infection with under conditions that foster such a high risk of
field strains. infection, a narrow window for vaccination exists
between the age when colostral antibodies decay
PREVENTION OF TRANSMISSION BY to <1:16 and when the risk of infection begins to
Colostral antibodies can offer protection from
BVDV infection for the first 2–4 months of life, de- PREVENTION OF TRANSMISSION BY
pending on the quality and quantity of colostrum VACCINATION
consumed, after which antibodies decay to levels Most BVDV vaccination studies have targeted at
that may no longer protect against infection. A large how well vaccination might prevent or reduce dis-
study of calves on two dairies practicing good ease caused by BVDV following experimental chal-
colostrum management estimated that SN colostral lenge with large doses of virus (van Oirschot et al.,
antibody titers of half of the calves would decay to 1999) and not at how well vaccination might prevent
<1:16 by about 110 days of age for type 1 and 80 infection. Because of the diversity of BVDV strains
days of age for type 2 BVDV (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., (Dubovi, 1992; Bolin et al., 1991a), the success of
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Virus Transmission 99

vaccination aimed at increasing immunity and re- but no calf produced antibodies to all 20 viruses
ducing the risk of infection and subsequent trans- (Bolin and Ridpath, 1989).
mission will likely depend on the homology be- Further evidence for incomplete protection of the
tween the vaccine strain and the field strains present fetus by prebreeding vaccination was presented in a
in the herd. The more homologous the strains, the study in which transmission resulting in PI was not
more cross-protection will be achieved. One ap- prevented in all cows vaccinated 3 weeks before
proach in using MLV vaccines is to preempt natural breeding with a MLV type 1 vaccine; 7–15% of the
infections (Harkness, 1987), thereby controlling the fetuses of vaccinated cows challenged between 55
timing of BVDV infection to strategically maximize and 100 days in gestation with a selected heterolo-
immunity during critical periods of transmission. As gous type 1 strain developed PI (Dean et al, 2003).
discussed above, strategic vaccination of intensively Use of a killed vaccine 2–3 weeks before breeding,
managed calves attempts to induce an active immu- also failed to prevent transmission of BVDV from
nity before transmission begins to increase at 3–4 cows to their fetus and establishment of PI (Bolin et
months of age, but after colostral antibodies have al., 1991a). However, three reduced doses of killed
decayed sufficiently so as not to neutralize the vac- vaccine prevented BVDV infection by respiratory
cine virus. Strategic vaccination also may be indi- challenge with the same vaccine strain (Howard et
cated before puberty and before heifers are bred to al., 1994), suggesting that killed vaccines may have
reduce conception failures associated with infection a role in reducing transmission for some strains.
with field strains of BVDV (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., Further evidence for incomplete protection
2003b). against congenital transmission was found in studies
Another example of strategic vaccination is the of newborn dairy calves from cows vaccinated with
common practice involving prebreeding vaccination BVDV type 1 MLV vaccine. The study found that
with MLV vaccines or vaccination of pregnant cows 10% of calves born alive had acquired a congenital
early in gestation with killed vaccines. These strate- BVDV infection, including infection with BVDV
gies are intended to increase immunity, mainly by type 1 (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2003a), suggesting that
increasing the titer of SN antibodies, of the dams considerable transplacental transmission can still
against acute infection and transmission of BVDV take place in cows vaccinated once a year prior to
to the fetus before 120–150 days in gestation. The breeding. These studies also illustrate the potential
strategy of prebreeding vaccination with a MLV for genetic diversity of BVDV (Dubovi, 1992) for
vaccine may reduce the risk of acquiring an acute virus strains within a genotype and especially for
infection in early pregnancy and subsequent devel- strains with different genotypes (Ridpath, 2003).
opment of PI in the fetus, depending on cross- One should expect, therefore, that a vaccine contain-
protection between the strain of virus used in the ing only a type 1 strain of BVDV, for example,
vaccine and the wild strains circulating in the herd. should not be expected to offer complete protection
However, complete protection against transplacental of the fetus against infection with other type 1
transmission to the fetus of cows given an MLV vac- strains or necessarily any protection against infec-
cine prebreeding may not be a realistic expectation. tion with type 2 strains of the virus.
In one study, 2 of 12 (17%) antibody-negative In a field study of natural horizontal transmission
heifers vaccinated 30 days before breeding with a of wild strains of BVDV to dairy calves, vaccination
MLV type 1 strain (NADL) gave birth to a PI calf with a MLV BVDV type 1 vaccine strain was esti-
after challenge exposure with a type 1 strain be- mated to prevent only 48% of infection with type 1
tween 70 and 75 days in gestation (Cortese et al., strains and effectiveness lasted only about 60 days.
1998). In a similar study, PI was detected in 8 of 19 It is likely that presence of colostral antibodies was
fetuses (42%) from cows vaccinated 45 days before responsible for some of the incomplete protection.
breeding with a MLV type 1 strain (NADL) and The vaccine, however, did not offer any detectable
challenged with a type 2 strain at 75 days of gesta- reduction in risk of infection with type 2 strains
tion (Brock and Cortese, 2001). The potential diver- (Thurmond et al., 2001). In a similar study on an-
sity and subsequent failure of cross-reactivity within other herd (Thurmond and Hietala, 2002), no differ-
genotypes also was observed whereby one or more ence in infection rates of BVDV type 1 was found
of six calves vaccinated with either of two commer- between calves given a MLV vaccine containing
cial vaccines, each containing a different BVDV both type 1 and type 2 strains and calves given a
type 1 strain, produced detectable antibodies against MLV vaccine containing only a type 1 strain. How-
10 cytopathic and 10 noncytopathic BVDV isolates, ever, a significantly higher proportion of calves
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100 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

given a vaccine with only one strain of BVDV type transmission also can proceed unexpectedly slowly
1 became infected with BVDV type 2 than of those in a herd with PI animals. The R0 was estimated in
given the vaccine with both type 1 and type 2 the latter study to be only 3.9.
strains. The efficacy in protecting against infection In contrast, another study of transmission among
with BVDV type 2 was 64% for the vaccine with animals in an extensive management system, with a
both type 1 and type 2 strains, compared with no stocking density of 67 animals/km2, estimated R0 to
protection offered by the vaccine with only a type 1 be 2.3 if no PI animals were detected and R0 = 35 if
strain. the prevalence of PI in the herd was 1.2% (Cherry et
Field studies following the SN antibody titers of al., 1998), suggesting a greater than tenfold increase
animals found considerable evidence for dual geno- in the transmission and risk of infection attributable
type natural infections, in which animals had evi- to the presence of PI animals. To achieve eradication
dence of infection with both type 1 and type 2 (R = 1), the authors concluded that if R0 = 32, PI an-
strains (Rush et al., 2001; Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2002; imals would have to be removed from the herd be-
Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2003a), indicating that natural fore 11 days of age. In herds without PI, a 2–3-year
infection with one genotype does not necessarily cycle was projected for fetal loss attributable to vari-
protect against natural infection with the other geno- ation in the rate of acute infections. For cattle man-
type. Currently, most BVDV type 1 vaccines used in aged under extensive grazing conditions, where
North America contain only type 1a strains, with the stocking density ranged from 0.2–1 animal/acre, no
exception of one killed vaccine (Fulton et al., 2002). transmission was observed from animals with acute
No vaccine trials have been reported that indicate infection, but the incidence of transmission from PI
the extent to which vaccines containing BVDV type calves to cows ranged from 0.006–0.04 new cases
1a strains will protect against infection with type 1b per day (Radostits and Littlejohns, 1988).
strains, which have been found to be a predominant Continual transmission over the course of 2–3
subtype in calves with respiratory disease (Fulton et years, without exposure to a PI animal, however,
al., 2002). These findings indicate that, under typi- would seem to require a much longer period of shed-
cal field conditions, the use of MLV vaccine with ding from acutely infected animals than has been re-
only a type 1 strain should not be expected to offer ported in the literature (Duffell and Harkness, 1985;
cross-protection against infection with type 2 Niskanen et al., 2000). If transmission in these herds
strains, and suggest that vaccines employed to re- was in fact due only to shedding by animals with an
duce transmission of both type 1 and type 2 strains acute infection, the shedding period for acute infec-
of BVDV should contain both type 1 and type 2 tion would have to be considerably longer than the
strains. 1–3-week period typically quoted (Duffell and
Harkness, 1985; Houe, 1995). The slow transmis-
INTRA-HERD TRANSMISSION sion in the presence of PI animals in one of the herds
The rate at which BVDV is spread within a herd de- also was incompatible with the prevailing dogma
pends on the prevalence of PI animals, the rate of about the high, continual risk of transmission from
animal-to-animal contacts, the virulence of the virus PI animals. One could reason that if a PI animal con-
strain(s), and the susceptibility of the cattle to new tinuously shed large amounts of virus, all the ani-
and indigenous strains in the herd. In studies of mals in the herd, regardless of the animal density,
small, susceptible (unvaccinated) dairy herds with would have come in contact with and been infected
low density management involving seasonal graz- by a PI animal within 2 years. An alternative expla-
ing, transmission was reported to be slow, requiring nation for such a slow transmission would be inter-
2–3 years for all adults to become infected (Barber mittent shedding, either by acutely infected animals
et al., 1985), presumably in the absence of PI animal or by PI animals, as discussed above. Intermittent
in the adult herd. In another similar herd, transmis- shedding by acutely infected or PI animals could ex-
sion was cyclical, with temporary increases in infec- plain both the cyclicity in new cases and the slow
tion rates when acutely infected animals were mixed rate of spread in such small herds.
with susceptible animals, but also showing variation Under intensive management conditions, such as
in transmission rates for cattle exposed to animals feedlot operations, in which animal density can be
with PI (Moerman et al., 1993). Both studies con- as high as 9.7 animals/100 m2 (Rush et al., 2001)
cluded that transmission could be sustained for 2 or and PI animals are invariably present, transmission
more years by shedding from acutely infected ani- of BVDV can be much more rapid. For a dry-lot
mals only, in the absence of PI animals, but that dairy herd practicing MLV BVDV vaccination, 97%
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Virus Transmission 101

of the heifers showed evidence of infection by the 1993; Brock et al., 1998; Grooms et al., 2001) sug-
time they reached 13–14 months of age (Michel et gests that shedding also might be diminished fol-
al., 1993), and calves entering feedlots serocon- lowing vaccination or ingestion of colostral antibod-
verted to BVDV at the rate of 0.4% (Taylor et al., ies. Certainly the main means of diminishing the
1995) to 0.7% per day (Martin and Bohac, 1986). overall herd infectiousness would be by removal of
The highest incidence of seroconversion on two PI animals because PI animals shed considerably
large dry-lot dairy calf operations was 0.5% and more virus than acutely infected animals.
1.3% per day for 7-month-old heifers (Rush et al.,
2001). In another study, when a PI animal was REDUCING THE LIKELIHOOD OF ADEQUATE
yarded with susceptible cows in that same herd, the CONTACT
incidence rate increased from 0.006–0.04 new cases As shown by the equations for R0 and incidence of
per day to 0.6 new cases in less than 12 hrs (Rado- BVDV infection, the rate of adequate animal-to-
stits and Littlejohns, 1988). animal contact is very important in fostering trans-
mission. In a prospective study (Rush et al., 2001),
INTER-HERD TRANSMISSION transmission was related not only to animal density
Considerable opportunity exists for transmission of but also to the absolute number of animals in a pen
BVDV from herd to herd, depending on the specific or corral (stocking rate). A small number of animals
herd biosecurity policies, as reviewed elsewhere in a high-density corral or pasture would likely ex-
(Harkness, 1987). Introduction of new animals into perience a lower risk of infection than a large num-
a herd was found to be the main factor significantly ber of animals in a low-density corral because a cor-
associated with high herd seroprevalence of BVDV ral with many animals is more likely to contain a PI
(Mainar-Jaime et al., 2001). Use of semen from an animal, regardless of the density. Strategies for con-
infected bull also was observed to spread the virus to trol of BVDV transmission include limiting contact
a number of closed, BVDV-negative herds (Kirkland between animals by housing calves in individual
et al., 1994). Other means of inter-herd transmission isolation hutches (Rush et al., 2001), decreasing
include cross-fence contact with infectious animals, density, increasing feed bunk space and water
their secretions, or excretions; embryo transfer in- troughs, reducing access to cross-fence sharing of
volving introduction of pregnant recipients carrying feed and water troughs, double fencing to reduce
a fetus with PI, even if the recipient is uninfected; cross-fence physical contact, and reducing the num-
use of MLV BVDV vaccines; and feeding calves ber of animals in a pasture or pen.
waste or “hospital” milk from dairies with lactating
PI cows. Ruminants other than cattle can become
infected with BVDV (Nettleton, 1990); however,
the risk of transmission from these animals is not Duration of infectiousness may be reduced in
known. acutely and perhaps in persistently infected animals
by providing adequate SN antibody, as discussed
MINIMIZING TRANSMISSION OF above, for reducing the coefficient of infectiousness.
BVDV A fundamental strategy in controlling transmission
of BVDV is to identify and remove PI animals,
REDUCING THE COEFFICIENT OF thereby reducing the prevalence of infectious ani-
INFECTIOUSNESS (ß) mals in a herd.
One strategy in reducing transmission is to reduce
the infectiousness of infected animals. The probabil- REDUCING THE PROPORTION OF
ity that an infected animal will transmit the infection SUSCEPTIBLE ANIMALS
to a susceptible animal may be reduced, under some Because transmission cannot proceed without sus-
conditions, by maximizing the SN antibody titer, ei- ceptible animals, a key concept in herd-based
ther through colostral antibodies or vaccination. As control of BVDV transmission is to maximize indi-
discussed above, animals with SN antibodies at the vidual and herd immunity through high-quality
time they acquire an acute BVDV infection may be colostrum management and strategic vaccination to
expected to shed less virus, and for a shorter period maximize the repertoire of SN antibody diversity,
of time, than if they had no antibodies. The fact that which are aimed at reducing the probability of ani-
viremia in PI animals can cease in the presence of mals acquiring a BVDV infection at critical periods
SN antibodies (Howard et al., 1989; Palfi et al., when BVDV infection could have important nega-
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102 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

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to which virus shedding can be reactivated in diversity among bovine viral diarrhea viruses in a
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can be intermittent in PI animals. Animals in the in- detection and frequency of contamination of fetal
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Clinical Features
James F. Evermann and George M. Barrington

INTRODUCTION • Is the acute (transient) or chronic (persistent)

Understanding the clinical manifestations of bovine phase of BVDV infection altered due to the use
viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) has been a continual of BVDV vaccination?
challenge for the veterinarian (Tremblay, 1996). • Is fetal infection with BVDV increasing or
Grooms et al. (2002) described five forms of clinical decreasing?
BVDV: acute BVDV infection, severe acute BVDV We also review the course of initial BVDV infection
infection, hemorrhagic BVDV infection, acute in naive immunocompetent cattle, recognition of
BVDV infection–bovine respiratory disease (BRD), clinical symptoms associated with acute and persist-
and acute BVDV infection–immunosuppression. A ent BVDV infections, duration and severity of clini-
significant percentage (70–90%) of BVDV infec- cal symptoms, and recovery from subclinical and
tions results in subclinical infections. However, clinical symptoms.
whether the BVDV infection is one of the acute An important aspect of BVDV infection is inter-
forms or is subclinical in nature, there is a certain species transmission and the possible spread of
period of virus shedding. These transiently infected BVDV strains among small and large domestic ru-
(TI) cattle can be a source of virus to susceptible ru- minants, as well as wildlife species such as deer, elk,
minants in the population (Cherry et al., 1998). If and moose (Loken, 1995; Nettleton and Entrican,
the susceptible animal is pregnant, there is a risk of 1995). This topic concludes with the feasibility of
fetal exposure resulting in early embryonic death, BVDV control in populations, and whether eradi-
abortion, or congenital infections/defects (Mickel- cation is achievable at different levels of livestock
sen and Evermann, 1994; Muñoz-Zanzi et al., production.
2003). An important consequence of congenital in-
fection results from infection of the fetus between
90 and 120 days of gestation. Infection of naive
cows during this period results in the birth of calves,
which are immunologically vulnerable to BVDV-
Infection of cattle with BVDV can result in a wide
specific induced tolerance (McClurkin et al., 1984).
spectrum of clinical manifestations, from impercep-
This tolerance results in a condition commonly re-
tible subclinical infections to fulminant signs ending
ferred to as persistent infection (PI). The hallmark
in death (Baker, 1995). The clinical response to in-
of the BVDV PI is that while the animal may appear
fection is complex and depends on several host and
clinically normal, it has a prolonged viremia (in
agent factors (Ames, 1986). Host factors that influ-
most cases lifelong) during which it sheds large
ence the outcome of clinical disease include im-
quantities of virus (Figure 6.1; Bolin, 1995).
munocompetance, immunotolerance, pregnancy sta-
This chapter focuses primarily on the clinical out-
tus, gestational age of the fetus, the immune status
come of BVD viral infection, and in the process,
(passive or active immunity from previous infection
poses key questions on the ecology and epidemiology
or vaccination), and the level of environmental
of BVDV. These questions will include the following:
stress (Baker, 1995). Viral factors influencing clini-
• Is the clinical presentation of BVDV infection cal outcome include genomic and antigenic diversity
changing as new strains of virus emerge? among BVDV isolates (Archambault et al., 2000;

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106 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Figure 6.1. Schematic depicting the clinical and subclinical manifestations of BVDV infections and sequelae to con-
genital infection with BVDV. Abbreviations used are bovine respiratory disease (BRD), immunosuppression (IS),
transient infection (TI), and persistent infection (PI).

Bolin and Ridpath, 1996; Ridpath et al., 2000). the presence or absence of colostral antibodies.
Currently, two distinct genotypes (BVDV type 1 and Colostral BVDV antibody is believed to persist for
BVDV type 2), as well as 11 subgenotypes (BVDV up to 6 months of age, which accounts for the higher
types 1a–1k) are recognized (Brownlie et al., 2000; incidence of BVDV-associated disease after this
Vilcek et al., 2001). Differences in virulence among time period (Baker, 1995; Bolin, 1995).
isolates have been recognized for over a decade
(Bolin and Ridpath, 1992). Interestingly, recent epi- BVDV IN COLOSTRUM-DEPRIVED CALVES
demiologic studies have revealed that the incidence In experimentally infected, colostrum-deprived
of infection with specific genotypes, as well as the calves there were diphasic pyrexia, leukopenia, ano-
clinical outcome after infection, have changed over rexia, and various degrees of diarrhea (Mills and
time (Evermann and Ridpath, 2002). Luginbuhl, 1968). Infectious BVDV was isolated
Bovine viral diarrhea virus is acquired primarily from the spleen and thymus for at least 25 days post-
through aerosols that infect nasal mucosa. The infection (dpi). Lymph nodes draining the foresto-
aerosols may become suspended in ambient air and machs and intestines were positive for virus until 39
retain infectivity for distances as short as 1.5 m and dpi, while those of the duodenum were positive up
as far as 10 m (Niskanen and Lindberg, 2003). to 56 dpi. Virus was also isolated from the trachea,
Direct nose-to-nose contact between an infected an- lungs, and bronchial lymph nodes at 56 dpi. On the
imal and a susceptible animal is considered to be the basis of these studies, it was concluded that BVDV
most effective route for BVDV transmission. There is carried in the respiratory tract and may constitute
are reports of indirect spread of BVDV by use of the single most important epizootiologic factor in
nose tongs and housing animals in recently (within the pathogenesis of the disease (Mills and Lugin-
2 hrs) contaminated pens (Niskanen and Lindberg, buhl, 1968). These prophetic words were supported
2003). The virus replicates in draining lymph nodes repeatedly in subsequent reports on the clinical
and from there spreads via circulating lymphoid descriptions of BVDV (Callan and Garry, 2002;
cells to the blood (Figure 6.2). Viremia can be de- Grooms, 1999; Potgieter et al., 1984a).
tected as early as 24 hours postinfection (Mills and
Luginbuhl, 1968), and this viremic phase is closely BVDV IN 6-MONTH-OLD SERONEGATIVE
paralleled by the presence of virus in urine 48 hours CALVES
postinfection. The course of the viremia and the A later study using 6-month-old calves reported clin-
presence of virus in the urine are dependent upon ical symptoms limited to a mild bilateral serous nasal
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 06 3/18/05 9:58 AM Page 107

Clinical Features 107

Figure 6.2. Schematic depicting the spread of BVDV in secretions and excretions during a transient infection (TI).
Three modes of virus dispersal within the animal’s body are noted. These include lymphatics, viremia, and localized
spread via the alimentary tract.

discharge at 12 dpi (Wilhelmsen et al., 1990). leaves approximately 15% of the population at risk
Although clinical signs observed with the BVDV at the time of initial breeding. It is estimated that
strain used were minimal, there were significant, im- BVDV causes about 6–10% of infectious abortions
munosuppressive effects of BVDV infection. A 25% in cattle (Figure 6.3; Dubovi, 1994). Although this
or greater decrease in leukocyte count was observed infection may result in serious reproductive losses in
that lasted up to 12 days. In 6-month-old calves there a few herds, the predominant form of infection with
was more evidence of lymphoid involvement of the BVDV is the congenital infection (Muñoz-Zanzi et
gastrointestinal tract than in the 2-month-old al., 2003). The fetus is highly susceptible between
colostrum-deprived calves. There was gross swelling 45 and 125 days of gestation (Dubovi, 1994). Calves
and edema of mesenteric lymph nodes and lympho- infected during this time are at high risk of develop-
cytolysis and edema in the gut-associated lymphoid ing fetal abnormalities that may affect the brain
tissue. This makes it clearer that the following com- (cerebellar hypoplasia), eyes (retinal atrophy,
ments are a continuation of the proceeding discus- cataracts), growth retardation with arrested bone de-
sion. Differences noted between BVDV infection of velopment, and pulmonary hypoplasia. Another
2-month-old and 6-month-old calves may have re- form of congenital defect is immune tolerance, in
sulted from age differences, BVDV strain variation, which the developing fetus becomes infected with a
or a combination of both (Pellerin et al., 1994). noncytopathic strain (see Chapter 3) of BVDV be-
Nonetheless, it is apparent that BVDV is capable of tween 90 and 120 days (Figure 6.4). The immune
multiple systemic effects resulting in different clini- system develops tolerance to the infecting strain of
cal manifestations. Grooms et al. (2002), appropri- BVDV. The result is that no immune response to the
ately wrote about the “diseases” caused by BVDV virus is mounted by the fetal immune system and the
and indicated that there were at least six initial forms fetus becomes persistently viremic or persistently
of BVDV infection in nonpregnant cattle and at least infected (PI). Figure 6.1 depicts the clinical mani-
two in pregnant cattle (Table 6.1). festations of BVDV, with particular attention on the
propagation of BVDV PI offspring (see Chapter 7).
BVDV IN PREGNANT CATTLE Following birth, the PI calf is vulnerable to develop-
The effects of BVDV on pregnant cattle are listed in ing mucosal disease (MD) by one of several mecha-
Table 6.1. Early embryonic death and abortion may nisms (Figure 6.5).
be seen following BVDV infection of naive heifers The impact of different BVDV strains on repro-
and cows (Bolin, 1990b). Usually up to 85% of cat- ductive performance, in particular age predilection
tle become infected, undergo a transient viremia, of the fetus for infection with different BVDV geno-
and seroconvert prior to breeding age. However, this types and subgenotypes, was recently reported
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 06 3/18/05 9:58 AM Page 108

Table 6.1. Subclinical and clinical manifestations of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV)*
Category Manifestations


Acute/asymptomatic Mild fever, leukopenia, seroconversion to BVDV, short-term viremia,

short-term shedding.
Acute/symptomatic Fever, leukopenia, depression, anorexia ocular-nasal discharge, oral le-
sions, diarrhea, decreased milk production in lactating cattle, short-
term viremia (15 days), short-term shedding.
Severe acute Peracute course, fever, pneumonia, sudden death (10–25% mortality).
Associated with BVDV type 2.
Hemorrhagic Marked thrombocytopenia, bloody diarrhea, epistaxis, hyphema, bleeding
from injection and branding sites, pyrexia, leukopenia, and death. As-
sociated with BVDV type 2.
Acute/bovine respiratory distress Fever, pneumonia, anorexia, prolonged treatment, and leading cause of
death in feedlot cattle. Secondary infections with Pasteurella multo-
cida, Mannheimia hemolytica, and Mycoplasma bovis complicate the
Acute/immunosuppressive Leukocyte function diminished up to 25%, leukopenia, decreased CD+4
and CD+8 T lymphocytes, and decreased macrophage and neutrophil
functions. Secondary or polymicrobial infections with bovine respira-
tory syncytial virus, papular stomatitis virus, malignant catarrhal fever
virus have been reported.


Abortion Naive cattle with no prior exposure to BVDV become infected as in acute/
asymptomatic or acute/symptomatic above. Viremia leads to placental
infection. Abortion, early embryonic death may occur from placentitis.
If infection of dam occurs during 90–150 days gestation, congenital in-
fection (CI) of fetus occurs. One form of CI between 90–120 days may
result in fetal tolerance to BVDV.
Congenital defects Infection of a naive dam between 90 and 150 days gestation may result in
viremia, which infects fetus resulting in congenital infection (CI). One
particular CI occurs between day 90 and 125 and may result in fetal
tolerance to BVDV. Calves born with this form of CI are referred to as
persistently infected (PI). Calves that are PI have long-term (lifelong)
viremia and are long-term shedders of virus, and are at high risk to de-
velop mucosal disease (MD)

Acute/Chronic Sequel to CI

Mucosal disease Calves (6–18 months) that are PI are immunotolerant to noncytopatho-
genic (ncp) BVDV (see Ridpath, Chapter 3). These PI calves may ap-
pear clinically normal, but upon superinfection with a homologous
BVDV, or mutation of the ncp virus to a cytopathic (cp) variant, or vac-
cination with a MLV BVDV strain homologous to the ncp PI virus,
have a high percentage of developing one of two reported forms of
MD—acute or chronic.

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Clinical Features 109

Category Manifestations

Acute/Chronic Sequel to CI

Mucosal disease (continued) Acute MD is characterized by onset of clinical symptoms within 10–14
days postinfection. Symptoms include biphasic fever, anorexia, tachy-
cardia, polypnea, decreased milk production, and watery diarrhea.
Other clinical signs may include nasal-ocular discharge, corneal opac-
ity, excessive salivation, decreased rumination, and bloat. Cattle with
acute MD become progressively dehydrated and usually die within
3–10 days. Although the mortality usually approaches 100%, a few an-
imals may survive the acute MD, but are prone to develop chronic MD
Chronic MD is a sequel of acute MD. Affected cattle are unthrifty,
and may have intermittent diarrhea, chronic bloat, decreased appetite,
and weight loss. Nasal-ocular discharge is commonly reported. Cattle
with chronic MD rarely survive past 18 months and are usually
culled due to low performance or die of severe debilitation.
*Modified from Grooms et al., (2002).

(Evermann and Ridpath, 2002). The results of this respiratory tract and adjacent lymphoid tissues
study (Table 6.2) indicated that later fetal infections (Bolin, 1990a; Meehan et al., 1998). Subclinical in-
leading to congenital defects and PI calves were as- fections appear to account for high levels of serum-
sociated more with BVDV types 1a and 1b than with neutralizing antibody titers found in most unvacci-
BVDV type 2. nated cattle. However, it should be noted that
subclinical disease in the pregnant dam might not
RECOGNITION OF CLINICAL reflect the severity of the effects of viral infection to
SIGNS the exposed fetus.

It has been estimated that 70–90% of BVDV infec-
tions in immunocompetent, seronegative cattle
occur without manifestation of clinical signs (Ames,
1986). In closely monitored animals, infection typi-
cally results in mild fever, leukopenia, and the devel-
opment of serum-neutralizing antibodies. In dairy
cattle, a decrease in milk production has been asso-
ciated with subclinical infections (Moerman et al.,
1994). Viral replication appears to occur in the upper

Figure 6.4. Schematic depicting the status of samples

Figure 6.3. Schematic depicting the origin of persist- from persistently infected calves and the occurrence of
ently infected (PI) calves following viremia and placen- virus in plasma/white blood cells (buffy coat) and feces
tal infection. from affected animals.
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110 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Table 6.2. Summary of bovine viral diarrhea

virus isolates and analysis of genotype
compared with clinical presentation
BVDV Genotype*
and Subgenotypes

Clinical Presentation 1a 1b 2

Early fetal infection (abortion) 14% 22% 45%

Later fetal infection (includes 86% 78% 55%
animals that are persistently
infected, weak calves,
chronic poor doers, and
Figure 6.5. Schematic depicting the outcome of a
mucosal disease)
persistently infected calf, which is vulnerable to muco-
sal disease upon reinfection with homologous BVDV, *From Evermann and Ridpath, 2002.
mutation of tolerizing noncytopathogenic BVDV to
cytopathogenic, or vaccination with a homologous
strain of BVDV.
ithelial surfaces of the gastrointestinal, integumen-
tary, and respiratory systems (Blowey and Weaver,
2003). Viral antigen has been identified in epithelial
CLINICAL BVDV INFECTION surfaces of the tongue, esophagus, intestine, bronchi,
Acute BVDV infection is the term used to describe and skin, as well as phagocytic cells in lymph nodes,
clinical disease that occurs in non-persistently in- thymus, Peyer’s patches, tonsils, and spleen (Oh-
fected, immunocompetent cattle. The disease has mann, 1983). Tonsils and respiratory tract tissues are
typically been described in seronegative cattle from infected first and from there dissemination occurs to
6–24 months of age. Conceivably, the disease could other epithelial surfaces and lymphoid tissues. Virus
occur in seropositive cattle that are infected with a is retained within mononuclear phagocytic cells of
viral strain that is heterologous to the one that has the lymphoid tissue (Ohmann, 1983).
caused seroconversion. Clinical signs include vary- Differential diagnoses for diarrheal diseases of
ing levels of fever, anorexia, lethargy, leukopenia, adult cattle include Salmonellosis, winter dysen-
ocular and nasal discharge, oral erosions and ulcers, tery, Johne’s disease, gastrointestinal parasites, ma-
oral papilla blunting and hemorrhage, diarrhea, and lignant catarrhal fever, arsenic poisoning, Myco-
decreased milk production in lactating cows. toxicosis, and copper deficiency (Blowey and
Epithelial erosions may be present in the interdigi- Weaver, 2003; Kahrs, 2001). Differential diagnoses
tal space, coronet, teats, or vulva. Tachypnea may for diseases causing oral lesions in cattle include
be incorrectly correlated with pneumonia, but is malignant catarrhal fever, blue tongue, vesicular
most likely due to fever or other nonpulmonary stomatitis, papular stomatitis, foot and mouth dis-
factors. ease, and Rinderpest. Differential diagnoses for dis-
Acute BVDV infection of neonates may result in eases causing diarrhea in neonatal calves include
signs of enteritis or pneumonia. Such signs are rota- and coronavirus infections, cryptosporidiosis,
thought to be most commonly associated with calves E. coli infection, Salmonellosis and coccidiosis.
suffering from failure of passive transfer, since pas- Differential diagnoses for respiratory diseases of
sively acquired maternal antibodies are thought to be calves include infection with bovine respiratory
protective. Clinical disease in the face of adequate syncytial virus (BRSV), Pasteurella spp., Mann-
passive transfer may be related to antigenic diversity heimia spp., Hemophilus spp., Salmonella spp., and
between infecting viral strains and viral strains Mycoplasma spp.
against which passive immunity was developed.
Lastly, inadequate passive immunity combined with SEVERE ACUTE BVDV INFECTION
immunosuppressive effects of BVDV infection may In the early 1990s, an atypical and significantly
result in secondary diseases affecting various organ more severe form of BVDV infection was recog-
systems. nized in the United States and Canadian cattle pop-
Acute BVDV infection results in damage to ep- ulations (Corapi et al., 1990; Pellerin et al., 1994;
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Clinical Features 111

Carman et al., 1998). A peracute disease course was

described with high morbidity and mortality in all
age groups of cattle. In the Quebec outbreak approx-
imately 25% of veal calves died, and in Ontario, all
age groups of cattle suffered fever, pneumonia, and
sudden death (Pellerin et al., 1994; Carman et al.,
1998). Severity varied between herds, though some
herds experienced 10–20% mortality. Abortions
were also a common occurrence. The gross lesions
found in these animals were severe, resembling
those of mucosal disease. The viral isolates from
these outbreaks were characterized by nucleotide se-
quencing and compared to more classical BVDV
Figure 6.6. Petechiation of ocular mucous membranes
outbreak strains (Ridpath et al., 1994). The novel observed in thrombocytopenic calf.
group of BVDV was designated BVDV type 2, com-
pared to the classical group of viruses, now known
as BVDV type 1.
Importantly, not all BVDV type 2 outbreaks are
necessarily associated with severe disease. There-
fore, a severe outbreak of disease should not be as-
sumed to have been caused by BVDV type 2.
Alternatively, it is likely that some BVDV type 1
isolates may be capable of causing severe disease.
Hemorrhagic syndrome is a form of severe acute
BVDV that appears to be associated with a noncyto-
pathic, type 2 strain of BVDV. Affected cattle often
suffer marked thrombocytopenia, petechiation, and
ecchymoses of mucosal surfaces, epistaxis, bloody
diarrhea, bleeding from injection sites or trauma,
fever, leukopenia, and death (Corapi et al., 1990)
(Figures 6.6 and 6.7). Importantly, during an out-
break variation exists between animals in the ex-
pression of clinical signs, and only a minority of an-
imals develop fulminant hemorrhagic syndrome.
Others may simply suffer marked lymphopenia and
thrombocytopenia and succumb without overt clini-
cal manifestation of hemorrhage. Therefore, during
an outbreak of severe acute BVDV, practitioners and
producers typically observe a diverse clinical pic-
ture. Whereas all cattle with hemorrhagic syndrome
suffer from severe acute BVDV, not all cattle with
severe acute BVDV necessarily progress to hemor-
rhagic syndrome. The pathophysiologic mechanism Figure 6.7. Excessive hemorrhage in a thrombocy-
of thrombocytopenia and the hemorrhagic syndrome topenic calf several hours after being administered a
is not clearly understood. Viral antigen has been subcutaneous injection (courtesy of Dr. Sheila McGuirk,
shown to be associated with both platelets and University of Wisconsin).
megakaryocytes, and in addition to thrombocytope-
nia, platelet function is altered (Walz et al., 1999).
Common differential diagnoses for hemorrhagic MUCOSAL DISEASE
syndrome include septicemia with concurrent dis- Typically mucosal disease is a sporadic condition
seminated intravascular coagulation, bracken fern wherein <5% of herds are affected. In outbreaks, it
toxicity, sweet clover poisoning, and anticoagulant is common that multiple animals of similar age are
toxicity. affected because the infection is initiated in the fetus
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112 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

of cows that are at a similar stage of gestation. ally have a case fatality rate approaching 100%.
During such epizootics, up to 25% of a herd may be However, a minority of animals may survive the
infected (refer to Figure 6.7). acute phase only to suffer signs of chronic MD (see
An incubation period of 7–14 days has been sug- next section). Postmortem findings of cattle suffer-
gested for MD (Grooms et al., 2002). This time ing acute MD include variable necrotizing ulcers
frame is primarily based on experimental infections and erosions throughout the gastrointestinal tract
where a homologous, cp BVDV strain was admin- (esophagus, rumen, abomasum, duodenum, je-
istered to ncp BVDV persistently infected calves, or junum, ileum, cecum, and colon). Erosions may also
such calves were administered a modified live vac- be present in the nares and upper respiratory tract.
cine. Since the majority of cases of MD are thought Peyer’s patches in the small bowel are often necrotic
to occur when cp BVDV mutates de novo from and hemorrhagic. Bowel contents are typically wa-
cattle persistently infected with a ncp strain, such tery and fetid. Differential diagnoses for cattle with
an incubation time frame may not be pertinent acute MD include those listed under acute BVDV
(Figure 6.8). infection (Figures 6.9, 6.10, 6.11). Although the
Clinical signs of acute MD include fever, ano- clinical signs of hemorrhagic syndrome and MD
rexia, tachycardia, polypnea, decreased milk pro- may be similar, animals given supportive therapy
duction, and profuse watery diarrhea. Diarrhea is may recover from hemorrhagic syndrome. Suppor-
often characterized by the presence of mucosal tive therapy rarely has any effect in preventing the
shreds, fibrinous casts, blood, and foul odor. Other death of animals suffering from MD.
signs similar to acute BVDV infection may also be
present antemortem, but are more pronounced.
Erosions and ulcers may be present on the tongue,
palate, and gingiva. Oral papilla may be blunted and
hemorrhagic. Epithelial erosions may also be pro-
nounced in the interdigital regions, coronary bands,
teats, vulva, and prepuce. Additional clinical signs
often include ocular and nasal discharge, corneal
edema, hypersalivation, decreased ruminal contrac-
tions, and bloat. Inflammation of the interdigital
space and coronary bands may present as lameness
and animals may become laminitic. Clinicopath-
ologic findings often include neutropenia (without a
left shift) and thrombocytopenia. Secondary bacter-
ial infections may be manifest as pneumonia, masti- Figure 6.9. Postmortem image of the palate of calf
tis, and metritis. Cattle suffering acute MD gener- suffering mucosal disease. Note mucosal ulceration
and blunting of oral papillae. Similar lesions may be ob-
served in cattle suffering severe acute BVDV infection.

Figure 6.10. Postmortem image of esophageal ulcers

and erosions in calf suffering mucosal disease. Similar
Figure 6.8. Three age-matched beef calves from a lesions may be observed in cattle suffering severe
herd suffering an outbreak of mucosal disease. acute BVDV infection.
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Clinical Features 113

BVDV infection is likely associated with transient

decreased conception rates (Baker, 1995).

Bovine viral diarrhea virus has been associated with
several reproductive consequences, including reduced
fertility and early embryonic death. All the major or-
gans of the female reproductive system are permis-
sive to BVDV, and the distribution of virus is similar
between acutely infected and persistently infected
Figure 6.11. Postmortem image of colon lesions in calf cows (Fray et al., 2000). Although the precise mech-
suffering mucosal disease. Similar lesions may be ob- anism responsible for reduced fertility is unknown,
served in cattle suffering severe acute BVDV infection. changes in ovarian function have been suggested.
Ovarian hypoplasia has been reported in PI cows
(Grooms et al., 1996), and diffuse interstitial ovaritis
CHRONIC MUCOSAL DISEASE has been reported 61 days postinfection (Ssentongo et
A small proportion of cattle with symptoms of al., 1980). Grooms et al. (1998) demonstrated that the
acute MD do not die, but go on to develop a chronic growth rate and diameter of dominant anovulatory
form of the disease. These cattle typically present and ovulatory follicles were significantly reduced fol-
with persistent loose feces or intermittent diarrhea. lowing acute BVDV infection. Additionally, the num-
Additional signs include ill thrift, mild-to-moderate bers of subordinate follicles associated with the
anorexia, chronic recurrent bloat, interdigital ero- anovulatory and ovulatory follicle were also reduced
sions, and nonhealing erosive lesions of the skin. following infection. Three possible mechanisms of
Ocular and nasal discharge may also be noted. how BVDV might compromise ovarian function have
Alopecia and areas of hyperkeratinization may de- been suggested (Fray et al., 2000). First, BVDV
velop, especially around the head and neck. might adversely affect pituitary gonadotroph func-
Lameness may be manifest as chronic laminitis and tion. Second, BVDV-suppressed plasma estrogen lev-
abnormal hoof wall growth. Clinicopathologic find- els may adversely affect ovulation and estrus. Last,
ings often include anemia, neutropenia and throm- BVDV-induced general leukopenia may result in de-
bocytopenia. ficient ovarian leukocyte populations, because these
cells are vital for normal follicular dynamics.
VENEREAL INFECTIONS Kafi et al., (2002) demonstrated a detrimental ef-
Virus is present in the semen of bulls that are persist- fect of BVDV on in vitro fertilization and early em-
ently infected with BVDV (Revell et al., 1988). bryo development; however, the mechanisms affect-
Virus is also present in the semen of immunocompe- ing these processes were not examined. Clearly,
tent, transiently infected bulls undergoing acute in- further studies are needed to define the effects of
fection (Kirkland et al., 1991). Furthermore, recent BVDV infection on the various hormones and cy-
studies have demonstrated that transiently infected tokines that influence early reproductive events.
bulls can shed BVDV in semen for prolonged peri- Infection of immunocompetent pregnant cattle
ods (months) after they have become non-viremic can result in clinical manifestations in the dam sim-
(Voges et al., 1998; Givens et al., 2003). Therefore, ilar to those described above—i.e., subclinical to se-
diagnostic testing of semen is recommended due to vere, acute disease, or hemorrhagic syndrome.
the potential for non-viremic bulls to shed BVDV in However, additional clinical outcomes in pregnant
semen. A recent study demonstrated that the conven- cattle are related to the potential transplacental
tional testing method of virus isolation (VI) in transfer of virus to the fetus. Experimental studies
semen was less sensitive compared to reverse tran- have shown that BVDV crosses the placenta with
scription-nested polymerase chain reaction (RT- near 100% efficiency; therefore, transplacental in-
nPCR). fection of the fetus should be anticipated (Duffell
Both acceptable and unacceptable semen quality and Harkness, 1985). Importantly, the absence of
has been reported from bulls that were TI or PI with clinical signs in the dam does not imply fetal protec-
BVDV. Although results of studies examining the tion or reduce the possibility of transplacental infec-
effect of BVDV infection on conception rates have tion. The primary determinant of the outcome of
been conflicting, under certain circumstances fetal infection is clearly the gestational age of the
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114 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

fetus, although other host and viral factors may also al., 2004). Recent studies have examined lesions and
contribute to the final outcome. tissue distribution of virus in calves experimentally
Abortion results from BVDV infection during infected with both high- and low-virulence strains of
pregnancy, and the resultant fetal pathology has BVDV type 2 (Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002; Liebler-
been recently reviewed (Fray et al., 2000). Infection Tenorio et al., 2003a, 2003b). Widespread lymphoid
of the dam during the preimplantation phase (<40 depletion was noted in calves infected with either
days) of pregnancy can result in a high incidence of strain, and a strong correlation existed between the
embryonic or fetal mortality, whereas infection be- distribution of viral antigen and the lesions in lym-
tween 40 and 125 days gestation can result in fetal phoid tissue. With the high-virulent BVDV strain,
death, abortion, mummification, birth of PI calves, apoptosis and lymphocyte depletion was detected in
and to a lesser degree teratogeneisis. In the case of all compartments where viral antigen was observed
fetal death during the first third of gestation, fetal (Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002). With the low-virulent
expulsion can vary and occur anywhere from days to strain, significant lymphoid depletion was rapidly
months after infection (Kahrs, 2001). Significant followed by the clearance of viral antigen and sub-
rates of abortion (40%) have been reported when sequent recovery of lesions (Liebler-Tenorio et al.,
cattle are infected at 100 days gestation under exper- 2003a). Interestingly, viral antigen was not associ-
imental conditions (Done et al., 1980); however, ated with lesions in non-lymphoid tissues (lung,
lower rates are thought to prevail under field condi- liver, kidney, pancreas, testes, or heart), suggesting
tions. Fetal infections during midgestation (125–180 that the development of lesions are not solely a func-
days) typically result in a high incidence of congen- tion of viral replication but are attributable to the
ital abnormalities, which can approach 100% under host’s reaction to infection. Vaccination of cattle
experimental conditions (Baker, 1995). Fetal infec- with modified live virus (MLV) vaccines has also
tion during the later stages of gestation does not typ- been associated with temporary immunosuppression
ically result in abortion but is still possible (Bolin, (Potgieter, 1995).
1990b). Overall, the incidence of abortion is low in BVDV-induced immunosuppression may increase
immune herds, but can increase dramatically in non- susceptibility of the host to other pathogens or exac-
immune herds (Sanderson and Gnad, 2002). erbate the pathogenicity of co-infecting organisms.
Furthermore, outbreaks of acute severe disease asso- Synergistic effects of BVDV infection have been de-
ciated with BVDV type 2 have been associated with scribed when animals are concurrently infected with
a higher incidence of abortion (Grooms et al., 2002). Mannheimia haemolytica, bovine herpesvirus type
Congenital defects result from transplacental in- 1, or BRSV. BVDV infections have also been asso-
fection of the fetus. It has long been known that ciated with concurrent infection with Salmonella
BVDV can act as a teratogen (Mickelsen and spp., E. coli, bovine papular stomatitis virus, ro-
Evermann, 1994). Transplacental infection of the tavirus, or coronavirus (Grooms, 1999).
fetus from approximately 100–180 days gestation The mechanism of BVDV immunosuppression
can be manifest by several congenital defects. appears to be multifactorial. Both lymphocytes and
During this period, the fetus undergoes the final macrophages are targets of BVDV infection
stages of organogenesis of the nervous system as (Bruschke et al., 1998). Acute BVDV infection can
well as immune system development. The mecha- result in transient leukopenia and depletion of lym-
nisms of viral-induced cellular damage are thought phoid tissues (Bolin et al., 1985). Decreased B-
to include inhibition of cell growth and differentia- lymphocytes, CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes, and
tion, or direct cell lysis (Castrucci et al., 1990). Some neutrophils have been reported (Ellis et al., 1988). In
common congenital defects include CNS defects vitro studies revealing potential causes of immuno-
(cerebellar hypoplasia, hydrocephalus, hypomye- suppression have been reviewed and include de-
linogenesis), ocular defects (retinal atrophy and dys- creased mitogen stimulation of infected lympho-
plasia, cataracts, microphthalmia), thymic hypo- cytes, decreased production of interferon, monocyte
plasia, retarded growth, pulmonary hypoplasia, interleukin 1, interleukin 2, and tumor necrosis
alopecia, hypotrichosis, brachygnathism, arthrogry- factor-␣, decreased monocyte chemotaxis, and im-
posis, and other skeletal abnormalities (Baker, 1995). paired neutrophil-mediated, antibody-dependant,
cell-mediated cytotoxicity (Grooms et al., 2002).
IMMUNOSUPPRESSION Decreased bactericidal activity of neutrophils has
Acute BVDV infection results in the destruction of also been described (Roth et al., 1981). Finally,
lymphoid tissue and immunosuppression (Chase et BVDV-induced immunosuppression may indirectly
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Clinical Features 115

result from prostaglandin release by infected cells catarrhal fever (ovine herpesvirus-2) in bison,
(Markham and Ramnaraine, 1985). BVDV may actually serve as the secondary infec-
tion or as a dual infection (Evermann, unpublished
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE data). There is laboratory and clinical evidence that
Experimental studies have demonstrated that BVDV nutritional deficiencies, such as selenium deficiency,
can establish infections in the respiratory tract of predispose cattle to more severe BVDV acute infec-
cattle and that differences in pneumopathogenicity tions and disease and concurrent bacterial infec-
exist between isolates (Potgieter et al., 1985). tions, such as Hemophilus somnus.
Despite this finding, the majority of evidence sug- Duration of clinical signs in cattle suffering acute
gests that BVDV infection primarily has a negative MD is generally 3–10 days, whereby the eventual
impact upon the respiratory defenses, most likely outcome is the death of the animal. Affected cattle
through immunosuppressive effects (Callan and that survive past this expected time frame are con-
Garry, 2002). Indeed, synergistic effects have been sidered to develop chronic MD. Cattle with chronic
documented between BVDV and M. haemolytica, MD typically have an unthrifty appearance with per-
bovine herpesvirus 1, BRSV, and Mycoplasma bovis sistent loose stool or intermittent bouts of diarrhea,
(Potgeiter et al., 1984a; Potgeiter et al., 1984b; chronic bloat, decreased appetite, weight loss, inter-
Pollreisz et al., 1997; Broderson and Kelling, 1998; digital and coronary erosions, and nonhealing skin
Shahriar et al., 2002). lesions. Cattle suffering chronic MD rarely survive
past 18 months of age and typically die due to debil-
DURATION AND SEVERITY OF itation and emaciation. Chronic MD is distinguished
CLINICAL SIGNS from chronically poor-doing PI calves because the
As stated earlier, infection of immunocompetent latter are typically affected from birth.
nonpregnant cattle can result in a wide spectrum of
disease syndromes progressing from subclinical to RECOVERY FROM CLINICAL
severe. The incubation period for acute BVD is 5–7 SIGNS
days (Grooms et al., 2002). Signs of fever, lethargy, Cattle suffering acute BVDV infection without sec-
anorexia, oral lesions, oculonasal discharge, diar- ondary infections generally recover without major
rhea, and decreased milk production in lactating complications. Time to recovery is related to the du-
cows follow. Viremia can last up to 15 days. The du- ration of viremia as well as the severity of lesions. In
ration of clinical signs is therefore variable and de- general, recovery can be observed within 2–4 weeks
pends on the duration of viremia, virulence of the in- of the onset of signs. Recovery in cattle suffering
fecting virus, the presence of secondary infections, secondary infections may be prolonged and is de-
and the normal regenerative capacity of affected pendent on the severity of secondary infections. As
tissues. In general, repair of lesions involving ep- stated previously, cattle suffering acute MD do not
ithelial surfaces requires 1–2 weeks, and repair of survive and death occurs approximately 3–10 days
lesions involving mucosal surfaces of the gastroin- after of the onset of signs. Cattle suffering chronic
testinal tract require approximately 3–5 days. MD typically do not survive beyond 18 months of
Results from experimental studies suggest that re- age (Bolin, 1995).
covery is prolonged with more virulent strains of
BVDV since the virus is more widespread in tissues OCCURRENCE IN OTHER
and is more slowly cleared (Liebler-Tenorio et al., RUMINANTS
2003b). In the absence of secondary bacterial infec- Efforts to eradicate BVDV from cattle are hampered
tions, abatement of clinical signs would correlate to for several reasons, including short-term carrier cat-
the normal regenerative capacity of the involved tle that have transient infections ranging from 2–8
tissues. weeks (Cherry et al., 1998), long-term PI carriers
Secondary infections influence both the duration that continue to shed virus to herdmates for life
and severity of clinical diseases associated with (Bolin, 1995; Wittum et al., 2001), strain variation
BVDV, especially the acute-transient infections. The among BVDV isolates evading host immune de-
fact that BVDV is immunosuppressive allows for fenses (Vilcek et al., 2001; Deregt and Loewen,
secondary infections (synonyms include concurrent 1995), and the wide host range of BVDV (Evermann
infections and polymicrobial infections) to have a et al., 1993; Nettleton and Entrican, 1995). The host
profound effect on animal survival (Bolin, 2002). In range for BVDV and related pestiviruses (see
some cases, such as the sheep-associated malignant Chapter 10) includes all ungulates belonging to the
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116 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

order Artiodactyla, within which there are 11 Archambault D, Beliveau C, Couture Y, et al.: 2000,
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E. M. Liebler-Tenorio


Pathogenesis is defined as “development of dis- Acute infections of cattle with BVDV develop when
ease.” After infection with BVDV, clinical signs of susceptible (seronegative), immune-competent cat-
disease are highly variable (Baker, 1995; Nettleton tle become infected with BVDV. Seropositive cattle,
and Entrican, 1995) because of complex interactions dependent on the levels of antibody titers, are usu-
between the etiologic agent and the infected host. ally not susceptible. The virus sources are often PI
Genotype (BVDV 1, BVDV 2—also now recog- animals, while horizontal infection from acutely in-
nized as two distinct species of virus), biotype (non- fected cattle is less likely (Traven et al., 1991; Nis-
cytopathic [ncp], cytopathic [cp]), and virulence of kanen et al., 2000). Iatrogenic transmission by con-
individual BVDV strains are determinants for the taminated instruments, vaccines, or semen has also
outcome of infection on the virus side. Immune been described (Coria and McClurkin, 1978; Bar-
competence, immune status, and possibly other fac- kema et al., 2001; Niskanen and Lindberg, 2003).
tors determine the outcome on the host’s side. Both
host and viral factors vary widely causing the broad ROLE OF VIRAL AND HOST FACTORS IN
range of clinical signs and lesions. PATHOGENESIS
For discussion on pathogenesis of BVDV infec- The most important determinant for the outcome of
tions, the following syndromes are distinguished: acute BVDV infection in susceptible animals is the
acute BVDV infection, transplacental/intrauterine virulence of the individual BVDV strain. Histori-
infection, persistent infection, and mucosal disease cally, acute BVDV infections have received little at-
(Figures 7.1 and 7.2). Susceptible cattle of all ages tention, because they were predominantly subclini-
may contract a primary, transient BVDV infection cal (Moennig and Plagemann, 1992; Hamers et al.,
termed acute BVDV infection irrespective of the 2001), and the unspecific signs of transient fever and
clinical course (subclinical, severe acute, or pro- listlessness did not incite high awareness. Until the
tracted). The transient acute infection causes severe early 1990s, there were only a few reports about
complications if the infected animal is pregnant. acute BVDV infections causing severe clinical signs
BVDV will cross the placenta and infect the fetus or with special affinity for the respiratory tract (Pot-
causing transplacental/interuterine infection. There gieter et al., 1984). Over the last 15 years, however,
are several outcomes of fetal infections; the most there has been an increasing interest in acute BVDV
important is infection of the fetus leading to the infections because of an increase in incidence of
birth of persistently infected (PI) calves. Persistent field cases of acute BVDV infection associated with
infection is the prerequisite for the development of severe clinical signs and mortality in all age groups
fatal mucosal disease later in life. Finally, to close (Perdrizet et al., 1987; Pritchard et al., 1989; Hib-
the circle of infection, animals with persistent infec- berd et al., 1993; David et al., 1994; Carman et al.,
tion and mucosal disease are the main sources of 1998).
virus in outbreaks of acute BVDV infections (refer Highly virulent BVDV strains isolated from the
to Figure 7.2). outbreaks that had severe economic impact in North

2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 07 3/18/05 9:57 AM Page 122

Figure 7.1. Outcomes and factors influencing the outcome of BVDV infections.

Figure 7.2. Circulation of BVDV in cattle populations.

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Pathogenesis 123

America were identified as BVDV 2 (Ridpath et al., VIRUS SPREAD AND DEVELOPMENT OF
1994; Heinz et al., 2000). Further investigation re- LESIONS IN ACUTE BVDV INFECTION
vealed, however, that BVDV 2 encompasses not
The most frequent route of natural infection is by
only strains of high virulence, but also those of mod-
oronasal uptake of BVDV. The development of clin-
erate to low virulence (Ridpath et al., 2000).
ical signs and distribution and spread of the virus in
Virulence factors associated with BVDV have not
the host and tissue lesions have been documented in
yet been defined on an antigenic or genetic level. field cases and under experimental conditions
The occurrence of virulence factors is independent (Lambert et al., 1969; Corapi et al., 1990; Wilhel-
of viral species, although the frequency of virulent msen et al., 1990; Traven et al., 1991; Bolin and
strains appears to be higher in BVDV 2 than in Ridpath, 1992; Castrucci et al., 1992; Marshall et
BVDV 1. There are regional differences in the rela- al., 1996; Spagnuolo-Weaver et al., 1997; Bruschke
tive frequency of BVDV species. Although a high et al., 1998a; Ellis et al., 1998; Odeon et al., 1999;
percentage of BVDV strains belong to BVDV 2 in Archambault et al., 2000; Hamers et al., 2000;
North America (Bolin and Ridpath, 1998; Carman et Stoffregen et al., 2000; Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002,
al., 1998; Fulton et al., 2000), they are infrequently 2003a,b). The data were collected primarily for vir-
isolated in other countries (Wolfmeyer et al., 1997; ulent BVDV strains, but some data do exist for
Letellier et al., 1999; Sakoda et al., 1999; Tajima et strains of low virulence (Wilhelmsen et al., 1990;
al., 2001; Drew et al., 2002; Vilcek et al., 2002). Traven et al., 1991; Bolin and Ridpath, 1992; Mar-
This is reflected in the different frequency of severe shall et al., 1996; Bruschke et al., 1998a; Liebler-
acute BVDV infection in different countries. Tenorio et al., 2003a). In the following section, the
Virulence is not correlated with the biotype, since findings for strains of low and high virulence will be
both ncp and cp strains are represented in both described separately.
BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 and have a wide spectrum of
virulence. There are, however, differences between Strains of low virulence
the ncp and cp biotype. ncp BVDV spreads much After intranasal inoculation of calves with BVDV 1
wider in the host than the homologous cp virus and BVDV 2 strains of low virulence, the animals
(Spagnuolo-Weaver et al., 1997). The ncp and cp did not develop overt signs of disease (Wilhelmsen
biotype also differ in the way they activate the im- et al., 1990; Traven et al., 1991; Bolin and Ridpath,
mune system (Collen and Morrison, 2000). Al- 1992; Marshall et al., 1996; Bruschke et al., 1998a;
though ncp BVDV induces a more pronounced hu- Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2003a). The regular monitor-
moral response, the response to cp BVDV is skewed ing of body temperature showed, however, a mild
toward a cell-mediated immune response. This is elevation in temperature for 1–2 days (Liebler-
particularly evident upon secondary exposure to cp Tenorio et al., 2003a). This elevation was very short-
BVDV (Lambot et al., 1997). One can hypothesize lived, making it necessary to monitor temperature
that this is mediated by the different effects of ncp twice a day.
and cp BVDV on monocytes and dendritic cells. Virus isolation and titration data indicate that
After in vitro infection, monocyte function is altered BVDV 1 first replicates in the tonsils and nasal mu-
by ncp BVDV, but they are killed by cp BVDV. cosa (Bruschke et al., 1998a). Viral antigen was ini-
Dendritic cells are not affected by infection with ei- tially found in the tonsils, lymph nodes, and Peyer’s
ther ncp or cp BVDV (Glew et al., 2003) patches and then in spleen and thymus (Liebler-
The highly variable clinical signs present difficul- Tenorio et al., 2003a) (Figure 7.3). Viral antigen was
ties for diagnosing BVDV infections in the field. predominantly present within lymphoid follicles and
Even if acute BVDV infection is suspected, it may the thymic cortex where it was associated with lym-
be difficult to confirm, since virus is only transiently phocytes and stromal cells. Infection in these sites
detectable (Sandvik et al., 1997). Except for im- affected the majority of cells present. Multifocal in-
mune status, the role of other host factors on BVDV fection of the intestinal mucosa was the only site
infection has not yet been determined. However, be- outside of lymphoid tissues where viral antigen
cause of differences in clinical signs and speed of re- could be demonstrated (refer to Figure 7.3). Viral
covery between individual animals after experimen- antigen was not detectable in the bone marrow at
tal infection, the role of host factors should not be any point during infection. Presence of viral antigen
neglected (Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2003a). was not associated with tissue lesions.
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124 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Figure 7.3. Spread of BVDV of low and high virulence in acute BVDV infection.

The widest distribution and the largest amount of path, 1992; Ellis et al., 1998; Odeon et al., 1999;
viral antigen was found at 6 days postinfection (dpi) Archambault et al., 2000; Liebler-Tenorio et al.,
followed by a rapid clearance of the virus leading to 2002). Some animals develop severe bleeding
its disappearance from most sites. The remaining (Corapi et al., 1990; Bolin and Ridpath, 1992; Stoff-
viral antigen was associated with follicular dendritic regen et al., 2000). Bleeding is a clinically very dra-
cells in lymphoid follicles and dendritic cells in the matic and easy-to-recognize alteration and thus the
thymus. Viral clearance coincided with the loss of term hemorrhagic syndrome has been associated
infected lymphocytes leading to a marked depletion with severe acute BVDV infections although it does
of lymphoid follicles and thymic cortex of lympho- not occur regularly. The mortality rate may be high
cytes. even in older cattle (Carman et al., 1998). In exper-
After virus clearance, different degrees of deple- imental infections, early onset of high fever is a con-
tion and repopulation were observed in the lym- sistent finding (Ridpath et al., 2000; Liebler-Tenorio
phoid tissues throughout the body. There was a et al., 2002). The other consistent findings are severe
marked difference in the degree of recovery between progressive lymphopenia and moderate to severe
individual calves indicating the importance of host thrombocytopenia (Corapi et al., 1990; Bolin and
factors. The reversibility of the lesions was most Ridpath, 1992; Marshall et al., 1996; Ellis et al.,
likely due to the fact that the stromal elements were 1998; Odeon et al., 1999; Archambault et al., 2000;
retained in the lymphoid tissues allowing repopula- Hamers et al., 2000; Stoffregen et al., 2000; Liebler-
tion with circulating lymphocytes. Tenorio et al., 2002).
The initial spread of highly virulent strains is sim-
Infection with BVDV strains of high virulence ilar to that of low virulence strains (Liebler-Tenorio
Clinical signs after infection with strains of high et al., 2002, 2003b) (refer to Figure 7.3). There is ini-
virulence are severe but are often nonspecific con- tial infection of tonsils and lymphoid tissues, but the
sisting of high fever, anorexia, depression, and fre- amount of viral antigen in tissues rapidly exceeds
quently diarrhea (Corapi et al., 1990; Bolin and Rid- that caused by low virulence strains. The presence of
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Pathogenesis 125

highly virulent BVDV is not restricted to follicles in and spread but differing amounts of virus in tissues
lymphoid tissues but is extended to T-cell–dependent and speed of spreading (Liebler-Tenorio et al.,
areas. Highly virulent BVDV spreads to the bone 2003b). This results in a widespread tissue distribu-
marrow. Its presence in myeloid cells and megakary- tion of the virulent strains in later stages of infec-
ocytes correlates with a decrease in thrombocyte tion, as opposed to an early clearance of the strains
numbers. of low virulence from tissues. Strains that cause the
In contrast to BVDV of low virulence, which is highest degree of viremia result in the most severe
cleared from infected tissues, virulent BVDV strains clinical signs (Walz et al., 2001). This indicates that
keep spreading (refer to Figure 7.3) resulting in the differences in replication, and not interactions be-
tissue distribution described for severe acute BVDV tween virus and host cell receptors, have the highest
(Marshall et al., 1996; Ellis et al., 1998; Odeon et impact on the virulence of individual BVDV strains.
al., 1999; Stoffregen et al., 2000). Antigen of highly One can hypothesize that there is a competition be-
virulent BVDV is regularly found in lymphoid tis- tween viral spread and reaction of the immune sys-
sues, mucosa of the upper and lower digestive tract, tem. The pathogenesis of tissue lesions is unsolved;
the respiratory tract, and endocrine tissues. Even- the discrepancy between the presence of viral anti-
tually, there is hardly any organ that does not contain gen and lesions as well as the delayed onset of le-
viral antigen at least in the interstitium. Antigen is sions seen with low and highly virulent BVDV
often initially present in the interstitium or vascular strains might indicate that immune-mediated reac-
walls and then in parenchymal cells, indicating a tions contribute to the development of lesions.
hematogenous spread. Within organs, virus spreads
to additional tissue types; e.g., in the intestine where IMMUNE SUPPRESSION IN ACUTE BVDV
initially the mucosa is antigen-positive, it can later INFECTION
be found in the muscular layers. A decrease in the number of both B- and T-
Despite the wide distribution of viral antigen, the lymphocytes in peripheral blood is a consistent find-
presence of lesions is restricted. Lesions accompa- ing in acute BVDV infection (Bolin et al., 1985a).
nied by the loss of lymphocytes are consistently ob- The severity of lymphopenia helps discriminate in-
served in lymphoid tissues (Marshall et al., 1996; fections with low or highly virulent BVDV strains
Ellis et al., 1998; Odeon et al., 1999; Stoffregen et (Ridpath et al., 2000; Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2003b).
al., 2000; Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002). Necrosis of Although lymphocyte numbers decrease to more
epithelium in the upper digestive tract and intestinal than 60% below the baseline levels, sometimes
crypts may cause erosive to ulcerative lesions along reaching 90% below the baseline levels after infec-
the digestive tract (Marshall et al., 1996; Carman et tion with highly virulent strains, the decrease does
al., 1998; Ellis et al., 1998; Odeon et al., 1999; not exceed more than 50% below the baseline values
Stoffregen et al., 2000). in strains with low virulence. Lymphopenia corre-
The discrepancy between presence of viral antigen lates well with the infection of and lesions in lym-
and lesions is particularly evident in the initial phase phoid tissue, but it is not resolved yet if lesions are
of the disease (Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002). Initially, directly virus-induced or if the immune response
large numbers of infected cells are present in lym- also contributes to their development.
phoid tissues without corresponding morphological Experimental infection with virus of low viru-
lesions. Lesions in lymphoid tissues are delayed. In lence demonstrates clearly that even infections that
the thymus, viral antigen is diffusely present in have a subclinical course and would go unnoticed
thymic lobules, but lesions are initially multifocal. under field conditions will cause a marked, although
The same phenomenon can be found in the intestinal transient, immune suppression (Liebler-Tenorio et
mucosa, where viral antigen has a diffuse distribu- al., 2003a). This explains reports that combined in-
tion, but initial lesions can be observed multifocally. fections with BVDV have a potentiating effect on
In the lungs, frequently foci of acute purulent bron- several pathogens. Coinfection with BVDV in-
chopneumonia are seen, which do not correlate with creases the severity of rota- and coronavirus infec-
the distribution of BVDV antigen in the lung. tions in young calves (van Opdenbosch et al., 1981;
Kelling et al., 2002; Niskanen et al., 2002b) and the
Comparison between strains of low and high severity of IBRV (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
virulence virus) and BRSV (bovine respiratory syncytial
Experimental infection with BVDV strains of low virus) infections (Potgieter et al., 1984; Castrucci et
and high virulence reveals similar initial infection al., 1992; Brodersen and Kelling, 1998, 1999). The
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126 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

immune response to BRSV is delayed (Elvander et thrombocytopenia is directly related to the infection
al., 1998). The sequential inoculation of calves with of bone marrow with BVDV. In the bone marrow,
BVDV and Mannheimia haemolytica increased the BVDV can be detected in all cellular elements in-
severity of lung lesions (Potgieter et al., 1984; cluding megakaryocytes (Spagnuolo et al., 1997;
Ganheim et al., 2003). After vaccination with modi- Walz et al., 1999; Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002).
fied live vaccines for BVDV, there was a decreased Megakaryocytes give rise to thrombocytes by pinch-
response to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis ing off parts of their cytoplasm. Thus, infection of
(Thoen and Waite, 1990). BVDV infection exacer- megakaryocytes appears to be crucial in the devel-
bated the effects of infection with Salmonella sp. opment of thrombocytopenia. It is unclear how the
(Wray and Roeder, 1987) and led to impaired clear- infection of megakaryocytes induces a reduction in
ance of bacteremia (Reggiardo and Kaeberle, 1981). the number of thrombocytes—e.g., whether there is
Besides inducing lymphopenia, BVDV has a wide a reduced production of thrombocytes and/or
range of effects on the functions of specific as well whether the produced thrombocytes are functionally
as innate immune responses (Peterhans et al., 2003). altered. Investigations by Walz et al. (1999) indicate
However, immune suppression is not associated that both mechanisms are involved.
with low interferon response or elevated levels of Bleeding (hemorrhagic diathesis) occurs only
TGF-ß (Charleston et al., 2002). Peripheral lympho- when thrombocytes have reached very low numbers.
cytes are hyporesponsive to mitogens (Muscoplat et Some infections with highly virulent BVDV may
al., 1973; Pospisil et al., 1975). Different neutrophil cause mortality early in infection. Since the bone
and monocyte functions are impaired (Ketelsen et marrow is infected later than other lympho-
al., 1979; Roth et al., 1981, Roth and Kaeberle, hematopoietic tissues, and thrombocytopenia devel-
1982, 1983; Jensen and Schultz, 1991). Reduction ops after infection of the bone marrow, the death of
in nonspecific defense has been suggested as the the animal may occur before hemorrhagic diathesis
main contribution of BVDV to respiratory tract in- becomes established. This might explain the variation
fections (Potgieter, 1997; Brodersen and Kelling, in frequency of bleeding observed in the field and in
1998). A multitude of functional defects are seen in experimental cases of severe acute BVDV infections.
alveolar macrophages from infected calves and
those inoculated in vitro with BVDV (Welsh et al., TRANSPLACENTAL/
1995; Liu et al., 1999). INTRAUTERINE INFECTIONS
The main economic impact of BVDV infections is
THROMBOCYTOPENIA AND HEMORRHAGES caused by intrauterine infections resulting in repro-
ductive dysfunctions (Ross et al., 1986; Kirkbride,
Thrombocytopenia occurs regularly in cases of se- 1992; Dubovi, 1994; McGowan and Kirkland, 1995;
vere acute BVD although the reduction of platelets Moennig and Liess, 1995; Muñoz et al., 1996;
does not always result in marked hemorrhages Rufenacht et al., 2001). This is due to the fact that
(Rebhun et al. 1989; Corapi et al., 1990; Bolin and BVDV is able to infect the female and male genital
Ridpath, 1992; Ellis et al., 1998; Odeon et al., 1999; tracts, cross the placenta and infect the fetus (refer to
Archambault et al., 2000; Hamers et al., 2000; Figure 7.2). Transplacental infection may occur in
Stoffregen et al., 2000; Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002). the course of acute infections shortly before or dur-
The underlying cause of thrombocytopenia is not ing pregnancy, venereal infection by contaminated
completely understood. Necrosis of megakary- semen, and persistent infection (discussed in this
ocytes, reduced production of thrombocytes by section in detail). Even acute infections without
megakaryocytes, increased consumption of throm- clinical evidence of disease may lead to infection of
bocytes in the periphery, and functional defects of the genital tract and transplacental infection
thrombocytes have all been suggested as contribut- (McGowan et al., 1993). Therefore, any infection
ing factors (Rebhun et al. 1989; Corapi et al., 1990; shortly before or during pregnancy has severe con-
Walz et al., 1999, 2001). In some cases of acute sequences on reproductive performance.
BVDV infection, BVDV antigen has been demon-
strated in bone marrow (Marshall et al., 1996; Spag- ROLE OF VIRAL AND HOST FACTORS IN
nuolo et al., 1997). Experimental infection with TRANSPLACENTAL/INTRAUTERINE
BVDV strains of different virulence revealed that INFECTION
not all BVDV strains spread to the bone marrow The outcome of transplacental/intrauterine infection
(Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2003b). The development of depends primarily on the time of infection during
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Pathogenesis 127

pregnancy and thus the gestational age of the early ovaries occur 2–6 days after estrus during the period
conceptus or fetus. Infections shortly before or dur- of seroconversion and may persist for extended time
ing the first weeks of pregnancy disturb the hor- periods (60 days) postinoculation (Ssentongo et al.,
monal balance, cause reduced conception rates, and 1980; Grooms, et al. 1998c, McGowan et al., 2003).
have direct effect on the early conceptus. In later Ovarian lesions are associated with ovarian dys-
pregnancy, the outcome of BVDV infection is influ- functions characterized by decreased secretion of
enced by the development of target cells, phase of gonadotrophins and sex steroids, particularly prog-
organogenesis, and development of the fetal im- esterone, and absent or reduced preovulatory
mune system (Duffel and Harkness, 1985). luteinizing hormone surge (Fray et al., 2000a, 2002;
The sequelae of infection are also determined by McGowan et al., 2003). The hormonal imbalance
viral properties, especially the biotype of BVDV. leads to decreased growth of ovarian follicles, re-
Both biotypes are able to infect genital tissues, cross duced ovulation rate, reduced numbers of corpora
the placenta, and infect the fetus (Scott et al., 1972; lutea, reduced numbers of collected embryos, and
Done et al., 1980; Brownlie et al., 1989; Muñoz et increased numbers of unfertilized ova (Grahn et al.,
al., 1996; Grooms et al., 1998b, 1998c), but the re- 1984; Grooms et al., 1998a; McGowan et al., 2003).
sults of infection differ. Infection with the cp bio- These changes last as long as the lesions persist, at
type appears to cause more damage in the early con- least the first two estrous cycles after infection. This
ceptus than that with ncp BVDV (Vanroose et al., explains the reduced conception rates and the delays
1998). Only ncp BVDV is able to induce persistent in conception (Grooms et al., 1998a).
viremia (Brownlie et al., 1989). It has been sug- Ovarian dysfunction is one way that BVDV infec-
gested that the ability to inhibit the induction of type tions decrease conception rates. Infection of oocytes
1 interferon enables the ncp biotype to induce viral during infection of ovaries will also impair fertility
persistence (Charleston et al., 2001). (Bielanski et al., 1998). The infection of ovaries is
Transplacental infection has been reported for multifocal and does not affect all oocytes.
both BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 (Wittum et al., 2001). Therefore, cows that conceive despite infection pro-
Dual infection of the fetus with both BVDV 1 and duce normal, seronegative, and non-viremic off-
BVDV 2 has also been demonstrated (Brock and spring (McGowan et al., 1993). Up to 58% of em-
Chase, 2000), although differences in the extent of bryos collected for in vitro fertilization from
infection were observed between BVDV 1 and transiently infected cows were infected with BVDV
BVDV 2. Since the BVDV 2 strain was of higher (Bielanski et al., 1998). Infection of the embryo may
virulence than the BVDV 1 strain, there was wider result in slightly reduced survival rate and retarded
tissue distribution of the BVDV 2 strain suggesting development of the embryo (Archbald et al., 1979;
an influence of virulence on the efficiency of virus Bielanski and Hare, 1988; Kafi et al., 2002). BVDV
replication. can be isolated from retarded embryos (Kirkland et
al., 1993).
Acute infection of cows with BVDV during the pre- INSEMINATION
ovulatory period may result in viremia at ovulation Exposure of the uterus to BVDV during estrus at in-
leading to a decreased conception rate. If conception semination causes a decreased conception rate in
occurs, the calves are normal, seronegative, and naive cattle, and seropositive cows have normal con-
non-viremic at parturition (McGowan et al., 1993). ception rates (McClurkin et al., 1979; Whitmore et
Both ncp and cp BVDV have been demonstrated to al., 1981; McGowan et al., 1993; Kirkland et al.,
infect the ovaries in experimental infections 1994). This type of exposure might occur when
(Grooms et al., 1998b, 1998c). By immunohisto- cows are inseminated with semen contaminated
chemistry, BVDV can be found in granulosa and with BVDV or contract acute BVDV infection be-
stromal cells of ovaries between 8 and 30 days cause of animal movement and mixing around the
postinfection (Grooms et al., 1998b, McGowan et time of insemination. Experimentally, infection can
al., 2003). Histological examination of the ovaries be reproduced by direct intrauterine instillation of
reveal diffuse nonpurulent interstitial inflammation, BVDV (Whitemore et al., 1981; Grahn et al., 1984).
necrosis of granulosa cells, and necrosis of follicles Semen contaminated with BVDV may originate
(Ssentongo et al., 1980; Grooms, et al. 1998c; Fray from persistently infected bulls, since not all PI bulls
et al., 2000a; McGowan et al., 2003). Lesions in the are infertile or produce semen of inferior quality
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128 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

(Meyling and Jensen, 1988; Wentink et al., 1989; modified live vaccines have shown that fetal infec-
Kirkland et al., 1994). On the other hand, infected tions may result in abortion, persistent infection,
semen may also be produced following transient in- stillborn calves, teratogenic effects, and normal
fection of postpuberal bulls (Kirkland et al., 1991; calves born with antibodies to BVDV. Although
Voges et al., 1998; Niskanen et al., 2002a; Givens et both biotypes of BVDV can infect the fetus, only
al., 2003). Even after transient infection and clear- ncp BVDV is able to establish persistent infection
ance of the virus from other tissues and blood, (Brownlie et al., 1989). Infection with cp BVDV re-
BVDV can persist in semen for months after expo- sults either in abortion or healthy seropositive calves
sure (Kirkland et al., 1991; Voges et al., 1998; Nis- (Brownlie et al., 1989). The fetus, before it becomes
kanen et al., 2002a; Givens et al., 2003). The most fully immune-competent, is affected severely by in-
productive sites of viral replication in the male gen- terauterine BVDV infection. The intrauterine infec-
ital tract are the seminal vesicles and prostate glands tion of an immune-competent fetus results in a tran-
causing excretion in the seminal fluid (Kirkland et sient infection of the fetus comparable to acute
al., 1991). Insemination with infected semen will BVD. The fetus is able to mount an immune re-
cause transient infection of naive females (Kirkland sponse and the virus is cleared. Calves are clinically
et al., 1994). normal and non-viremic. The presence of antibodies
The effect of BVDV on gametes and the early to BVDV in serum samples collected before colos-
conceptus were investigated. In vitro investigations trum uptake indicates intrauterine exposure to
revealed no immediate effect of ncp and cp BVDV BVDV. Neutralizing precolostral antibodies have
on the maturation of oocytes to blastocysts, although been detected in newborn calves after infections
BVDV replicated well in cells around the embryo from day 90 to the end of gestation (Kendrick 1971;
(Kirkland et al., 1996; Tsuboi and Imada, 1996; Kafi Orban et al., 1983; Liess et al., 1987).
et al., 2002). In vitro fertilization of oocytes in the
presence of BVDV resulted in reduced fertilization Abortions
rates (Kafi et al., 2002). There was no uptake of It was recognized early that BVDV may induce
BVDV by embryos after in vitro exposure (Potter et abortions (Kahrs and Ward, 1967; Casaro et al.,
al., 1984). It has been suggested that zona pellucida 1971; Kendrick, 1971; Done et al., 1980; Duffell et
protects the embryo against infection with BVDV al., 1984). Abortions occur most frequently in the
(Singh et al., 1982). After in vitro removal of zona early stages of gestation (less than 125 days of ges-
pellucida, 2- and 4-cell embryos were not suscepti- tation), although abortions in the late phase of ges-
ble to infection with ncp BVDV (Tsuboi and Imada, tation have also been described (Duffel et al., 1984;
1999) and 8-cell embryos were susceptible to cp Roeder et al., 1986). The expulsion of the fetus often
BVDV (Vanroose et al., 1998). Even extended expo- occurs not immediately after infection but weeks to
sure of embryos with removed zona pellucida had months later (Duffel et al., 1984). This also explains
no negative influence on embryonic survival (Bie- the occurrence of mummified fetuses (Scott et al.,
lanski and Hare, 1988). With progressive develop- 1973; Done et al., 1980).
ment, the embryos became increasingly susceptible The pathogenesis of abortion is not clear. Most in-
to infection (Bak et al., 1992, Vanroose et al., 1998; vestigations have reported unremarkable, nonspe-
Tsuboi and Imada, 1999). cific lesions of the placenta and placentomes of
aborted calves (Casaro et al., 1971; Done et al.,
FETAL INFECTION 1980; Murray, 1991) but Baszler et al. (1995) found
After about 30 days of gestation the fetus is suscep- a necrotizing placentitis associated with the pres-
tible to transplacental infection. There appears to be ence of viral antigen. It has been speculated that the
an increasing efficiency of infection from concep- mild placental lesions might allow opportunistic in-
tion to day 30 postconception (Kirkland et al., fections to cross the placenta. BVDV antigen was
1993). This corresponds with a progressive increase present in numerous tissues of aborted fetuses, and
in the loss of pregnancies observed between days 20 infiltrates of mononuclear cells were found in sev-
and 77 after artificial insemination. Development of eral tissues including lung and myocardium (Done
placenta with the formation of placentomes, forma- et al., 1980; Murray, 1991; Baszler et al., 1995).
tion of trophoblasts and development of fetal tissues Therefore, damage to the fetus is considered as im-
most likely determine the efficiency of infection portant initiator for abortion.
(Kirkland et al., 1993). Tissues from pregnant cows infected with an ncp
Experimental infections or vaccine trials using BVDV at 85–86 day of gestation were examined for
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Pathogenesis 129

viral antigen by immunohistology (Fredriksen et al., mune suppression (Roth et al., 1981, 1986). Persis-
1999a). BVDV was present in the fetuses at 14 dpi tent infection may also cause functional defects of
in the lung and liver and at 18–22 dpi in all other tis- the endocrine system: Diabetes mellitus has repeat-
sues examined (lung, liver, spleen, intestine, and edly been reported in PI animals (Taniyama et al.,
brain). The intercotyledonary fetal membranes and 1995; Buckner, 1997; Murondoti et al., 1999). It has
the placentomes contained viral antigen at days 18 been suggested that different clinical signs associ-
and 22 postinoculation. BVDV antigen was not de- ated with persistent infection are predominantly in-
tected in maternal tissues or in the placenta between fluenced by the time when the fetus becomes in-
days 7 and 22 postinoculation. This indicates that fected with earlier infections, resulting more
fetal infection can take place without high concen- frequently in the birth of normal, healthy virus car-
trations of BVDV in the uterus or placenta of riers (Moennig and Liess, 1995).
acutely infected cows and that this is a more likely
cause of abortion than replication of the virus in the Teratogenic effects
placenta. Congenital defects have been described after infec-
tion between days 80 and 150 of gestation. The fetus
Persistent infections appears to be the most susceptible to teratogenic
Abortion is not the only outcome of infection in the effects of BVDV when the immune competence be-
first trimester of gestation. Infection of the fetus with gins to develop, the ability to mount an inflamma-
an ncp BVDV may result in the birth of a PI animal. tory response sets in, and organogenesis is not com-
Generation of PI animals peaks when infection oc- pleted (Duffel and Harkness, 1985).
curs from about 30 until 90 days of gestation and be- Intrauterine growth retardation and reduced matu-
comes less frequent as the fetus approaches 125 days ration are observed in numerous tissues, including
of gestation (Roeder et al., 1986; Radostits and brain, thymus, muscles, bone, and lung (Done et al.,
Littlejohns, 1988; Moennig and Liess, 1995). Persis- 1980). Lesions in the brain and eyes are most fre-
tent infection has been established with both BVDV quent because they are in the final stages of organo-
1 and BVDV 2. In PI fetuses, BVDV is widely dis- genesis during day 100 and 150 of gestation (Duffel
tributed throughout the organs (Fredriksen et al., and Harkness, 1985). Alterations affecting both or-
1999b). Damage to the fetus is limited and thus gans are referred to as oculocerebellar syndrome
pregnancy is maintained. The fetus is immune- (Bielefeldt Ohmann, 1984). The following malfor-
incompetent at the time of infection and mounts no re- mations of the central nervous system have been re-
action to the infecting BVDV. The continued presence ported: micrencephaly, cerebellar hypoplasia or
of large amounts of virus throughout fetal tissues to- aplasia, porencephaly, hydranencephaly, hydro-
larizes the fetus, when immune competence sets in. cephalus internus, or dysmyelogenesis (Ward, 1969;
Thus the infecting strain of BVDV is not recognized Kahrs et al., 1970 a,b; Casaro et al., 1971; Brown et
as foreign and there is no immune response to it. al., 1973, 1974; Scott et al., 1973; Done et al., 1980;
The effect of the persisting BVDV on the fetus Trautwein et al. 1986). Neurological signs of tremor,
and newborn varies (McClurkin et al., 1979; Liess et ataxia, torticollis, or opisthotonus may be seen in
al., 1984). Persistent fetal infection may result in the newborn calves (Liess et al., 1984). The ocular ab-
birth of normal calves, apparently normal calves normalities are characterized by reduced pigmenta-
with different functional defects or calves with more tion of the retina, retinal atrophy, optic neuritis,
overt defects. Most have been characterized as cataract, microphthalmia, and retinal dysplasia
“poor-doers.” They may be stillborn or may die (Kahrs et al., 1970b, Brown et al., 1975). Another
within the first few hours or days of life. Surviving frequently affected organ is the thymus, which has
calves are often stunted and have growth retardation. reduced size at parturition (Done et al., 1980). Other
In the first year of life, up to 50% higher death rate congenital defects are arthrogryposis and alopecia/
was found in PI calves when compared to calves not hypotrichosis (Casaro et al., 1971; Kendrick, 1971;
infected (Duffel and Harkness, 1985). Even appar- Bielefeldt-Ohmann, 1984). Frequently BVDV can-
ently normal calves have a higher death rate than un- not be isolated from or detected in non-PI animals
infected calves, because they are predisposed to in- with BVDV-related malformations. In the few cases
fections and have a higher risk of severe illness where BVDV is detected, it is often found locally in
(Barber et al., 1985; Werdin et al., 1989; Muñoz- the brain or in the cerebrospinal fluid only (Roeder
Zanzi et al., 2003). This is most likely due to func- et al., 1986; Trautwein et al., 1987; Liess et al.,
tional defects of the immune system causing im- 1987). Some of the newborns with BVDV-related
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130 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

malformations are seropositive for BVDV at birth scopic lesions (Done et al., 1980; Binkhorst et al.,
(Liess et al., 1984). 1983; Roeder et al., 1986). These clinically incon-
spicuous PI animals are an important source for hor-
PERSISTENT INFECTIONS izontal and vertical infections. It was demonstrated
The ability to establish prolonged replication of experimentally that transmission of BVDV to naive
virus in vivo is important both for the epidemiology animals was much more efficient from PI animals
and the pathogenesis of BVDV infections. There are than from those with acute infections (Traven et al.,
two forms of prolonged viral replication. The first 1991; Niskanen et al., 2000). In PI animals, BVDV
form is characterized by viral persistence after in- is present throughout all organs and tissues (Mey-
trauterine infection, which results in animals that ling, 1970; Bielfeldt Ohmann, 1988; Liebler et al.,
never clear the virus and thus shed the virus over 1991), and thus large scale virus shedding occurs
their entire life span. The second form occurs in from multiple sites in PI animals. Because BVDV is
some, but not all, animals following acute infection. present in the epidermis; salivary glands; nasal
Such animals shed virus for weeks and months fol- glands; lining of the oral and nasal cavity; and mu-
lowing infection. However, these animals do mount cosa and accessory glands of the digestive tract, uro-
an immune response to the virus and do clear the genital tract, and mammary glands, the virus can be
virus from most tissues over time. found in sloughed-off skin cells, oronasal fluids,
feces, urine, semen, and colostrum/milk of PI ani-
VIRUS PERSISTENCE FOLLOWING mals. Viral antigen is present in the blood although
INTRAUTERINE EXPOSURE levels of viremia may change (Brock et al., 1998);
The more important form of prolonged viral replica- thus iatrogenic transmission by contaminated nee-
tion results from intrauterine infection of an im- dles or surgical instruments is possible.
mune-incompetent fetus because
Vertical infection
• PI animals are the main source of virus for es- PI cows are able to conceive and give birth to live
tablishing acute infections. calves. They have a reduced reproductive perform-
• PI mothers are important in establishing PI fami- ance, which is caused by significant morphological
lies by continuous vertical infection. changes in the ovaries leading to reduced follicular
• Persistent infection is important in the pathogen- maturation (Grooms et al., 1996). Calves born to PI
esis of mucosal disease. cows are always persistently viremic; this estab-
PI animals are characterized by a wide distribu- lishes persistent infection in the next generation,
tion of BVDV throughout their organs, no virus- thus forming PI families (Straver et al., 1983).
associated morphological lesions, and no immune re- BVDV transmission may occur at the level of
sponse to the persisting BVDV strain. The immune oocytes, which can be antigen-positive (Fray et al.,
tolerance is selectively restricted to the particular 1998). On the other hand, since only about 20% of
strain of BVDV that has caused the intrauterine in- follicles are positive for BVDV in PI cows (Fray et
fection. Infections with other strains of BVDV will al., 1998), virus-free calves can be obtained after
induce an immune response (Fulton et al., 2003). embryo transfer from PI donors (Wentink et al.,
Even single amino acid differences are sufficient for 1991; Bak et al., 1992; Smith and Grimmer, 2000).
the PI animal to recognize and mount a response to If the oocytes are not infected, infection of the fetus
another BVDV strain (Collen et al., 2000). PI ani- will occur when it becomes susceptible in the early
mals have normal cellular and humoral responses to phase of gestation by the continuous presence of
other antigens (Houe and Heron, 1993). Recent in- BVDV in the uterus, placentomes, and fetal mem-
vestigations have centered on immunological mech- branes of pregnant PI cows (Fredriksen et al.,
anisms involved in maintaining viral persistence. It 1999b). Apparently, pregnancy even enhances the
was concluded that tolerance is maintained by nonre- amount of BVDV in the genital tissues (Fredriksen
active CD4+ T-lymphocytes, and B-lymphocytes and et al., 1999b).
antigen-presenting cells are normally reactive (Fray
et al., 2000b; Glew and Howard, 2001).
PI animals as source of virus for acute infection A prolonged period of viral shed may develop after
Some PI calves are born without clinical signs of the acute infection of immune-competent animals.
disease and without any macroscopic or micro- Immune-suppressive treatment or stress during in-
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Pathogenesis 131

fection may lead to an extended presence of virus in BVDV pair, they died from MD (Bolin et al.,
the host for up to 80 days postinoculation (Sandvik 1985b).
et al., 2000). Sometimes virus is retained in certain • The other group identified a herd that contained
immunologically privileged sites although a sys- a number of PI animals. One of these animals
temic immune response is mounted and virus developed spontaneous MD. A cp BVDV was
cleared from most tissues. This type of prolonged isolated from the MD animal. When the remain-
viral replication has been described for the male ing PI animals were inoculated with the cp
genital system where semen contaminated with BVDV isolate from the diseased animal, they
BVDV was found for up to 7 months after acute in- developed the characteristic signs of MD and
fection (Kirkland et al., 1991; Voges et al., 1998; died within 2–3 weeks (Brownlie et al., 1984).
Niskanen et al., 2002a; Givens et al., 2003).
Several earlier experiments had revealed that not
all experimental infections of PI animals with cp
MUCOSAL DISEASE BVDV resulted in MD (Liess et al., 1974; Harkness
Mucosal disease (MD) is the most dramatic clinical et al., 1984). The comparison of ncp/cp BVDV pairs
evidence of BVDV infection and causes characteris- from animals with MD showed a very close anti-
tic lesions. The name mucosal disease was coined genic relationship between ncp and cp of most virus
by Ramsey and Chivers (1953). The authors ob- pairs (Howard et al., 1987). Therefore it was hypoth-
served a virus infection in cattle that caused severe esized that only cp BVDV with close antigenic re-
erosions, ulcerations, and hemorrhages of the mu- semblance (homologous strains) can induce MD
cosal surfaces of nuzzle, oral cavity, esophagus, (Brownlie and Clarke, 1993; Nakajima et al., 1993).
forestomachs, abomasum, and the small and large In experimental infections with in vitro selected cp
intestines. Further examination revealed severe de- BVDV strains, this could not be confirmed, although
pletion of spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus. These close homology appears to favor the development of
findings are in accordance with later descriptions by MD as demonstrated in the following experiments:
other authors (Schulz, 1959; Bielefeldt Ohmann,
1983; Bolin et al., 1985b; Wilhelmsen et al., 1991). • Cytopathic BVDV strains with similar, but not
The disease is fatal and the affected animals usually completely identical, reactivity patterns to ncp
die within 2 weeks after onset of clinical symptoms. viruses isolated from PI animals were selected.
Reactivity patterns were determined based on
PATHOGENESIS OF MUCOSAL DISEASE binding of monoclonal antibodies produced
Gillespie et al. (1960) recognized that the virus of against the immune dominant surface glycopro-
mucosal disease was identical with one that causes tein E2. When the PI animals were inoculated
bovine virus diarrhea (Olafson et al., 1946). Inocula- with the selected “homologous” cp BVDV, MD
tion of immune-competent cattle with BVDV- was induced in all animals within 2–3 weeks
induced acute BVDV infections and not MD. Al- (Moennig et al., 1990).
though acute BVDV infections infrequently resulted • PI animals were inoculated with semihomolo-
in severe disease with mucosal lesions, they tended to gous cp BVDV strains. Only some animals suc-
be much more limited and less severe than MD. The cumbed to MD (Bruschke et al., 1998b; Loehr et
pathogenesis of MD remained obscure for several al., 1998)
decades. It was only when it was recognized that viral • PI animals developed MD after inoculation with
persistence after intrauterine infection of the fetus an antigenically different cp BVDV (Sentsui et
with ncp BVDV was a prerequisite for the develop- al., 2001).
ment of MD (Coria and McClurkin, 1978; McClurkin
et al., 1984) that researchers were able to induce MD. This led to the hypothesis that in addition to the
The first two research teams to induce MD experi- homology between ncp and cp BVDV, other factors
mentally used slightly different approaches: influence the outcome of infection (Bruschke et al.,
1998b). Under experimental conditions, MD was re-
• One group inoculated pregnant naive cows dur- produced by nasal or intravenous inoculation with
ing the first trimester of pregnancy with the ncp cp BVDV. Under field conditions, horizontal infec-
BVDV of an ncp/cp BVDV pair isolated from an tion is possible, especially from animals in the final
animal with MD. This resulted in the birth of PI stages of MD, which shed both biotypes of BVDV.
calves (McClurkin et al., 1984). When these Endogenous development of cp BVDV in PI ani-
calves were infected with the cp part of the mals has been discussed as an alternative way of in-
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132 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

fection (Brownlie and Clarke, 1993; Fricke et al., BVDV was followed by a variably long phase with-
2001). When homologous cp BVDV has developed out clinical signs and neutralizing antibodies to the
in a PI animal, it will develop MD. During the dis- cp BVDV. The final phase of infection was denoted
ease, cp BVDV is excreted and other herd members by a sudden onset of characteristic signs of MD
are infected. Seropositive animals are immune, (Loehr et al., 1998).
seronegative animals will develop acute BVD, and Moennig et al. (1993) compared the cp BVDV
other PI herd members infected with the same ncp used for inoculation and the cp BVDV re-isolated
BVDV will develop MD. from the sick animal from animals that had suc-
cumbed to MD months to years after experimental
EARLY AND LATE ONSET MUCOSAL infection. It was found that the re-isolated cp BVDV
DISEASE was a recombination of the cp BVDV used for inoc-
In initial experiments, the first signs of MD devel- ulation with the persisting ncp BVDV. The E2-
oped within 2–3 weeks after inoculation with cp specific monoclonal antibody reactivity pattern of
BVDV. However, later reports described the devel- the re-isolated cp BVDV resembled that of the per-
opment of MD several months after inoculation with sisting ncp BVDV. However, it expressed the ge-
cp BVDV (Brownlie and Clarke, 1993). It was pos- netic marker of the cp BVDV used for inoculation.
tulated that the course of infection was influenced The recombinational events were confirmed on a
by the degree of homology between the persisting molecular basis by sequencing the E2 and NS2/3
ncp BVDV and the cp BVDV (Brownlie and Clarke, proteins of the viruses involved (Fritzemeier et al.,
1993). Experimental infections of PI animals using 1995, 1998). The same phenomenon has been de-
cp BVDV strains of variable degrees of antigenic scribed when modified live vaccines containing cp
homology as determined by monoclonal antibody BVDV are used (Ridpath and Bolin, 1995). Such re-
reactivity pattern showed that the course of disease combinational events may even occur between
is not predictable (Loehr et al., 1998). The following BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 (Ridpath and Bolin, 1995).
pattern was observed in animals developing MD Based on these findings early onset and late onset
months to years after inoculation with cp BVDV. An MD can be distinguished as follows (Figure 7.4):
initial, transient acute BVDV infection with the cp Early onset MD occurs within 2–3 weeks after ex-

Figure 7.4. Pathogenesis of mucosal disease.

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Pathogenesis 133

posure to a cp BVDV strain, and the re-isolated cp tissues (gut-associated lymphoid tissues,
BVD is identical to the one the animal was exposed bronchus-associated lymphoid tissues)
to. Late onset MD occurs months to years after ex- • Thymic cortex
posure and the re-isolated cp BVDV is a recombina- • Altered mucosa of the upper digestive tract, and
tion between the persisting ncp and the original cp (iv) crypt epithelia of small and large intestine
BVDV. This distinction is in general possible only
under experimental conditions, because in most These observations suggest that cp BVDV is not
field cases the identity of the original infecting cp only important for the pathogenesis of MD, but also
BVDV cannot be determined and the time of expo- for the manifestation of MD at mucosal surfaces and
sure cannot be pinpointed. Clinical signs in the end in lymphoid tissues. It appears that the replication of
phase of early onset and late onset MD are indistin- cp BVDV is associated with marked lesions. The
guishable and there are only subtle differences in tis- comparison of tissue lesions and distribution of viral
sue lesions of animals that have succumbed to the antigen at consecutive times after inoculation of PI
two forms of MD (Moennig et al., 1993; Liebler- cattle with cp BVDV revealed a spreading pattern for
Tenorio et al., 2000). the cp BVDV in MD that was similar to the one de-
scribed for acute BVDV infections either with cp or
PATHOGENESIS OF LESIONS IN MUCOSAL ncp BVDV (Liebler-Tenorio et al., 1997) (Figure 7.5).
DISEASE After intranasal inoculation, primary infection of
the tonsillar epithelium and virus replication in the
Correlation between viral antigen and tissue
tonsil is observed. The cp BVDV then spreads from
the tonsils to the regional lymph nodes. With little
In field cases of MD, BVDV antigen can be demon- delay, cp BVDV can also be detected in Peyer’s
strated by immunohistochemistry in numerous or- patches, mucosa-associated lymphoid follicles in
gans and tissues (Meyling, 1970; Bielefeldt Oh- the large intestine, and lymphoid follicles of the
mann, 1983). The distribution of viral antigen does lung and nasal mucosa. In mucosa-associated lym-
not correlate well with tissue lesions, since in gen- phoid tissues, the cp viral antigen is primarily found
eral no distinction can be made between the antigen in the lymphoid tissue and only later in the epithe-
of the ncp and cp BVDV. The ncp BVDV present in lium. This pattern differs from most enteric patho-
PI animals in a wide distribution is still found in an- gens. It suggests a hematogeneous spread of cp
imals after they have developed MD, but is not asso- BVDV to the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract
ciated with tissue lesions (Bielfeldt Ohmann, 1988). mucosa. cp BVDV spreads to a lesser degree to the
Under experimental conditions, it is possible to se- peripheral lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen.
lectively demonstrate the distribution of cp BVDV Infection of intestinal mucosa occurs initially in
as opposed to the persistent ncp BVDV (Liebler et close association with mucosa-associated lymphoid
al., 1991). These conditions require that the cp tissues by local expansion of the infection. In the
BVDV used for inoculation differs in binding to one progressed phase of MD, cp BVDV is found multi-
or more monoclonal antibodies from the persisting focally and finally diffusely in the intestinal mucosa.
BVDV. Thus it can be recognized selectively by spe- The multifocal infection is most likely caused by
cific monoclonal antibodies in tissue sections using multifocal immigration of infected lymphocytes into
immunohistochemistry. Further studies indicated the mucosa. A large number of these cells might be
that the organ distribution patterns for the cp BVDV recirculating from Peyer’s patches, since homing is
were identical whether immunohistochemistry for a known phenomenon of the Peyer’s patch lympho-
E2 or whether molecular detection of NS3 protein cytes. The preferential infection of the intestinal mu-
characteristic for the cp BVDV was used (Greiser- cosa versus other mucosal surface is most likely in-
Wilke et al., 1993). This suggests that results ob- fluenced by the large amount of mucosa-associated
tained by immunohistochemistry reflect the distri- lymphoid tissue in the intestine and the high num-
bution of cp BVDV in the tissues realistically. bers of recirculating lymphocytes. When cp BVDV
Examination of animals with MD revealed that cp is present multifocally or diffusely in the intestinal
BVDV was predominantly detected in sites where mucosa, the first signs of diarrhea are observed.
tissue destruction was observed (Liebler et al.,
1991). The sites included Lesions in lymphoid tissues
• Depleted lymphoid follicles of tonsils, lymph In the early phase of MD the increased frequency of
nodes, spleen, mucosa-associated lymphoid cell death by apoptosis and the changes in prolifer-
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134 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Figure 7.5. Spread of cp BVDV in mucosal disease.

ation are key players for the development of tissue T-lymphocytes, they may induce a cell-mediated im-
lesions both in lymphoid tissues and epithelium. In mune response. Further investigation of T-cell
tonsils, lymph nodes and Peyer´s patches, cp subsets in the early phase of MD revealed accu-
BVDV is predominantly present in the lymphoid mulations of CD4+ T-lymphocytes particularly at
follicles. Initially it is associated with follicular sites where lesions develop and it was speculated
dendritic cells (FDCs) and B-lymphocytes. There is about possible cytotoxic effects mediated by CD4+
a marked reduction in the number of proliferating T-lymphocytes (Frink et al., 2002).
B-lymphocytes and a marked increase in apoptotic
cells. The immature B-lymphocytes in the dark Lesions in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues
zone of the germinal center, which have a very high Besides changes within the lymphoid follicles, the
proliferative activity, are especially affected loss of B-cells also alters the morphology of domes
(Liebler-Tenorio and Pohlenz, 1997). Transmission (Liebler et al., 1995). The loss of domes, and conse-
electron microscopy reveals a loss of B-lympho- quently of the follicle-associated epithelium, im-
cytes, whereas FDCs often do not have signs of de- pedes the selective uptake of antigens from the in-
generation (Teichmann et al., 2000). If the loss of testinal lumen. Thus MD causes severe impairment
B-lymphocytes is very abrupt, death of FDCs is ob- of the inductive part of the intestinal mucosal im-
served leaving empty follicular centers. Histo- mune system.
logically this presents as cyst formation, a frequent The changes in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue
finding in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues of cause not only local tissue destruction, but also af-
the intestine, which has led to the descriptive diag- fect the whole intestinal mucosa (Liebler et al.,
nosis of “colitis cystica.” If depletion of lympho- 1996). In the mucosa of the small and large intes-
cytes develops more slowly, follicles consisting ex- tines of animals moribund with MD, the number of
clusively of FDCs are found. IgA- and IgM-positive plasma cells in the lamina
Cp BVDV was also detected in dendritic cells propria is severely reduced. This is most likely due
(DCs) in the interfollicular areas. DCs can be in- to the depletion of mucosa-associated lymphoid fol-
fected with virus and may serve as carriers for viral licles, which are the sites where precursors of the
proteins (Sprecher and Becker, 1993). Since DCs plasma cells in the lamina propria are generated.
are able to present antigen very effectively to The reduced number of plasma cells causes reduced
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Pathogenesis 135

production of secretory immunoglobulins essential infection with different components of the specific
for the protection of the mucosal surface. immune responses (Beer et al., 1997; Rhodes et al.,
The number of intraepithelial lymphocytes is also 1999; Collen and Morrison, 2000; Collen et al.,
reduced (Liebler et al., 1996). Since they are also 2002), as well as with cells and mediators of the in-
derived from Peyer´s patches in part, their reduced nate immune system (Adler et al., 1994, 1996;
numbers might reflect decreased production. On the Baigent et al., 2002; Ganheim et al., 2003; Peterhans
other hand, the altered microenvironment of the ep- et al., 2003). Another approach focuses on the inter-
ithelium might also influence their presence be- action of BVDV with its target cells—e.g., how
tween the epithelial cells. In conclusion, all parts of BVDV replication influences gene expression in af-
the mucosal immune system are severely altered in fected cells (Neill and Ridpath, 2003), in which
MD—e.g., FAE, domes, lymphoid follicles, plasma compartments of the cell BVDV proteins are ex-
cells in the lamina propria, and T-lymphocytes in the pressed (Grummer et al., 2001); which receptors are
epithelium. used by BVDV to interact with cells (Minocha et al.,
1997; Schelp et al., 2000); and how cp strains are
Lesions in mucosa
able to exert their cp effect on certain, but not all,
The intestinal mucosa becomes infected later than cells (Perler et al., 2000; Schweizer and Peterhans,
the Peyer´s patches and mucosa-associated lym- 1999, 2001; Grummer et al., 2002; Bendfeldt et al.,
phoid follicles in the large intestine (Liebler-Tenorio 2003). Hopefully some of the answers will yield fur-
et al., 1997). Enterocytes are not infected from the ther insight into the pathogenesis of BVDV and
luminal surface as in most enteric viral infections, allow better control of this economically important
but from the basolateral surface. Crypt epithelium is disease of ruminants.
particularly affected. Initially there is a coincidence
of three phenomena in the crypts; focal infection of
a few epithelial cells with cp BVDV, increased num-
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Reproductive Disease and
Persistent Infections
Kenny V. Brock, Daniel L. Grooms, and M. Daniel Givens

INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW ical pictures. The outcome of BVDV infection de-
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is recognized pends primarily on the stage of the reproductive
as one of the most important infectious diseases of cycle or gestation.
cattle (Baker, 1987; Duffell and Harkness, 1985).
The insidious nature of BVDV contributes to sub- IMPACT OF TESTICULAR
stantial economic losses in both the dairy and the INFECTION ON BULL FERTILITY
beef cattle industries on a worldwide basis (Duffell The influence of BVDV infection on bull fertility
et al., 1986; Houe et al., 1993a). The most common and reproduction is often overlooked. Both acute
consequences of BVDV infection in cattle are res- and persistent infections can affect the reproductive
piratory and reproductive disorders. Losses due to soundness of bulls by reducing semen quality (Coria
BVDV-related reproductive disorders are probably and McClurkin, 1978; Barlow et al., 1986; Meyling
the most economically important consequence, and and Jensen, 1988; Revell et al., 1988; Kirkland et al.,
there is evidence to suggest that such losses are in- 1994; Whitmore and Archbald, 1977; Kirkland et
creasing in the United States (Evermann and al., 1991; Kommisrud et al., 1996). The primary ef-
Ridpath, 2002). Although difficult to measure, the fect of infection is the subsequent potential for vene-
economic consequences of reproductive infections real transmission during breeding and the shedding
can be devastating due to negative effects on the of BVDV in semen. Virus has been isolated from the
individual animal and on the net return per cow. In semen of PI bulls ranging from 104 to 107 CCID50/
addition to reduced reproductive efficiency, BVDV ml of semen (Kirkland et al., 1991). Following acute
has adapted to the bovine reproductive system, experimental infection of bulls with noncytopathic
thereby maintaining itself in the cattle population BVDV, virus was isolated from the semen between
by inducing immunotolerant fetal infections; this 7 and 14 days postinfection at titers ranging from
results in the birth of calves persistently infected 5–75 CCID50/ml of semen (Kirkland et al., 1991).
with BVDV. The primary consequences of re- The ability to transmit BVDV via semen is sup-
productive infection are due to the direct infection ported by the demonstration that susceptible cows
of the fetus. In turn, persistently infected (PI) ani- can become infected following artificial insemina-
mals act as a source of BVDV within the cattle tion (Kirkland et al., 1994; Paton et al., 1990) or nat-
populations. ural service (McClurkin et al., 1979; Wentink et al.,
Reproductive losses associated with BVDV infec- 1989).
tion were initially described by Olafson and associ- Persistently infected bulls can successfully sire off-
ates in the first clinical description of bovine viral spring but usually with lowered conception rates
diarrhea (Olafson et al., 1946). Pregnant cows that (Meyling and Jensen, 1988; Kirkland et al., 1994;
were subclinically infected with BVDV, often Paton et al., 1990). Poor reproductive efficiency fol-
aborted 10–90 days following infection. It has been lowing the use of PI bulls is likely attributable to a
observed that BVDV can cause a wide array of re- combination of several factors including low quality
productive losses manifested in many different clin- semen, ill thrift, and the effects of the virus on the re-

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146 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

productive tract and conceptus of infected females. (Niskanen et al., 2002). In addition, during the re-
The quality of semen from PI bulls may range from ported period of collection, the bull continued to
acceptable (Barlow et al., 1986; Kirkland et al., 1991) have consistent, high levels of BVDV neutralizing
to abnormal with various defects predominantly in- antibody against the viral strain isolated from the
volving the head of the spermatozoa (Barlow et al., semen. Bovine viral diarrhea virus could not be iso-
1986; Revell et al., 1988; McClurkin et al., 1979). lated from white blood cells but was continually iso-
Prior to the development of standardized BVDV test- lated from semen samples. At postmortem, BVDV
ing protocols in semen collection/production facili- was isolated only from the testicular tissue. It is hy-
ties, semen was unknowingly collected and distrib- pothesized that this bull was acutely infected with
uted from PI bulls. A retrospective analysis of BVDV near the time of puberty when the blood-
breeding records in 97 dairy farms in which semen testes barrier forms, thus trapping the virus in go-
from a PI bull was used, indicated a first service con- nadal cells away from the animal’s immune re-
ception rate of 38% in cows inseminated with this sponse. These findings suggest that screening bulls
semen as compared to 66% for cows bred during the for persistent infection with BVDV using serum or
same period on the same farms with semen from a white blood cells may not be adequate in assuring
different bull (Kirkland et al., 1994). BVDV-free semen.
Following acute infection, bulls can shed BVDV Persistent, localized testicular BVDV infections
in semen (5–75 CCID50/ml of semen). In contrast to in experimentally infected, post-pubertal, non-
semen from PI bulls, the semen of acutely infected viremic bulls have been characterized (Givens et al.,
animals (based on the criteria of concentration, mo- 2003a). Following experimental infection, BVDV
tility, and morphology of spermatozoa) will pass persisted within the testicular tissues of some bulls
breeding soundness examination (Kirkland et al., for at least 7 months (Givens et al., 2003a). Experi-
1997; Kirkland et al., 1991). It is generally accepted mental results have indicated that an epididymal in-
that the ability to isolate virus from semen ceases fection may progress to a testicular infection. Due to
when serum antibodies become detectable (Kirkland the blood-testes barrier, BVDV is protected from
et al., 1991; Paton et al., 1989). BVDV isolation elimination by the immune system and testicular in-
from raw semen may be less successful than from fection can persist (Paton et al., 1989; Kirkland et
extended semen (Revell et al., 1988). This is pre- al., 1991). The prevalence of bulls that are non-
sumably due to the documented viricidal effects of viremic (based on failure to isolate virus from serum
semen. Using semen that was collected prior to se- or buffy coat sample) but shed BVDV in semen is
roconversion (12 days postinoculation), approxi- probably extremely low (Givens et al., 2003b; Nis-
mately 5% of inseminated heifers became infected kanen et al., 2002). Further studies are required to
as evidenced by seroconversion (Kirkland et al., determine whether persistent-testicular BVDV in-
1997). It is interesting to note that in this report the fections contribute to transmission of BVDV by
primary impact of BVDV was the horizontal trans- semen to susceptible cows.
mission of BVDV to penmates and the subsequent Currently, BVDV contamination of distributed
birth of PI calves (Kirkland et al., 1997). semen is prevented by practicing standardized test-
As is true for most biological systems, there are ing and quarantine procedures in AI semen collec-
always exceptions to the rule. In addition to classi- tion facilities. Certified Semen Services, Inc. (CSS)
cal acute and persistent infections, the replication of is a cooperative organization, and membership in
BVDV in a “privileged” site has been described. CSS ensures that the standardized procedures are
Thus, persistent BVDV infection localized in the used appropriately (CSS guidelines: http://www.
testes of an immunocompetent, seropositive, non-
viremic bull has been documented (Voges et al., Therefore, use of semen from CSS-certified collec-
1998). The concentration of BVDV in the semen of tions is recommended to prevent introduction of
this bull was lower (<2 ⫻ 103 CCID50/ml) than that BVDV via semen. Current CSS prevention meas-
observed in PI bulls (104–107 CCID50/ml), but ures include screening of all bulls 30 days prior to
higher than that observed in acutely infected bulls entry by virus isolation or ELISA to detect persist-
(5–75 CCID50/ml) (Kirkland et al., 1991; Voges et ent infections. The collection and distribution of
al., 1998). The insemination of seronegative heifers semen from bulls with persistent testicular infec-
with semen collected from this bull resulted in tions is prevented by requiring that specimens of
BVDV infection and subsequent seroconversion semen be negative by virus isolation.
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Reproductive Disease and Persistent Infections 147


BVDV infections prior to breeding often go unno- OF REPRODUCTIVE DISEASE
ticed in production operations, and thus field data to As stated previously, the outcome of reproductive dis-
gauge its impact are sparse. Limited information is ease depends on the stage of gestation at which fetal
available on ovarian function following BVDV in- infection occurs. Abortions associated with BVDV
fection. Reproductive capacity of bulls and infection were first described in 1946 (Olafson et al.,
cows/heifers can be affected directly by BVDV in- 1946). Initial reports linked abortions to epizootics of
fection. Bovine viral diarrhea virus has been identi- disease described as bovine viral diarrhea although
fied by virus isolation and immunohistochemistry in definitive causes of abortions were not identified
ovarian tissues and oviductal cells following acute (Dow et al., 1956; Nielson et al., 1955; Swope and
infection. The identification of BVDV and viral Luedke, 1956). Early studies involving experimental
antigen has been associated with chronic oophoritis infection with BVDV resulted in abortion although
and salpingitis of cattle. Clinical examination of virus was not isolated from the fetus (Baker et al.,
cattle experimentally infected with BVDV revealed 1954; Huck, 1957). Subsequently noncytopathic
reduced number of corpora lutea and recovered em- (Gillespie et al., 1967) and cytopathic BVDV (Shope,
bryos. Between 6 and 60 days following experi- 1968; Scott et al., 1972) were isolated from aborted
mental acute infection, viral antigen (Erns) was de- fetuses. Experimental, transplacental infection of
tected by immunohistochemistry in interstitial fetus with BVDV was first demonstrated in 1969
stromal cells and macrophage-like cells that were (Ward et al., 1969). Under experimental conditions,
associated with primary follicles, secondary folli- both cytopathic (Brownlie et al., 1989) and noncyto-
cles, antral follicles, corpus luteum, and corpus albi- pathic BVDV (Done et al., 1980; Duffell et al., 1984;
cans (Grooms et al., 1998a). Viral antigen (Erns) was Liess et al., 1984) can cause fetal death following in-
detected by immunohistochemical techniques in fection of seronegative dams. An abortion rate of 21%
ovarian sections taken on days 10, 20, and 30 after in a 6-month period has been documented to have oc-
immunization with a modified-live BVDV vaccine curred in a susceptible herd following the introduc-
(Grooms et al., 1998b). Experimental acute BVDV tion of BVDV in the herd (Roeder et al., 1986). In en-
infection near estrus has resulted in reduced follicu- demically infected herds without BVDV prevention
lar development following infection (Grooms et al., and control programs (vaccination, biosecurity, test,
1998c). and removal), it has been estimated that 7% of fetal
In a study of cattle being superovulated while un- deaths may be attributable to infection with BVDV
dergoing experimental challenge with BVDV, the (Rufenacht et al., 2001).
number of palpable corpora lutea and recovered Fetal death following BVDV infection of suscep-
embryos was significantly reduced when compared tible dams can occur at any stage during gestation,
to noninfected cows undergoing superovulation although abortions are most common during the first
(Kafi et al., 1994). BVDV infection resulting in trimester (Duffell and Harkness, 1985; Done et al.,
viremia during the preovulatory phase can reduce 1980; Roeder et al., 1986; Casaro et al., 1971;
the rate of follicle growth (Grooms et al., 1998a; Kahrs, 1968; Kendrick, 1971; Sprecher et al., 1991;
Fray et al., 1999). Cows that are persistently in- McGowan et al., 1993). However, BVDV can also
fected with BVDV have ovaries that are often hy- be associated with late-term abortions. In a field in-
poplastic with a significantly reduced number of vestigation of an abortion outbreak in a large dairy
ovarian antral follicles when compared to ovaries operation, BVDV was isolated from 18 fetuses, 14
from cattle not persistently infected with BVDV of which were aborted during the last trimester of
(Grooms et al., 1996). Alteration of ovarian hor- gestation (Grooms, unpublished data). Depending
mone secretions has been demonstrated following on the age of the fetus, fetal reabsorption, mummifi-
acute BVDV infection and has been postulated to cation, or expulsion can occur following infection
contribute to BVDV-induced infertility (Fray et al., with BVDV (Done et al., 1980; Casaro et al., 1971).
1999; Fray et al., 2000a; 2000b; 2002). The
changes in follicular development and ovarian hor- CONSEQUENCES OF BVDV INFECTION
monal dynamics associated with BVDV infection PRIOR TO IMPLANTATION (30–45 DAYS)
may subsequently lead to a transient and/or long- Understanding the effects of BVDV infection during
term reduction in fertility. the early stages of embryo development has proven
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148 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

to be difficult. Characterization of the complex in this group, resulting in a 77-day pregnancy rate
events that influence conception is difficult and con- of only 33% as compared to 79% for the control
tributes to the lack of understanding of the effects of group.
BVDV. From epidemiological and clinical observa- The mechanism for decreased conception rates is
tions it is apparent that BVDV infection reduces not not clear but may depend on the time of infection
only the conception rates but also the viability of the with respect to the stage of early reproductive
early stage conceptus. Conception rates were re- events. Virus has been localized in ovarian tissue for
duced in cattle exposed to BVDV during breeding prolonged periods of time following acute infection
when compared to cattle seropositive to BVDV with cytopathic (Ssentongo et al., 1980; Grooms et
(Houe et al., 1993a, 1993b; McGowan et al., 1993; al., 1998b) and noncytopathic BVDV (Grooms et
McGowan et al. 1995; Virakul et al., 1988). The al., 1998a). BVDV has also been isolated from fol-
mechanism(s) for reduced conception is not directly licular fluid collected from slaughterhouse ovaries
known. However, it has been demonstrated that (Bielanski et al., 1993). Exposure of developing
BVDV infection results in the replication of BVDV oocytes to BVDV could result in reduced survivabil-
in ovarian tissues (Grooms et al., 1998a, 1998b). ity either through direct cell damage or indirectly
The most common consequence of BVDV infection through changes in the oocyte at the cellular level.
during the early stages of gestation is infertility. In Following acute infection with cytopathic BVDV,
vitro experimental studies have demonstrated that interstitial oophoritis has been described with le-
the zona pellucida provides a protective effect to the sions lasting up to 60 days (Ssentongo et al., 1980;
early developing embryo. Grooms et al., 1998a). Significant long-term
When a group of seronegative cattle was acciden- oophoritis could result in ovarian malfunction with
tally exposed to a persistently infected cow during subsequent poor conception rates.
breeding, the conception rates in cattle that sero- Because of its essential role in fertilization,
converted to BVDV before, during, or after breed- changes in the oviductal environment could have a
ing were 78.6%, 44.4%, and 22.2%, respectively detrimental effect on the conception rate. BVDV has
(Virakul et al., 1988). Cattle that seroconverted to been detected in oviductal cells (Bielanski et al.,
BVDV at breeding or soon after breeding were less 1993; Booth et al., 1995). Archbald et al. (1973) iso-
likely to conceive than cattle that had seroconverted lated BVDV from oviductal tissue and detected evi-
prior to breeding (Virakul et al., 1988). McGowan dence of salpingitis for up to 21 days following ex-
(1993) compared BVDV seropositive heifers to perimental intrauterine infusion with cytopathic
heifers that seroconverted between breeding and BVDV. Similar findings have not been reported with
pregnancy diagnosis at 51 days postinsemination noncytopathic BVDV.
and found that the pregnancy rate was significantly Studies have suggested that the interruption of
lower in heifers seroconverting following breeding. normal fertilization or embryonic death may be the
Houe et al. (1993b) identified and defined a specific mechanism for a reduction in conception rates asso-
risk period for BVDV infection in dairy herds in ciated with acute BVDV infection. This conclusion
which cattle persistently infected with BVDV were was drawn from the observation that infusion of cy-
present. The risk period was defined as the period topathic BVDV into the uterus at insemination of
of time previous to when the oldest PI animal was 6 superovulated cows resulted in a significant reduc-
months old. In all herds studied, conception rates tion in the number of fertilized ova found at slaugh-
were significantly lower during the defined risk pe- ter 3 and 13 days later (Grahn et al., 1984). Archbald
riod than during the post-risk period (Houe et al., et al. (1979) provided evidence that BVDV may in-
1993b). In an experimental study examining BVDV terfere with early embryonic development. In super-
infection around breeding, conception rates in ovulated cattle in which BVDV had been infused
heifers infected intranasally 9 days before insemi- into one uterine horn, the quality of the embryos col-
nation was 44% compared to 79% for the control lected from the infected horn was significantly re-
group (McGowan et al., 1993). The reduction in duced compared to those collected from the nonin-
conception rates was attributed to either failure of fected horn (Archbald et al., 1979). In a similar
fertilization or early embryonic death. In the same study, the conception rate in seronegative heifers in-
report, the conception rate in heifers exposed to a fused with BVDV 2 hours following breeding was
persistently infected cow and calf 4 days following 27% and was significantly reduced (67%) as com-
insemination was 60% (McGowan et al., 1993). pared to sham-inoculated cows (Whitmore et al.,
However, significant embryo loss was experienced 1981). However, in the same study, conception rates
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Reproductive Disease and Persistent Infections 149

of seropositive cows inoculated in utero with BVDV CONSEQUENCES OF BVDV INFECTION FROM
or seronegative cows inoculated orally and in- 30–125 DAYS OF GESTATION
tranasally were not significantly different than those
Following implantation, transplacental infection of
in control cows.
the developing fetus can occur in susceptible cows
Although it is thought that BVDV has a direct ef-
with either noncytopathic or cytopathic strains of
fect on the developing embryo, inflammatory
BVDV. The outcome of infection is largely depend-
changes in the uterus following BVDV infection
ent on the timing of infection, the immunocompe-
may result in an incompatible environment for em-
tence of the developing fetus, the virus biotype in-
bryo development. In a study of uterine pathology
volved and the virulence of the virus. Although the
following intrauterine infusion of cytopathic BVDV,
mechanism of fetal infection is not clear, evidence
histological changes in both the uterus and oviduct
suggests that BVDV may cross the placenta by caus-
were evident from 6–21 days postinfection (Arch-
ing vasculitis on the maternal side of placentation al-
bald et al., 1973). Several in vitro studies have been
lowing access to fetal circulation (Fredriksen et al.,
undertaken to elucidate the effects of BVDV on
1999). Following infection of pregnant animals,
early reproductive function. Ova exposed to BVDV
BVDV crosses the placenta, and replication can be
in vitro can have virus particles attached to the zona
pellucida (Gillespie et al., 1990). However, in vitro demonstrated in the fetus within 7 days postinfection.
studies have shown that the intact zona pellucida The phenomenon of persistent infection was first
protects the developing embryonic cells from described in an apparently healthy bull (Coria and
BVDV infection, allowing normal development to McClurkin, 1978). Experimental production of per-
continue (Singh et al., 1982; Potter et al., 1984). In sistent infections was reported in 1984 (Brownlie et
morula and blastocyst stage bovine embryos with al., 1984; Liess et al., 1984; McClurkin et al., 1984).
the zona pellucida intact or damaged, no cytopathic During gestation, fetuses from 18–125 days of age
effects were seen for 48 hours following exposure to that survive noncytopathic BVDV infection develop
cytopathic BVDV (Bielanski and Hare, 1988). immunotolerance between 125–150 days of gesta-
Similarly, zona pellucida intact embryos exposed to tion and subsequently harbor lifelong persistent
noncytopathic BVDV infected bovine oviductal ep- infection. Although there are several hypotheses re-
ithelial cells for 7 days showed no adverse effects in garding the mechanism of induction of immunolog-
their rates of development (Zurovac et al., 1994). In ical tolerance, it is clear that the circulation of
contrast, blastocysts hatched from the zona pellu- BVDV during the period of gestation when immu-
cida (day 8 of gestation) have been shown to have nocompetence is developing (90–120 days) is a pre-
decreased viability when exposed to cytopathic requisite for immunotolerance and persistent infec-
BVDV in vitro. In the same study, noncytopathic tion. Persistent BVDV infection in cattle appears to
BVDV did not decrease blastocyst survivability arise from specific B- and T-lymphocyte immuno-
(Brock and Stringfellow, 1993). These studies sug- tolerance (Coria and McClurkin, 1978; McClurkin
gest that the zona pellucida protects the developing et al., 1984). In persistently infected animals, BVD
embryo from direct effects of BVDV. However, fol- viral proteins are accepted as self-antigens with a re-
lowing removal of the zona pellucida, cytopathic sulting negative selection or down-regulation of
BVDV may have detrimental effects on the surviv- BVDV specific B- and T-lymphocytes during on-
ability of blastocysts. Noncytopathic BVDV has not togeny. This negative selection results in an absence
been shown to have the same effects. Because non- of neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibodies and
cytopathic BVDV is the most common virus iso- of cell-mediated immunity to the persistent virus
lated in acute outbreaks of BVDV, and has been the (Donis and Dubovi, 1987). It appears that the win-
biotype associated with reported decreases in con- dow of opportunity during fetal development for
ception rates, further characterization of the effect of BVDV to establish an immunotolerant infection is
noncytopathic BVDV on the early stages of the de- approximately 100 days. Under experimental condi-
veloping embryo is necessary. Interestingly, at day tions, persistent infection occurred in 86% and
14 post-hatching, BVDV antigen has been detected 100% of calves derived from cows infected with
in embryos inoculated with noncytopathic BVDV at BVDV at days 18 and 30 of gestation, respectively
hatching (Brock and Stringfellow, 1993). In contrast (Kirkland et al., 1993).
to cytopathic BVDV, it is possible that the effect of Persistent infections have been obtained in 100%
exposure of embryos to noncytopathic BVDV may of fetuses in dams challenged at 75 days of gestation
be delayed. (Cortese et al., 1998; Brock and Cortese, 2001;
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150 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Brock and Chase, 2000). Although persistent infec- increases with the age of the fetus at the time of in-
tions have been reported to occur following infec- fection up to 150 days of gestation (Brown et al.,
tion up to 125 days of gestation, they are only rarely 1973). Numerous other congenital defects have been
established in fetuses older than 100 days of gesta- associated with BVDV infection and include hyena
tion (Baker, 1995). Noncytopathic BVDV is the disease (Espinhasse et al., 1986) (osteochondrosis),
only biotype that has been observed clinically or ex- growth retardation, optic neuritis (Bielefeldt-
perimentally to produce persistent BVDV infections Ohmann, 1984), retinal degeneration (Scott et al.,
(Brownlie et al., 1984; Brownlie et al., 1989; Bolin 1973), thymic hypoplasia (Done et al., 1980),
et al., 1985). Experimental infection of pregnant hypotrichosis/alopecia (Baker, 1987; Kendrick,
dams in the first trimester of gestation with cyto- 1971), curly haircoat (Larsson et al., 1991), de-
pathic BVDV failed to produce persistently infected ranged osteogenesis (Constable et al., 1993), mi-
calves (Casaro et al., 1971; Brownlie et al., 1989; croopthalmia (Kahrs et al., 1970; Scottt et al., 1973;
McClurkin et al., 1984). The simultaneous experi- Brown et al., 1975), cataracts (Bielefeldt-Ohmann,
mental infection of type 1 and type 2 genotypes dur- 1984; Wohrmann et al., 1992), mandibular brachyg-
ing gestation has resulted in dual persistent infec- nathism (Scott et al., 1972), and growth retardation
tions with the two BVDV genotypes (Brock and (Baker, 1987; Done et al., 1980, Constable et al.,
Chase, 2000). 1993). From a diagnostic aspect, it is important to
note that it is generally difficult to isolate BVDV or
CONSEQUENCES OF BVDV INFECTION FROM demonstrate viral antigen in calves that exhibit signs
125–175 DAYS OF GESTATION associated with the congenital defects as described.
Fetal infection during fetal development and
organogenesis in the middle trimester can result in CONSEQUENCES OF BVDV INFECTION FROM
numerous types of congenital anomalies. The com- 175 DAYS OF GESTATION TO TERM
bination of direct cellular damage by virus and the In the later stages of gestation, immunocompetence,
resultant inflammatory response to the foreign viral and organogenesis are generally complete. Although
antigens have been proposed as pathogenic mecha- abortions and the birth of weak calves have been at-
nisms for congenital anomalies (Castrucci et al., tributed to infection with BVDV late in gestation
1990). Congenital defects of the central nervous sys- (Ward et al., 1969), fetuses infected during this time
tem are the most common and may include cerebel- period are normally able to mount an effective
lar hypoplasia (Kahrs et al., 1970; Scott et al., 1973), immune response and clear the virus. These calves
microencephaly, hydrocephalus, hydranencephaly are usually normal at birth and have precolostral-
(Badman et al., 1981), porencephaly (Hewicker- neutralizing antibodies to BVDV (Casaro et al.,
Trautwein and Trautwein, 1994), and hypomyelina- 1971; Kendrick, 1971; Braun et al., 1973; Ohmann et
tion (Binkhorst et al., 1983). Cerebellar hypoplasia al., 1982; Orban et al., 1983). However, calves con-
is the most commonly recognized congenital defect genitally infected with BVDV may be at more risk of
associated with BVDV infection (Ward et al., 1969, experiencing a serious postnatal health event. It has
Kahrs et al., 1970; Scott et al., 1973; Wilson et al., recently been described that congenital infections
1983). Congenital infection has been correlated with during the last trimester of gestation may negatively
ataxia, tremors, wide-based stance, stumbling with- affect neonatal performance and survivability
out compensation or resolution, “dummy calves,” (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2003). It was reported that
and failure or inability to nurse. The defects fre- calves born with BVDV-neutralizing antibodies were
quently are severe enough that compensation does twice as likely to experience a severe illness during
not occur and the calves may either die or require their first 10 months of life as compared to calves
euthanasia (Baker, 1987). Histologically, the cere- born free of neutralizing antibodies. Further studies
bellar lesions have been described as containing re- are needed to determine whether detrimental effects
duced numbers of molecular layer cells and granular may continue long-term (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2003).
layer cells (Done et al., 1980; Brown et al., 1973;
Brown et al., 1974; Bielefeldt-Ohmann, 1984) and IMPACT OF PERSISTENT
reduced numbers and displaced Purkinje cells INFECTION AND THE
(Brown et al., 1973). Fetal cerebellar effects have RELATIONSHIP TO BVDV-
been seen following infection as early as 79 days ASSOCIATED DISEASE
and as late as 150 days of gestation (Brown et al., As discussed previously, there are several outcomes
1973). The severity of cerebellar lesions apparently of BVDV infection during gestation. However, fetal
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Reproductive Disease and Persistent Infections 151

infection resulting in persistent infection has severe conflicting. Infection of the fetus with cytopathic
impact on BVDV-associated losses. It is universally BVDV leads to IFN production in the fetus that may
accepted that persistent infections are the primary prevent the establishment of persistent infection. In
method for the spread of BVDV and the maintenance experimental studies, ncp BVDV fetal infection did
of the virus in the cattle population. The birth of PI not induce IFN-␣ production. However, ncp BVDV
animals leads to increased calf mortality and respira- fetal infection did result in IFN-␣ production in the
tory tract disease. The PI animal is most commonly cow (Charleston et al., 2001). It has been hypothe-
the source of BVDV spread when different groups of sized that the protective occurrence of apoptosis and
cattle are mixed. The birth of PI calves commonly the IFN response seen during the earliest stages of
occurs following the purchase of pregnant animals. pregnancy are important elements of the innate im-
Therefore, the ability of BVDV to cause persistent mune system protecting the fetus. Evasion of these
fetal infection has a significant impact on the contin- key elements may be crucial not only for transmis-
ued ability of BVDV to cause disease. Persistent in- sion to the fetus, but also for the maintenance of im-
fections occur in spite of using vaccines that effec- munotolerance (Charleston et al., 2002)
tively modulate and prevent acute disease. Experimental data indicate that immunosuppres-
sion caused by ncp BVDV infection may not be as-
IMPACT OF VIRAL FACTORS ON sociated with low interferon responses or elevated
THE OUTCOME OF levels of TGF-ß (Schweizer and Peterhans, 2001).
REPRODUCTIVE DISEASE However, it does not exclude an influence of IFN in-
The genotypic classification (1a, 1b, and 2) of hibition by ncp BVDV early in infection on the out-
BVDV strains is based primarily on antigenic differ- come of the immune response. More studies are
ences in the E2 glycoprotein and comparative nu- needed to better understand the mechanism of fetal
cleotide sequencing. All BVDV genotypes (1a, 1b, transplacental infection as well as the mechanism of
and 2) are capable of causing persistent infections. immunotolerance.
In addition, persistent infection can be caused simul-
taneously by a mixture of type 1 and type 2 BVDV IMPACT OF HOST FACTORS ON
(Brock and Chase, 2000). Certain BVDV outbreaks THE OUTCOME OF
involving type 2 genotypes have been associated REPRODUCTIVE DISEASE
with increased rates of abortion, which would result From experimental studies attempting to infect other
in a reduced number of PI calves being born follow- species, such as sheep and pigs, it is clear that
ing an outbreak. It has been demonstrated that the BVDV is highly adapted for replication in the
distribution of type 1 and type 2 persistent infections bovine species. Attempts to induce persistent BVDV
in field studies is approximately equal (Wittum et infections by infecting pregnant sows at different
al., 2001). stages of gestation have not produced consistent re-
Differences between cytopathic and noncyto- sults. Although BVDV has been shown to induce
pathic BVDV affect the outcome of reproductive in- persistent infection in lambs following in utero inoc-
fections. Persistent infection is the result only of ulation, congenital defects are more common fol-
noncytopathic BVDV infection. Cytopathic BVDV lowing fetal infection than persistent infection.
replicates in the reproductive tract, and vaccine ori- Lambs persistently infected with BVDV generally
gin virus has been isolated in ovarian tissues follow- do not live for more than a few months. There have
ing vaccination. Transplacental transmission of cy- been no recognized differences between breeds of
topathic BVDV to the fetus is rare as opposed to cattle when considering susceptibility to and sever-
rapid transplacental transmission of noncytopathic ity of BVDV infection. Environmental factors such
strains. The mechanism for transplacental transmis- as cattle density, type of cattle operation (dairy or
sion of BVDV is unknown but is thought to be beef), type of housing, and biosecurity practices in-
related to viremia in the pregnant dam. The mecha- fluence the severity and prevalence of disease in cer-
nism influencing the differential ability of noncyto- tain populations of cattle.
pathic and cytopathic BVDV to infect the fetus is
unknown. It is unclear why cytopathic BVDV does IMPACT OF VACCINATION ON
not establish persistent infection in the fetus. THE OUTCOME OF
Although several published studies are available REPRODUCTIVE DISEASE
on the mechanisms of persistence and the role of in- Vaccination against BVDV has a positive impact on
terferon (IFN) during pregnancy, their findings are reproductive health. Both experimental and field
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152 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

studies have proven that vaccination reduces the po- subsequent economic consequences, depend on re-
tential impact of fetal infections with BVDV. Under- ducing or eliminating exposure to BVDV and en-
standing the strengths and limitations of vaccines has hancing specific anti-BVDV immunity by vaccina-
become important with the recognition of the signif- tion (Sockett et al., 1997). Cattle persistently
icance of antigenic and genetic diversity in BVDV. infected with BVDV are the primary source of virus
Early vaccines were developed with little knowledge spread within and between farms. Identifying and
of their ability to provide fetal protection. According eliminating persistent infections should be a major
to 9CFR guidelines, for approval of BVDV vaccines focus when attempting to control and prevent
in the United States, the vaccines were required to BVDV. By eliminating persistently infected ani-
demonstrate reduced clinical disease in vaccinated mals, the major source of virus capable of causing
animals but did not address the ability of the vaccine transient infections in pregnant dams and subse-
to prevent fetal infection. Recently, the USDA has quent fetal infections is removed.
developed guidelines for conducting fetal challenge
experiments to obtain vaccine labels that can claim CONCLUSIONS
prevention of persistent infection and abortion due to The reproductive consequences of BVDV infections
BVDV infection. Vaccine efficacy in preventing the are economically important because of the impact of
development of persistent infections is generally de- both persistent and acute infections and of losses as-
termined by experimental intranasal challenge of sociated with producing animals persistently in-
pregnant animals at 75 days of gestation with ap- fected with BVDV. The primary consequence of re-
proximately 5 ⫻ 105 CCID50/ml of BVDV (Cortese productive infections is the occurrence of persistent
et al., 1998; Brock and Cortese, 2001). The status of infections. In addition, losses are due to a decrease
the fetus and persistent infection are determined by in fertility and reproductive efficiency. Although the
detection of virus at least 75 days postchallenge (150 mechanism of persistent infections is known, the
days of gestation). mechanism of reproductive pathogenesis is not
The influence of antigenic diversity on fetal pro- known. Due to the capability of BVDV of crossing
tection is evident by different rates of protection af- the placenta and infecting the fetus, vaccination is
forded by monovalent (type 1) vaccines when exper- not considered to be an effective method for BVDV
imental challenge is done with type 1 or type 2 control.
BVDV. Several field studies suggest that immuno-
logical protection against heterologous BVDV chal- REFERENCES
lenge may be incomplete with respect to fetal pro- Archbald LF, Fulton RW, Seger CL, et al.: 1979,
tection (Bolin et al., 1991; Kelling et al., 1990; Van Effect of the bovine viral diarrhea virus on preim-
Campen et al., 2000). The efficacy of killed vaccines plantation bovine embryos: A preliminary study.
in experimental studies has varied from 25–100%. Theriogenology 11:81–89.
In studies on evaluating the fetal protection efficacy Archbald LF, Gibson CD, Schultz RH, et al.: 1973,
of a modified-live vaccine, 88% and 58% levels of Effects of intrauterine inoculation of bovine viral
fetal protection were demonstrated in heifers immu- diarrhea-mucosal disease virus on uterine tubes and
nized once with a commercial BVDV-1 vaccine and uterus of nonpregnant cows. Am J Vet Res
challenged at 75 days of gestation with type 1 or 34:1133–1137.
type 2 BVDV, respectively (Cortese et al., 1998; Badman RT, Mitchell G, Jones RT, Westbury HA:
1981, Association of bovine viral diarrhoea virus
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infection to hydrancephaly and other central nerv-
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Immunity and Immunosuppression
Sanjay Kapil, Paul Walz, Melinda Wilkerson, and Harish Minocha


Clinical manifestations of BVDV may include inap- The innate/natural (non–antigen-specific) immune
parent, acute, or persistent subclinical infections; response can influence the outcome of BVDV infec-
fetal death and congenital abnormalities; wasting tion. BVDV can infect cells of the innate immune
disease; severe acute disease (which may progress to system (e.g., neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages,
hemorrhagic syndrome); or mucosal disease. The and dendritic cells) and affect their function (Pot-
clinical outcome of infection depends on the im- gieter, 1995; Glew et al., 2003; Lambot et al., 1998;
mune status of the animal and time of infection. A Peterhans et al., 2002). Infection with BVDV may
complete understanding of the immune processes result in impairment of microbicidal, chemotatic,
and immunogens of BVDV, as given in the next sec- and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
tion, should be helpful in designing better preventive of neutrophils (Potgieter, 1995). In monocytes, in-
strategies for BVDV infections. fection with cp BVDV may lead to apoptosis (Glew
et al., 2003; Lambot et al., 1998). A 30–70% de-
IMMUNE RESPONSES TO BVDV crease in monocyte numbers may occur following
BVDV strains vary in their tropism for bovine tis- infection of calves with virulent BVDV (Archam-
sues. Hence, the effect of different strains of BVDV bault et al., 2000). In vitro or in vivo infection of
on the immune system also differs and may affect alveolar macrophages (AM) with BVDV may lead
the type of disease exhibited. The natural route of to decreases in phagocytosis, expression of Fc (FcR)
transmission of BVDV is oronasal by contact with and complement receptors (C3R), microbicidal ac-
suspended droplets or mucus, although genital tivity, and chemotatic factors (Welsh et al., 1995;
transmission may also occur. The virus first repli- Liu et al., 1999; Peterhans et al., 2002). Infection of
cates in the nasal mucosa and tonsils from where AM also causes increased LPS-induced (lipopoly-
white blood cells help spread the virus throughout saccharide) procoagulant activity, which can lead to
the body by binding to surface receptors (Bruschke bacterial colonization and may adversely affect the
et al., 1998a, 1998b). Although the biochemical na- normal defense mechanism of the lung (Olchowy et
ture of BVDV receptors is not well understood, a 50 al., 1997).
kDa protein is believed to be the viral receptor (Xue Cytokines can mediate the effects of both innate
et al., 1997). and specific immunity (Nobiron et al., 2001). Cyto-
Pestivirus infections are associated with leukope- kines are small soluble proteins secreted by certain
nia, immunosuppression, and in some cases, hem- cells. They alter not only the function of cells produc-
orrhages. In general, the immunosuppressive prop- ing them but also of other cells on which they might
erties of BVDV lead to a reduction in local defense act. Tumor necrosis factor -␣ (TNF-␣) is a cytokine
mechanisms, thereby predisposing calves to other produced mainly by macrophages. It plays an impor-
respiratory pathogens. Immune responses to BVDV tant role in the activation of the immune response by
may develop following vaccination, infection, ex- modulating the production and activity of many other
posure to cross-reactive pestiviruses, or by pas- cytokines (Chase, 2004). Infection of AM with
sively acquiring BVDV-specific antibodies from BVDV leads to a decrease in superoxide anion and
colostrum. TNF, enhanced nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in re-

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158 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

sponse to LPS (Potgieter, 1995; Adler et al., 1994; phagocytic activity (Welsh et al., 1995; Adler et al.,
Adler et al., 1997), stimulation of prostaglandin E2 1996). It also reduces the ability of monocytes to
synthesis (Van Reeth and Adair, 1997; Welsh and present antigen to T-helper cells (Glew et al., 2003).
Adair, 1995), induction of IL-1 inhibitors (Jensen and Dendritic cells, the most important APC in the
Schultz, 1991), and a decrease in cytokine-induced lymph node, on the other hand, were not affected in
chemotaxis (Ketelsen et al., 1979). Certain soluble their ability to present antigen to T-helper cells or in
factors released by infected monocytes and macro- surface marker expression (Glew et al., 2003).
phages induce apoptosis when added to uninfected
cells (Lambot et al., 1998; Adler et al., 1997). Apop- HUMORAL IMMUNE RESPONSE
tosis is the process that commits cells to programmed Although both active and passive humoral immune
cell death to eliminate an infected cell and is believed responses are protective, they differ in longevity and
to be the cause of lymphoid tissue pathology seen in their ability to potentiate an immune response fol-
mucosal disease and in disease caused by highly vir- lowing a subsequent exposure. Antibody response to
ulent BVDV (Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2003; Liebler- BVDV is detectable 2–3 weeks postinfection and
Tenorio and Ridpath, 2002; Stroffregen et al., 2000). may plateau in approximately 10–12 weeks postin-
Cytokines such as IL-2 and granulocyte-macrophage fection (Howard et al., 1992). Humoral immunity, as
colony-stimulating factor enhance both humoral and detected by serum antibodies against BVDV, may
cellular immune responses against BVDV and play a result from an active immune response following an
critical role in fetal-maternal interface by ensuring exposure to BVDV antigen (active immunity) or the
that pregnancy proceeds successfully (Graham et al., ingestion of antibody present in colostrum (passive
1992). IL-1 is one of the endogenous pyrogens that immunity). Three glycoproteins of BVDV (gp
act upon the hypothalamus to alter the regulation of 53/E2, gp 48/E0, and gp 25/E1) induce neutralizing
body temperature. antibodies, with E2 protein being immunodominant
Interferon (IFN) is the most important innate de- (Bolin and Ridpath, 1990). Antibodies against sev-
fense antiviral cytokine. Type I interferons are two eral other viral proteins (115, 90, 48, and 25 kDa)
serologically distinct proteins including IFN -␣ pro- have also been detected in some cattle (Bolin and
duced by phagocytes and IFN-ß produced by fibro- Ridpath, 1990; Boulanger et al., 1991).
blasts. Viral infections, including BVDV infections,
strongly signal the induction of type I IFN, which Colostral antibodies
increases the cytotoxic potential of natural killer Antibodies do not cross the placenta of cattle as they
(NK) cells. Treatment of cells with high doses (104 do in humans. Thus, calves receive passive immu-
units/ml) of human IFN -␣ prevented the replication nity by absorption, through the gastrointestinal tract,
of both ncp and cp BVDV in vitro while that with of immunoglobulins contained in the ingested colos-
human INF-␥, TNF-␣ or TNF-ß did not (Sentsui et trum. However, calves can absorb colostral antibod-
al., 1998). Infection of the fetus with cp BVDV ies only during the first 24–48 hrs of life when their
leads to IFN production, which probably prevents gastrointestinal tract is permissive to the transfer of
the establishment of persistent infection. Infection these molecules across the mucosal epithelium, a
of the fetus with ncp BVDV does not induce IFN-␣ phenomenon called “the open gut.” The highest con-
production although it did induce abundant amounts centration of BVDV antibodies in colostrum occurs
of all IFN (␣, ß, and ␥) in gnotobiotic calves (Char- only in the first few days of lactation after parturi-
leston et al., 2001a, 2002). These responses were as- tion. After that, the colostrum changes to normal
sociated with depressed levels of transforming milk and the amount of antibodies decreases rapidly.
growth factor beta (TGF-ß) in serum. These results Passive antibodies play an important role in pro-
indicate that the immunosuppression caused by ncp tection from BVDV infection in the neonatal calf.
BVDV may not be associated with low interferon However, the presence of high concentrations of
responses or elevated levels of TGF-ß (Charleston et maternal antibody in animals may block the induc-
al., 2001a). tion of active B-cell immune response to BVDV
Antigen-presenting cells (APC; dendritic cells, vaccination. This has led to the suggestion that vac-
macrophages, and monocytes) internalize the viral cination should be administered when passively ac-
antigen and present it to T-helper cells with assis- quired antibodies are declining (Ellis et al., 2001).
tance from IFN-␥ and IL-12. However, infection of However, T-cell immune responses have been ob-
APC with BVDV causes a reduction in Fc and C3 served when calves were infected intranasally with
receptor expression, receptors that are required for BVDV in the presence of maternal antibodies
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(Endsley et al., 2003; Ridpath et al., 2003), suggest- portant for the growth and survival of Th2 re-
ing that vaccination in the face of maternal antibod- sponses. In cattle, unlike human and mouse systems,
ies may be effective. pregnancy has no observable shift in IL-4 pattern
Passive immunity is not fail safe, however. (Waldvogel et al., 2000).
Factors such as dose of challenge virus, poor nutri- The response generated by cp and ncp BVDV is
tion, exposure to harsh weather, poor ventilation, different. For example, ncp viruses tend to shift the
transportation stress, and increased stocking density immune response toward the Th2 response and
may affect the outcome of infection in the presence avoid the production of high levels of cell-mediated
of colostral antibodies. In addition, antigenic varia- immunity (Lambot et al., 1997; Rhodes et al., 1999).
tion among BVDV may result in incomplete protec- cp BVDV, on the other hand, produces higher CMI
tion, and colostrum may vary in quality and quantity response (Th1), along with up-regulation of IL-2 re-
of available antibodies. Nutrition and vaccination ceptor (IL-2R) in response to increased levels of IL-
status of the dam will also affect the immune qual- 2. The down-regulation of IFN-␥ by acute ncp
ity of colostrum. For example, vaccination of preg- BVDV infection inhibits the cell-mediated response
nant cows in the last month of pregnancy with killed to Mycobacterium bovis that could result in the fail-
vaccines will improve the amount of antiviral anti- ure to identify cattle with tuberculosis (Charleston et
bodies in colostrum. Vaccination during pregnancy al., 2001b). Delayed-type hypersensitivity is a cellu-
with live, modified vaccines will also increase the lar immune response that occurs approximately 18
amount of antibody in colostrum, but this type of hours after exposure to an antigen and is used as an
vaccination is advised only when the dam has preex- assay for cell-mediated immunity. This response is
isting antibodies. Further, the benefits of colostrum characterized by induration and erythema at the site
are not limited to the action of passive antibodies; of antigen injection such as with the Mycobacterium
immune lymphocytes and macrophages present in antigen. After exposure to BVDV, the delayed type
colostrum are also of help. In this regard, fresh hypersensitivity to Mycobacterium is inhibited.
colostrum is better than frozen colostrums. Thus, BVDV causes general and nonspecific inhibi-
tion of cellular immune responses in cattle (Thoen
CELLULAR IMMUNE RESPONSE and Waite, 1990) and may interfere with the diagno-
Infection with BVDV results in mild (10–20% de- sis of bovine tuberculosis (Charleston et al., 2001b).
crease) or severe lymphopenia (50–60% decrease) Proliferating CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocytes
depending upon the strain of the virus (Brodersen (CTL) produce IL-2 and IFN-␥, indicating a type 1
and Kelling, 1999; Archambault et al., 2000). memory response in BVDV-seropositive cattle
Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CD8+) are affected more (Howard et al., 1992; Rhodes et al., 1999). Although
than helper T-lymphocytes (CD4+) with little or no fine mapping of BVDV CTL epitopes has not been
affect on circulating ␥/␦ T-cells (Brodersen and done, computer predictions based on MHC I bind-
Kelling, 1999; Ellis et al. 1988). Depletion of CD4+ ing domains indicate that regions in the C, Erns, E2,
cells increases the period of virus shedding; that of and NS2-3 are likely BVDV CTL epitopes (Hegde
CD8+ and ␥/␦ T-cells does not, indicating that CD4+ and Srikumaran, 1997).
helper cells play a pivotal role in coordinating a cell-
mediated response early in infection. These CD4+ IMMUNE RESPONSE OF PERSISTENTLY
responses are directed primarily at NS3 and E2 pro- INFECTED ANIMALS
teins (Lambot et al., 1997; Collen and Morrison, Persistent BVDV infections can arise in animals in-
2000; Collen et al., 2000; Collen et al., 2002) and fected as fetuses. Persistently infected cattle are im-
also against the capsid protein (C), glycoprotein Erns, munotolerant to the infecting BVDV isolate but may
amino-terminal proteinase (Npro), and nonstructural mount an immune response to heterologous BVDV.
protein 2-3 (NS2-3) (Collen et al., 2002). It has been demonstrated that heifers carrying PI
Proliferation assays are an indirect measure of calves developed BVDV antibody titers 5–10 times
CD4+ responses to viral antigens. The cells of Th1 higher than those carrying non-PI calves (Brownlie
phenotype produce IL-2 and IFN-␥, but not IL-4 or et al., 1998). A number of studies have been done to
B-cell stimulatory activity. In contrast, cells of Th2 understand the immunological defects in PI animals
phenotype express high levels of B-cell growth fac- (Chase, 2004). The inability of ncp BVDV to induce
tor and IL-4 activity with relatively low levels of IL- IFN-␣ in the fetus is certainly one of the major im-
2 and IFN-␥ (Rhodes et al., 1999). IL-4 increases mune evasion mechanisms that allow BVDV to es-
the expression of MHC II on B-cells and is also im- tablish persistence (Charleston et al., 2002).
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160 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

ASSESSMENT OF IMMUNITY 5–10-fold with the use of different BVDV strains

(Fort Dodge, 1999b) while in another study they
HERD IMMUNITY varied from 2–250 fold (Fulton et al., 1997). Al-
When assessing herd immunity, it is important to though ELISA tests hold the promise of negating
sample several animals or use a pooling strategy. many of the above variables, they have not been
The exact parameters of cellular and humoral im- widely used because they suffer from a lack of cor-
mune responses that indicate protection against relation with SN titers, which appear to correlate rel-
BVDV infection have not been determined. atively well with protective immunity against
Veterinary practitioners routinely screen cattle herds BVDV (Bolin and Saliki, 1996). At present, there
for humoral immune response against BVDV to as- are two recognized genotypes of BVDV (1 and 2)
sess the effectiveness of vaccination programs. and several proposed subgenotypes. Although there
However, it is difficult to interpret serological pro- is cross-reactivity between BVDV 1 and BVDV 2,
files when only a single serum sample is tested. cross-reactivity is significantly higher within a
Because antibody titers resulting from natural infec- genotype than between genotypes (Jones et al.,
tions usually exceed those generated from vaccina- 2001). Most of the veterinary diagnostic laboratories
tion, uniformally high antibody titers within a herd in the U.S. now perform both type 1 and type 2 SN
or jointly housed group may indicate a recent tests.
BVDV outbreak. In addition, the presence of anti-
bodies in fetal thoracic fluid or of precolostral anti-
bodies in neonates is suggestive of fetal BVDV in- A large number of BVDV vaccines are available in
fection. Cattle that are not immunotolerent to the U.S. They are usually approved on the basis of
BVDV antigens and are not sufficiently immunized their safety, their ability to induce serological re-
can then be immunized with a BVDV vaccine con- sponse against the virus, and protection achieved in
taining a slightly different antigen. Enough individ- challenge protection experiments. In view of anti-
ual variation exists among outbred cattle that some genic diversity of BVDV, the panel of challenge
animals may need booster injections to maintain viruses should include both homologous and het-
high levels of herd immunity. erologous BVDV isolates from geographical areas
The serum neutralization (SN) test has been ex- where vaccines are to be administered. Inclusion of
tensively used as a correlate of protective immunity. novel, antigenically different variants of BVDV in
Since the SN test measures the total neutralizing ac- the challenge panel would also be of value.
tivity of a serum sample or a body fluid, it represents BVDV has at least two genotypes (genotype 1 and
a composite of neutralizing activity due to all classes 2) and two biotypes (cytopathic and noncytopathic).
of antibodies that have activity against surface pro- Despite widespread vaccination and the availability
teins of BVDV. Some regions of viral proteins are of a wide range of vaccines (Van Oirschot et al.,
highly conserved between members of pestiviruses, 1999), BVDV remains a problem in most areas of
and others are variable between different members the United States, raising the concern that evolution
of the family. Most of the highly conserved regions of the virus may occur under immunological pres-
are found in the inner part of the virion. Type- sure leading to the continued emergence of anti-
specific variable regions are present on the outer genic variation among BVDV isolates. With the re-
surface of the BVDV protein. Members of pes- cent recognition of genotype 2 BVDV, most vaccine
tiviruses, such as BVDV, classical swine fever virus, manufacturers have now started to include both
and border disease virus often cross-react in SN BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 in their vaccines. Although
tests (de Smit et al., 1999). type 1 BVDV vaccines provide some protection
There are two major problems with BVDV serol- against type 2 BVDV (Cortese et al., 1998; Fair-
ogy as it is currently used: a lack of test standardiza- banks et al., 2003; Makoschey et al., 2001), a num-
tion and the existence of antigenic variation among ber of challenge studies have indicated that the best
BVDV isolates. In an interlaboratory study of 14 protection rates are obtained with the use of homol-
U.S. diagnostic laboratories, SN titers for a single ogous BVDV vaccines (Potgieter, 1995; Fulton et
serum sample varied from 1:8 to 1:3642 (Vaugn, al., 2003).
1997). This variability may be due to technical ex-
pertise of the person performing the test and to virus IMMUNOSUPPRESSION
strain, cell type and passage, and amount of virus Diverse clinical manifestations are associated with
used in the test. In one study, the SN titers varied by BVDV infection in cattle. Although a majority of
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Immunity and Immunosuppression 161

BVDV infections in immunocompetent cattle are ratory disease in gnotobiotic lambs (Jewett et al.,
transient and self-limiting, it is apparent that when 1990).
infection occurs in the presence of other microor- Although BVDV is frequently isolated from cattle
ganisms, BVDV can contribute to a disease that be- with pneumonia, it is often present with other infec-
comes clinically evident (Baker, 1995). Both natural tious agents, including bovine herpes virus-1 (BHV-
and experimental studies have demonstrated the re- 1) (Biuk-Rudan et al., 1999; Greig et al., 1981),
lationship between BVDV and other infectious parainfluenza-3 virus (PI-3) (Dinter and Bakos,
agents, suggesting that BVDV has the ability to in- 1961; Fulton et al., 2000), bovine respiratory coron-
duce immunosuppression in immunocompetent ani- avirus (BCV), bovine respiratory syncytial virus
mals. Impairment of lymphocyte and neutrophil (BRSV) (Brodersen and Kelling, 1998, 1999),
functions decreases in the number of circulating and Mannheimia hemolytica (Fulton et al., 2002), Pas-
tissue immune cells, and environmental and/or man- teurella multocida (Fulton et al., 2002), Myco-
agement stressors have been cited as contributors to plasma bovis (Martin et al., 1990; Shahriar et al.,
immunosuppression (Potgieter, 1995). 2002; Haines et al., 2001), and Hemophilus somnus.
In addition to causing immunosuppression,
BVDV AND SECONDARY INFECTIONS BVDV may interact directly with pathogens to make
Increased susceptibility to secondary infections is a them more virulent. Combined infection of bovine
consequence of BVDV-induced immunosuppres- alveolar macrophages with BRSV and BVDV pro-
sion. BVDV increases susceptibility to secondary duces synergistic depression of alveolar macro-
infections because lymphocytes from BVDV- phage functions (Liu et al., 1999). Concurrent infec-
infected animals have impaired memory responses tion with BVDV and BRSV in cattle causes more
to other antigens and BVDV (Lamontage et al., severe enteric and respiratory disease, and these an-
1989). Some pathogens may induce disease alone, imals shed higher concentrations of BVDV in their
but the disease is enhanced in the presence of nasal secretions (Brodersen and Kelling, 1998).
BVDV. In some cases, BVDV-induced disease can Reports from disease outbreaks and experimental
be enhanced by opportunistic organisms. Substantial studies have supported a role for synergism with
data indicate that BVDV infection is important in BHV-1 also (Greig et al., 1981; Potgieter et al.,
multiple-etiology diseases. Bovine respiratory dis- 1984). An experimental infection study was per-
ease complex in feedlot animals and in intensively formed for evaluating this synergism. Calves inocu-
housed calves is an example of this type of multiple- lated with BVDV 7 days prior to inoculation with
etiology disease process. the Cooper strain of BHV-1 developed severe clini-
It is debatable whether BVDV-induced immuno- cal disease, with dissemination of BHV-1 into non-
suppression or primary infection of the respiratory respiratory tissues, including intestinal and ocular
tract plays a major role in the bovine respiratory tissues, as compared to calves inoculated with BHV-
disease complex. Little experimental evidence ex- 1 alone (Greig et al., 1981; Potgieter et al., 1984).
ists establishing a primary role of BVDV in the These observations suggested that initial BVDV in-
bovine respiratory disease complex (Potgieter, fection impaired the ability of calves to clear BHV-
1997). To support a primary role, BVDV is fre- 1 from the lungs and to contain BHV-1 at the local
quently isolated from pneumonic lungs of cattle infection site.
(Greig et al., 1981). In a study on respiratory dis- The ability of BVDV to synergistically interact
ease outbreaks with multiple virus infections, with pathogens does not appear to be confined to the
BVDV was isolated from pneumonic cattle more respiratory tract either, since synergism between
frequently than any other virus (Richer et al., BVDV and enteric pathogens has also been reported
1988). Suggestive evidence exists for certain (Kelling et al., 2002a; Woods et al., 1999). From ex-
BVDV isolates to be pneumotropic (Jewett et al. perimental infection studies in calves, it has been
1990; Potgieter et al., 1985). In an experimental in- observed that BVDV and rotavirus may interact in a
fection study, endobronchial inoculation of two dif- synergistic manner to induce more severe clinical
ferent isolates of BVDV resulted in interstitial disease (Kelling et al., 2002a). Synergism between
pneumonia. However, when calves were challenged BVDV and transmissible gastroenteritis virus was
with Mannheimia hemolytica, more severe disease demonstrated by generalized lymphocyte depletion
resulted with only one of the two isolates (Potgieter throughout the lymphatic system and villous atro-
et al., 1985). In another study, certain BVDV iso- phy in the intestinal tract of experimentally infected
lates were shown to be able to induce severe respi- pigs (Woods et al., 1999).
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162 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF Differences in the degree of leukopenia are asso-

IMMUNOSUPPRESSION ciated with the virulence of the virus. Although se-
vere acute disease has been associated only with
Although a majority of BVDV infections in im-
type 2 BVDV, genotype is not a determinant for vir-
munocompetent, seronegative cattle are subclinical
ulence. Though some type 2 strains cause severe
(Baker, 1995), pyrexia, mild inappetance, and a de-
acute disease, infection with other BVDV 2 strains
crease in milk production can be detected on close
results in subclinical to mild disease under natural
examination. In clinical infections in cattle, hemato-
and experimental conditions (Marshall et al., 1996;
logic abnormalities such as thrombocytopenia and
Walz et al., 2001; Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2003).
leukopenia are frequently reported (Archambault et
Kelling et al. (2002b) evaluated five different iso-
al., 2000; Bolin et al., 1985; Ellis et al., 1998; Kell-
lates of BVDV 2 and found that although all five in-
ing et al., 2002a, 2002b: Walz et al., 2001). De-
duced leukopenia, the highly virulent isolates in-
creases in white blood cells in the peripheral circu-
duced a significantly more severe lymphopenia than
lation (quantitative disorder or leukopenia) as well
the less virulent isolates. Further study revealed that
as alterations in function of these cells (qualitative
virulence correlated with depression in lymphocyte
disorder) in the peripheral circulation or in tissues
counts. In an experimental infection, a highly viru-
are the basis for BVDV-induced immunosuppres- lent strain of BVDV 2–induced depression in lym-
sion. Although both qualitative and quantitative phocyte counts of greater than 80% from preinocu-
white blood cell disorders may be observed in acute lation levels; a less virulent BVDV strain induced
infections, only qualitative disorders are observed in depressions of less than 50% (Liebler-Tenorio et al.,
PI cattle (Brown et al., 1991; Muscoplat et al., 1973; 2003).
Roth et al., 1986). Not only are absolute counts affected by virus vir-
A transient leukopenia occurs in most cattle ulence, but duration of leukocyte depressions also
acutely infected with BVDV. The very first descrip- correlates with virulence (Liebler-Tenorio et al.,
tion of BVDV by Olafson et al. (1946) demon- 2003; Walz et al., 2001). In a study involving two
strated leukopenia as a finding in both naturally and type 2 isolates and one type 1 isolate, the more vir-
experimentally infected cattle. White blood cell ulent type 2 isolate induced a more severe leukope-
concentrations decrease to various degrees during nia of a longer duration than the less virulent type 2
BVDV infection. White blood cell count for isolate and the type 1 isolate (Walz et al., 2001).
healthy cattle is 4,000–12,000 leukocytes/µl with a Differences have also been reported in the type of
mean of 8,000 leukocytes/µl (Kramer, 2000), and affected leukocytes following experimental chal-
the leukocyte concentration is higher in neonatal lenge. For example, neutropenia was observed as the
calves (Tennant et al., 1974). By definition, major hematologic abnormality with some BVDV
leukopenia is a decrease in white blood cell con- isolates (Walz et al., 2001; Hamers et al., 2000;
centration below the normal level. Early reports Archambault et al., 2000), and lymphopenia was ob-
have identified mild reductions in white blood cell served with some others (Bolin et al., 1985; Kelling
concentration in calves with minimal evidence of et al., 2002b). In yet other studies, reduction in both
clinical disease. There seems to be no difference lymphocytes and neutrophils has been documented
between cytopathic and noncytopathic biotypes as (Ellis et al., 1988, 1998).
far as production of leukopenia is concerned. After Unlike acutely infected animals, the PI calves
intravenous challenge with a cytopathic BVDV, the have normal numbers of leukocytes and lympho-
mean white blood cell concentration decreased cytes (Bolin et al., 1985; Larsson et al., 1988) but
from 7,850 leukocytes/µl to 5,050 leukocytes/µl at the proportion of lymphocyte subpopulation might
4 days after infection (Bolin et al., 1985). In an ex- change. For example, PI calves have an increased
perimental infection with a noncytopathic isolate of proportion of B-cells and diminished numbers of
BVDV, a mild leukopenia was observed on days 3, lymphocytes not identified as B-cells or T-cells (null
5, and 7 after infection (Ellis et al., 1988) with cells) (Larsson et al., 1988). The mechanism of
leukocyte concentrations of <5,000 leukocytes/µl. BVDV-induced leukopenia is currently unknown.
The typical time frame for depression in white Several possibilities exist, including immune system
blood cell concentrations is between 3 and 12 days removal of BVDV-infected immune cells, destruc-
after infection (Bolin and Ridpath, 1992; Ellis et tion of immune cells by BVDV, and increased traf-
al., 1998; Kelling et al., 2002a, 2002b; Walz et al., ficking of immune cells into tissue sites of viral
1999). replication.
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BVDV-INDUCED IMMUNE ORGAN cles leading to decreased size of the follicles

DYSFUNCTION (Liebler et al., 1995).
Specific changes in immune system function occur Effect of BVDV on spleen
with acute BVDV infection. As described above, all Small arterioles in the spleen are surrounded by pe-
types of immune cells are infected by BVDV and riarteriolar lymphoid sheaths that contain CD4+ and
their functions affected. CD8+ T-cells. Masses of B-cells called lymphoid
Effect of BVDV on bone marrow follicles are attached to T-cell sheaths. Both cyto-
pathic and non cytopathic biotypes of BVDV infect
Viral antigen is present in megakaryocytes and
spleen cells and the virus has been isolated from
myeloid cells of BVDV-infected cattle (Spagnuolo
spleen of cattle that die from BVDV (McClurkin et
et al., 1997). Bone marrow–derived macrophages
al., 1985 and Bolin et al., 1987). In the initial phase
can be infected in vitro with BVDV, and after infec-
of BVDV infection, virus is present but no lesions
tion, they release type I interferon (Adler et al.,
occur. However, lesions develop later in infection
1997). It has been suggested that type I interferon
and antigen disappears in about 2 weeks.
might prime the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract
to decrease NO production and to induce apoptosis
in response to LPS (Alder et al., 1997). This bio- IMMUNOLOGICALLY
chemical pathway may be the basis of mucosal dis- PRIVILEGED SITES
ease caused by BVDV. In acute BVDV infection, the In immunologically privileged sites, the immune re-
development of lesions in lymphoid tissue is a func- sponse is inaccessible or suppressed. In these or-
tion of BVDV replication and host reaction to infec- gans, the immune response is contained to prevent
tion (Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002). inflammation that could be destructive to the virus-
infected tissues.
Effect of BVDV on thymus
Thymus plays an important role in the maturation of
CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes. Thymus is a central BVDV infection of breeding bulls leads to a de-
lymphoid organ and all lymphocytes that enter thy- crease in semen quality, although the virus may or
mus get selected based on molecules expressed on may not be detectable in the seminal ejaculate (Fray
their surface. Lymphocytes that strongly recognize et al., 2000). In one study, BVDV was isolated from
self-antigens are negatively selected in the thymus. raw, unprocessed, and diluted extended semen
Only 1–2% of lymphocytes that enter the thymus (Kirkland et al., 1991) with titers ranging from 5–75
mature. The remaining lymphocytes undergo clonal TCID50/ml. Testes can be a site of persistent BVDV
deletion during the selection process. It is from these infection in non-viremic bulls (Niskanen et al.,
selected cells that BVDV-specific T-cells are gener- 2002; Givens et al., 2002). In calves infected with
ated. Infection with BVDV significantly decreases BVDV, seminiferous tubules are lined with sertoli
thymocyte function (Marshall et al., 1994). Like all cells and intratubular giant cells (Binkhorst et al.,
lymphoid tissues, there are lesions (such as deple- 1983). Studies done in other species (such as hu-
tion of lymphocytes) but viral antigen is not detected mans) indicate that testicular and epidymal lympho-
except in vascular walls only (Liebler-Tenorio et al., cytes express T-cell markers (Yakirevich et al.,
2002). 2002). Studies to investigate immune responses to
BVDV in testes of cattle are sorely needed.
Effect of BVDV on Peyer’s patches
BVDV significantly alters T-cells in Peyer’s patches. OVARIES
After BVDV infection, there is significant depletion Cattle persistently infected with BVDV contain viral
of lymphocytes in Peyer’s patches, and cattle in ter- RNA and antigen in ovarian tissues (Booth et al.,
minal stages of mucosal disease have extensive loss 1995). In cattle acutely infected with ncp BVDV, the
of lymphocytes in the gut-associated lymphoid tis- levels of gonadotrophins and sex strands are modu-
sues (Figure 9.1). The tips of the domes are depleted lated (Fray et al., 2002). Bovine follicular cells and
of lymphocytes and the epithelia of the follicles are oocytes are permissive to BVDV infection, and acute
invaginated. The number of CD4+ cells decreases in infection decreases estradiol secretion (Fray et al.,
the follicles and the number of lymphocytes in inter- 2000). The replication of BVDV in ovaries causes
follicular areas is also reduced (Liebler et al., 1995). ovarian dysfunction and reduced fertility (Shin and
B-lymphocytes are also depleted in lymphoid folli- Aclaud, 2001).
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164 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Figure 9.1. Left. Histologic section of ileum from an uninfected calf. Right. Histologic section of ileum from a calf
12 days after infection with BVDV 890 (BVDV type 2). Note the depletion of lymphoid follicles.

CNS macrophages, and B- and T-cells. The virus has an

impressive ability to evade immune recognition and
Calves born to BVD-infected cows develop CNS
elimination, which is best exemplified by its ability
disorders at various times after birth, including nys-
to infect the developing fetus, induce immunotoler-
tagmus, eye disorders, gait disorders, and tremors.
ance and persistent infection, and thus perpetuate it-
Congenital malformations occur during the 3rd to
self in the herd for future generations of calves. In
5th months of gestation. Cerebellar hypoplasia is the
addition, BVDV may persist in immunologically
most common lesion and is also associated with hy-
privileged sites, such as ovaries and testicles, and
drocephalus and hydraencephaly. BVDV infection
thus is present in the germ plasm. Antigenic and ge-
is accompanied by lens opacity and retinal atrophy.
netic variations are also hallmarks of BVDV due to
Blindness in calves is associated with no blinking
the extreme plasticity of the virus, and this variation
reflex. BVDV-infected animals develop demyelina-
affects immune system recognition of the virus.
tion of the spinal cord, which is consistently present
Vaccines developed for BVDV have existed for
in the white matter (Hewicker-Trautwein et al.,
several decades and the use of BVDV vaccines is
fairly common. In spite of their widespread usage,
BVDV vaccines appear to offer incomplete fetal
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS protection due to the inability to achieve total pro-
Bovine viral diarrhea virus continues to be a major tection against viremia. Understanding the methods
problem for the cattle industry worldwide. The virus by which BVDV interacts with the bovine immune
is intimately associated with immunological dis- system should provide insight into the pathogenesis
arrangement because it infects the immune cells of of the virus, which may ultimately lead to the devel-
the body, including the antigen-presenting cells/ opment of more effective vaccines. Thus, the key
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areas of future research with respect to BVDV and Bolin S, Moennig V, Kelso-Gourley NE, Ridpath JF:
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Trevor R. Ames

INTRODUCTION quality control standards. Pandemics may start when

Pestiviruses of domestic animals include bovine a pathogen “jumps” from one species to another.
viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) of cattle, border disease The parvovirus jump from feline to canine hosts
virus (BDV) of sheep, and classic swine fever virus may be an example of such a pandemic occurring
(CSFV) of pigs. The latter virus is also known as due to contaminated biologics.
hog cholera virus (HCV). These viruses were ini-
tially found to be associated only with their species DISEASE SYNDROMES IN
of origin but are now recognized to infect numerous NON-BOVINE HOSTS DUE TO
other animal species indicating they are not species- NATURAL BVDV INFECTION
specific. This chapter focuses on BVDV and hosts Reports of disease resulting from natural infection
other than cattle in which infection results in dis- with BVDV in species other than cattle are infre-
ease, virus isolation, or seroconversion. Addition- quent. BVDV was initially isolated from litters of
ally, cell types supporting the growth of BVDV in dying piglets as well as from stillborn pigs in 1988
vitro are also discussed. (Terpstra and Wensvoort, 1988). In a subsequent re-
Concern exists over non-bovine hosts of BVDV port, these authors reported a series of 19 naturally
for a number of reasons. In many agricultural situa- occurring and 8 experimentally induced incidences
tions, cattle and other wild and domestic ruminants of congenital BVDV infections in pigs (Terpstra and
share the same pasture, range, and water source. Wensvoort, 1991). The disease was restricted to the
Transmission of virus from non-bovine hosts to cat- involved litter without any horizontal transmission.
tle may affect control programs and/or productivity The signs resembled those of CSF with pigs showing
in cattle herds. Similarly, spread of BVDV from cat- signs of infection at birth and dying by 4 months of
tle to sheep, goats, and wild ruminants may affect age. Postpartum infections, in contrast, usually re-
the productivity of domestic animals or the health of sulted in subclinical disease. Rarely, congenitally in-
wildlife populations. In addition, infection of fected pigs may survive and become lifelong carriers
species such as swine with BVDV may interfere of the virus, shedding the virus in urine, semen, and
with HCV control programs through false positive pharyngeal fluid (Terpstra and Wensvoort, 1997).
test results. In Europe, formal monitoring of wildlife Outbreaks of a disease resembling border disease
for domestic animal pathogens (such as pestivi- in sheep have been reported as a result of BVDV
ruses) is carried out in some countries (Frolich et al., being spread from persistently infected calves
2002). This type of surveillance would be needed (Carlsson, 1991). BVDV has also been isolated from
should control programs for pestiviruses be consid- congenitally infected kids and lambs showing enteric
ered in North America. symptoms resulting in death in the first week of life
An additional concern worldwide is the possible (Nettleton et al., 1980). BVDV was also detected in a
BVDV contamination of biologics (particularly stillborn alpaca by reverse transcription-polymerase
modified live virus vaccines) used in non-bovine chain reaction (RT-PCR) (Goyal et al., 2002). The
hosts. Biologic manufacturers may use BVDV- virus was subsequently isolated and typed as BVDV
contaminated fetal bovine serum in vaccine produc- type 1b. BVDV may have been the cause of death for
tion as a result of inadequate testing or improper this alpaca although no gross or histologic lesions

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172 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

were found. Mucosal disease-like lesions have been wein, 1994). Type 2 BVDV has also been shown to
described in a free-ranging white-tail deer from produce congenital lesions in sheep fetuses (Scherer
which a cytopathic BVDV was isolated (Ludwig and et al., 2001). BVDV infection of pregnant ewes, like
McClurkin, 1981). BVDV type 1a was isolated from BDV infection, results in abortions, stillbirths, unvi-
a free-ranging female mule deer in Wyoming (Van able lambs, and viable lambs that are both virus-pos-
Campen et al., 2001). The deer was emaciated, weak, itive and virus-negative (Scherer et al., 2001).
salivating, and had lung abscesses from which Because of the similarity of BVDV to BDV, and the
Arcanobacter pyogenes was cultured. behavior of the BVDV in the pregnant ewe, experi-
mental challenge of vaccinated ewes with BVDV
DISEASE SYNDROMES IN has been used to evaluate protective immunity, in-
NON-BOVINE HOSTS DUE TO cluding fetal protection, afforded by various BVDV
EXPERIMENTAL BVDV vaccines (Brushke et al., 1996).
INFECTION BVDV can produce pulmonary lesions in 6–8-
BVDV has also been shown to produce disease in a month-old lambs following intranasal and intra-
range of domestic animals following experimental bronchial challenge (Meefhan et al., 1998). New-
challenge. Oral-intranasal infection with field born lambs and kids challenged with BVDV isolates
strains of BVDV in pregnant gilts produced in- most consistently have CNS lesions (Jewett et al.,
trauterine infection in 1 of 20 gilts, with an addi- 1990; Loken et al., 1990). Deer and elk have also
tional 3 gilts having reduced fetal numbers com- been experimentally challenged with BVDV to de-
pared to corpora lutea and 2 gilts being barren termine whether these wild ruminants are capable of
(Stewart et al., 1980). Intranasal and subcutaneous becoming infected and shedding the virus (Tessaro
administration of a vaccine strain of BVDV (Oregon et al., 1999; van Campen et al., 1997). Both deer and
C24V) in pregnant sows in the second trimester of elk can be infected, shed the virus, and seroconvert
gestation produced asymptomatic seroconversion to the virus (Terpstra and Wensvoort, 1997; van
during second and third trimesters of pregnancy Campen and Williams, 1996). In addition, lateral
(Kulscar et al., 2001). Some of the piglets born at transmission to nonchallenged in-contact animals
term had clinically apparent disease consistent with has been demonstrated with elk (Tessaro et al.,
that caused by CSFV, indicating transplacental in- 1999). Experimental infection of pregnant does with
fection. Fifty-seven percent of the piglets died by 60 a deer isolate of BVDV resulted in mummified fe-
days of age, but neither the sows nor their progeny tuses, stillborn fawns, and live fawns (Ludwig and
shed the virus. Similarly, a BVDV or BDV that was McClurkin, 1981).
present as a contaminant in a CSF vaccine induced
congenital pestivirus infection in piglets born on VIRUS ISOLATION AND
eight swine farms utilizing the vaccine (Wensvoort SEROCONVERSION IN
and Terpstra, 1988). NON-BOVINE HOSTS
Experimental, intranasal challenge of 2-month- As stated in the previous section, BVDV has been
old pigs with various doses of type 1 and type 2 isolated from sheep, goats, and pigs undergoing nat-
BVDV was performed to evaluate the pathogenicity ural infections (Carlsson, 1991; Pratelli et al., 1999;
of the two BVDV isolates in a swine model (Paul et Terpstra and Wensvoort, 1988). BVDV has also
al., 1999). Neither virus induced clinical signs al- been isolated from German roe deer (Tessaro et al.,
though both were reisolated antemortem and post- 1999), Scottish deer (Fischer et al., 1998), and ex-
mortem. Type 2 BVDV isolate that was experimen- otic captive ruminants (Nattleton, 1990). Isolation of
tally more pathogenic in calves failed to produce pestiviruses from a variety of ruminants other than
disease in pigs. indicating the virulence was species- cattle indicates that many species not yet studied
specific. These reports support the arguments that may harbor them (Doyle and Heuschele, 1983). Re-
congenital infection of pigs with BVDV may result cently, persistent infection has been documented in
in disease but postnatal infection rarely produces a family of captive mousedeer indicating that this
clinical signs (Terpstra and Wensvoort, 1988; phenomenon also occurs in cervids (Grondahl et al.,
Terpstra and Wensvoort, 1991). 2003). This finding has significant implications for
Transplacental infection of ovine fetuses with eradication campaigns.
BVDV has been studied extensively in sheep. Serological surveys also provide useful informa-
BVDV can cross the placenta and produce fetal le- tion on which species may become infected with
sions within 10 days postinfection (Hewicker-Traut- BVDV and the seroprevalence within those species.
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Hosts 173

A survey of 1,133 dairy cows, 3,712 ewes, and However, the seroprevalence of BVDV antibodies in
1,317 adult pigs in Norway found that 18.5% of cat- deer has not been shown to be affected by cattle
tle, 4.5% of sheep, and 2.2% of pigs were seroposi- population densities in deer habitats (Frolich, 1995).
tive for BVDV (Loken et al., 1991). Of the swine Sequence analysis of BVDV isolated from roe deer
that tested positive, all had higher antibody titers found the isolate to be genetically unique compared
against BVDV than against CSFV indicating that to other BVDV isolates (Frolich and Hofmann,
exposure was likely to BVDV rather than to CSFV. 1995). It is likely that BVDV-strains circulate inde-
No such comparisons were made between BVDV pendently within deer populations, with transmis-
antibody titers in the seropositive sheep, so it is un- sion rarely occurring between deer and domestic
clear whether these titers are a true reflection of livestock (Fischer et al., 1998). Serologic evidence
BVDV seroprevalence. In a study of ruminants in for BVDV infection in rabbits has been shown with
Namibia, neutralizing antibodies to BVDV were 40% of free ranging rabbits in Germany having an-
found in 58% of cattle, 14% of sheep, and 4.6% of tibody titers to BVDV in one report (Frolich and
goats (Depner et al., 1991). Again no attempt was Streich, 1998). None of the rabbit spleens examined
made to differentiate the pestivirus species causing in this study were positive for BVDV.
these high serologic titers. In a similar study in Some evidence exists for BVDV infection in hu-
Northern Ireland, 5.3% of ewes and 30.4% of flocks mans (Giangaspero et al., 1993). The seroprevalence
were found positive to BDV (Graham et al., 2001). of BVDV antibodies in one study of human subjects
Upon further testing it was found that all sheep had in Zambia ranged from 14.75% in healthy non–HIV-
higher titers to BVDV type 1 than to BDV. In addi- infected humans to 19.2% in HIV-infected individu-
tion, the only pig found seropositive of 680 tested als with chronic diarrhea. The increased seropreva-
for HCV actually had higher titers to BVDV type 1 lence in this latter group was statistically significant
than to CSFV. These studies point out the impor- leading the authors to speculate that some interac-
tance of determining which pestivirus a group of an- tion between HIV and BVDV may exist. There are a
imals is infected with or is responding to serologi- number of concerns, however, that arise from this
cally, especially when control programs are being report:
considered. Serologic evidence also exists for pes-
tivirus infection of goats (Nattleton, 1990). • No other reports have documented seroconver-
Serologic surveys of approximately 50 captive sion to BVDV in humans who work with BVDV
and free living ruminant species distributed within or BVDV-infected animals.
the families of Camelidae, Cervidae, Anteloca- • BVDV has not been successfully grown in pri-
pridae, and Bovidae have shown presence of pes- mate cells, raising doubts about the potential for
tivirus antibodies (Loken, 1995; Nattleton et al., infection and seroconversion in primates.
1980). Seventeen different species of African wild- • Antibody titers against other pestiviruses were
life have tested positive for antibodies to BVDV not determined, making it difficult to conclude
(Hambli and Hedger, 1979). In North America, 2% whether the antibodies detected were specifically
of pronghorn antelope and 31% of American Bison against BVDV
have antibodies to BVDV (Stauber et al., 1980; • The researchers failed to provide evidence that
Taylor et al., 1997). Seropositivity in caribou herds no reagents used in their investigation were con-
may range from 41–100% ((Dieterich, 1987; Elaz- taminated with BVDV or BVDV antibodies.
hary et al., 1981; Stuen et al., 1993; van Campen and
Williams, 1996) but with moose the seroprevalence CELL LINES SUPPORTING THE
ranges from 12-18% (Kocan et al., 1986; Thorsen GROWTH OF BVDV AS POSSIBLE
and Henderson, 1971). This suggests that wild rumi- INDICATORS OF HOST RANGE
nants that are part of large herds, such as caribou In a large survey of 41 common cell lines, cells of
and bison herds, may have higher seroprevalence cattle, sheep, goat, deer, bison, rabbit, domestic cat,
than more solitary wild ruminants such as the moose and swine origin were found capable of supporting
or those that travel in smaller groups such as the an- BVDV growth. A subpopulation of these cell lines
telope (van Campen and Williams, 1996). including those of cattle, sheep, goat, deer, bison,
Two percent of llamas in Argentina have antibod- rabbit, and domestic cat origin were found to be
ies to BVDV indicating that imported llamas may contaminated by BVDV using immunohistochemi-
also harbor this virus and may transmit to cattle cal and polymerase chain reaction procedures (Bolin
herds if in close proximity (Puntel et al., 1999). et al., 1994). This study not only points out the abil-
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174 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

ity of BVDV to grow in a variety of cell lines but tivirus strains induce congenital infection in sheep:
also the potential for it to contaminate cell lines in- a model for bovine virus diarrhea virus vaccine effi-
advertently. Interestingly, although the virus is capa- cacy studies. Vet Microbiol 50:33–43.
ble of infecting many cell lines, cell tropisms do Carlsson M: 1991, Border disease in sheep caused by
exist, and the viral glycoprotein E2 has been shown transmission of virus from cattle persistently in-
to play a role in this cell tropism (Liang et al., 2003). fected with bovine virus diarrhea virus. Vet Rec
As previously discussed, researchers and diagnosti- 128: 145–147.
cians must control for possible cell line contamina- Depner K, Hubschle OJ, Liess B: 1991, Prevalence of
tion with BVDV or the results of investigative stud- ruminant pestivirus infection in Namibia. Onder-
stepoort J Vet Res, 58:107109.
ies will be compromised.
Dieterich RA: 1981, Respiratory viruses. In: Alaskan
CONCLUSIONS Wildlife Diseases. Ed. Deiterich RA. University of
Alaskan Press, Fairbanks, Alaska, pp.28–29.
The reports of naturally occurring disease indicate
Doyle LF, Heushchele WP: 1983, Bovine viral diar-
that pigs and a variety of domestic and wild rumi-
rhea virus infection in captive exotic ruminants. J
nants can be infected with BVDV. The virus has Am Vet Med Assoc 183:1257–1259.
been shown to produce congenital infection in pigs, Elazhary MA, Frechette JL, Silim A, Roy RS: 1981,
sheep, and goats. In some cases, congenital infection Serologic evidence of some bovine viruses in the
results in persistently infected animals that can be a caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Quebec. J
significant source of viral transmission. Wild rumi- Wildl Dis 17:609–612.
nants are known to be susceptible to acute infections Fischer S, Weiland E, Frolich K: 1998, Characteri-
with BVDV, and limited evidence suggests that zation of a bovine viral diarrhea virus isolated
cervids may also undergo congenital infections from roe deer in Germany. J Wildl Dis
leading to persistent infection (Grondahl et al., 34:47–555.
2003). This suggests a new potential for this virus to Frolich K: 1995, Bovine viral diarrhea and mucosal
be shed in large amounts from wild ruminants that disease in free–ranging and captive deer (Cervidae)
could then infect cattle. Current evidence suggests in Germany. J Wildl Dis 31:247–250.
that wild ruminants may serve as a transient source Frolich K, Hofmann M: 1995, Isolation of bovine
of virus while undergoing acute infections and may viral diarrhea virus-like particles from roe deer
possibly be a more prolonged source of virus from (Capreolus capreolus). J Wildl Dis 31:243–246.
persistently infected animals. This would be of Frolich K, Streich WJ: 1998, Serologic evidence of
greatest concern where these animals are in contact bovine viral diarrhea virus in free-ranging rabbits
for prolonged periods of time, as opposed to tran- from Germany. J Wildl Dis 34:173–178.
sient fence line contact. Frolich K, Thiede S, Kozikowski T, et al: 2002, A re-
view of mutual transmission of important infectious
The role of species from which the virus has never
diseases between livestock and wildlife in Europe.
been isolated but in which seroconversion has been
Ann New York Acad Sci 969:4–13.
observed is not clear. The significance of in vitro
Giangaspero M, Vacirca G, Morgan D, et al: 1993,
growth of BVDV in certain cell lines without infec- Anti-bovine viral diarrhoea virus antibodies in adult
tion in whole animals is also not known. It is un- Zambian patients infected with the human immun-
likely, however, that these species would be viremic odeficiency virus. Internat J Sexually Transmitted
for significant periods of time and thus are unlikely Dis Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
to shed BVDV in the environment. Based on the 4:300–302.
previous discussion, it seems that non-bovine do- Goyal SM, Bouljihad M, Haugerud S, Ridpath JF:
mestic ruminants and swine remain the greater con- 2002, Isolation of bovine viral diarrhea virus from
cern for disrupting management attempts to control an alpaca. J Vet Diagn Invest 14:523–525
the diseases caused by BVDV in cattle. Graham DA, Calvert V, German A, McCullough SJ:
2001, Pestivirus infections in sheep and pigs in
REFERENCES Northern Ireland. Vet Rec 148:69–72.
Bolin SR, Ridpath JF, Black J, et al.: 1994, Survey of Grondahl C, Uttenthal A, Houe H, et al: 2003, Char-
cell lines in the American Type Culture Collection acterization of pestivirus isolated from a persist-
for bovine viral diarrhea virus. J Virol Methods ently infected mousedeer (Tragulus javanicus).
48:211–221. Arch Virol 148:1455–1463.
Brushke CJ, von Rijn PA, Moormann RJ, van Hambli C, Hedger RS: 1979, The prevalence of anti-
Oerschot JT: 1996, Antigentically different pes- bodies to bovine viral diarrhea/mucosal disease
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 10 3/18/05 10:00 AM Page 175

Hosts 175

virus in African Wildlife. Comp Immunol Microbiol diarrhea virus type-2 (BVDV-2): Effects on the
Infect Dis 2:295–303. pregnancy and fetus. Vet Microbiol 79:285–299.
Hewicker-Trautwein M, Trautwein G: 1994, Pore- Stauber EH, Autenreith R, Markham OD, Whitveck V:
cephaly, hydroncephaly, and leukoencephalopathy 1980, A seroepidemiologic survey of three prong-
in ovine fetus following transplacental infection horn (Antelocapra Americana) populations in
with bovine virus diarrhea virus: Distribution of southeast Idaho, 1975–1977. J Wildl Dis
viral antigen and characterization of cellular re- 16:109–115.
sponses. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 87:385–397. Stewart WC, Miller LD, Kresse JI, Synder ML: 1980,
Jewett CJ, Kelling CL, Frey ML, Doster AR: 1990, Bovine viral diarrhea infection in pregnant swine.
Comparative pathogenicity of selected bovine viral Am J Vet Res 41:459–462.
diarrhea virus isolates in gnotobiotic lamb. Am J Vet Stuen S, Krogsrud J, Hyllseth B, Tyler NJ: 1993,
Res 51: 1640–1744. Serosurvey of three virus infections in reindeer in
Kocan AA, Franzmann AW, Waldrup KA, Kubat GJ: northern Norway and Svalbard. Rangifer
1986, Serologic studies of select infectious disease 13:215–219.
of moose (Alces alces L.) from Alaska. J Wildl Dis Taylor SK, Lane VM, Hunter DL, et al: 1997,
22:418–420. Serologic survey for infectious pathogens in free-
Kulscar G, Soos P, Kucsera L, et al: 2001, Patho- ranging American bison. J Wildl Dis 33:308–311.
genicity of a bovine viral diarrhea virus strain in Terpstra C, Wensvoort G: 1988, Natural infection of
pregnant sows: Short communication. Acta Vet pigs with bovine viral diarrhea virus associated
Hung 49:117–1200. with signs resembling swine fever. Res Vet Sci
Liang D, Sainz FS, Ansari IH, et al: 2003, The enve- 45:137–142.
lope glycoprotein E2 is a determinant of cell cul- Terpstra C, Wensvoort G: 1991, Bovine virus diarrhea
ture tropism in ruminant pestiviruses. J Gen Vir virus infections in swine. Tijdschr Dergeneeskd
84:1269–1274. 116:943–948.
Loken T: 1995, Ruminant pestivirus infection in ani- Terpstra C, Wensvoort G: 1997, A congenital infection
mals other than cattle and sheep. Vet Clin North of bovine virus diarrhea virus in pigs: Clinical, vi-
Am: Food Anim Pract 11:597–614. rological, and immunological observations. Vet Q
Loken T, Bjerkas I, Larsen HJ: 1990, Experimental 19:97–101.
pestivirus infection in newborn goat kids. J Comp Tessaro SV, Carman PS, Deregt D: 1999, Viremia and
Pathol 103:277–288. virus shedding in elk with type1 and virulent type
Loken T, Krogrud J, Larsen IL: 1991, Pestivirus infec- bovine viral diarrhea virus. J Wildl Dis 35:671–677.
tions in Norway, serologic investigation in cattle, Thorsen J, Henderson JP: 1971, Survey for antibody
sheep, and pigs. Acta Vet Scand 32:27–34. to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine
Ludwig J, McClurkin A: 1981, BVD in a Minnesota viral diarrhea (BVD) and parainfluenza 3 (PI-3) in
white-tailed deer. Wildl Dis Assoc Mtg Abstracts moose sera. J Wildl Dis 7:93–95.
p. 38. van Campen H, Ridpath J, Williams E, et al: 2001,
Meefhan JT, Lehmkuhl HD, Cutlip RC, Bolin SR: Isolation of bovine viral diarrhea virus from a free-
1998, Acute pulmonary lesions in sheep experimen- ranging mule deer in Wyoming. J Wildl Dis
tally infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus. J 37:306–331.
Comp Pathol 119:277–292. van Campen H, Williams ES: 1996, Wildlife and
Nettleton PF: 1990, Pestivirus infection in ruminants Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus: International
other than cattle. Rev Sci Tech 9:131–150. Symposium Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus—A 50 Year
Nettleton PF, Herring JA, Corigall W: 1980, Isolation Review. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, pp
of bovine virus diarrhea virus from a Scottish red 167–175.
deer. Vet Rec 107:425. van Campen H, Williams ES, Edwards J, et al: 1997,
Pratelli A, Ballo E, Martella V, et al: 1999, Pestivirus Experimental infection of deer with bovine viral di-
infection in small ruminants: virological and his- arrhea virus. J Wildl Dis 33:567–573.
pathological findings. New Microbiol 22:351–356. Walz PH, Baker JC, Mullaney TP, et al: 1999,
Puntel M, Fondvila NA, Blanco VJ, et al: 1999, Comparison of type I and type II bovine diarrhea
Serologic survey of viral antibodies in llamas virus infection in swine. Can J Vet Res 63:119–123.
(Lama glama) in Argentina. Zentrabl Veterinarmed Wensvoort G, Terpstra C: 1988, Bovine viral diarrhea
B 46:157–161. virus infection in piglets born to sows vaccinated
Scherer CF, Flores, Weiblen R, et al: 2001, Experi- against swine fever with contaminated vaccine. Res
mental infection of pregnant ewes with bovine viral Vet Sci 45:143–148.
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Interactions of Virus and Host
John D. Neill

INTRODUCTION virus to the cell surface has been shown in a number

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a ubiquitous of systems to involve the recognition of specific cel-
pathogen of ruminants that is often associated with lular molecules that are embedded in, or intimately
severe economic losses. Understanding these associated with, the cell’s plasma membrane. These
viruses, particularly at the cellular and molecular lev- specific cellular molecules are usually proteins, al-
els, is important to develop new vaccination and though many examples of viruses binding to carbo-
treatment strategies. The events that transpire follow- hydrate moieties are known (Jackson et al., 1996;
ing infection of the host animal are only now begin- Hilgard and Stockert, 2000; Martínez and Melero,
ning to become clear. Upon entry into a susceptible 2000; Dechecchi et al., 2001; Terry-Allison et al.,
host cell, the virus replicates utilizing viral as well as 2001). Virus receptors are normal components of the
cellular proteins and machinery. Our understanding plasma membrane and serve diverse functions such
of BVDV replication comes from studies of BVDV as internalization of ligands, cell signaling, and cell-
directly or is extrapolated from studies of classical to-cell interactions (Mendelsohn et al., 1989; Wykes
swine fever virus (CSFV, known previously as hog et al., 1993; Colston and Racaniello, 1994; Roi-
cholera virus) and other members of the Flaviviridae, vainen et al., 1994; Agnello et al., 1999). The types
particularly hepatitis C virus (HCV). Most proteins and nature of these receptor molecules affects both
encoded by BVDV, CSFV, and HCV, as well as RNA the host and tissue tropism of the virus. If the recep-
structural motifs, are considered functionally equiva- tor molecule of an organism is sufficiently different
lent (Rice, 1996; Branza-Nichita et al., 2001). The from that of the normal host, infection will not
two exceptions are the Npro and Erns proteins that are occur. Additionally, the receptor molecule(s) may be
unique to pestiviruses. This chapter describes func- expressed in only a subset of cell types in the host,
tions provided by the host cell that are absolutely re- only at specific points in the cells cycle, or on spe-
quired for virus replication, including protein trans- cific surfaces of polarized cells (Compans, 1995).
lation, protein modification, and transport and Any of these factors would limit the infection to spe-
release of progeny virus. Results from studies of cific cells or tissues. This in turn gives rise to the
other pestiviruses and flaviviruses are discussed in characteristic disease symptoms, lesions, and
context of BVDV and will be considered common to pathology of the viral infection.
all viruses unless stated otherwise.
RECEPTOR AND VIRUS Several groups have studied the interaction of
ATTACHMENT BVDV and the cell surface. Initial studies involved
Arguably, the single most important event in the life the production of monoclonal antibodies (Mab) di-
cycle of a virus, the “make or break point,” is the at- rected against cell surface epitopes. Teyssedou et al.
tachment of the infectious virus particle to the sur- (1987) reported the production of a Mab that was re-
face of a susceptible cell. If this does not occur, active against a protein on the surface of Madin-
downstream events such as uptake, release of Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells. When at-
genome, replication of viral RNA(s) and translation tached, this Mab completely prevented infection by
of viral proteins cannot take place. Binding of the bovine enterovirus-3 (BEV-3) strain 240A and par-

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178 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

tially inhibited infection by BEV-2 and BVDV. The cells as well as leukocytes freshly isolated from the
mechanism behind this incomplete inhibition was blood of cattle and blocked infection with BVDV to
unclear and probably did not represent an antibody varying degrees. When used in immunoprecipitation
reactive against the true receptor molecule. This was experiments, all precipitated cellular proteins of 60
followed shortly by a report by Moennig et al. and 93 kDa. In follow-up experiments (Schelp et al.,
(1988) of a bovine-specific Mab that prevents infec- 2000), one of these Mabs, BVD/CA 26, recognized a
tion of bovine cells with a number of cytopathic protein consisting of 28 and 56 kDa subunits that,
strains of BVDV (cp BVDV) while not preventing under nonreducing conditions, formed multimers of
infection with CSFV, bovine herpesvirus-1, parain- approximately 200 kDa. The 56 kDa subunit was
fluenza-3, and pseudorabies virus. Based on these shown to bind to F-actin, giving some insight into its
findings, the authors suggested a single receptor possible biological function. It is unknown why there
molecule for BVDV. Further analysis of the protec- was a discrepancy in protein sizes between the two
tion afforded by this Mab, using the more sensitive reports. It is also unknown if the 56 kDa protein de-
immunoperoxidase method (Collett et al., 1989), re- scribed here and the 50 kDa protein described by Xue
vealed small numbers of infected foci in Mab- and Minocha (1993) are the same or related proteins.
treated MDBK cultures, indicating the presence of A different approach examining BVDV binding
multiple cell surface receptors for BVDV. and uptake was taken by Flores and Donis (1995).
Another type of Mab, anti-idiotypic antibodies, They generated an MDBK cell line that was resist-
were produced to study specific virus-receptor inter- ant to infection by BVDV. This mutant cell line,
actions (Xue and Minocha, 1993; Xue and Minocha, CRIB, was developed by infection of a susceptible
1996, Xue et al., 1997). Anti-idiotypic Mabs were monolayer of cells with a cytopathic strain of
raised against neutralizing Mabs that bound the viral BVDV (Singer strain) and culturing of the survivors.
protein anti-gp53 (E2). These anti-idiotypic Mabs The resulting culture contained no virus (infectious
thus mimicked the viral epitopes presumed to be as- or defective) as determined by cocultivation, animal
sociated with binding of the virus to the cellular re- inoculation, immunofluoresence, western and north-
ceptor. The anti-idiotypic Mabs bound to the surface ern blots, and reverse-transcription polymerase
of MDBK cells in a manner similar to that of the chain reaction (RT-PCR). Infection of CRIB cells
virus and inhibited infection by BVDV. A 50 kDa with 24 additional strains of BVDV did not result in
protein was identified in immunoprecipitation ex- a productive infection as determined by expression
periments as the target of these Mabs (Xue and of viral proteins. Transfection of viral RNA or viri-
Minocha, 1993; Minocha et al., 1997). Xue et al. ons in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG)
(1997) determined that this receptor molecule was did result in a productive infection as measured by
protein in nature because protease treatment of cells immunofluoresence, indicating CRIB cells were de-
resulted in concurrent loss of virus binding to the fective at virus entry and not at a postuptake func-
cell surface. Glycosidase treatment of cells prior to tion. However, CRIB cells were not resistant to in-
infection was used to demonstrate that glycosylation fection by 10 other bovine viruses, indicating that
of the receptor protein was not necessary for binding the block of BVDV replication was specific and was
of virus. The receptor molecule was found on a not a general antiviral activity.
number of different cell types, both susceptible and In additional studies, Flores et al. (1996) reported
nonsusceptible to infection with BVDV (Xue and that resistance of CRIB cells to infection with
Minocha, 1993; Xue and Minocha, 1996), indicat- BVDV was blocked at virus entry and suggested
ing a protein of conserved function. The receptor that a cell membrane function that was important in
protein was recognized by BVDV on the surface of virus uptake following viral attachment was mutated
porcine cells, based on the resulting productive in- or missing. Using PEG-mediated virus uptake in
fection. However, the replication of the virus was these cells, the authors concluded that while CRIB
slower, with progeny virus levels eventually reach- cells bound saturating levels of virus, entry was
ing those produced by bovine cells. The difference blocked by a defect in endocytosis. This was further
was probably not a result of cell surface binding and demonstrated by blockage of PEG-mediated uptake
uptake but rather in functions related to replication. of virus using inhibitors of endocytosis and endoso-
Three additional Mabs (Moennig et al., 1988) that mal acidification.
bound to the surface of cells susceptible to infection Characterization of the cell surface molecule
with BVDV were characterized by Schelp et al. bound by the E2 envelope provided evidence that
(1995). These Mabs bound to the surface of cultured the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) was the
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Interactions of Virus and Host 179

E2 receptor molecule as well as the mediator of en- with 100 µg/ml Erns released these particles. The dif-
docytosis of the attached virus particle protein ference between concentration of proteins required
(Agnello et al., 1999). The LDLR is a cell surface to reach complete inhibition and differences in bind-
endocytic receptor that mediates the uptake of extra- ing properties indicated that these proteins bound to
cellular ligands into the cell (May et al., 2003). different molecules on the cell surface. These differ-
Three lines of evidence support the LDLR as a ences also indicate that the E2 binding site is of
BVDV receptor: complete inhibition of endocytosis lower prevalence.
by anti-LDLR antibodies, inhibition of endocytosis Experiments have demonstrated that dengue virus
by phenylarsine oxide (an inhibitor of endocytosis), (Hilgard and Stockert, 2000) and BVDV (Iqbal et
and inhibition of uptake by chemical methods that al., 2000) Erns molecules first bind to cell surface he-
prevent lipoprotein/LDLR interactions. In addition, parin sulfate proteoglycans and sulfated heparin-like
CRIB cells (Flores and Donis, 1995; Flores et al., glycosaminoglycans, respectively. This type of ini-
1996) lack LDLR based on failure to bind anti- tial virus/cell interaction has been reported for a
LDLR antibodies. The loss of infection by inhibition number of viruses that utilize two or more cell sur-
of endocytosis with anti-LDLR antibody indicates face receptors (Mettenleiter et al., 1990; Okazaki et
that LDLR-mediated endocytosis may be the main al., 1991; Jackson et al., 1996; Chen et al., 1997;
mechanism of virus entry (Agnello et al., 1999). Jusa et al., 1997; Krusat and Streckert, 1997; Asagoe
However, the observation that there was a low back- et al., 1997). Erns binds to both permissive and non-
ground of infection associated with high levels of in- permissive cells because of the near ubiquitous pres-
fecting virus indicated the presence of other, low- ence of glycosaminoglycans (Iqbal et al., 2000).
affinity receptor molecules. Soluble Erns added to medium blocked replication of
The possibility of the CD46 molecule as a cell BVDV. As supporting evidence, Erns binding was
surface receptor for BVDV has been proposed not observed when cells were treated with hepari-
(Rümenapf et al., 2000; Maurer et al., 2002). The nase I or III, when soluble glycosaminoglycans were
CD46 protein is a known receptor for measles virus present, or to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells
and herpesvirus 6 (Greenstone et al., 2002). Anti- that did not produce glycosaminoglycans or heparin
bodies against the CD46 molecule, a complement sulfate. These lines or evidence led to the hypotho-
regulatory protein, inhibited infection with BVDV. sis that binding of Erns to cell surface glycosamino-
Expression of the bovine CD46 protein in porcine glycans is the initial event in viral attachment.
cells increased plaquing efficiency of cytopathic Subsequently, Iqbal and McCauley (2002) showed
BVDV forty- to hundredfold. Expression of CD46 that the conserved KKLENKSK motif near the C-
in nonpermissive cells did not confer susceptibility. terminus of the Erns protein mediated binding of the
glycosaminoglycan molecule.
VIRAL FACTORS The mechanism of release of genomic RNA into
The outer envelope of the BVDV virion contains the the cytoplasm of the cell is unclear but probably in-
structural proteins Erns, E1, and E2. These proteins volves acidification of endocytic vesicles (Flores
are highly glycosylated and possess the major anti- and Donis, 1995; Flores et al., 1996). Uptake of
genic determinants of the virus. For a more com- virus appears to occur by endocytosis and not by a
plete discussion concerning the biology and struc- membrane fusion mechanism. Treatment of BVDV-
ture of these proteins, refer to Chapter 3. Recent infected MDBK cells with phenylarsine oxide, an
work has demonstrated that two of these proteins, inhibitor of endocytosis and inhibitors of endosome
Erns and E2, play important roles in the attachment acidification (chloroquine and ammonium chloride)
of the virus particle to the cell surface. Hulst and prevented uptake of virus in the presence of PEG
Moormann (1997), working with purified CSFV (Flores and Donis, 1995). Dengue virus, a member
Erns and E2 synthesized in insect cells, showed that of the Flaviviridae, has been shown to traffic the
Erns added to susceptible cells prior to infection (100 major clathrin-dependent endocytic pathway during
µg/ml) could irreversibly bind to cells and prevent infection (Hilgard and Stockert, 2000). Work with
infection. Purified E2 at 10 µg/ml also provided West Nile virus demonstrated that acidification
100% inhibition of infection but this inhibition was (<pH 6.6) caused rapid loss of viral infectivity
reversible and required additional supplementation (Gollins and Porterfield, 1986). Ammonium chlo-
of E2 to maintain inhibition. Following removal of ride also inhibited uncoating of virus and infection,
E2, infection still occurred, presumably by virus demonstrating the dependence on acid pH in the in-
particles bound to the surface of the cells. Treatment fection process.
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180 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Taken together, these results suggest that attach-

ment and entry of BVDV into a cell is a multistep
process. First, the virus attaches to the cell surface
through interaction of Erns envelope protein and a
docking glycosaminoglycan receptor molecule. This
step can occur in both susceptible and nonsuscepti-
ble cells because these molecules are present on
most cells. It appears that binding to the docking re-
ceptor is insufficient by itself to bring about uptake
of the virus (Flores and Donis, 1995; Flores et al.,
1996). Entry into the cell is further mediated by at-
tachment of the E2 envelope protein to the LDLR
receptor and internalization via endocytosis. This is
probably the rate-limiting step due to the relatively
low abundance of the LDLR on most cell types
(Agnello et al., 1999). As was stated earlier, the
presence of other, minor receptor molecules cannot
be ruled out at this time.

Upon entry into the cell, the genomic RNA must act
as mRNA, directing the translation of viral proteins.
Viral proteins participate in the necessary functions
for RNA replication, protein processing (protease
cleavages), and protein trafficking, but are insuffi-
cient by themselves to bring about all of these
events. Recruitment of cellular factors is necessary
for the successful completion of the replication
process. Many of these factors are known, but the
identity and function of others remain elusive. Figure 11.1. Translation initiation of cellular transcripts
Probably the most important of the cellular func- as compared to that of the pestivirus genomic RNA.
A. Eukaryotic translation initiation takes place by bind-
tions utilized by BVDV for replication is protein
ing of the cap structure (M7G) as directed by the eIF4F
synthesis. This process is much too complex to be complex. The attachment of the 40S small ribosomal
encoded by a simple virus. Thus, BVDV must uti- subunit and other factors necessary to form the 48S
lize the existing translational factors employed by preinitiation complex are illustrated. The scanning com-
the cell. In noninfected cells, eukaryotic cap- petent complex moves down the transcript until en-
dependent translation initiation begins by the bind- countering the initiation codon, at which point eIF5 and
ing of eIF4E (the cap binding protein), as part of the eIF5B direct formation of the 80S ribosomal complex
and initiation of translation. B. Formation of the 48S
heterotrimeric eIF4F complex (composed of eIF4A,
preinitiation complex at the BVDV IRES requires only
eIF4E, and eIF4G), to the 5’ m7G cap of the mRNA the 40S small ribosomal subunit, eIF3 and eIF2/GTP/
molecule (Figure 11.1A). The 40S small ribosome Met-tRNAi. This results in the assembly of the transla-
subunit, associated with the ternary complex eIF2/ tion-competent 80S ribosomal complex at the initiator
GTP/Met-tRNAi, eIF2 and eIF3, forms the 43S AUG and translation of the BVDV polyprotein.
preinitiation complex. The binding of the 43S sub-
unit to the mRNA is directed by the eIF4F complex
and results in the formation of the 48S complex. The making the 48S preinitiation complex competent for
ATP-dependent helicase activity of the eIF4A sub- scanning to the initiation codon. The scanning
unit is thought to unwind the RNA, allowing the process to the initiation codon also requires eIF4B
binding of the 43S complex to the mRNA. and eIF4F. At the initiation codon, eIF5, through in-
Both eIF1 and eIF1a are necessary for proper as- teraction with both eIF2 and eIF3, causes the hy-
sembly of the 48S preinitiation complex as well as drolysis of the GTP moiety of eIF2, resulting in the
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Interactions of Virus and Host 181

release of eIF2-GDP. Initiation factor eIF5B, again A major difference between the BVDV genomic
with hydrolysis of GTP, directs the attachment of the RNA and most cellular mRNA molecules is the
60S ribosomal subunit in the formation of the trans- presence of a long 5’ nontranslated region (5’ UTR)
lationally competent 80S ribosome. For a more de- containing a high degree of secondary structure
tailed discussion of the eukaryotic protein transla- (Figure 11.2) as well as multiple upstream AUG
tion initiation process, see Pestova et al. (1998) and codons. This roughly 390 base region, termed the in-
Pestova et al. (2001). ternal ribosome entry site (IRES), functions to direct
the attachment and assembly of the ribosome at the
POLYPROTEIN TRANSLATION initiation codon of the ORF, insuring that initiation
Following the uptake and the release of the viral of translation begins at the proper AUG codon.
genome, the next critical event in the replication Computational analysis of the 5’ untranslated re-
cycle is the production of viral proteins, both those gion of pestivirus genomes revealed the presence of
necessary for replication and those that interact with higher order folding and secondary structure
host factors to generate a cellular environment opti- (Brown et al., 1992; Deng and Brock, 1993; Le et
mized for production of virus progeny. The BVDV al., 1995). The presence of multiple AUG codons
genomic RNA functions as mRNA for the immedi- was noted, several with stronger matches to the
ate synthesis of a large viral polyprotein that is en- Kozak consensus sequence (Kozak, 1987) than the
coded in the single open reading frame (ORF) of the authentic initiation codon (Deng and Brock, 1993).
virus. The ORF encodes a large protein of approxi- These analyses resulted in the development of a
mately 4000 amino acids that is co- and posttransla- model of secondary structure that revealed a series
tionally cleaved to produce the individual, mature of stem-loops that were highly conserved struc-
proteins. The proteins, in order of placement within turally between BVDV and CSFV. These tertiary
the genome from N- to C-terminus are NH2-Npro- structures were conserved despite the sequence di-
capsid-E rns-E1-E2-p7-NS2/3-NS4a-NS4b-NS5a- vergence between the two viruses. Brown et al.
NS5b-COOH. The envelope glycoproteins—Erns, (1992) used double- and single-strand specific
E1, and E2—are translocated into the lumen of the RNases to confirm the structure of the stem-loop
endoplasmic reticulum for further posttranslational structures and further found them to be highly simi-
modification (Rümenapf et al., 1993). The E1 and lar to that described for the IRES of HCV
E2 are inserted into the membrane of the endoplas- (Tsukiyama-Kohara et al., 1992). Modeling studies
mic reticulum during translocation while Erns re- by Le et al. (1995) predicted stem-loop structures as
mains soluble. well as a psuedoknot in the BVDV and CSFV 5’

Figure 11.2. The secondary structure of the 5’ UTR/IRES of the BVDV genomic RNA. The conserved stem-loop
structures of this region are illustrated, along with the location of the binding sites of eIF3 and the 40S ribosomal
subunits (Pestova et al., 2001). The nucleotide sequence is not shown because of variation between BVDV strains.
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182 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

UTRs that were consistent with prior RNase sensi- Figure 11.2). Further, deletions of these sequences
tivity studies (Brown et al., 1992). The pestivirus abrogated translation. They suggested that eIF3
IRES also contained a structural motif that was pro- bound the IRES in a sequence- or structure-specific
posed to base pair with the 3’ end of the 18S rRNA, manner. In UV cross-linking experiments to deter-
in a manner similar to that described for the picor- mine which subunits of the 10 protein subunit eIF3
naviruses (Deng and Brock, 1993; Le et al., 1995). complex actually contacts the IRES, 4 subunits were
This base pairing would occur at sequences immedi- found to be labeled by the radiolabeled RNA (p170,
ately 5’ of the AUG initiation codon. It was proposed p116, p66, and p47). The p116 and p66 subunits
that this base pairing between the viral and 18s both contain RNA recognition motifs and thus are
rRNA functioned in initiation of cap-independent likely to be determinants of the interaction of eIF3
translation by positioning of the ribosome. with the IRES (Sizova et al., 1998).
The first description of the 5’ UTR as a functional Pestova and Hellen (1999) provided evidence that
IRES was by Poole et al. (1995). In vitro transcrip- the IRES was bound independently of eIF3 and the
tion of the 5’ UTR along with the p20 (Npro) coding 40S ribosomal subunit. The IRES contains complex
sequences of the BVDV ORF yielded expression of structure determinants (refer to Figure 11.2) that
the p20 protein in an in vitro cell-free expression mediate attachment of the 48S ribosomal subunit
system. Inclusion of the 5’ UTR as a spacer between complexes to the initiation codon (Pestova et al.,
the CAT and luciferase genes in a bicistronic con- 1998). Determinants of domain III mediate eIF3
struct yielded expression of both genes. Expression binding. Pestivirus translation initiation is depend-
studies using constructs with both genes without a ent on eIF3, eIF2, GTP, and Met-tRNAmet (48S
spacer resulted in only CAT expression. Deletion of subunit assembly) but not on any constituent of the
nucleotides 173 through 236 of the 5’ UTR reduced eIF4G subunit (refer to Figure 11.1B). eIF3 en-
expression of luciferase by about two-thirds. These hances 48S complex formation, probably by stabi-
results suggested that the BVDV 5’ UTR possesses lizing ribosomal complexes by its interaction with
IRES activity similar to that of HCV. Rijnbrand et the IRES, and is absolutely required for subsequent
al. (1997), in a separate study, demonstrated that the subunit joining to form active 80S ribosomes
CSFV IRES sequences functioned similarly when (Sizova et al., 1998). The probable function of eIF3
used as a spacer in a bicistronic construct. Muta- is to recruit factors eIF1 and eIF5 to the 48S com-
tional analysis of the nucleotide sequences that plex (Pestova and Hellen, 1999). Using cryoelectron
formed the pseudoknot revealed that RNAs unable microscopy, Spahn et al. (2001) demonstrated that
to form base pairs in stem II of the pseudoknot were binding of the HCV IRES caused a conformational
translationally inactive. However, translational ac- change in the 40S ribosomal subunit that resulted in
tivity could be restored by introduction of compen- closing of the mRNA binding cleft, and in IRES-
satory base changes that restored the stem loop mediated positioning of the initiation codon in the P
structure (Rijnbrand et al., 1997; Fletcher and Jack- site of the ribosome. This was the first description of
son, 2002). Neither an AUG codon 7 base upstream a viral RNA that actively manipulates the structure
of the authentic initiation AUG codon nor an AUG of the transcriptional machinery, resulting in the
downstream could initiate translation. This indicates promotion of translation initiation without the assis-
that scanning by the ribosome on the IRES is limited tance of otherwise necessary initiation factors
to a very small region. (Spahn et al., 2001).
A genetic approach to dissection of BVDV IRES Several groups have reported that initiation factors
function (Chon et al., 1998) using mutational analy- eIF4A, eIF4B, and eIF4F were not required for trans-
sis through a number of in vitro–introduced dele- lation initiation from the pestivirus IRES (Rijnbrand
tions or insertions, showed that stem loops Ia and Ib et al., 1997; Chon et al., 1998; Pestova and Hellen,
were dispensable for efficient translation, and IIIb 1999; Sizova et al., 1998; Fletcher et al., 2002).
and IIIe were partially required (Figure 11.3). These findings were derived from different types of
Deletions or insertions in II, IIIa, IIIc or IIId could experiments, including reconstituted in vitro transla-
cause a tenfold or greater reduction in translation. tion initiation systems (Pestova and Hellen, 1999)
Confirmation of these data was provided by chemi- and coexpression of picornavirus 2A protease
cal and enzymatic footprinting (Sizova et al., 1998), (Rijnbrand et al., 1997; Chon et al., 1998). In addi-
which demonstrated that the translation initiation tion, this IRES-driven translation was shown to
factor eIF3 bound to and protected distinct regions be independent of the translation initiation factor
of domain III, particularly IIIb and IIIc (refer to eIF-4F by coexpression of the poliovirus 2A protease
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Interactions of Virus and Host 183

that cleaves eIF4F. This protease-inhibited cap- the processing of the virus structural proteins, en-
dependent translation in picornavirus-infected cells coded in the N-terminal one-third of the polyprotein,
(Rijnbrand et al., 1997; Chon et al., 1998; Pestova et is carried out by host signal peptidases (Figure
al., 1998; Pestova et al., 2001; Fletcher et al., 2002). 11.3A) following translocation into the lumen of the
The report by Pestova et al. (1998) was the first de- endoplasmic reticulum (Figure 11.3; Rümenapf et
scribing the lack of reliance by the pestivirus IRES al., 1993; Lin et al., 1994). A model of this translo-
on canonical translation initiation factors that are cation and proteolytic processing has been proposed
necessary for normal cellular cap-dependent transla- (Rümenapf et al., 1993). Cotranslationally, the enve-
tion initiation. It was concluded that pestivirus pro- lope proteins are translocated into the ER utilizing a
tein translation initiation is simpler than that em- signal sequence located between the capsid and Erns
ployed by the picornaviruses and more closely proteins. In doing so, the ribosome attaches to the
resembles prokaryotic translation initiation. Trans- Sec61p complex, a protein translocation channel in
lation initiation from the flavivirus or pestivirus the ER membrane. The signal peptide is inserted
IRES requires so few translation initiation factors into the membrane and the nascent protein chain is
that a simpler, equally efficient means of translation translocated into the lumen of the ER in a loop struc-
initiation is unlikely (Pestova et al., 1998). Cellular ture (Matlack et al., 1998). A rapid signalase cleav-
RNAs that contain an IRES are generally those that age occurs at the N-terminus of the Erns protein, pos-
are expressed under stress conditions (i.e., heat sibly leaving the capsid protein attached to the
shock, reactive oxygen species) when the activities cytoplasmic side of the membrane.
of eIF4B, E, and F are reduced (Pestova et al., 1998). The core (capsid) protein of HCV is released from
The 5’ end of the IRES was mapped to between the endoplasmic reticulum membrane by the cellular
nucleotides 28 and 75 (Rijnbrand et al., 1997; Chon protease SPP (McLauchlan et al., 2002), and it is
et al., 1998). The 3’ end of IRES extends into Npro likely that process occurs in a similar manner in
coding sequences of the ORF (Chon et al., 1998) as BVDV-infected cells. Transfer of the remaining
far as 51 bases (Fletcher et al., 2002) and possesses Erns/E1/E2 envelope protein precursor continues
single-strandedness that appears important for ribo- with interruption by two hydrophobic domains at
some binding and translation initiation. Studies the end of the E1 protein. The first hydrophobic do-
mapping the termini of the IRES were done utilizing main acts as a stop transfer for the nascent protein,
in vitro systems where the IRES was directly fused and the second acts as a signal sequence to begin
to the ORF encoding the expression reporter. translocation of the E2 protein. Both may function
Additional work showed that efficient IRES func- to anchor the E1 protein into the membrane. There
tion, in the context of translation from a functional are similar stop/start transfer signals at the C-
replicon, required the 5’ Ia stem-loop structure (Yu terminus of the E2 region. The internal signal se-
et al., 2000). Utilizing the subgenomic RNA repli- quences of the Erns/E1/E2 precursor are the only
con DI9c (Behrens et al., 1998), translation was determinants for compartmentalization of the ma-
shown to be inefficient when the Ia stem-loop struc- ture envelope proteins (Wu, 2001). Cleavage of the
ture was mutated or missing. In addition, it was Erns/E1/E2 precursor from the downstream transla-
found that the Ia structure was important in RNA tion product occurs rapidly. Processing of the pre-
replication as well. The authors postulated that this cursor begins with the signalase cleavage at the
structural motif may be involved in RNA:RNA in- E1/E2 border. This is followed by the separation of
teractions that may be necessary for committing the the Erns/E1 proteins and is probably dependent on a
RNA molecule to function as template for either conformational change taking place following the
translation or RNA replication. initial E2 cleavage reaction. The Erns protein forms
homodimers by intermolecular disulfide bond for-
PROCESSING OF ENVELOPE GLYCOPROTEINS mation and, having no hydrophobic transmembrane
BY CELLULAR ENZYMES domain, remains soluble and associates with the E1-
The BVDV polyprotein, encoded by the single ORF E2 heterodimers by an unknown mechanism (Hulst
of the genomic RNA, is co-and posttranslationally and Moorman, 2001). Unassociated Erns is also se-
processed by both host and viral proteases to yield creted into the extracellular domain and can be
the mature viral proteins. The protease cleavages of found free in the medium of infected cells cultured
the nonstructural proteins are carried out by the in vitro (Rümenapf et al., 1993). As discussed previ-
NS2/3 serine protease (Wiskerchen and Collett, ously, Erns is essential for virus attachment and up-
1991; Tautz et al., 1997; Xu et al., 1997). However, take (Hulst and Moormann, 1997).
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184 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Figure 11.3. Proposed mechanism for transporting and processing of pestivirus envelope proteins. A. Genomic
organization of the BVDV genome showing cleavage sites of the mature proteins with those cleaved by host
signalases denoted by asterisks. The sizes of the proteins are not drawn to scale. B. Import into the lumen of the
endoplasmic reticulum and cleavage of the mature proteins from the polyproteins result in the release of free Erns
into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, while cleavage of the E1 and E2 proteins results in retention of the
membrane anchors in the membrane, probably facilitating downstream processing, heterodimerization and transport.

The E1 and E2 proteins form disulfide-linked het- from the nascent E2 glycoprotein prevented golgi
erodimers after proper folding of the proteins in as- processing of the E2 glycoprotein with the loss of
sociation with the endoplasmic reticulum protein production of infectious progeny virus.
calnexin (Branza-Nichita et al., 2001). The folding
of these proteins is dependent on intramolecular RNA REPLICATION
disulfide bridge formation and varies in the rate this Replication of the BVDV genomic RNA occurs
occurs between the two envelope proteins. The fold- downstream of polyprotein translation, being de-
ing of the E2 protein is rapid, showing completion pendent on the presence of viral proteins that func-
within 2.5 minutes; the folding of the E1 proteins tion specifically in RNA replication. Replication of
takes approximately 30 minutes. Thus the rate of the genomic RNA involves the copying of the in-
folding of the E1 protein is the rate-limiting step in fecting plus-sense RNA into minus-sense RNA
the formation of E1-E2 dimers. The interaction of copies, forming the replicative form (RF). The
envelope proteins with the lectin-like calnexin mol- negative-strand of the RF is copied by strand-
ecule is dependent on the removal of glucose moi- displacement, giving rise to the RNA replicative in-
eties on the N-linked glycans by endoplasmic retic- termediate (RI), and releasing the displaced plus-
ulum ␣-glucosidases (Branza-Nichita et al., 2001). sense RNA strand when nascent strand transcription
If the removal of the glucose moieties does not is complete. The RF is reutilized, primarily by recy-
occur, interaction with calnexin is inhibited and the cling of the negative-sense. The kinetics of synthesis
improperly folded proteins are targeted for degrada- showed that the rate of synthesis of the positive-
tion by the proteosome (Branza-Nichita et al., sense strand at 12 hours postinfection was 10 times
2002). Decrease in size of cleaved proteins that in- that of the negative strand (Gong et al., 1996). At
dicated trimming of sugar moieties on the side- any given time, there were approximately 6–7 nas-
chains has been reported (Rümenapf et al., 1993). cent plus-stranded RNA strands on the template RI
Jordan et al. (2002a) demonstrated that inhibition of (Gong et al., 1998).
␣-glucosidase removal of terminal glucose moieties Viral proteins known to participate in RNA repli-
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Interactions of Virus and Host 185

cation include NS2/3, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B. for one possible function of NS5A. The first study
NS2/3 possesses RNA helicase and nucleotide demonstrated that the cellular protein elongation
triphosphatase activities essential for RNA replica- factor-1␣ (EF-1␣) recognized and bound to highly
tion (Warrener and Collett, 1995; Grassmannn et al., conserved secondary structure found on the plus-
1999; Gu et al., 2000). NS5B contains the GDD strand of the 3’ nontranslated region of West Nile
amino acid motif characteristic of RNA-dependent virus (Blackwell and Brinton, 1997). The second
RNA polymerases and has been demonstrated to demonstrated that NS5A protein of BVDV interacts
possess RNA polymerase activity and be essential specifically with EF-1␣ (Johnson et al., 2001).
for RNA replication (Zhong et al., 1998; Lai et al., Taken together, these data indicate that binding of
1999). NS4B is an integral endoplasmic reticulum EF-1␣ to both the secondary structure of the 3’ non-
protein that, besides being part of the multiprotein translated region and to NS5A may act to bring the
complex composed of NS3, NS4B, and NS5A, can genomic RNA template and the NS5A containing
also play a role in suppression of the cytopathic phe- endoplasmic reticulum membrane-bound replica-
notype by mutation of the highly conserved tyrosine tion complex into the correct position or orientation
residue at position 2441 (Qu et al., 2001). This ap- for RNA replication to take place. EF1-␣ plays nu-
parent tripartite protein complex may be associated merous roles in RNA sorting and regulation of ex-
with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane via the pression of mRNA in eukaryotic cells and may play
transmembrane domain of NS4B (Qu et al., 2001). a role in RNA replication of BVDV.
The function of NS5A remains elusive and is dis- The RNA-binding proteins TIA-1 and TIAR have
cussed later with its known interactions with cellu- been identified as cellular proteins that interact with
lar proteins. the 3’ nontranslated region of West Nile virus (Li et
Currently, little is known concerning the identity al., 2002). In contrast to EF-1␣, TIAR and TIA-1
and the role of host factors in the replication of the bind to the 3’ nontranslated region of the minus
BVDV genomic RNA. Highly conserved RNA sec- strand of the West Nile virus genomic RNA. West
ondary structures at both the 5’ and 3’ ends of the Nile virus grew to significantly lower titers in
BVDV genomic RNA indicate functional roles murine TIAR-/- knockout cells; however, growth
(Becher et al., 2000; Yu et al., 2000). As illustrated was not eliminated. TIA-1-/- knockout cells showed
by the function of the IRES, these secondary struc- no decrease in final virus titer but these levels were
tures probably bind specific cellular factors, as well reached 6 hours later than those grown in normal
as viral proteins, that participate in RNA replication control cells, indicating distinct requirements for the
(Deng and Brock, 1993; Becher et al., 2000). The re- two proteins. The identification of proteins that dif-
quirement for the secondary structure contained in ferentially bind to the plus and minus strands of the
the 5’ nontranslated region of the BVDV genomic genomic RNA may indicate a mechanism to distin-
RNA in viral replication has been analyzed (Yu et guish between the two strands during replication.
al., 2000). Stem-loop Ia, found outside the IRES se- These data demonstrate that host proteins that nor-
quences at the extreme 5’ end of the genomic RNA mally interact with cellular RNA are essential to the
(Rijnbrand et al., 1997; Chon et al., 1998), appears flavivirus RNA replication process. It is expected to
to regulate the switching of the genomic RNA of be similar in BVDV RNA replication.
BVDV as template for either translation or RNA The function of some BVDV proteins may be reg-
replication (Behrens et al., 1998; Yu et al., 2000; Li ulated through phosphorylation by cellular protein
and McNally, 2001). This was supported by findings kinases. The NS5A protein of BVDV was shown to
that regulation of RNA replication and translation be phosphorylated (Reed et al., 1998). The ability of
was outside the IRES region and was probably due NS5A to interact with both cellular and viral pro-
to interaction with regulatory proteins or viral pro- teins and perhaps regulate their function may be de-
tein(s) associated with specific host protein transla- pendent on its phosphorylation state (Kapoor et al.,
tion complexes (Li and McNally, 2001). 1995; Reed et al., 1998). The phosphorylation of the
Several reports have demonstrated interactions of BVDV NS5A protein indicates that it is associated
cellular proteins with 3’ nontranslated region sec- with serine/threonine protein kinases (Reed et al.,
ondary structures (both plus and minus strands) of 1998). Kinase inhibitor studies indicated that the as-
flaviviruses. Several of these proteins have been sociated kinases belong to the CMGC family of pro-
identified (Blackwell and Brinton, 1995; Blackwell tein kinases (Reed et al., 1997). This interaction has
and Brinton, 1997; Ito and Lai, 1997; Li et al., been postulated to regulate viral replication and pos-
2002). Two separate reports may provide evidence sibly host gene expression, whether through trans-
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186 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

port of NS5A into the nucleus or through interac- strains possess this ability. The loss of the ability to
tions with cellular signaling pathways. An example prevent cell death by cp BVDV strains appears to be
of the latter includes the interaction with the host related to the genetic changes that occur within the
double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase NS2/3 protein coding sequences that give rise to the
(PKR) by the HCV NS5A protein. This interaction formation of NS3 (Hoff and Donis, 1997; Lambot et
inhibits the host interferon antiviral response, in- al., 1998), although other mechanisms cannot be
cluding inhibition of the phosphorylation of transla- ruled out (Bruschke et al., 1997; Vassilev and Donis,
tion initiation factor eIF-2␣ and subsequent de- 2000; Qu et al., 2001).
crease in protein translation (Gale et al., 1997). Late in the infection process, cells infected with
cp BVDV strains show many of the classic signs of
CELL DEATH apoptosis. These include rounding of cells, cleavage
Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is the geneti- of nuclear DNA to oligonucleosomal fragments, and
cally and biochemically defined mechanism of cel- cleavage and inactivation of poly (ADP-ribose)
lular suicide that may be induced for a number of polymerase, a nuclear enzyme important in DNA re-
physiological reasons. From a virological stand- pair (Zhang et al., 1996; Hoff and Donis, 1997). In
point, this is one of the first lines of defense against an investigation of the mechanism of induction of
viral infection. Its primary purpose is to kill the apoptosis in cp BVDV-infected cells, Grummer et
virus-infected cell before the virus replicates and al. (2002a) demonstrated that cp BVDV-infected
spreads to neighboring cells. Apoptosis is also a cells induced the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. This
means to kill the cell without inducing an inflamma- was shown by translocation of cytochrome c into the
tory response that may damage surrounding tissue cytoplasm, increased expression of APAF-1, and in-
(Steller, 1995). Apoptosis is characterized by many creased caspase 9 activity that is indicative of
cellular changes, including cellular swelling, loss of APAF-1 activation. Inhibition of loss of mitochondr-
plasma membrane integrity, loss of mitochondrial ial ⌬␺m and subsequent loss of cytochrome c into
membrane potential, release of compartmentalized the cytoplasm delayed onset of apoptosis. Addi-
molecules into the cytoplasm, proteolytic cleavage tionally, treatment of cells with apoptosis inhibitors
of proteins (both activation and inactivation of func- delayed induction of apoptosis (Grummer et al.,
tion), and degradation of nuclear DNA. Apoptosis is 2002b). Disruption of the ⌬␺m disrupts normal cel-
induced in cells by two major pathways, the extrin- lular oxidation/reduction. Schweizer and Peterhans
sic and intrinsic pathways. The extrinsic pathway is (1999) provided evidence that cp BVDV-infected
induced when an extracellular signal is received and cells show an increase in reactive oxygen species,
transduced into the cytoplasm. This results in the ac- indicative of oxidative stress that preceded caspase
tivation of caspase 8, initiating the caspase-mediated activation. Antioxidants that protected the cell from
destruction of the cell. The intrinsic pathway is acti- oxidative stress, prevented apoptosis. Interestingly,
vated by an intracellular stimulus that results in loss this had no effect on virus replication and virus
of mitochondrial membrane potential (⌬␺m) and re- titers, indicating that the loss of ⌬␺m and induced
lease of cytochrome c. Cytochrome c, free in the cy- oxidative stress plays no role in cp BVDV replica-
toplasm, is bound by APAF-1 and, along with ATP, tion (Schwiezer and Peterhans, 1999; Grummer et
activates caspase 9, thus beginning the caspase- al., 2002a).
mediated cellular destruction. The envelope glycoprotein Erns has been reported
Many viruses encode proteins that interact with to possess RNase activity (Schneider et al., 1993;
cellular defense mechanisms, resulting in the inhibi- Hulst et al., 1994), the function of which is un-
tion of apoptosis until viral replication steps have known. The effect of Erns on cells infected with
been conducted, allowing production of maximal CSFV was investigated by Bruschke et al. (1997).
levels of progeny virus. At this point, no inhibitor of This was done because of the immunomodulatory
apoptosis has been specifically identified in the effects of RNases (Tamburrini et al., 1990;
BVDV genome. The hallmark of the cp BVDV D’Alessio, 1993) and the known immunosuppres-
strains is the induction of cell death in cultured ep- sion associated with pestiviral infections. Treatment
ithelial cells soon after infection, generally within of lymphocytes from porcine, bovine, ovine, and
24–48 hours. The inability of the cp BVDV strains human sources with Erns completely inhibited con-
to infect susceptible cells without inducing cell canavalin A activation in vitro. In addition, protein
death is considered loss of function, because the synthesis was inhibited in the Erns-treated cells with-
more prevalent noncytopathic BVDV (ncp BVDV) out disruption of the plasma membrane. Examina-
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Interactions of Virus and Host 187

tion of cells following treatment revealed that apop- pression of bcl-2 in cells infected with dengue virus
tosis was induced in the treated cells. These results and Japanese encephalitis virus was demonstrated to
suggest that Erns may, at least in part, be responsible change the cellular response to the infection from
for the leukopenia observed in pestivirus infected apoptotic to chronic (Su et al., 2001; Su et al., 2002).
animals. Earlier work had shown that Erns was se-
creted in the medium of cultured cells (Rümenapf et INHIBITION OF SIGNALING
al., 1993). If this is true in vivo, circulating 0.0 may
be able to effect cell death in lymphocytes without CYTOKINES
direct viral infection and replication. The mode of The innate immune response represents the first line
entry into the susceptible cell remains a mystery. of defense against an invading virus and occurs at
Langedijk (2002) demonstrated that short peptides the cellular level. Interferon production and induc-
corresponding to the C-terminus of Erns were trans- tion of apoptosis represent two mechanisms a cell
ported across the plasma membrane and targeted to may employ to attempt to limit the infection.
the nucleolus. The region involved, as short as 13 Synthesis and release of interferon act not only at
amino acid residues in length, appeared to be asso- the infected cell but also to notify other cells of the
ciated with conserved basic residues. These C- danger posed by the virus. Many viruses encode
terminal sequences, when attached to unrelated pro- proteins that target components of the innate im-
teins, would still function to mediate transport into mune system to limit the response, giving the virus
the cell. The translocation was rapid, occurring in 1 time to replicate to maximal levels. BVDV appears
minute or less, and was not dependent on energy or to be no exception; however, the mechanisms uti-
cell surface receptors. Delivery of the peptide to the lized to bring this about remain unclear. Adler et al.
nucleolus may indicate that Erns has a role in gene (1994), working in vitro with bovine bone mar-
expression or protein synthesis modulation. row–derived macrophages (BBMM), demonstrated
BVDV, like all members of the Flaviviridae, uti- that only ncp BVDV strains primed BBMM for en-
lize the endoplasmic reticulum in their replication hanced nitric oxide production in the presence of
process with the envelope proteins being inserted Salmonella. Infection of cells by cp BVDV resulted
into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum for in cytopathic effect (apoptosis), demonstrating that
further modification. When the endoplasmic reticu- the two biotypes acted differently in affecting spe-
lum experiences loss of Ca2+ or the accumulation of cific functions of the host. In a later study, Adler et
misfolded or unassembled proteins, the endoplasmic al. (1996), again working with BBMM, showed that
reticulum stress response is triggered. This acts to infection with both biotypes resulted in decreased
slow translation of proteins and is mediated through production of tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF␣) upon
phosphorylation of eIF-2␣ by the ER kinase PERK stimulation with Salmonella, while other specific
(Ma et al., 2002). This is maintained until the prob- macrophage functions were not affected. This sug-
lem of the accumulated proteins is resolved gested that decline in the ability to produce TNF␣
(Kaufman, 1999). PERK phosphorylation of eIF-2␣ may contribute to immunosuppression often ob-
also leads to transcriptional induction of endoplas- served in BVDV infections. In addition, the infected
mic reticulum chaperone proteins as well as tran- BBMM also produced a substance that primed unin-
scriptional repression of bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic pro- fected cells for decreased nitric oxide production
tein). If the PERK-mediated protein translation and for apoptosis following treatment with lipopoly-
interruption is of sufficient duration, apoptosis may saccharide (Adler et al., 1997; Jungi et al., 1999).
be induced by decreased levels of bcl-2 (Friedman, This substance was believed to be interferon, based
1996). Jordan et al. (2002b) demonstrated that on its physicochemical properties (Adler et al.,
MDBK cells infected with cp BVDV induce the ER 1997; Perler et al., 2000).
stress response. This response was characterized by
activation of PERK, hyperphosphorylation of eIF- INTRACELLULAR SIGNALING INHIBITION
2␣, and decreased transcription of bcl-2. In addition, The production of interferons by virus-infected cells
increased caspase 12 activity and decreased glu- is an important function of the innate immune re-
tathione levels were noted. The latter would be a sponse. The mechanism of inhibition of interferon
consequence of decreased bcl-2 protein levels and synthesis by ncp BVDV in infected cells remains
could potentially contribute to increased susceptibil- unclear. ncp BVDV strains, but not cp BVDV
ity to reactive oxygen species (Schweizer and strains, possess a function that inhibits interferon
Peterhans, 1999; McCullough et al., 2000). Overex- production in response to infection or treatment with
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188 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

dsRNA, but not the response to exogenous interfer- al., 2003) but by an apparently mechanistically dif-
ons (Schweizer and Peterhans, 2001). dsRNA is a ferent means. The HCV NS3/4A serine protease
molecule produced during the infection process by prevented the phosphorylation of IRF-3, blocking its
most viruses and has been shown conclusively to be translocation to the nucleus. This is in contrast to the
a specific trigger of apoptosis and interferon produc- IRF-3 in ncp BVDV-infected cells where IRF-3 is
tion (Jacobs and Langland, 1996; Kibler et al., translocated to the nuclease but does not bind DNA.
1997). This inhibition was observed only in cells The two viruses appear to utilize two different
that had been infected with the ncp BVDV strain for mechanisms to achieve the same goal.
at lease 12 hours, indicating that inhibition was A recent report by Ruggli, et al. (2003) suggested
virus-induced. ncp BVDV inhibited induction of that the pestivirus protein Npro may play a role in in-
apoptosis by dsRNA but not by staurosporine or ac- terference with the induction of the interferon re-
tinomycin D. In addition, this inhibition was sponse. Porcine SK-6 cells infected with wild-type
through an unknown intracellular mechanism and CSFV possessed the ability to resist induction of
not by inhibition of uptake of the dsRNA. This sug- apoptosis when treated with dsRNA, and macro-
gested that some component encoded by ncp BVDV phages were inhibited from producing an ␣/ß inter-
interfered specifically with intracellular signaling. feron response. When infected with CSFV mutants
By using different cell lines and different strains of lacking the Npro coding sequences, SK-6 cells were
ncp BVDV, Schweizer and Peterhans (2001) not protected from dsRNA-induced apoptosis and
demonstrated that interference with apoptosis and macrophages produced a type I interferon response
interferon synthesis was a general and important in the absence of additional stimuli. In addition, re-
function of ncp strains. duced replication was noted for the Npro-deficient
Baigent et al. (2002) extended the above studies mutant. These data imply that Npro plays a role in
to further characterize the lack of intracellular re- the inhibition of the interferon response, the mecha-
sponse in cells infected with ncp BVDV. As de- nism of which still remains to be determined.
scribed by Schweitzer and Peterhans (2001), prior
infection with ncp BVDV did not block the response CELLULAR REMODELING
to exogenous interferons but could block interferon Recent advances in functional genomics have made
and MxA gene transcription in response to dsRNA it possible to examine changes in gene expression in
or infection by the heterologous virus Semliki cells under a variety of conditions that allow an un-
Forest virus (SFV). Prior infection with ncp BVDV derstanding of the basic mechanism(s) that bring
did not block induction of apoptosis by cp BVDV or about distinct cellular changes. These changes, indi-
SFV. The nature of the interferon response requires cated by increased or decreased transcription of spe-
transcriptional up-regulation or posttranslational cific genes, allow the dissection of the host response
modification of specific transcription factors, in- based on the function of the genes with altered ex-
cluding NF-␬B, ATF2, and c-jun. Examination of pression levels. One functional genomics technol-
these proteins revealed that NF-␬B was not acti- ogy, serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), was
vated, and ncp BVDV infection did not block activa- applied to examining gene expression changes that
tion of NF-␬B by SFV or by tumor necrosis factor- take place in BVDV-infected cells in response to the
␣. The stress-activated kinases JNK1 and JNK2 viral infection (Neill and Ridpath, 2003a, b). This
were not activated nor were the transcription factors analysis revealed that a number of gene expression
ATF2 and c-Jun phosphorylated. These events were changes occur following BVDV infection and that
not inhibited following superinfection by SFV fol- some of the changes act to increase efficiency of
lowing ncp BVDV-infection. Interferon regulatory functions that are beneficial to viral replication, mat-
factor-3 (IRF-3), a transcriptional activator responsi- uration, and release. Although expression level of
ble for the increased transcription of interferon genes involved in energy production and metabo-
genes, was translocated to the nucleus in ncp lism were relatively unchanged, genes encoding
BVDV-infected cells but was shown to lack DNA proteins involved in protein translation were altered
binding activity in nuclear extracts (Baigent, et al., in a pro-virus manner. Protein translation plays such
2002). In addition, IRF-3 DNA binding activity was an integral role in the replication of a virus that al-
present in SFV-infected cells but could be blocked terations in the translational machinery that en-
by prior infection with ncp BVDV. hances viral protein synthesis are advantageous.
HCV was recently shown to also inhibit IRF-3 These changes included ribosomal proteins, elonga-
transcriptional activation of interferon genes (Foy et tion factors, and tRNA synthetases. In addition,
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Interactions of Virus and Host 189

transcription of genes involved in transport of nas- with released viral particles. Lack of detection of
cent polypeptides into the lumen of the endoplasmic viral proteins in the plasma membrane of BVDV-
reticulum was increased, indicating possible in- infected cells was confirmed by Grummer et al.
creased capacity for ER translocation and process- (2001) using indirect fluorescence microscopy, con-
ing. One protein in particular, TRAM, functions in focal microscopy, or FACS analysis. Using subcel-
regulating the Sec61p pore complex through which lular fractionation techniques, the envelope glyco-
the nascent polypeptide passes into the lumen of the proteins Erns and E2 were found associated
endoplasmic reticulum (Hegde et al., 1998a). exclusively with intracellular membranes. In addi-
TRAM also regulates exposure of the nascent pro- tion, with the possible disruption of microtubule net-
tein to the cytoplasm in response to pause transfer works in BVDV-infected cells (Neill and Ridpath,
signals (Hegde et al., 1998b). This may be important 2003), the microtubule-associated sorting of viral
for BVDV replication in allowing the correct pro- proteins required for surface budding would be af-
cessing of the structural proteins. Gene expression fected. This provides further evidence for the use of
changes were also noted with unknown effect or an egress mechanism more closely resembling that
benefit to the replicating virus. Several tubulin iso- of Kunjin virus.
types showed sharp declines in transcript numbers,
indicating possible disruption of microtubule func- BVDV REPLICATION CYCLE
tion. This may suggest a possible mechanism for the OVERVIEW
disruption of platelet production by BVDV-infected The mechanisms utilized by BVDV to enter a sus-
megakaryocytes. Proper microtubule function is es- ceptible cell and replicate itself are becoming
sential for pro-platelet release, and disruption of the clearer. It is now possible to put together the picture
microtubule network would have a detrimental ef- of what takes place from attachment of the infecting
fect on this process. virus particle to release of infectious progeny. As de-
tailed in Figure 11.4, the infection process begins by
VIRUS RELEASE attachment of the BVDV particle to the plasma
Little is currently known concerning release of in- membrane, probably first by attachment of Erns to a
fectious BVDV virions from the infected cell. This docking surface glycosaminoglycan(s) followed by
is one of the more confusing aspects of flavivirus/ binding of the LDLR E2 (Figure 11.4A). The inter-
pestivirus biology because of apparent differences in nalization of the virion is probably mediated by the
the mechanisms of viral egress used by different LDLR receptor through endocytosis (Figure
viruses. Egress by budding from the cell surface was 11.4B,C), and release of the genomic RNA occurs
reported for West Nile (Sarafend) virus and was following acidification of the endosomal vesicle
demonstrated by both transmission and scanning (Figure 11.4D,E). The genomic RNA, now in the cy-
electron microscopy (Ng et al., 1994). Examination toplasm of the cell first acts as mRNA for translation
of release of virus in polarized epithelial cells by of the polyprotein at least initially taking place on
Chu and Ng (2002) showed that West Nile (Sara- the endoplasmic reticulum (Figure 11.4F). At some
fend) was released from the apical surface, and point, a switch occurs that causes the genomic RNA
Kunjin virus was released from both apical and ba- to be used as template for RNA replication rather
solateral surfaces. In addition, microtubules were than for protein translation (Figure 11.4G). It is pre-
shown to play a role in the sorting and transport of sumed that some of the newly synthesized daughter
viral proteins to the cell surface by West Nile RNAs are then used for protein translation while
(Sarafend) virus, and disruption of the microtubule others participate in RNA replication. The genomic
network had no effect on Kunjin virus maturation RNAs also interact with the capsid protein followed
and egress (MacKenzie and Westaway, 2001; Chu by recognition of the cytoplasmic domains of the
and Ng, 2002). Transport of Kunjin virus to the cell envelope proteins and budding into the lumen of
surface from the golgi apparatus appears to be by the endoplasmic reticulum (Figure 11.4H,I,J). The
movement of virus-containing vesicles and fusion passage of the immature particles through the endo-
with the plasma membrane. plasmic reticulum and the golgi body result in the
The release of mature pestivirus particles appears maturation of the particles by processing and glyco-
at this point to more closely resemble that of Kunjin sylation of the envelope proteins (Figure 11.4K).
virus. A study examining location of viral proteins The virus-laden vesicles (Figure 11.4L) move
in cells infected with CSFV (Weiland et al., 1999) through the cytoplasm to the cell surface (Figure
showed that the viral proteins were associated only 11.4M) where the vesicle fuses with the plasma
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190 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

ticularly true in two areas. The first is how the virus

interacts with the host cell in establishing a chronic
infection in utero that results in the birth of a persist-
ently infected calf. The second is the subtle interac-
tions with the host immune system and how it is
manipulated to delay both the innate and acquired
immune responses. Continued work will give
greater insight into replication strategy of pestivi-
ruses and possible means to intervene, yielding bet-
ter vaccination strategies and perhaps pharmaco-
logical treatments to prevent, inhibit, or moderate

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FINAL REMARKS ogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus is through an in-
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Sagar M. Goyal

INTRODUCTION The diagnosis of BVDV infection can sometimes

Infections with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) be made on the basis of history and clinical signs.
are endemic in many countries, leading to heavy However, clinical signs following BVDV infection
economic losses for the cattle industry. Sweden was are highly variable depending on viral strain, age,
one of the first countries to introduce a national and immune status of the animal; reproductive sta-
BVDV control program in 1993, which now forms tus of the animal; and the presence of other patho-
the basis for control programs in many other coun- gens. Thus, BVDV infection may result in subclini-
tries (Moennig and Greiser-Wilke, 2003). The pri- cal acute infections; severe acute infections
mary aim of BVDV control programs in Scandina- characterized by fever, leukopenia, and thrombocy-
vian countries is the identification of BVDV-free topenia; persistent infections; reproductive disease
herds and prevention of reinfection of these herds so presenting as congenital defects, repeat breeding,
that there is a gradual decrease in the number of in- abortion, or mummification; enteric disease; respira-
fected herds. A crucial requirement for the success tory disease; and immunosuppression. Because so
of these programs is the availability of rapid, eco- many different types of clinical presentation are as-
nomical, and simple diagnostic methods that are sociated with BVDV infection, a diagnosis on the
highly sensitive and specific. In the Scandinavian basis of history, clinical signs, and postmortem ex-
model, different diagnostic tests are used for the de- amination of dead animals can only be considered
tection of infection at various levels. Initially, bulk presumptive. Accurate and definitive detection of
tank milk is screened for BVDV or anti-BVDV an- BVDV infection depends on laboratory diagnosis.
tibody using a reverse transcription-polymerase The availability of accurate and rapid diagnostic
chain assay (RT-PCR) or an enzyme-linked im- tests is necessary not only for control programs but
munosorbent assay (ELISA), respectively. If posi- also for prognosis, monitoring, and epidemiology of
tive, identification of individual, persistently in- BVDV infection. Another area in which accurate
fected (PI) animals is undertaken. For this purpose, BVDV diagnosis is important is the presence of
an ELISA for the demonstration of virus in blood BVDV or its antibody in biologics of bovine origin,
has proved reliable (Bitsch and Ronsholt, 1995). such as fetal bovine serum, cell cultures grown in
The Scandinavian model may work well in coun- BVDV-contaminated fetal bovine serum, and even
tries where cattle density is low and vaccination is stocks of viruses prepared in BVDV-contaminated
not allowed. It may not work, however, in countries cell cultures. For example, Nakamura et al. (1993)
where both virus prevalence and cattle densities are isolated noncytopathic (ncp) BVDV from three dif-
high and where vaccination is permitted. Economic ferent stocks of cytopathic (cp) BVDV using a re-
losses in these countries can be minimized by low- verse plaque formation method based on intrinsic
ering the infection pressure (Moennig and Greiser- interference phenomenon.
Wilke, 2003). No matter what control program is As stated above, fetal bovine serum (FBS) and
used, the identification and elimination of PI ani- calf serum are extensively used in cell cultures as
mals is of the utmost importance (Schelp and nonspecific nutrients and are often contaminated
Greiser-Wilke, 2003), which is possible only if the with BVDV (Bolin et al., 1991; Potts et al., 1989).
diagnostic tests are highly efficient and reliable. The use of contaminated sera can result in contami-

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198 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

nation of cell cultures affecting the production of bi- DIRECT ANTIGEN DETECTION
ological reagents and the results of diagnosis. Bolin Methods for direct antigen detection in clinical sam-
et al. (1994) examined 41 cell lines in the ATCC col- ples are rapid and are often as sensitive as some of
lection and found viral antigen or RNA in 13 of the other methods. However, the presence of viral
them by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and RT-PCR. antigen in tissues is often not associated with le-
The use of contaminated cells may result in contam- sions, particularly in subclinical and persistent in-
inated vaccines, which may lead to seroconversion fections. When lesions appear, they are seen prima-
or disease in the vaccinated animals or humans rily in lymphoid tissues, where the presence of viral
(Levings and Wessman, 1991; Wessman and Lev- antigen is associated with lymphoid depletion
ings, 1999). Hypervirulent outbreaks of BVDV in (Liebler-Tenorio et al., 2002). In persistent infec-
the Netherlands and Italy were attributed to BVDV tions and mucosal disease, virus can be isolated
contamination of bovine herpesvirus type 1 marker from almost all tissues. Similarly, infection with a
vaccine (Falcone et al., 1999). The use of contami- virulent BVDV 2 usually results in a widespread
nated serum or cell cultures may also interfere with dissemination of viral antigen in the host tissues.
the diagnosis of viral infections by interfering with The tests that can be used for direct antigen detec-
the growth of other viruses. tion in fresh, frozen, or fixed tissues include ELISA,
Genital tracts are often obtained from abattoirs to IHC (including immunoperoxidase staining of pe-
harvest cumulus-oocyte complexes and coculture of ripheral blood leukocytes and skin biopsies), and
feeder cells (oviduct epithelial cells and granulose immunofluorescence.
cells) for use in vitro bovine embryo production sys-
tems. A certain number of these tissues are likely to IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE
be contaminated with BVDV and their use repre- In this procedure, cryostat sections of fresh tissues
sents a risk of BVDV transmission. Hence, all mate- or smears of buffy coat cells are stained with fluo-
rials of animal origin used in the production of rescein-conjugated anti-BVDV antibody and then
bovine embryos for in vitro fertilization should be examined under a fluorescent microscope. The pres-
screened for BVDV (Givens et al., 2002). ence of apple green fluorescence indicates a positive
It is important, therefore, to continually monitor test. This method is known as direct fluorescent an-
FBS, cell cultures, seed viruses, and live vaccines tibody (DFA) or direct immunofluorescence test.
prepared in cell cultures for BVDV. Both cp and ncp Although DFA on buffy coat cells has been advo-
strains of BVDV should be looked for although cated for the detection of PI animals (Bezek et al.,
most of the contamination is associated with ncp 1988), in our hands, the technique was not very suc-
strains, which infect cells without morphological al- cessful (Werdin et al., 1989a).
terations, inducing problems that arise after several
cell generations. Gamma irradiation, exposure to ul- IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY OF PERIPHERAL
traviolet light, and inactivation with beta propiolac- BLOOD LEUKOCYTES
tone have been used to cure BVDV from FBS (Zabal An indirect immunoperoxidase test has been used to
et al., 2000). detect BVDV in smears of buffy coat cells (Saino et
A number of different tests are available for the de- al., 1994). Deregt and Prins (1998) developed a Mab-
tection of antigen, antibody, and viral components based immunoperoxidase monolayer assay (IPMA)
(antigen and nucleic acid) of BVDV. Each method for the detection of BVDV and compared it with a
has its advantages, disadvantages, and applicability. bovine polyclonal antibody (Pab)-based IPMA. A pool
Factors that can affect the efficiency of a particular of five Mabs (four Mabs against BVDV 1 and one
diagnostic method include antigenic and/or genetic Mab against BVDV 2) was employed. These Mabs
diversity of the virus, variation in virus load, and in- were chosen because of their broad cross-reactivity,
terference from maternal antibodies obtained through antigenic avidity, reactivity to different BVDV pro-
colostrum. Methods using monoclonal antibodies teins, and lack of competition for binding sites or
(Mabs) can be used to differentiate pestiviruses binding to unusual BVDV isolates. The Mab-IPMA
(BVDV, border disease virus of sheep, and classical was found to outperform the Pab-IPMA in staining,
swine fever virus of pigs). Monoclonal antibodies ease of reading test results, and relative sensitivity.
prepared against NS2-3 protein are panpestivirus be-
cause they recognize highly conserved epitopes IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY OF SKIN BIOPSIES
(Mignon et al., 1992). Methods are also available to Immunohistological testing of skin biopsies (ear
classify BVDV into subtypes 1a, 1b, and 2. notch samples) has been used to detect PI animals.
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 12 3/18/05 9:59 AM Page 199

Diagnosis 199

The technique can also be applied to dead animals have been used in antigen capture ELISA tests.
using thyroid gland, skin, oral mucosa, esophagus, These tests have been found to yield results compa-
and abomasum as samples for IHC (Thur et al., rable to those of virus isolation (Sandvik and
1996). The IHC staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin- Krogsrud, 1995; Greiser-Wilke et al., 1992).
embedded tissues is an efficient method for the de- Entrican et al. (1995) developed a double Mab
tection of BVDV and is often considered to be bet- ELISA for the detection of viral antigen in blood
ter than histopathology (Haines and Ellis, 1994; samples. Two Mabs against p125/p80 were used to
Hewicker-Trautwein et al., 1995). In a study of 41 capture viral antigen from blood and another two
cell lines for the presence of BVDV antigen or Mabs were used to detect the captured antigen. The
RNA, Bolin et al. (1994) found an excellent correla- Mab ELISA was found to be more sensitive than
tion between IHC and RT-PCR. The presence of Pab ELISA.
colostrum-derived antibodies did not interfere with
IHC of skin biopsy (Grooms and Keilen, 2002). VIRUS ISOLATION
To compare IHC with virus isolation (VI), The most reliable method for the detection of
Grooms and Keilen (2002) screened samples from BVDV infection has been the isolation of BVDV in
332 calves. Formalin-fixed skin biopsy samples cell cultures followed by identification of the viral
were stained by IHC and virus was isolated from isolate by immunofluorescence or immunoperoxi-
buffy coat cells. Six calves were positive by both dase monolayer assay (IPMA; Meyling, 1984;
techniques. One was VI-positive and IHC-negative Werdin et al., 1989a) or RT-PCR (Ridpath et al.,
due probably to acute infection since IHC does not 2002). During viremia, virus can be isolated from
detect acute infections but VI does (Ridpath et al., nasal discharge, PBL, lungs, and feces. Semen,
2002). In another study, skin from 41 of 42 calves, blood, serum, fetus, and feces can be used for virus
known to be PI by repeated virus isolation, were isolation. However, the presence of anti-BVDV an-
found to be positive by IHC (Njaa et al., 2000). tibody may interfere with virus isolation from serum
The Mab used for IHC should be chosen carefully and buffy coat samples.
because only one of 32 Mabs against BVDV pro- Many different cells of bovine origin support the
teins and glycoproteins was able to detect BVDV in growth of BVDV but bovine turbinate (BT) cells are
formalin-fixed tissues by IHC (Haines et al., 1992). the most widely used for virus isolation because
This Mab (designated 15C5) is widely employed to they are more sensitive to BVDV-induced cytopathic
detect viral antigen by IHC (Baszler et al., 1995; effects, which makes it easier to differentiate cp
Ellis et al., 1995). from ncp strains.. A comparative study was carried
out to determine the susceptibility of five different
ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY cell types to BVDV. The cell systems used were
Many antigen-capture ELISAs have been devel- swine testicle (ST), mink lung (ML), bovine
oped for the direct detection of BVDV antigen in turbinate (BT), porcine kidney (PK15), and equine
buffy coat cells, serum, and ear notch samples. The dermal (ED) cells. The titers obtained on day 8
basic principle consists of the use of monoclonal postinfection were 101.13, 103.25, 104.13, 100.00, and
antibodies to capture viral antigen followed by de- 100.00, in ST, ML, BT, PK15, and ED cells, respec-
tection of antigen-antibody complex with enzyme- tively, indicating that BT and ML cells are optimal
conjugated antibody (Bottcher et al., 1993; for the propagation of BVDV (Onyekaba et al.,
Ludeman and Katz, 1994). A test that can detect all 1987). In another study, primary bovine embryo kid-
currently circulating strains of BVDV is the most ney (pBEK) cells and two cell lines originating from
desirable. The most commonly used antigen cap- bovine embryonic trachea (EBTr) and buffalo lung
ture ELISA (AC-ELISA) uses Mab directed against (IMR-31) were found to be equally susceptible to
a conserved antigenic domain of a nonstructural BVDV (Ferrari, 1985).
protein (NS2/3) of pestiviruses. The captured anti- Isolated virus can be confirmed by DFA (direct
gen is then detected with a pestivirus-specific poly- fluorescent antibody assay), immunoperoxidase, an-
clonal peroxidase conjugate (Gottschalk et al., tigen capture ELISA, or RT-PCR. For DFA, infected
1992). Serum is a good sample for the detection of cells are rinsed in PBS and fixed in anhydrous ace-
PI animals by antigen-capture ELISA. Acute ani- tone for 10 minutes. Fluorescein (FITC)-conjugated
mals are rarely detected because the virus is present anti-BVDV conjugate is allowed to react at 37°C for
in the blood of an acutely infected animal only for 25 minutes. After rinsing lightly, the infected cells
a short time. Monoclonal antibodies against NS2-3 and soaked in pH 9 carbonate-bicarbonate buffer
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200 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

with 0.05% Tween-20 for 10 minutes. The stained VIRUS NEUTRALIZATION TEST (VN)
cells are examined under a fluorescent microscope.
The virus neutralization (VN), also known as serum-
Positive cells are characterized by the appearance of
neutralization (SN), is considered to be the gold
apple green fluorescence. In immunoperoxidase
standard test for the detection of anti-BVDV anti-
tests, a peroxidase-labeled conjugate is used instead
bodies and is used worldwide (Rossi and Kiesel,
of an FITC-labeled one and the stained cells are ex-
1971). In this test, twofold serial dilutions of serum
amined by light microscopy.
sample are incubated with a constant amount
Saliki et al. (1997) compared two techniques for
(200–500 TCID50) of the virus for 1 hour followed
the identification of BVDV isolated in cell cultures.
by the addition of indicator cells. The test is read
Serum samples were inoculated in indicator cells
after 4–5 days of incubation at 37°C. The highest di-
contained in 96-well microtiter plates followed by
lution of the serum that inhibits virally induced cy-
immunostaining of infected cells with a pool of
topathic effects in approximately 50% of inoculated
Mabs using either immunoperoxidase monolayer
cells is considered to be the antibody titer of the
assay (IPMA) or the monolayer enzyme-linked im-
serum. The test can be used for the detection of an-
munosorbent assay (M-ELISA). In IPMA, positive
tibodies against BVDV 1 or BVDV 2 depending
samples developed a red intracellular precipitate; a
upon the virus used in the test. In most situations, cp
yellow color appears in solution in m-ELISA. The
strains of BVDV are used in the test so that the pres-
optimal time for staining was determined to be 4
ence of neutralizing antibodies can be detected by
days postinoculation. Although both tests were sen-
inhibition of viral infectivity as detected by the ab-
sitive and specific, the authors preferred M-ELISA
sence of viral cytopathology. However, the test can
because of its rapidity and greater objectivity. The
also be used with ncp strains, in which case the in-
IPMA virus isolation-immunoperoxidase test (IPX)
hibition of viral infectivity is measured by im-
was also found to be sensitive for the detection of
munoperoxidase staining of infected cells (Fulton et
BVDV in another study (Castro et al., 1997). The in-
al., 1997).
creased sensitivity of these tests is due to virus iso-
Cross-neutralization tests can be used to charac-
lation component associated with them (Saliki et al.,
terize antigenic differences among pestiviruses
1997). Pooled Mabs are often used in IPMA and
(Dekker et al., 1995), and titers due to active infec-
ELISA to detect BVDV after amplification in cell
tion can be differentiated from vaccination titers by
cultures because all Mabs do not give equivalent re-
demonstrating a fourfold rise in antibody titers using
sults. For example, some of the E2-specific mono-
paired serum samples. Virus neutralizing antibodies
clonal antibodies generated with BVDV 1 are cross-
usually appear 3–4 weeks after infection and persist
reactive with BVDV 2 and others are not (Deregt
for years. Titers induced by vaccination may also
and Prins, 1998; Ridpath et al., 1994).
persist for a long time (Oguzoglu et al., 2003).
Passive antibodies decline at 105–230 days (but may
persist for more than a year).
An indirect measure of virus infection is the detec-
tion of virus-specific antibodies in the sera of ani-
mals. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to differenti- ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT
ate among antibodies produced in response to acute ASSAY
infection, vaccination, or transfer of maternal anti- Various ELISA tests have been developed for the de-
bodies from dam to offspring. In cattle, calves are tection of anti-BVDV antibodies in serum samples.
usually born without antibody but seroconvert after The antigens used in ELISA tests include whole
colostrum consumption. These passive antibodies virus antigen, nonstructural protein, monoclonal an-
wane after 3–8 months. Hence, the presence of anti- tibodies, and peptides. Several factors can influence
body in colostrum-deprived calves can be due only the results of an ELISA test—e.g., antigen, conju-
to active infection (either in utero or postnatal) or gated antibody, test sample, etc. (Schrijver and
vaccination. Seroconversion of sentinel animals can Kramps, 1998). The procedure used to prepare
be used as an evidence for possible exposure to PI whole virus antigen can also affect the specificity
animals. Many tests are available for the detection of and sensitivity of the ELISA test. For example,
anti-BVDV antibodies—namely, virus-neutralization Pilinkiene et al. (1999) found that antigens prepared
(VN), indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) assay, indi- by mild treatment showed the most specificity and
rect immunoperoxidase (IIP), and ELISA tests activity. Cho et al. (1991) prepared antigen from
(Muvavarirwa et al., 1995). MDBK-grown BVDV. The antigen was solubilized
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Diagnosis 201

with MEGA-10 (decanonyl-N-methylglucamide) REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION-

followed by the removal of hydrophobic proteins POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION
with Triton X-100 treatment. Compared to VN, this (RT-PCR) ASSAYS
test was 100% specific and 97% sensitive. Moennig Several molecular diagnostic tests have been de-
et al. (1991) described the development of an scribed for the detection of BVDV infection. Lewis
ELISA using the nonstructural protein p125/80 of et al. (1991) used 32P end-labeled, synthetic
BVDV as antigen. The results were comparable to oligonucleotide probes as a tool for the detection of
those obtained by the VN test. BVDV RNA. A probe originating nearest the 5’ end
The specificity of serodiagnosis has been en- of the viral RNA detected 86% of the 22 viral iso-
hanced greatly by the use of monoclonal antibody in lates tested. Brock (1991) compared DNA dot blot
competitive ELISA systems, and further improve- hybridization and RT-PCR for the detection of
ments are possible with the use of defined antigens BVDV in serum and blood samples. RT-PCR was
derived by recombinant DNA techniques (Haines found to provide clearer identification of PI animals
and Ellis, 1994). Lecomte et al. (1990) prepared a than DNA hybridization.
panel of monoclonal antibodies that recognized 80 Due to its high sensitivity, RT-PCR is considered
kDa (NS3) antigen of cytopathic BVDV strains. A as an alternative to current standard methods for de-
competitive ELISA was developed using mono- tecting BVDV especially in pooled samples such as
clonal antibodies and recombinant protein expressed bulk tank milk. Because the nucleotide sequence of
in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with ß-galac- BVDV is highly variable, it is important to carefully
tosidase. Beaudeau et al. (2001) developed a block- select and test primers (Ridpath et al., 1993). The
ing ELISA using monoclonal antibody against NS2- detection of virus by RT-PCR has been found to be
3 and used this test for mass screening of milk and more sensitive and rapid than virus isolation. In ad-
serum samples with sensitivity and specificity of ap- dition, contrary to virus isolation, RT-PCR is not af-
proximately 97% as compared to VN. fected by the presence of antibodies in serum sam-
Langedijk et al. (2001) developed a solid phase ples. Weinstock et al. (2001) were able to detect the
antibody ELISA using peptides deduced from the C- presence of viral RNA when a single viremic sam-
terminal end (residues 191–227) of pestivirus enve- ple was pooled with 100 BVDV-negative sera.
lope protein Erns. This ELISA was cross-reactive for Horner et al. (1995) compared antigen capture
several types of pestiviruses and could be used for ELISA, RT-PCR, and virus isolation-IPMA. RT-
general detection of pestivirus antibodies. To detect PCR was the most sensitive and ELISA was the
type-specific antibody, a liquid phase ELISA using least sensitive. The use of RT-PCR is not without
a labeled specific CSFV peptide, and an unlabeled disadvantages, however. For instance, the test does
BVDV peptide (to block cross-reactivity) was used. not differentiate between nucleic acid from live or
This test can potentially be used for the differentia- inactivated virus and may yield false positive re-
tion of vaccinated animals from infected ones if vac- sults. In a study by Givens et al. (2002), RT-PCR
cination is based on another envelope protein (E2). was positive for BVDV for fetal bovine serum and
A single serum dilution can be used in an ELISA primary uterine tubal cells used for in vitro embryo
test to quantitate antibodies. Graham et al. (1997) fertilization. However, no virus was detectable by
standardized a commercial ELISA test for detection virus isolation, and the recipients of washed em-
of serum antibodies to BVDV so that a single serum bryos did not seroconvert.
dilution could be tested and the results expressed The prolonged stability of viral nucleic acid as
quantitatively using a standard curve. Various dilu- compared to the virus itself has led to a simple
tions of known sera were tested and their endpoint method for the collection, storage, transport, and
titers calculated by an algebraic method directly testing of blood samples. In this procedure, 10 µl of
from a plot of each titration series and also from a blood or serum is applied to a Whatman No. 1 paper,
regression line fitted to this plot. the sample is air dried and then tested. Using this
procedure, Vilcek et al. (2001) were able to detect
IMMUNOPEROXIDASE AND viral RNA for up to 6 months by RT-PCR while
IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE virus isolation was positive for a few days only.
Indirect immunoperoxidase and indirect immuno- A prerequisite for the performance of RT-PCR is
fluorescence tests have also been used for the detec- an efficient and simple method for sample prepara-
tion of anti-BVDV antibodies. However, ELISA and tion. A study was conducted to compare the effi-
VN tests appear to have replaced them. ciency of three commercial kits for RNA extraction.
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202 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

The most sensitive RT-PCRs were obtained when contamination with amplicons and are not suitable
samples were prepared by acidic guanidinium- for high throughput of samples. Several one-tube,
isothiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction with real-time formats of PCRs have been developed to
the Trizol (Gibco) reagent. A kit based on the bind- minimize sample manipulation. These assays utilize
ing of RNA to silica membrane in a spin column had fluorescent signals from oligonucleotide probes to
somewhat lower sensitivity, and the kit using salt detect amplification of nucleic acid. Hamel et al.
precipitation of DNA and proteins was unsuitable (1995) described a simple, one-tube RT-PCR for the
for the isolation of viral RNA (Scheibner et al., rapid detection of BVDV. Total RNA was extracted
2000). directly from whole blood and tissue samples. Drew
Several single- and two-tube RT-PCR assays have et al. (1999) also described a single step, single-tube
been described for the detection of BVDV RNA in RT-PCR test to detect the presence of BVDV in so-
serum, buffy coat cells, and fresh and formalin-fixed matic cells from bulk milk samples. The test was
tissues (including ear notches). Most of these tests highly specific and sensitive, detecting one PI ani-
are based on the detection of 5’ untranslated region mal in a herd of 162 lactating animals.
(5’ UTR) and E2 gene of BVDV. Many different for- Bhudevi and Weinstock (2001) developed a sin-
mats of RT-PCR have been described including gle-tube fluorigenic RT-PCR assay that was found to
nested PCR (RT-nPCR) and multiplex PCR. Both be 10–100fold more sensitive than the two-tube
virus isolation and ELISA tests are unreliable in the TaqMan and the standard single-tube RT-PCR as-
presence of high levels of antibody in the sample but says. They were also able to differentiate between
RT-PCR test is not affected (Zimmer et al., 2004). BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 by using two different gene-
For retrospective studies, it may be necessary to specific labeled fluorigenic probes for the 5’ UTR
isolate and amplify viral RNA from formalin-fixed, region. A single-tube RT-PCR, using panpestivirus
paraffin-embedded tissues. Gruber et al. (1993) used 324/326 primers targeting the 5’ UTR region was
proteinase K digestion of deparaffinized tissue sec- developed by Rossmanith et al. (2001).
tions followed by nPCR. This procedure consistently Mahlum et al. (2002) reported a closed-tube for-
detected an 803 bp fragment of the gene coding for mat of nucleic acid amplification and detection. For
the nonstructural protein p125 of BVDV and was the development of TaqMan RT-PCR, the forward
also able to detect BVDV RNA from fresh brain tis- and reverse primers to 5’ UTR (El-Kholy et al.,
sue after 10 days of autolysis. Bhudevi and Wein- 1998) were lengthened, and degeneracy at specific
stock (2003) described a TaqMan test for the detec- nucleotide sites was included to enable them to an-
tion of BVDV in formalin-fixed tissues. The viral neal to a wider range of BVDV strains. These
nucleic acid was detectable in freshly fixed tissues as primers (forward: 5’-GGGNAGTCGTCARTG-
well as tissues that were 7 years old. To determine GTTCG-3’; reverse: 5’GTGCCATGTACAGCA-
the effect of temperature on RNA degradation, GAGWTTTT-3’) amplify a fragment of approxi-
freshly collected tissues from a PI animal were mately 190 bases in BVDV types 1 and 2. The
stored at 4°C or at room temperature prior to forma- TaqMan probe (5’-6-FAM-CCAYGTGGAC-
lin fixation. Although there was a mild drop in signal GAGGGCAYGC-TAMRA-3’) included a 6-FAM
strength, tissues stored at 4°C were positive for up to (6-carboxy-fluorescein) fluorescent reporter mole-
1 week prior to formalin fixation, but those stored at cule at the 5’ end and a TAMRA (6-carboxy-
room temperature were positive until 74 hours only. tetramethyl-rhodamine) quencher molecule at the 3’
end. This test was found to be more sensitive than
NESTED PCR virus isolation and IPMA in detecting BVDV in sera
Gruber et al. (1994) recommended nested RT-PCR and more sensitive than virus isolation and IHC in
over single-step RT-PCR for archival studies because detecting BVDV in tissue samples. This test is now
the former was found to be 100-fold more sensitive routinely used at the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnos-
than the latter. Deregt et al. (2002) described rPCR tic Laboratory and is considered to be rapid, sensi-
(conventional RT-PCR after RNA extraction) and tive, and specific.
dPCR (direct RT-PCR without RNA extraction) and
found that both were comparable to virus isolation. STRAIN DIFFERENTIATION
The antigenic and genetic variability of BVDV iso-
TAQMAN lates has direct implications on sensitivity of BVDV
Open-tube RT-PCRs, in which PCR product is iden- diagnosis. The diagnostic tests (such as ELISA and
tified by agarose gel electrophoresis, are subject to RT-PCR) should detect all prevailing strains of
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Diagnosis 203

BVDV in the area. A number of investigators have ELISAs detecting antibodies against BVDV have
developed RT-PCRs for the identification and differ- been used as a screening test (Bottcher et al., 2003;
entiation of BVDV and classical swine fever virus. Meier et al., 2003; Sandvik, 1999). Niskanen et al.
Sullivan and Akkina (1995) developed an nPCR for (1991) found an excellent correlation between the
the identification and differentiation of BVDV 1, level of antibodies in the bulk tank milk as detected
BVDV 2, and BDV. Ridpath et al. (1994) designed a by an indirect ELISA and the prevalence of BVDV
PCR to differentiate between types 1 and 2 of antibody-positive cows. Analysis of bulk milk sam-
BVDV. Later, Ridpath and Bolin (1998) described a ples for BVDV antibodies is now routinely used in
differential PCR (based on phylogenetic analysis of Scandinavian countries as a tool in the diagnosis of
5’ UTR) for the segregation of types 1a, 1b, and 2 of BVDV infections in dairy herds.
BVDV. Harpin et al. (1995) used PCR followed by To minimize the number of animals tested, Houe
restriction endonuclease analysis of PCR product to (1994) conducted a study to determine whether 10
type BVDV. Single-strand conformation polymor- young stock (8–18 months of age) from a herd can be
phism (SSCP) analysis of polymerase chain reaction used as a reliable screening test. The herds were di-
(PCR) products, a genetic screening technique for vided into “slightly” to “heavily” infected if less than
rapid detection of nucleotide substitutions in PCR- 3 or more than 8 samples, respectively, were positive
amplified genomic DNA or cDNA, has also been for BVDV antibody. No PI animal was found in 24
employed to identify and differentiate among slightly infected herds and 5 of 18 heavily infected
BVDV isolates (Jones and Weber, 2001). herds were positive for PI animals in a follow-up
Fulton et al. (1999) developed a 2-step RT-PCR whole-herd test. In addition, bulk tank milk titers
assay for typing ruminant pestiviruses—e.g., BVDV were also generally higher in heavily infected herds.
1, BVDV 2, and border disease virus (BDV). The RT-PCR assay to screen bulk milk samples for
first PCR (consensus PCR) detected all three BVDV has proven to be a sensitive and economic
viruses. The amplification of the consensus PCR method for the detection of a single PI animal within
product by a second (nested) PCR, which uses type- a group of several hundred cows (Renshaw et al.,
specific primers, resulted in the differentiation of all 2000) because virus titers are usually higher in milk
three viruses. Gilbert et al. (1999) described a nested than in serum samples (Radwan et al., 1995). In this
multiplex PCR for genotyping of BVDV with or procedure, viral RNA is extracted from somatic
without RNA extraction. cells purified from whole milk using a guanidinium
Letellier and Kerkhofs (2003) developed a quan- isothiocyanate and phenol/chloroform extraction
titative real-time PCR for the detection and genotyp- method. Oligonucleotide primers are selected from
ing of BVDV in genotypes 1 and 2. They used a the 5’ UTR and NS3 region of BVDV genome. RT-
primer pair that was specific for highly conserved PCR of somatic cells was fifteenfold more sensitive
regions of the 5’ UTR and two TaqMan probes la- than virus isolation, and the presence of antibodies
beled with FAM and VIC. The probe sequences dif- did not interfere with the test. Using RT-PCR on
fered by three nucleotides, allowing differentiation milk samples, Drew et al. (1999) were able to detect
between genotypes 1 and 2. Using this procedure one of 162 PI animals. In a comparative study,
they detected 1000 and 100 copies of BVDV 1 and BVDV could be detected by both virus isolation and
BVDV 2, respectively. RT-PCR when milk from a single PI animal was di-
luted 1:600 with milk from a herd of BVDV-
MILK AS A DIAGNOSTIC SAMPLE negative animals. The correlation between the two
Screening of bulk milk samples for antibody or anti- assays was 95.9% (Renshaw et al., 2000).
gen is a promising tool for the detection of PI ani-
mals. The milk is centrifuged to remove fat, and SCREENING FOR PERSISTENTLY
undiluted skim milk is tested most commonly in an INFECTED (PI) ANIMALS
ELISA test. Because of the ease of obtaining sam- The PI animals are considered “virus factories” for
ple, milk sampling is preferable in large scale epi- their herdmates. They shed large amounts of virus
demiological studies and for herd screening. throughout their lifetime and hence should be iden-
According to the scheme of Alenius, milk samples tified and removed from the herd as soon as possi-
can be divided into four classes on the basis of anti- ble. After removal of PI animals and cleaning of the
body levels. Samples belonging to class 0–1 are herd, all “brought-in” stock should be isolated un-
rarely virus-positive and those in class 2–3 are likely less found to be BVDV-free. Although PI animals
to be positive (Meier et al., 2003). Commercial are an important source of virus on a farm (Duffel
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204 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

and Harkness, 1985), immunocompetent animals Serum is sometimes preferred as a specimen for
that undergo acute infections can also be a signifi- virus isolation because the virus survives longer in
cant source of the virus and should not be ignored. serum and because serum can be collected and stored
Most of the diagnostic tests are designed and vali- easily as compared to buffy coat cells (Saliki et al.,
dated based on the detection of PI animals. Since 2000). However, the presence of antibodies in serum
acute infections may also lead to positive reactions may interfere with virus isolation. In some instances,
from samples of serum, buffy coat, semen, and skin pooled samples of serum may be the specimen of
biopsy, it is important to distinguish between acute choice. Serum pools are used in the voluntary control
and persistent infections (Njaa et al., 2000; Ridpath program initiated in the German federal state
et al., 2002). Confirmation of persistent infection Saxony-Anhalt in 2002 (Gaede et al., 2003). Initially,
can be done by obtaining positive results from two pools of sera were tested with real-time RT-PCR in a
different serum samples taken 3–4 weeks apart. Light-Cycler system. Individual PI animals in posi-
Immunohistochemical staining of ear notch sam- tive pools were detected by using commercial Erns-
ples from calves is considered an effective method antigen-ELISA. The prevalence of PI animals was
to detect PI animals. The ear punch samples are easy found to be 0.2% during a 3-year period.
to obtain and are relatively stable, and the test is not A prenatal test that can detect PI animals is not
affected by the presence of maternal antibodies. available although fetal fluids obtained percuta-
However, sample pooling is not possible. In addi- neously from late stages of gestation have been
tion, tests based on the detection of viral antigen and tested by virus isolation (Callan et al., 2002). Unfor-
nucleic acid (IHC and RT-PCR) do not yield a viral tunately, the procedure is labor-intensive and is not
isolate that can be further characterized and studied. very safe. Lindberg et al. (2001) used an indirect
In a landmark study, Njaa et al. (2000) used IHC ELISA to identify dams pregnant with PI calves and
staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded skin claimed good sensitivity and specificity after 7
biopsy specimens to detect the presence of PI ani- months of gestation.
mals. Of the 42 samples that were shown to be per- Some practitioners use paired serology to screen
sistently infected by repeated virus isolation, 41 for PI animals. The procedure is to bleed a herd,
were positive by IHC of skin biopsy. Based on the identify animals with no or low VN titers, revacci-
site of immunohistochemical staining, these authors nate, and rebleed the whole herd. The animals that
were able to distinguish between persistent and do not seroconvert in response to vaccination or that
acute infections. Staining in PI animals was most die from mucosal disease are considered to be PI an-
pronounced in keratinocytes, hair follicle epithe- imals. It must be emphasized, however, that this is
lium, matrix cells of the hair bulb, and the dermal not a reliable method to screen for PI animals; if the
papilla; in acute infection, small foci of staining vaccine strain is sufficiently different from the per-
were confined to the nonfollicular epidermis and sisting strain, the PI animal may seroconvert to the
follicular ostia (Njaa et al., 2000). vaccine strain and be declared non-PI although it
Buffy coats (PBL) have been used for the isola- still is persistently infected (Werdin et al., 1989a,
tion of BVDV for PI detection. In conventional 1989b; Ferreira et al., 2000). Such animal will not
method of buffy coat isolation, heparanized blood is be removed from the herd and will continue to be a
sedimented, the plasma layer containing mononu- source of the virus for its herdmates. Other factors
clear and polymorphonuclear leukocytes is aspi- can also result in failure to detect PI animals—e.g.,
rated, and then centrifuged at 160 xg for 5–10 min- maternal antibodies may interfere with virus isola-
utes. The cell pellet is suspended in 0.5–1.0 mL of tion, virus load may not be enough for detection,
Eagle’s MEM followed by inoculation in cell cul- and detection by PCR and ELISA may not be suc-
tures for virus isolation. To maximize leukocyte cessful if the test is not universal.
yield, Ficoll-Paque/Macrodex (F-P/M) is often used.
In this procedure, heparanized blood is diluted 1:1 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
with saline solution and layered on FP solution in a A tentative diagnosis of BVDV infection can often
ratio of 3:1 and then centrifuged at 400 xg for 30 be made on the basis of history, clinical signs, and
minutes at room temperature. The mononuclear cell postmortem examination. For definite diagnosis,
fraction lays on top of the FP gradient. This layer is however, laboratory investigations using rapid and
removed, washed twice in MEM followed by resus- reliable tests are necessary. The methods for the de-
pension in 2 mL of MEM containing 5% fetal tection of BVDV infections have greatly improved
bovine serum (Howell et al., 1979). recently; several methods are available for the detec-
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Diagnosis 205

tion of virus, antibody, or viral components (antigen Bolin SR, Ridpath JF, Black J, et al.: 1994, Survey of
and nucleic acid). High throughput methods are now cell lines in the American Type Culture Collection
available for whole herd screening to identify and for bovine viral diarrhea virus. J Virol Methods
remove PI animals. Bulk milk screening for BVDV 48:211–221.
or anti-BVDV antibody is used to identify infected Bottcher J, Gottschalk E, Greiser-Wilke I, et al.: 1993,
herds in Sweden. However, this procedure may not Diagnosis of bovine virus diarrhoea by two en-
be successful in countries with high cattle densities zyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Rev Sci Tech
and in which vaccination is permitted. 12:461–469.
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ELISA test is good. Herds with no or low antibody Feasibility of serological bulk milk testing as a
method for BVD surveillance. Berl Munch Tierarztl
titers in milk and negative serology in young ani-
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mals are considered free of PI animals. On the other
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mals. The use of serum samples for RT-PCR and of Percutaneous collection of fetal fluids for the detec-
skin biopsies for IHC or RT-PCR has greatly im- tion of bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in cat-
proved BVDV diagnosis. Using these new tools, it tle. J Am Vet Med Assoc 220:1348–1352.
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Robert W. Fulton

INTRODUCTION account for both antigenic and genetic diversity.

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infects cattle of There are two BVDV biotypes, cytopathic (cp) and
different age groups, from fetuses infected during noncytopathic (ncp) based on the presence or ab-
pregnancy through adult cattle. The virus is preva- sence of visible cytopathic effects in infected cell
lent in cattle populations worldwide and is responsi- cultures (Baker, 1995). There are two genotypes of
ble for considerable economic losses—e.g., reduc- BVDV (BVDV 1 and BVDV 2) based on genomic
tion in feed conversion efficiency for meat and milk nucleotide differences, which are detectable by ge-
production, sick cattle, fatal diseases, and costs as- nomic sequence comparisons (Pellerin et al., 1984;
sociated with treatment and prevention including Ridpath et al., 1984). Regions of the genome used in
vaccination. detecting genomic differences include the 5’ un-
Control programs for BVDV focus on three areas: translated region (5’ UTR), NS (nonstructural pro-
tein) region, and E2 (envelope glycoprotein (gp53)
• Identification and removal of persistently in-
region (Collett, 1996). The BVDV 1 genotype can
fected (PI) cattle believed to be the major reser-
be further separated into subgenotypes BVDV 1a
voirs of infection
and BVDV 1b (Ridpath and Bolin, 1998). Antigenic
• Biosecurity measures including prevention of
differences among these genotypes and subgeno-
BVDV exposure to herds believed to be BVDV-
types are detected by differential virus neutraliza-
free through testing of new additions
tion tests (Fulton et al., 2003a; Jones et al., 2001).
• Vaccination of postnatal calves to protect them
Antigenic diversity in BVDV is a reflection of se-
against disease after maternal antibody protec-
quence diversity in the regions of the genome cod-
tion is lost and of heifers/cows to prevent fetal
ing for the envelope protein E2, a glycoprotein (gp
infections causing fetal losses and PI calves.
53) E1, and Erns (ribonuclease) protein (Collett,
Vaccination to prevent fetal infections is likely the 1996; Potgeiter, 1995). The differences in the 5’
most important measures to control the occurrence UTR are reflected in the E2 region (Pellerin et al.,
of PI calves. 1994; Van Rijn et al. 1997). Bruschke et al. (1999)
Since the 1960s, considerable research has been reported that the E2 immunogens of BVDV 1a and
devoted to BVDV vaccines with numerous pub- BVDV 1b may not provide immunity to a heterolo-
lished studies. Two previous reviews offer extensive gous challenge. However, natural infections and the
coverage, and readers are referred to them for dis- use of killed or modified live virus (MLV) vaccines
cussion of earlier studies (van Oirschot et al., 1999; does induce antibodies to several strains of BVDV
Bolin, 1995). In many BVDV vaccine studies, sheep including BVDV 1a, BVDV 1b, and BVDV 2 (Ful-
have been used as a model because of their suscep- ton et al., 1995; Cortese et al., 1998a; Jones et al.,
tibility to BVDV. The review by van Oirschot et al. 2001; Fulton et al., 1997; Fulton and Burge, 2000;
(1999) covers numerous BVDV vaccine trials using Fulton et al., 2000a; Fulton et al., 2002a; Grooms
sheep. This chapter focuses on BVDV vaccines in and Coe, 2002; Fulton et al., 2003a). However, vac-
cattle, especially the efficacy of the vaccines and cines containing BVDV 1a were found to induce
their impact on BVDV diversity. higher antibody titers to the homologous BVDV 1a
Effective vaccines against infectious agents must strains than to the heterologous BVDV 1b and

2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 13 3/18/05 10:04 AM Page 210

210 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

BVDV 2 strains. Although BVDV genotype is im- cine”) and 113.215 (“Killed virus vaccines;”
portant in antigenic diversity, this does not appear to “Bovine viral diarrhea vaccine, killed virus”). This
be true of biotypes. Studies have shown no differ- information is available at the USDA APHIS CVB
ences in antibody titers when comparing cp and ncp website (www.
strains of BVDV (Fulton et al., 1997; Fulton and The requirements for efficacy of the killed or
Burge, 2000). MLV vaccines include protection against clinical ill-
The impact of BVDV diversity on clinical forms ness after challenge with virulent BVDV. For MLV
of the disease is evident when examining BVDV iso- vaccines, the challenge occurs at 14–28 days post-
lates from cases submitted by veterinarians to the di- vaccination with an observation period of 14 days.
agnostic laboratories (Fulton et al., 2000b). Of the For killed vaccines, the challenge occurs 14 days or
105 BVDV positive samples (Fulton et al., 2000b), more after the last dose of the vaccine is given.
26 were BVDV 1 cp strains (24.8%), 38 were BVDV There is no requirement for the use of a specific
1 ncp strains (36.2%), 10 were BVDV 2 cp strains BVDV subtype as a challenge in either of these effi-
(9.5%), and 31 were BVDV 2 ncp strains (29.5%). cacy requirements. In September 2002, the USDA
The ncp biotype was isolated more frequently APHIS Center for Biologics Notice No. 02-19 pub-
(65.7%) than the cp biotypes (34.3%), and BVDV 1 lished “Vaccine Claims for Protection of the Fetus
genotype was more frequently isolated (61%) than Against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus.” Three cate-
BVDV 2 genotype (39.0%). Cattle with respiratory gories for label claims were identified: “Aids in the
disease had more ncp biotypes than cp and more prevention of abortion,” “Aids in prevention of per-
BVDV 1 genotypes than BVDV 2. In cases of fibri- sistently infected calves,” or “Aids in the prevention
nous pneumonia, more BVDV 1 were isolated than of fetal infection” or “Aids in the prevention of fetal
BVDV 2 and of the 41 BVDV 1 isolates, 68.3% were infection including persistently infected calves.” A
BVDV 1b strains and 31.7% were BVDV 1a (Fulton product label claim must be supported by research
et al., 2003a). In two studies of over 300 cattle com- data filed by the vaccine manufacturing company
mingled and observed for approximately 5 weeks, during the licensing process.
BVDV 1b was the most prevalent isolate (Fulton et BVDV vaccines have been available for use in
al., 2002a). The results of these studies indicate that cattle for over 40 years in the U.S. These vaccines,
diverse BVDV strains (BVDV 1b, BVDV 1a, and either MLV or killed, have been an integral part of
BVDV 2) are found in various BVDV-associated dis- bovine vaccination programs for beef breeding herd,
eases in the cattle population. BVDV 1a, BVDV 1b, stocker-feeder cattle for pasture forage or feedlots,
and BVDV 2 were isolated from tissues of cattle re- dairy cattle, and veal operations. The merits of killed
ceiving BVDV 1a vaccines weeks to months prior versus MLV vaccines have been debated over time.
(Fulton et al., 2000b; Van Campen et al., 2000; and There are three important issues that have directed
Fulton et al., 2003a). These BVDV strains may have attention on the appropriate use of BVDV vaccines.
been present due to two possible scenarios: the First, in 1993 ncp BVDV strains with enhanced vir-
BVDV vaccinal strains did not induce protective im- ulence were isolated in Canada from cases of severe
munity to these diverse strains, these BVDV strains acute BVD disease in cattle (Carman et al., 1998).
may be PI strains. Analysis of the isolates indicated that they were
BVDV 2 strains. Cattle not properly vaccinated ac-
VACCINES cording to manufacturer’s instructions died with se-
Over 160 BVDV vaccines are listed in the Compen- vere acute disease and hence efforts were made to
dium of Veterinary Products (2003). These USDA li- increase the usage of BVDV vaccines. Also, the
censed vaccines are based either on BVDV alone or recognition of antigenic differences between BVDV
BVDV in combination with bovine herpesvirus-1 1 and BVDV 2 indicated the need for protection of
(BHV-1), parainfluenza virus type 3 (PI-3), bovine cattle against BVDV 2 either by BVDV 1 vaccine or
respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), Leptospira spp., by developing BVDV 2-specific vaccines. The sec-
Campylobacter spp., Haemophilus somnus, Mann- ond issue is the recognition that PI cattle, because
heimia haemolytica and/or Pasteurella multocida they shed virus throughout their lifetime, are likely
immunogens. These vaccines meet the requirements reservoirs of infection for susceptible cattle. This fo-
for safety, purity, potency, and efficacy by the cused attention on the need to control fetal BVDV
USDA’s Center for Veterinary Biologics (CVB) infections by vaccination prior to exposure. Prior to
Code of Federal Regulations Sections 113.311 this, fetal protection studies were not a part of effi-
(“Live virus vaccines,” “Bovine virus diarrhea vac- cacy requirements. The third issue is that the ability
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 13 3/18/05 10:04 AM Page 211

Vaccines 211

of the vaccines in use from the 1960s through the strain 6309, a BVDV 1 ncp strain whose subtype is
1990s to confer protection against BVDV 2 has not not specified. Only one killed vaccine contains ncp
been established. The vaccines in use since the BVDV 1b. A dendrogram representing genetic relat-
1960s had been, in retrospect, BVDV 1a cp strains, edness for reference BVDV strains, including many
such as the Singer, NADL, and C24V (Oregon) vaccinal strains, is shown in Figure 13.1. There are
strains. Questions then arose as to whether to accept several companies in the U.S. that manufacture vac-
or prove that BVDV 1 vaccines protected against cines or single/multiple immunogens that are mar-
BVDV 2 when used according to the label or keted by other companies. Thus, vaccines sold under
whether BVDV 2 strains should be added to the different names may have identical immunogens.
BVDV 1a vaccines. Isolation of BVDV 1b and BVDV 2 from clinic
cases cited above demonstrates the need for BVDV
VACCINE STRAINS vaccines that confer a broad spectrum of complete
Virus strains being used in various BVDV vaccines immunity to these multiple BVDV subtypes. The
are shown in Table 13.1. In 2002, the genotype addition of BVDV 2 immunogen to either MLV or
BVDV 2 was further divided into subgenotypes, killed BVDV 1a vaccines has been the subject of
BVDV 2a and BVDV 2b (Flores et al., 2002). marketing efforts by certain companies; some other
Selected BVDV strains have been subtyped (J.F. companies, rather than including type 2 immuno-
Ridpath, personal communication, 2003) and those gens in their vaccine, have submitted data that satis-
are reflected in the Table 13.1. The vaccines in the fied licensing requirements allowing a label claim
U.S. primarily contain BVDV 1a cp strains, al- for cross protection against BVDV 2.
though some vaccines do contain BVDV 2 cp strains
(refer to Table 13.1). All but four vaccines contain MLV VACCINES
cp biotypes; only two killed and two MLV vaccines The advantages and disadvantages of MLV BVDV
contain ncp strains. Of the latter vaccines, one con- vaccines are similar to those of other MLV vaccines.
tains a ncp strain, WRL, referred to as BVDV 1 The MLV vaccines require lesser amounts of virus
without any reference to the subtype, and another than do killed vaccines because the vaccine repli-
contains a BVDV 1 ncp strain (GL 760) and a sub- cates in the host to build immunogenic mass. In gen-
type is not described. One killed vaccine contains eral, MLV vaccines require only one dose for initial

Figure 13.1. Dendogram representing the relatedness of nucleotide sequences from reference BVDV 1a, BVDV 1b,
and BVDV 2 strains.
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212 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

immunization but do require more rigid handling (Barkema et al., 2001). Signs included nasal dis-
procedures because the vaccine virus is susceptible charge, fever, and diarrhea. Necropsy revealed ero-
to inactivation by chemicals and/or exposure to sions and ulcers of mucosa of the digestive tract.
higher temperatures. Upon administration of MLV The ability of BVDV to infect the fetus resulting
vaccine, the BVDV vaccinal strains replicate in the in abortions, stillbirths, and development defects has
susceptible bovine, resulting in viremia (Cortese et caused MLV BVDV vaccines to be contraindicated
al., 1997; Fulton et al., 2003c; Grooms et al., 1998). in pregnant cattle (Orban et al., 1983; Liess et al.,
The duration of viremia is between 3 and 7 days 1984). In one study, MLV vaccine containing a
after which the virus is cleared as the calves develop BVDV 1a cp strain (C24V) was used in pregnant
antibodies (Fulton et al., 2003c). Thus vaccinal heifers resulting in fetal infection and disease. In ad-
strains must be differentiated from field strains if dition there were ncp strains isolated from affected
BVDV is isolated from calves within 2 weeks after calves diagnosed as PI. The source of the ncp strains
MLV vaccination. Live virus in MLV vaccine may was not identified; however, a cp vaccine containing
also cause immunosuppressive effects on leukocyte ncp strains is possible. Another study indicated that
function of vaccinated cattle (Roth and Kaberle, cp challenge inoculums may give rise to ncp strains
1983), potentially rendering them more susceptible (Done et al., 1980). Pregnant heifers were inocu-
to other infections. Another concern is the effect of lated with a pool of BVDV cp strains (10), and
live vaccine virus on the reproductive tract, because transplacental infections occurred with all ncp
BVDV virus or antigen was detected in the ovaries strains being isolated, but no cp isolates.
of heifers receiving an MLV BVDV vaccine up to 30 Potentially a vaccine containing a ncp BVDV
days prior to testing (Grooms et al., 1998). contaminant could induce a PI calf if the fetus were
A major concern for MLV BVDV use was the ob- exposed between days 42–125 of gestation
servation of a postvaccinal disease following MLV (McClurkin et al., 1984). Fetuses exposed in the last
vaccination. Within 1–4 weeks after MLV vaccina- trimester of pregnancy could survive, but may have
tion, a mucosal disease (MD)–like syndrome oc- antibody titers in the precolostral serums after calv-
curred in cattle (Bittle, 1968; McKercher et al., ing. Data suggest that MD was induced after recom-
1968; Peter et al., 1967; Rosner, 1968; Lambert, bination between a ncp BVDV 2 strain with a
1968). Postvaccinal MD may result when an animal BVDV 1a cp NADL vaccine strain (Ridpath and
persistently infected with a ncp virus is exposed to Bolin, 1995). The cp strains can cause fetal infec-
the cp BVDV included in the vaccine. However, tions; however, experimental inoculation of preg-
vaccination of PI animals with an MLV vaccine will nant heifers with a cp strain resulted in no PI calves
not invariably cause MD. There have been multiple (Brownlie et al., 1989). The potential for a replicat-
studies whereby PI calves have been given MLV ing vaccine virus or a contaminating ncp to be trans-
BVDV vaccines with cp strains and no MD resulted mitted to susceptible contacts must be addressed for
(Bolin et al., 1985b; Bolin et al., 1988; Fulton et al., any MLV vaccine. Although an MLV BVDV may
2003b). Those studies used cp strains that were anti- replicate in a susceptible animal causing viremia,
genically different from the PI strains, and the virus may or not be shed. More importantly, there
calves developed antibodies to the cp strain in the must be sufficient virus shed to infect contacts as in-
vaccines. Thus PI animals may not be cleared from dicated by viremia and/or seroconversion. In a re-
herds by vaccination, and failure to develop anti- cent study (Fulton et al., 2003c) calves vaccinated
body titers following vaccinations is not a good with each of three BVDV 1a MLV vaccines devel-
method to screen for PI animals. oped a transient viremia that was cleared after anti-
In addition, postvaccinal disease can result from bodies were induced; however, there was no trans-
infection with adventitious ncp field strains of mission of the virus to susceptible contact calves in
BVDV introduced via contaminated fetal bovine the same pen. The use of ear notch immunohisto-
serum or cell lines used in vaccine manufacturing. chemistry (IHC) for BVDV antigen did not detect
The ncp BVDV is a frequent contaminant of fetal IHC positives in a preliminary study testing calves
bovine serum (Bolin and Ridpath, 1998; Studer et after they received MLV BVDV vaccine (Dubois et
al., 2002). An example of BVDV contamination of al., 2000).
an MLV vaccine occurred when vaccination with a
BHV-1 marker vaccine with BVDV 2 contamination KILLED VACCINES
caused severe disease beginning 6 days after vacci- Killed vaccines also have advantages and disadvan-
nation with high morbidity on 11 of 12 farms tages. From a production cost standpoint, killed vac-
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Vaccines 213

cines are expensive because larger amounts of virus studies outlined above should go beyond the mini-
are required to prepare each dose of the vaccine as mal licensure requirements.
compared to MLV vaccines and there is the added Recently the USDA APHIS CVB began requiring
cost of adjuvants. The process of virus inactivation data on file to support label claims. In an ideal set-
for the production of killed vaccine is likely to also ting, methods should be available for veterinarians
inactivate possible contaminants if any; however, and the public to analyze the documentation for ap-
this is not guaranteed unless the final product is proved and marketed vaccines. All too frequently,
tested for replicating virus. Killed BVDV vaccines the public’s only access to vaccine efficacy informa-
are generally safer in the pregnant cow, and some tion is from marketing materials and advertisements
vaccination programs advocate killed BVDV vac- for vaccines. Use of peer-reviewed publications
cines during pregnancy. One disadvantage might be would be an appropriate means to that end for pub-
that two doses are generally required for the initial lic information. Intellectual property issues should
immunization. Both MLV and killed BVDV vac- be honored, but the experimental design, results, sta-
cines have induced antibodies to a wide range of tistical analysis, and interpretation (discussion)
BVDV subtypes, usually resulting in higher anti- should be available to allow producers and veteri-
bodies to the specific BVDV subtype(s) in the re- narians to make informed decisions.
spective vaccine (Fulton et al., 1997; Fulton and
The duration of antibody titers to various BVDV FOR BVDV
strains was found to vary among different studies. Cattle are capable of mounting both humoral (anti-
Cortese et al. (1998a) reported that cattle receiving body) and cell-mediated (T-cell) immune responses
an MLV BVDV 1a (NADL) vaccine induced anti- to BVDV. These responses occur after vaccination
bodies to numerous BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 strains or field/natural infection of susceptible, seronegative
detectable through 18 months after vaccination. In cattle. As cited above, the vaccines induce antibod-
other studies, there was a decline in BVDV antibod- ies to multiple BVDV subtypes, but antibody titers
ies by 140 days after initial vaccination (Fulton et are generally higher to the vaccine strain and to
al., 1995; Fulton and Burge, 2000). Revaccination at strains belonging to the same genotype or subgeno-
day 140 with either killed or MLV vaccine did in- type. Numerous vaccine efficacy/immunogenicity
duce increased antibodies in calves, especially those studies in which antibody titers have been measured
with low antibody titers (Fulton et al., 1995 and are available in published literature. Unfortunately,
Fulton and Burge, 2000). This rapid anamnestic re- in many cases, the authors do not identify the BVDV
sponse points out that, while antibody titers may de- subtype in either the vaccine, natural infection, or
cline or disappear, an improved immune response challenge strain. The challenge strain used in the
remains in effect. From this standpoint, the true du- laboratory for a virus neutralization test is also not
ration of immunity cannot be determined by just always known. Our current understanding of anti-
measuring serum antibody levels but should rather genic diversity among genotypes and subgenotypes
be determined by challenge with virulent virus. calls for more attention to subtypes in future immu-
nity studies.
PROTECTION BASED ON The fact that antibodies provide protection is clear
DISEASE FORM from studies that demonstrate passive protection
The efficacy of a BVDV vaccine should be meas- against BVDV challenge in calves fed colostrum
ured by three different methods (Van Oirschot et al., containing BVDV antibodies (Howard et. al., 1989;
1999). The first is experimental vaccination under Bolin and Ridpath, 1995). Resistance either to dis-
controlled conditions followed by direct experi- ease severity or viral infection/shedding was depend-
mental viral challenge and observation of clinical ent upon BVDV antibody titers in the sera. Cortese
signs. Secondly, there should be transmission stud- et al. (1998) showed that calves fed colostrum with
ies to determine whether the vaccine prevents or re- BVDV antibodies were protected against experimen-
duces the transmission of the challenge virus. tal BVDV. However, high concentrations of mater-
Finally, field trials of the vaccine are needed to de- nally derived BVDV antibodies have been shown to
termine protection/cost benefits under production block a protective response to MLV BVDV 1a
conditions and natural exposure. To truly help dairy NADL vaccine (Ellis et al., 2001). Kirkpatrick et al.
and beef cattle clinicians and producers make ra- (2001) reported that dairy calves fed colostrum with
tional decisions on appropriate vaccine use, the BVDV antibodies had low BVDV antibody titers of
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214 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

1:4–1:16 and did not seroconvert to either BVDV 1a have worldwide relevance. Until recently, the impact
or BVDV 2 after vaccination with an MLV BVDV 1a of BVDV antigenic diversity on vaccines and chal-
and BVDV 2 vaccine. lenge models had not been addressed. In addition,
Postnatal calves develop T-cell immune responses only recently efforts have been made to study vac-
after vaccination or infection. It is assumed that cine protection against fetal infections. One of the
these calves can develop concurrent humoral anti- few early studies was done by Duffel et al. (1984)
body and T-cell responses. Trying to determine who reported that immunity to BVDV was induced
which arm of the acquired immunity (humoral or in heifers prior to breeding, and that their fetuses
cell-mediated) is more important in protection is dif- were protected after challenge at day 100 of gesta-
ficult because in the intact, healthy susceptible ani- tion (Duffel et al., 1984).
mal, it is hard to immobilize one arm of the immune This chapter updates previous published studies
system to determine its role in protection. Beer et al. with the current designation of subtypes. However, it
(1997) demonstrated that immunized and experi- should be realized that a large database of all known
mentally exposed calves responded with positive cy- BVDV strains with respect to specific subtype desig-
totoxic T-cell responses, along with high neutraliz- nations does not exist. Experimental studies are
ing antibody titers. More recently, Endsley et al. available that have evaluated both killed and MLV
(2002) reported that calves developed antigen- vaccines. The biotype/genotype in the vaccines until
specific T-cell responses when given either a BVDV recently was confined to the BVDV 1a cp strains.
1 MLV or BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 MLV vaccine. In- Likewise, challenge strains have varied, as have ex-
formation on humoral antibody responses to BVDV perimental challenge methods and parameters for
1 and BVDV 2 was not provided. Using a variety of evaluation of clinical illness. In general, the experi-
tests for T-cell immunity and antibodies, the protec- mental challenge has been relatively soon after the
tive immune mechanism was not apparent in calves last vaccine dose, usually 14–28 days, and the dura-
receiving an MLV BVDV 1 vaccine and subse- tion of immunity for the postnatal protection and
quently challenged with heterologous BVDV 2 fetal protection studies has not always and not uni-
(Cortese et al., 1998b). formly been performed. The general consensus for
Passively acquired BVDV antibodies prevented postnatal protection is that there is incomplete pro-
clinical disease in colostrum-fed calves exposed to tection against clinical signs/disease. Brock and
virulent BVDV (Ridpath et al., 2003). The serum Chase (2000) described an experimental protocol to
antibody titers decayed at the same rate as in un- evaluate fetal protection in cattle by BVDV vaccines.
challenged colostrum-fed calves. These same
colostrums-fed calves previously challenged were PROTECTION AGAINST POSTNATAL
still protected from clinical disease after the serum INFECTION/DISEASE
antibodies had decayed to undetectable levels. A A combination killed BVDV vaccine containing a
protective response was thus mounted in calves BVDV 1a cp strain and a BVDV 1 ncp strain (sub-
with passive immunity but which was not reflected type not designated in Table 13.1) given in two
by antibody titers. According to the authors, cell- doses induced BVDV antibodies, and vaccinates
mediated immunity may have a role in preventing were protected against clinical illness when com-
postnatal disease. pared to controls. The challenge virus, BVDV 1b
ncp New York (NY-1) strain, was given 14 days after
EFFICACY STUDIES the second dose. The antibody titers of vaccinates at
In a review of published studies for both postnatal the time of challenge ranged between 1:16 and
calves and fetal infection/disease, van Oirschot et al. 1:128 (mean = 1:42.7). The strain used in neutraliza-
(1999) cited numerous trials in both sheep and cat- tion assay was not identified. The protection was not
tle for the prevention of fetal infections and trials in complete because some vaccinates had illness
cattle for preventing postnatal infections. In that re- (Talens et al., 1989).
view, numerous reports were cited indicating the use Calves given a MLV vaccine containing the
of sheep as a model for BVDV vaccine development BVDV 1a NADL strain were challenged with BVDV
and evaluation. Although sheep are an active, inex- 1b ncp NY-1 strain on postvaccination day 27. None
pensive BVDV model, this chapter focuses on stud- of the vaccinated calves had clinical signs in the 14-
ies of current North American vaccines in cattle. day postchallenge period nor did they have rectal
Selected other studies will be included that address temperatures above 39.7°C (Phillips et al., 1975).
vaccine technology and experimental design, which With the evident need for protection against BVDV
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Vaccines 215

Table 13.1. Strains and types of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in modified-live virus (MLV)
and killed vaccines.
Vaccine Type
and Trade Name Name of Strain Genotype/Biotype Company

Arsenal 4.1 GL 760 1 ncp1 Novartis
Express 5 Singer 1a cp Boehringer Ingelheim Vet Medica
296 2a cp2
BoviShield 4 NADL 1a cp Pfizer Animal Health
Pyramid 4 Singer 1a cp Fort Dodge Animal Health
Reliant 4 NADL 1a cp Merial
Frontier 4 Plus C24V 1a cp Intervet
296 2a cp2
Titanium 5 C24V 1a cp Agrilabs
296 2a cp2
Jencine 4 WRL 1 ncp Schering-Plough Animal Health
Herd Vac 3 Singer 1a cp Biocor Animal Health

Bovine Viral
Diarrhea Vaccine C24V 1a cp Colorado Serum Co.

Elite 4 Singer 1a cp Boehringer Ingelheim Vet Medica
Horizon 4 Plus C24 V 1a cp Intervet
125C 2a cp
Master Guard 5 C24 V 1a cp Agrilabs
125C 2a cp
Respishield 4 Singer 1a cp Merial
Triangle 4 + type II Singer 1a cp Fort Dodge Animal Health
5912 2a cp
CattleMaster 4 5960 1a cp Pfizer Animal Health
6309 1 ncp

ViraShield 5 KY22 1a cp Grand Laboratories

TN 131 2 ncp

Surround 4 Singer 1a cp Biocor Animal Health

NY 1b ncp
cp = cytopathic; ncp = noncytopathic
1Information provided by the company.
2Based on sequencing information by Dr. J. F. Ridpath, USDA, ARS, NADC.

2 strains, there have been published studies where ranged from negative to 1:66 (mean = 1:15) to
BVDV 1-vaccinated cattle have been protected when BVDV 1a NADL and negative to 1:6 (mean = 1:1) to
challenged by BVDV 2. Cortese et al. (1998b) re- BVDV 2 125C. Vaccinated calves were protected
ported a study in which a BVDV 1a NADL vaccinal against clinical signs and viremia in the 14-day
strain was given to seronegative 10–14-day-old dairy postchallenge observation period.
calves and the calves then challenged intranasally A related study by Ellis et al. (2001) indicated that
with a virulent BVDV 2 24515 ncp strain 21 days the MLV BVDV 1a NADL vaccinal strain was given
later. The antibody titers at the time of challenge to 10–14-day-old or 4-month-old seronegative
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216 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

calves that were later challenged intranasally with weeks 3 and 6, and cattle challenged on week 8 with
the virulent BVDV 2 24515 ncp strain at 4.5 months the heterologous 11249 NC strain. Again, vaccinates
of age (3 weeks after vaccination of the 4-month-old were protected against viremia and nasopharyngeal
calves and 4 months after vaccination of the 10–14- shedding. These studies support the point that killed
day-old calves). At time of challenge, the neutraliz- vaccines, although requiring multiple doses, can
ing antibody titers for the 10–14-day-old seronega- protect against viremia and nasopharyngeal shed-
tive calves vaccinated calves were the following: ding.
mean of 162 to BVDV 1a NADL (range of 108 to In another report, Makoschey et al. (2001) found
>162) and mean of 108 to BVDV 2 125C (range of protection by an inactivated BVDV 1 vaccine
18 to >162). The neutralizing antibody titers at chal- (Bovilis BVD) against clinical signs including
lenge for the 4-month-old calves vaccinated calves thrombocytopenia after challenge with a BVDV 2
were the following: mean of 36 (range of 18–54) to strain. This vaccine contained BVDV 1a cp strain
BVDV 1a NADL and mean of 18 (range of 12–108) C86 (Patel et al., 2002; J. Patel, personal communi-
to BVDV 2 125C. As in the prior study, the calves cation). Calves received 2 doses of the vaccine 4
were protected against clinical illness, and all but weeks apart and were challenged 4 weeks later with
one vaccinated calf were protected against viremia. the BVDV 2 Giessen-1 challenge strain(s), which
An MLV vaccine containing the BVDV 1 ncp contained both BVDV cp and ncp biotypes. The an-
strain (subtype not identified, Table 13.1) was given tibody titers in vaccinates at time of challenge using
to seronegative calves, and the cattle were held for the BVDV 2 challenge virus in the serologic test
approximately 7 months and then challenged in- ranged from 5–10 log2 (1:32–1:1024). Calves were
tranasally with the BVDV 2 ncp 890 strain (Dean given the challenge virus both intranasally and intra-
and Ley, 1999). The neutralizing antibody titers to venously, and the observation period was 14 days
BVDV 2 890 strain at time of challenge were the for clinical signs. After challenge, unvaccinated cat-
following: intramuscular vaccinates, mean of 78 tle developed signs of respiratory disease, diarrhea
(range 16–362) and subcutaneous vaccinates, mean with erosions and hemorrhage of the digestive tract,
of 73 (range of 23–181). Clinical signs were reduced and depletion of lymphocytes in lymphatic organs.
in the vaccinated animals as compared to controls in These signs were absent or markedly less severe in
the 21-day postchallenge period. Vaccination elimi- vaccinates. The unvaccinated and vaccinated ani-
nated nasal shedding in 87% of the cattle and com- mals were evaluated for thrombocytopenia and
pletely prevented viremia and leukopenia, whereas leukopenia for 22 days postchallenge. Beneficial ef-
all unvaccinated cattle shed virus nasally and be- fects of vaccination indicated protection against
came viremic. This study was unique in that it leukopenia and thrombocytopenia compared to un-
demonstrated there was a long duration of immunity vaccinated cattle. Vaccinated calves did not shed
(7 months) and the calves were protected against virus after challenge and had reduced numbers of
BVDV viremia. BVDV isolates from plasma and blood cells. Thus
In a study by Howard et al. (1994), two inacti- the inactivated BVDV 1 vaccine gave protection
vated vaccines were prepared using 11249 NC and against heterologous BVDV 2 infection and disease
Ky 1203 NC using ß-propriolactone inactivation. and reduced viral shedding and viremia.
Three doses of each vaccine were given on day 0, In another study, two doses of an inactivated vac-
week 3, and week 6. The subtypes for these two cine containing BVDV 1 PT 810 strain and BVDV
strains were not identified in the study. Subse- 2 890 strain were given to cattle 28 days apart (Beer
quently, studies refer to 11249 NC and Ky 1203 NC et al., 2000). The BVDV PT 810 strain is a BVDV
BVDV 1a ncp strains (Nobiron et al., 2003; J. Patel, 1c strain (Giangaspero and Harasawa, 1999). Vacci-
personal communication). Three weeks later the nated and nonvaccinated animals were challenged
11249 NC vaccinates were challenged with homol- intranasally with the BVDV 1 PT810 strain 38 days
ogous virus intranasally. The neutralizing antibody after vaccination. The neutralizing antibody titers in
titers in vaccinates to 1249 NC was a mean of 1318 vaccinates at time of challenge ranged from
(3.12 log10). Nonvaccinated controls became vire- 1:10–1:8192 using the homologous virus BVDV 1c
mic 4–6 days postchallenge and shed virus in na- PT 810 in the serotest. Vaccinated cattle had reduced
sopharyngeal samples 4–8 days postchallenge; how- viral shedding in nasal samples, reduced leukopenia,
ever, the vaccinated animals did not have positive and reduced viremia as compared to controls. This is
nasopharyngeal swabs or viremia. In the second another example where an inactivated BVDV vac-
group, the Ky 1203 NC strain was given on days 0, cine given in multiple doses provided protection
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Vaccines 217

after homologous challenge as measured by leuko- were synchronized with a prostaglandin product and
penia, viremia, and viral shedding. then housed with 10 BVDV-free bulls. They re-
A Japanese study recently demonstrated protec- mained with bulls for 7 days. Approximately 110
tion by a Japanese MLV BVDV vaccine containing days after vaccination (approximately 75 days ges-
BVDV 1 ncp strain 12-43 in calves against a U.S. tation) all 18 heifers were challenged intranasally
strain of BVDV 2 (Shimazaki et al., 2003). Four with the BJ ncp strain, a BVDV 1 a strain (K.V.
weeks after vaccination, the vaccinated (n = 3) and Brock, personal communication). Mean neutralizing
unvaccinated calves (n = 2) were challenged intra- antibody titers to the BVDV 1a BJ strain and BVDV
venously with the BVDV 2 890 ncp strain. The vac- 1a NADL strain at time of challenge was 1:40 (BJ)
cinated calves were seronegative to the BVDV 2 890 and 1:20 (NADL) for 10 vaccinates and 1:10 (BJ)
strain at the time of challenge; however, the neutral- and <1:5 (NADL) for 2 vaccinates. The vaccinated
izing titers to BVDV 1 ncp were >1:64. The vacci- animals did not become viremic postchallenge, but
nated calves did not develop clinical signs or fever 4 of 6 nonvaccinated animals did 6–8 days after
nor have hematological changes (decreased WBC) challenge. All 6 unvaccinated heifers carried their
after challenge. The vaccinated animals were pro- fetuses to term and gave birth to PI calves as deter-
tected against blood leukocyte infection. The au- mined by multiple virus isolations. Of the 12 vacci-
thors suggested that other studies be performed to nated heifers, there were 2 with PI calves. Thus fetal
confirm effectiveness of the vaccine against BVDV protection was demonstrated against homologous
2 strains isolated in Japan. BVDV 1 challenge in 10 of 12 (83.3%) of the vac-
cinated heifers.
PROTECTION AGAINST FETAL The ability of the BVDV 1a MLV NADL vaccine
INFECTION/DISEASE to provide protection against heterologous BVDV 2
In the 1990s attention was directed towards develop- was evaluated (Brock and Cortese, 2001) among 19
ing new vaccines or evaluating existing vaccines to vaccinated and 6 unvaccinated heifers. Forty-five
protect the fetus against BVDV infection/disease. days after vaccination, the cattle were synchronized
Until then vaccine licensure relied on efficacy of with prostaglandin and exposed to 10 BVDV-free
protection against acute disease or infection for bulls for 1 week. Thirty days later, the heifers were
postnatal exposure of calves. Also label claims by examined by ultrasound. All open animals were
manufacturers required extensive, long-term studies given a second dose of prostaglandin and were ex-
to generate supporting data for the label claim. An posed to bulls again for 7 days. Thus challenge ap-
inactivated vaccine, Bovidec (C-Vet) containing a pears to have been approximately 4–5 months after
Compton prototype virus, was given to heifers as ei- vaccination. Mean neutralizing antibody titers in
ther two or three doses each, 3 weeks apart near the vaccinated animals at the time of challenge was 1:36
time of breeding (Brownlie, et al., 1995). The vac- to both BVDV 1a (NADL) and BVDV 2 (PA 131).
cine strain in Bovidec vaccine is a BVDV 1a ncp At 75 days gestation, the pregnant heifers were ex-
strain (J. Patel, personal communication). Pregnant posed intranasally to PA 131 strain, a ncp BVDV 2
heifers were exposed intranasally between 25 and strain. After challenge, 5 of 6 nonvaccinates were
80 days gestation with BVDV Pe 515 NC C1. viremic (between days 5 and 8), but none of the 19
Vaccinated heifers were protected against viremia vaccinates became viremic. The experiment was ter-
postchallenge. There was no evidence of infection in minated at 150–180 days gestation, and spleen, thy-
the live calves born to vaccinated dams or in the 2 mus, and small intestine of fetuses were collected
aborted fetuses from the vaccinates. Thus vaccina- for virus isolation. All 6 fetuses from the nonvacci-
tion gave 100% protection to the 15 fetuses of 15 nates were PI while 6 of 19 vaccinated dams had PI
vaccinated dams. There was, however, fetal infec- fetuses. Thus 11 of 19 (57.9%) pregnant heifers
tion in 14/15 fetuses in the unvaccinated group as in- given a BVDV 1a NADL vaccine strain were pro-
dicated by PI status of newborn calves, infected tected against PI. While protection was demon-
aborted fetuses, or active immune response prior to strated against BVDV 2, it was not complete and
birth. was less than protective against homologous BVDV
The MLV BVDV 1a NADL vaccine strain was 1 (83.3%) demonstrated previously (Cortese et al.,
evaluated for protection of fetuses against BVDV 1 1998c).
strain (BJ ncp strain) (Cortese et al., 1998c). Twelve A two-step vaccination protocol, first dose with
heifers were vaccinated once, and there were 6 non- an inactivated BVDV vaccine (Mucobovin) fol-
vaccinates. Thirty days after vaccination the heifers lowed by an MLV BVDV vaccine (Vacaviron), was
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218 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

evaluated for fetal protection (Frey et al., 2002). The isolation from serum and/or leukocytes. Only 5 of
inactivated BVDV vaccine contained BVDV 1b ncp 11 vaccinated calves were found to be viremic as de-
NY-1 strain and a Border Disease virus strain, termined by viral isolation from leukocytes; all were
Aveyronite. The MLV vaccine contained the BVDV negative for virus in serum. Virus was detected in
1a cp C24V strain. Heifers were vaccinated with the nasal samples of 5 of 7 nonvaccinates and 2/11 vac-
two-step vaccination program starting with the inac- cinates. The vaccinated heifers had two abortions
tivated BVDV vaccine followed by MLV vaccine 4 (not related to BVDV) and 9 normal calves. These 9
weeks later. Neutralizing antibody titers in vacci- calves were negative for BVDV and BVDV anti-
nates 16 weeks after first vaccination indicated bodes in precolostral serum. All 7 nonvaccinated
BVDV 1 titers of 1:100–1:600, and BVDV 2 titers of heifers delivered BVDV-infected calves. This study
1:10–1:240. Five months after the first vaccination demonstrated that two doses of an inactivated
(at 30–120 days of gestation), the heifers were chal- BVDV 1a vaccine gave complete protection against
lenged with a mixture of BVDV 1 ncp 22146/ homologous viral challenge of pregnant heifers 6
Han 81 and BVDV 2 ncp (strain not identified). A months after vaccination.
transient viremia was seen 5–9 days after challenge The results of these trials evaluating efficacy of
in the nonvaccinated heifers, and BVDV 1 was iso- BVDV vaccines under challenge conditions indicate
lated from 1 heifer and BVDV 2 from the remaining protection for both postnatal acute infections/dis-
5. One vaccinate was positive for BVDV 2 on one ease and fetal infections. Challenge in many trials
collection day, but the other vaccinates remained was relatively soon after vaccination, 2–4 weeks
nonviremic. All vaccinated heifers (n = 9) gave birth after last dose of initial immunization, which is pre-
to calves that were not viremic, did not have evi- sumably at a peak of immunity. In other trials, the
dence of congenital fetal damage, and all pre- cattle were challenged approximately 6 months after
colostral sera were BVDV seronegative. The 6 calves vaccination. Interestingly, all of the above studies
born to nonvaccinates had evidence of fetal infec- indicated protection against postnatal acute disease.
tion; 1 was stillborn, 1 died 2 days after calving, and In some, but not all studies, vaccination eliminated
4 were underdeveloped and had signs of ocular de- viremia and nasal shedding in postchallenge vacci-
fects. Precolostrum serum samples were positive for nated animals. Thus, it may be difficult to totally
BVDV 2 by virus isolation. This study demonstrated eliminate nasal shedding from the respiratory tract
that a combination of killed BVDV 1b and Border or viremia (systemic infection) in even highly im-
Disease virus vaccine followed by an MLV BVDV mune cattle after challenge. It is important that any
1a vaccine conferred protection against challenge BVDV vaccine protects against viremia, because
with both BVDV 1 and BVDV 2, and also against viremia indicates the potential for fetal infections.
transplacental infection with BVDV 2. Likewise, elimination of nasal shedding in exposed
A unique study was performed to evaluate the vaccinated cattle is important to prevent further
ability of an inactivated BVDV 1a vaccine to protect transmission of BVDV. There appears to be in-
heifers exposed to PI animals 6 months after initial creased interest in protection against different
vaccination (Patel et al., 2002). The use of PI ani- BVDV subtypes, particularly against BVDV 2.
mals to introduce challenge virus mimics the most The protection against fetal infection/disease var-
likely route of exposure under field conditions. Two ied from approximately 60–100%. Fetal protection
doses of an inactivated vaccine (Bovilis BVDV) is extremely important to prevent or minimize PI
containing BVDV 1a cp strain C 86 were given to 20 calves. Elimination of PI cattle will likely reduce
heifers 4 weeks apart. Approximately 100 days later, BVDV transmission. In the two reports using the
the heifers were synchronized followed by two serv- MLV BVDV 1a vaccinal strain there was protection
ices. There were 11 vaccinated and 7 unvaccinated (83%) against homologous BVDV 1a challenge;
animals. Six months after the second vaccination (at however, there was reduced protection against het-
about 87 days of gestation) the heifers were chal- erologous BVDV 2 challenge, (58%). Although pro-
lenged. The neutralizing antibody titers in vacci- tection was demonstrated, the MLV BVDV 1a vac-
nates at the time of challenge to BVDV 1a ranged cine did not provide 100% protection. Thus even
from 1:64–1:256. Three PI heifers were introduced though the vaccines may have efficacy demonstrated
into the pen for 2 weeks to initiate challenge. The PI for licensure, vigilance for PI cattle in vaccinated
cattle were infected with a BVDV 1a ncp strain (J. cattle is important because there may be potential
Patel, personal communication). All 7 nonvacci- for PI calves born to vaccinated cows/heifers.
nated heifers became viremic, as detected by virus Up to this point, this review has focused on killed
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Vaccines 219

and modified live whole virus vaccines produced by ratory disease in postnatal calves. A review of field
classic methods. However, several experimental studies on vaccine efficacy in bovine respiratory dis-
vaccines for delivering BVDV immunogens have ease did not demonstrate benefits by BVDV vac-
been reported in the literature. Predominantly these cines (Perino and Hunsaker, 1997). In contrast, a
vaccines focus on the delivery of the E2 glycopro- later study demonstrated that BVDV immunity was
tein by various methods, including recombinant pro- a predictor of illness and performance parameters in
tein from baculovirus constructs (Bolin and Ridpath, feedlot calves (Fulton et al., 2002b). In that study,
1996; Bruschke et al., 1997), expression as con- there was a correlation between higher levels of
stituent of recombinant adenovirus (Elahi et al., BVDV 1a antibodies and lower morbidity rate.
1999) and as a DNA construct (Harpin et al., 1999; Calves with low antibody levels to BVDV 1a and
Norbiron et al. 2003). BVDV 2 had decreased net value to owners (carcass
value minus total feedlot costs). Calves treated twice
GOALS FOR VACCINE or more had lower levels of antibody to BVDV 1a
DEVELOPMENT than those treated once or not at all. Thus, BVDV
There are significant goals for BVDV vaccines that, immunity appears to demonstrate benefit against
if accomplished, would greatly provide better con- disease and for increased profitability. Herds with
trol measures for BVDV. The first involves fetal pro- high morbidity and treatment costs are often shown
tection. In order to completely eliminate the birth of to follow incomplete vaccination programs.
PI calves, vaccines need to provide 100% lifetime Finally, there are safety issues that should be ad-
protection of pregnant heifers/cows against viremia. dressed. These include assurances that MLV vac-
The second goal involves the prevention of acute in- cines do not cross the placenta and infect the fetus.
fection in nonpregnant animals. Acute BVDV dis- The bovine fetus is very susceptible to the field or
ease remains a problem for both calf and dairy pro- vaccinal strains of BVDV. In addition, there also
duction. Stocker/feeder beef production operations needs to be better efficacy studies to heterologous
are faced with acute disease caused by BVDV BVDV subtypes.
(Fulton et al., 2000a; Fulton et al., 2002a). The goal
of vaccination in these animals would be to elimi- REFERENCES
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Management Systems
and Control Programs
Robert L. Larson

INTRODUCTION imal (Traven et al., 1991). Over-the-fence contact

The management and control of bovine viral diar- with a PI animal from a neighboring herd can also in-
rhea virus (BVDV) infection in cattle herds must troduce BVDV into a susceptible herd (Roeder and
take into consideration two methods of virus trans- Harkness, 1986; Miller et al., 2002).
mission: postnatal horizontal transmission and ges- Although transiently infected cattle are far less
tational vertical transmission from a viremic dam to efficient at transmitting the virus to susceptible in-
her fetus (Meyling et al., 1990). Postnatal horizontal contact animals (Meyling and Jensen, 1988; Nis-
transmission results in a transient infection that is kanen et al., 2000; Niskanen et al., 2002), the occur-
usually mild or subclinical, but can result in severe rence of seroconversion among assembled cattle
disease if susceptible cattle are exposed to a virulent without the presence of PI animals indicates that
strain of the virus (Kelling et al., 2002; Hamers et transmission from transiently infected animals does
al., 2000a). In addition, postnatal horizontal trans- occur (Meyling et al., 1990). In a field study by
mission can lead to vertical transmission of BVDV, Moerman et al. (1993) it was found that BVDV in-
because postnatal horizontal infection is the primary fections circulated within a herd over a period of 30
method by which a pregnant dam becomes viremic months in the absence of PI cattle and BVDV vacci-
and subsequently infects her fetus. nation, but in the presence of transiently viremic cat-
tle. Horizontal transmission of the virus from either
PRINCIPAL RESERVOIRS OF BVDV persistently or transiently infected animals to sus-
The primary source of BVDV in postnatal transmis- ceptible cattle may be via inhalation or ingestion of
sion is cattle persistently infected (PI) with BVDV. virus-containing body fluids (Duffell and Harkness,
Persistently infected animals are much more efficient 1985). Although aerosol transmission over short dis-
transmitters of BVDV than transiently infected ani- tances seems likely; the spread of infection is slow
mals because they shed large amounts of virus for a or absent when cattle are housed at long distances
long period of time. Transiently infected animals ex- from PI animals (Wentink et al., 1991).
perience a short period of viremia and shed virus in
their body secretions and excretions from day 4–15 REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS OF BVDV
postinfection (Brownlie et al., 1987; Duffell and Even mild or subclinical infections of pregnant and
Harkness, 1985). In contrast, PI animals usually have susceptible seronegative breeding females may result
a very high and persistent viremia, and BVDV is in conception failure, abortion, or vertical fetal infec-
shed throughout life from virtually all secretions and tion. The immune status of the dam, the stage of ges-
excretions, including nasal discharge, saliva, semen, tation, and the viral biotype are important factors in
urine, tears, milk, and to a lesser extent, feces (Rae et determining the result of vertical infection. Trans-
al., 1987; Brock et al., 1991; Bezek et al., 1995; placental infection occurs with high efficiency in
Brock et al., 1998). Horizontal transmission of pregnant, seronegative dams (Done, et al., 1980;
BVDV to seronegative cattle has been shown to McClurkin et al., 1984). However, naturally acquired
occur after only 1 hour of direct contact with a PI an- immunity can prevent later fetal infection (Orban et

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224 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Figure 14.1. The effect of stage of gestation at the time of BVDV infection of susceptible pregnant cows on clinical

al., 1983). Infection of fetuses can lead to early em- ing herds, causing decreased pregnancy percentage,
bryonic death, abortion, congenital defects, stunting, pregnancy loss, preweaning mortality and the induc-
and the birth of either PI or normal calves (Figure tion of PI calves in the next generation (Wittum et
14.1) (Baker, 1987). Fetal infection of susceptible al., 2001; Duffell and Harkness, 1985; McClurkin et
dams with a cytopathic biotype of BVDV early in al., 1984).
gestation will usually result in abortion. However, Although mortality of PI calves prior to weaning
fetal infection with a noncytopathic biotype of BVDV has been reported to be very high due to fatal con-
will result either in abortion or, in a certain proportion genital defects and secondary infections that cause
of animals, the birth of a calf that is immunotolerant enteritis, pneumonia, and arthritis (McClurkin et al.,
to and persistently infected with that particular non- 1979; McClurkin et al., 1984), in some situations
cytopathic strain of BVDV. Thus, PI cattle are the re- 17–50% of PI calves may reach breeding age (Bar-
sult of in utero exposure to the noncytopathic biotype ber et al., 1985; Binkhorst et al., 1983; Houe, 1993).
of BVDV prior to the development of a competent Persistently infected females of breeding age are not
fetal immune system (Casaro et al., 1971; McClurkin only a source of horizontal transfer of BVDV, but
et al., 1984). Age at immune competence in the face also will produce a PI calf themselves, which if it
of BVDV exposure is variable and has been reported survives, creates a familial clustering of PI animals
to range from 90–125 days (Casaro et al., 1971; (Houe et al., 1995; McLurkin et al., 1979).
McClurkin et al., 1984; Roeder et al., 1986). If PI fe- The consequence of introducing a PI animal into
tuses survive to term, they are continually viremic, a beef herd (confined breeding and calving seasons)
but immunotolerant to the homologous BVDV depends on the timing of the introduction relative to
(Duffell and Harkness, 1985; Roeder et al., 1986). the breeding season and the subsequent immuno-
In addition to BVDV causing conception failure logic status of the herd during early gestation (Table
and abortion, reproductive efficiency can be de- 14.1). A likely scenario for a BVDV-exposed herd is
creased due to fatal congenital defects following to experience an initial peak of disease followed by
fetal infection between 100 and 150 days of gesta- low-level chronic reproductive losses in subsequent
tion (Duffell and Harkness, 1985). The teratogenic months and years. If a PI animal enters the herd ei-
lesions associated with fetal infection with BVDV ther by birth or by purchase near the start of the
include microencephaly, cerebellar hypoplasia, hy- breeding season, a high percentage of the herd may
dranencephaly, hydrocephalus, hypomyelination of not be immunologically protected to the degree nec-
the spinal cord, cataracts, retinal degeneration, optic essary to prevent viremia, conception failure, abor-
neuritis, microphthalmia, thymic aplasia, hypotri- tion, or fetal infection. If the PI animal is in contact
chosis, alopecia, brachygnathism, growth retarda- with the breeding herd for a long enough period of
tion, and pulmonary hypoplasia (Baker, 1987). time, the majority of the herd should become in-
fected and seroconvert. Seropositive animals are less
EXPOSURE OF HERDS TO PI CATTLE likely to have conception failures, abortions, or in-
Suckling calves are commonly in contact with the fected fetuses compared to seronegative animals. If
breeding herd and thus come in contact with dams in no intervention is applied to the herd, the number of
early stages of pregnancy. As a result, PI suckling susceptible females the following year should be
calves may be a source of BVDV infection in breed- greatly decreased and the number of abortions and
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 14 3/18/05 10:03 AM Page 225

Management Systems and Control Programs 225

Table 14.1. Various outcomes of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection depending on
transmission and host.
Timing and
Route of
Transmission Infected Animal Outcome

Postnatal Seropositive nonpregnant animal • Mild or subclinical disease

horizontal Susceptible nonpregnant animal • Mild or subclinical disease
transmission • Moderate to severe clinical disease with
virulent strains
Susceptible breeding animal • Conception failure
• Conception success
Susceptible pregnant animal • Fetal infection
Gestational Fetus of persistently infected dam • Fetal infection
vertical • Embryo loss/abortion
transmission • Immunotolerant, persistently infected
Fetus of susceptible dam (d 0 to d • Fetal infection
90–125 gestation) — cytopathic biotype • Embryo loss/abortion
Fetus of susceptible dam (d 0 to d • Fetal infection
90–125 gestation) — noncytopathic • Embryo loss/abortion
biotype • Immunotolerant, persistently infected
• Fetal malformations (d 100–150):
cerebellar hypoplasia, hypotrichosis,
brachygnathism, depleted lymph
nodes/tissue, etc.
Fetus of susceptible pregnant animal with • Fetal infection
immune-competent fetus (>90–125 d) • Abortion
• Fetal malformations
• Normal fetus/calf
Fetus of seropositive pregnant dam • Fetal protection from infection
(seropositive following natural infection) • Fetal infection ?
Fetus of seropositive pregnant dam • Fetal protection from infection
(seropositive following vaccination) • Fetal infection
• Embryo loss/abortion ?
• Immunotolerant, persistently infected
• Normal fetus/calf

infected fetuses (both PI and immunocompetent) 0.9–1.2% in closed herds with no BVDV control
should decrease. Thus, even in the absence of vacci- procedures (Cherry et al., 1998). This model does
nation and culling, the number of PI animals and not hold true if the herd is not closed (replacement
BVDV infections in a closed herd may be self- females and bulls are added). Prevalence of PI ani-
limiting over time (Houe, 1995). A model developed mals and the resulting problems would not be ex-
by Cherry et. al. (1998) indicates that in continuous pected to reach equilibrium in BVDV-infected herds
calving situations, the proportion of PI animals in a with no control measures that are purchasing
dairy herd will reach an equilibrium of about heifers, particularly bred heifers.
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 14 3/18/05 10:03 AM Page 226

226 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Estimates of the prevalence of PI animals in the (Ellis et al., 1995; Straver et al., 1983). Virus isola-
general cattle population range between 0.13% and tion is considered to be very specific for BVDV in-
2.0% (Bolin et al., 1985; Houe et al., 1995; Howard fection; however, colostral antibodies may tem-
et al., 1986; Wittum et al., 2001). Differences in re- porarily reduce the amount of free virus in the serum
ported prevalence may be due to the population of young calves, thus making it less sensitive to iso-
tested, the country/continent where the population late virus from the blood or serum of young calves
was located, management system in effect and/or (Kelling, et al., 1990; Palfi et al., 1993; Brock et al.,
the diagnostic tests utilized. Persistent infection has 1998). However, when the maternal antibodies have
a clustered distribution, which means a few herds disappeared, BVDV can be isolated easily from PI
may contain several cattle but most herds contain calves. BVDV could be isolated by 6 weeks of age
only non-PI cattle (Bolin, 1990). Clustering of mul- in colostrum-fed PI calves in one study (Brock et al.,
tiple PI animals in a herd is primarily due to expo- 1998), and by 8 weeks of age in colostrum-fed PI
sure of numerous susceptible dams to a PI or tran- calves in another study (Palfi et al., 1993). Although
siently infected source of noncytopathic BVDV it is rare, some PI calves develop neutralizing anti-
prior to day 125 of gestation, but can also be due to body and clear the persistent BVDV strain from
surviving PI offspring of a PI dam. their serum. However, in these animals it is still pos-
sible to isolate virus from leukocytes (Brock et al.,
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS FOR THE 1998). Virus isolation methods are labor-intensive
DETECTION OF PI ANIMALS and take several days to complete. An additional
Because the PI animal is an important reservoir and shortcoming is that virus isolation may not differen-
transmitter of BVDV, control programs must first tiate between transiently infected animals and PI an-
identify and remove these animals from the breeding imals, unless positive cattle are re tested and remain
herd. Because of vertical transmission of the virus positive at a later date (i.e., 3 weeks later).
from viremic dams to their fetuses, PI animals
should be removed prior to the start of the breeding IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
season in beef herds with a controlled breeding sea- An IHC test for BVDV infection using skin biopsy
son. In dairy herds, the PI animals must be removed samples, such as ear notches, is available that differ-
as soon as possible from direct or indirect contact entiates between PI animals and transient BVDV in-
with the breeding herd. In order to find and remove fections (Njaa et al., 2000). Transiently infected an-
PI beef cattle prior to the start of the breeding sea- imals may have internal organ tissue samples that
son, all calves, all replacement heifers, all bulls, and are IHC-positive. However, when skin samples were
all nonpregnant dams without calves must be tested evaluated, transiently infected animals either had no
for PI status (Kelling et al., 2000). Nonpregnant staining, or staining was confined to the epidermal
cows may lack calves prior to the start of the breed- keratinocytes and follicular ostia, in contrast to PI
ing season due to not becoming pregnant, aborting, cattle with antigen-positive staining cells in all lay-
or calf mortality. Any female that is still pregnant at ers of the epidermis, all levels of hair follicles, and
the time the herd is tested should be isolated from the hair bulb (Njaa et al., 2000). This test is suitable
the breeding herd and kept isolated until her calf is for herd screening because samples can be taken
tested and found to be negative. Calves persistently from cattle of any age, sample collection is simple,
infected with BVDV can be identified by testing the samples are stable for transport and handling, it
strategies that utilize virus isolation from whole is not affected by the presence of passive antibodies
blood (buffy coats) or serum, immunohistochem- and the test is both sensitive and specific for PI cat-
istry (IHC) staining of viral antigen in skin biopsies, tle (Ellis et al., 1995; Baszler et al., 1995; Njaa et al.,
antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent 2000). In addition, the use of modified live BVDV
assay (ELISA) from skin biopsies, and polymerase vaccine does not appear to produce false positive
chain reaction (PCR) methods from whole blood or IHC reactions on skin biopsies when testing for PI
serum (Dubovi, 1996) animals (DuBoise et al., 2000).


Persistently infected animals produce an exception- Polymerase chain reaction testing for BVDV infec-
ally large number of BVDV particles that can be iso- tion is more rapid than virus isolation and can also
lated from virtually any tissue sample, including detect virus in antigen-antibody complexes (Brock
blood, serum, spleen, liver, and lymphoid tissue et al., 1998). Polymerase chain reaction tests are
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Management Systems and Control Programs 227

sensitive and have been shown to differentiate be- should be euthanized or removed for slaughter and
tween BVDV genotypes. However, a single BVDV- the dam should be tested. Most dams of PI calves are
positive blood sample tested by PCR does not allow not PI themselves, and if confirmed as non-PI, can
the diagnostician to differentiate between viremia reenter the breeding herd because naturally acquired
from a postnatal acquired infection and that from immunity is considered to prevent future fetal infec-
being a PI animal. Because PCR tests can identify tions (Orban et al., 1983). Dams identified as PI,
minute amounts of virus, this test can be used in however, should be sold to slaughter immediately.
pooled samples of blood or milk in surveillance In most whole-herd testing situations, IHC testing
programs. of skin samples is currently the test of choice be-
cause it can be accurately performed on animals of
SEROLOGY any age and a single sample is all that is usually suf-
Although PI cattle are usually seronegative to ficient. The use of virus isolation or PCR to identify
BVDV, an immune response can be elicited to a het- BVDV-infected cattle requires a second test 3 weeks
erologous strain (Brock et a., 1998). Presumably, following any positive results to differentiate be-
this response can follow either natural or vaccine ex- tween transient viremia and PI with BVDV.
posure. In addition, some cattle in both vaccinated
and unvaccinated herds are seronegative, making IDENTIFICATION OF DAMS
serology alone unsuitable for identification of PI an- CARRYING A PI FETUS
imals (Bolin et al., 1985; Houe et al., 1995; Wittum Purchase of non-PI dams pregnant with PI fetuses
et al., 2001). (PI-carriers) is a potential source of BVDV spread
between herds. Any pregnant heifer or cow that is
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING purchased should not come in contact with other
STRATEGIES TO IDENTIFY PI pregnant cattle unless they have been tested and
CALVES confirmed not to be PI. In addition, because the sta-
If a herd has had confirmed PI calves, or if the his- tus of the fetus is unknown, the calf must be tested
tory strongly suggests the presence of PI calves, the soon after birth and prior to the breeding season to
a priori assessment of PI prevalence is fairly high, prevent contact with pregnant cattle in the first 210
making the predictive value of a positive test high days of gestation. Because it would be advantageous
enough so one can conclude that the animal is per- to identify PI fetuses prior to purchase or entry of
sistently infected and that PI animals are present in the dam into a herd, other strategies to determine the
the herd. Consequently, a second confirmatory test PI status of the fetus are being investigated.
may not be needed. In contrast, if there is no a priori Unvaccinated non-PI dams carrying PI fetuses are
evidence of PI prevalence greater than 0.3–0.5%, the seropositive and virus-negative, but they have
predictive value of a positive test is low and a differ- markedly higher titers of antibodies to BVDV com-
ent confirmatory test may be advisable before mak- pared to dams carrying healthy fetuses (Lindberg et
ing conclusions about the individual animal or the al., 2001). Optical density (OD) of an indirect
herd (Table 14.2). When a calf is identified as PI, it ELISA technique has a strong positive correlation to

Table 14.2. Possible tests to identify persistently infected (PI) cattle.

Initial Test Confirmatory Test

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) of skin biopsy Virus isolation (VI) from serum or whole blood
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from serum or
whole blood

VI-positive from two whole blood samples taken IHC of skin biopsy
3 weeks apart

PCR-positive from two whole blood samples taken IHC of skin biopsy
3 weeks apart
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228 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

virus neutralization titer, and for unvaccinated 2001; Larson et al., 2002). However, if ranch history
seropositive dams carrying normal calves, the aver- raises a suspicion of BVDV PI cattle being present
age OD value stays the same irrespective of when in in the herd, or if significant marketing advantages
pregnancy the sample is taken (Lindberg et al., exist, a protocol to screen the herd can be defended
2001). In contrast, unvaccinated dams that carry PI based on its likelihood to improve or protect eco-
fetuses have an increasing antibody titer from early nomic return (Larson et al., 2002). Several strategies
pregnancy (when they become infected) through the can be employed to monitor herds for their risk of
last month of gestation, resulting in significantly having PI cattle present. The interpretation of results
higher OD by the 7th month of gestation compared from these strategies would be different if the goal
to dams carrying normal calves (Lindberg, 2001). were to monitor for the presence of BVDV rather
The sensitivity of this method to identify dams car- than PI animals. If complete eradication of BVDV is
rying PI calves ranged from 0.79–0.96 and the desired, the effort and cost of monitoring is much
specificity ranged from 0.37–0.70, depending on greater than for monitoring for the presence of PI
the test cutoff (Lindberg et al., 2001). Because of the cattle.
relatively high sensitivity, relatively low specificity,
and low prevalence of dams carrying PI fetuses, the USE OF PRODUCTION RECORDS AND
negative predictive value will be high and the posi- LABORATORY EVALUATION OF MORIBUND
tive predictive value will be poor. Therefore, a neg- AND DEAD CALVES
ative test should be considered good evidence for The minimal level of surveillance for every herd
the absence of a PI fetus, but a positive test would should include monitoring of herd fertility (early
not be a particularly strong indication for the pres- breeding season pregnancy proportion, pregnancy
ence of a PI fetus in tested unvaccinated dams in per insemination proportion, and total pregnancy
herds with endemic BVDV. proportion), neonatal calf morbidity and mortality
Another method that has been investigated in an proportions, and weaning proportions. Because of
effort to identify dams carrying a PI fetus is the col- the negative effect of the presence of PI calves in a
lection of fetal fluids and their evaluation for the breeding herd on measures of reproductive effi-
presence of BVDV (Callan et al., 2002). Callan et al. ciency, the presence of physical abnormalities at
(2002) were able to use abdominal ultrasound to birth, and calf survivability to weaning, an unaccept-
guide a spinal needle introduced through a surgi- able level of these symptoms increases the risk that
cally prepared area of the right flank into the preg- BVDV is a problem in the herd and increases the
nant uterus to collect a sample of fetal fluid. Virus likelihood that whole-herd screening for PI cattle
isolation performed on the fetal fluid samples cor- will be economically rewarding (Houe and Meyling,
rectly identified 1/1 BVDV-infected and 168/168 1991). Although, in many situations, pregnancy rate
noninfected fetuses. In addition to the technical ex- drops significantly at the time of conception of the
pertise required, this method may have limited ap- oldest PI animal, and about 6 months later calf mor-
plication in most herds because 8% (14/169) of tality increases; using production records alone
tested dams aborted or delivered premature calves lacks sensitivity for identifying herds with PI ani-
within 3 weeks of fetal fluid collection that may mals because the clinical indications of PI presence
have been related to the sample collection (Callan et may be less noticeable in some outbreaks (Houe and
al., 2002). Meyling, 1991). The clinical signs and time se-
quence following introduction of BVDV infection
MONITORING HERDS FOR BVDV into different herds varies considerably due to the
PI RISK different proportions of seronegative animals in the
The cost of initiating a BVDV PI whole-herd critical period of pregnancy and different virulence
screening protocol on a farm or ranch is significant. among BVDV strains (Houe, 1995).
Because of the low prevalence of herds with at least In addition to monitoring production records,
one PI animal, veterinary practitioners may not be minimal surveillance should include the necropsy
economically justified to initiate whole-herd screen- examination of as many aborted fetuses, stillborn
ing protocols to find PI BVDV beef cattle for herds calves, and calves that die preweaning as possible,
at low risk for the presence of PI cattle or herds that with whole blood submitted for determination of
cannot gain significant market price advantage for BVD viremia and serum submitted for serologic ev-
selling groups of cattle that have been tested and de- idence of infection. In addition, moribund calves
termined to be free of PI individuals (Wittum et al., from clusters of pneumonia, neonatal scours, or sep-
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Management Systems and Control Programs 229

ticemia outbreaks that are not easily explained by Table 14.3. Diagnostic test results of clinically
sanitation or other problems should also be tested ill animals with BVDV infection.
for BVDV exposure and PI status. If most perinatal
BVDV infection Viremia
and preweaning mortalities are examined for BVDV
status IHCa Serology (PCRb/VIc)
antigen via IHC and found to be negative, it is not
likely that PI animals are present in the herd. The
Transiently infected – – +
presence of PI animals in the herd will be estab-
Convalescent – + –
lished by a single confirmed IHC-positive skin sam-
ple. The presence of PI animals is not ruled out and
infected (PI) + +/– +
may be considered likely if few moribund or dead
cattle are tested and found to be IHC-negative, but aImmunohistochemistry.
bPolymerase chain reaction.
other tests indicate the presence of viremia or serol-
cVirus isolation.
ogy indicates recent BVDV infection and the possi-
bility of PI animals being in contact with the mori-
bund or dead sample animals (Table 14.3). numbers of individuals represented in negative pools
The advantage of utilizing production measures and few individuals represented in positive pools that
and necropsies to determine whether herds have ei- require further diagnostics. If pool size is too large,
ther a high or low risk for the presence of BVDV PI there is an increased chance that any single pool will
animals is that minimal expense is involved and test positive, requiring additional testing to identify
these management tactics are inclusive for the mon- the few truly viremic individuals in the pool. If the
itoring of other disease and production problems. samples are grouped in unnecessarily small pools,
This level of monitoring is probably appropriate in the cost benefit of pooling samples is lost to the large
herds with no evidence for the presence of PI ani- number of negative pools tested for each positive
mals and that are at low risk of PI introduction pool identified (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2000). Muñoz-
(Larson et al., 2002). The disadvantage is that at Zanzi et. al. (2000) developed a simulation model to
least one PI animal is allowed into the herd before determine that the economically optimum sample
production losses are identified, and production size depends on prevalence of true positives in the
losses will continue for at least 1 year after interven- population. For a PI prevalence of 0.5–1.0%, the op-
tion is initiated. timum number of samples in an initial pool is 20–30,
using a described repooling strategy for test-positive
USE OF POOLED SAMPLES OF WHOLE initial pools (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2000). As preva-
BLOOD FOR PCR TESTING lence increases, the least-cost initial pool size de-
Herd monitoring for the introduction of PI animals creases (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2000).
can also be accomplished with pooled whole blood If whole blood samples are collected for pooled
samples for PCR testing. By pooling samples, the PCR from all suckling calves prior to the start of the
expense of screening herds with a low prevalence of breeding season, PI cattle can be identified and re-
PI animals is minimized. Polymerase chain reaction moved before contact with pregnant females,
is well suited to pooled-sample testing for the pres- thereby eliminating the opportunity for a PI animal
ence of BVDV PI animals because it is sensitive within the herd to cause reproductive failure and to
enough to detect minute amounts of virus. A single create more PI animals in the next calf crop.
PI animal was detectable in pools of 200–250 nega- Screening for PI animals at a later time, such as
tive samples (Muñoz-Zanzi et al., 2000). Animals weaning, is discouraged. If samples are taken at
contributing to negative samples are all assumed to weaning, although PI cattle can be removed from
be non-PI, whereas positive pools may contain sam- the herd, those continuously viremic animals were
ples from PI animals or transiently viremic animals. in contact with pregnant females throughout much
If the initial pool is PCR-positive, it must be split of gestation and can cause reproduction and produc-
and retested to differentiate viremic and non- tion losses, including the creation of PI cattle in the
viremic animals. After the viremic animals are iden- next calf crop.
tified, they must be classified as transiently infected
or PI with either a subsequent PCR or virus isolation USE OF SEROLOGIC EVALUATION OF
test in 3 weeks or via IHC of a skin sample. SENTINEL ANIMALS
The best size of the initial pool is determined by Herd surveillance of dairy herds has been described
the balance between the cost savings of having large using sentinel animals. Pillars and Grooms (2002)
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230 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

found that serologic evaluation of unvaccinated 6- to confined breeding season, this testing must occur
12-month–old heifers for the presence of a high before the start of the breeding season to ensure that
serum neutralizing titer had a sensitivity of 66% and no PI animals are in contact with pregnant females
specificity of 100% for detecting herds that have PI during gestation. Heifer development operations
cattle present when reference strains from both should test every heifer prior to or at arrival at the fa-
genotypes 1 and 2 were used. Herds that were iden- cility. Dairy operations should test every calf that
tified as containing PI animals could then utilize stays on the same farm as the breeding herd or is
other diagnostic tests to identify individual PI ani- cared for by breeding herd employees, or if any
mals for removal. In countries that have BVDV con- equipment used on the calf-rearing farm is used on
trol programs that do not allow the use of vaccina- the breeding herd farm.
tion, a similar strategy to identify herds with PI Following the identification and removal of PI an-
cattle has been investigated. This strategy is based imals from a herd, testing of all suckling calves
on the fact that in unvaccinated herds, there are sig- should be done for one or more breeding seasons to
nificantly more antibody-positive animals, espe- ensure the complete accounting for PI animals.
cially in young stock, in herds with PI animals than Because no test or testing strategy is perfectly sensi-
in herds without PI animals (Houe, 1992). tive, and because risk factors involved in the initial
However, because of the variable percentage of introduction may still be present, a vigilant monitor-
antibody-positive animals in herds without PI ani- ing system is wise until a high confidence for PI-free
mals, it was not possible to predict the presence of status is achieved.
PI animals in dairy herds in The Netherlands using
this method (Zimmer et al., 2002). Because this OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCES OF
monitoring occurs when potential PI animals are at BVDV
least 6 months old, a positive herd test would indi- Male PI calves will occasionally be selected for use
cate that the herd has been exposed to at least one PI as breeding bulls. The amount of BVDV excreted in
animal for at least 6 months, reproductive losses and the semen of persistently infected bulls is very high
the presence of PI calves in the next calf crop would (104–106 TCID50/ml) (Revell et al., 1988). When
be expected. When utilizing serology strategies for BVDV is infused into the uterus at the time of
BVDV monitoring or diagnostics, it is important to breeding, seronegative cattle exhibit a significant re-
use reference strains from both genotypes 1 and 2 duction in conception rate, but seropositive animals
because it is not unusual for BVDV-exposed cattle may not be adversely affected (Whitmore et al.,
to have a low titer against one genotype and a higher 1981). BVDV-contaminated semen is an efficient
titer against the other. horizontal transmitter of disease from bull to cow
(Paton, et al., 1989). If PI bulls are used for natural
USE OF ANNUAL WHOLE-HERD TESTING service, the cows may conceive when immunity has
Certain high biosecurity herds, such as herds selling developed, resulting in the birth of normal (non-PI)
or developing replacement breeding animals, may calves (Barber et al., 1985; McClurkin et al., 1979).
elect to undergo a high level of surveillance even in If PI bulls are used for AI, all or most seronegative
the absence of evidence that PI animals are present. females bred with the semen will become infected
This high level of biosecurity may be important to with BVDV although most will not produce a PI calf
their marketing plan or may indicate a high value (Meyling and Jensen, 1988).
placed on avoiding the small, but real, risk of intro- Although some evidence exists for BVDV to cause
ducing BVDV virus into the herd with subsequent latent infections, particularly in gonads and acces-
negative reproductive, health, and marketing conse- sory sex glands (Kirkland, et al., 1991; Voges et al.,
quences. The first year that a beef herd adopts this 1998), recrudescence and excretion in immune-
strategy, all suckling calves, all females that were competent animals has not been shown to date to be
bred that failed to present a calf on test day, all re- involved in the epidemiology of the disease
placement heifers, and all bulls should be tested. If (Brownlie, 1990). And although PI bulls will shed
any calf is confirmed as a PI animal, his dam should BVDV in semen for prolonged periods of time, virus
be tested as well. In subsequent years, only suckling excretion in semen from transiently infected bulls
calves and any purchased animals need to be tested. was confined to days 10–14 post–experimental-
If pregnant animals are purchased, the dam should infection, and the virus titer in semen of transiently
be tested prior to or at arrival and the calf should be infected bulls was much lower than for PI bulls
tested immediately after birth. In beef herds with a (Paton et al., 1989).
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Management Systems and Control Programs 231

EMBRYO TRANSFER No evidence has been presented that insects are a

source of BVDV transmission in field outbreaks
Embryo transfer is a potential route of transmission
(Table 14.4). However, a role is possible: BVDV
of BVDV. If the embryo recipient is PI, vertical
was isolated from nonbiting flies (Musca autum-
transmission to the transferred embryo will occur
nalis) collected from the face of a PI animal, and ex-
causing embryonic loss or the creation of a PI fetus.
perimental BVDV transmission between a PI animal
Although there is no evidence to suggest that BVDV
and susceptible animals occurred when 50 biting
is present inside the embryos of viremic females, the
flies fed on the PI animal for 5 minutes and 15 min-
virus can be present on the intact zona pellucida of
utes later fed on susceptible animals (Gunn, 1993;
PI and transiently infected females, and the virus is
Tarry et al., 1991).
present at high levels in the uterine environment of
PI donors (Singh et al., 1982). Established washing
procedures will remove contaminating virus, but if
these procedures are not followed, BVDV from the
collection fluids or virus present on the zona pellu-
cida can be horizontally transferred to a susceptible In addition to removal of PI reservoirs, BVDV trans-
recipient cow (Singh, 1982; Singh et al., 1985). mission to and within the herd can be reduced with
Vertical transmission from the recipient cow to the an appropriate vaccination program. Information
fetus can occur, resulting in embryonic/fetal death from serological data and limited field trials can be
or the birth of a PI calf (Brock et al., 1991). BVDV used to make empirical recommendations regarding
infection of the recipient cow and fetus can also what constitutes an effective vaccination program to
occur when both the donor and recipient are free of limit postnatal and gestational BVDV transmission.
BVDV if BVDV-contaminated fetal serum is used in IN VITRO EVIDENCE OF VACCINE EFFICACY
the embryo transfer process or if contaminated liq-
Although there were large variations in the vaccine-
uid nitrogen is in direct contact with embryos (Singh
induced virus neutralizing antibody titers of individ-
et al., 1985; Bielanski et al., 2000).
ual colostrum-deprived calves vaccinated with two
OTHER UNGULATE SPECIES (DOMESTIC AND doses (21-day separation between doses) of an inac-
WILDLIFE) tivated BVDV vaccine (Hamers et al., 2002) or with
Other ungulate species may be potential sources of a modified live, temperature-sensitive BVDV vac-
BVDV to susceptible cattle herds. Transmission of cine (Hamers et al. 2000b), sera from all animals
BVDV between sheep and cattle has been demon- were capable of neutralizing a wide range of anti-
strated, but the importance of this transmission has genically diverse European and American isolates of
not been established (Carlsson and Belak, 1987). BVDV, including genotypes 1 and 2. In another
BVDV has also been isolated from pigs, but again, study, administration of a single dose of a modified
the importance of pigs as a source of the virus to sus- live BVDV vaccine in seronegative cows induced
ceptible herds is not established (Liess and antibodies that were able to cross-neutralize 12 anti-
Moenning, 1990; Terpstra and Wensvoort, 1988). genically diverse strains of BVDV (Cortese et al.,
Deer seropositive to BVDV have been identified in 1998c) and were detectable for at least 18 months.
North America and Europe (Davidson and Crow,
1983; Nielsen et al., 2000; Frolich et al., 2002).
However, the existence of PI deer has not been
demonstrated, and cattle are assumed to be the source Adequate intake of colostrum from BVDV seropos-
of BVDV infection for free-ranging ruminants. itive dams provides protection from clinical disease
in young calves (Cortese et al., 1998b; Ridpath et
FOMITES al., 2003). Vaccination of young calves has also been
Fomites may serve in the transmission of BVDV demonstrated to reduce clinical disease and mortal-
from PI cattle to susceptible animals. A 19-gauge ity following experimental challenge (Cortese et al.,
needle was able to infect susceptible cattle with 1998b). Calves that did or did not receive colostral
BVDV when used IV within 3 minutes of drawing antibodies and were vaccinated at 10–14 days of age
blood from a PI animal (Gunn, 1993). Nose tongs with a single dose of modified live vaccine (MLV)
were able to infect susceptible cattle with BVDV containing type-1 BVDV were protected from clini-
when used for 90 seconds within 3 minutes of being cal disease when experimentally challenged 21 days
used in a PI animal (Gunn, 1993). postvaccination with a virulent type-2 BVDV. In
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232 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Table 14.4. Sources of bovine viral diarrhea virus and mode of transmission to susceptible cattle.
Sources of BVDV for Transmission to Susceptible Cattle with Convincing Evidence to Support Their Role in
the Epidemiology of BVD

Source of BVDV Target Animal Mode of Transmission

Cattle persistently infected with and Postnatal cattle Direct horizontal oronasal contact with
immunotolerant to BVDV viral-contaminated secretions and
Transiently infected cattle Postnatal cattle Direct horizontal oronasal contact with
viral-contaminated secretions and
Dam persistently infected with and Fetus Vertical transmission across placenta from
immunotolerant to BVDV maternal viremia
Transiently infected dam Fetus Vertical transmission across placenta from
maternal viremia
Sources of BVDV for Transmission to Susceptible Cattle with Experimental or Serologic Evidence to
Support a Potential Role in the Epidemiology of BVD

Source of BVDV Target Animal Mode of Transmission

Domestic farm animals: sheep, pigs, Postnatal cattle Direct horizontal oronasal contact with
goats viral-contaminated secretions and
Wildlife: deer, elk Postnatal cattle Direct horizontal oronasal contact with
viral-contaminated secretions and
Fomites: palpation sleeves, nose Postnatal cattle Indirect horizontal oronasal contact with
tongs, injection needles viral-contaminated secretions and
Flies Postnatal cattle Blood meals

contrast, calves that did not receive colostral anti- measure of protection against disease (Cortese et al.,
bodies to BVDV and did not receive the MLV vac- 1998b; Ridpath et al., 2003).
cine suffered severe clinical disease and required eu-
thanasia (Cortese et al., 1998b). Clinical scores, ABILITY OF VACCINES TO PROVIDE FETAL
indicating severity of illness, were not significantly PROTECTION
different between seropositive-vaccinated and Using vaccination strategies to prevent or reduce
seropositive-unvaccinated calves after experimental clinical disease caused by BVDV is important in the
viral challenge in this trial (Cortese et al., 1998b). management of bovine respiratory disease in feedlot
Most of the vaccinated calves that were seronegative and other confined cattle situations. However, when
prior to vaccination did not have measurable serum controlling BVD in cowherds, controlling clinical
antibody response 21 days following vaccination at disease is minimally important compared to prevent-
the time of experimental challenge, even though ing fetal infection that results in embryonic/fetal
these calves were protected from clinical disease loss or creation of PI animals. Fetal protection is im-
(Cortese et al., 1998b). Similarly, Ridpath et. al. munologically more difficult than protection from
(2003) demonstrated that an active protective re- clinical disease; however, the majority of vaccines
sponse, not correlated to serum-neutralizing anti- are licensed based on their ability to reduce clinical
bodies, was mounted in young calves in the pres- signs in acute infection, not to reduce reproductive
ence of colostral-derived passive immunity. Thus loss or fetal infection. Fetal infection can be pre-
serum antibody titers may represent an inadequate vented if the immune system of an exposed herd is
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Management Systems and Control Programs 233

primed so that it can effectively neutralize circulat- biosecurity system that prevents the introduction of
ing virus before it has a chance to cross the placenta PI animals into the herd and minimizes the contact
and cause fetal infection. Evidence from earlier as with potentially viremic cattle or wildlife (Kelling,
well as recently reported trials indicates that mater- 1996).
nal vaccination provides some protection of the
fetus, although protection does not extend to 100% Removal of PI animals
of fetuses (Kelling et al., 2000). In fact, efficacy of Herds should be routinely monitored to determine
maternal vaccination to provide fetal protection has the presence of PI animals. If the presence of PI cat-
been reported to range from 25–100% for inacti- tle is confirmed or strongly suspected, a whole-herd
vated vaccines (Meyling et al., 1987; Harkness et screening protocol, most likely utilizing IHC of skin
al., 1987; Brownlie et al., 1995) and from 58 to 88% samples or PCR as described earlier, should be un-
for modified live vaccines (Cortese et al., 1998a; dertaken to identify and remove PI individuals. A
Brock and Cortese, 2001). The presence of measur- second whole-herd screening the following year
able levels of BVDV antibody in dams following may be advisable in some herds where risk of
vaccination appears to provide fetal protection and continued fence-line or other exposure to PI animals
is important in a planned vaccination program for is high.
BVDV control. It should be realized, however, that
a sufficient amount of virus is able to escape neutral- Biosecurity to prevent herd exposure to PI
ization inactivation by circulating antibodies in animals
some dams to cause transplacental infection, abor- Biosecurity to prevent herd exposure to PI or tran-
tion, and the development of persistent fetal infec- siently infected animals is important, especially
tion. Thus, vaccination programs by themselves are after the removal of PI cattle, because with the re-
inadequate in controlling BVDV (Cortese et al., moval of PI animal (BVDV) shedders, the numbers
1998a; Brock and Cortese, 2001; Brownlie et al., of naturally exposed seropositive animals in a herd
1995). decreases (Kelling, 1996). All replacement heifers
and bulls that enter the breeding herd, whether
CONTROL PROGRAMS TO LIMIT raised or purchased, should be tested prior to the
LOSSES DUE TO BVDV start of breeding to ensure that they are not PI ani-
mals. If a pregnant animal is purchased, it should be
BEEF CATTLE segregated from the breeding herd until both the
The primary goals of BVDV control in breeding dam and the calf are confirmed to be non-PI. Fence-
herds are to prevent fetal infection in order to elimi- line contact with neighboring cattle should be man-
nate BVDV-associated reproductive losses (thereby aged so that stocker cattle are not adjacent to the
preventing the birth of PI calves) and to reduce breeding herd during early gestation, and other
losses from transient BVDV infections (Harkness, cowherds are not adjacent unless they also have a
1987). Cattle that have been infected with BVDV strict biosecurity and vaccination program in place.
after birth and have recovered are considered to be
protected from clinical disease following subse- Vaccination as a component of biosecurity
quent exposure to the virus even if they are seroneg- Biosecurity also involves application of a vaccina-
ative (Ridpath et al., 2003). Animals that are sero- tion protocol to reduce the risk of fetal infection in
positive in response to natural exposure are also the event of cowherd exposure to a viremic and
considered to be protected from future transmission virus-shedding animal. Modified live vaccines are
of the virus to a fetus. An immunocompetent animal believed to stimulate more complete protection
that gives birth to a persistently infected animal will against transplacental infection (Kelling, 1996). For
develop high antibody titers and is likely to elimi- that reason, one recommendation is to vaccinate un-
nate future BVDV infections rather than pass them stressed, healthy heifers with MLV vaccines. Vac-
to the fetus. Thus, an immunocompetent dam (non- cine administration should be timed so that a protec-
PI) could have, at most, one PI calf. tive immune response coincides with the first 4
While vaccination does provide some protection months of gestation. This is done to maximize the
from fetal infection, the herd level protection is not potential for adequate immunity to protect against
equal to that generated by natural exposure. As a re- fetal infection and reproductive failure or the birth
sult, BVDV control is generally achieved by a com- of PI calves. If heifers have not been previously vac-
bination of removal of PI cattle, vaccination, and a cinated, the primary vaccination should be done
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 14 3/18/05 10:03 AM Page 234

234 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

Table 14.5. Control program for BVDV in beef cow herds.

I. Monitor herd for risk of PI presence ii. Use vaccines according to label to
a. If PI presence is confirmed or strongly sus- booster cowherd annually
pected, a whole-herd screening to identify c. Biosecurity to prevent introduction of virus
and remove PI individuals is undertaken into herd
b. Monitoring options: i. Test purchased bulls and heifers
i. Monitor production (reproduction effi- ii. Test raised replacement heifers and
ciency, neonatal and postnatal death bulls
loss), monitor ill neonates for BVDV iii. Monitor population for evidence of
viremia, and necropsy (with laboratory introduction of PI animals
submissions) as many abortions, still- d. Purchasing bred heifers
births, and neonatal deaths as possible i. If heifers are tested prior to purchase,
ii. Use pooled samples of whole blood still need to test calf after birth.
taken from suckling calves prior to ii. If heifers are not tested prior to pur-
breeding for PCR testing chase, can test heifer prior to entry into
iii. Use serologic evaluation of sentinel herd and then test calf after birth, or
animals isolate heifer until calf is born and test
iv. Use annual whole-herd screening prior the calf (only need to test heifer if calf
to breeding season (all suckling calves is positive).
and purchased replacements) iii. Percutaneous collection of fetal fluids
II. Biosecurity for herd against BVDV entrance for detection of PI calf has been
a. Isolate herd during breeding/gestation from described – not recommended at this
cattle of unknown BVD PI status time
(avoid fence-line contact with stocker cattle, iv. Serology in late gestation to identify
neighbors’ cattle, etc.) PI-carrying unvaccinated dams
b. Vaccinate to reduce virus circulation and to (Good negative predictive value, poor posi-
reduce production of PI calves in face of tive predictive value)
virus circulation e. Fomites
i. Use MLV vaccine two or more times i. Maintain sanitation to prevent viral
between weaning and two months prior spread via nose tongs, injection needles,
to first breeding as heifers palpation sleeves, etc.

twice. The first dose should be given when the imal with a PI fetus is greater in dairy operations
heifers are 6 months of age or older, and the second than in beef herds. Biosecurity for dairy herds
dose should be given 2 months before breeding. should include screening of potential replacement
Beef cows should be revaccinated annually before heifers prior to the start of their first breeding sea-
breeding according to label directions (Kelling, son, biosecurity of heifer and adult cows during
1996). gestation to prevent exposure to PI or transiently
infected animals, and a vaccination program to
DAIRY CATTLE provide some level of protection in the face of ex-
The management of U.S. dairies is vastly different posure to viremic animals.
than that of beef cows; dairy calves are removed
from their dams soon after birth and are not in con- STOCKER/FEEDLOT OPERATIONS
tact with the breeding herd during gestation. Because pregnancy is not a common or desirable
Hence, calf transmission of BVDV to pregnant fe- component of stocker and feedlot operations, verti-
males is eliminated or greatly reduced in dairy cal transmission and reproductive losses due to
herds as compared to beef herds. However, because BVDV are not a concern. However, BVDV viremia
many pregnant replacement females are purchased or seroconversion has been associated with respira-
or raised off-site on dairies, the risk of introduction tory disease outbreaks in feedlot situations (Martin
of a PI replacement animal or pregnant non-PI an- et al., 1989; Fulton et al., 2000; Fulton et al., 2002).
2550_Goyal_Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus_Chap 14 3/18/05 10:03 AM Page 235

Management Systems and Control Programs 235

Table 14.6. Control program for BVDV in dairy Table 14.7. Control program for BVDV in
herds. stocker/feedlot operations.
I. Monitor herd for risk of PI presence I. Vaccination of incoming cattle with MLV
a. If PI presence is confirmed or strongly sus- product
pected, a whole-herd screening to identify II. Screening incoming cattle for BVDV PI
and remove PI individuals is undertaken animals
b. Monitoring options: a. Low prevalence causes even a test with high
i. Monitor production (reproduction effi- specificity to have more false positive than
ciency, neonatal and postnatal death true positives
loss), monitor ill neonates for BVDV b. Testing should be done prior to cattle being
viremia, and necropsy (with laboratory commingled and trucked. Transmission and
submissions) as many abortions, still- infection likely to occur during stress and
births, and neonatal deaths as possible crowding of commingling and trucking.
ii. Use serologic evaluation of sentinel III. Purchasing PI-free certified cattle
animals a. All cattle in a group are test negative
iii. Test all heifer calves that may be saved (IHC of skin sample or pooled PCR of
as replacements whole blood)
(IHC of skin samples or PCR of pooled b. Economic benefit is determined by multi-
whole blood samples) plying the cost of having a PI feeder calf
II. Biosecurity to prevent introduction of BVDV present (increased pen morbidity, mortality,
into herd treatment failure, and performance) by the
a. Test all heifer calves that are potential re- expected prevalence for similar cattle.
placements if raising own replacements IV. Purchasing PI-low risk cattle
b. Test purchased replacement heifers and a. All cattle in the group originate from
bulls prior to or at delivery farm(s) with a complete vaccination pro-
c. Obtain replacement heifers from source that gram and BVDV PI screening protocol
has a strict biosecurity program in place V. Purchasing cattle of unknown PI risk
d. Use vaccines according to label to booster a. Cost of unknown status is determined by
cowherd multiplying the cost of having a PI calf
e. Monitor population for evidence of intro- present by the expected prevalence for
duction of PI animals similar cattle
III. Biosecurity for heifer raisers b. Cost of unknown PI risk is added to other
a. Test all heifers prior to or at arrival at devel- costs for break-even calculation
opment facility/farm
b. Isolate heifers during breeding/gestation
from cattle of unknown BVD PI status
c. Vaccinate with MLV product two or more
times between six months of age and start
of breeding

Persistently infected cattle are a primary source of REFERENCES

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Conclusions and Future Research
Julia F. Ridpath and Sagar M. Goyal

PROGRESS IN BVDV RESEARCH shed is limited and normally confined to a period of

Since the first publication on bovine viral diarrhea less than 7 days, transiently infected animals can
virus (BVDV) 60 years ago (Olafson et al., 1946), also be a source of virus to herdmates. Both acutely
significant progress has been made in elucidating and persistently infected bulls can shed virus in their
the pathogenesis, transmission, diagnosis, and mo- semen with a minimal effect on the traditional meas-
lecular virology of this virus. We have come to un- ures of semen quality (Givens et al., 2003; Kirkland
derstand that the pathogenesis of BVDV is compli- et al., 1991; Kommisrud et al., 1996; Revell et al.,
cated and that it produces a multifaceted disease 1988). The presence of BVDV in semen leads to
(Bolin et al., 1985; Brownlie et al., 1984; Corapi et virus transmission by the reproductive route, result-
al., 1989). Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) have been ing in abortions, early embryonic death, congenital
developed (Moennig et al., 1987) and the genome of infections and PI animals (Givens et al., 2003; Kirk-
BVDV has been completely sequenced (Collett et land et al., 1991; Kommisrud et al., 1996; Kirkland
al., 1988). Antigenic and genomic diversity has been et al., 1997; Meyling and Jensen, 1988; Paton et al.,
found to be a hallmark of BVDV, making the control 1990; Schlafer et al., 1990).
of this virus difficult. In addition to different bio- Major advances have been made in detecting
types (Gillespie et al., 1960), different genotypes BVDV infection, including the use of monoclonal
and subgenotypes have now been identified (Pelle- antibody– and polymerase chain reaction–based
rin et al., 1994; Ridpath et al., 1994). Biotype differ- tests. Although BVDV may be spread by animals
ences in cytopathology in culture are associated that are either persistently or acutely infected, the
with the production of a nonstructural protein (NS3 main emphasis until now has been on the detection
or P80) in the cytopathic strains (Meyers et al., of PI animals. This is because the removal of PI an-
1991). Cytopathic effect observed in vitro (i.e., cy- imals is considered to be integral to an effective con-
topathic biotype) does not correlate with virulence trol strategy. Eradication programs in Sweden,
in vivo, because all highly virulent viruses belong to Finland, and Denmark rely on nonvaccination of
the noncytopathic biotype (Ridpath et al., 2000). cattle so that positive animals can be identified and
Although hemorrhagic syndrome has been associ- removed easily (Greiser-Wilke et al., 2003). These
ated only with viruses from the BVDV 2 genotype, programs are reported to be successful in reducing
variation in virulence exists in both the BVDV 1 and BVDV-positive herds. In Germany, vaccination with
BVDV 2 genotype (Evermann and Ridpath, 2002; killed vaccine followed by a booster dose of modi-
Fulton et al., 2000; Fulton et al., 2002; Liebler- fied live vaccine (MLV), in addition to testing and
Tenorio et al., 2003). removing PI animals, is used to reduce virus circu-
Numerous studies have been undertaken to eluci- lation in the herd (Moennig and Greiser-Wilke,
date the mechanism of development of persistently 2003). In the U.S., reliance is placed on detection
infected (PI) animals and how to control them and removal of PI animals and vaccination of breed-
(Harding et al., 2002; Ohmann, 1982; Ohmann et ing animals before conception. Recent research sug-
al., 1982; Van Campen and Woodard, 1997). It is gests that, to be effective, BVDV vaccines should
widely accepted that PI animals are a major source contain at least a BVDV 1 and a BVDV 2 strain
of virus on the farm and in feedlots. Although viral (Fulton et al., 2003).

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240 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

BVDV research as summarized above has bene- BVDV strains and the host’s response to them. In
fited from the efforts of a cadre of outstanding sci- addition, the nature of immunosuppression and of
entists and diagnosticians, as reported and illus- protective immune response engendered by BVDV
trated by the authors of the preceding chapters. should be studied. Because noncytopathic virus may
However, BVDV has proven to be a difficult and establish persistent infections, all available BVDV
challenging subject and despite these efforts much vaccines contain only cytopathic BVDV. It is not
remains to be done. As this book goes to press there known, however, if cytopathic BVDV contained in
is gathering momentum for the development and im- vaccines are any safer than the noncytopathic
plementation of a national program for BVDV con- viruses, especially for fetuses.
trol in the United States. Although eradication of
BVDV in the U.S. may be a difficult goal to achieve, T-CELL RESPONSES
the reduction of the losses currently caused by Considerable amount of information is available on
BVDV is a readily attainable goal and is well worth B-cell immune response to BVDV vaccines, but lit-
pursuing. Ideally, the drive to reduce BVDV losses tle information is available regarding the T-cell re-
would be multifaceted and widely implemented. It sponses. This is partly due to the availability of sim-
would require the cooperation of producers, practi- ple and reliable technology to examine and compare
tioners, diagnosticians, and regulators, and a refo- B-cell responses, as expressed by neutralizing anti-
cusing of research and control efforts. bodies present in serum. Unfortunately, such tech-
nology is not yet available for comparing T-cell re-
REFOCUSING BASIC RESEARCH sponses, although it appears that the T-cell response
is as important, if not more important, as B-cell re-
NONCYTOPATHIC BVDV sponse in the development of acquired immunity
To date, heavy emphasis has been placed on exam- against BVDV. Research that focuses on methods to
ining differences between cytopathic and noncyto- improve T-cell response to vaccination is sorely
pathic viruses in vitro. While intriguing from a sci- needed. This is dependent upon developing simple,
entific standpoint, such research does little towards robust, and reliable methods for measuring and
reducing the incidence of BVDV in the field. comparing T-cell responses in infected, vaccinated,
Cytopathic viruses are rare and isolated only in as- and nonvaccinated animals.
sociation with mucosal disease or postvaccinal dis-
ease resulting from inoculation with a cytopathic ACUTE, PROLONGED INFECTIONS
BVDV vaccine. Mucosal disease, although an inter- Historically, BVDV infections have been catego-
esting phenomenon, is not a source of major eco- rized as acute or persistent. Persistent infections are
nomic loss for producers. The major economic im- defined as lifelong infections resulting from in utero
pact of BVDV infection is the result of losses exposure of the animal to a noncytopathic BVDV.
associated with reproductive or respiratory disease, Lifelong infections result because the animal devel-
which are almost always the result of infection with ops a specific immune tolerance for the virus to
a noncytopathic virus. In contrast, no clinical out- which it was exposed in utero. Acute infections, on
breaks of acute disease have been traced to infection the other hand, are defined as infections in which the
with a cytopathic BVDV. immune system clears the virus within 14 days.
Immunosuppression and acerbation of secondary However, the real picture is somewhat more compli-
infections, associated with infection with noncyto- cated. For example, some animals exposed after
pathic BVDV, also contribute to economic losses. birth (acute infection) may mount an immune re-
There is no evidence to indicate that acute, uncom- sponse but fail to clear the virus within 14 days,
plicated infections with cytopathic BVDV are more some animals may clear the virus after a prolonged
clinically severe than infection with noncytopathic viral shed, and others may allow the virus to repli-
BVDV. In fact, the most clinically severe forms of cate in immunologically privileged sites such as
acute BVDV infections are associated with noncyto- testes and ovaries (see Chapter 9).
pathic BVDV. Thus, comparing cytopathic and non- The damage resulting from acute infections may
cytopathic viruses in vitro yields little information not be over after the virus has been cleared. Thus,
that would help limit BVDV infections in vivo. there may be lingering problems that are not de-
Efforts to limit the damage caused by BVDV infec- tected until several months after viremia has passed.
tions would be better served by research that ad- Prolonged infections and persistent infections
dresses the real significance of noncytopathic within privileged sites also contribute to the spread
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Conclusions and Future Research 241

of BVDV in cattle populations. Current surveillance preventing BVDV infections are offset by savings
programs, designed to detect classic persistently in- realized by more efficient animal production. Al-
fected animals, will invariably miss these types of though most producers agree that BVDV infections
infections. In addition, the true cost of BVDV must are detrimental, the full extent of BVDV’s impact on
factor in the problems in production that occur after production is frequently underestimated. In a lay-
the virus has been shed. This is difficult to track be- man’s mind, BVDV-associated reproductive disease
cause onset of acute infection and its repercussions presents as the birth of PI animals. However, the
on animal production may be months apart. birth of PI animals following the introduction of
BVDV into a group of dams may represent just the
LOW-VIRULENCE STRAINS OF BVDV tip of the iceberg. Clinical presentation of BVDV-
It is easy to determine the impact of infection with associated reproductive disease also includes failure
highly virulent strains of BVDV. The impact of low- to conceive (repeat breeding), abortion, mummifica-
virulence strains, on the other hand, is difficult to as- tion, congenital abnormalities, and the birth of
certain. However, infection with these strains should neonates that appear normal but fail to thrive. In
not be considered a benign event even though their order to determine the true impact of BVDV repro-
effects may not be immediately apparent. Infection ductive disease, animal producers and clinicians
with low-virulence strains of animals that are ac- need to be alert to the many different forms of
tively laying down bone and muscle tissues may BVDV-induced reproductive problems.
have long-term effects on their growth potential. In
addition, low-virulence strains may lead to immuno- BIOSECURITY ON THE FARM
suppression, setting up the animal for more severe Vaccination is a component of the control plan
secondary infections. rather than an end unto itself and vaccines should
The impact of low-virulence strains on vulnerable not be considered “silver bullets” in the eradication
populations of cattle should also be studied in detail. of BVDV. In the absence of a good management
Examples of vulnerable animals include the fetus, program, which by definition would include a biose-
weaned animals from which passive antibodies have curity plan, protection via vaccination will eventu-
disappeared or are waning, animals newly intro- ally fail. Preventing long- and short-term exposures
duced into the herd, and stressed animals. Biosecur- to BVDV by limiting the introduction of BVDV into
ity to prevent the introduction of BVDV in animal a herd is as important as protecting the animals by
herds and adequate vaccination programs are partic- vaccination. Thus, PI animals must be removed and
ularly important to limit infection in vulnerable ani- new additions to the herd should be isolated until
mals. The significance of BVDV isolates from gi- their BVDV-free status has been established. In the
raffe, antelope, and reindeer also need to be studied. case of bred heifers, BVDV-free status cannot be as-
sured until the calf has been tested. Care should be
REFOCUSING CONTROL taken to assure that a good BVDV management pro-
EFFORTS gram is in place for all parties when facilities and
Historically, BVDV control efforts have been based equipment are shared between production units. A
on vaccination. However, 40+ years of vaccination producer’s biosecurity program is only as good as
have not resulted in a significant decrease in BVDV that of the neighbor he shares a fence with or the fel-
losses nationwide. Although vaccination can be an low exhibitor with whom he shares a show ring.
effective component of a BVDV control plan, it is
not a stand-alone answer to the problem. For a con- DISEASE SURVEILLANCE
trol effort to be effective, proactive management The present testing for BVDV is sporadic and is
plans must be in place, and the development of such usually done in response to an outbreak of the dis-
plans requires a complete understanding of BVDV ease and focuses on the detection of PI animals.
transmission within populations, surveillance strate- However, exposure to BVDV may result in subclin-
gies, biosecurity on the farm, and the role of vacci- ical disease that may impact profitability but is not
nation. immediately apparent from casual observation of
the herd. Routine BVDV surveillance programs
TRUE IMPACT OF BVDV would be more effective at detecting and controlling
The compelling reason for a BVDV control program BVDV outbreaks. Further, not all outbreaks of
is that reducing BVDV infections is cost-effective. BVDV-related disease can be traced to contact with
This premise assumes that the expenses incurred in a PI animal. PI animals are certainly a major factor
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242 BVDV: Diagnosis, Management, and Control

in keeping BVDV in circulation, but acute BVDV area. Current vaccines with fetal protection label
infections cannot be ignored for surveillance pro- claims were licensed based on a one-time challenge
grams to be effective. As discussed above, non-PI of BVDV. Animals in contact with PI animals will
animals may experience prolonged viremia or may be challenged by virus shed by the PI on a daily
have localized infections that are not cleared. basis. It is not known how well vaccination stands
Further, aborted or stillborn fetuses may serve as up to such repeated challenges. Further, fetal protec-
sources of BVDV infection for a herd. Effective tion appears to be dependent upon the prevention of
control programs must include the use of reliable viremia, not reduction of viremia or clinical disease.
tests for the detection of both acute and persistent Thus the “perfect” BVDV vaccine would prevent in-
infections and examination of aborted and stillborn fection rather than disease and induce both cellular
fetuses. and humoral immune responses.


When developing vaccines, one of the questions that Vaccines are commonly administered when animals
should be asked is whether the strains used in the are gathered for weaning, sorting, branding, and
vaccine reflect and protect against viruses the animal shipping. Unfortunately, the animal is under stress
will be exposed to in the field. The first BVDV vac- from a number of different factors at these times and
cines were produced in the 1960s. Viral strains used its immune response is not functioning at its peak.
in these vaccines—e.g., Singer, NADC, NY-1, and Vaccination at these times may not result in an opti-
C24V (Oregon strain), are still found in vaccines 40 mum immune response and may even cause tran-
years later. Retrospective analysis of these strains has sient losses in production. Thus, management prac-
shown that all of them belong to a single branch of tices may impact on the efficacy of the vaccine and
the pestivirus family tree—e.g., BVDV genotype 1. should be taken into account when implementing a
In the early 1990s, a newly recognized group of control program with vaccination.
BVDV field isolates, eventually termed BVDV geno-
type 2, was found to break through BVDV vaccina- OTHER QUESTIONS
tion programs. A second generation of BVDV vac- The recognition of severe acute BVD in the early
cines that contain the old vaccine strains plus strains 1990s changed our perception of BVDV-induced
from the BVDV 2 genotype are now becoming avail- disease severity. It is important to continue to moni-
able. Time will tell whether these vaccines are more tor the role of newly emerging strains of BVDV on
efficacious than the old ones. disease severity and on acute and persistent infec-
As more BVDV strains are characterized, sub- tions. The role of vaccination in the emergence of
genotypes of BVDV are being recognized within new BVDV strains should be monitored, and the
both BVDV 1 and BVDV 2 genotypes. Thus, BVDV current methods for the detection of BVDV in
1 has been subdivided into BVDV 1a and BVDV 1b. semen samples need improvement. The develop-
Recent surveys in the U.S. have shown that BVDV ment of a prenatal test to determine the existence of
1b is found most frequently in association with clin- PI animals would also be useful.
ical disease and that most BVDV 1 strains isolated
from the field belong to the BVDV 1b subgenotype.
However, when BVDV 1 strains used in vaccines
Bolin SR, McClurkin AW, Cutlip RC, et al.: 1985,
were characterized, it was found that they predomi-
Severe clinical disease induced in cattle persistently
nantly belonged to the BVDV 1a subgenotype. The
infected with noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea
practical significance of this finding is not clear and
virus by superinfection with cytopathic bovine viral
it is also not known whether the inclusion of BVDV diarrhea virus. Am J Vet Res 46:573–576.
1b in vaccines would offer better protection. Further Brownlie J, Clarke MC, Howard CJ. 1984:
research is needed to answer these questions. Experimental production of fatal mucosal disease in
The observation of incomplete fetal protection cattle. Vet Rec 114:535–536.
following prebreeding vaccination should also be Collett MS, Larson R, Belzer SK, et al.: 1988,
examined. Currently used vaccines are evaluated by Proteins encoded by bovine viral diarrhea virus:
determining whether they protect against BVDV- The genomic organization of a pestivirus. Virology
induced respiratory disease. Although some vaccine 165:200–208.
manufacturers have started to evaluate their vaccines Corapi WV, French TW, Dubovi EJ: 1989, Severe
for fetal protection, more needs to be done in this thrombocytopenia in young calves experimentally
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Conclusions and Future Research 243

infected with noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea bovine viral diarrhea virus. Arch Virol Suppl
virus. J Virol 63:3934–3943. 3:133–142.
Evermann JF, Ridpath JF: 2002, Clinical and epidemi- Meyling A, Jensen AM: 1988, Transmission of bovine
ologic observations of bovine viral diarrhea virus in virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) by artificial insemi-
the northwestern United States. Vet Microbiol nation (AI) with semen from a persistently-infected
89:129–139. bull. Vet Microbiol 17:97–105.
Fulton RW, Ridpath JF, Confer AW, et al.: 2003, Moennig V, Bolin SR, Coulibaly CO, et al.: 1987,
Bovine viral diarrhoea virus antigenic diversity: Studies of the antigen structure of pestiviruses
Impact on disease and vaccination programmes. using monoclonal antibodies. DTW Dtsch Tierarztl
Biologicals 31:89–95. Wochenschr 94:572–576.
Fulton RW, Ridpath JF, Saliki JT, et al.: 2002, Bovine Moennig V, Greiser–Wilke I: 2003, Perspectives on
viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) 1b: Predominant BVD eradication in Germany. Berl Munch Tierarztl
BVDV subtype in calves with respiratory disease. Wochenschr 116:222–226.
Can J Vet Res 66:181–190. Ohmann HB: 1982, Experimental fetal infection with
Fulton RW, Saliki JT, Confer AW, et al.: 2000, Bovine bovine viral diarrhea virus. II. Morphological reac-
viral diarrhea virus cytopathic and noncytopathic tions and distribution of viral antigen. Can J Comp
biotypes and type 1 and 2 genotypes in diagnostic Med 46:363–369.
laboratory accessions: Clinical and necropsy sam- Ohmann HB, Jensen MH, Sorensen KJ, et al.: 1982,
ples from cattle. J Vet Diagn Invest 12:33–38. Experimental fetal infection with bovine viral diar-
Gillespie J, Baker J, McEntee K: 1960, A cytopatho- rhea virus. I. Virological and serological studies.
genic strain of virus diarrhea virus. Cornell Vet Can J Comp Med 46:357–362.
50:73–79. Olafson P, MacCallum AD, Fox FH. 1946: An appar-
Givens MD, Heath AM, Brock KV, et al.: 2003, ently new transmissible disease of cattle. Cornell
Detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus in semen Vet 36:205–213.
obtained after inoculation of seronegative postpu- Paton DJ, Brockman S, Wood L: 1990, Insemination
bertal bulls. Am J Vet Res 64:428–434. of susceptible and preimmunized cattle with bovine
Greiser-Wilke I, Grummer B, Moennig V: 2003, viral diarrhoea virus infected semen. Br Vet J
Bovine viral diarrhoea eradication and control pro- 146:171–174.
grammes in Europe. Biologicals 31:113–118. Pellerin C, van den Hurk J, Lecomte J, et al.: 1994,
Harding MJ, Cao X, Shams H, et al.: 2002, Role of Identification of a new group of bovine viral diar-
bovine viral diarrhea virus biotype in the establish- rhea virus strains associated with severe outbreaks
ment of fetal infections. Am J Vet Res and high mortalities. Virology 203:260–268.
63:1455–1463. Revell SG, Chasey D, Drew TW, et al.: 1988, Some
Kirkland PD, McGowan MR, Mackintosh SG, et al.: observations on the semen of bulls persistently in-
1997, Insemination of cattle with semen from a bull fected with bovine virus diarrhoea virus. Vet Rec
transiently infected with pestivirus. Vet Rec 123:122–125.
140:124–127. Ridpath JF, Bolin SR, Dubovi EJ: 1994, Segregation
Kirkland PD, Richards SG, Rothwell JT, et al.: 1991, of bovine viral diarrhea virus into genotypes.
Replication of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in the Virology 205:66–74.
bovine reproductive tract and excretion of virus in Ridpath JF, Neill JD, Frey M, et al.: 2000, Phylo-
semen during acute and chronic infections. Vet Rec genetic, antigenic and clinical characterization of
128:587–590. type 2 BVDV from North America. Vet Microbiol
Kommisrud E, Vatn T, Lang-Ree JR, et al.: 1996, 77:145–155.
Bovine virus diarrhoea virus in semen from acutely Schlafer DH, Gillespie JH, Foote RH, et al.: 1990,
infected bulls. Acta Vet Scand 37:41–47. Experimental transmission of bovine viral diseases
Liebler-Tenorio EM, Ridpath JF, Neill JD: 2003, by insemination with contaminated semen or during
Lesions and tissue distribution of viral antigen in embryo transfer. DTW Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr
severe acute versus subclinical acute infection with 97:68–72.
BVDV 2. Biologicals 31:119–122. van Campen H, Woodard L: 1997, Fetal infection may
Meyers G, Rumenapf T, Tautz N, et al.: 1991, not be preventable with BVDV vaccines. J Am Vet
Insertion of cellular sequences in the genome of Med Assoc 210:480.
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Note: Italicized page numbers indicate table or figure. American Type Culture Collection, 23
Antelocapridae family, serologic surveys of ruminant
Abattoirs species within, 173
genital tracts obtained from, 198 Antibodies against BVDV, epidemiological studies for
sampling from, 38 estimation of prevalence of animals with, 39–42
Abortions, 5, 8, 53, 57, 59, 93, 107 Antibody carriers, prevalence of, 51
causes of, 114, 223, 224, 241 Antibody decay rate, calves susceptibility of infection
fetal infection and, 128–129 and, 98
initial reports on, 147 Antibody detection, 200
Academy of Veterinary Consultants, BVDV position Antibody status, of individual animals, 50
statement by, 25–26 Anticoagulant toxicity, 111
AC-ELISA. See Antigen capture ELISA Antigen capture ELISA, 199
Active humoral immune response, 158 Antigenic diversity, 209, 210, 239
Active immunity, 105 Antigenic variation, among BVDV 1 and BVDV 2
Acute, prolonged infections, 240–241 strains, 66
Acute BVDV infections, 121, 123–126 Antigen nucleic acid, detection of, 198
bovine respiratory disease and, 105 Antigen-presenting cells, 158, 164
esophageal ulcers in cattle suffering from, 112 Anti-idiopathic Mabs, 178
horizontal transmission of BVDV and, 94 AP. See Apparent prevalence
immune suppression in, 105, 125–126 APAF-1, 186
role of viral and host factors in pathogenesis of, 121, APC. See Antigen-presenting cells
123 Apoptosis, 22, 157, 158, 186, 187
spread of BVD of low and high virulence in, 124 Apparent prevalence, 36
viral shedding and, 130–131 AR. See Attributable risk
virus spread and development of lesions in, 123–125 Arcanobacter pyogenes, 172
comparing strains of high and low virulence, 125 Archbald, L.F., 148
strains of high virulence, 124–125 Arsenic poisoning, 110
strains of low virulence, 123–124 Artificial insemination (AI) centers
Acutely infected animals, BVDV transmission from, prevalence of PI at, 95
97–98 testing requirements for bulls in, 17
Acute mucosal disease, clinical signs of, 112 Artiodactyla order, occurrence in ungulates belonging to,
Adequate contact, herd immunity and, 93 115–116
Adequate contacts per time period, number of, 91 Ataxia, 129, 150
Aerosols, role of, in acquiring BVDV, 106 ATPase, 82
Agar gel-diffusion precipitin tests, 6 Attributable risk, 50
Agarose gel electrophoresis, PCR product identified by, Atypical persistent infection, 16–17
202 Austria, prevalence in, 46
Akkina, R.K., 20, 203 AVC. See Academy of Veterinary Consultants
Alopecia, 150, 224 Axis deer, 116
Alpacas, 116
Alveolar macrophages, 157, 161 Baigent, S.J., 188
American Bison, 173 Baker, J.C., 13, 14

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246 Index

Barlow, R.M., 10 Bovine viral diarrhea virus, xi, 3

Baule, C., 14, 22 acute and persistent infections in bull, 10
BBMM. See Bovine bone marrow-derived macrophages atypical persistent infection, 16–17
B-cells, 164, 240 binding and entry of, 82
BCV. See Bovine respiratory coronavirus biotypes, 73–74
BDV. See Border disease virus practical significance of, 74
Beaudeau, F., 201 characterizations of, 4–5
Becher, P., 15 circulation of, in cattle populations, 122
Beef calves, age-matched, from herd suffering from clinical/subclinical manifestations of and sequelae to
mucosal disease, 112 congenital infection with, 106
Beef cattle, control programs and, 233 control by vaccination, 20–21, 25
Beef cow herds, control program for BVDV in, 234 control strategies for, 12–14
Beer, M., 214 control without vaccination, 21
Belgium detection of, 12
BVDV genotypes identified in, 46 diagnosis and control
prevalence in, 52 1960s, 5–6
Bennett, R.M., 58 1970s, 7–8
BEV-3. See Bovine enterovirus-3 diagnosis by virus isolation, 18
Bhudevi, B., 202 economic impact of, 56–58, 59
BHV-1. See Bovine herpes virus-1 effects/consequences of, on disease and production,
Bielefeldt-Ohmann, H., 12 53–56
Biologics, possible BVDV contamination of, 171 entry of into cells, translation, and replication, 68–71
Biosecurity epidemiological framework for description of occur-
control programs and, 209 rence of, 36
for dairy herds, 234, 235 eradication programs, 25–26
on farm, 241 experimental production of persistent infection and
importance of, 152 mucosal disease, 8–10
inter-herd transmission and, 101 factors affecting transmission of, 91–92
to prevent herd exposure to PI animals, 233 forms of, 105
whole-herd testing and, 230 future research on, 165
Biotypes genetic recombination and spontaneous and post-
BVDV, 73–74 vaccinal mucosal disease, 15
practical significance of, 74 genotypes, 71–73
recurrent shedding and, 98 differences between BVDV 1 and BVDV 2, 73
Bison, cell lines survey and, 173 prevalence of, 72
Bitsch, V., 21 similarities between viruses from BVDV 1 and 2
Bittle, J.L., 6 genotype, 72–73
Blindness, in calves, 164 subgenotypes of BVDV 1 and BVDV 2, 73
Blue tongue, 110 heterogeneity of, 74
B-lymphocytes immune responses to, 157–159
decrease of, in acute BVDV infection, 125 isolates/analysis of genotype compared with clinical
lymphoid tissue lesions and, 134 presentation, 110
Bolin, S.R., 9, 13, 15, 16, 203 late-onset mucosal disease, 15–16
Bone marrow, effect of BVDV on, 163 measurable/quantifiable epidemiological variables,
Border disease virus, 5, 65, 171, 198, 218 35–38
Bovidec (C-vet), 217 molecular actions of cytopathic and noncytopathic
Bovine bone marrow-derived macrophages, 187 BVDV, 22–23
Bovine enterovirus-3, 177 molecular biology advances and, 11–12, 17–18
Bovine herpes virus-1, 161, 210 monoclonal antibody-based tests for, 18–19
Bovine papular stomatitis, 114 normal calves from persistently infected cows and, 16
Bovine polyclonal antibody (Pab)-based IPMA, 198 old cytopathic BVDV strains, 23–24
Bovine respiratory coronavirus, 161 outcomes and factors influencing outcome of infec-
Bovine respiratory disease, 105, 106, 115, 161 tions from, 122
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus, 110, 125, 161, 210 overall view of infection from, 190
Bovine species, BVDV adaptation for replication in, persistent infections in sick and apparently healthy
151 cattle, 7
Bovine turbinate cells, 199 phylogenetic studies, 14–15
Bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease, 4 polymerase chain reaction, 19–20
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Index 247

in pregnant cattle, 107, 109 persistently infected, BVDV transmission and, 230
prevalence of infections with, 36–38, 46 reducing BVDV transmission related to, 95
principal reservoirs of, 223 testicular infection and fertility of, 145–146
progress in research on, 239–240 BVD. See Bovine viral diarrhea
refocusing research on, 240–241 BVD-MD. See Bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease
reproductive effects of, 223–224 BVDV. See Bovine viral diarrhea virus
respiratory disease, 10–11 BVDV genomic RNA, secondary structure of 5’
respiratory disease, 2000-present, 21–22 UTR/IRES of, 181
risk factors for occurrence of infections, 49–52 BVDV 1. See Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1
skin biopsies and, 24 BVDV 1a. See Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1a
subclinical and clinical manifestation of, 108–109 BVDV 1b. See Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1b
taxonomy — defining characteristics of, 65–67 BVDV-specific nucleic acids, 25
thrombocytopenia, 11 BVDV 2. See Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2
transient infection by, in combination with other BVDV 2a. See Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2a
pathogens, 54–55 BVDV 2b. See Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2b
true impact of, 241
type 2, emergence of, 3, 14 Calves
various outcomes of, depending on transmission and beef, from herd suffering from mucosal disease, 112
host, 225 birth of, from persistently infected cow, 16
Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1 (BVDV 1), 65, 209 blindness in, 164
differences between viruses from BVDV 2 and, 73 colon lesions in, from mucosal disease, 113
similarities between viruses from BVDV 2 and, 72–73 colostral immunity and vaccination of, 231–232
subgenotypes of, 210 colostral protection and, 98
transplacental infection with, 127 colostrum-deprived, BVDV in, 106
vaccine design and, 242 coronavirus infections in, 125
Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1a (BVDV 1a), 209 esophageal ulcers in, from mucosal disease, 112
dendogram representing relatedness of nucleotide histologic sections from ileum of both uninfected and
sequences from BVDV 1b, BVDV 2 and, 211 infected calves, 164
Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1b (BVDV 1b), 209 occurrence of other diseases and transient infection in,
Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 (BVDV 2), xi, 65, 209 54
differences between viruses from BVDV 1 and, 73 postmortem image of palate of, from mucosal disease,
incorporating strains of, in vaccines, 21, 25 112
misconceptions related to, 72 rota-virus infections in, 125
monoclonal antibodies and, 18 6-month-old seronegative, BVDV in, 106–107
similarities between viruses from BVDV 1 and, 72–73 thrombocytopenic, petechiation of ocular mucous
subgenotypes of, 211 membranes in, 111
transplacental infection with, 127 transient infection in, 59
vaccine design and, 242 Calving pens, environmental contamination of, 96
virulence factors and, 121, 123 Camelidae family, serologic surveys of ruminant species
Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2a (BVDV 2a), 211 distributed within, 173
Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2b (BVDV 2b), 211 Camels, 116
Brachygnathism, 224 Campylobacter spp., 210
Bracken fern toxicity, 111 Canada
BRD. See Bovine respiratory disease BVDV type 2 emergence in, 14
Brinkhof, J., 19 mucosal disease in, 4
Brock, K.V., 16, 18, 67, 68, 201, 214 severe acute BVDV infection in cattle population in, 110
Bronchopneumonia, colostrum source and, 54 total annual costs in, 57
Brownlie, J., 8, 9, 15 Caribou herds, seropositivity in, 173
BRSV. See Bovine respiratory syncytial virus Case-control studies, sampling in, 50
BT cells. See Bovine turbinate cells Caspase-mediated cellular destruction, 186
Buffy coat cells, 198, 199 Cataracts, 107, 224
Buffy coat isolation, 204 Catarrhal fever, 110
Bulk milk testing, in Scandinavia, 21 Cats (domestic), cell lines survey and, 173
Bulk tank milk Cattle. See also Persistently infected cattle
antibody levels in Sweden, 48 acute infections of, 121
samples, 37 BVDV transmission between sheep and, 231
Bulls cell lines survey and, 173
acute and persistent infections in, 10 concurrent infection with BVDV and BRSV, 161
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248 Index

Cattle (continued) severe acute BVDV infection, 110–111

pregnant, BVDV in, 107, 109 subclinical infection, 109
recovery in, 115 venereal infections, 113
susceptible, sources of BVDV and mode of transmis- recovery from clinical signs, 115
sion to, 232 Coefficient of infectiousness (â), 91, 92, 102
Cattle density, 52, 59, 197, 205 “Colitis cystica,” 134
Cattle herds, risk factors for presence of PI animals in, 51 Collett, M.S., 71
Cattle populations, circulation of BVDV in, 122 Colon lesions, in calves suffering from mucosal disease,
CD4+ T-lymphocytes, lymphoid tissue lesions and, 134 113
CD46 protein, 179 Colostral antibodies, 18
CD-87 isolate, 11 age of dairy calves and, 25
cDNA clone, 17, 18, 25 humoral immune response and, 158–159
Cell death, 186–187 prevention of transmission by, 98
Cell lines, and support of growth of BVDV as possible role of, in acquiring BVDV, 106
indicators of host range, 173–174 Colostral immunity, vaccination of young calves and,
Cell-mediated immune responses, to BVDV, 213, 214 231–232
Cell tropism, 174 Colostrum
Cellular enzymes, processing of envelope glycoproteins BVDV transmission via, 96
by, 183–184 as mechanism of protection from BVDV, 213–214
Cellular immune response, 159, 242 Colostrum-deprived calves, BVDV in, 106
Cellular remodeling, 188–189 Colostrum management program, 98
Center for Veterinary Biologics (USDA), 210 Compendium of Veterinary Products, 210
Central nervous system Complement receptors (C3R), 157
congenital defects of, 150 Compton prototype virus, 217
as immunological privileged site, 164 Conception failure, 223, 224, 241
malformations in, 129 Conception rates, 55, 59
Cerebellar hypoplasia, 5, 107, 129, 150, 164, 224 BVDV infection and, 148–149
Certified Semen Services, Inc., 146 ovarian dysfunction and, 127
Cervidae family, serologic surveys of ruminant species Concurrent infections, 115
distributed within, 173 Confocal microscopy, 189
Cervids, persistent infections in, 172 Congenital defects, 53, 55, 93, 241
Chase, C.C.L., 214 of central nervous system, 150
Cherry, B.R., 225 types of, 114
Chinese hamster ovary cells, 179 Congenital infection, consequences of, 105
Chivers, W.H., 4, 131 Congenital transmission
Cho, H.J., 200 after 120–150 days in gestation, 94
CHO cells. See Chinese hamster ovary cells persistent infection and, 94
Chronic mucosal disease, 113 Contact rate, 92
Chu, J.J.H., 189 Contagiousness factors, 96
Classic swine fever virus, 5, 65, 173, 189, 198 Control
BVDV replication and, 177 by vaccination, 20–21, 25
cellular factors and, 178 without vaccination, 21
hosts and, 171 Control efforts, refocusing, 241–242
identification/differentiation of BVDV and, 203 Control programs
Classification, molecular biology and, 65–74 for BVDV in beef cow herds, 234
Clinical BVDV infection, 110 for BVDV in dairy herds, 235
Clinical features, 105–116 for BVDV in stocker/feedlot operations, 235
course of initial infection in immunocompetent cattle focus of, 209
population, 105–107, 109 to limit losses due to BVDV, 233–235
duration and severity of clinical signs, 115 beef cattle, 233–234
occurrence in other ruminants, 115–116 dairy cattle, 234
recognition of, 109–115 stocker/feedlot operations, 234–235
bovine respiratory disease, 115 vaccination to control BVDV-induced disease and
chronic mucosal disease, 113 production losses, 231–233
clinical BVDV infection, 110 Cooper strain, of BHV-1, 161
immunosuppression, 114–115 Copper deficiency, 110
mucosal disease, 111–112 Corapi, W.V., 9, 11, 12
reproductive consequences, 113–114 Coria, M.F., 7, 10
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Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine at, 3, Dendritic cells, 134, 157, 158
11 Deng, R., 67, 68
Coronavirus, 114 Dengue virus, 179
Cortese, V.S., 213, 215 Denmark
Cows cross-sectional study in, 51
occurrence of other diseases and transient infection in, economic evaluation of eradication program in, 58
53–54 economic losses in, before eradication campaign in, 57
transient infection in, 48 eradication programs in, 21, 25, 239
Coxiella burnetii, 55, 57 incidence risk in, 48
cp BVDV (cytopathic BVDV), 12, 121, 123, 160, 197 , persistently infected cattle in, 12
240 prevalence in, 52
cell death and, 186 Department of Agriculture, 5
cellular immune response and, 159 Deranged osteogenesis, 150
early and late onset mucosal disease and, 132, 133 Deregt, D., 18
intracellular signaling inhibition and, 188 Dexamethasone, 10
lymphoid tissue lesions and, 134 DFA. See Direct fluorescent antibody
molecular actions of, 22–23 Diabetes mellitus, in PI animals, 129
pathogenesis of mucosal disease and, 131, 132 Diagnosis, 197–205
reproductive infections and, 151 antibody detection, 199–200
spread of, in mucosal disease, 134 virus neutralization test, 200
tissue lesions and, 133 direct antigen detection, 198–199
vaccines and, 209, 210 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 199
CRIB cells, 178, 179 immunofluorescence, 198
Cross-fence contact, inter-herd transmission and, 101 immunohistochemistry of peripheral blood leuko-
Cross-sectional studies, sampling in, 50 cytes, 198
Crowding, BVDV transmission and, 96 immunohistochemistry of skin biopsies, 198–199
Crypt epithelium, mucosal disease and infection of, 135 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 200–201
CSFV. See Classic swine fever virus immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence, 201
CSS. See Certified Semen Services, Inc. milk as a diagnostic sample, 203
C3 receptor expression, BVDV and reduction in, 158 1946-1969, 4–6
C24V strain, 242 1970s, 7–8
CTL. See Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes 1980s, 12
Curly haircoat, 150 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction,
CVB. See Center for Veterinary Biologics (USDA) 201–203
Cytokines, 157, 158, 187 nested PCR, 202
Cytopathic biotypes, 71, 72, 81 strain differentiation, 202–203
Cytopathic BVDV. See cp BVDV TaqMan, 202
Cytopathic strains, discovery of, 4 screening for persistently infected animals, 203–204
Cytopathology, 83–84 skin biopsies and, 24
Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CD8+), 159 virus isolation and, 18, 199–200
Diagnostic tests
Dairy calves, transmission of BVDV in, 98 of clinically ill animals with BVDV infection, 229
Dairy cattle, control programs and management of, 234 for detection of PI animals, 226–227
Dairy herds, PCR assay for testing of, 20 virus isolation, 226
Dairy operations, whole-herd testing by, 230 results, of clinically ill animals with BVDV infection,
Dams 229
BVDV and clinical manifestations in, 113 Diagnostic tests for detection of PI animals
identification of those carrying a PI fetus, 227–228 for identifying PI calves, 227
Danish Cattle Database, 52 immunohistochemistry, 226
DCs. See Dendritic cells polymerase chain reaction, 226–227
Dead calves, use of production records and laboratory serology, 227
evaluations of, 228–229 DI particles. See Defective interfering (DI) particles
Decision tree analyses, 58 Direct antigen detection, 198–199
Deer, 105, 172, 173 immunofluorescence, 198
Defective interfering (DI) particles, cytopathology and, immunohistochemistry of peripheral blood leukocytes,
84 198
Delayed-onset mucosal disease. See Late-onset mucosal immunohistochemistry of skin biopsies, 198–199
disease enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 199
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250 Index

Direct economic cost, 56 Environment

Direct fluorescent antibody, 198 BVDV transmission and, 95–96
Direct RT-PCR, 202 outcome of reproductive disease and, 151
Disease form, vaccine protection based on, 213 Environmental stress, 105
Disease surveillance, 241–242 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 19, 37, 197,
DNA, 25 198–199, 200–201, 202, 226
Domes, loss of, 134 skin biopsies and, 24
Domestic animals, BVDV transmission and, 231 testicular infection testing and, 146
Done, J.T., 8 EO protein, 71
Donis, R.O., 22, 178 Epidemiological studies
Double fencing, minimizing BVDV transmission and, for estimation
101 of herd level prevalence based on screening
Double-stranded replicative form, of RNA, 83 samples/bulk milk samples, 45
dPCR. See Direct RT-PCR of incidence, 47–49
Drew, T.W., 20, 202, 203 of prevalence of animals with antibodies against
dsRNA, 188 BVDV, 39–42
Dual genotype natural infections, 100 of prevalence of virus positive and persistently
Dual persistent infections, 150 infected animals, 43–44
Dubovi, E.J., 18 on occurrence of different genotypes, 46
Duffel, S.J., 214 Epithelial surfaces, BVDV and damage to, 110
“Dummy calves,” 150 Equine dermal cell system, 199
Duration of infectiousness, 91, 92, 101, 102 Eradication programs, 25–26
Dysmyelogenesis, 129 national, economic evaluation of, 58
in Scandinavia, 46
E. coli, 110, 114, 201 virus isolation, seroconversion and, 172
Eagle’s MEM, 204 Esophageal ulcers, mucosal disease and postmortem
Earlier values, 56 image of, 112
Early mucosal disease, 132–133 Estonia, persistently infected animals in, 46
Ear notch immunohistochemistry, 212 Ethylenimine, pestivirus virion and, 66
Ear notch samples, 198, 204 Etiology, 49
EBTr. See Embryonic trachea cell line E2 (envelope glycoprotein) region, 209
Economic analyses, functions in performance of, 56 E2 monoclonal antibodies, 12
Economic impact of BVDV, 56–58, 59 E2 protein, 68, 71, 82
economic evaluation E2-specific monoclonal antibodies, 18
of control strategies at herd level, 58 Europe
of national eradication programs, 58 formal monitoring of wildlife in, 171
at herd level, 57 prevalence in, 46
losses in larger populations and at national level, European Osloss strain, 11, 12
57–58 EV. See Earlier values
optimizing decisions based on economic calculations, Exchange rate between currencies, 56
58 Exocytosis, virion assembly and, 85
Economic losses, 145, 177, 197 Experimental BVDV infection, disease syndromes in
ED cell system. See Equine dermal cell system non-bovine hosts due to, 172
Edwards, S., 12
Electron beam irradiation, pestivirus virion and, 66 Face flies, BVDV transmission and, 96
ELISA. See Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Failure to thrive, 241
Elk, 105, 172 FAT. See Fluorescent antibody technique
Ellis, J., 215 FBS. See Fetal bovine serum
Embryonic trachea cell line, 199 FcR, 157, 158
Embryo transfer FCS. See Fetal calf serum
BVDV transmission and, 95, 231 FDCs. See Follicular dendritic cells
inter-herd transmission and, 101 Feed bunk space, minimizing BVDV transmission and, 101
Endemic state, 92 Feedlot cattle
END method, 23 respiratory disease in, 21–22
Endsley, J.J., 214 vaccines for, 6
Envelope glycoproteins Feedlot operations
processing of, by cellular enzymes, 183–184 control programs and management of, 234–235
virus binding and, 82 intra-herd transmission and, 100
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Index 251

Feedlots, “shipping fever” pneumonia and, 10 Fuller, D.A., 6

Fence breakout, risk factors and, 51, 59 Fulton, R.W., 22, 203
Fence-line contact, managing, 233
Fertility, reduced, 113 Gait disorders, 164
Fetal abnormalities, 107 Gamma irradiation, pestivirus virion and, 66
Fetal bovine serum, 5, 7, 8, 197 Gastroenteritis virus, synergism between BVDV and, 161
Fetal calf serum, 95 Gastrointestinal parasites, 110
Fetal death, 157 Genetic recombination
Fetal fluid collection, 228 in BVDV, 83
Fetal infection, 114, 128–130 spontaneous and postvaccinal disease and, 15
abortions and, 128–129 Genomic diversity, 239
incidence risk of, 48 Genotypes, 209, 239
during middle trimester, 150 BVDV, 71–73, 160
occurrence of, and epidemiological studies, 46
noncytopathic BVDV and, 23, 24 Genotyping, 71
persistent infections and, 129 German roe deer, 172
preventing, 152 Germany
teratogenic effects of, 129–130 BVDV genotypes identified in, 46
vaccines and protection against, 25, 217–219 eradication programs in, 25
Fetal protection prevalence in, 52
against BVDV, 21 Gestational age of fetus, 105
vaccines and, 232–233 Gestational vertical transmission, management and
Fetus, BVDV transmission to, 93 control of BVDV and, 223
Ficoll-Paque/Macrodex, 204 Gestation stage
Finland consequences of BVDV infection
cattle density in, 52 from 30–125 days of gestation, 149–150
eradication programs in, 21, 239 from 125–175 days of gestation, 150
prevalence in, 46 from 175 days of gestation to term, 150
5⬘ UTR (5⬘ untranslated region), 66, 81, 182, 202, 209 prior to implantation (30–45 days), 147–149
degree of sequence identity between pestiviruses in, effect of, at time of BVDV infection of susceptible
66 pregnant cows, 224
virus replication and, 71, 82 impact of, on outcome of reproductive disease,
Flativirus family, 65 147–150
Flaviviridae, 12, 187 Gilbert, S.A., 203
genomes, 82 Gillespie, J.H., 3, 131
Flavivirus IRES, translation initiation from, 183 Giraffe, viruses isolated from, 66
Flies, BVDV transmission and, 96 Givens, M.D., 201
Flores, E.F., 15, 178 Gnotobiotic calves, 158
Flow cytometry, 19 Gnotobiotic lambs, severe respiratory disease in, 161
Fluorescent antibody technique, 6, 8 Goats, 116, 172
Fluorescent probes, 20 cell lines survey and, 173
Folding of proteins, 184 congenital infection in, 174
Follicular dendritic cells, 134 gp48, 71
Fomites Graham, D.A., 54, 201
acute infection and, 94 Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, 158
BVDV transmission and, 95–96, 231 Great Britain, economic losses in, 57
Foot and mouth disease, 110 Grooms, D.L., 24, 107, 229
Formulas Growth retardation, 150, 224
herd sensitivity/herd specificity, 37 Gruber, A.D., 202
incidence of BVDV infection, 92 Grummer, B., 189
incidence risk over animal’s life, 49 Gutekunst, D.E., 6
true prevalence, 36
vaccination protection, 92 Haematopota pluvialis, 96
Fox, Francis, 3, 4 Haines, D.M., 19, 22
F-P/M. See Ficoll-Paque/Macrodex Hamel, A.L., 202
Fray, M.D., 16 Hannover Veterinary School, 3
Freisen bulls, 10 Harpin, S., 19
Fritzemeier, J., 16 HCV. See Hepatitis C virus; Hog cholera virus
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252 Index

HCV Ns3/4A serine protease, 188 Houe, H., 24, 49, 203
Head flies, BVDV transmission and, 96 Howard, C.J., 216
Heifer development operations, whole-herd testing by, HSe. See Herd sensitivity
230 HSp. See Herd specificity
Hellen, C.U., 67, 68, 182 Hulst, M.M., 179
Helper T-lymphocytes (CD4+), 159 Humoral immune response, 242
Hemophilus somnus, 115, 161, 210 to BVDV, 213, 214
Hemophilus spp., 110 colostral antibodies and, 158–159
Hemorrhages, in severe acute BVDV infections, 126 Humoral immunity, 91
Hemorrhagic BVDV infection, 105 Hydranencephaly, 150, 164, 224
Hemorrhagic diathesis, 126 Hydrocephalus, 150, 164, 224
Hemorrhagic syndrome, 11, 14, 54, 72, 124, 157 Hydrocephalus internus, 129
symptoms of, 111 Hydrophobicity plot, of pestivirus consensus sequence,
Hepatitis C virus, 177 68, 69
Herd diagnosis, 37 Hydrotaea irritans, 96
Herd immunity, 160 Hyena disease, 150
transmission under influence of, 92–93 Hypomyelination, 150
Herd infection, defined, 35 Hypotrichosis, 224
Herd level
economic evaluation of control strategies at, 58 Iatrogenic transmission of BVDV, 95–96
economic losses at, 57 IBR. See Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
Herd level prevalence, epidemiological studies for IETS. See International Embryo Transfer Society
estimation of, based on screening samples/milk IHC. See Immunohistochemistry
samples, 45 IIF. See Indirect immunofluorescence assay
Herds IIP. See Indirect immunoperoxidase
annual testing of, 230 IL-2, 158
BVDV and economic constraints on, 116 Ileum
Herd screening, factors in, 14 histologic section of, from calf 12 days after infection,
Herd sensitivity, 37 164
Herd specificity, 37 histologic section of, from uninfected calf, 164
Herd test, 37 Immune responses to BVDV, 157–159
Highly infected antibody carriers, 51 cellular, 159
High virulence strains humoral, 158–159
development of lesions and, 124–125 innate, 157–158
low virulence strains compared with, 125 of persistently infected animals, 159
role of, in acute infection, 121, 123 Immune suppression, in acute BVDV infection,
HIV, speculation on interaction between BVDV and, 173 125–126
Hog cholera virus, 5, 65, 171, 177 Immunity
Homing, Peyer’s patch lymphocytes and, 133 assessment of, 160
Horizontal transmission herd, 92–93
acute infection and, 94 Immunocompetence, 105
postnatal, management and control of BVDV and, 223 Immunofluorescence, 198, 201
“Hospital” milk, inter-herd transmission and, 101 Immunohistochemistry, 24, 198, 226
Host factors of peripheral blood leukocytes, 198
clinical disease and, 105 of skin biopsies, 198–199, 205
impact of, on outcome of reproductive disease, 151 Immunologically privileged sites, 163–164
role of, in transplacental/intrauterine infection, central nervous system, 164
126–128 ovaries, 163, 164
Host range, cell lines supporting growth of BVDV as testes, 163, 164
possible indicators of, 173–174 Immunoperoxidase, 201
Hosts, 171–174. See also Interactions of virus and host Immunoperoxidase monolayer assay, 12, 198, 200
non-bovine Immunosuppression, 105, 106, 114–115, 157, 160–163
disease syndromes in, due to experimental BVDV in acute BVDV infection, 125–126
infection, 172 BVDV and secondary infections, 161
disease syndromes in, due to natural BVDV BVDV-induced immune organ dysfunction, 163
infection, 171–172 clinicopathological assessment of, 162
virus isolation and seroconversion in, 172–173 multifactorial, 114
overview of, 171 Immunotolerance, 105, 164
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Index 253

Incidence, 35, 58 Kafi, M., 113

of BVDV infections, 47–49 Kahrs, R.F., 6
epidemiological studies for estimation of, 47–49 Kerkhofs, P., 203
prevalence and, 49 Killed vaccines, 13, 209, 212–213
Incidence rate, 47 efficacy of, in experimental studies, 152
Incidence risk, 47, 48 requirements for efficacy of, 210
Incubation periods, for acute BVD, 115 strains and types of bovine viral diarrhea virus in, 215
Indirect fluorescence microscopy, 189 Kirkland, P.D., 10
Indirect immunofluorescence assay, 200 Kirkpatrick, J., 213
Indirect immunoperoxidase, 200 Kozak consensus sequence, 181
INF. See Interferon Kümmerer, B.M., 17
Infected animals, BVDV transmission from, 96–98 Kunjin virus, 189
Infection status, 49
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, 6, 10, 54, 125 Label claims, for vaccine products, 210, 211
Infectious cDNA clones, 17 Laboratory evaluation, use of, in evaluating moribund
Infectiousness of infected animals, reducing coefficient and dead calves, 228–229
of, 101 Lambert, G., 8
Infertility, 148 Lambs, 151
Innate immune response, to BVDV, 157–158 Lamina propria, lesions and, 134, 135
Insect transmission of BVDV, 95–96 Laminitis, 5
Insemination Langedijk, J.P.M., 187, 201
transmission via semen and, 94–95 Latency, of acute infections, 97
uterine exposure to BVDV at, 127–128 Late-onset mucosal disease, 9, 132–133
Interference test, 8 LDLR. See Low-density lipoprotein receptor
Interferon, 187 Lecomte, C., 201
cytopathic BVDV and production of, 23 Leptospira hardjo, 55, 57
innate immune response and, 158 Leptospira spp., 210
role of, during pregnancy, 151 Lesions
Interferon regulatory factor-3, 188 in brain and eyes, 129
Inter-herd transmission, 101 of BVDV, 4
Internal ribosome entry site, 68, 82, 181, 182 correlation between viral antigen and, 133
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, development of, in acute BVDV infection, 123–125
Seventh Report of, 71 fetal infections and, 224
International Embryo Transfer Society, 16 in lymphoid tissues, 133–134
Inter-species transmission, 105 in mucosa, 135
Intestinal mucosa, mucosal disease and infection of, 135 in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, 134–135
Intracellular signaling inhibition, 187–188 ovarian, 127
Intra-herd transmission, 100–101 pathogenesis of, in mucosal disease, 133–135
Intrauterine exposure, virus persistence after, 130 Letellier, C., 203
Intrauterine infections, 5. See also Transplacental/in- Leukopenia, 4, 17, 113, 157, 162
trauterine infections Lewis, T.L., 201
In utero transmission, after 120–150 days of gestation, Licensing of vaccines, 25
93, 94 Liess, Bernd, 3, 13
In vitro fertilization, BVDV and, 113 Lifelong infections, 240
IPMA. See Immunoperoxidase monolayer assay Light-Cycler system, 204
Iqbal, M., 179 Lightly infected antibody carriers, 51
IRES. See Internal ribosome entry site Lindberg, A., 204
IRF-3. See Interferon regulatory factor-3 Lipid envelope, in flativiruses, 65
Isolation hutches, minimizing BVDV transmission and, Littlejohns, I.R., 13, 20
101 Livestock production, impact of BVDV on, 116
i-VVNADL, 23 Llamas, 116, 173
Low-density lipoprotein receptor, 82, 178, 179, 189
Japanese MLV BVDV vaccine, protection by, 217 Low virulence strains, 241
Jensen, A.M., 10 development of lesions and, 123–124
JNK1, 188 high virulence strains compared with, 125
JNK2, 188 Lung lesions, 126
Johne’s disease, 110 Lymph node involvement, with BVDV, 106, 107
Jordan, R., 184 Lymphoid depletion, 114
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254 Index

Lymphoid follicles, 163 BVDV transmission via, 96

Lymphoid tissues biosecurity and, 233
lesions in, 133–134 requirements for efficacy of, 210
mucosa-associated, lesions in, 134–135 strains and types of BVDV in, 215
Lymphopenia, 124, 125, 126, 159, 162 Moennig, V., 9, 16, 201
“Lytic” viruses, 22 Moerman, A., 48
Molecular biology
Mabs. See Monoclonal antibodies advances in, 11–12, 17–18
MacCallum, A.D., 4 classification and, 65–74
Macrophages, 157 Monitoring herds for BVDV PI risk, 228–230
Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells, 6, 177, 178 annual whole-herd testing, 230
Mahlum, C.E., 202 pooling samples and whole blood for PCR testing, 229
Makoschey, B., 216 production records and laboratory evaluation of mori-
Malmquist, W.A., 5 bund and dead calves, 228–229
Management systems serologic evaluation of sentinel animals, 229–230
diagnostic tests Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs), xi, 3, 11, 239
for detection of PI animals, 226–227 tests for, 18–19
for identifying PI calves, 227 Monocytes, 157
identification of dams carrying PI fetus, 227–228 Monolayer enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 200
monitoring herds for BVDV PI risk, 228–230 Moormann, R.J.M., 179
other potential sources of BVDV, 230–231 Moose, 105, 116, 173
Mandibular brachygnathism, 150 Moribund calves, use of production records and labora-
Mannheimia haemolytica, 10, 11, 114, 115, 126, 161, tory evaluations of, 228–229
210 Mucosa, lesions in, 135
Mannheimia spp., 110 Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, lesions in, 134–135
Markov Chain model, 58 Mucosal disease, 3, 4, 5, 57, 74, 111–112, 121, 131–135,
Martin, S.W., 21 157
Mastitis, 53, 54 acute/chronic sequel to CI, 108–109
McCauley, J.W., 179 age-matched beef calves from herd suffering from, 112
McClurkin, A.W., 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 24 chronic, 113
McGoldrick, A., 20 defective interfering particles and, 84
MD. See Mucosal disease early-onset, 132–133
MDBK cells. See Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells experimental production of, 8–10
MEGA-10, 201 late-onset, 9, 15–16, 132–133
M-ELISA. See Monolayer enzyme-linked immunosor- pathogenesis of, 131–132
bent assay postmortem images
Mendez, E., 17 of colon lesions in calves suffering from, 113
Meyers, G., 12, 15, 17 of esophageal ulcers in calf suffering from, 112
Meyling, A., 10, 12, 49 of palate of calf suffering from, 112
Michigan, prevalence in, 52 spontaneous and postvaccinal, 15
Microencephaly, 129, 150, 224 spread of cp BVDV in, 134
Microopthalmia, 150, 224 Multiplex assays, 19, 20
Milk Mummification, 147, 241
bulk testing of, in Scandinavia, 21 Mummified fetuses, 128
BVDV transmission via, 96 Muñoz-Zanzi, C.A., 24, 25, 229
yield reductions, 53 Musca autumnalis, 96, 231
Milk samples Mycobacterium bovis, 159
classes of, 203 Mycoplasma bovis, 22, 115, 161
diagnostic, 197, 203 Mycoplasma spp., 110
epidemiological studies for estimation of herd level Mycotoxicosis, 110
prevalence based on, 45
PCR assay for testing of, 20 NADC strain, 242
Mink lung cell system, 199 NADL, 14
Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, 202 Naive immunocompetent cattle population
ML cell system. See Mink lung cell system course of initial infection in, 105–107, 109
MLV type 1 strain (NADL), strategic vaccination and, 99 BVDV in colostrum-deprived calves, 106
Modified live virus (MLV) vaccines, 13, 114, 171, 209, BVDV in 6-month-old seronegative calves, 106–107
211–212, 239 BVDV in pregnant cattle, 107, 109
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Index 255

Nakamura, S., 197 Nucleic acids, BVDV-specific, 25

National Animal Disease Laboratory, 6 Nuttall, P.A., 8
National eradication programs, economic evaluation of, NY-1 strain, 14, 214, 218, 242
58 Nystagmus, 164
Natural BVDV infection, disease syndromes in non-
bovine hosts due to, 171–172 Ocular defects, 5
ncp BVDV, 12, 121, 123, 160, 197 Oculocerebellar syndrome, 129
cellular immune response and, 159 OD. See Optical density
intracellular signaling inhibition and, 188 Odds ratio, 50
molecular actions of, 22–23 Olafson, P., 4, 145, 162
pathogenesis of mucosal disease and, 131, 132 Ontario
persistent infections and, 129 BVDV outbreaks in, 55
reproductive infections and, 151 BVDV type 2 emergence in, 14
research on, 240 severe acute BVDV infection in cattle population in,
vaccines and, 209, 210 111
NDV. See Newcastle disease virus Oophoritis, 147, 148
Neonatal calves “Open gut” phenomenon, 158
BVDV infections in, 5 Open reading frame, 11, 65, 66, 68, 82
preventing BVD in, 8 polyprotein translation and, 181
Neonates, acute BVDV infection of, 110 proteolytic processing and, 84
Nested polymerase chain reaction, 202 Open-tube RT-PCRs, 202
Neutralizing antibodies, neonates and, 150 Opisthotonus, 129
Neutropenia, 162 Optical density, of indirect ELISA technique, 227–228
Neutrophils, 157 Optic neuritis, 150, 224
Newcastle disease virus, 23 OR. See Odds ratio
New York, original outbreaks in, 6 Ora-nasal route of BVDV transmission, 157
New York 93 strain, 17 Oregon (C24V) strain, 4, 6, 14, 17, 242
Ng, M.L., 189 ORF. See Open reading frame
Nitric oxide, 157 Oro-nasal uptake, virus spread and, 123, 124
Njaa, B.L., 204 Osloss strains, 14
NO. See Nitric oxide Ovarian hypoplasia, 113
Noncytopathic biotypes, 71, 72, 81 Ovaries
Noncytopathic BVDV. See ncp BVDV as immunologically privileged site, 163, 164
Noncytopathic viruses, 9, 10 lesions in, 127
Nonstructural protein region, 209 reproductive capacity and infection of, 147
North America Over-the-fence contact, with PI animals, 223
NADL strain in, 11 Oviductal cells, BVDV infection and, 148
subgroups of BVDV 2 in, 73
Northern Ireland, incidence risk in, 48 P. haemolytica, 54
Norway Palate of calf, mucosal disease and postmortem image of,
cattle density in, 52 112
cost-benefit evaluation of eradication program in, 58 Palfi, V., 18
economic losses in, 57 Passive humoral immune response, 158
eradication programs in, 21 Passive immunity, 105, 159
herd study in, 51 Pasteurella multocida, 161, 210
prevalence in, 46 Pasteurella spp., 110
NS2, 17, 69 Pasturing, risk factors and, 51, 59
genetic recombination and, 83 Pathogenesis, 121–135
NS2-3, 12, 15, 16, 19, 69, 73 acute infection, 121, 123–126
NS3 immune suppression in, 125–126
genetic recombination and, 83 thrombocytopenia and hemorrhages in, 126
Position A and Position B and, 73 viral and host factors in, 121, 122
NS3-encoded serine protease, 82 virus spread and lesions in, 123–125
NS3 monoclonal antibodies, 12, 19 defined, 121
NS4A protein, 70 of lesions in mucosal disease, 133–135
NS4B protein, 70 correlation between viral antigen and tissue lesions,
NS5A protein, 185, 186 133
NS region. See Nonstructural protein region lesions in lymphoid tissues, 133–134
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256 Index

Pathogenesis (continued) samples from, and occurrence of BVDV in plasma and

lesions in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, feces, 109
134–135 resistantly infected carriers, 227
in mucosa, 135 Persistently infected cattle, 12, 13
mucosal disease, 131–135 control programs and, 209
early- and late-onset, 132–133 cytopathic BVDV vaccines and, 9
overview of, 121 exposure of herds to, 224–226
persistent infections, 130–131 possible tests for identification of, 227
prolonged viral shedding following acute infection, Persistently infected cows, normal calves from, 16
130–131 Pestivirus consensus sequence, hydrophobicity plot of,
virus persistence following intrauterine exposure, 69
130 Pestivirus envelope proteins, proposed mechanisms for
transplacental/intrauterine infections, 126–130 transporting/processing of, 184
exposure of uterus to BVDV at insemination, Pestiviruses, 14, 17
127–128 conservation of polyprotein coding sequences among,
fetal infection, 128–130 68, 69
infection during preovulatory period, 127 genetic recombination and, 83
viral and host factors in, 126–127 replication and, 81
Paton, D.J., 10 Pestivirus 5⬘ UTR, sequences, conservation and predicted
pBEK. See Primary bovine embryo kidney cells pseudoknots in, 67
PCR. See Polymerase chain reaction Pestivirus genome, 66–67
PCR-probe test, 24 organization of, 69
PCR tests. See Polymerase chain reaction tests Pestivirus genomic RNA, translation initiation of cellular
PEG. See Polyethylene glycol transcripts compared to, 180
Pellerin, C., 14 Pestivirus genus
Peripheral blood leukocytes, immunohistochemistry of, characteristics unique to, 65
198 members of, 65–66
PERK, 187 Pestivirus infections, 157
Persistent infection, 3, 105, 106, 121, 130, 152 Pestivirus IRES, translation initiation from, 183
atypical, 16–17 Pestivirus proteins, 70
congenital transmission resulting in, 94 Pestivirus virion, 66
consequences of, during 30–125 days of gestation, Pestova, T.V., 67, 68, 182
149–150 Petechiation, of ocular mucous membranes in thrombo-
defined, 240 cytopenic calf, 111
experimental production of, 8–10 Peterhans, E., 23, 186, 188
fetal infection and, 128–129 Peyer’s patches, 110, 134, 135
impact of, and relationship to BVDV-associated acute mucosal disease and, 112
disease, 150–151 effect of BVDV on, 163
reproductive disease and, 145–152 homing and, 133
Persistently infected animals, 197 Phylogenetic studies, 14–15
BVDV transmission from, 96–97 Pigs, 172
coefficient of infectiousness for, 91 classic swine fever virus in, 171, 198
death among, 53 congenital infection in, 174
epidemiological studies for estimation of prevalence of Pilinkiene, A., 200
virus positive and, 43–44 Pillars, R.B., 24, 229
immune response of, 159 PK15 cell system. See Porcine kidney cell system
incidence risk and, 48 Placenta, BVDV and, 113
intra-herd transmission and, 100 Plaque neutralization assays, 4
losses among, 55–56 Pneumonia, 4, 11, 161
prevalence and, 36, 46 antibiotic-resistant, 22
as primary source of BVDV, 223 Polyethylene glycol, 178
removal of, 233, 239 poly IC, 23
screening for, 203–204 Polymerase chain reaction, 19–20, 203, 226–227
as source of virus for acute infection, 130 Polymerase chain reaction tests, 72
Persistently infected calves pooled samples of whole blood for, 229
origin of, after viremia and placental infection, 109 Polymicrobial infections, 115
outcome of, and vulnerability to mucosal disease, Polyprotein translation, 71, 181–183
110 P125 protein, 12
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Index 257

Pooled blood samples, 37 severe acute BVDV infection in cattle population in,
Pooled monoclonal antibodies, 19 111
Pooled samples, for diagnostic testing, 24 Qvist, P., 19
Pooling strategies, herd immunity and, 160
“Poor-doers,” 129 Rabbits, cell lines survey and, 173
Population genetics, quasispecies and, 85 Radostits, O.M., 13, 20
Porcine kidney cell system, 199 Radwan, G.S., 20
Porencephaly, 150 Rae, A.G., 18
Postnatal horizontal transmission, management and Ramsey, F.K., 4, 131
control of BVDV and, 223 Real rate of interest, 56
Postnatal infection/disease, vaccines and protection Rebhun, W.C., 11
against, 214–217 Recovery, from acute BVDV infections, 115
Postnatal transmission, 93 Rectal transmission of BVDV, 95
Postvaccinal mucosal disease, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15 Reduced milk yield, 53
Potgieter, L.N.D., 10, 11 Reindeer, viruses isolated from, 66
Prebreeding vaccination, 99 Relative risk, 50
Precolostral BVDV-neutralizing antibodies, 94 Renshaw, R.W., 20
Preconditioning programs, 13 Repeat breeding, 53
Pregnancy status, 105 Replication, 177
Pregnant cattle, BVDV in, 107, 109 interactions with cellular factors during, 180–186
Pregnant PI cows, and transmission to fetus, 96 overall view of, 190
Prenatal testing, 204, 242 regulation of, 84–85
Preovulatory period, infection during, 127 RNA, 184–186
Present values, 56 viral, 71
Prevalence, 35, 58, 59 Replicative form, of RNA, 83
of BVDV genotypes, 72 Reproductive consequences, from BVDV, 113–114
of BVDV infections, 36–38, 46 Reproductive disease
definition of, 36 impact of
epidemiological studies for estimation of, 38 gestation stage on outcome of, 147–150
epidemiological studies for estimation of, in animals host factors on outcome of, 151
with antibodies against BVDV, 39–42 vaccination on outcome of, 151–152
incidence and, 49 viral factors on outcome of, 151
intra-herd transmission and, 100 ovarian infection, 147
reducing, 101 overview of, 145
Primary bovine embryo kidney (pBEK) cells, 199 persistent infections and, 145–152
Prins, S., 18 testicular infection, 145–146
Pritchard, W.R., 4, 5 Reproductive disorders, 55, 59
Probability of infection, 91, 92 Reproductive effects, of BVDV, 223–224
Production records, use of, in evaluating moribund and Reproductive infections, 152
dead calves, 228–229 Reproductive losses, initial descriptions of, 145
Prolonged infections, acute, 240–241 Reproductive performance, impact of different BVDV
Pronghorn antelope, 66, 173 strains on, 107, 108–109
Protective immunity, 160 Research
Protein kinase, 186 BVDV, progress in, 239–240
Protein translation, virus replication and, 188 refocusing of, 240–241
Proteolytic processing, 84 acute, prolonged infections, 240–241
Pseudoknot structures, 82 low-virulence strains of BVDV, 241
Pulmonary hypoplasia, 107, 224 noncytopathic BVDV, 240
Pulmonary lesions, in lambs, 172 T-cell responses, 240
Putative species, pestiviruses and, 66 Respiratory disease, 10–11, 53, 145
PV. See Present values 2000 to the present, 21–22
pvMD. See Postvaccinal mucosal disease Respiratory tract, BVDV and damage to, 110
Pyrexia, 162 Retained placenta, 54
Retinal atrophy, 107, 164
Quantitative disorder, 162 Retinal degeneration, 150, 224
Quasispecies, population genetics and, 85 Revell, S.G., 10
Quebec Reverse transcription-nested polymerase chain reaction,
BVDV type 2 emergence in, 14 113
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258 Index

Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, 19, 171, Ruggli, N., 188

178, 199, 205 Ruminants
assays, 197, 201–202 infection of, with BVDV, 101
RF. See Replicative form occurrence of BVDV in, 115–116
Ridpath, J.F., 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 203 spread of BVDV among, 105
Rinderpest, 4, 110
Risk assessment, 35–59 SAGE. See Serial analysis of gene expression
economic impact of BVDV, 56–58 Saliki, J.T., 19, 200
economic evaluation of control strategies at herd Salmonella spp., 114, 126
level, 58 Salmonellosis, 110
economic losses at herd level, 57 Sampling, prevalence measures and, 38
economic losses in larger populations and at Savan, M., 5
national level, 57–58 Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), serum pools used in, 204
evaluation of eradication programs and, 58 Scandinavia
optimizing decisions based on economic calcula- BVDV control programs in, 197
tions, 58 eradication programs in, 25, 46
incidence of BVDV infections, 47–49 Schelp, C., 178
epidemiological studies for estimating incidence, Scheme of Alenius, 203
47–49 Schweizer, M., 23, 186, 188
prevalence and incidence, 49 Screening samples, epidemiological studies for estima-
measurable and quantifiable epidemiological variables, tion of herd level prevalence based on, 45
35 Se. See Sensitivity
overview of, 35 Secondary infections, BVDV and, 161
prevalence of BVDV infections, 36–38, 46 Semen. See also Testicular infection
epidemiological studies for estimation of preva- BVDV transmission via, 94–95, 230, 239
lence, 38, 46 inter-herd transmission and, 101
epidemiological studies on occurrence of different quality of, in persistently infected bulls, 10
genotypes and, 46 testing of, before bull’s entry into AI center, 17
quantification of effects/consequences of BVDV venereal infections and, 113
infections, 53–56 Semliki Forest virus, 188
losses among PI animals, 55–56 Sensitivity, prevalence and, 36, 37
occurrence of other diseases, 53–54 Sentinel animals
reduced milk yield, 53 serologic evaluation of, 229–230
reproductive disorders, 55 use and testing of, 25
subclinical infections, 53 Septicemia, 111
virulent strains of BVDV with other pathogens, 54 Serial analysis of gene expression, 188
risk factors for occurrence of BVDV infections, 49–52 Serine protease, 70
Risk factors, 51 Seroconversion
for BVDV infections, 59 incidence risk and, 48
defined, 49 in non-bovine hosts, 172–173
epidemiological framework for description of, 36 Serologic evaluation, of sentinel animals, 229–230
for occurrence of BVDV infections, 49–52 Serology, 227
RNA, 25 problems with, 160
virus-specific forms, 83 Seronegative animals, BVDV transmission to, 96
RNA helicase, 70, 82 Serum neutralization assays, 4, 8, 15
RNA replication, 183, 184–186 Serum neutralization test, 5, 160, 200
RNA replicative intermediate (RI), 184 Serum neutralizing (SN) antibodies, 91, 96, 97
RNases, immunomodulatory effects of, 186 Serum PCR-probe test, 24
RNA-stimulated NTPase, 70 Severe acute BVDV infection, 105, 110–111, 242
RNA viruses, 81 lesions in cattle suffering from, 112, 113
R-not (reproduction number), 91 thrombocytopenia and hemorrhages in, 126
Roe deer, 116 Severe acute disease, 157
Rotavirus, 114 SFV. See Semliki Forest virus
RR. See Relative risk Shahriar, F.M., 22
RT-nPCR. See Reverse transcription-nested polymerase Shedding, 203, 223
chain reaction acute infection and, 94
RT-PCR. See Reverse transcription-polymerase chain clinical features of BVDV and, 105
reaction herd immunity and, 93
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Index 259

intra-herd transmission and, 100 Subclinical infections, 53, 59, 109

prolonged, following acute infection, 130–131 Subgenotypes, 239
in semen, 146 of BVDV 1 and BVDV 2, 73
transmission Suckling calves, testing of, 230
from acutely infected animals and, 97–98 Sullivan, D.G., 20, 203
from persistently infected animals and, 96–97 Superinfections, 9
via modified live virus vaccine, 96 Superovulatory response, in persistently infected cows,
Sheep, 116, 151 16
border disease virus of, 171, 198 Surveillance programs, 59, 241–242
BVDV transmission between cattle and, 231 Susceptible animals
cell lines survey and, 173 decline in, 92
congenital infection in, 174 reducing proportion of, 101–102
studies of transplacental infection of ovine fetuses with Sweden
BVDV in, 172 antibody levels from bulk tank milk in, 48
in vaccine studies, 209 bulk milk screening for BVDV in, 205
Shimizu, M., 9 bulk tank milk samples from dairy herds in, 53
“Shipping fever” pneumonia, 10 BVDV control program in, 197
Signaling inhibition, 187–188 eradication programs in, 21, 25, 239
cytokines, 187 self-clearance in, 46
intracellular, 187–188 Sweet clover poisoning, 111
Singer strain, 8, 11, 14, 17, 242 Swine testicle cell system, 199
vaccine, 13 Switzerland, incidence risk in, 48
Single-strand conformation polymorphism, 203 Synergism, between BVDV and enteric pathogens, 161
Single-stranded viral RNA, 83
SIR (susceptible/infectious/removed) model, 47 Tamoglia, T.W., 7
Skin biopsies, 24, 205 TaqMan, 20, 202
immunohistochemistry of, 198–199 T-cell immune responses
staining of viral antigen in, 226 development of, 213, 214
Slaughterhouse fetuses, BVDV found in, 95 research on, 240
Slovakia, BVDV genotypes identified in, 46 T-cells, 164
SN antibodies. See Serum neutralizing (SN) antibodies Temperature monitoring, 123
SN test. See Serum neutralization test Temperature-sensitive mutant virus vaccine, 13
South America Teratogenic effects, of BVDV, 129
BVDV genotypes identified in, 46 Teratogenic lesions, fetal infections and, 224
subgroups of BVDV 2 in, 73 Testes, as immunologically privileged site, 163, 164
Southern Africa, subtypes of BVDV 1 in, 22 Testicular infection, bull fertility and, 145–146
Sp. See Specificity TGAC virus, 16
Spahn, C.M.T., 182 Thomson, R.G., 5
Specific immunity, 157 3⬘ UTR (3⬘ untranslated region), 81, 82
Specificity, prevalence and, 36, 37 Thrombocytopenia, 11, 14, 111, 124, 126, 162, 197
Sperm heads, in infected bulls, 10 Thrombocytopenic calf
Spinal cord, hypomyelination of, 224 excessive hemorrhage in, 111
Spleen, BVDV and damage to, 110, 163 petechiation of ocular mucous membranes in, 111
Spontaneous mucosal disease, 3, 15 Thür, B., 24
SSCP. See Single-strand conformation polymorphism Thymic aplasia, 224
Stable flies, BVDV transmission and, 96 Thymic hypoplasia, 150
ST cell system. See Swine testicle cell system Thymus, effect of BVDV on, 163
Stillbirths, 8, 55, 129 TI. See Transient infection
Stocker operations, control programs and management TIA-1, 185
of, 234–235 TIAR, 185
Stocking density, intra-herd transmission and, 100 Tissue lesions, correlation between viral antigen and,
Stocking rate, minimizing BVDV transmission and, 101 133
Stomoxys calcitrans, 96 T-lymphocytes, decrease of, in acute BVDV infection,
Strain differentiation, 202–203 125
Strategic vaccination, examples of, 99 Tonsils, BVDV and damage to, 110
Stress, vaccine efficacy and, 242 Torticollis, 129
Subcellular fractionation techniques, 189 TP. See True prevalence
Subclinical acute infections, 197 TRAM, 189
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260 Index

Transient infection, 93, 106, 223 impact of, on outcome of reproductive disease,
acute, 121 151–152
BVDV spread in secretions/excretions during, 107 measuring effect of, on transmission, 92
in calves, 59 prevention of transmission by, 98–100
in calves, occurrence of other diseases and, 54 in vitro evidence of efficacy of, 231
in cows, 48, 53–54 of young calves, colostral immunity and, 231–232
in other ruminants, 115 Vaccination programs, control programs and, 209
by virulent strains or BVDV in combination with other “Vaccine Claims for Protection of the Fetus Against
pathogens, 54–55 Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus,” 210
Translation Vaccine-induced mucosal disease, in persistently infected
of polyprotein, 71 cattle, 3
regulation of, 84–85 Vaccines, 3, 209–219
replication and, 82–83 appropriate use of, 210
Transmission. See Virus transmission design of, 242
Transplacental infection, 114 efficacy studies, 214
Transplacental infections/intrauterine infections, 121, protection against fetal infection/disease, 217–219
126–130 protection against postnatal infection/disease,
fetal infection, 128–130 214–217
abortions, 128–129 fetal protection and, 232–233
persistent infections, 129 goals for development of, 219
teratogenic effects, 129–130 killed, 212–213
infection during preovulatory period, 127 mechanism of protection for BVDV, 213–214
role of viral and host factors in, 126–127 modified live virus, 114, 211–212
uterine exposure to BVDV at insemination, 127–128 overview of, 209–210
Transrectal transmission of BVDV, 95 protection based on disease form and, 213
Tremors, 164 recent research on BVDV strains in, 239
Triton-X-100 treatment, 201 serological results and different uses of, 38
Trizol (Gibco) reagent, 202 strains, 211
tRNA syntheses, 188 stress and efficacy of, 242
True prevalence, 36 Van Oirschot, J.T., 21, 209, 214
Trypsin treatment, pestivirus virion and, 66 Vassilev, V.B., 22, 25
Tuberculosis, 159 Veal calves, BVDV-related hemorrhages in, 11
Tumor necrosis factor, 157 Venereal infections, 113, 130
Type 1c virus, 22 Vertical transmission, 93–94
Type 1d virus, 22 embryo transfer and, 231
management and control of BVDV and, 223
Udder health, 53 VI. See Virus isolation
Ungulate species, BVDV transmission and, 231 Vilcek, S., 201
United Kingdom, BVDV genotypes identified in, 46 Viral factors
United States impact of, on outcome of reproductive disease, 151
BVDV genotypes identified in, 46 role of, in transplacental/intrauterine infection,
BVDV type 2 emergence in, 14 126–128
severe acute BVDV infection in cattle population in, Viral genome, genome organization and, 81–82
110 Viral nonstructural proteins, 69–70
Untranslated regions, 65. See also 3’ UTR; 5’ UTR Viral proteins, 68
USDA, BVDV guidelines, 152 nomenclature for, 71
Uterus, exposure of, to BVDV at insemination, nonstructural, 69–70
127–128 RNA replication and, 184–185
UTR. See Untranslated regions structural, 68–69
Viral replication, 71
Vaccination, 102, 197, 205 Viral shedding. See also Shedding
biosecurity and, 233–234 in persistently infected bulls, 10
to control BVDV-induced disease and production prolonged, following acute infection, 130–131
losses, 231–233 Viral structural proteins, 68–69
control by, 20–21, 25 Viremia, 5, 17
control without, 21 detection of, 106
eradication without, 3 testing for, 17
in Germany, 25 Virion assembly, exocytosis and, 85
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Index 261

Virions, pestivirus, 66 infectious disease epidemiology, 91–93

Virulence factors, role of, in acute infection, 121, 123 BVDV transmission factors, 91–92
Virulent strains, transient infection by, in combination effect of vaccination on transmission, 92
with other pathogens, 54–55 transmission under influence of herd immunity,
Virus and host interactions, 177–190 92–93
BVDV replication cycle overview, 189–190 inter-herd, 101
cell death, 186–187 intra-herd, 100–101
with cellular factors during replication, 180–186 minimizing BVDV transmission, 101–102
polyprotein translation, 181–183 reducing coefficient of infectiousness, 101
processing of envelope glycoproteins and, 183–184 reducing duration of prevalence of infectious
RNA replication, 184–186 animals, 101
cellular remodeling, 188–189 reducing likelihood of adequate contact, 101
inhibition of signaling, 187–188 reducing proportion of susceptible animals,
cytokines, 187 101–102
intracellular signaling inhibition, 187–188 overview of, 91
receptor and virus attachment, 177–180 prevention of
cellular factors, 177–179 by colostral antibodies, 98
viral factors, 179–180 by vaccination, 98–100
virus release, 189 routes and means of BVDV transmission, 94–96
Virus isolation, 199–200, 226 via embryo transfer, 95
diagnosis by, 17, 18 iatrogenic, fomite, environmental, and insect, 95–96
in non-bovine hosts, 172–173 via milk and colostrum, 96
in semen, 113 via modified live virus vaccine, 96
Virus-neutralization test, 200 via semen, 94–95
Virus pair, 9 transrectal transmission, 95
Virus release, 189 VN. See Virus-neutralization test
Virus replication, 81–86 Voges, H., 16, 17
cytopathology, 83–84 VP1, 71
defective interfering particles and cytopathology, 84 VP2, 71
5⬘ UTR, 82
genetic recombination, 83 Washing procedures, embryo transfer and, 231
overview of, 81 Wasting disease, 157
proteolytic processing, 84 Weak-born calves, 55, 59
quasispecies and population genetics, 85 Weaning, mortality of PI calves prior to, 224
regulation of translation and replication, 84–85 Weinstock, D., 24, 201, 202
sites, 85 Wentink, G.H., 16
3⬘ UTR, 82 Westenbrink, F., 9, 15
translation and, 82–83 West Nile virus, 189
viral genome, 81–82 White blood cell disorders, 162
genome organization, 81–82 Whitmore, H.L., 10
virion assembly and exocytosis, 85 Whole-herd testing, 227
virus binding and reentry, 82 annual, 230
Virus shedding Wildlife
in persistently infected bulls, 10 BVDV transmission and, 231
Virus transmission, 91–102 pestiviruses and, 14
of BVDV from infected animals, 96–98 Winter dysentery, 110
from acutely infected animals, 97–98 World Organization for Animal Health, 17
from persistently infected animals, 96–97
horizontal and vertical, 93–94 Zona pellucida, BVDV infection and, 149

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