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EI Project Cycle 2 report Moving myself Seeing invisible injuries

Could you give me your seat, please?

SeungGi HONG 4242173 5th December 2012

1. Why dont you just ask for help directly? Since presentation of cycle1 finished, this question was still remained in my head. Asking for help is the strongest and simplist way to get a seat. However, why people dont ask for help? The small interview with colleges in TU Delft was conducted with three questions below; When you get lost on roads, do you ask the direction? When you carry heavy luggage, do you ask for help? When you get on bus/train, do you ask for help? Through the interview, I found that people dont want to feel ashamed and interrupt other people. In addition, women are more likely to ask help to strangers whereas men are not ask help to strangers. In the context, stronger triggers such as visual sign and sound are needed. 2. Design Goal (Modified) I want to design something make people to aware of patients desire to have a seat in public transportation. Patients can ask/get help easily with effective signals or hints. 3. Interaction vision (Modified) The interaction should be effortless for patients, and easy to noticeable for general public. Giving his or her seats to someone becomes a meaningful and rewarding activity. Therefore, both the patient and the person yield a seat will be happy.

4. Design concept- Message Light As strong trigger, message light is chosen for the prototype. The three designs are based on the message which says Could you give your seat to another person?. However, those have different levels. The left one says only seat, and the middle inform people Someone needs your seat. The right is the most strongest message, which says Could you give your seat to injured people and pregnant(has a small baby), please? Even though you cant see them.



According to cycle 1 research, cultural differences are important factor for design concept. Since there are many international students in Delft, all three designs will be tested. For next prototype design, beep sound of ov-chipcard is considered. The patients ov-chipcard make different beep sound when they touch to machine, therefore the sound must be another trigger.

5. User Scenario Design concept Message Light is used for making user scenario. This person is concentrating on her own work (e.g. reading a book, using mobile phone etc.).

When a patient gets on the bus, the light turns on. (The bus driver accept the patient, and inform to everyone in the bus)

The person notices the lights on, and see the message which means Could you give your seat to the patient?.

If the person decide to give her seat to the patient, she stands up and leave her seat.

Happy moment

Eye contact and saying Thank you happened. When a seat giver get off the bus, she gets one heart stamp on her card. (If she gets five stamps, then one free ticket will be given.) The rewarding system encourage not only the seat giver but also the people who witness the interaction in the bus.

Rewarding for a seat giver

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