Rvce - 100 Qs - 07mca53 Topics in e A - II

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100 Questions for course Topics in Enterprise Architecture 2 Vth Semester MCA 2011 - 2012

1. With a neat diagram, explain the building blocks of .NET platform. 2. List the core features of .Net 3. Why is it desirable to create multiple assembly instead of single file assembly? 4. How can you build a C# application, using command line compile (CSC.exe)? 5. Describe briefly of CIL (Common intermediate Language) 6. What is a JIT/Jitter compiler? 7. Describe the 5 types of CTS 8. What is namespace in the .Net platform and give any 3 .Net namespaces with their usages listed 9. List any 5 command line flags of cordbg.exe 10. How can u build a C# application, using command line compile (CSC.exe)? 11. List the C# preprocessor directives, with description of each 12. Explain some of the important features of Visual Studio IDE 13. Write a note on generating a bug report. 14. Write a C# program on boxing and Unboxing 15. Bring out the differences between value types and reference types 16. Explain with examples the C# operators: is, as and type of 17. What is an object? 18. What is a Class? Give Example. 19. Briefly explain the three pillars of OOPS 20. What is encapsulation? Explain with example 21. What is Polymorphismum? Explain with example 22. Explain protected keyword. 23. What is Read only Field? 24. Explain casting? 25. What do you understand by exceptions in C#? Write a C# program to build a custom exception which raises an exception when the argument passed is a negative number. 26. Describe the terms bugs, errors and exceptions 27. What is an interface? Give syntax with example 28. What is the difference between and Interface and abstract class? 29. Explain IEnumeration, ICLoneable, IComparable 30. Illustrate with an example, how shallow copy and deep copy of an object instance can be made, using ICloneable interface 31. How do you build cloneable and comparable objects in C#? Give examples 32. What are the built in interfaces? 33. Describe the number o techniques that can be used to test the interface support or obtaining interface references 34. Write in detail the .NET delegate type 35. Explain the synchronous and asynchronous delegates with examples 36. Explain the overloading of equality and comparison operators in C# 37. What are the core benefits of .NET assembly?

Explain with figures, the two conceptual view of an assembly 39. What are the features of C#? 40. Explain the functions of the .NET runtime (CLR) 41. Why is it desirable to create multiple assembly instead of single file assembly? 42. How can u build a C# application, using command line compile (CSC.exe)? 43. List the C# preprocessor directives, with description of each 44. Write a C# program to the row sum and column sum of a given matrix
38. 45. Bring out the differences between value types and reference types 46. Give the differences between 'ref' parameters and 'out' parameters. Describe each of these with examples 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Write a C# program to sap two objects of person class Explain overriding of postring(), equals(), GetHashCode() methods of system object What are the public and internal types? Explain with examples and appropriate figure Write a C# program on boxing, unboxing and bad Unboxing How is the containment or delegation model employed in C#? Explain with an example Describe the terms bugs, errors and exceptions. Explain the targetsite, stacktrace and helplink properties of system exception 53. Describe the number of techniques that can be used to test the interface support or obtaining interface references. 54. Illustrate with an example, how shallow copy and deep copy of an object instance be made,using the ICloneable interface 55. Write a C# program, which defines class Flight. The class Flight implements two interfaces names Ibirds and Iplane and the interface member of Ibirds and Iplane is fly(), which displays some message. Write the usage class which exercises the above 56. Explain the synchronous and asynchronous delegates with examples 57. Explain the use of 'checked' and 'unchecked' C# with relevant examples 58. Explain the overloading of equality and comparison operators in C# 59. Explain with figures, the two conceptual view of an assembly 60. What is a strong name? How is a strong name assigned to an assembly 61. Write the steps involved in building shared assembly under .NET environment 62. Write short notes on Events in C# and Garbage collection 63.

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